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‫ﺗﺣﻣﯾل اﻟﻣزﯾد ﻣن اﻟﻛﺗب‬

‫إﻧﺿم ﻟﺻﻔﺣﺗﻧﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻔﺎﯾﺳﺑوك‬
English - Arabie

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~~~I ...,.1)) ....a;
~~~ iJL-o~

Dar El Houda
Ain Mlila Algérie | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

,",",,' } , 05'r 2008 - 30 J 1 --II ~)I

<,;1.,l1 ~I 2008 - 969 J f LilI tU,)'1 ~J

978 - 9961 - 60 - 994 - 1 :-!..Lo'J

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032 44 94 18 :,-,"",Lill
www.elhouda .comdarelhouda@ya hoo. fr

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-3- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
C___a_O_'/1_t._e'/1_t._"S_O_1'_tiJ_e_lJ_tJ_O_k ~)
Edilor's note ... ... .......................... .......................................................... 3
Parts of speech ................. .................................................... ............... 7

Chapter 1
The Noun ............................................................................................. 8
Kind s of oOllns .. ... .... ....... .... ... ....... ............ ................ .. ......... .... ............ 8
1 • The Proper noun ........ .................................................................... 8
2 - The Common noun ........................................................................ 8
3 - The Material noun ..... .. ...................................... ............................ 9
4 - The Collective noun ......................................................... .............. 9
5 - Compound no un ............................................................................9
Forma tion of the plura l .. ............... .............. .. ....................................... 10
Noun cases ... ..... .. ........... ..... ......... .. ........................... .......................... 13
Chapter 2
The Indefini te Article ........................................................................... 17
The Definite Article with co un ta ble and uncoun table nou ns .............. 19

Chapter 3
Pronouns .............. .............. .............. .............. ...................................... 23

Chapter 4
The Verbs .................................... ......................................................... 37
Kinds of verbs ....................................................................................... 37
The Tenses ................................................................... ................ ........ 57

Chapter 5
The Interrogat ive or quest ioning ............. .... ......................................... 83

- 4‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬ | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬ - |
Chapteè 6_ ,-J,
Active and Passive Voiee ............ ....... ........... .......................92

·Chapter 7

- Imperative form 1The Gerunds .................................. ... ....................98

Chapler 8
Adjectives ........ ... .... ... ... ... ...... .......................... ..... .... ........ .. ......... ..... 104
How to use Adjectives ..................................... .. ........ ... ................... 104
Comparison of Adjectives ..................................................... .. .......... 113
Negative Form .. .. ... .................................................................. 114

Chapler 9
Adverbs .. ............ . .. .......... ...... ...... ............... ......... ... ............... ... 11 9
Functions of Adverbs ...................................................................... 11 9
The kinds of Adverbs ........................ .......... ........... .. ... ..... .. . 11.1
Compariso n with Adverbs .................. ... ........ .. ........ ........... ...... ... ... . 129
How to use Adve rbs ...................................... ... ...... ............ ..... .... ... 129
Adverbial particles .................................................................. I~

Chapter 10
Co nju nction s .... ... ..... ... ..... ..... .... ....................... ...... ................. .... ..... 132

Chapler Il
- Use of sorne clauses with examples ..... ... ........ .......... .............. .......... 138

Chapter 12 .
- IF- Conditional ..................................................................... ......... 144

-5- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Direct speech ........ .................................................................... .. .. . 148
Indirect Speech .......................................................... .. ............ ... .... 148
1 - Indirect Statement .. .. .... .. .. ......................................................... 148
2 - Ind irect Questions ...................................... ........ ....... .... ............. 155
3 - Indirect Commands or Requests ................................................ 157
4 - Direct Exclalua tioll ..................................................................... 159

Chapter 14
Prepositions ........................ ... .......................... .......... ..... ........... .. ..... 160
The use of prepositions ..................... . ................ .... ............ ........ IM

Chapter 15
- Interjections and Exclamations ...................................................... 196
- Contraction ......... .. ....................................................................... ... . 196
" Irregular verbs ............. .. .. ...... ............ .... ....... ... ... .. ... .... ............ .. ... .... 196 | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬- ‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬

6 - |
Parts of speech

l - Nouns ,1.--':11
2 - Pro nouns )I-AJI
3 - Adjectives ..:...I.i...:a.ll
4 - Verbs JW':l1
5 - Prepositions ~I 0).;>
6 - Conjunctions .k,IJjl

-7- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

1The Nounl I~J,J\I

A nouo is a word uscd for naming ~ J--; W> l''"''jl
anything -..;. <.fÎ
Man .rJ
W oman ;;'/ 1 Schoo l
Boy -uJ Fox
Girl ~ Song
Lion .J..,.i Glass <CL,- j ) Ji .ft>
Box J)~ Acto r J'l
IKindS of Nounsi k\rjJ\ t~il
1. Th e Proper Noun ( ~I r i) ,,,,\J.I 1'-'""lI
A proper nouo is a oame for one 1""' 1 JI' '-'" 1:>-1 1""''')1
particular person, pl ace or Cl'cnt, ~.I>- )Î _..;. ,,,\S:... ,~
as distinct from any other. .• 1)-" ~ fl'>") ..:JI.:U1.! ~

Oran 0'.1') The Red sea ~'y , .,-JI

The Revolut ion ;;)), The Atlanlic ocean .,,--lI-'y, .J.,>'I
The Alge ria n 4..!)\)...\ The Mississipi river .Ii .
cr-:- ft'

2. The Comma" Noun (.!l ë-'JI 1 rWI 1'-'""l\

A commo n nouo is a name which is
common to any persen or thing
r-- r
.!l I Y'
rWI '1'1
~ .:.r' -..;. J I ...,a>.:.. ~'1'
r .
of the kind . ,t.y:ll

-8- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Lake theat re
'ft""'-! Cr'
Hospita l ~ Magazine ;J.,...
Dictionary ; yli Garden U:!..b-
River Museum ~

3. The M aterial Noun

'" c?,\ll l'....:~ I .3
A materi al noun is the name of t yJ r i JI' <pll.l r~1
particular kinds o f matter. . i~lI.l '" .;,...

Water Gold
M ilk Silver

4. Th e Collective Noun ~I 1'="1 .4

A collecth'c noun is the noun of ~.,.;:. r i JI' ~I r i

a group of persons or things as one J>- 4-}! .A< v"~ ~I '"
complete individual whole: .Î.i":"" ~ a.. \S' i.l>-J ~i

Examples • !~ tl
Jury (a group of judges). . ~ ;,J.. ,~ ..".
Fleet (a group of warshi ps). . (;"')--1 er'--ll '" ,-", ) J.,h--i
Army (a group of soldiers). .(,yJ-1'" '-"') ~
Empire (a group of nations J /,11 '" '-"') <;J}:I.r'1
under one rule rship). .(-'>-1) ~
lslamÎc empire. ·<,..')1....1 <;J}:I. r'1
Flock (a group of shecp). · (t~ '1'1'" ' -"') c:W
S. Compound Nouns ...s,.11 -k ')1 .5
School master J' J.A.o Gu npowder
Shopkeepe r <.fjiJ. J>-.o -,....-t.... Moonlight

-9- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Housemaid ;"'.:1 L,::" Seashore ..N' c}>L:.
Postcard -'<.1 ;;Ik, Tea-time ."WJI .;..;)
Newspaper oJ..!.,r:- Sleam-engi nc ~)~ B.,r-
• J,lll
k e-cream ~ Night-train - u.; )

Apple-tree c.lA.i or-!- Sa nd-storm ~) ~\s.

Nouns cau be singular or plural: : ~ )i o~).- IJfo .u ".....oI~1

A singular noun denotes one objec.t. .".,..,) ""r J l ~ ~.)1' r"i l
A plural noun dcnotes more than ;.,- pi J l ~ ~, ~"i'
one objectA .".,..,) ",,;.

[ (.J.,ij~ ./~~~.II)~YIMUV..r"~.II Y :~>I- ]

formation of the plural d ' JJd.§.:;
AI By adding (s) to the singular noun >;ill ,..... ~I J! (,) ;jw,. /\
This applies to most nouns exccpt IJS.l.t ,,~~I ~~ '~t$;-:!
somc cases that will be r- ~I ..:;"i~1 P
explaincd lalcr on: :..w- W-..-..,..
,~- ."y•

Exame1es: , ", 1 ~

/ Singular >p Plural ~

Book : ~15 Books ...,.5
Ca t : ;j,; Cats .bJ,j

Map : Ok-
-.,> Maps .hll/,
Rose 0.:1)) Roses: .:1)))

\.Hand -'< Hands : .,,-,<1 ./

BI By adding (es) to the singular "L....... "lI JI (es) ow,~ / Y
fo r words ending in ; ~ ~, o.:lpl
- sh- -ch -x- -z- -0- :;"Jl:II ..j))-I,
Examples: CH + ES

- 10 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Singular 'l'- Plural c:'"
Branch : ~-t) Branches: 0~i - t.Jj
Bench : .w. 8enches : -",Li,.

Church : '-$ Churches: ..,-lIS

Match: ylZ "'y Matches: ~W~\yi

.. SH + ES
Brush O\.:..) Brushes .))
Bush • Bushes •1 •
o..r.f':'-" ~~

Box JJ..\.:..,p Boxes . ~L,.,

Tax ~......... Taxes '"

.. S + ES
Mass .l,.!.,. Masses ,~

Dresses (':";W) yI,:

Gas jli. Gases
. ü, \}"-
Glass <Cl",. j) y ç - cris' Gl"ses (Cl",. j) y l"sl- ,/,/1
"Z +ES
Fez Fezes
Topaz Topazes

C " By changing (Y) prcccdcd by ri ./_.", /->:

a consonan' '0 (lES) (lES) J! JL.. , J,r.-11 (Y)
Examples: 1 toi
Lady Ladies :ül~

Story Stories :~
Fly Flies :'-:-'~~ .

Army Armies :J-?-

" 11‫ | "ﺗﻌﻠم‬ | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
But if (Y) is preceded by a vowel. ..,jru. ;ij.!':-" (Y 1 ~ IS' I;! loÎ
the plural is by adding (s) only. .bll (SI ;';\..;01. ~fo e;--+-I ~~ !Ir-
Valley :<,S,I) Valley, :~)J\

Boy :..ù) Boys :,'i}

Key :CL:.<. Keys :&W,
Day :rY- Days :r~1
Toy ..
.<..,J Toys ,
D - By changing the (F) or (FE) )1 (F) ,j.r .1_;" /,

to (VES) (VES) J! (FE)

Leaf :op:.. 4,;)J Leaves :JI))I
Wife :~Jj Wives :..::A". )j
Knife :~ Knives: :.§l5:....
Thief :vd Thieves :cf'"..,J
Wolf :~~ Wolves : ...:,..>l~~
E - irregular Qlurals
e' "y
Examples: d' ! t.oi
Man J-"-)
Men JI.".)
Woman ,Ifl Women .L;
Tooth .:r Teeth JL..I
Foot r.û Feet rl.ûl
Ox ),J' Oxen JI"';
Child Jib Children JlAkl

, 12 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Deec Deer iJ" j-
Sheep Sheep <rl.;<.i) iJü.r'
Duck Duck Jo,
INoun-casesl h-~I Jlyll
The noun has four cases ;,....,:) ..;.,,, L.. C:!) •L..... Su
1 • Subjective case i..l:,ll } j>'\.iJI <JL.. - 1
2 • Objective case ~ Jy-i11 ;JL.. - 2
3 : Possessive <$ill ;JL.. - 3
4 . Vocative case ,-"UI ;JL.. - 4

1 . The subjective case: :i..l:,ll } j>'\.iJI <JL.. - 1

- It denotes the subjeet of the verb i.l::,l.l. Ji J-.ill j>'1l ~ -
Examples: 7

Ladies gossip o.'I•r.,:.,l.J......Jl

-. The heal is unbearable J\,b; "j i})-1
Readers read ,,};, ,I.,;JI The sky is clear yL,., ~ L.....J\
Birds ny ."ki ;.r.1J1 The sea is rough c1l..11 ~\
Friends coopera le i.JjJ~ ~\iJ......~\ The rain is heavy .J.j- ):J.\
The air is fresh J,l< ,I.,.ll The dog is faithful ~\ ~\
The sun is shining e:k-' ~I The snake is dangerous , 0~\

2. The objective case ~ J,..;.I.I ;JL.. - 2

Teachers teach st udents. . ..,,)lJ.J1 iJ~ iJ.,.J.II
Doctors treal patienls. ...?)I iJ)-1...., .1,).(yI

Girls pick nowers. .}"j 'il ~ ..;.,I.,:AJI
Ahmed likes music. ...;.,.-}.1 ..,...,., ..l..>-i
We speak English. ·<.P"I ~ ~
The poel composed an çlegy. .<.~) i~) <';.1' ...;.Ji fl.!JI

~ 13 -‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬ | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
3. The possessive case: :~I ;Jl,... - 3
It denotes oWDership. .,,?' ;"s:.t. ~
For singular nouos we use ('8) (S) ..)f ~ "}l' ,L....',u
. (') lL.o \.il 4 ij.r.-'
Examples: j

The boy's bail -Il)I '.f The actor's movement J!..ll ;s'.r-
The artist's touch 0UIU The tiger's strength ..,...JI~;
The cat's paw .b.iJ1 ~ The mookey's look ~,;J I~)2.i
The writer's mind --,.;15J1 J'> The girl's bag
The singer's voice ~' "'7" The soldie r's gun <?4\ ~~
For singular Douns ending in ~ .,,:l' "}l' ,L....',u l.,..J4 •
(8), use the apostrophe ooly. ..bil ;u." \AJ 1 J--.I (S) ..)f"
Hercules' power. Ji.....:;;
Moses' law. ~y .Jj!;

For plural nOURS ending in (5), (S) .,j.f"; );.6-.11 ~' ,L...,.,~ A.,-;!4 .
use the apostrophe only. ....;..a; 'JJ .bil ;u." \AJI ;;"~I J--.I
:yU i .... (S) .,j.f
Examples: j

The soldiers' camps. .>y.!-I u l.f.-..

The players' room. .~)UI ;ij.f
The nations' hopes. .y.,...=J1 Jt..Î
The dogs' lire. .,f;,J1 .l,>-
The eagles' nest. .J.r--JI ~
The teachers' room. .• xL.~I ;ij.f
The doctors' office. .,l,k'J1 ~

- 14 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
• For plural nouns not ending (S) ';'f";.,FI r-< ~I ,,--~ 4,.-J, •
in (S), use ('S) ('S) ..jf J ;u."WI ..jw,;

Examples: j

The men 's society JI..,-)I ~

The women's suffering ,UI'ct..-
• ...,
The children's nurse J W.}I1 •..J"
4. The vocative case: ,-"U.I ;Jb- .4

A noun is in the vocath'e case, when '-" U.1lJ b- .) 1'""'':/ 1i> fo.
it is used for the sake of address. .l.,l>~1 .} ~ lo-""

Examples: ,
Son, you must be ca refu!. .\6., ,,~ "i ..,..."., .,rI 4
l'm very sorry, grandpa. •~ J..o,-4 IJ..o,- ..;..,.ici
Let us forget that, my friend . ..j<-'-"' 4 .!.Al; ..,-:J
Don't make such a fuss, Amina . .yi 4 ~.,.<JI ,.L. J!-- ';.Ji. 'J
• Now can vou do ihis exercise ? YLll e11 loi.> ,Is' ,,1 ,:;l::.J , ,. lil , '•
State the case of the oo uns in the . W-I . ,; , L.... :YI ",,'JI..- ,ni
following sentences:

l. You opened my eyes.
. .;~
2. My friend has just arrived. . (<bJJ) Pl ~-'-"' J--» J.iJ
3. Please, tell your brother another story. . \.S/Î l.....:ü ~~ <.$"))1 ~ if
4. Are you coming with us, Sami? ~ifL.... l.! \.:....... r .>\,j ~i j.A
5. 1 expeet m.ny guests. .~\))I "" \~ b~ )2.:;i
Use each of the following DOUDS 4::11;:11 ~t.-..~I ~ ri J5' ~I .
in a suitable sentence: :i~ ~ J
Address ,,\.-"'-
r Music ~Y'

. 15 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Word s Train
Library Heart

* Write 5 sentcnces on each of the "":--"'" ~ ~ 4'

following pattern: :.)WI ~I

A , ubject (noun) + verb JJ + y.~ IÎ

B. subjccl + verb + complement (object) 4:! J~ + + ~\..i / "--:"

Express by usi ng the possess ive form ~<.u\ ~ ~ ..r?


The house of my uncle .

My unclc's housc.
1. The cat of his wife . . ~ )j .ï
2. The boo k of her fat her. .4"Î ~"'
3. The room of the teachers. .i.\;\.... ~I ~\i
4. The toys of the boys. .J W.~I -,...J
5. T he gun of my friend.

- 16 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

The Articles
al The Indefinitc Article t; MI ClI,.)i li
Singu lar A 1 AN A/AN'.tWJ
(A) is used before singular nouns '.riil r~1 J:i J--3 (A)
beginning with a consonant sound .J'-' ";.f'" Î-':! ~.\J 1
Examples: •
A happy family. . O~W~
A hag. .,lh....!. j~
A compartment. .(}w ".1') i)""""" - i.f"'""
A man. .Je-)
A beautiful garden. .~ ~..l>-
A lcee. .ôp-:.
A lucky fcHov.'. .j;~~
A meeting. ·t~1
A heap of broken images. .).,...dl r\b. i f ...ç
A niec morning. .--YJ Cl,...>
(AN) is used bcfore a word .,.=II ~I J:i J--3 (AN) •
beginning with a \'owcl sound J Î "-' '"" JI !l...,..,.. . j/'! ÎoU
or ,'oicclcss or wcak (H) .~ (H).j.r

The vowels arc = A,O,U ,E,I :"j' <>.rdl j)}-I

An orange ~\.i; An hour ",\...,
An cgg ~ An hones' man .
1..1:" r ~)
An inkpot o~ An angry wornan ~\j:. 01/1 | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- -‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

17 - ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬
'" Some words slart with a \'owel !J.f""-' . loU '" i.$J 1~ •
but the tirsl sound is .J" "Jl.:l1~" JJ'il "'.,..-J 1.j:JJ
a consonant sound and 01 ~ <#J J ..... "'J""
Ihus (A) must be used. ,AN) ~J ,A) ~


A European A university
A useful thing A o ne-eyed man

No article is uscd with ,,-,1 J,j iI,l ~ ':1

indcfinite plural nouns. .iPlI~1
Devils laugh. .~ éJ..~1
Boys play. . -J~ ,"}'I
Flowers wither. .J.i; .,J"')I
Bird s sing .. ..,? .,.r-hI1
Aeroplanes are fa st. ."".r ",1;L6J1
Horses run .

