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Explain how a supermarket can use Porter's Five Forces tool to

anticipate any threats from a new entrant into the industry?

Porter's Five Forces framework can help supermarkets figure out how to

deal with the threat that new competitors might bring. First, the threat of new

competitors is big and needs close attention. High hurdles to entry, such as

economies of scale, brand loyalty, and rules and regulations, make it very

hard for new companies to start competing. Also, the huge amounts of

money needed for infrastructure and marketing make the financial barriers

even higher, discouraging people who might want to join. Looking at how

much it costs customers to switch supermarkets sheds more light on how

hard it is to get customers to move from established supermarkets to new

ones. Second, the fierce competition in the supermarket business shows

how important it is to have methods for distributing market share and setting

yourself apart. There are many ways for new competitors to get into a

market that is divided and has many different players. Strong differences in

product and service between established supermarkets, on the other hand,

create big barriers that keep customers loyal and make it harder for new

supermarkets to get into the market. High hurdles to entry also stop

aggressive price wars, which makes the market less appealing to

newcomers. Another important factor that affects the store scene is supplier

power. The concentration and dominance of key providers have a big effect

on prices and availability, which could make it hard for new companies to

join the market. By looking at the costs of moving suppliers, you can find

ways to negotiate and work together, which could help new companies that
want to get into the market. In the same way, buyer power, which is shown

by a high number of customers and product substitutes, has a big impact

on how supermarkets work. Concentrated buyers have a lot of negotiating

power, which makes it hard for new companies to get a place in the market.

At the same time, the availability and popularity of alternatives, like grocery

shops and online shopping, also affect what consumers want and how the

market works.

Discuss the role of evaluating employee performance in retention or

good employees?

By focusing on important parts of an employee's professional journey a

good performance review is a key part of keeping good employees and to

begin, workers are given a chance to get feedback and praise through

regular evaluations which helps to create a culture of appreciation and

recognition and By highlighting their accomplishments managers make

workers feel valued and encourage them to keep making important

contributions to the company. Second, performance reviews make things

clearer and help people grow by setting clear goals and keeping track of

progress and this gives employees the power to direct their own growth

which boosts their sense of accomplishment and interest in their job path

and also regular performance conversations make it easier for managers

and workers to talk to each other openly which builds trust and honesty.

Managers show that they care about their workers' professional goals by

listening to their concerns and giving them helpful feedback and this builds
loyalty and commitment. Also, connecting evaluations to systems for pay

and rewards makes sure that good work is properly recognized and

awarded and this makes people feel like they are being treated fairly and

motivates them to do their best which makes them less likely to look for work

elsewhere. Lastly, performance reviews help people figure out their skills

and weaknesses which makes it possible to make personalized plans for

growth and training by putting money into your workers' growth shows that

you care about their professional growth, which makes them feel more

valued and loyal to the company. A good performance review not only

improves motivation, clarity, and communication, but it also makes sure that

everyone gets fair pay, awards, and chances to grow. By taking care of

these important parts of employees' work lives, companies can create a

setting that helps them stay with the company and grow.

Discuss the relationship between the planning and controlling

functions of management and evaluate the implications on businesses

it the controlling function is overlooked

Planning and Controlling go hand in hand for success in business which is

something that good managers must know. Outlining goals, tactics and

budgets is part of planning and at acts as a compass to guide you and gives

a plan for success but even the best laid plans can fail without good

management and oversight like having a watchful guide who keeps the

business on track even when problems arise out of the blue. Management

makes sure that progress is tracked and that departures from the plan are
found and that the right steps are taken when they are needed and

neglecting this important factor could have bad effects on the business. For

example, not sticking to plans can lead to financial losses if costs go over

budget and income falls short of expectations and If we don't fix bottlenecks

and waste resources they can lead to operational inefficiencies that lower

output and effectiveness. Also, if an organization's long term goals and

plans don't match up it can make it less competitive and less able to stay on

track. Low morale and disengagement among employees can be caused by

not having enough feedback and course correction tools this can lower total

productivity and Also breaking promises can hurt the brand's reputation and

make people less likely to believe it. Setting clear success markers, putting

in place feedback systems and quickly dealing with problems as they come

up are all parts of effective control that go beyond just observation this

closed loop method encourages adaptability, flexibility and continuous

growth which can helps businesses meet their goals even as market

conditions change. In the end, planning and controlling management are

two sides of running a business that work together to make it through the

constantly changing business world.

Critically evaluate now employee's ability, level of motivation, clarity

of roles and organisation's environment can influence an employee's

level of motivation with example?

There are many things that affect an employee's motivation such as their

skills, how clear their jobs are and the work environment and to begin, talent
is a key factor in keeping people motivated like imagine giving a skilled artist

an instrument that they aren't good at yet at first they might be excited about

the task but long term problems and feelings of not being good enough will

eventually overshadow any initial excitement and In the same way workers

who are given tasks that are beyond their abilities are likely to become

frustrated and lose motivation, For example a junior coder who is given

complicated coding algorithms might feel overwhelmed while a seasoned

professional who is given boring tasks might lose interest because they

aren't being used. Second, it's important to be clear about jobs if we want to

keep people motivated and Job descriptions and standards that aren't clear

cause confusion which keeps workers from putting their all into their work.

Employees may find it hard to find meaning and enthusiasm if they don't

know how their work fits in with the organization's goals. Take the case of

an employee who was told to "handle marketing" without being given clear

goals or a budget they are lost and don't know where to put their efforts or

how to measure success, which makes them less motivated. Lastly, the

work setting has a big effect on how motivated employees are and a hostile

workplace with bad communication, favoritism or constant pressure can

quickly drain motivation and drive. When employees feel undervalued,

unsupported or stressed out they probably can't handle even fun jobs, like

Imagine a situation where people are constantly micromanaged, don't get

enough credit and talk about other people all the time and when this

happens, morale drops, motivation fades and productivity goes down and
this causes more people to leave their jobs and makes the company less


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