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Solid state:
1. What is meant by the term Co-ordination number?
2. How do you distinguish between crystal lattice and Unit cell?
3. How many lattice points are there in one unit cell of face and body centered cubic lattice
4. What are f-center?
5. What is Doping
6. Why x-rays are needed to probe the crystal structure
1.a) Raoults Law (b) Isotonic Solutions (c) Osmatic Pressure (d) Henry’s Law
2.a) Molarity (b)normality (c) Mole fraction (d) Molality
3. Define term Solution and PPM of solution
4. Relative lowering of vapour pressure
5. Elevation of Boilling point
6. What are Ebullioscopic and Cryoscopic constant?
7. Calculate the Mole fraction of H2SO4 in a solution containing 98%H2SO4 by mass
Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics:
1.What is a galvanic cell or voltaic cell?Give one example.
2.Write the cell reaction taking place in the cell Cu(s)/Cu+2 (aq) // Ag+(aq)/Ag(s)
3. Faraday’s First law of electrolysis
4. Faraday’s second law of electrolysis
5.(a) Order of Reaction (b) Rate Law (c) Molecularity of reaction
6. Units of rate constant of Zero, First Order, second order reactions
7. A solution of CuSO4 is electrolyzed for 10 minutes with a current of 1.5 ampheres What mass of copper
deposited at the Cathode.
8.Give two examples for (a) zero order reactions (b) First Order Reactions
9. What are pesudo first order reactions?Give one example.
10. State kohlrausch's law of independent migration of ions
11.Write the Arrhenius equation for the rate constant
12. What are complex reactions.Name one complex reaction
13.Define speed or rate of reaction.
14. Write the integrated equation for a first order reaction in terms of [R],[R]o and ' t'
15.Write the equation usefull to calculate half-life (t1/2) values for zero and first order reactions
16.By how many times the rate constant increases for a rise of reaction temperature by 10oc?
17.What is the effect of temperature on rate of reaction
18.Calculate the overall order of a reaction which has the rate expression (a)
Rate=K[A]1/2[B]3/2 (b) Rate=K[A]3/2[B]-1
19.For a reaction,A+B ------ >product:the rate law is given by,r=K[A]1/2[B]2.what is the
order of reaction
20.A first order reaction is found to have a rate constant k=5.5×10-14S-1 .find the half-life of the
Surface Chemistry:
1.What is (a) Tyndal effect (b) Brownian movement (c) Peptization (d) dialysis (e) Coagulation
2. what is adsorption.Give one example
3.Name the dispersed phase and dispersion medium in the followingcolloidal Systems.
(1) fog (2) smoke. (3) milk. (4) blood (5). Gold
4. Give examples of colloidal system of(1) liquid in solid (2) gas in solid
5. what are micelles?Give one example.
6.State Hardy-Schulze rule .
7.Define Gold number.

P- Block elements:
1. Nitrogen molecule is highly stable.why!
2. How do you account for the inert character of dinitrogen,?
3. why are the elements of Group 18 known as noble gases?
4.In modern diving apparatus,a mixture of He and O2 is used-why?
5.Noble gases are inert-explain.
6. what is inert pair effect?
7.explain why NH3 basic while BH3 is only feebly basic
8. NH3 form hydrogen bond while PH3 not why?
9. Ammonia is a good complexing agent.Explain With example.
10. write the reactions of F2 and Cl2 with water.
11. what happens when Cl2 reacts with dry slaked lime?
12. what is aquaregia? write its reaction with gold and platinum.
13. How is chlorine manufactured by Decon's method?
14. what is tailing of mercury!How is it removed?
15. why H20 is a liquid while H2S is a gas?
16.Why is O2 a gas but Sulphur a solid
17. SO2 can be used as an anti-chlor.Explain.
18.Iron becomes passive in con.HNO3 why?
19.Give one example for (a)a neutral oxide (b)a peroxide ( c) a super oxide
20.what are interhalogen compounds? Give two examples.. 21.Noble gases have
very low boiling point.why?