.<.?.J. J.,.)-1

Mothers are kind to childrell . .Jlik"l ~ ~~y- ~lj..o" l
Acts speak louder than words. . ",l.KJ1 i f Ij"oU" ~i Jl.};'1
'" Try to do Ibis exerCÎsc.: :...,.JI 1';" ji 0 1JJl>- •
Add (A) or (AN) when necessa ry i.,J.r;,l1 = (AN) } (A) .........

1. That is ... great idea.

2. Take .... advice from . . .. expert
J. What .... wonderful surprise!
4. 1 am sta rling .. . . new life.
S. 1 want ... glass of lemo nade wÎth ... piece of sugar in il.

- 18 | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬ ‫ ﺗﻌﻠم‬-|
bl The Definite Article (The) u..,....:W1.1.1/""
If" • ~
nThe" is used: Th, '-"-",,"1. ibl ~
1 - When we are thin king of one .:.r ...:....~ 1o..l:.Y - 1
particular thing

For example:

He is 100 king for a job. .J.." i f ~ '"1

Did he gel the job he applied for ? rlAo ",..\JI J....l1 Js. ? J.-
Y.J.".Î i f
2 - When it is clear in the situation if 1>...;.1) J ~ L.= - 2
which thing or person we mean ..:..W ,~ )1 ~ '-$Î
, - ,
The hotel we stayed in is very nice J....,- .b,- '" WI ",..\JI J-,-,,"I
Vi J.Li ",Î ~))
1 want to see the ma nager of the firm . .ë"rJI fiJ..A ~li! ~)
3 - When there is only one of 0./' <jll •t,.:..l..Il ~ - 3
.:J' i.l,>-J,
something: the sun, the moon, ... dl,h'il ,.,...;JI ,~I :~j
the earth, etc
-1 - Before "same" (the sallie) ( Same) J.:.i - 4 ,
Her dress is the same as mine. .Ju y.. ~u
5 - Before superlatives. ~\ ..:,...I...L,,:, J:i - 5
The Amazone is the longest river in the world . . ~W\ J -* J.."kÎ Y' 0 ) jlo ~\

6 - When we are thinking of J .f..A; \..t"l;; - 6

something as a general idea ~\s. 'ô..fJS' t.. ~~
He goes to the cinema every ~ J5' ~\ Ji ~~
weekend. | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬-- 19 - ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬

7 - The + adjective
W(' use the + adjective ...... + ~.,.-:;JI il.i J--l-7
(withoui a noun) 10 talk about .r ':"-'"<:U <,..-1 ~J")
groups of people. ...,.. U1 ,J' .;, ~-'"""


The young, the o ld, the rich, "lc.?~ l ,.)p l ,y I.,-!JI

the poor, the injured etc ... . .. c?".J-1 "I.;.;JI

8 - Thc + nationality ~I + ~.,.-:;JI il.i - 8

We use "the" with sorne .p., c:' ~.,.-:;JI il.i J--l
nationality adjecth'cs to mcan 1-4< ~) ~I ~LQ....
"the people of Ihat country. .•\l,JI 1';'" .) tS:....

For example:
The Algerians. . .»)/)1)-1
The French. ..).r.--".,AlI
The English etc ... ... dl ;#-)'1
9 - Wc use thc + a singular ,..-1 r:: . . . .p l il,i ~ - 9
countable noun to talk about .rJ I.\.>J .~ ~ ,}>
a typc of animais, machines ctc ... ... .;,~'jl ,';'UIy.1 ,J' t<j
For example:

The girnfTe is the tallest animal. .,,",~Ir-l-I J}>i 01))1

Thc piano is my fa vourite instrument. .u.1.ii1 -Ii 'UI
" y ..
10 - With Ihe names of canals, , ~Ir<J1 .l...oi c:' - 10
rivcrs, seas, oceans, etc ... ... ·d l ~u",.:1 ,)b..,J1 ')4-l~1

- 20‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬- | | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
and in Dames with "Republic l1 J).:iJ\ ~ ~k..,..t C;:J
l'Kingdom'' "states" etc ... ... 11 " "-'':!
"'c- - , ".11"
Jy , ".'-, ." ,,-
~ '~J~
such as the U nited States of America, ,~/ ~\ o•.l~1.I "':"'I..!)I yI
The Uni ted K ingdom, ,,-»dl <S:.WI
The D orninica n Repu blic .~J..ul "J~
Omission of the definitc article: : ~ ,.:JI ;I,i J~I e~ .:.'11>-
a .. \Ve don't use IIlhe ll when \.0= ~~I ;Ii·~ '1 - i
wc a rc talking a bout things .t,.:..~1 ,:r ~
or people in gencral ... ~ ....... ..,.\;,,;,,'11 Ji

For example: :)\........!...

.. l'Ill afraid of dogs.

.. ,-, ..
. .." """,1 ";1.;.1 "1 -
.. Ail cars have wheels.
b .. With uReountable oouns
, .
...:- ~ 4l
J$' -
I.>~ ~ '1 .;JI .1..->'11 ~ - .."

.. Sugar is not good for you .!.lI e"

.r.<- ~I -
.. \Ve use "the" with the oouns .1..-> ~I ~ <.Â,!.J.,JI ;i>i J--i -
rncntioned abOl'c if they are qualified ;,:""" ..:.;IS' I;! .~i ;)ft".ul

For example: l')\......!..II
Ca o you pass the sugar on the la ble? ,.\Jill Jj <?iJl j:..J1 ~I
* 1 .. Countable and uReountable Rouns
A nQun ca n be co unta ble ..f..<. , 1..-> Î ,,1..->"'1 .:r' J ~ j li L..
or uncountable l.:"" ..f..<. 'J ,1..->ÎJ l.:""
1) A coul1table no un ean be sing ula r (apple) ois. .:.r~ ,-:?1l\ r--")'\ ( 1
1 1 (app 1es)
o rpura \.0...,... J Î 1;· "y<" .
J" . C . Î \.lI
- 1 eat an apple evcry day. · i~ j) ~ \..Q; J5'ii -

- 21 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
2) An uncountable noun has 0~ o.:ls. ~ "'i ":FoUI l'',,.,''-'i l (2
only one forRl .bii ....1) ~ J<-
·i.J"!. JS' j)'1\ JS'\\
o • "

1 eat rice every day.

llike ricc . .j }l\ I...:-""'Î liÎ
3) Countablc nonns arc things we can count, \A.:ls. ~ ~I ~4,....~1 (3
so we can say "one apple" "lWO apples" etc . ."01.::>-11" "4,:,-\Âi" ~
4) Uncountable nouns arc things wc cannot b.:ls. ~ "'i ~I $.4,....~1 (4
count Wc cannOl say "one rice "two .. j)" Jy4i 0i ~ ":J ":k.-
. " etc ...
nces ". \. i"
• 1,)))

5) We can usc a/an with t: ~I il,i .,)1.,.,0:...1 ~ (5

singular countablc nouns: :,,:,. .:f..! .;JI i,)ll ,l...~1
a book , a sllldent , an egg. .~ ,~I.k 'y1..::S"
6) Wc can' t usc singular count ablc
nouus alone (without
a/an/the/nay ctc)
1 want an apple (nol 1 want apple)

7) We can' t use alaD with

uDcountablc nOUDS.
We do nOl say lia rice" or lia water"
BUl we cao say a bowl of rice,

a drop of watcr

- 22 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

Ipronounsl I..JÇiJ\1
A pronoun is a word that replaces ,,~ y W> J" ~I
a noun 1'"'" ~I
1. Personal pronouns •• . , Il .,
~ ' oQû" ,/ J.!~
• '1 • 1

~ lI bj eç tl --+ IObjeCl I +- (JJpo') yi J.,....

I Persan S i d
We Us ~

...J,~ I
2nd Perso n . r.-"'.
Yo u Y ou !l ,;;i - r>i - w i - ..:...;i
,?) ..r- 'c:.- ' '':'';.YJ .?.i...
3rd Persa n (-:JWI j )JI) ......:WI d

He Him (4../.... ) 1"

She Her (\10)
It Il (lA , 4.) jiWI ."J 1" Ji 0/'
They Them ( I.J,/~) ":"';YJ '?:V "" - 1"" - \...0
.,. . i jil.
ji l. rJ
Examples: 1 ! '" ,i
1 respect her. .It--f>i ~i
Wc met them . .....'-'1,1; .;rù
You don'( like her. .~ '1 c.;i
He saw me . '<li) ,.;1
She hates him. ,-".f.; <1'
" 23 " | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Il bit IllC .

Thcy tied it.

5ubjcct Verb Object of preposition

Îx,.!cY ü J-i ? J.f"! ))f'"

He played with me
1 talked wilh him
She laughed all hem
We Iislened 10 her

1 Iike him and he likes me. .~ .."..i ~i

They respect us and we respect them. .r+'~ crV) L; y .i->'< 1'"
He helps her and she helps him. • • .(? L..:; 0./') Lo..(? L..., f

Subjeet + Verb + Obj«t + Subj«1 + Verb + Obj«t + Prep + Objecl of prep

cYl; J-.' Jri-' cY ti J-.' Jri-' ? . j ? ))f'"
1 like him and he sends his regards to me
Jl <iL) J--fi f ) ..".. id
We like (hem and they scnd their regmds to us
U r-o'L) j}--fi 1"') ~ crV
Yo u li ke him and he sends hi s regards to you
.!.ll <iL) J--fi f) ..,i ~i
She likes me and 1 send my regards to her
41 <iL) J--) d) ~ 0./'
They like liS and we send our regards lo them
~ l:.;L) J-- j crV) L;.r.'"'< 1'"
My Our· Your • His - Her - Its • Their
. These are possessive adjeçtives and they qualiry nou ns
,t.....'>'\ ~) 4 ..;.,li.., 0./' .~i ':.1\ ..;.,ws:J\ -

• 24 • | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
S,b + "('rb + possessh"e adj + No un
j?\i Jo' ;.,s:J.. '-'-" ('"""" 1
1 pu t on my clothes o.F' 'j... 1.f';';;1
We respect our fathers ",loi t ~ .:r'
You waste you r time é..6) c7-'" -:..;Î (r" Î)
He revises his lessons J,..... )J~ l:"=" \.J. ...:;1
She cats hec lunch t..,I~ J)G
They wate r thcir fanus ~;I.r.Jyi--< ~l
lt feeds its you ngs t..JI;.....~4'l
(J;W\ .r-"!)

S ubjeci Verb Indirect object Direct obj«t

yli J-' 'c. . J .
r.~ ~ .,oc,. J,...
She gave me a nower ;;~.J) ~t
She wro te him a lettcr ;J\...J J.:.-5-'Ài
T hey lo ld me a story ~ t5:.,. J I.,s:.,. -'Ài
1 wish yOll good luck L;b lb- (~<J) c.lJ ..,Ji
He did hec a great favou r ~~ v.l>- I,J (Ji ..Li!
She bo ught her a present ~J.A 4J ..;... J.iJ rI
"(SO)" as a pronoun "..-4' (So) J I..A::..I

1 was told 50 .0J~ ~ ..vil

1 hope 50 .!.lI; J-i
1 believe 50 ~)~Î
l'ru afraid 50 .!.lI.i5" .r'JI .Ji ~i

• 25 • | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
(ONE) as a pronoun ~ (ONE) J~I
One of you has wo n the first prize J) •'YI ;)t)-~ jÜ r5 ...l>-I•
Do one of these exercises o~ ...l.,J J-
Onc has to do one's best I)~ L»~ J~ 0Î ;)L.;)I\ Js- ~
lt is ail one to me Lf.J.;s.. J~ /,:.yl
One for ail and all for one .).,;.u c:J-1) ~ .).}JI
(lf» .)L...;JI)

2. Possessive pronouns: ;; ,i\.W> .2

Possessive pronouns stand for ~L<. ~.;s ~I }l...:.

nouns and arc thus used instead '1 ~ ~ .!.ll.l!) • L...,., ~I
of the Douns to which they rc(er .~! ;:-;; ifl .L...,.,~I .;J'

IPossessive pronounsl I<$J.. iL...:.1

Thal house is mine. ..p. .:..."JI .!.ll;
That institu te is ours. . Cl -4--i1 !lI;
This suit is his. ..J <J-ûl ,.i.
Thi s book is hers. .41 yl.:5Jl Il.
That pen is yours. .U) ~I U);
This horse is theirs. . ~ .) L.a.J..1 Il.

Ipossessive adjectivesl 1#1 ;;;J

That is my house. .0' U);
That is our institute. . ~-4-v U);

This is his suit. .d-.4 ""U

This is her book. .4<15 Il.
Thal is your pen. ..! !lI;
That is tlteir horse. .~t-. !lI;

- 26 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Arc you indeed in love with her?
Perhaps tbey will ring me up
al six o'clock.

G - Adverbs of manner

Badly (i,I>.I-) u,... Slowly ~~

Wisely ~ Weil \...",.
Carefully ~~ Carelessly J\....>~
Foolishly o~ Boldly ~~
sadly i.>J'" Cleverly i)~
Ligh tly ~ Heavily .)il=,
Correclly ~ ....;" Weakly ~
Strongly Clearly
'J"i CYJ!
Polilely ~;ty ~p. Severely o~
noisily ~ " ~rA! Sharply o~

,"~ Silently J~'
Decently a.;.ü ....;" Wickedly ;.1-;':' .....,6
Simply <kt-" Firmly r:r<
Secretly ('i.,....,) Ir' Calmly ,)-4<

Rapidly ;;r, Suddenly o~
Urgently ;J"-"' ....;,, Strongly o~
Promptly \Jj
You should not behave badly. .~ \S'yL &-ï '1 0\ ~
Il is raining hard. .o)jo.? )al ~l

He did it cleverly. .oj~~ \..t.\Si J.iJ

We solve our problems wisely. .(JuiJ~) ~~ . w.n..:... j...; <f"
The number of the inhabitants is increasing rapidly.. ;;r. ~\.?- 0tS:....J\ ;tJ.s.

- 127 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Thal is not truc. . ~ ~ \~
Thesc are my relatives. .\."sutiÎ s.~jA
Thosc are the actoes. ..J.f!..J.1 r-'" s. ~ Y'
1 will d o the same as yOll. .~ Joo.iL
If yOll are rcally my friend. show .f'fi ~.J......::> )i....; ..:.-:S' .J1
you rself as such. .1.!...lJ~ Js-
Vou arc the boss heee and as such you ~I o~) \.;.;. ~)I ~l

are the o nl y onc eesponsible before me if\"'\ J)j--1\ ~\ ...:....;Î

Why a re you teUing me ail this ? ~\.l..:b § J J~ I;,U
4. Rellexive and emphasizing pronouns: "".LoIS .;JI, :i .(ft iJ.\"":'\.G..QJ\

M yself
Yourself ,!.L...i;

Yourselves }
Itself ...,.JW\

Reflexive pronouns! ~ ;t....P

When the action passes from the subject back ~I ~ I.,....l:$o
aga in to the same subject: oI,.......A,i J&-IAII ~

They arc te.ching thcmsclves Engli sh. ..,;,Li->' I ~\ ri-<

.) ('"f'!
Make yoursclf at home. .~ J ..:.-:S' "J w j."..,a;

- 28 ‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬ | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬ - |
Help yoursclf. ,~~ rJ.>.!
It hurt itsclf. ,(.JWI ",.J) 4----'" w;i .l.iI
She dressed herself carefull y. ,"Gu 4----'" .:.-,lÎ
Emphasizing pronouns: when \...w. :;"JoS
- - y - .T'L....;.
used for the sake of emphasis .;,,?.,.:lI Joc '" J-..:...i
They told me that themselves. 'r+-" ~ .!.lJ; .j)r',Î
1 myself helped him . ,<i-"'L.. ~ \;1
Did you see that yourself ? ! ~ .!.lJ; ,,-,1; J-
He suggcsted thal himsclf. ,<-.i.:, .!.lJ; Cfll .l.iI
S. Interrogative pronouns: ~:tI
r~ J-J~
". ',

Who? (.JWI j?WI Jo J IJ-ll) 0"

Whom? (.JWI J"..J.I Jo JIJ-ll) 0"
Whose? (.JWI .!.lJlll Jo JIJ-ll) J
, ' ,
Which? (i>J.....< ,1,-:-1 0" 'o.? ; "",,1 Jo JIJ-ll) <$1
What? (i'':'"'''' .r-' ,I,-:-Î 0" 'o.? Jo JIJ-ll) I;\..

Interrogative pronouns arc uscd in J ~ ~~~I }4..Al 1

forming questions and they . ~I J.:-ï WilJ •.l!.}"il l$.~
always prccede the \'crb.

Who told yo u that? Y..:JJ':' ..:JJ Jü if

Whom did you see? Y...: . ,)) if
Whose car is this? ,J.Yo)::-.!JI o~
Which do you prefer, the film or the story? YWI ii ~I ~ 4 i
What did you do? Y~ \,:,\'"
Who is responsible for that? V JJj.-l.1 if
Whom do you like better? Y?i ~ ($..ut if

- 29 | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬ ‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬- |
* Interrogative pronouns may introduce
a direct or an indirect question.

What ha ve yOLL said? (Direct rY) ~...:..J.i I~ L..

Tell me what you have said (Indirect .".;.y..rf:-) y~ bL.. J.r.>1
Who will give the leçt ure? (Direct rY) Yo?~1 ~ 0'"
Let us see who will give the lecture o?LÀ\ ~ 0'" tSj ~.)
(Indiroct .r-y .r.'-)
Who? ~WI if Jlj-ll~.;,'
For persons singular or plural (~ Ji J j.-) rJ"~'lI4.f' Jlj-U
masculine or feminine: (~.,;.. Ji }'j.,.)

Who came ficst? Y'ljÎ ~ 0'"

Who ca n answer thi s question? YJ\j-J1 \~ Js- ~ 0' ~ 0'"
Who is your bcst Criend? YJ.kU ~~ r 0'"

Whom? :Jyui11 if Jlj-ll ~.;,'

For pmons: :..,.,I,;,..;.~I .r Jlj-ll
Wholl1 did you ask? Y...:.JL 0'"
Whom do you like beu,,? ?;5'i (J.Ai') .:,..;- 4i
Whom does he respect? Yi~ 0'"

Who,.? (.!ll11l ~ Jlj-ll) ?J

For p.rsons: .r JI);......u

Whose flag, are Ihese? ?t~ 'JI ,.\.0 J
Whose papers are these? ~ J I)) ~I oh J.
Whose car is this? YOjt:.-J1 oh J.

