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1 Uzupełnij zdania (1–10) wyrazami (A–K). Jeden wyraz nie pasuje do żadnego zdania.

1 The first school you go to is called _____ school.

2 After school we sometimes stay in the _____ to play some basketball.
3 We have our computer lessons in the IT _____.
4 If you are very good at a foreign language, it means you speak it at the _____ level.
5 The fee for my summer English course in England included _____.
6 I usually have lunch in the school _____.
7 We normally go to a science _____ for our chemistry and physics lessons.
8 The school you go to after primary school is called _____ school.
9 If you speak a foreign language a little, but you are not very advanced at it, you are at the _____ level.
10 You have to pay a _____ for private education.

A canteen D lab B fee E secondary C intermediate F suite (2x)

G accommodation H primary I advanced J staffroom K gym
II. Przetłumacz na język angielski:
1. obowiązkowy przedmiot szkolny –
2. program naucznia –
3. wnioskowć o –
4. mundurek szkolny –
5. szkoła państwowa –
6. oblać egzamin –
7. oszukiwać na teście / egzaminie –
8. pokój nauczycielski –
9. rok przerwy w nauce
10. wykształcenie -

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