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STYCZEŃ 2024 Uprawnienia zdającego do:

Czas pracy: 120 minut dostosowania zasad oceniania
nieprzenoszenia odpowiedzi na kartę
Liczba punktów do uzyskania: 60 odpowiedzi.

Przed rozpoczęciem pracy z arkuszem egzaminacyjnym

1. Sprawdź, czy nauczyciel przekazał Ci właściwy arkusz egzaminacyjny, tj. arkusz z właściwego
przedmiotu na właściwym poziomie.
2. Jeżeli przekazano Ci niewłaściwy arkusz – natychmiast zgłoś to nauczycielowi.
3. Jeżeli przekazano Ci właściwy arkusz – zapoznaj się z poniższą instrukcją.

Instrukcja dla zdającego

1. Sprawdź, czy arkusz egzaminacyjny zawiera 16 stron (zadania 1–12) i kartę odpowiedzi. Ewentualny
brak zgłoś nauczycielowi nadzorującemu egzamin.
2. Na tej stronie oraz na karcie odpowiedzi wpisz swój kod.
3. Teksty do zadań od 1. do 3. zostaną odtworzone z płyty CD.
4. Pisz czytelnie. Używaj długopisu/pióra tylko z czarnym tuszem/atramentem.
5. Nie używaj korektora, a błędne zapisy wyraźnie przekreśl.
6. Pamiętaj, że zapisy w brudnopisie nie będą oceniane.
7. Zaznaczając odpowiedzi w części karty odpowiedzi przeznaczonej dla zdającego, zamaluj pola
do tego przeznaczone. Błędne zaznaczenie otocz kółkiem i zaznacz właściwe pole.
8. Tylko odpowiedzi zaznaczone na karcie będą oceniane.
9. Nie wpisuj żadnych znaków w części przeznaczonej dla osoby sprawdzającej.

Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.

Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 1. (0–5)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę z lekarzem neurologiem. Zaznacz znakiem X, które zdania są
zgodne z treścią nagrania (T – True), a które nie (F – False).


1.1. Some parts of the brain don’t develop as quickly as others.

1.2. When we are young, the way the brain changes helps us avoid taking risks.

1.3. Many adults believe that teenagers think carefully before they act.

Different hormones produced by the brain have important results on young


1.5. The hormone affecting sleep stays active for a longer period in teenagers.

Zadanie 2. (0–5)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć wypowiedzi związanych z jedzeniem. Do każdej wypowiedzi
(2.1.–2.5.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–F). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker

A. is explaining how comfort food changes depending on where you come from.
B. is talking about historical and economic origins of the idea of comfort food.
C. is talking about an extremely popular type of comfort food.
D. is complaining about not having enough of a comfort food.
E. is describing their favourite way to improve their mood.
F. is comparing different reasons for eating comfort food.

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 3. (0–5)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwa teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

Tekst 1. (do zadań 3.1. i 3.2.)

3.1. According to the speaker, AI systems are
A. already able to show they are creative.
B. still learning to complete routine tasks.
C. lacking the human ability to think.

3.2. The speaker says that

A. it is possible to create an original picture on the computer using keywords.
B. humans in the future may not be necessary in the process of creating art.
C. it is clear who is the owner of any art created by AI.

Tekst 2. (do zadań 3.3.–3.5.)

3.3. Harry says that St Nicholas
A. travelled to Ireland via Turkey and Italy.
B. is buried in Ireland.
C. could be connected to an Irish village.

3.4. In Harry’s opinion,

A. the grave was opened when the headstone was moved.
B. the stone was carved after it was moved.
C. the records tell different stories.

3.5. Local people probably want to

A. keep the story of the grave a mystery.
B. do DNA tests on the remains in the grave.
C. open the grave with the help of modern technologies.


3 z 16
Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 4. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdej części tekstu (4.1.–4.4.). Wpisz
odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.





It is impossible to remember everything, so we all forget things from time to time. One theory, though,
says that forgetting things may actually be good for us. This is because the areas of the brain that
we use to remember things need to rest from time to time, so it is unavoidable that we will forget bits
of information from time to time.


Two of the things that help us remember the information we have stored in our brain is how important
it is for us and how easy it is for us to access that information. The theory is that all our memories are
still there, but we sometimes have greater difficulty finding the correct path that leads to them.
If we get lost in the labyrinth leading to one particular piece of information, then we may think we have
forgotten it completely.