- 30 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Which? i.:..... ,I,!-i .:.r' '.r ) \,;:>-1 <.:" Jlj-ll ~."i
For things and perl'ons ..r'L;".:.,~IJ s.~'J1 ~ Jlj-U
singular or plural subject or object. .(..!...ij.a Ji j' j".) ~ Ji ~ j-t)
Which will you study, English ri ~P}fl U"Jx..... 4Î
or French ? Y~}JI
Which of them can we invite ? YyJ..i Ji t.:.:5:..ç 4Î
Which do you prefer, love or friendship ? !;;I.c...J1 ri "";'1 ~ 4 i
Which ward do yo u mean ? ~.>..,a.i; W> <,$i
What? For things generally ,,~t iJ:! rj& ,,~ Y' Jlj-U ~I$i ~Ijl,.
singular or plural, subjcct or object. \..~ j:.~~ ,o,).l"..,.. .r-'-
.<J~ ) 'yu 'e:-- Ji ,.,.u)
Whal are you lhin king or? ~j:.;,; l...:-'
What are you talking about? YF L..s.
What is this? Ylh t..
What do you need? Yc.l.::i \;,)...
6. Indelinite pranouns: o,)~1 ~ ".jt......QJ\ .6

Something \.. ,.,,:- Anything ,.,,:- ,,1
. • <.SI•
Somebody \..~

anybody ~
• •
Someone \.. -1>-1 AnyaDe -,>-1 ,,1
• •
Nothing ,.,,:- 'i One ,) )1 -1>-1
Nobody -I>-i 'i None -I>-i '>'
Noone -I>-i'i Ail
Everything ,.,,:- J> Other .r''11
Everybody ~J> Another .r''11
Everyone ,) J> Much (~) .r.>
A few <,.wJ) J,li Less J,J;

- 31 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
A litt le (~) J,li Enough '-'1.5'
Each (-,>-1) y Eilher (,-",,':II -I>-i) <fi
Many ('.wJ) r.> Neither !l\~ ~) Li.:. ~
Bot h ~>'I "YS Several ...l:!Js.
Eithcr or' "i
Eithcr means one or the other of IWO } J.~ 'lI) -l>Î ~
persons, things or matlers ? '1\ )i (~\
Either Ali or Sami will come Ihis morning. .... L. )i <f- loi (~II.i,. ~
1 don '( need either. .L...p ifi J.,) ':1
ft seems impossible fo r ei ther of ,:,1 L. <fi ~ J,>.:.--- d )"'"
us 10 apologize. .)~

Ncither . , , . Nor .!lI;' 'J, I.i,. 'J

Neilher money nor gold can ':'1 ~ ~jJl ':1) 'yi:I' ':1
give yOll happiness. . ,,\......JI .!J;~

We are neither hungry nor pOor. .~t". ':1) ,1';; LJ .;rV

Trust neither. .L...p <fI.} J!i ':1
1 Iike neither. . !lI; ':1) I.i,.- ..,...,.i ':1

Ali ,IS' 'b"""

• lt is singular ",hen it meaus <i'" lo~ ')ll ilb- .j ~fo .
(everything). .if:'" 'J 'J>-.f' ,.;. J'
Ali ou r love is for everyone of our if -1>-1) j5J \.:.,>- y
ch ildrell. .ulihi

- 32 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Ali is weil that ends weiL .~ ~ ~ 4.!~ ~ l,. .P
That' ail. . .!JJL.. t. Y Li..
** lt is plural. ~'hcn it is lookcd j.:; I~! ~1 ;U~ J (Ali) ,-,.Ps <>0

upon aS:l numbcr of diffcrcnl .:r ~.JS. 4-ï Î Js- 4Jl

indh'iduals or things: .~ ~~i Ji ~I)Î

Ail the people li ke to live in peacc. .r"')....,. ,,} ~1 ~ ...,..U\ JS'

Ait my friends are gen tlemen. .~;l,.;. Js- Jti...l...<:>Î JS'
Ali of them respect the olhers. 'J? 'lI J.r~ ~
1 like ail my frie nds. . ~ Jli...l...<:>Î ~Î L;Î ,}5" (, rW!)

Each boy has brought his bail. ....; .? Y ~Î
Each o f Ihem came al a .~ ...:.j) .j ~ ..l.>-I) Y ~

different time.
Each nighl. we listen to the news. .)..~ Su ~ Y ~
E,'cHone ..J..,-\, , [

Everyonc knows his place. .<l..iL<... j f i ..1.>\) Y

1 respect everyone of them. .~ ..1.>1) Y r.rÎ liÎ
If yOll go 10 the stadium, yOll can .;J.;\.5:.,.~ ~I Ji ~~ bl
see everyone of the playe rs .~')lI\ i f ..l.>-I) Y 4.!j)
Everyone ha s his own favourite ~b)' 1 ~t.;fi ~..lI ..1.>1) J5'
radio programme ~\

Evcrvbodv ,lfil (i,f) , ~ , }5"

Everybody enjoyed the match. .a:\.il~ j5J\ ~!

Her beallty was admired by everybody. .4Jl......:,.; :J} JS' ~i

- 33 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He tells everybody about his problem. .~ ,) JS" .r.'-<~!
Everybody knows the f<let. ---'1".JYfi..f UI cr
Ercrvthin g "'.,.~ ! [
Evcrything cames to him when he waits. .J~ r" ,f
Everything 1 do is for my co untry. ..,J.)yi..f Y'~i;it.y
If yOll wo rk hard , yO ll will get JL:.... ~ ~ J!
everything. ",r- y
Not cverythi ng you say is true. .~
.JJ'"-- \.. cr..r-'
,(" 1

Man\' <,JAU) ré'

Many kiss the hand they wish ta J f-"< J I .c,J1 J# J J"';>
c ut o ff. .4---W
Many li ke ta pass without doing J J' Cc,..J1 J r'"'< J J"';>
anything. .J.>-
You have made many mistakes. .i"? ,lk-i ~) .Cil
Many will curse yOll after your death. ..!J.;y J..; ?JI ~
Many love ta praise right and do ..)--..lI) jJ-I t1.. ..;...,.., r.-<JI
wrong. .JkI;J\'
Roth ,;".:!"i 1 /'JS
Bath we re barn in Nottingham. 'i~f ,j Illj L..>'JS
T hey we re ba th poor. .~ L..>'JS
1 have two brothers, they are bath L..>'JS) JI.>'''; <$=
Can 1 have bath, fathe r? ~ ....i , ~>'I .i>-i Ji .:r<.c. J>
Sorne ..e;

1 went to the bank ta draw ~ >' -!.L,JI Ji ..;:...,>;
sorne money. "'pI~

- 34 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He went ta bll y some fruit. ...,WI ..;u., <.?A -,...0;
Some of you find English difficult .."....., ,,;).;'" ""'" ~
but il is not so . ..!-U.i5' ~ ~)
Some oflhem agreed ta come with liS. .l... ,.)" ,j>- ";;1) ~
Somcthing 1..0 !:- !_2
There is so melhing abOlit their lire. .ti'1.,>- .f \.. 'C? !.lb,
There is so mething 1 don'I know. ....f i , ,j !.lb,
Something is beuer Ihan Ilolhi ng. .,.5- , ,f J..'>ii oc?
Don'I you wallt 10 tell me somet hing? ~0 J J.,., Ji J.;.J ·,i
So mebodv I..o,~
Somebody can do that. ..!-U; J"'" Ji ,J...<. \.. ~
Somebod y enlered your office. .~ J>'> \..~
SOIl1COIiC \.0 .... i
There is somconc behind the window . . i.i.;UI Jl>. \.0 ..l>-1!.le..
Somcone ca me and asked for you. ..!.Lo JL) ,le- \.. -,>-1
Are you cxpecl ing someone Ihis eveni ng ? ~,UI li. \.. I:c..i p J>
None !:-!.,.;., 'i ,1 ~1 'i

None of LIS is perfect. " J~ t.:.,. ...l>i '1
None of my friends is bad. .!:-'..5"'" Jli~i .y ...l>i '1
None 50 blind as those who won"t see. .!...W} .:." - ? pi ..l>-Î '1
.(,...,i) J ~ J-.ill Jl.ii) '. ..' Ji J J>JI , J-.ill
~- ~,
No olle believed him . "..l>-Î <Û..I.....:::! ~
No one ca n drink the sea \Vater. ~\ !:-~ '1 '-:-'r- ..l>-'ï ~
No one can have everything ,~J5)ç. ~ Ji J..>.1 ~ '1
.( # , , ..";1 Wb !.lb,)

. 35 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
No one ever repented o fh aving held his tongue. ...:.5..-
i f i..lÎ L..
1 asked man y questions but no onc ~ ~) ili.....1 oJ.s.. ..:JL...
answe red me. - . J.>.\

alher, Another c> i~1 , ,,.<;1

Shc has no other. oc>.;>'Î iJ.>-') 4<..u crJ
He carried one melon in one. 'h) ;.;..,k, J->- ..Li!
o ( ...

hand and li bag in the other. oc>.;>':Y, -y, J y.,..) -'< J

If this pen is not good. 'd\... .r-'- ~'I.i.o. J\) J!
bu y another. o.;>'i 'J.>-') .r=-!
1 have bought one and now l'II J'>') 'J.>-') ..:.....r=-' ..Li!
buy another. o.;>'i .,s.r=-L
He had a cup o f tea , then r-' .,sWI 0' l,ç J)G"
anot her and anolher. o.;>'\; .;>'i
7. Relative pronouns J,.. ~I ,.l\.W
Wh ich JM ,,;J Whose }
That jiWI ,,;J) jiWJ W hom
{ Who

The book which 1 bought is abou t r ~?\ ~.i.I\ ,,"-:..A:5J\

the Algerian Revolution. . ~)\)-\ O).f.I' ,y-
Those who live in glass houses ü Jo::! d J ~ J.i.l1 '" 'JY.
must not throw others wi th slones .o}.'!•..::l~ U"'Ullj~ ':J Ji ~ (~j ..:.T'
The boy, whose father is a tcacher, Y" r-Lv oJ"!Î t$.i.l1 ...u}1
is the best o ne in the c1ass. .~I d -\.>.1) j.aJÎ
The lady, whom you met, is our L:.;iL::......Î l/' ~ü ~\ o~\
new teacher. .o~..L:!- 1

He is a man that cao oever be trusted. . "-! :).Y. 'J ~) . . .1

- 36 -‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬ | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
jThe u erbsj IcJl.:,j)\1
The verb plays the mosr important J )J~ ~i Juill ~
role in the E.nglish sentence. .:i.:!~~1 ~I
The ",b i, a "ord that telIs Jyil J--' WS' r J-Ali
somcthing about a person or a thing. . ~~ J Î ~ 4.F ~ ~~
Kinds of verbs JWSl fi ~i
1. Regular a nd Irregular ver bs ~~L:Jl J w \rl) ~ .:>Wl Jw)r\
A. Regular "crbs ~~laJ\ JI.a.iSl .1
The rcgular \ubs arc those verbs in .;l' JW~\ JS' ~ Â:!,)Wl JW"1 1
which (ED) or ( D) is added to the ~ J! (0) Ji ( ED) 4:i Jl.a,;
infinith'c in ordcr to form the past ~\ll .y)1 .:.r..# ).l.A11
tcnse or the past participlc J~I r' Ji
r J.l..all S. Pas! Pasi partici ple
(I nfinitive) .",...UI JJ"'11 ('"""I
Meil '-:-' )~ Mel ted ,-, b Melted ,......1.1..
Load ~ Londed ;r- Loaded .)~
Laugh ~ Laughed ~ Laughed~~
W ork ~ Worked ~ Worked Jr""
C'-" O pened
1:" Opened Cr'"
Wa lk
~ Walked cr- Walked
Need Cb.... Needed Cb-I Needed Cb...

For the v<rb, th.t end in (Y) (Y ) .jP. ~.;JI JW';J;"..J,

prcccded by a consonant, we change .r.fU \.:.j~ JI,..., J ~ J.r.-
the (Y) into (1) bdorc adding (EO) (ED) J.,.a.; ,,1 J:! (1) J! (V)
. 37 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

E .rame.1('s:
• ,...,
In fi niti ve Simple Past Past participle

Dey ~ Oried O ried

Deny .A Denied Oenied
Occupy ~ Occupied Occupied
Marry C).?- Married Married
Accompany 1.,..';1; Accompanied Accompanied
Classiry ~ Cla ssified Classified
Satisry S::lIisfied Sat isfied
Tcy :Ç,"
)1.>.., Tried T ried

For n~ rbs that end in (V) . jT" ~ .;J' JW';J LJ,

(Y) preecded by a ,·owel . we only ~ li~ !l r-
. jT" J.r--
add (ED) a nd k ccp the (Y) as il is :../' W- ( V) ..j-:» .Jo.i.U (ED)
r Annoy (~j<) ",W- Annoyed Annoyed
Play ~ Pla yed Played

, Belray
Enjoy ~
:.Jr Betrayed

The final eonsonan t lelter is doubled
before we :\dd (ED) if it is
preccdcd by a s ingle l"owel letler

r Inl"i nitive Simple Past Pa st Participle

Stop .....o..i; Stoppee! Stopped

Fit ,.-!)\, Filled Fitted
Marvel J->.!.; Marvelled Marvelled
Worship Worshipped Worshipped
T ravel .1'L-,. """'" Travelled Ir:welled
Control ~I.I- Controlled Cont rolled
Kid nap (Jw, ~') ...;.b., Kidnapped Kidnapped
Drop .hi...., Dropped Dropped
Admit fi Admitted Admilled
Com mit ~<;" '? Commilted Committed
R ub ~~..!:lI~ Rub bed Rubbcd
Rob ..J~ Robbed Robbed

- 38 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Some useful regular \'erbs:
Encourage ~
, . Illurninate .L,;,Î )Î J~Î
• •
Endure ~~ ,- J~ Neglect , "'pl - J..-'I
Guide ..0..) -. J) Biarne .:JÎ - 8) - i 'J
• • •
Hire i~j - :;'8.j Confess
jl -J.r'-!
Hesitate ))j Deny ,-,k
. - .r, ~Î
Treat ~ - J-~ - cl~ Deprive 'F" - f::,.> -, C- .
Grieve J:,s - j
J.ô Contain
j>'Î Deserve
<.S?~ (~) J8~
, '
.j.;2. ~ - JO \.,..j
Grant Jy. - ~) - ~ Earn jG - ty - ~
Facil itate ~-~ Overtu rn (~ ~ t..:.ÎJ) -;Ji
Fix -.:. :i' - ~ - ~ Prevent jy j>- - é?
Increase ;1)j! - ) \j Disappear <.S}f - ~j
Decrease Jj; - ~Î Recover (~}f) ,I..:...j - ~
To rture J-.<:; - "'~~ Pretend :..i' - '.>'~I
r) L5 "
Inquire <.Sr - ~j Produce iJ.; - RÎ é -
Insist ~ f"'Î - CJÎ St ruggle J-"~ - -">t.- - c'l5'
~Î - cL ? I}:;';'

Jor:-~ Revenge J
' t; - ,.A;:; 1
Observe . J - b-'J
--..JI SufTer :..;15' - ~li - JI;.
Poilu te ...h -
~ ~\ Swullow )~)
) L
~\ - c--:·
.. bl --A.t
Leak y~ Threaten JJ-j - ).:k..;
Declare cr: - ~Î Reproach f'J - .:j\i;
Us urp
).1; \ - ).1.,..

- Reform
- (0.;,0'-) i f , ti
..:.,~ - r)j - ~'
~ '.1
Testify (~ - Mu lt iply J.;.S - j~ - -,,1)

, 39 ' | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Wither OlTend 'jy-:. tft - jjS'
Wet Oppose rJli - j.j~
Roam , ,_;...l..- - r'L> Flatter yl5 - J.Lë
Sq lIeezeJs-.;4' - .b..;, - ~ Improve ;"')I~! - :;.i - ~
, '

Shelter J! L;.:I! - ? - ~ - <.SJI J>- J8-1 - t:c;. - jJ.

Stir f:? - 11;. - .!lj>- Exaggerate J? - jlJ - ,(3~
Revea l l'r, ~,- v ;.~ - ft"
.. I,i Depart .!l; - )'~ - J>-j
Pro vid e l..i - lii - Jy - ,~j Desire :;0 - J ' o • ~)

Affirm .:-ii - is"Î Adopt (~ij) {)li1,) .ft

Belong J!~! -;,;. Demolish ,.-1>- - r"""
Alter Change

B. Irregular ycrbs: • .iWJI ';WSI _.,..

Ali the ,'erbs that don't ha\'c """ ~ "j .}I JW~I JS'
(D or ED) in the past, arc r." ...-"111 ci (ED) Ji (0)
irrcgular \'crbs. .;;\:. ' 'jwi
aj lrregular verbs w!1Îch have no cha nge .r.dü l$i ~ i~ ':1 ô.>L;. Jwi - i
Infinitive Simple Pas! Pas! Part id pie
)~I ..,..UI JyAll,-1
Bu rst
, " ~
.,.;.;.; - cs'l'
--1 Bursl
H il f:uw.! - .:;~ Hil Hit
. ' .!l/-H Let Loi
é? -f*
Sh,d t) - Shed Shed
Spread :r-;
, ,;.-.:.:;\ Spread Spread
Swe:1I J'i- - -J/' Sweat(swe,lIed) Sweat(Sweatro)
Rid J' ..;..t;.; Rid Rid
Cu t ~/t!" Cul Cu t
Bet .:,>,) Bol Bol

- 40 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
bl Some verbs have the same fo rm -'<r"I ~ t-" JW~I .?- -..,..
In the pa st and past participle: Jyill r-I) ""UI <JI..- J
r Infi nitive

Buy ~
L;,J - j.:.; - A'
•$ <.Sr!

Bo ught
Past Past Participle

Bough t
Creep .j8• -' - J8
• ' $ . - ......A>- j - Crept Crept
Dig ..:...A.i - ;".- Dug Dug
Foretell '- ~
é!y - ,- _: - ~
~_ Foretold Foretold
sleep __ .Jj -
) - Î-~ Siepl Slept
Keep J.>
.6l;. - d- )-- ' KepI Kept
Lie ,",;;1 - .:-i> Lied Lied
Pa y w.,.. ti; Paid Paid
Shool (;,;.wl) if) - '-'"'\ Shot Shot
Spend (Ci)) ~ - ~! Spenl Spent
..l-,jl - ..;.1;1
SpoLl , Spoilt Spoilt
Think J,/:r<;i Thought Thought
Weep ..:-;.j - ~ \Vept Wept
•• I..S"" ...
