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Reflection Paper The Next in Line Play

Ferrer Sebastian 12-Hypatia

The Next in Line play was a good theatre play I have seen so far, I can tell they have
been working hard for this and excited to play it in front of the audience. The songs
are very catchy especially the intro, the lightning they used is very good and the actors
and actresses acting feels like they literally are the characters from the play, there’s no
mistakes they have made and some scenes are breath taking such as Aria and Bay
became a couple in the end and had a child after Ino was arrested by Lord Master,
Luna (Hiraya) died while saving his brother Ino from the Lord Master in the Congress.
I can’t understand most of the story since me and my friends sat at the very back and
in the very back we have some students who are not following the theatre ethics and
mostly talk and scream all the time which is the reason why I can’t understand most
of the story. But watching the play is very exciting and fun as they put all their hard
work in it, even tho I can’t understand very well the story, all I can say is that I enjoy
it a lot and will pay again if there’s a next theatre play.

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