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Subject: Mathematics Topic: Circles

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A circle is the set of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point in the plane. the fixed point
is the center of the circle and the fixed distance is the radius.

Parts of The Circle:

The point O where the needle of the compass is placed in the center of the circle. The distance of any point
on the circle from the center O is the radius of the circle. In the given figure OX is the radius.
A line segment that joins any two points on the circle is called a chord. MN is a chord in the given figure.

The line passing through the center which joins two points on the circle is the diameter. The diameter of
the circle is twice its radius. YZ is the diameter of the circle in the given figure.

The length of the circle is called its circumference.

A circle is such a closed curve whose every point is equidistant from a fixed point called its center.

Arc: Any part of the circumference is called an arc of the circle.

Chord: The line segment joining the two ends of an arc is known as a chord. A diameter is the longest
chord of a circle.


O is the centre.

OP is one radius.

AB is a diameter.

MN is a chord. (line-segment)

OA and OB are also radii.

The following are some terms related to the circle:

1. Radius- is also used to name a line segment that joints the center of the circle to the point on the circle.
2. Chord - is a segment whose end points are any two points on the circle.
3. Diameter - A chord that passes through the centre of a circle. It is twice the length of the radius. The word
"diameter" can also refer to a segment or the length of a segment.
4. Secant - is a line that contains a chord.
5. Tangent - to a circle is a line, a ray, or a segment in the plane of a circle that intersects the circle at exactly
one point (point of tangency). This point is known as the Point of Contact.

Other basic terms needed in the study of the circle are illustrated and defined as follows:
1. Central Angle - An angle formed by two radii of the circle with its vertex in the center of the circle.
2. Arc – It is a connected part or portion of a circle. If it is half a circle, it is called a semicircle. If an arc is less
than half a circle, it is called a minor arc. If an arc is more than half a circle it is called a major arc.


Q1) A chord of length 16 cm is drawn in a circle of radius 10 cm. Find the distance of the
chord from the center of the circle.

Q2) Find the length of a chord that is at a distance of 3 cm from the center of circle of
radius 5 cm.

Q3) In a circle of radius 5 cm, PQ and RS are two parallel chords of lengths 8 cm and 6 cm
respectively. Calculate the distance between the chords if they are on the same side of the

Q4) In a circle of radius 10 cm, PQ and RS are two parallel chords of lengths 16 cm and 12
cm respectively calculate the distance between the chords if they are on the opposite sides
of the centre.

Q5) Two Equal chords AB and CD of a circle when produced intersect at a point P. Prove
That PB = PD.

Q6) AB and AC are two chords of a circle of radius r such that AB = 2AC. If p and q are the
distances of AB and AC from the center, prove that 4q2 = p2 + 3r2.

Q7) In the given figure, AB is a chord of a circle with centre O and AB is produced to C such that
BC = OB. Also, CO is joined and produced to meet the circle D. If ∠ACD = y∘ and ∠AOD = x∘, prove
that x = 3y.
Q7 Q8
Q8) Two circles of radii 10 cm and 8 cm intersect each other, and the length of the common chord is 12 cm. Find
the distance between their centers.
Q9) In the given figure, O is the center of a circle in which chords AB and CD intersect at P such that PO bisect ∠BPD.
Prove that AB=CD.

Q10) In the following figure, OABC is a square. A circle is drawn with O as the centre which meets OC at P and OA at
Q. Prove that :

Q11) Show that if two chords of a circle bisect one another, they must be the diameters of the circle.
Q12) In the given figure, ∠AOB= 𝟗𝟎° and ∠ABC= 𝟑𝟎° then find ∠CAO .

Q12 Q13 Q14

Q13) In the figure, O is the centre of the circle. Find ∠BAC.

Q14) In figure, O is the centre of the circle. Find the value of x.

Q15) PQR is a triangle in which ∠𝑄𝑃𝑅 = 30° . Show that QR is the radius of the circumference of triangle PQR,
whose centre is O.

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