Win )
' l> - .:..-:S
.- Won Won ,
c - .:rS
- 8.1 - Swepl Swept

cl Some verbs have diffcrent ~ ..:...~..,...aï 4J J W~\ ~ - -':"

conj ugations in the three fonns: ..:...)ll>- ..:.-,')131 J
Exumplcs: ,
In finiti ve Simple Past Past Participle

Begin Began Begun

Blow Blew Blown
Break Broke Broken
Drive Drove Driven
Forbid Forbllde Forbidden
Forget Forgot Forgotten ·
Fo rgive f$""-- Flew
Fo rgiven

- 41 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Grow p. - .(7"<) li Grew Grown
Freeze . .'
~ - J..!..;. Froze Frozen
~. s::.:.,
F - ji; Knew Known
Shrink ...,.- . .J..." - .J-li Shrank Shrunk
$,w ' . - J.~.
j)~ Sewed Sewn
Ride (<;b.,;J»..,h-! - ~) Rode Ridden
Swim o~ ..:..i J)j-! - Swam Swum
Shake , ii) . tf
' - /' Shook Shaken
1 . - - r'
Spring ~ ~J Sprang Spnmg

Remark: there are Intransitive and transI/ive verbs

-!-.JA;. JW& -<-jY JWÎ ~f :b)i..
a/ llltunsith'c I"crbs: "'j:>U1 Jw)'i ,i
They are the verbs tllat dOIl't take
an object.
i>-Î; 'J .JI
Jw:", d'
. .
.'; 'J"..,...
Examp /e!>·:
Wc go to the stadium . ...,......u1 JI """ i; .:r'
The sun shines. .J.r; ~I
The d og disappea red. 'cP-'~1
The shîp sa nk. .';:";j- ~ I
,Don 't come Jale. .I,,->-Î:.. ~Î; 'J
l didn 't sJeep weil. .I.t,>c lA r.I
Live and let live. .~ il.r.f é'J J->-
bl Tran s iti n~ ,·crbs ":-.....11 JW)'i ,,,,
• •
They are the ve rbs whîch tukc i>-\; .JI Jw'Jl d'
an object. . .'; 'J;'"
EXllIllp/es: :"
He Iikes rootball very llluch. .1pS' t.c<J1 i.f -,....; .,;1
Don't expect :lny help rrom me. . ..;- i -'" L- ",i è ys 'J

• 42 • | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
ln a few yea rs, he wi ll carn fllm e and
We bought a new T.V set.
She is having her lunch.

Somc \'crbs tukc IWO objects: .:..,1 """ j,,;. b J W~ l , ~

(.:..,1 t'# ~ ~)
Extl/"ples: :~

He made her happy. ,4,ü J>- )),r-l' Jo',i ..\.il

They found him a slecp. , W~ ' )-'e-) ..\.il
They set the prisoners frec. "L......J' C'......
l.,.<Jki ..\.il
These problems made me tired. ,~i J5'L<..l1 o~
T hi s conversation l1ulde me sick. .(..»)\) ~~\ \ j -.:...:.:-- o~
2 - Auxilia ries l.,jw.)'1 ) Î l..Wl1 Jw~ 1 , 2

They are divided into two groups: .:.,..-.i Ji ..........

Gro up: A = The au xiliary verbs. ,i.\<oUI j w'>" :(i) ...~ I
Groll p: B = The defect ivc verbs. ,WiUI j w'>'l :(-,') ...-"",,,,1
A: The auxiliar\" \·crbs ,.\<oUI JW~I :Î
The il llxiliary verbs a re TO DE, ,,,Çi J-i) if '.\<oUI J w'>'l
TO HA VE und TO DO (J-Ïi J-i ,.;,.U.. i J-i
The a uxiliary verbs help the ma in J w '>'I .\<oL...; ,.\<oUI jw'>'l
verb ta form the foll owing: :J< \.. J-r<'; J>- ;""":)i
1 - The tenses ~}oll - 1
2 · The voice (uctive, passive) J~ ~\; r;.......t! ~I ~ - 2
3 . The interrogat io n r~ 'lI1 _ 3
4 - The Ilegat io n ~\ _ 4
5 - The emph asis ..J..$"'p l _ 5

- 43 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Ive'b 1o Bf - ,-,pl J.;I
Formation ,.~ é\:JI

Present r)L.,a,.
Am 0;1
~ ~,~
Ace (-,...1.'-"1) 0o' y 0 ,'oy 0 ,0o'~ ,y;:, ,0~

Future ~,

ShaH - wi ll + be of.; - of; - Off-,. - Oy0 - 0;1 j y

Present 0-;"- Past ..,..~ Future j,.i:--'\

am .JÇi was (.;.,) 0\5'

Will + jJ""
+ b<
,He off< - 0y<O were J - 1:) -
, If" sha ll of-,.
i, 0"" -of< r .. (' - .;..5 -
. ~

Being = Present Participle ~~ r- I

Been = Pas! Participle J.,.wr l
Affirmath'e (orm vl.r~h ~

,,- Pronouns Simple present Simple pas! Future simple"

;L...;.JI ..
.h...., t ) L;... .h...,
.. .r . \.. .k,..., ~
[ am was will, shall be
We are were will , shall be
You are were will be

~ he l' was will be
they are were will be

• 44 • | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Somc cxamplcs: ,j
,.. ... .
, . 4. 1 L.JQA:I

It is raini ng dogs and cats. .(<,\.:5") i) ';- }>.ë 4'1

She is an ange !. ..!l)\. 4'1
He is a bore. ·(rjJl) Jkll J,Z ...;1
You are the light of my eycs. ..,r)jd
They were dead serious. .Ii.". J.' t". Ij \5"
Vou are just like your brother. .\..\i ~Î ~ ..0;1
1t was a bad moment. .;.".? <kl- .:..;\5" .>
lt is time to bed. .r.,J1 .:.:;) ,j \.,.. .>
They a re funny persons. .,j~ .rI.;...:.Î ti'l
1 shaH go T ommo row. .Ill ~iL
W c will do il. . .! J-.L ,~
Nce:atiw (orm ..wl ~
V Pronouns Present simple Past simple Future simple'
)I....AII .J,...,...,
-' t ) \..4. .J........
- . .r''l. ~ J,.i:--
1 am not was not will/shaH not be
We are not were not will,shall not be
Vou are not were not will not be
She is not was not will not be
They are not were nOI will not be

Somc cxamples: ...:..~ ..,;...,.

This art icle is not worth read ing. . i, 1,;1 ~ ;.J.>, .r.'- J\ \.i.o
1 am not ail right. . ri; \.. .}>- .:.-J
It was not a nice time. .\.i.kJ
\:i . (". . 1
) .:r" r-
You a re not the master of the situatio n . .Ji}1 .>;..- .:.-J .:..; Î
She will not disturb me again <,;~ ~y J ,jy

- 45 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
InlerrOJ!:lliw fOrln

1/ Simple Presen t Simple Past F uture Simple "

(). ..,.. ..r"\.. ~
Am I? \Vas I? Sha H 1 be?
Are we? Were we? Shall we be?
Are you? Were you'! W ill yO ll be?
Is he? Was he? Will he be?
ls she? \Vas she? Will she be?
Is il? \Vas il? Will it be?
Are they? \Vere they? Will Ihey be?

S ome examples:

W ill yO ll come tomo rrow? ~I~ ,).;;...... Jo

Were yOll he re yesterday? \r-'-JI., c.. J Jo
Is that clear? ~- L
,......;:.\, l '"

Am 1 that bad? ~~I li" J! 'c?' t;Î Jo

A re you tired of waiting? ~)\k'jl ,.:...lJ.. Jo
Why are you ail mixed up? ~Jç.. -/, 1"": H
What are yOll planni ng?>.; 1; \..

Vcrb l'to ben is used to fOfln

:lI the continuous tcnscs:


Th~y are listening to the radio. -t1;..w.J J ~ r-'"'!

They were playing football. -r..wl i.? Jy-l, Iyl> ..w
They will be doing theircxam tomorrow. _"I..o..~\ "y';' "f;;""-
She is getting on weil. -r
..1.0;; 1 -.1
~, | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬-- 46 - ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬

Verb "to be" is IIscd to rOrln ;;.;.".... ",-Y.;;.J 'ù~' ~ V .. - 0;
bl p~ssin~ ,'oic(' J~ ,..,JI 1..."

To bc + past p:uticiplc J"....:l' 1""'1 + iJh J..i

The ne\V hospital is built.

The agreement will be signed .
...I.:!JJ..\ ~\ ~~ ;; Ji ....r. . e·",
...I.:!JJ..1 ••i
. JlQ.;)l1 ~

YOuf services are no longer needed . . ~.,..u:.. J.N ~ -!.J.;L.....I.>-

Crimina ls must he hanged. .~ft l ..;:.;. ~

Many ho uses \Vere demolishcd. .(~) ..:...-lk ., :. .r-JI.;/ 1?
el the subjuncth'e mood , .fl,;j'il M;..P le.
E:mmples: , 1" Q
If 1 \Vere yO ll . 1 \Vould kill him. .~ ~t5:... .:-:S yi
Ifshe \Vas a fish.llobody would catch her. .J.>..i u..:llJ:...:,1li 0:.-.....:..,;1$' ,}
If he \Vere yo u, he wou Id put an end \J.>.. ~ yi ~tS::... .)1.5'" yi
to all thal. .•! ~
If he was a lion. he \Vould hunt ail 'vUI JS" v./J)I LL.,..Î .)1,) yi
the people.
Vcrb to have


Presen t ljw.- Past ..,-"\.. Future ~

ha ve ~ - ~i had .;..5J..-.;).\, sha ll '-14 + j,..
JA (Ip t . will (.J).!.ll.€
has .!lli - .:.Ll.€ + have (.)') (.J)
Having = Pre' nt participle Jo- ,-'
Had = Pasi p:lrticiple J.,...... ,-'
" :'7 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Affirmath"e (orm

V Pronouns Present Simple Pa st Simple Future Simple"'\

)l....>.Il l ;L.;.,. ,s-"\.. ~
1 have had shall have
We ha ve !lad shaH have
You have had will ha ve
She has
will havc
will ha ve
Il had will ha ve
They h:IVe had wi ll ha ve

1 have my lunch at twelve thirty. . ~I)? 41!11 ~ JIjJ;. J)L;Î
We had a happy lime al the sca-sidc. ... ~l!J1 Js- \....::1 l::.i) ~
You have my ward. ..}.r-< .!l ~ i
They have il grcat many things to do. .op> J~i ~.u
1 have a reaso l1 or my OWIl. •'-'" CL 1 <5
_r s::.;; <5.u
He will have finished his work ..w c#l.û J~
Ihis evcning. .,UI Il.>
Negalh"c (orin
, -II -.

, Present Past Future

1:)':0.. .... \.. ~
Has not (hasn't) Had not (hadn 't) ShaH
Have not (haven·t)
} ."Ol +h,",
\ViII ~
1 haven't any idcu. .o.f.> <.fi <.f.u ..:. . :i
He has not any choice. . ~ '-'1) )t,>- ",.u c.r-J
She hasn't ally rriend in the c1ass ,...-'l' J ,-,<-'-" ."i \;<.u ~
- 48 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
They have [lnl gal experiencc. .i.r." r-".u .;.".y. 'i
You h:lvc 11111 gUI Ihe ambition. .c.rk ~-~ J.>,.y. 'i
Inlcrrogalin' rorm r~~1 .....,...,
Have (in Ihe appropri:l1e tense + Subjecl .

Have yO ll anything to say? ~ J-"" \.. .!J,.u J.'>

Has she reccivcJ her letter? ~4:iL-) ~ Y.
Shall we have ;\ serio tls wlk? ~\.!..\.:l:- ~J.>. "::"'J.>...::.j ,Ji wy
Will yOll have dinner with me tomorrow? ~ !..\i. '-tI'" "L.!..J\ J)O j..t>

Have yOll a lot of Iroubles? ~~\.:.\.1 ..:.r \~ ~..u ~

Had Illey reviscd their lessons before ....,..,~jJ l j.:.i r-'-"))J 1~ 1) ~
Illey went ta bcd'? ~Îr!1 J!
ImpcralÏ\'c t'orlll: ......')\ ~
A. Affirll131h'c ImpCr3lil"c ~I z'~1
I-Ial"c + Object ,,<>1.11 .r''JI
Do hrn'c + Objcc! JS'jll .r' 'JI
God. have mercy 011 me. .JJi " <f'">;1
Have fai th. .Lo r J
Have patiençe. .1)-,"" J
Have the cOllfage ta face life. . i\.)-l ~I} ~
Have 11 good time. .-!Jjy c!
B. Negatil"c Impcrntil"c (,,,.dl /il) ,-,+11 .--'
Ncvcr h~n"c + Objec!
Don' t han + objeci
Neve!" have faith in liars. .I..f.:! . '" 'i
. I-'..<J\'.IJ,Î 1,.>

Don't have mercy on traitors. .u,.::\.J..1 J>- F 'i

Never have a secret discJosed . .~ \, IJ,Î c:-ë 'i
Don '1 have him herc. .b <i;i 'i

- 49 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
The usage of nrb "10 h:l "c" '..u..ï ~J~I
A • As a full ,"erb: e~ , ~ .i
to express possession ~I..,., ~
ln conycrsation, GOT is U~ (GOT) ;ws- ".)1..;0;
of tell added. . ,;:;li,\.:1 J
Examplc!i: •
She has fi lot of English books. .,,~'J I ~I .:r .?JI 4<J.!
Ali has a fai r complex ion. ., L.,;", .j>- i A
1 haven't 1l111ch mo ncy. .,,,..w' .:r p:..<J1cfJ.! ~
They have privale cars. .wl> ..:,.,\}~... tT...u
We had no IÎme 10 spare. .~ u) l,J.! ~

B. As ail auxiliar" "crb ~I..,... , ~ . ..."

rO (ofm the perfecr tense rI:J 1 .J') l ""fol
Fu ture Perree! Present Perreet Past Perfeet

ShaH } + P.. S!
Will h<l ve Participle H"') Particip1c
+ P oIS!
+ Past Participle

Examples: j

They have done thei r besl. 'r-"~ c5JW> I}..c .J.i!

He hasn't finished his homework yel. •..M.,. ~l) ~ ~

Wc had discovered the truth. .:ü,.iJ-1 ~I .J.i!

1 had never seen him berore. .j,i .:r ,) r-'
Wc will ha ve prepared ol'··selves L.A;i l;'" J,j j rC
by the end of the year. ·rWI "'4-'<

- 50 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Ycrb to Do ~" ! W

formation -
Present t JL;... Past '-""\.. Fut ure JL--'
do j-W- J--'i
.. -
(0) \.:•.J.,;.! ShaH } d o Y;\....

J.-.i; -o~ did 'r wil! 1..I~+Jy

.k . )\..<,
does j-W J./ .-J .

Doing = Present plIrticipJe y\i r--I

Done = Past purticiple Jy-i-or-- I
US i":e J lç-"c..:'J 1
Yerb to HOf)!I as a full l'erb .}IS" J...iS" .. J-di" J-i
10 express pcrfur,llill!! an action J-i Ji ~ ,I,i .:r ~

What arc they doing? ~.)~ bL.

He will do his best ta win the prise, ,o)W-~ jyiU o~ !.SJ\....a! J~

They did thcir work very weil, .1* ~ \yl ..ûl
At Rome. do as the Romans do .)L.))I ~ L.S L.)J .j
.(r-")." "--', \..)
We have do ne il as yotl likc. .~ L.S ~l:.::lf ..ûl
Vcrb to "DO" as ail auxiliary \'crb J.a.AS 'J,Aj1' J.-..i

al to Corm thc ncgath'c ~I ~ ,;.r..# li

D o not (don't)

D oes not (doesn' t)

Did not (d idn't)

- 51 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

1 don't lîke the talkati ve persons. .,j.ut!;.I\ (..!"~~\ ~i 'Y

He didn't tell the truth. .~\ ~ r..l
She doesn'l respect him. . otA .;i. 'Y 4-il
We don't build castIes on the air. .~\~, J (Ij~) t;')ü 0 'Y ~
(J"";1) J'd J")
Vou didn 't lislen carcrutly 10 his advicc.

bl to fonn the interrogative:

Do + Subje<:t + Infinitive . ?


Does he like English? ~,,;# 'YI J'

Do yo u prerer rcading? ~i,I.r'l1 J.:..ii J'
Did Ihey belicve you? ~!ljL J'
What do you mea n? ~..l....aZ I.~\..

Where did yo u sec him? ~~i) Ji

How do yO tl co me 10 school? ~,-).ul Ji di,; ~
cl to build the cmphalic fOfln ofvcrbs: :JW~I J.fb ;,;.,., :#,>.J le.
1 do see him every day.
She does trust you.
We do hale cowa rds.
He does see lire .
They do love hîm.

- 52 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
dl to make question tags:


Hedoesn'tcareabou tthaL doeshe ? ~~..iS' ~; ...!JJ~ "'::"'f-~ '1 <01

Vou understand me, don't yOll? ~~..iS' ~\ .~ ..:.Li
She di d the ri ght thi ng, klJ.iS' ...,...,JÎ , ~Irdl :.;,>- c:.J.i .li!
didn 't she?
We don 't deny your rights, do we? ~.:.U..iS'~; ,..0i~ .f..;:, '1 ~

el to give short ans\\'ers:

Yes, 1 did. .:J.i!",
No, she doesn' t. JAAi '1 4' l "jS'
No, 1 don·{. "jS'

Please do. J-".i'

fI to express urgcnt requesls: :,k pl t' .le- ,II :f: r::tdJ!)
Do help me this time. ,(.:1,;<) ;)1 , j", J~L. '

Do trust me. , (~ JJI,) ~-'-"

gl la forlU the IIcgativc Impcratiyc: :,# l
"""" .ri,>::J !<$
Don' t disappoint me. ,.}' ~ '1
Don't do that agai n. ,<,; li .!.ll; JU' '1
Don 't blame me. '<F'~ '1
Don't tort ure her. .4;.i...; '1

B - The dcfectives UjUI J w~1 - ..."

The defectÎ\'es do not folio\\' the same ... I} &' '1 UjUI Jw~1
rules of ordinary l'erbs. .l;,WI Jw~1 ~.r'

- 53 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Present /t../~ Pa" /...?\..
shaH ..)r- Should
will "'>y Would
+ intinitivc
Can ~
, '
May 4') 'jJ MiglH

Ollghllo Ji ~
Need r-"'r}···· .... infinitive

Used to b\w.... j\S .....


Ocf('cth'cs are always fo llowcd

by the infiniti\"c.