A break from using our memory can be important, for example, when we are studying. Study tips
often advise us to have regular breaks in order to make studying more effective. It is difficult to cope
with too much information at one time because our brains have to sort out all the pieces of data
before storing them – something that requires a lot of brain power.


So, the next time you forget something, don’t panic. Your brain may simply be tired and in need of
a break. However, it is important not to give up too easily. The more effort you put into trying
to remember something, the longer it will stay in your memory, so it will be easier to access in the
future. At least, that’s the theory.


4 z 16
Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 5. (0–7)
Przeczytaj cztery teksty (A–D). Wykonaj zadania 5.1.–5.7. zgodnie z poleceniami.

Tekst A
To: Heather Valley College
Subject: Careers Day

I’m writing with regard to the Careers Day being organised at our school on the 16th and 17th of May.
I am very happy that the college will be taking part, but I would like to ask for some more details. As
you know, the event starts at 9 am, but I need to know what time your staff members will arrive
to prepare the materials. If necessary, this can be done the day before, but only after 4 pm, which is
when lessons finish. I’d also like to ask how much space will be necessary for your display and
whether you need any tables and chairs.
There are still some formalities that need to be arranged, so please let me know when one of our
administrative staff could come to the college to sign the agreement and any other relevant papers.
Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Best regards,
Gordon Williams

Tekst B

Careers Day

Wondering which career is for you? Not sure what to study at university? If so, then come along to the
school Careers Day next Thursday and Friday. Representatives from local firms and colleges will be
there to answer any question you have about your future studies and job opportunities. Check out the
school website for more information or, alternatively, talk to your form teacher. Register online
to receive an info pack, which includes a diagnostic test for you to do at home. This should point you
in the right direction and give you valuable feedback on your strengths and abilities.

See you there!

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Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Tekst C

Info pack

Here you will find all the information you need about the upcoming Careers Day. Remember that there
will be a lot of people attending, so it’s best to be prepared beforehand. Here are a few tips that
should help you get ready for the day:

• Think about what you enjoy most at school and what gets you interested.
• Make a note of any questions that you want to ask so that you don’t forget anything.
• If you are interested in a particular job or course, do some online research about it.
• Don’t limit yourself to just one area of study – be open to other possibilities.
• Ask friends and family for their advice about what might suit you.

Tekst D
Hi Theo,

Did you see that info about the Careers Day? I was thinking about going, but I’m not sure if I want to
go there alone. There might be some really useful information, however, so maybe we could go
together. Why don’t we meet up a few days beforehand to share our ideas? I have no idea at the
moment what I want to do, so it would be good to talk about it first. How about Tuesday after school?

See you,

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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Przeczytaj zdania 5.1.–5.3. Dopasuj do każdego zdania właściwy tekst (A–D). Wpisz rozwiązania
do tabeli.
Uwaga: jeden tekst nie pasuje do żadnego zdania.

5.1. This text is giving advice on preparing for a careers event.

5.2. This text is asking for more information about a careers event.

5.3. This text is encouraging students to take part in a careers event.


Przeczytaj odpowiedź Theo na e-mail od Luke’a. Uzupełnij luki 5.4.–5.7. zgodnie z treścią
tekstów (A–D), tak aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać ich sens. Luki należy uzupełnić
w języku angielskim.
Uwaga: w każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.

Luke, thanks for your email about the careers day.

I’d really like to go because I want to talk to some people from local companies about
5.4. in the area. And anyway, I don’t think I want to go
to college. I like your idea of 5.5. to talk about it first.
Actually, it would be good to 5.6. before we go so that we know
what to ask about. We can prepare them on my laptop, and I’ll email them to you later. Oh, and I see
we need to 5.7. to get a diagnostic test. If we do that this
weekend, we can compare our results on Tuesday. Let’s meet outside school after our last class.


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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 6. (0–5)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

The phone beeped for the tenth time that morning. It was Carl, asking her once again why she hadn’t
come in to work. Diane ignored the message and slipped the phone back into her pocket. Why was
he so interested in her this morning, anyway? After all, they didn’t even work in the same department
and they had different bosses.

The bus pulled up at the next stop, and Diane got off. She was still really nervous about agreeing
to meet, but there was something in what the woman had said that intrigued her. Why would she
mention five of the places that Diane had been to in the past two days? And how did she even know
about them? In any case, Diane wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery by finding out who the
woman was. That was why she had decided to meet her, and anyway, the meeting point was in
a busy public place, so she didn’t feel in any danger.

