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A Circle Understanding
Definition :
A circle is a set of points that have the same distance to a fixed point. This fixed point is called the centre
of circle.

2. The Circle Parts

Take attention to the figures at right. The parts of a circle are as follow
a. Point O is called the centre of a circle.
b. OP = OT = OR are called the radii (single form of radii is radius which
is notated with r), Which is the distance between point on the circle and
the centre of a circle.
c. PT is called diameter . It is a perpendicular drawn through the centre of
a circle.
d. TR is called a chord, which is a line segmet drawn with end points on
the circle.
e. OI is called apothem, which is a line segment distance from the centre
of a circle to achord. By using Pythagorean Theorem, you can find that
OI² = OR²  IR².
f. - TR is part of circle that is called
minor arc and written TR.
- TPR is part of circle that is called
major arc and written TPR.

g. The regions in circle formed by the two radii (OT and OR)
of a central angle and the are between the endpoints on the
circle (TR) is a called sector. There are two kind of sectors,
a. Minor sector, if is central angel size is less than 180°
b. Major sector, if its central angel size is more than 180°
h. The regions in circle formed by the chord TR and the minor arc
TR is called a segment.Segment is also differentiated as minor
segment and major segment.can you notice their difference?
Ditermine the parts of a circle in the figure below

The parts of the circle can be identified as follows,
a.Centre : P
b.Radii of the circle : PA and PC
c.Chord : AC
d.Apothem : PB
e.Arc : AC
f.Sectors : the area bounded by radii PA,PC and arc AC.
g.Segments : the area bounded by chord AC and arc AC
1. Consider the following figure :

a. Mention all lines that can be the radii of the circle!

b. Mention all lines that can be the chord!
c. Mention all lines that can be the diameter!
d. Mention all lines that can be the apothem!
e. Shade the area of any segment in the circle
2. Consider the figure at down.

a. Mention all lines that can be the radii of the circle!

b. Mention all lines that can be the chord!
c. Mention all lines that can be the diameter!
d. Mention all lines that can be the apothem!
e. Shade the area of any segment in the circle!

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