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According to teachers, living in poverty greatly affects student learning and academic abilities.

Due to

economic difficulties, many poor students work to help support family income. This results in a lack of

time for independent study at home. In addition, poverty also results in a lack of parental support for

student learning activities.

Poverty also results in both parents being very busy working which results in a lack of attention to

student education. This results in a lack of motivation in these students, resulting in many poor students

not understanding the importance of education for them.

On average, according to junior high school teachers in Hinai sub-district, poor students have lower

academic abilities than nonpoor students. This is due to additional facilities for nonpoor students, such

as additional private courses. This additional course is quite significant in increasing students' academic

scores. Private courses like this are certainly not affordable for poor students.

In the learning process, there are several difficulties for poor students. Poor students do not focus when

studying, many of them also do not do homework and are late in collecting school assignments, and

sometimes even these poor students do not attend school. According to the teachers, this was because

they had exhausted their energy while working to help their parents.

The teachers have quite a hard time teaching poor students. Their lack of concentration while studying

at school, of course, will be an obstacle. In the end, this will affect the academic scores they get.

According to one teacher, sometimes he has to give dispensation when giving grades so that the student

can move up for a higher grade.

In terms of academic assistance for poor students. According to the teachers, the government has

provided financial assistance for poor students. This assistance is very helpful in terms of education

costs. Currently, poor students are free from all school fees. Additional assistance from the Smart

Indonesia Program (PIP) has also helped poor students to meet other school needs such as school
equipment and textbooks. Especially in improving academic abilities. One school has provided additional

courses for poor students with low academic abilities. This additional course is quite successful in

improving academic ability, however, not all poor students take this additional course because they

have to work to help their parents. Meanwhile, other schools have not provided additional courses for

poor students. According to the teachers, additional courses in schools will be very helpful in improving

the academic abilities of poor students, but there is a need for awareness from parents in order to

emphasize the importance of education for poor students so that they are motivated to learn.

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