Ex amplcs on the usc or the ~~~, ! ~ ~1

"efecl ivcs ~W, JwSl

The beadmastcr wouldn't come IOday. .r.,)1 p.J.1 .j~ .:)
1 would ralher wail ifyûll don't milld . . L.ù\...o ..:...~:.JJ.:..r~ ~ b!).1..:i')l\ ..J-~i
Vou would better star( al once. .JlL\ J Î..l:i .Ji ~
1 would l'al ber SI,lY al home J ~l J ~~\ ~i
in Ramadhan. .J~) ~

1 can speak many languages.

- /"
....:....W ~.J..Ç. r-L<.....;I JI ..,r-"'f
é" .

Vou can llse Illy lIbrary if you bl .r~ ~k... ')Il ~LS:...~
want. . ...:.....:)

- 54 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He CêllÙ bclieve yo u. ,~~ Ji )J.4: '1
You can have Ill y car ir yO ll .)! ,j)L,.. JL..,.,...I ~
are În a hurry. .~ ci ë.-S
Can yO ll get ro und that? ~ -'..l); J>- j<WI .!..L~ J-
1 ca n see the diITerence. . J.rJ1 ~),i ifl
C m wc talk? ~ l...o ..:, -""'" .)i J-c. J-
Can yOll give me a hand? ~ ,j_,A..... .!..L~i
1 cOllldn't remember h is \lame. .~I.? _d Ji ~ I ~
COllid yO Ll d o me a ra vour? ~~).J'" JI <.?.J.-:i J-
He couldn' l hclp her. .l;;-'>-L. ~ ~
He l11ay cOllle within a rew minutes. .Jfl.i.:l ~ J)6:. ~ 4")
They ma y go wit h us. ,L:..v J rit. 4")
May 1 use your telephone? ~.!.li # J\.......:......~ J ~Î
They might nOI pass the eX'lin. . Jb...;;..)1\ .} \~ ~ l/)
May 1 join yon? ~r«,JI ~L...;,,;'1t, J .)~ J- '
The martyrs d ied so that . j)?)rl ~ Ji ~î ,J" d~\ ..:...t...
othe rs might live.

1 ll1ay be olel bul l reel yo ung. ~\ -,r-<J) ..:rJI .r-$' -li
.~L:. if"
Il might be il tra p , ,(o~) I..:;.....! li.:. .j.r~ Jj

Ma y yOll be happy. .o.:l\.........J\ .!.1l ~\

M ay you live lo ng. ..Br-'" .jJ\ J\.kÎ
, . ,
May a il yOuf dreams co me truc. .~')\:...\ ~ ..u\ . .~
YOll mU SI tell the t ruth ,J.:L \.ri- .. ~ ":l) J.:L I J ';; Ji ~
and llothing but the tr uth .

- 55 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
You must rcvise your lessons. .:,L..).J) e-\; .Ji ~
berore the cxam. ..)\,.;.. ~I J,i
YOlt must Ilot drive too fast. .;..:.~\ J .1;; ':} .)i ~
You must Ilot miss that film . .~I \...Î.:l ~~ ':} Ji ~
1 must sec him now. .0':;\ ~\) ,Ji ~
You ought 10 respect your parents. .~..ul) i.ri .)i ~
Sneh a monkey business . ~~I Jl...>- ~\ ~...Î.:l ~ i~' ~ ':J
oughl not to be donc.
You ought to look beforc you leap. .;."k>- -$Î Js- iU,;':}' j:.i )1;; ,Ji ~
She ought to stop ealing too .,:..d) bl ',.$ §t- ':} ,Ji ~
much ir sile wants to be slim. ,:loi" :'~.J 0)-<; .)Î
You oughl Ilot 10 go beyond the ma rk .cLl li> j)~ ~ .)Î """""
YOli nccdn't be hmry. .;J."...JJ .;'1, ~
You ncedn't come back. ..!Ji,ri .;'1, ~

J- ;" le- JU t 1, . .,r-l

YOli needn't have answcred ail .'.lL.> .:.r<o.
't he Qllest ions. .Uc..~1 J'
People used to think 50. ..! .) A ;fUI.)\)
1 l1scd to go to the sladiulll Ji """,.il 1 ..:..= 1
cvery Friday when 1 was in the .j ..:-S L.= ....... (fi J'
university. ...,..M·I
Thcre lIsed to be an army camp. .~ I.f-... L.> J.o,.fi .)\)

Hc used 10 live alone. .~..J...> -' ~ 01.5'

You !lever lIsed to trcat me '-'<,.hll '-4< ej-L.l..i I-,<Î cf.; r-l
like th is.

. 56 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Dar..: he spcak (0 he r ? ~~ jl)/,! Y.
She d'lfe IlO I refuse. ,~)i .)>- ).J. 'J 4'!
How dare yOlL say slIch a th ing ? "
Jy 10 ' i.
<5"" ) ç ~

IThe ' e nsesl l........j~11

Thcrc arc threc main lime divisions: :~) ~j tUÎ;;~ ..l.>:-j
"/ - Tlle Present t.;LAl.I -1
2 • Tile Pasl .,....,111 - 2
3 - The Future J,iW1 - 3

Thc rc are Ilnce main forms ~,

":.•/"j':; ..l:>:- ~~

or lc nses: :'-'..},u
A - The simple tenses l.h,....,J1 "") ~ 1 -1
B - The continuous censes ir-ll ",,)~I -..,.,
C • The perlect censes ... 1;;)1 "")~I -t
A - The simple tenses ;ih ",II L',"ll .i
Thl' present simple tense .l:,....,J 1 E) WoU 1
1 - Affirmative farm .;;w~\ 4...i.......o -1
The infinitive \Vith L we, yotl. chey ("r) r-t> (-:..Ni) ~i ,.:..J ,t;i ~ )~l
1 Iisten ~I cl
Wc li sten <,?""" J'"
You Iisten j y....a; ~I} d
They lislen j'
y.-.a< r
The Infini tive +S \Vith the third person sÎn gula r (he- she-it)
S+ ).c..ll (he , she . il) " ,;lI -,..)WI ~
He lislens

. 57 · | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Shc listens
Ir barks (ë") (JM ~) </' /r
l\~ B: l(;e ad(/ ES ~~ : ~.,k.; J
• ES for vcrbs cuding in: SH • CH • O· SS i.}WI ..J)}-4 <,pl JW~I (ES).i>.b
Wish - catch· ki ss-Go
He wishes to sec you . ..:J.;..~)
- .t
0.:; . '"'
....:; <1

Sile catches the .ball . i .r<J\' .!.l-.i 4-'1

He goes to school '-) _u.1 JI ..,...,; ';1
She kÎsscs her baby. .t.. 1 ;, 1. '1
~...r.- ~<

•• 1ES· for ve rbs ending in ( Y) (Y) ..J.?'< '.,: \1 Jw)iJ '-,-J\,

preceded by a consonant JL.. j.?'< Jr-1 '

and we o mit the (Y) ( l ES) ~) (Y) ..Ji.., r~
Cry - Crics tr"" - ~
The baby cries ~ JAWI
Dry - Ories ~

He dries his c10thes near tbe fin:. .)U\ ~} ~;A. ~ ....:;1

Try - Trics J)i>."

She trics 10 unders tand everything. ".5- J5' ~ J)1.i 4-'1
2 - Negatil'e lorm: .jJ1 ~ . 2
+ Does not (doesn·l) + Infin itive
The other PronOllns + Do not (Don·t) Infini livc

"pl .J.<UI wJl

• 58 • | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
She docs "01 gct up early. .C.r~ ~)I +;
He dOl'S liaI kce p his wo rd. ....:.....JS •\ ....::.:>v- ) ....; \
We do "01 hate yOll.

They do liaI a ttend the meetings. . ..:.>t.Y~ 'lI, j)~ --; ~!

3 . Interrogative form: e~")\ ~ .3

Docs ~ Third persan +
+ ~;: \ ~W \ ~ ) -'-.d l
With the othe r prolloull s:
V~rb 10 Do + Subjcn + Infinime ~ "

Docs he play chess? ~ Co.k..!J1 Cr) ~ .r

Dacs sile listen to music? .~y-I! V) ~ J-'
Do yOll pre/er il cold drink'? ~b)~ ~' J..r-"
. ' .....)...:U;"
Do the)' accept the p roposaI? ~. ~ ..JI l )~j \.::>
'-' ... ..... .
The main usages of the '-:--:l t 1 .;.,~ l.A:...> ~I
simple present. . .h,...J1-t ,i.=ll
1 - To express faets or genera l ;...\> .;.,~" .;.,WI } ,yIA>-I Y ~

A . Etcrnal faets: (-"'" 'i '" ~) i. Il \.>. •;5\,i,.. -1

The eart h m ovcs round the- ~. . .....-:JI Jr- 1..~ J~l\

The sun fi ses in the East and -,..iU)
J ~I ..... j ~ ....-:JI
se ls in the West. .-' ,il! .j
Il rains in willl er. j J=!. L;;!
l n Sl1mmer il gels very hot li". i"".L';, i ,1 ).1 ~ ....A;-.d 1ci
in Ihe Sahara. .,1 ".....dl ,/
. 59 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
B· Special fucts and genenll sla!ements: ~ ,~li>- , .... ~ Jl,ii - ,-"
1 like travelling very ll111ch. .I.?' JI.>-)l ,,-:--,"""i
We bclievc yO ll. . ..! ~
Active students alwa ys work hard. .~ j~ Wb ,-\k.!.J1 4bJI

Bad people !lever tell the trllth. .\J..:.Î JJ.....a.l1 j}~ 'j /,;. \;1

c - Provcrbs (;);ÎJ.I JI";:"I) J\;.:"I -1:

Advcrsity trics friends. .,-t:i~ \;1 ~ jJI..l.!J1

Oiamond cm Oiamond. ·C.f'UI F V"111) ~ ~J.J.-~ J..!..u..\

A wise hcad makes a close mOlilh. . 04.iU jL.,., ,y yW\
Acis speak louder Ihan wo rd s .J\j:.y\ ,y ~i Jw\;\
A light pursc makes a heavy heart . "~I )-'-" JI..;.
You can Ilot teach an old r i J>- J-i'.Il5" ;....all J ~I
dog new Irick s.
.rJ1 J>- J-i'.Il5" Pl J ~I)
"'-'1)4-- t:.,.; l,l5" r Ji ~ 'i)
2 • To express habils aud JW~I) .;.,I,WI .:r ~ - 2
rcpea ted actions: ;)#1
Pupils go 10 school every day. ory. § '-).0.1 Ji Jr"~ .i.,.-)ldl
1 revisc my lessons bcfore 1 go ta "r.,J1 cP <-?))> t""1) <l,I §
bcd every night. ,
1 shave and have a b:llh cvery Frida y. .~ rY- J5' ~i) ,..;;~ j,!;-i
1 have a cup of coffee cvcry morning. ·C~ J5" ~~ j~ J)GÎ
3· To express present actions ;.ri''J.-\ ~I..l>-'i\ ~ ..rU - 3
, '
1 understand yO ll very weIl. . L~ ~\

- 60 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
1 live in a very nice house. .~I) i.". J.r- ,j ~i \;i
That makes me Ceel quite sick. .jI.r-:- '>'L "":'1 ~ 1»
1 Ceel lircd o ut. .,tp '>'~ .,..:.i
He repcats what he says. .J"", \.. ).f-, ..;!
Devclo pmcnt starts with people. . jL....;'>'L i"", (tJ..i,Jl) WI
The past simple tense .k.....J\ ! gèUI
Formation .. ~ ,?::lI
Affirmative Corm: ..;.. W~I ~

Weak ve rbs: :(~I) <1.,-,)1 J W~ I

Wc add (0) for vcrbs cnding in the "owcl (E) .

. (E) .:JJI .jr~ ~ .;lI JWSU (0) ~

Wc add (ED) for the verbs ending in a consonant Wc add (IEO) for the
"crbs whieh end in (Y) preccded by a l'owel.

.;lI JWSU (IED) J.,.A;J Jt... .j.i'" ~ .;lI JWSU (ED) ~'
.(!lf"") .;,J .j.i'" ..;J:-' (y) .j.i'" ~
Examp/es: (D) ,
dance - danced ..,.;) like - liked ~I
" li.
hate - hated if live - lived cf
separate-separated j} ,j.:,; serve - served rJ.>.
receive - received ,.w hope - hoped Ji
EXUltll!./es: (ED)
annoy, annoyed (:"
. )1 betray, betrayed Cl\.>.
play , plllyed
spray, spmyed
stay, stayed
delay, delayed
~ ,
J"I ,J>-I

. 61 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
EXlllllp/('.\·: ( / ED)

~ - j>-I
cry. cned
supply. suppliee!

.. occupy.occupied
muhiply. mulliplied Jû;.L.
envy. cnvied ~ copy, copied
; .;
dassify. da~ si lled Yy.<.~ apply. applied -",1
Natify, Notified r i- »-1 certify. certified Jf ,~

Strong verbs (lrregu lar verbs)

IThese verbs should be lcarn! by heart:l .6i Ji ~ JW'l1 ,.i."
E.Wll1lp//!S: •
Dig Dug Dug
Build ..i' Buill Buill
Broughl Brought
Bled Bled
Flee ~/ Fied FIed
Forelell Li Foretold Foretold
Nega tive (o rm : cf'll ~
Subject + Did n OI + Infinitive
+ + J.w11

1 did not sec him. .•) r.l

Wc did not believe him. . ... ..c.a; r.l
They did not discliss the matter. ../!1 1""':';L, r.l
He did not get up early. 1';'" Jo.B r.l
Sile did not catch the bus .wlJ-1 J>-li r.l
Interrogative (orm: r4,.i;....~1 ~
Interrogntive Pronoun + Did + Subject + Infiniti ve + (rest of sen tence) +?

- 62 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Examples: 1

Oid you mect the Minister? ~ . 1\ ..:....L\i 1~

..J..JY . ..r
Oid he help yo u? ~ ~~L.. ~

Oid they arnve on time? ~"-;--"'UI ...:..J}I J \~) Y.

Oid the workers go on st rike? ~ '-:""'\~ ":J\ JU\ &G y.
Did she win Ihe prize? (~~JL;...~ ..:..jI'; jA) ~~JL;...I ~J jA
Did 1 say something wrong? ~\.6..,:.. ~ ..:..Ji jA
Did your brother retllrn from abroad? ~C)L;l.... \ .:/ ~ .)\J:.. y.
The main usages of the ,,-,",,1l1 .J')J <,...,l)1 .:;,>jl.A:.....>j1
past simple tcnse
[ - Tocxpress pasi repcaled actions .,....,III .) i ).J.:... J Wi ,y- .,.,.,.dl - 1

Last year. 1 pla yed tennis every day. (Y- J5' ?I -,...Ji G.S
. ,-,""Ill (WI
He always did his best. .o..lp.-- uJLa; J~ Wb .)lS'

She never spcnl her money fooli shly. .~ !A.)yii ...j~ J.; ~
He often set his face (0 o pposit io n. .4..;:.J\......,jj LS...I.....a-::.: t... t)t&. ..)~

They kept thei r failh with us.

You never la id me Ihe truth.

.l..o r~ ~ l.,kil>- .ci!
.1-,,1 J.,.<JI ~..LA;
. - r.l
He a lways went to cxtremcs. .0'\11 .) ,-pL..:,) j).;, Wb jl>
They always paid him in the sa ille coin. .<L.WI ~ Wb .;..~

Wc loo k a bit o f wa lk, cve ry morning. .CL." J5' )\,li ~ 15

After lunch, he slcpt a while. .,I.\Al1 .M; )\,li (c, jl>
(~.1 (c, ,IMI .M;)

- 63 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
2 - To express ac,ions ,h .. 'ook i ~ J~ .:...JJ Jwi .:r ...",.,u -2
place du ring a pcriod of lime in the past .~Ul J j")' ~
T he l)a51 simple tense is usually ;~\s. ~I ~LI.' ~
uscd will! time indicato rs such as: ~ ~ j .JI} ~

lronce UpOIl atlllle (~~I J (ft./ I)L~~.)l5" Las! Monlh -?~I ft-'JI"
Yeslerday ...,....i Las! night ~ll\~\

LaSI week ~lll t"... ~I Las! friday ~ll\~\

Las! ye<lf ~U.\ ï.:...J1 Long aga 0J. W1 :;t..}}\ J

I~' 199' 1991 (1. J Ago ~o.J...b~

Why did the trame stop las! night? ~~U, U)J\ )))\ ~.T ..:.....0i bU
Our tcum won the match yeslc rday. ....r" ';~ il)J\ 4) C:!J
They cul her out. . ~ 1f.1v ...\
He rcceivcd a letter from his falher -G .,..ut)..:.r .;JL.,) ~ ..w
a wcck ago. . ~ t.r.-'"

We enj oycd our holiday very much. . L:.; jl:.:-I.,. \~ ~\ J..i\

l lived in London fo r ri ve ycars. ''':''\.f-'"...r->- o.:ll J.\:J J ...:.......:.s- ..w

They went 10 the wcdding party la SI Frida y. .~ I1\ ~\ jlj)l :ü..i..,I.. lyA)..l.iJ

The fururesimp/c tense h, ...JI , ~.ë·; .ll

Formatioll alll/lisage. .J~'il) ~#,
AffirmatÎve fonn: ~ W>'I '"-
A ~ Pure future: ~~I~I-i
'JJ '-?-) t>- Jo lyoJ\ ~ Js- J.i:-l.1 ..;, -'>- ...."." \."'" ..,aJ t>-\ J.i:-I. \ j.o.o;--,
.";'~I ~\ '" Ji i,')~ ;;~ .ù 0fo
Pure future is uscd whcn the future action dcpcnds upon sOllle external
factors and not on any person's will or intention.

-64- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
1/ + Sha ll/will + Infinitiv~
We + Shall/will + Infinitive
Vou + Will + Infinitive
He + Will + Infi nitive
She + Will + Infinitive
Il + Will + Infinitive
I\, They + Will + Infinitiv:;


1 shall see you tomorrow. .I...\S:. !.lI}...

We shaU have dinner at my house. .~ J s:L!.J\ J)\..:.:.:......