‘Follow me’, was all Diane heard as a tall woman in dark glasses walked past. They crossed the street
and stopped by the fountain in the park.

‘I’m here to help’, the woman said. ‘They’re tracking you.’

‘What do you mean tracking me, and who are they?’

Diane’s eyes slowly widened as the stranger revealed what she knew. It turned out that some of her
colleagues at the law firm were not who they seemed to be. Also, there was a lot of pressure on her
bosses because of a high-profile court case. As a result, company phones were being tracked so as
to gather evidence against the people being represented in court.

That explained Carl’s sudden interest in where she was.

‘We have to keep moving so as not to raise any suspicion, and don’t even think of turning off your
phone. That will attract even more attention.’

Diane’s head started spinning as she thought of all the possible consequences. What might happen?
What about her family? And who had she met in the previous 48 hours that could get her into trouble?
Diane realised that the feeling she had had over the past few weeks was right, after all. Something
was wrong about this whole case. It was something that she hadn’t been able to put into words, but it
had given her some serious doubts about the facts that had been presented to her. It looked as if she
was about to get some answers.

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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

6.1. When Diane’s phone beeped

A. she didn’t even take it out of her pocket.
B. she wasn’t interested in what Carl had to say.
C. she didn’t know that Carl was out of the office.
D. she didn’t understand why Carl was contacting her.

6.2. Diane agreed to meet the woman who had called her,
A. even though it was dangerous.
B. but it made her extremely worried.
C. but wanted to meet in a private place.
D. despite feeling a little annoyed about it.

6.3. The woman told Diane

A. that she needed help.
B. that she could track her movements.
C. that she had some information about her bosses.
D. that she should think again about the people she worked with.

6.4. Diane couldn’t turn her phone off

A. because they were walking.
B. as it might seem suspicious.
C. until she was paying attention.
D. because her head was spinning.

6.5. Diane realised that

A. she wasn’t feeling good.
B. she wasn’t in any trouble.
C. the situation might not be safe.
D. there was a lot she didn’t know.


9 z 16
Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 7. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (7.1.–7.4.) literę, którą
oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.


No trip to the Mediterranean island of Sardinia is complete without seeing at least one of the ancient
stone towers that can be found all over the island. 7.1. . In total, there are more than 7000
of them, stretching from the flat plains in the south to the mountainous northern region. Although
archaeologists have found out a lot about their construction, it is still not clear why or how they were
built. 7.2. . Some researchers have even suggested that they were observatories for
looking at the stars. 7.3. . There are no records, so archaeologists can only guess at who
they were and what their society was like, but it seems that there were many conflicts on the island
over natural resources. 7.4. . Respect for clean drinking water is understandable because
on Sardinia it was certainly a precious resource in the past. Nevertheless, no one is 100% sure about
what the famous beehive towers were for, and it may take many years of patient digging to uncover
the secrets of this lost civilisation.

A. These beehive-shaped structures were built around 2,500 years ago, using huge stones weighing
up to two tons each.
B. One of these was water, which was extremely important at the time, and it’s not too difficult
to understand why.
C. There are many theories, for example, that the sites had a religious purpose or were used for
storing food.
D. These objects suggest that people used to live in large family groups.
E. Another intriguing question is, who built the towers?


10 z 16
Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 8. (0–3)
Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (8.1.–8.3.). Wybierz spośród podanych opcji brakującą
wypowiedź, tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.

X: Shall I get you anything from the shops?
X: OK, I’ll be back in a few minutes.

A. Well, I spent enough time there.

B. Yes, I can go with you if you want.
C. No, I have everything I need.

X: Have you seen my sports bag, Mum?
X: Oh, right. I’ll have a look.

A. It might be next to the washing basket.

B. Yes, I brought mine from the car.
C. It could still be there.

Y: Sure, just let me know what time to expect you.
X: Thanks, that’s really kind of you.

A. Is it too early to fix my phone?

B. Do you have time now to fix my phone?
C. If I come round later, could you help me fix my phone?


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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 9. (0–4)
W zadaniach 9.1.–9.4. spośród podanych wyrazów (A–C) wybierz ten, który poprawnie
uzupełnia luki w obu zdaniach. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.


• You need to the bus at 8.00 or you’ll be late.

• I can’t the ball because you are throwing it too high.

A. take
B. reach
C. catch


• We need a stick to get the ball out of the tree.

• It’s a way from here to the stadium. Shall I give you a lift?