22.Listout the uses of neon.
23.write any two uses of Argon.
24.write the name and formula of the first noble gas compound prepared by Bartlett 25..How is XeOF4
prepared? Describe it's molecular shape.
26.what is the major source of helium?
27.Name the fallowing(a) radio active noble gas (b) noble gas forming larger number of compounds
d and f block elements and coordination compounds:
1.write the electronic configuration of Chromium (Cr)and Copper (Cu)
2. what are ambident nucleophile? Give an example.
3. why Zn+2 is dai magnetic where as Mn+2 paramagnetic?
4. Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of Fe+2(aq) ion
5. Aqueous Cu+2 ion are blue in colour where as aqueous Zn+2 ion are colourless why?
6.What is an alloy? Give an example?
7.why do transition elements exhibit characteristic properties.
8.what is a ligand?Give one example each for ionic and neutral ligand.
9.what is a chelate ligand.Give example.
10.what is an ambidentate ligand.Give example
11.CuSO4.5H2O is blue in colour where as anhydrous CuSO4 is colourless why?
12. What are Transition elements? Give example
13.Why are d block elements are called as Transition elements?
14.Sc is Transition elements but Zn not why?
15. Transition elements have high M.P . Why?
16.Give two reactions in whichTransition metal act as catalyst?
17.What is lanthanoid contraction?
18.What is mischmetal? Give its compositon and uses?
19.difference between double salt and complex compounds?
20.Calculate the magnetic moment of divalent ion in aqueous solution if its atomic number is 25?
Bio molecules:
1.Write two methods of preparation of glucose?
2.What are anomers
3.What do you mean by essential aminoacids?Give two example of Non essential aminoacids?
4.What is Zwitter ion ? give an example?
5.What are reducing sugars?
6.Write the three types of RNA?
Organic compounds: acidic strength of acetic acid and Chloroacetic acid and phenol?
2.write equation for carbylamines reaction of any one aliphatic amine?
3.How do you prepare ethylcyanide and ethylisocyanide from a common alkylhalide?
4. which compound in each of the following pair will react faster in SN2 reaction with --OH
(1)CH3Br or CH3I. (2) [CH3]3CCl or CH3Cl
5.what are Enantiomers, Retention of configuration and recimic mixtures? Give an example.
6.(a) write the structure of (a)2-Cloro 3-methylpentane.(b)p- bromo chlorobenzene
(c) 2-Chloro-1-Phenyl butane. (d) 1-bromo-4-Chloro-2-butene
7. Explain the Grignard reagent preparations.
8.Give the reagent used for the preparation of phenol fromChlorobenzene.
9.How do you prepare Aniline.
10.write equation for Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.
11..What is Hoffman bromide Synthesis.

4 Marks Questions
1. Derive Bragg's equation.
2. Explain Schottky and Frenkel defects.
3. State Rauolt's law. Calculate the mass of a non-volatile solute (molar mass 40g/mol)Which
should be dissolved in 114g of Octane to reduce it's vapours pressure to 80%
4. Define molality. A solution of glucose in water is labelled as 10%(w/w). what would be to the
molality of solution.
5. Define a) Osmatic pressure b) Ideal solution c) Relative lowering of Vapour pressure
d) Isotonic solutions .e) Henry's law S
6. What is Relative lowering of Vapour pressure? How is it useful to determine the molar mass of solute?
7. Calculate the amount of glucose required for the preparing 500ml of 0.1M solution?
8. Define mole fraction..A solution of Sucrose in water is labelled as 20%(w/w). what will be the
Molefraction of each component in the solution.
9. Collegative properties
10. what are galvanic cells? Explain and working of Galvanic cell with neat
sketch taking Daniel cell as example
11. What is electrolysis? State Faraday's laws of electrolysis.
12. State and explain kohlrausch's law of independent migration of ions.
13. what are the products obtained at the Cathode and anode during the electrolysis of the following
when platinum electrodes are used in the electrolysis.
a. Molten NaCl (b) Molten KCl (c) Aq CuSO4 (d)aq K2SO4 solution.