She will Iravel abroad nexi week. .J,.il.1 /:..."...-'JI UlJ-1 J! )~
He will be of age next month. ·Î.')\i.!\ ~\ J.!.)I j"" ~
They will gel what they are Jooking for . . 4!,j~ L.. Js- 0~

The president wi ll give an important I.,.~ ~\.b.:. ~)I ~

speech thi s evcning. ,s:Ll\ Lk

B - Coloured future v UJ.~ .:.)11) .:.fol J,.a;-ll -y

We lise ,,,;s type to falk abolll J,.a;-ll uJl 1':" J..."-'
fllturity mixed with sOllle other .:..rAI1J,.a;-ll .:r ..."dJ
feelillgs nlc" as J!.o cS/Î .r~
Determination ~I ,(.rJ1 Willingness <.?)I ,..,.)1
Promise ~}t Threat 0,-4'1 1

Commnnd ~I '/"1\ Obligation Jw, '1'1
E:camples: ! Li

You will pay dearly fo r that. .l,I~ .!JJ, ,;rS c!~

1 will meet you Ihis morning. .CL.al1 1':" ..!..U,\;Î J Y

- 65 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
You sha ll do as 1 say. .J}Î I..S' JU' jr-
All shall be weil. ·rlJ! \.,. ,js- j ~ - , J5'
1 will save yO Ll the trouble. .~ l::.I..\ ..:.J.#. Ji)L..
We will never forget that as J.>- L.~ L. ..:1l~ ~ J
long as wc a re living. ô~\ ..l.J
You shall have this over my dead body. .? ~ :Jl -!.).b Jt:.; J
He shall tell the truth. .'-.i,.i.J-1 J-", j r-
It shaH be donc immed iately. .JY-\ J ./~\ J ~
C - Immediate futu« (<$)-,,"1) -,..;.;AII J:.i'-ll
To express immediate futurc, wc use the present continuous tcnsc

He is buying a new car soon. .y} ;;...l.:!~ ;;J~ I.$~

She is getting married soon. . Y} [ J ?

He is coming to sec me this morning. 'c.~\ \.k ~J'4.J. ifr
They are leaving at six o'c1ock. ,4...,..;.U\ 4s-U\ Js- jJ);'~
Wc are go ing out at seven. .~LJ\ ~U\ Js- Cr:---
FU/II1'e ;11 tire past ~U\ J A.J\ ;'L.:J.\ ~\
ShOUld }
+ Infinitive
He said that he would be faithful to me J l..aJ.:;...... J ~ 4.i~
Jti .ûJ
Shc told him that she wo uld tuke ~ ~~ ...;r ..J ..vJ
care of every lhi ng. "-r ~
She thought he would fo rgive her ofTence. 4ï,L.l J' j)~ 4.iÎ 0~\

- 66 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
1 wantcd to know if you would

come with us. . L... .j1:-.
She sa id that she would be my lady. . . r )j J~ ~l .::J.
Negative forro : ,El ....,...,
V Shall + Not (sha n' t + Infinitive'
Should + Not (shouldn't) + Infinitive
Will + Not (won't) + Infinitive
'-.. Would + Not (wouldn't) + Infiniti ve,../

Examples: j '" Qi
He will not send a n answe r. V,.". Jo--' J
Yo u will not sec me again . ."'C .jl;J
They wo uldn 't accept your invitation. ..!J;r' Ij,<, J
They shaH not agree on th is. .U.• Js- 1.01.1' J
We will not congra tulate you . .ê.l4' J
Interrogative form
(lnterrogatiw Shall

pronou n) Should
+ Subject + Infinitive + (rest of sentence) + ?

Will J'Lill + (J-'ll) J.w11 + (<1..).1y,) + ~

E:wmples: •
Will you miss me indeed? ~lÂ>- .j~ Jo
Shall wc go to the thea tre tonight? ~ <l,lJI ,.i. Cr Ji -.,.....i.e- Jo
Sh,d l 1 begin work now? ~J'J I J..JI L,i Jo
Will this bring about good results? ~i.l;e- C!"' .!.lJ; ~ Jo

- 67 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
~ ~ ~)j oi)1 o~ J:Zi
Will you take this wornan as a wire?

Shall ! keep waiting for ages? ~,,4-i '1 l,. JI ) lk.:i'11 J J>
Going ro' '1l,;1 ,1 Il~
lt is used to express futurity coloured with intention or a feeling of
cerlainly or probability
",,1......-'1 1
) yi ~ tr.all J,i:;-ll .r ~ (Going To) ~AA:...J
.Jl.:.>- '11 ) i .:r.,A,l ~
It must nol be used to express simple or pure fulure.

.r .,.".:lJ ~ '11 "'"'"

• J

."-":lI ) 1 .k,...,I1 J,.<:-ll

Examp{es: 1
1 understand what you are going to do. ..u...; ~; L. ~\
He is going ta buy a new car. .o~..l=o:- 0).::-..... t..?~

ls she going to walk home ~ ~\ Ji ~l;:..,. ~

or take a taxi? ~o?i o),-=- ~L ~i

When are you going to fini sh this work? "J....J\ \~ ~ t?
It is going la rain. ."L.....J\ ~
She is going la have a baby. .b}.,.... ~
What are yOll gaing la have for dinner? ~"L:..J\ J JS'"\; 0i ~; bL.
They are going ta hold anothcr meeting tomorrow. .\..\..C:..ri "W ..J)~
He is going ta start work right now . .1)"; J-JI J t.A--
She is going to ring him up. . ~t. " JL..,,;'11 -'<J 4-i1
The continuous tenses ;,..;;..J.I <:.,. î:l l
Formation: ",#1

Affirmative form. .•':A,l'11 ..,..,

.iJ};pc <J' 0 ~ yS.J" <J'j Y' ~I <J')I

- 68 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
1 - The auxiliary (TO BE) ~" .......) (";:"') :..U , J-.AI' -,
in lhe appropriale tense J ,} .!.ll.iJ) ri .:..)-'>- .::..;)

.JF-l1 J )1 ".-"lll J ,t) ..dl

2 - The mai n verb ':"-"'-1 j Y. '4') :."....,:)1 ri - 2

(VERB + ING) .J>-\; r- I ..". J .j~) <il;

t,t.:... ..... ". ~

Am W" shall be }
ls Were will be + Verb + ing

r'--' r'--' r'--'

He is playing He was playing He will he playing

. - .il
......L . -,...1,JIS' -,...1, Jh--

Negative form

Be + Ilot + Verb + ing

He is not playing. . -,...1, 'J "'!

He was not playing. .-,...1, ~ r-l
He will not be playing. .c,-JJI J 1"...,...... J~ J
Interrogative form : rW;..::l1 ~

Be + Subjcct + Verb + ing ... + ? :J

Is he playing? ~-,...1, Y' j>
Was he playing? ~ -,...1, J IS' j>

Will he be playing? ~ -,...111 J 1"...,...... J h-- j>

- 69 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

The continuous tenses are lIsed when the attention is foclIsscd on the
action itself as a primary whercas timc indication comes in objecth'c
thc second place .
......., ..;.,J.l.. 1Jo- ~ ~l..:> ~I ,,\5' I;! \.. <JI>- .} i r=-ll ""J'JI ~
..,.;\:JI ~I.ill .} .,.;iJ .;)~ ;;..;~ "t" \..Î '.,.-t...Î .»Jo>
The present continuous tense ~\ t 1L..a.ll
Usage Jl..o:....~1

1 - This lensc is lIscd to express an action that is happcning at the moment

of speaking.
~I ;;..;) ";")J.l.. 1 .} r"-' ..;.,~ ""' .rU
~ .:r'JI loU -1

Il is raining. .(";"-l>.; )dl J)} ,J'II) ~ 4'!

You are asking for tro uble. .J>~I ""' ~ .!.1)
You arc hid ing the truth.
1 a m not blaming yo u a l ail. .J)U.~I

... "·1
& }I 'J \;1
Your ea r is bleeding . . t.,..) j? ..:J.;~i .:>1
Am 1 intfuding? (~~) t;Ï Jo) ~jh;i t;Ï Jo
1 hope 1 am nOI disturbing you. .~ C~j! ) .\...4.0 .)'pi ~i y )
She is gctting worried. ...;Iii ",iJ., .li!

2 - To express the neUf future ~.J'iJl J.4-l.1 if .,.,.;dl - 2

Examples: j

1 am not coming here uny mo re. .<.Sf'i i f G> J! .,.;i J

Evcrything is going 10 be a il righl. ·rl..; l.o Jo- .)~ '</- J>

- 70 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
You are spo iling the whole effort. lib*", Y ~
." Certain "crbs are not gcncrally used J--1'i ~ JwÎ !lia ,
in the continuous tcnscs. Thcy are: :<l') .,...=-.lI .J')I J
A - Ycrbs of perception: (!lI),~I) "";-1 Jwi -i

s"" cS) Hear
Smell Touch cr1
Taste Fee l ri
B - Ve,.bs of fe(! lùIgs amI r WI .r irll Jw~1 -..,.,
S1u/es of mimI .f..iil .:"-; \,.)

Love .:..,..1 Remember .fj;
Hale ,j' Forget
Notice .b-'i Mean
? •
Believe ~! Wan! .>1)
Know -.Jf Forgive
Care -:-p ! 'r i Recoileci c..w ,j'j;
Like ..;..:.-i Galher
Oislike ,j' Su ppose .J'.r'!
Recognize .!l).>1 ,.y.;. Wish .si
, ,~)

Think Jj...47- - r'

s::; Refuse ..,a;J
Understand Observe .b- ~
C - Verbs dcnoting rcla tionships:
Belong 10 Appear
Seem, appea r ConsiSl of

- 71 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Con tain <?~ Ha ve, possess é..L4
Suit '-:-" l.! 'rl~ Matter ./'1 r-"
Own é..L4 Fit r!':!., ,~
ln thcse three cases the present tJ L:oli J.4.i .:..,">i':I1 .:,,'i\>.1 •.\0 J
simple instead of the present U.4l1 .:r 'J ~ .l:,....,J1 V Lall
continuous .r-J.I

We hear the roar of aeroplanes everyday Î ~ § .,:..,\)lb.l\ ~ ~

We smell fumes come out ~\ ~I))I )~I.: ~
of the facto ries. .~L...J.\ 0'"

We sec heaps of rubbish everhwhere. .:"t>'.,. y J 4.,.L....i!\ il.!i )~4 ...voL:.;

1 feel a very sharp pain . .)~ ~~ ~\
This shop belongs to my famil y. ..}5W -!,l.l. (0\5' JJI) ü j\.J.-1 1.\0
1 suppose they want to sel! it. .~ .))..I.:!.;:! ~t ..wi
They hate singing but love music ~}\.:"~ JJ) j:W\ l>y:.~ ~1
1 smell something burning. J ~ j:-? ~\) r--=-i
She tastes the quant ity of sa lt in the food . il...bJ\ J eU l ~ 4-il

That suits me very weIl. . L.IJ 0""l.! ..!.lJ~ 01

However, these "crbs can be used in the present continuous whcn they have
special mcanings
4l0h. 1.0= ~I U.4l1J 4l~1 ~ Jw~1 ,.\o.:>li , .!lJ.~)
..... \>- 01.0.0

1 am seeÎng her off at the aÎrport. .).6.1.1 J ~')L..
1 am seeing you tomorrow. .I~ !l1)L

- 72 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He is feeling his way in the darkness. ·i)I.kJ1 ci '-'<Jo ~ .01
Are you forgetting your promise? ~ ~~ J <f'l;:;Î
* Usage of the past continuous ,...:....11 ,,..p 1.\1 J1...0;...1 •
1 - To express an action which was going on during a certain time in the past
...... \11 J iJ;A' .;JJ J')I.:. .;,J~ 1 J I r - ' "IS" .;,.\>- .:r p,& _1
Examples: l'i .1
They were studying ail this morning. 'c.~\ LiA ~ JYJ~ IiI.$" .ûJ
1 was hoping against hope. .~ J-Î 'Y ~~ J J-i J
Were yo u spying on them? ~~ ~ J ~
They were plundering. .)~ IjlS

She was busy doing her homework. .J)I ~\}I ~b~ ;j~ ..:...ilS' ..ûJ
2 - To indicate that an action was going on at a time wben anotber action
took place:

f i Jd .w.; ~jJl .;J.,II J I r - ' "IS" (~.\>-) ~ "i ~.P - 2

While we were studying English, .::.1" " '1' 1cf)-" \5 L,;
it bega n to rain. )ai ,\...JI
She \Vas relu rning home, when \..= -:..,JI Ji i.llt? -:...;IS" ..Li!
the thieves kidnapped her. .cT' ~I 4Al=' 1
While 1 was sleepi ng, the telephone rang. .....Ai4Jl J'f. J;, Wli ..:...5 ~
, ,
While the teacher was ;c....'1'1 JIS" L,; 4.,t? ~I ..Li!
talking 10 her, she fainted o ut. .I.f.v ~
When they arrived, we were watching T.V. '\~J \...~ jW;J\ .lAl.!..; l:S' ..ûJ
While he was playi ng football i..Li!1 i.f ~ JIS" L,;
he fell and broke his arm. . .u;.\), .r-S'J ..k.i....

- 73 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Usage of tlle future eontinuous: ~\ ! }...i:;..J\ ! I~\
1 - To express a (uture action I~ i.;~ ~ 0'" ~ _1
that wiU bc going on at a gh'en lime. ,~I J ~ ..:.jJ J ..!JJ»I J
Examples: •
When you ca li me up. 1 will be ..)"s-L ~u. r..I ~ \....J..:s..
~ .,
lying in Illy bed. .~\) J \...L:l

What will you be doing tOlllorrow? ~\...l? .J...A; j ~ -$ll\ L.

They will be working for two more ~..u. J-ll J J)~
weeks, .. ".t~\·
.~,~ ",:, J""" i
• V~

2 ' To express definite future: 0)11) .IS'jll J,A:-li .:r ...,,& - 2

Examples: jj
• •
1 will be seci ng yau in a fcw minutes . . (.,. ,'Jli.) J')\:.:. ~ j çL..) ~6- ..!.ll:oliL.
We will be Leavin g in a few days. .,j:!).'ltA". j ~ Î~i ~ J)\>..
T he bus will be moving in a few minutes. .Jm.) ~ J')\:.:. ili1j.1 !J~
The Perlee' Tenses: 4.,...\;.l\ 4.,.:....)'1\
Formatiol/: ",#1
Affirmative .:..t,:'Y1 ~
::.rJ? if J~ tl;)l if)!
l ,The auxiliary (TO HAVE) in (.!,.I.l.Î) ... WI J.-'ll _ 1

the appropria" tense .j~ .!.lI.\J) .!J.!.>-I e}) .;,-'j e;-PY- r)

J,i::-ll } ..,..,UI } O...J.I J
2 - Thc main \'crb (past participle) J !J~J ~)I ~\ _ 2
....,r:J1) J.,...u1 1'""" 1 jJ ~
.(,,1; .!J.!.>-I . W ~ -:.J\':JI
" .. - v ' )

, 74 .. | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
l)L,;... "",L. ~
Hos Had Shalt haVe }
Have Will have Jyil' t'"
+ PllS( Participle

They have come

They had come
They will have come
Negative form :

to Have + not + Past participle of the main verb

They have not come ,)~ ,.-1

They had Ilo t come I)r"->- .û If.,s:, ,.-1
They will nol have come I)r"->- .û If.,s:, J
Interrogative form ..
e~':; ·:)1 ~

to Have + $ubject + Past participle of the main vel'b?

Have they come? ~ \)~ ~

Had .hey come' ~I)r"->- .û IflS' J>

Will they have come? ~\).......:=- J.j If ~ .Y>
* Usage of the present pcrfcct (ense rl:.JI t)1..4l1 J~1 Q

Il is used in the J ~

follo wing cases: : 481 .,:..:ILl!

al to express an action which ~..r! .l.:..a f ~ r:r ~ li

is just finishcd (ÔF) 0~
J have J' lIst received yo ur letter ~ ..:..J
~)cr- \ .. ~L.. J ~
. ~

She has just fini shed her work :JI.>- 4L>- \'.:..;.;1 .til

- 75 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
You have misunderstood me ~ ""Li .li!
He has just phoned me , " . ' ; I:.A;\,. , -" .li!
.r-- "" " <$ ..r-
Have you heard anything about him? y"", ,..;- <$ i "'--"-" J>
b/lo express an action that bcgan in the past and is still going on at present

..,.:-1>-' ci}'? 'r--- J'j~J .....11' J Î.., (.:-.... ) J.i,y- ""dI!y

• He has lived in Algeria for •.:...1..,.:-- ~ )I.J.' J J~ .J...ij {)
nine years (He still li ves in Algeria). ·UI.J.' J ~ JI}.,,)
• He lived in Algeria for nine yea rs.. ..:...'f- ~ o-U ) I}-' d J-~ ..û! "
(Now. he is no longer living in Aigeria). .:}-j\ U'.J.\ J w~ ...loo.:! ~)
Wc have learnt Spanish for two ~ o..u 4l:--'.lI L..J.,.;
years (still learning). .(~ LIj'1)
1 have never secn sllch a wOllderful film. .;,y)} o~ t.....Y LI.) ..v.L:J ~
They havcn't finished yet. . ..l.oo.? ~ \* ~
1 haven' , galle over Iheir answers yet. .~ ~~~I ~,) ~
He has always becn dear 10 me. .Js- 'fi/' Wb j\) ..tA}
1 have never heard of that. W • I~i .!.lI~ c:---Î ~
We haven't decided yet . ..l.oo.? .J~ ~

cl to refcr to the present result of an 41J..\ ~\ J! 0)L.;..J'J Ir::..

action ~

He has ruined his career. .dl)" " ~ .J...ij
1 have read many English ~Ij -y5 ,y Pl ...:..Î}
grammar books. .~#.'11 ;.JJ\
Shehaswrittenmanyshortstories. . ~~I ~\.J r.SJI (~) ..:...Jl-Lil

" 76 " | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
They have enjoyed their stay in
Constantine very much
We have revised nearly half of the programme. .~li).1 ~ ~? ~I) ..lÂl
He has given up smoking. .0»'...;)1 .:.r tli i ..Li!
1 have ha d a rough time. . L....=
.. \,i).::......;...i..Li!
You have done enough work J..JIi f ,,~I ..,. le "---" ..Li!
for the day . ·r..,lI
1 have missed yo u .!J;J...Â;;ÎI .J.Âl
He has broken his engagement with her 4-.:.- ~"b>- t-' .J.Âl

dl for actions that took place al an ciJ J ..:.J...\.>- ~I J~~I Il

indetinite time l..b...t ~

Extllllp les

1 have see n Ihis man before. 'cP i f Je-)I I.e. ..:..,ij ..Li!
Have you seen the film at YL.:.,...JI .j J').,.11 ~I ..:..,i Jo- j

the cinema?
He has often treated her nicely. .....Ah!, 4l-- t.." J IS" \.. I.,I~
1 have often heard people ..!.J); J}.ri< cr L:J 1 ..:......- \.. Ir.>
saylllg 50.

We have a lready sludied Ihis subjecl. 'cP i f tr"}1 I.e. L.. ..Li! j ,

You have told me that before. .cP i f .!.Il; If.r." i ..Li!

