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Health Promotion Plan – Assessment 01



Institutional Affiliation:

Health Promotion Plan – Assessment 01


Health promotion involves delivering activities that aim at enhancing people's health

and well-being. Such activities help people to improve or maintain their current state of

health. Therefore, health promotion programs motivate individuals and communities to act

appropriately and positively to attain a stable state of health. Moreover, health promotion is

crucial in solving issues within the healthcare setting. Health promotion activities are

significant in public health since they help people, organizations, and communities to face

and formulate strategies to overcome health problems in society. Thus, health promotion

refers to the process of helping individuals gain control over their well-being and health to

live a healthy and happy life. Therefore, the paper will develop a health promotion plan to

help African American teenage girls to avoid early teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is linked

to urinary tract infections, preterm labor, preterm birth, increased cesarean operations rates,

low birth weight among infants, and anemia. The paper will discuss several aspects regarding

teen pregnancy among African American teens to enhance health promotion plan


Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy cases are among the major health issue across the world. Global

health institutions reported more than 16 million teens between 15 and 19 years and also

approximately one million teens below 15 years give birth every year (Huang et al., 2019).

Presently, the vast cases of teen pregnancies are recorded within the low and middle-income

nations, states, ethnic groups and communities. Cases of inaccessible, ineffective, and poor

quality characterize such areas and populations. Thus, there are higher chances of teens

getting pregnant and facing complications during birth and pregnancy. Moreover, more than

three million teens constantly face risky abortions that often lead to subsequent reproductive

problems or even death. As stated, teen pregnancy is linked to urinary tract infections,

preterm labor, preterm birth, increased cesarean operations rates, low birth weight among

infants, and anemia (Cox et al., 2021). Therefore, teen pregnancies are a serious health issue

as it happens both in developed and developing countries.

Selected Population, Characteristics, and Reasons they are Predisposed to Tobacco Use

Teen pregnancies in US has been declining for the past two decades. For example, the

rates of teen births between 2018 and 2019 reduced from 17.6 per 1000 girls to 16.7 per 1000

girls (CDC, 2021). The decline is because of abstinence and use of contraceptive in many

regions within the country. However, even though there is a notable decrease in teen

pregnancy rates in US, the country still has many cases when compared to other developed

countries. The teen pregnancy cases still prevail among the ethnic minority populations,

particularly the African Americans. Therefore, the selected population are teen girls from

African American group from Texas, United States. The teen girls are still in school and

unemployed, making it not suitable to get pregnant.

The birth rates among the African American teens in 2013 was approximately 35

births for every 1000. Moreover, about 45 percent of females within the African American

group get pregnant before the age of 20, which leads to dropping out of school (Cox et al.,

2021). Additionally, 38 percent of the 45 percent will drop out of schools. Consequently,

children from such mothers are likely to experience health challenges, unemployment, poor

educational results, become young mothers, drop out of school, face jail terms due to illegal

activities, and abuse drugs (Cox et al., 2021). The public health agencies, the government and

other essential stakeholders are aiming to prevent such issues by eliminating and reducing

teen pregnancies in society.


Several factors lead to teen pregnancies among the selected population, teens from the

marginalized areas. Such factors include lack of knowledge and adequate information about

contraceptives and sex, substance use, parental involvement, and peer pressure (Huang et al.,

2019). For example, peer pressure compels many teens from the African American group to

indulge in dangerous sexual behaviors. Intensified sexual violence, inadequate sexual and

reproductive health information, and limited access to contraceptives also leads to teen

pregnancy within the population. Therefore, health promotion education plan will play a key

role in reducing teen pregnancy rates. The health promotion plan will help in reducing sex

frequency, improve contraceptive access, and delay introduction to sexual behaviors among

teens. This is because teens will have adequate information regarding sexual behaviors, and

the associated impacts to their health and community in general. Therefore, many teens in the

African American will be able to make sound and informed decisions regarding their sexual

behaviors. The health promotion plan will help to improve life quality and standards of every

teen and the community.

Development of Sociogram

A sociogram is a graphical framework of the correlation between individuals in a

certain population or group. Based on the sociogram attributes or characteristics, various

elements lead to teen pregnancy, specifically in the chosen population. Teens from the

African American group various challenges such as poverty, education inequality, limited

access to healthcare, and discrimination. Even though African American holds 35 percent of

the entire population, they contribute to 57 percent of teen birth in the US (Huang et al.,

2019). Thus, it is important to include such factors to comprehend the reasons for the

prevailing teen pregnancies compared to other ethnic groups. Moreover, teen girls from poor

families are likely to face illiteracy, gang involvement, substance abuse, and teen pregnancy.

Such a cycle may continue within the group. Thus, the health promotion education plan will

help breaking the cycle and teen girls can avoid early pregnancies, and have equal access to

health services and education (Gillum, 2021).

Potential Learning Needs

Several risk elements lead to early pregnancy among the African American teen girls.

They entail individual risk elements such as inadequate information regarding sex and

contraception, substance abuse, and indulging in sexual intercourse early. Social factors

include dating while young and peer pressure from the peers. Besides, family risk factors

include teen pregnancy history in the family, inadequate communication and interaction

between parents and teens, single-parenting, poor supervision from parents, and poor family

relationships. Thus, the potential learning needs for the selected population are social, family,

and individual risk elements of teen pregnancy, ways to prevent teen pregnancy, and

consequences of early pregnancy.

Educational Session Expectations

The educational sessions or programs have several expectations. First, the selected

population should outline the social, family, and individual risk elements for early pregnancy

after the session. Besides, the population should be able to identify such factors or elements

in their lives, and ways to address them. They are expected to identify where and how they

can get contraceptives as well as determine the impacts of early pregnancies. However, the

educational sessions will be customized to address individual learning needs. Several learning

approaches will be utilized to attain every health promotional objectives. For example,

PowerPoint presentations, lectures, videos, demonstrations, and group discussions to enhance

comprehension and emphasize points.


Health Promotion Goals

In this context, there are two main goals essential for the health promotion plan. First,

one goal is to help the chosen population to know and understand the social, family, and

individual risk elements for early pregnancies. The second health promotion goal is to raise

awareness on where and how to access contraceptives. The final goal is to reduce early

pregnancies among African American teen girls. These are SMART since they are specific,

measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.



CDC. (2021, September 03). About teen pregnancy. Retrieved from,

Cox, S. M., Lashley, C. O., Henson, L. G., Medina, N. Y., & Hans, S. L. (2021). Making

meaning of motherhood: Self and life transitions among African American adolescent

mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 91(1), 120.

Gillum, T. L. (2021). African American survivors of intimate partner violence: Lived

experience and future directions for research. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment &

Trauma, 30(6), 731-748.

Huang, C. Y., Roberts, Y. H., Costeines, J., & Kaufman, J. S. (2019). Longitudinal

trajectories of parenting stress among ethnic minority adolescent mothers. Journal of

Child and Family Studies, 28, 1368-1378.

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