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Dad ’s Book

Phonics Elias’s dad was a sergeant in

the marines. He had to report to
Endings: -er, -est
work in another country. It was the
farthest place that Dad had ever
worked. When they said goodbye,
Dad handed Elias a large book.

“Read this tonight,” Dad said.

Elias didn’t feel like reading. But

when he got home, he opened the
book. What a surprise! The first
page was a letter from Dad!

Dad wrote that they would take

turns writing to each other. Then
they would mail the book back and

The rest of the book was filled

with blank pages.
Academic Now Elias understood the purpose
of the book. Dad had found a new
noun that
form of communication! It was
means the act of better than email or letters because
telling or giving they could enjoy the book together
information after Dad came home.

Elias began writing right away. He
told his dad that he missed him. Two
weeks later, the book came back with
a letter about the places Dad had

They wrote a lot. Sometimes they

made up funny stories. They also
drew pictures. Soon they had to get
a larger book, and then an even
larger one!

When Dad came home, he brought Comprehension

the largest book of all! Discuss Author’s
“I have more things to The author’s
communicate,” Dad said grinning. purpose is to
Elias agreed. This was something he explain how
wanted to keep doing. Elias and his Dad
communicate with
each other.

Unlock the Meaning of the Text

Discuss Author’s Purpose Think about the author’s purpose, or
what the author was trying to tell you. What details in the story tell
you about why the author wrote the story?

Academic Vocabulary The word purpose means “the reason for

doing something.” What is the purpose of the book? Think about
why Dad wanted them to write their letters to each other in one
big book.


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