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1. Explain the perspective of realism, liberalism, and marxism on International

Security in detail.

International security may be defined as a process whereby nations and

international organizations take crucial steps and measures to safeguard safety and
survival globally. Recently, the study of International relations focused
particularly on the problem of war. Realism, liberalism and marxism are three key
theories of international relations that offer different views on international
security which are as follows:

To begin with the perspective of realism. Realism can be best defined as a

theory of I.R which puts more emphasis on power, states as actors and self-
interests of the actors. The core concepts and beliefs are power and conflict whose
main tools usually involve military power and diplomacy and use the zero-sum
bargaining context. It’s explanatory power is focused on state aggression and
weakness of institutions. The international system is viewed as anarchic with the
belief that nations must depend on their own strength and capabilities to ensure
their security.
Realists claim that the pursuit of power and security is a natural necessity of
nations. Nations are seen as rational actors that seek to expand their own interests
with security being inclusive leading to military power and use of force as a means
of getting security. Realists also emphasize on the significancr of balance of
power in the international system. They argue that nations will want to balance
against any rising power that puts their own security at risk. This may result to
conflicts and stiff competition among states as they seek to maintain their own
power and defence.

Lastly, realism gives us a useful view on international security by bringing into

light the importance of how nations act and the chase of power and security. As it
may not offer a full explanation of all perspectives of international security, it
gives us valuable insights and actions of nations on the international arena. İn this
view, global security is achieved through balancing power and application of

Furthermore, liberalism is a theory of I.R that emphasizes cooperation and

interdependence as it’s core beliefs and concepts. It sees global security as a
collective duty that requires international institutions and norms. These institutions
are the main actors. Non-zero sum bargaining context is involved and it also
involves international law. In the context of global security, it views cooperation
and diplomacy as major factors in maintenance of peace and stability among states
putting emphasis on global institutions such as United Nations in promoting
international cooperation and dealing with conflicts peacefully.

Coming into existence in the post-WWII era, it became very influential on the
international arena especially during the cold war. Liberalism remains a key useful
approach among policymakers who view it as a path to peace, human rights and
propsperity globally. There have been some counter arguments that it fails to take
into account the realistic idea of power politics and that force is necessary to
protect national security interests. After all this, it still remains an important view
putting into consideration cooperation and diplomacy as means of promoting
peace and stability among states. Working together to address common challenges,
a secure and prosperous world is possible. All in all, it has the perspective that
international security needs global institutions and norms.

Lastly, Marxism is a theory of I.R focused on capitalism and class struggle.

İt’s perspective on international security is that global security is viewed as a result
of the struggle between nations which is enforced by their economic interests. This
is seen as caused by unequal distribution of resources leading to competition for
attaining these resources. Development in the international economy is viewed as
casued due to exploitation, oppression and domination among classes.

It is argued that nations are primary actors in the global economy. This
considers the fact that security interests are decided by the dominant class at
economic level. This clarifies their view that international security is not related to
military or force but rather economic equality and social justice and in the context
of exploitation and domination. Thus, any attempt to tackle international security
must consider economic and social features that run it.

In conclusion, these three theories of I.R offer various insights on

interntational security. Briefly, realism focuses power and self-interest, liberalism
considers cooperation and interdependence and Marxism pressurizes on economic
power and class struggle. These play a key role in analyzing and tackling
international security problems.
2. Explain any four components of your country's security strategy.
Tanzania’s security strategy has the main goal of ensuring the safety and stability
of the nation. Under the ministry of defence and security which has the mandate of
national defence, protect national soveriegnty and also defend the interests of the
United Republic of Tanzania. It’s security’s strategies are focused on four key
factors which are political security, economic security, environmental security and
military security. The key implementors of this duty are: Tanzania People’s
Defence Force (TPDF), National services, Military Research and Development