- For actions that took place at a definite time , the simple pas! must he used
..b,-,JI .".:-111 J\.wo;...I ~ , ....... ci) J .;.l.... ..rI JW',ij ;.,...J4 -
1 heard this news las! sunday. ,~lI.\ ..L- 'YI ~I 1.lA ...:.....-.-...
He met his friend a t seven o'dock. .~UI ~UI Js- ~...l.,.::o JI,; ..!..Al

- The present perCeee lense is usually used Ol\&. r\;;11 Û\..:I:Ù I ~ -

with the Collowing lime indicators: 4iWI ~)I J"'jJJI ~ | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ·77·

‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
5incc -w Already (t.i, l..) J,i ;r
Ever Wb (\~i Never \~\

Just J,ü .G ,<b.JJ1 ,'16- Latcly \?Y 1\~1

50 far j'il cr Not yet .Cv. '-'"""'
Up to now j'i' Ji Up to the present ?]J..l .:...i ,li ...s>
Now j'YI Today r.J1
This morning C~\ Li..:. Often jl,>-';, pi J ,U~
T his week tr-'11 li> Always Wb
This month ..<-'!' li> This year ;.:...JI o..iA.
.. Present Perrect and Past Simple can be round in one sentence \Vith S INCE
.(SINeE) c: ,-,>-1) lJ..." J .!:,-,II ".., ~I c: ~I.f< ,) fo ~I:J I U.Al.1 -

.. Si nce they arrived here, they have cP W 1 Cr" ?JI ,;-,>-i -Cil -
made a lot o f pro blems. .LA ~r"') b
.. We haven ' t received a nything -lc< r+" ,,,r. cfi Jl:; ,J -
fro m [hem sÎnce they lefl. .1yL--J Ji
.. They havell't come here since they Ji b LA Ji 'A ,J -
fini shed the work. -J....J1 '..".3
* Since: from a fix ed lime in ...; .:....G-.....o ...:...j) :.A.:,.o .:>

the past up till now. JJI c.? ""Ill

* For: for a length of lime up to now --:...i)1 Cr" ~ i? :,.Il •
.J'>I c.?
1 haven', caten for lïfteen hours. .~L. 15 i.u \..l..b J)L:;Î ,J
He hasn't \Vritten to me since his departure. ...L-
.. J b J ~
. . . r-'1
She has lived in Oran for seven years. ..
-<oh-' c:- iJ.. JI.T..).,·
c:...,;.~ .li!

Vou haven't spoken to me for more tha n -lc< ~ ,J -!.Li

th ree duys. . -ri'; ;;)\;

. 78 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He has visited me cvcry day for the
last fonnight.
He has telephoned me every
week since the beginning of the yea r.

* Usage olt/te past pel'{ect tellSe

To express an action that was complctcd bcforc: :J.,i ." J-.i ~ ~

A - Ano ther past action .r'i "'" \.. J'" - Î
B - A particular past lime "",11\ J .:- .:-ô) - .."
wc have in mind .j"-Û\ J y\..
Examples: • ! Jo oi
- He lold me that he had met ~lQj i f .P J.i ..;~ J j..J -
her at las1. - .\..r.>-Î
~#. ':JI 4iû~ ~I.i /. v J:) .J.iJ -
- He had studied an English course
before he started working with C::'
.J-..ç. I..l::! 01
an English Company. ~#.I ~ ;:,.
- After wc had finished dinner wc "L;.J\ W)w 0\ ..l..oo-;> -
lalked a bit .~ uJ.:i
- She thanked him for what he .J...i L.. Js- ~~ .J.iJ -
had done fo r her. .4J.:.:-Î i f
- 1 gave my son the present which if' ~~I ~I ~Î -
1 had bough l for him . .J ~.r-\ .li d
- After Ihey had gODe away, he feliionesom cness. .~) ~ ô.k>-.,.t~ ,r::. .ûJ -
As soon as they had a rrived, they \)J~ \~) 0i :)~
decided to leave .oJ:)WI

- 79 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
The past Prefec! tense is used with C;' rl:l l Ii"lI.l ~
the following time indicators: :<,;"JI .",.yi Jl'i.lll
Defore Already J' if
After Until
As soon as When


He said that he had al~eady visitcd Algeria. .y.y JI)-I )j ~ ~~ Jli -

1 knew that tbey had gone ta the 1..r.A-> J.i

~~ ..:....J;! -

cinema. . L..;,...JI Ji
ACter wc had had tea, wc relaxed .
They cOllld not arrive on time
because they had missed the train.
They d id not know the truth
until they had found the cvidcnce.
When he had finî shed his work he went ouI. .C? ~ ~i \...~ -
• Usage of the future perfecllense rt;J\ ! h·qp JI ( 1Jr;.:1 *
p To express an action that will bc :~ ~ ...j r Jd ,y- ~
complcted before:
A p Another future action .r' ï J,.i:-- J-.i - i
B - A particular future moment J,.i:;-ll J iJ:!U cJJ -y
wc have in mind. ."".\JI J JlLo

They will have fin ished the Urtl if 1.*1 .(i If~
project before next summer. ·t,WI ~I

- 80 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- He will have telephoned us befo re
6o'clock. ..... >UI ~UI J,i
- By nexl yeur, 1 shaH have c...,5 J;-L e\.iJ1 ~WI Jp,.,
written five plays. ..;..,\,,>-r-" ~
- We shall have done everythi ng J ',F- Y u.... J~ -
in an hour. .~L.. jj;

- 1 hope yO ll will nol have forgotten J~ 'J JI y)

yOuf promise by tomorrow, .-".11 Jl,l~ ~~ J
The Perlect Conlinuous Tenses ~ ~\ ~t;j\ w./i\
Formation :, '!:! tf.!1
C 1'0 have (in the appropria te tense) + been + verb T ing ~

:if:!f" ;r ~I ~WI ;r)1 iJfo;.

} "'-pUI JÎ é:}~1 (BEEN) ~WI ;r)1 J .j4J (BE) ~UI J<.ill
.~I -.,.-.- ~I

Usage ~"'I

* The perfeet eontinuous tenses arc used ofo-LI ~WI :i.:,..j~1 ~ ..

to eXI>ress the duration of an action: :~ /,~I ~ ,~

J - Up,o ,Ire p,.esellf: :?lj..\ ~yl? -1

- Prese"t pel/ect COl/tÙl/lOUS ~ rb Cl l.,;:..o
- He has been talking sincc F JI).. Y'J J.'-"J .L.
he arrived, .(t.\6;i;1 0J»
- They have been working for J~ rJ i-'<_\.Ç .;..,~L.. .L. -
many hours, .(t.\6;i;1 0;»
2 - Up to a certain past time: :"'"" .,.-"" ciJ ? - 2
- Past perfect continuous .r'--' ~ li .,.-pt..
- 81 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
· When the te lephone ran g 1 had been
sleeping for len hours. ..c-t.L.. i ? i..u t.,JI .j ~}<:--I
· He had been listeni ng IO music ~ rU e-'-' Jly.'J Jl5" -
for severa l ho urs when 1.o..J.:s. ..:...\s. L.. o..w
his falher returned home . .,.ul) J..»
3 - Up 10 a certain future time: iJ:'-' J..<;--o .::.JJ .? -3
· Futu re perfeet con tinuous
At the end o f this year, 1 shal l .l.i j
.r'-" t~ j,i:-- -
'tWI 1.Loo <,1.;; .} -
have been teaching English for <,# 'JI Wli ..r-).J;; ~
fifteen years. . ~ 15 o:Ü
By the end of this month, he will have j ~ ft-'-ll <,1.;; c:
becn play ing football t-CiJ 1 i.? ..,....J .l.i
for seve n yems. . .c-I.f--" é'-" i:Ù

- 82‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬- | | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
The interrogative or
The Interrogative form of the vcrbs can be made as follows: ln case of the
simple present and the simple past wc introduce the auxiliary verb "To Do"
before the subjcct.

.k,...JI tJ W:lI Al 1>- J :.}. W- JW:,u .,.~ 'il AA,..oJI iJ fo

~ \.il 1 J.,i (J-.i;) ~ WI JMlI J-.-' .k,...J 1 -F"I1IJ
r. \..,;v{ Does (it-she-he """
(j Do hi,. + ee-}+ Subj"" + Infin"'" + (Ros'of "n:onool + ?

, ,,,,C D,d('.I"'+ee-l + J-WI + ).c..ll + (<W- 1~l + ~

Do you believe me?

Do yOll fee l weil enough? ~)W tif. L. Js- ,!.l; t ~ J"
Docs he make himself clear? ~,.LAi ~) J"
Docs she agree to work with him? ~ "'" J-.JI Js- wlr if J"
Does he know the motive? ~c'I:UI j f i J"
Did yOll visit Oran? ~ .)If') ""~j J"
Did he want to see me alone? ~ ,1';;1 Js- li'j~ ,,) J"
D id they come by train? ~~ \k.iJ l, 1) j \,,- J"
ln case there is an auxiliary: ,~L.. .y..; 'y.J AlI>- .j
, -
There will be a subject inversion "1, ~ loLilI . -...Li,
1/" "·U é"")."
..Li ..\?WI J-ill
Auxiliary + subject + (verb + ing) ... ? :J | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬--83‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
" ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬
Presen t Perreet Past Perreet

l, Was
+ s + v + ing? + S + V + ing ... ?
Me Were

Present Perreet Past Perreet

+s+ verb +ed? Had + S + verb + ed . . ?
H ave

Would Will Should

Shall }
Can + , + verb? Could May + S+
(verb) ... ?
Mighl Must Ought Need

J <,]....Î )1WÎ ~\S" , Ir- i-",WI JWSIJ <,.....JI, J..-;-J

~I .i.)
.i-"'w )1WÎ ) <W-I
- ln ail thcse cases, the answers .,:.,t~b:- 'il !J~ .,:.,t'i1J.1 ".lA ~ J-
must begin with "Yes or No" "'i Ji ~" ;.y !Ji ~

Is your rather al home? k ...,,)1 J .!Lul) J>

Is her mother angry wit h her? ~4.:.. ;.,..;,~ \;'..ul) J>
Is the teacher absent today? ~t.r.ll ..,.;~ ;~ ~I J>
Are they ail traitors? ~;.;-"" ~ J>
Are they still playi ng chess? ~tJo..'.lI J yJ, I}lj LoÎ
Have you anything rurther to say? ~<.S.r'Î JljÎ .!.l,..u J>
Has she hea rd abou t that? k.lJ.i, ~ J>

- 84‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬- | | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Have you been there? Y.!.I~ ~ ~
• •
Ca n one comma nd love? Y~\ ~ fi jl ..l> 1 ~ ~
Need yo u leave 50 soo n? Y~.;-ll o~ ;.J.>1;....ll ~ G-i'• ~
Dare they spea k 50 about us? Y\.:s.. lfu ~..lJ-I Js- 'j/,:! ~
Sha H we ha ve sa me coITee? Y;~\ ~ J)L:.ii
ea n you describe yo ur home- town? y'.!..~J.,. ~ -' ~ ~
• •
Might they come this afternoon? Y~\ ~ \j"~ jl ~ ~
Can you prove it? Y~) ..:.A~\ ~i
Would it surpri se you to discover the truth? y~\ ~ Ji ~~i
Question words

Who? j>WJ Y./ How old? Yrs- \..

Whom? Jyuill Y./ How taH? U). \..
Whose? .!lJWJ Y./ (.}) Ho w hîgh? Yt lii) \..
What? ,l;.. SI.! Ybt.. How long? (if )!) YJ). \..
Wh îch? JI.::>:-Al ~~i How wide? YJ>.r \..
When? .)L.)J d-' How deep? YJ.->- \..
Wherc? .:>l5:...U ~Ji How large? \..
Why? Jo )JI Ji ~ YI;~ How fn r? Y~ \..

How? JI.l-I } y,..<.u y..;..,> How henvy? YJZ )1 Jj) \..
How many? 1,-" ,.s- How fast? y~ j " \..

How much? (.r"') Y}""", L. How orte n? Y'/ r5

- Ji
Who? Subjccl

It is uscd for pcrsons J'I,;,.;..~~

to ask about the subjcct Jo""1 ,;r JIJ-ll
without subject inversion Jo""1 -,Ji J)-'!
- 85 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

Who met yo u first? ~..,} .!.l.t,t; :/'

Who a llo wed him ta get in? ~ Jy' _>Ji, .J c--- :/'
Who told her thi s nonsense? ~,I...oli li" 4J J\i :/'
Who can la y me a hand'? ~ô~LJ.1 J.; J -'-€ Ji ~ :/'
Who wish to drive him to Blida? ~ô )l,..-J~ ô.yJI J! .i>.i J ~.1- :/'
Who put off the light? ~(CL.dI ) ).,.01 w,i ",..\JI .:.r
Who cou Id survive the accident? ~ ..:..~u-\ i f ON! ~ if

Wh om? Object "J.,...

It is used: 1f'1.>-:..)u
to ask abolit persons (complemen t) or objeet. ·)Jftl Ji J.,.....J.' .:.r J'J--ll
• !"

• WhOIn \Vere you talking \Vith? ~ ~ .o.S .:.r c: -

1 was lalking with the landlady. .-;.llll ;w.. t... c: ~-""i .o.S
· Wh oIn did they invite to the pany? \}J-I J! Ir' .:.r -
They in vited most of thei r friends. . ~\i .....i ~ Ir' J..iJ
· Wholll did yO ll aecompany in yo ur .'J... ~ I .:.r -
jo urney? .
~;j,.) 1
1 aœompa nied Illy yO llnger brothe r. .)0-->'->1 .......i ~I J..iJ
· Whom wo uld yO ll like 10 sec? ~",jJ J 0; ",..\JI .:.r -
1 would like ta sec the head lllaster J..J..,. ~j) J~)
of thi s school. .4.....)..ll\ o~

· Who1l1 could yO lL ge t in touch Js- .ft Ji ~I ",..\JI .:.r

with? ~ ..... JL.a;1

- 86 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

1t is used for perSOIlS to ask about the possessor

".rJ1,?L.o, ~ ~I ~ Jlj-lI ..,.,I,;.;.'>I! ~
Examp/es: il
· Whose gardell is this ? ~ o~ i f ~J.:,- -

lt is ours. .«U 1·'1.

..,... Lâ,..\.>.
• 1· '1

· Whose is this dog? «oC.>- L.o Cf" ~ cJS:J1 Ij", J. -

lt is mine.
"JI} ~ '-'1
- Whose Illfl1 is it? ~..:.r" Jj:J -
It is hers. .•4J. Lo.JY '-'1
- Whose is this beautiful house? ~ J,J-I .::..dl Ij", J. -
It is Samia 's. .~L.....:..,...,
. ...

· Whose book did yO li borrow? ~..:.. ~\ i f '-:""t:S' -

1 borrowed Nabil 's book. .J,,; ,,",15 "".;"....1 .li!
· Whose poem did you learn by heart? ~ -,...Ij R y -:..JID- Cf' i.J., -
It is El Moutanabi's poem . • ~ 1 i.J.,..a.i 4'1
- Whose hOllse did the thieves rob? ~..,.,.rdJ 1 Jj""" Cf' ~ -
They robbed ou r teacher's hOll se. . ~;l:....1 ~ I}j""" .li!

A - It is used to ask about things in gcneral IIS u bject or Object ll

."~ J.,.... )1 ,yli" \..~ .\,.)~\.:.f" Jlj-U J..-:-s-I

What is wro ng with your wateh ? ~~u '-'? b\..

Il loses five minutes. .fli, ~ i;'-b 4'1
It is live minutes fa st. ..fü,~

- 87 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- \Vhat places did yO ll sec?
1 saw the citadel and the old
royal palaces.
- What wo uld he say about liS? ~L< Jyi,-- I;\.. -
He wou Id say we are not polile. . i,.
. J)i,..,. /.
. l;t. J ~
They are intending 10 occupy the building. .~I J~I J)Y. ~1
- What so rt of men is he? ~Y' Jl,-)i J ti ",Î -
He is a serious onc. . " Î Jl.,.o, "" ~\.:.:. "
t..f.h:- ~ 001
- What do yOll hide under yo m overcoat? ~~ J ~ bL. -
Nothi ng at aiL . J)I.k 'lI J>. '<? "
- \Vhal do Ihey want? ~ J )--4..1- bL. -
They want not hing. . ~ Cl )-\!,,< "
B - to ask about a pcrson's profession ~ 4.0 .r Jlj-U -y

\Vhat is he? ~ "'+' \..

H e is a n cnginee r. 'J'-4' "1
H e is a dOCIOr. .~ "1
C - What ... like?
~l .:r Jlj-ll ''"
- What is he like? ~.JS:.::. \.. -
. <'.1 1 · ·1
He is la ll wi th broad shoulders and ~ v"'-" 1. "
J'y " •
curt Y black hair. . ~ .)r...Î .."..::. ) ~)
- Wha! is (his bird like ? ~)\kJI li.> J-<":' \.. -
Il is like the owi. ....r.l l ~ "1
- What is his work like? .~';"Î\..-
• u-~)

It is no t good enough. ." l6jl ..,; l< I.l,e- ~

. 88 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Which? ~ 1$1
ft is used to ask about a limited ~JJ$I )~~, 4.J" Jlj-lI ~ 0
choie. ~ Ji ,t,.:..i "-' .:J' ,~ 0" JI)..J),
•..,.l>...\.i "-' .:J'
Examples: ,
· Whieh o r these singers is éJ, j,. "".,111 ,'! Y. .:J' <? i
yo ur favollrite? ~~I

· Whieh one do you ehoose? ~)~ o...l-I) I.?'
· Whieh priee does suit you? kl.,...l, j'-' <.Si
· Whieh hand do yo u use in writing? ~;,,1.:5:J1 = ~ ~ "i
- Whieh sllbjeel do you prerer? ~J.'W t.r"y <?i
· Whieh o r thcse girls is your sister? ~ ~i ..:..L::..JI o..k <.SI
" "


* Jt is used to ask about the lime .~)I 4f Jlj-U ~ 0

· When eould you see her? ~LA\j 0Î ~ r..? -

· \Vhen will these da ys fini sh? ~Î~)rl o..k ~ ~ -
- When are yOli going to put lin js:J \...l- ~ ~ -
end to ail these troubles? ~"--",,W.\ o..k
· Whcn did yOll see him ror the last time? ~o/ ? ~ "-=:!i) d-" -
Where? ~..J.!1
* It is uscd 10 ask about the place .IJ~I 4f Jlj-U ~ 0

• •
- Where are you? ~~I JI
• •
From where shaH we start lhis year? ~ÎW\ \..k \~ JI i f
· Where ha s she been? ~ ~IS' Ji
- Where were yOll gOÎng? ~~\.) ..::...:S Ji Ji

" 89 " | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Where ca n 1 find such ac reature? ~Jfol L~ J!-o ~Î,,:,i ~ Ji
Whe re d id you waste ail Ihis lime? ~...:...i}' L~ J5' ~i Ji
Why? ~\JU

If is used to ask about the reason or purpose ..f'j H J1 ~\ .:.f' J'j-U ~

Why didn'I you listen 10 her? ~4-:Jl ~ ~ bU
Why cou Id you not come earl ier? ~\~ .J..,...aJ-I ~ ~ \.)U
Why ' Ire yO ll bored rriend? ~~...L..,.::. ~ <.#~ ...:..,.;i bU
But why? ~bU ~)
Wh y do you prerer ro ma ntic poet ry ? \s-,jl,..))\ ~\ ~ \.:oU
How? ,...;..)