14. what are different types of adsorption? Give any four difference between them (or) write the
difference between physical and chemical adsorption
15. Explain the effect of temperature and catalyst on the rate of reaction
16. What is molecularity of reaction ? How is different from order of reaction? Name one
bimolecular and one trimolecular gaseous reaction?
17.How are colloids classified on the basis of physical states of components?
18.How ozone prepared? How does it react with the followings
a) PbS b) KI c)Hg d) Ag e) ethelene C2H4
19. Explain werner theory of coordination compound with suitable examples?
20. Explain the terms unidentate,bidentate,polydentate and ambidentate ligands
giving one example for each
21. How are XeO3 and XeOF4 prepared?Give their structures.
22. How are XeF2,XeF4 andXeF6 prepared? Explain their reaction with water. Discuss their structures. (or)
Explain the preparation and structure of the following a) XeF2 b)XeF4 c ) XeF6 d ) XeO3 e ) XeOF4 d )
23. Write characterstic properties of transition elements?
24. Explain the denaturation of protiens?
25. Give the source of vitamins and name the disease causes by their deficiency a) A b) D c) E d) K
26. Using IUPAC norms write the systamaic names of the following
1)[ Co (NH3)6] Cl3 2)[Ti(H2O)6]+3 3)[NiCl4]-2 4) K3[Fe(CN)6] 5)[Co(NH3)6Cl]Cl2
6)K4[Fe(CN)6] 7) K2[pdCl4] 8) [Co(NH3)4] SO4
27. what are homoleptic and hetero leptic complexes?Give one example.
30. what are essential and non-essential amino acids?Give two examples for each.
31. Explain SN1and SN2 reactions.
32. Explain Griganrd reagent preparation and application with suitable examples.
Named Reaction:
1) Aldol condensation 2) Crossed Aldol condensation 3)Cannizzaro Reaction
4) Decarboxylation 5) Williamsons synthesis 6)Riemer tiemann Reaction
7) Kolbe reaction 8) Gattermann’s reaction 9) sandmayer reaction
10)carbylamines reaction 11)H V Z reaction 12) Wurtz fitting reaction
13) diazotization 14) Gatterman Koch reaction 15) esterification
16)fitting reaction 17)Wurtz reaction

1. what is" molecularity" of a reaction? How is different from oreder of a reaction? Name one bi Molecular
and one' tri Molecular reaction.
2. Define order of a reaction and molecularity of a reaction.write difference between them and give
example for unimolecular.bimolecular and trimolecular reactions.
3. Explain the term adsoption, Absorption and sorption. Describe the different types of adsoption<
4. How is ammonia prepared by Haber's process? How does it react with
a) ZnSO4 (aq). b) CuSO4 (aq). c)AgCl(aq).
5. How is nitric acid prepared by Ostwald's method?How does it react with a)Cu b)Zn c)S8
6. How is Ozone prepared from Oxygen? How does react with following.
a) PBS b) KI c)Hg. d) Ag e)NO f) C2H2 g)C2H4.
7. a) How is Chlorine Prepared by electrolytic method?How does it reactwith
1)NH3 2) Slaked lime b) write the names of Oxoacids of chlorine.Give theirstructures.
8. How is Chlorine Prepared in Laboratory method ?How does it react with
a) Iron b)hot,conc,NaOH c)Cold,dil,NaOH d) acidified FeSO4 e)I2 f)H2S
g)Na2S2O3 h) NaI (aq)
9. a) Explain acidic nature of phenol and compare that with alcohols
b) write the Oxidation and reduction products of phenol.
10. Describe the following With Suitable examples.
a) kolbe reaction. b) Reimer-Tiemann reaction c) Williamson'sSynthesis
d) H-V-Z reaction e) Aldol condensation f) cannizaro reaction
g) Decarboxylation. h) Esterification. i) Acetylation


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