Firstly, strengthening of border defence through conducting measures to

prevent illegal border passings. This is mostly done through the mandate of the
ministry of defence and security which is the implementation of the national
defence policy. This plays a key role in tackling illegal migration through the
borders as Tanzania has recenly been the refugee hub of refugees from the war in
D.R.C and the conflicts in some neighboring countries.
Furthermore, Tanzania has enforced integrations policy through partnerships
with other nations and international organizations. This is through being a member
of various integrations and organizations such as U.N, African Union, South
Africa Development Community and East African Community. This has played a
key role in modernization and professionalization of the forces in order to
improve effectiveness in responding to security threats.
Tanzania has often been a peaceful country through advocating for diplomacy
and cooperation in various situations. Internally, Tanzania has gone with the
approach of preventing cultural and civil wars through unifying all communities
under one language and going with the secularist approach while respecting and
preserving the rules of each religion in the country. Tanzania has more than 120
tribes with each having their own language but have all been unified under the
Swahili language to avoid any tribal differences to arise.
Tanzania has also implemented a policy through youth as the military also
involves the youth through recruitment of youth for defence and security imparting
Tanzanian youth with basic artisan skills. It has also focused in the contribution in
various measures of conflict prevention, management and resolution through
building the national service to become a key centre for promoting national
cohesion, integrity and solidarity among youths.

In conclusion, Tanzania has solely focused and prioritized programto address

socio-economic issues such as unemployment and poverty leading to
understanding their possibility of causing insecurity and instability. Provision of
Military support to deal with civil emergencies which is through promoytion of
defence industrial base and technlogical competition. All these impact Tanzania’s
goal in provision of aid for it’s overall foreign and security policy

3. Explain the destructive scale and the geographic and temporal scope of the
Syria Crisis in 2011. Do you think that this crisis become an international
security problem? Which factors have influenced Iran and Russia's own
agenda-setting process?

The Syria crisis has been one of the most destructive and devastating conflicts in
the world since it began. It has had a huge impact on other countries as well in
one way or another. The conflict has led to loss of lives of millions of people and
displacment of people which has also affected the neighboring countries. It has
also led to destruction of infrastructure and economic calamities. The destructive
scale, geographic and temporal scope of the Syria crisis is as follows;

To begin with the destructive scale, the crisis started with citizens demanding
freedom and a change in the political regime. The regime in power responded
brutally with the use of excessive force to tackle the demonstrations. The problem
grew bigger as armed opposing groups came into existence which led to a civil
war. The crisis has had a massive negative impact on the country’s population as
almost 13 Million Syrians are in need of humanitarian aid. 6 million syrians
displaced and lots of them have fled the country to seek refuge in neighboring
Furthermore, the conflict has also had a huge impact on neighboring nations
and the middle east as well. The impact of refugees fleeing to neighboring
countries such as Turkiye has put a strain on resources of these nations. It has also
led to a security problem with the birth and spread of religious extremists such as
ISIS which have also led to other countries to intervene.
The destruction impact of the crisis is devastating. It has destroyed
infrastructures especially homes, schools, roads and hospitals leading to a huge
impact on their economy. Also, the crisis has been ongoing for over a decade with
no any notifications of a peace solution to come into existence. It has resulted into
the future generation of Syria being at risk as there’s a lack of education,
healthcare and basic needs in general.
Finally, the crisis has had a destructive scale, geographical and temporal scope.
It has led to displacement of a lot of citizens, loss of lives and infrastructures and
also economic dilemma. The conflict has affected other countries. It is important
for the international community to help in assisting the citizens and fight till the
end for a peaceful resolution to be found and put in place . Everyone in this world
deserves a bright future so do the Syrians.
About the Ministry | Ministry of Defence and National Service. (n.d.-c).
Syria. (2022, October 7). UN News.
Smith, M. E. (2017). International Security: Politics, Policy, Prospects.
Bloomsbury Publishing.
1. It should be min 3000 words and written in Times New Roman, 12-point size, and
single space.
2. POST DATE: 6 April 2023

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