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INFO 4328 – Game Design & Development [Semester 1 2023/2024]


Matric No: 1836031
Total marks (30%):
Submission Link:

Learning Outcome:
 Apply a suitable game technology and/or assets for a given game concept (CLO2).

INFO 4328 Lab Test – Rubric

Criteria 1 – Bad 2 – Poor 3 – Average 4 – Good 5 – Excellent

(Grade: 0-39) (Grade: 40-49) (Grade: 50-64) (Grade: 65-79) (Grade: 80-100)
Fundamental game Able to implement Able to implement Able to implement Able to implement Able to implement
development (15%) between 1-2 of the at least 3 of the between 4-5 of the between 6-7 of the all of the stated
stated criteria. stated criteria. stated criteria, and stated criteria, and criteria, and
Game might Game might playable without playable without playable without
contain slight contain slight error. error. error.
errors. errors.
Additional challenge & Either the Either the Enemies are Enemies are Similar to 4,
special condition (10%) additional additional spawned at a more spawned at a more however, the
challenge or special challenge or special frequent rate when frequent rate and student goes above
condition is condition is Score is above 15. faster speed when and beyond adding
implemented, but implemented, Score is above 15. another difficulty
implementation works but slightly Special item is level for the
contains error. incomplete. dropped at random Special item is challenge and the
position when dropped at random special condition.
Lives go down to 1. position when
Lives go down to 1,
and increases the

INFO 4328 – Game Design & Development [Semester 1 2023/2024]

lives by 1.
Apply suitable game assets Not suitable assets Acceptable assets Suitable assets used Suitable assets used Similar to 4 but
and organization (5%) used for the enemy used for the enemy for the enemy and for the enemy and additional effect(s)
and projectile. and projectile, as projectile. projectile. is added to the game
well as the ie explosion particle
Project is not background music. Appropriate Appropriate and other sound
organized into background music background music effect.
folders. Only some assets is added. and sound effect
are organized into are added.
folders. Project is properly
organized into Project is properly
folders. organized into

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