A. long
B. high
C. big


• The boy really his mum while he was at summer camp.

• Oh no, we’ve the bus. We’ll have to wait for the next one.

A. left
B. lost
C. missed


• We’re going to a discussion about bullying at school.

• Can you my bag while I eat my sandwich?

A. have
B. hold
C. keep


12 z 16
Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 10. (0–3)

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (10.1.–10.3.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny
i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych


If you have never done it before, why not try traditional roller-skating? I mean those roller skates with
four colourful wheels. They may not look trendy, but it’s much 10.1.
to keep your balance on them than on rollerblades, which can be difficult to control. Many towns have
special places where you can go roller-skating, so it’s becoming more and more popular. The best
thing about it is that you don’t 10.2. any other special equipment. Of
course, it’s a good idea to 10.3. protective pads on your knees and
elbows when you first start. Later, when you start to feel more confident, you won't have to wear
them. So, what are you waiting for? Get your roller-skates on and have some fun!

Zadanie 11. (0–3)

Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać zdania
logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna
wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.

11.1. T
 hat’s impossible, (on nie może być) _____________________________________________________
in the office. The lights are off, and the door is locked.

11.2. D
 o you think it (warto czekać) _________________________________________________________
a few more minutes?

11.3. T
 his cake recipe is (o wiele bardziej skomplikowany niż) ___________________________________
__________________________________________ I thought it would be.

13 z 16
Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Zadanie 12. (0–12)

Spędzasz wakacje u cioci na wsi. W e-mailu do koleżanki:
• wyjaśnij, co skłoniło Cię do wyjazdu na wieś,
• opisz, jak wygląda życie w gospodarstwie,
• zrelacjonuj zabawne wydarzenie, które miało miejsce podczas Twojego pobytu u cioci,
• zachęć koleżankę do odwiedzenia Ciebie na wsi i napisz, jak do Ciebie dojechać.

Napisz swoją wypowiedź w języku angielskim. Podpisz się jako XYZ.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, tak aby osoba nieznająca polecenia
w języku polskim uzyskała wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje.
Pamiętaj, że długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 wyrazów (nie licząc wyrazów
podanych na początku wypowiedzi).
Oceniane są: umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (5 punktów), spójność i logika
wypowiedzi (2 punkty), zakres środków językowych (3 punkty) oraz poprawność środków
językowych (2 punkty).


Hi Patricia,
Miejsce dla
I’m spending my summer holidays with my aunt on her farm. sprawdzającego

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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

Miejsce dla

Zakres środków Poprawność środków

Treść Spójność i logika RAZEM
językowych językowych

0-1-2-3-4-5 0-1-2 0-1-2-3 0-1-2

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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy

BRUDNOPIS (nie podlega ocenie)

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Próbny egzamin maturalny z Nową Erą
Język angielski – poziom podstawowy



symbol klasy symbol zdającego


Uprawnienia zdającego do:

dostosowania zasad oceniania
zad. Odpowiedzi nieprzenoszenia odpowiedzi na kartę odpowiedzi.

1.1. T F

1.2. T F

Nr Nr
1.3. T F
zad. Odpowiedzi zad. Odpowiedzi
1.4. T F 4.1. A B C D E F 7.1. A B C D E

1.5. T F 4.2. A B C D E F 7.2. A B C D E

2.1. A B C D E F 4.3. A B C D E F 7.3. A B C D E

2.2. A B C D E F 4.4. A B C D E F 7.4. A B C D E

2.3. A B C D E F 5.1. A B C D 8.1. A B C

2.4. A B C D E F 5.2. A B C D 8.2. A B C

2.5. A B C D E F 5.3. A B C D 8.3. A B C

3.1. A B C 6.1. A B C D 9.1. A B C

3.2. A B C 6.2. A B C D 9.2. A B C

3.3. A B C 6.3. A B C D 9.3. A B C

3.4. A B C 6.4. A B C D 9.4. A B C

3.5. A B C 6.5. A B C D

Nr Nr Punkty Nr Punkty Nr
zad. Punkty zad. zad. zad. Kryterium Liczba punktów

5.4. 0 1 10.1. 0 1 11.1. 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

5.5. 0 1 10.2. 0 1 11.2. 0 1
Spójność 0 1 2
0 1 12
5.6. 10.3. 0 1 11.3. 0 1
Zakres 0 1 2 3
5.7. 0 1
Poprawność 0 1 2

Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.

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