It is uscd Co ask about the manner ;yi$J1 .r Jlj-JJ J.-::-i
or stafe .lJl.>-l }
- H ow is he gelling on? ~.w. .j ...:..? -
- H ow did Ihey know Ihal? ~.!-Il ; I} f ...:..? -
- How arc yo u now? D o yO LL rcel ~ J> ~.J'JI .!-Ill>- ...:..? -
bette l"? ~~
- How d id yOLL get thcrc? ~.!lu. J! ..:.L) ...:..? -
- How cO llld 1 k now that he "'~ j fi .Ji J ...:..? -
is a cunning person? ~.?\.. ~-

Examples: • l 'i Qi

~ <$i - L - .? - .? - ~ - ~
- How o ld are yO ll? ~.!l r rS -
- How much d id Ihal cOsI yo u? ~~.:o ..!..LJS' r5 -
- H ow lon g ago was Iha l? k.lh .JI) ........ ..y <$i L -
- H ow orten have 1 asked yO li :':""<0 .;,i -!J.:.. -:..J1 iy ~ -
10 stop wasting yom lime? ~$)~.r
- 90 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- How long must we go on waiting? ~)\k~ 1 "' JA-- <.? ?
- How far is it from Consta ntine '.6' • i f ~WI rS
to Annaba? ~;.,~ J!
- How tall are you? k U). \..
- How heavy are my bags? ~~l.i.- :.Jj) rS
- How many friends are yOll J.lli ,1i_,.,,'1'1 ,~ rS
going 10 in vite? ~I"""y-'"-'
- How much does he owe yOll? k JJ ._-'-"... s:,
~- .T r·

- 91 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Active and Passive ("..,.J .... lJ ~'
Voice cJ~.JJ c.r.J'. .
A - Active Voice

* The "crb is in the actÏ\'c voiee ,,.hen the subject is the docr of the action .
.J..ill ~\i JA i~1 iJp., \.-'" r~ .,r.ll ..,... J J..ill iJh •
Wc ail love our country ~.lL -....,..; l......>-"
'. ." J ".

B - Passive Voice ,l~ ..;JI .""

T he vcrb Îs in the passive \'oiec when the subjcct undcrgocs the action.
th ;?.ill JA LI:.,J.I iJfo \.= J~ .r.ll ;;.;.,.... J J-Ali iJfo •
.J-Al1 ...);
Our counlry is loved by us t...,...". \;... y F'"" ~-lI,

How to for," the passh'c voiec: " l.."..u, \Ml' .i-< ..;,..5
The passive l'OieC is formcd by using the approprialc tense of the verb "to
ben with the past participlc of the ,'crb
1'"""1 t''' to b," J-.ill..,....,L\1 ..:r')1 rl.l.%:.....~ J~ .r.ll ;;.;.,.... iJfo •
.J-Ali J"....
Sile si ngs Hice songs .
• Nice so ngs arc sung by her.
She sa ng nicc songs. .;,,;j,J
. <!"t?1
.. Nice Songs \Vere sung by 11er. . '-.L
1 ~.. ';,,;j,J
. ~t?Î •

. 92 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
She wîU sing nice songs. . i..iJ:J J\.i.Î ~
Nice so ngs will be sung by he r. . 4-=k--1):' ~ ~ 0\.i.Î

She is singing nice songs. .4A.J=J J\S.Î ~ '+il

Nice songs are being sung by her. ,4-=k-- I):' J.N ~ J\.i.i

She has sung Ilice songs. ,~ J\S.\ ~ J.AJ

Nice songs ha\'c been sung by her. . ~IJ'I ~ ~ 0\S.Î

"By + Agent" is always omitted, "~WI + ~I)!" o)L:;..jj).

where the doer is either c1ear from l,.l j&-WI I.Jh ~ WI~
the meaning, of no interest ~i I.$~ ~ , ~I ,;r ~IJ
or unknown to us ' ~J;A-- ~ Ji I.:J
.6.:-:3 1~\J ~1l1 ,t)l.41\ -1
1 - Simple present, past simple and future:

Present Future Pasl

'? Is Will be
J + ( PaSI
A" Will be
~ ~

Examples: jj 1" 01
The shock dazed him
• He was dazed by the shock. .......\..."lI 0"' ~;
He drives his own car '-.p \;1..1 <iJ t,... , >'< .;1
• His own car is driven by him. ,\.i; <iJt,...

We shaH know the result. ~I~"";r''''';y

• The result will be known. ."...,..-
l, "";'.B "";Y ,;.,...01
Rights are never granted but PJ C'-' 'Y JyiJ-1
taken by force ôA i>.y | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ..‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

93 .. ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬
~L, -,..Jl.hll j..,.; L.J
2 - Dcfccth'c Vcrbs ......W\ ,lw":lI-2
Formatioll: ""p:;;.I \
+ B, + pp 1
1 D.v
"'-';UI j...J1 Op.., Jr<il,-'
Exumples: d

They should arrange everything.

- Eve rything should be arrunged.
- The mystcry muy be c1eared up 500n.

What can not be cured 11H151

be cndu red.
This system must be changed .~ Ji ~ rLI2.JI \.k
3 - The Co nfi
Il uous cnscs
•- ,....:;..J 1 ;;;...,":II
t)-"" ...-"\..
,.;- l, W'IS } + being + P.P
~ '"
Someonc is black mailing him Jlyi ?, \.. ..l>-i
He is being blackma ilcd ? .Jlyl ~l

He \Vas rcading an English book I,~I ,~ ifi ~\5'

An English book was being rcad ifi .;,\5' I,~I ,~
Wc are not being neglect ing you ~ 'J lel
You are Ilot being neglected ~ /.:.êl | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

- 94‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬- |
4- The Pcrfect tcnses:

C)L;,.. ...... l-
Ha> Had + Been + P.P
Examples: i Itell
They have made a grea l success L..,J;.o l>-~ lyi-i>- ..Li!
A greal success has been made ........ .û ~é.~
He has d ouble - crossed us ~..\.>-
We have been double - crossed ~.;; ..Li!

Saille body has told him thal or.-. Î \.. ~

He has been lold thal .!..U.i, J"'Î ..Li!
He had already broken hi s promise of'") ...;J.;.Î ..Li!
His promise had already been broken ...;J.;. Î .û JI) oJ,s.) ,
5- The Imperath'c ~ .5
+ Object + Be
Take aU thiogs iota consideration
- Let aU lhîngs be ta ken into
considera tion.
- or: Ali things should be taken into
considera tion.
Give your work more interest il...:;;:.':1\ i f \..\,!)- ~ k\
- Let you r work be given more interest. 'i~ 'Y! if !~f ~ dl..s- t)
or: Vour work must be given more interesl.

- 95 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Do this qu ick ly "'.ri liA> Jdl
Let this be done quickly. ."'.ri .!.U; J..;,I
or : This sho uld be done qllickly.
6- Question" " ~~"JI" ili..."JI -6
Apply the fo rement ioned rules and .?.i.l\ wl.. ..u:. \yAJ\ ~
notice the subject inversion .~W\ t!'J 0 ..12- ':J J

[ Be J-..> J 1 JJ-'" Do J-..> ]

Examples: , 1" QI
Did they sec you? \' ~JÎ) ~
We re you seen? \'~..5 ~
Have yo u had lunch? ~~Li.;J\ ~ JG
Has lunch been had? ~~\.w\ JJ; jA
" ,
Have any questions becn asked about me? ~~ ~I ~I ...:....>-):0 jA
How have 1hey been received? ~\~\ J.?
When will the next meeting be held? ~i.)l.iJI t..~ ':JI ~ d-"
* N.B: Sentences conta ining twa abjects: :~ ~ Js- ~~\ J.J-I <>
Either of those objects may bccome the subject of the passive voice.
.~ Il ~ ,) ~ .;,:J.,..u1.ft~ '-" <.fi -
Usually, the personal object is made the subjcct of the passive .
.~WJ L,lU ~I J.,..ul ~ \. i,~
1 bought her a nice present
She was bOllght a nice present

- 96 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
A nice present was bought for her. -' 1 l.A...6J
.''<'., c:.--.r' - ;".co
He will give me something \.. \.0,.:. ~ j r'
- ,
1 will be given something \.. \.0,.:. ~ L,
Something will be given to me . -J ~\..i~
7 - Passive Infinitive "I~ ,_,;.JI ,.....a.ll -7
FOl"matioll: :.:r-#I
C To Be (in the infinitive) + P.P .=J
There are laws ta be issued .J~ J\ ~ 0:,-i\ji ~l:A
, '
Hi s life is to be saved .;.,il:>- ..i.4.:; J\ ~
There is nothing to be worried about Jl,J1 Jo.-" \.. ~"" crJ
8- Intransitive Verbs ....j)'JI JW'l1 -8
Intransitive verbs that can be made transitive by the addition of a
preposition, can be used in the passive voice.
~ .r. .j.r. ;ijw.~ '-l-'""" Jwi Ji ~~ ~ .jl ...j'>\ll JW~I
-J~ , AA,..# J 4-1~1
She was laughed at by everybody
This matter must be looked into
He was looked upon as a great hero

- 97 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
C The Imperative Form ]
1/ The second Derson Im/Jerative c::.....P~ L jJ\ ~ II
Positive Form: 'Ir Roth singular and plural second person imperative
",I".,I ;u....• (orms are formed with the infinitive without "to",
M' .~ .

J Î 1~.;A-o .., IS' <1>-, ..,..., l>..JJ .!'~ 1 AA,...> .., fo •

. "To" "'J.l.! )J..o1I ~I~I; ~
Sil down! I..,..J>.-I Stand up! (..,.#' ,y) IJ>.<'I
Clean il! ~\ Go 8ack! ~IJI' , c:-)1
Negative Form: " is used with "do not" (don't) + the infinitive
.j:J 1 ;;.,J 1...> ;u...,.. without "to" ,
rrTd ' .j)~ JMlI J..\...a...o + :'do not" ~\ ~b\ Î\~~ ~_ (0

Don't smoke! I.}--" 'i Don't lie! ,",J$:; 'i

Don't write on walls! Don't go Dear the faire
JI).c!-1 Js- -,-5.; ''1 ):JI J' ..." fo'1
IIJ The (lrstand the third persan imperative .I.,)ùl.t? ~ I II
(l, He, She) (~ 'J") ..,...:WI
Positive Corm: is used with "let" + subject or pronoun + the
a:...~1 a.l.o,;.- infinitive wi thout "to",
M' .~ . •

)~ + ~I } j<LilI + "let" tl..L>.:....l, J.""-'

,"to" 0)~ ~\
Let me go out let him 1her do as he 1she Knows
C.r'Î <.j'" (J.1") J fi W' (~) j..;, (~') "',
Let them practise what sports they prefer.
·JA .}JI WoUI Jr-.Jl.ç ~'

- 98 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Negative form: is used with "let" + Subject or Pronoun + not + the
V) 4.:JL... ~ infini tive without "to".
~I + ~I } j<-WI + "let" rl..G.:..,.1, ~
. "To" 0)~ ~l )...1...,.:2..- + "'.}"
Negative Form:
- Let me n ot out.
Let's not go (nlet us golf is usually contracted to: let's go).

:ih.iI JI?,I c: I;Jlio 0 Let us ~j; ''1 ~; -

.(Le!'s go :Jèl y.:J1 J;. pi) j.T"
, Let them no' drink a' ail :J)(l,)'1 Js- Iy..r'; '1 r-I'" -
Remark: This form is Jess used, and we prefer to say:
:J yill j.;.;; '-'" w.J"J J l....;..,. )' 1 J,li ::u..-~
.h..!I1 l.i.o
- 1 mustn', go out C.f"i 0i J>- ~ ~ -
- We mustn' t go. y~..ul l:.);:. ~ '.} -
- They mus'n', drink a' ail il~! y l).!1 ~ ..,...,., 'J -

The imperative is used to tell or, ask somebody (usually a cmld) to do

or not to do something in a very direct and familiar way.
J"-' r~ } j..A, (\;,..0 I;Jlio) \.. ~ cJl, Ji )y.)' ./'1 ~ ~
.~"li..J i';'t,. <A,j>, ,.;-
The imperative is used also for formai public notices.
I{' ":.1 ~ •
.........-JI ~I .:,,1; .:"Ci')U1 J;. .!Jj.i5' .7"'lI ~ ~
Or for asking permission or ordering a permission with ficst or tmrd
person .
.r--" } ,Pl F I .r--" c: u:""'.? ".i } 0;1 ..,.JJJ ~ }
. y'WI

,99, | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

, - - - - - - - - [~}~J ;r~ . . . '-'Î_J-----------,

• Come and si t dawn! !~!) JW -
. Don't go near the electric power! !J~.:PJ! J\.iJ! fl;;Î ..;...;l; 'ï -
- Oon'( walk on the grass! .....)JJ ':J !~\ J.>- J.l
r ,-
'1 -
- Dan't smoke! !.,:r=-JJ '1 -
- Dan't use your mobile phone! !J~\ o.-iü4JI J-.=-7 ~'l -
~';;Ji0)l ~~
- Let her Come with me ta revîse together.
- Let me help you ta solve your problems .
•1;... L..)~, e-- I) <,?"" <lb- ~, -
.-!lli' w... jJ- !l-lo1..,3 ci'" -

- 100- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
[ The GERUNDS (ING).., ~..JI ~WI \,",",,1 J
Definition: A gerund is a verb used as a noun, it is called verbal noun.
r- I ~ ~) r-I' ~ .Y' (ING) ~ Ji)1 ",,\.ill r- I :,-,,'pl
.•.;.; r-I.

A· Form: :c.P\ -Î
Gerunds are formed exactly like the present participle by adding
"ing l1 to the infinitive without "to".
"'.J. LiA) l:1..i Jyuill } ",,\.ill r- I J'- (ing) -! Ji)1 JAAlI r-I Cl~
."To" Cl)"" JAAlI J.i..d (ing)
- Infinitive: To run, to work, to tell, to write, to be, to read , to
fish, to teach, to film , ..
- Gerunds: Running, Working, Telling, WrÎting. being, rcading,
fishing, Teaching, filming.


~ .
'<?? :(ING) ~ w)1 JAAlI ,L.....I
~ } . . ~

... "r')l.!')f \ ~~ .~ h!..l-J\ ~ 'ô~\} ,ri#

B· USE cJy..:....J,.>\ -c:.J

as the subject of the sentence.

A Gerund can be used: _ ACter prepositions.
--+ AfteT certain verbs.
--+ ln compound nouns.

<L,JJ ""L.;5" <-

)-~ J)? .n",g),-,~,,-. ..:J"'y"'),...I....JAAl=,"::;-1
<--"(',,, ..Vu
.JW>'I ~ 1..; <- ,JI....;;...I h
.;j)1 ,L..... ':il = <-
1- As a subjecl of a sentence:
- We use the gerund as a subject of a sentence, when the action is
being considered in a general sense, this implies that the speaker has
had a personal experience of it .

. JO 1 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Js. ~ J--ill j\5' 1;1 '.L,..lI -ylA> (ing) ~ Ji)1 J--ill ri ~ -
.J--ill I~ '"" l>- ;,fi ",.Il .:- J....,ll 5i ci"<
eg * Speaking English is easier than speaking-French .
I.e.) 'r WI .... *"
.<,....;...-JI ~
Cr' ~i ;,;,l.f)'1 ~ :JI!..
- Or when the action is being considered as a habit one .
. ;,1..5" :rl J--ill j\5' 1;1 } -
eg * Fishing is my favorite pastime .
.",.u ~I ~I cl' .!J...-jl i,- :JI!..
2· A{ter prepositions:
- Wc use the gerund Corm when the verb is placed immediately aCter a
"')r- J..; \1..,.:0Y J--ill j ~ \..= (ing) ~ Ji)1 J--ill ri ~ -
.;.;.1.,. }-I

," ,li;...
'" J am thînking of emigrating. .j .,s::;i d -
'" 1 am sorry for keeping yOll waiting. .)kl d .!.Js:") J...-ï d •
'" He insisted on seeing her. - 4-:;jj Js. (:li -
'" cao yOll touch yOUf toes wÎthout bending your knees?

.~~ <-f JY .!JJ.".~ ë--"! ;r F Jo •

3- A[ter certain verbs: '1 \W~\ ! ~ ..uu -3
~ ~}L-' ~,:,\s. Jwi oh -
es jl.
These are common verbs which
could be followed by gerunds: :(ing) -i Ji/' j..J r~

"admit, anticipate, avoid, consider, defer, delay, deny, detest, dread,

enjoy, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, hate, imagine, involve, keep
(continue), like, mind (object) miss, pardon, prevent, postpolle,
Recollect, Resent, Resist, Risk, save (save oneself the trouble 00,
stop, suggest, understand,"

- 102 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
‫ﺗﺣﻣﯾل اﻟﻣزﯾد ﻣن اﻟﻛﺗب‬

‫إﻧﺿم ﻟﺻﻔﺣﺗﻧﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻔﺎﯾﺳﺑوك‬
",1> '(Jk;) }-1 ,y1 ,fol ,..;. f~ ,(~l) ..;.,.- ,(Jy-..ù4) e--i
j?; 'Oii.) ~ ,(~jj;) E-'--l ,(f) ~ '(''?) ..;:.;;1 J:;i)
J.;.I) ,(1)) ) ~ 'J) '~ ; ',("- ;') .j ,vJ.) w. ,~1 ,(~Ji)
~, ,.' ~ .
E' 'o.t?) Wc ,(""';1) IW-I ,(,l,..:.'J4 ?l) J-j ,& 1 , ~l)
, ",1-,;._._
,(:,kt;.) '-'j li- ,(J....;.) f)ti 'Cr' i~ 'On):?.li ,(li-!I) y..1 ,(JI»
, _, • f, _'0 <
.• ~ 'cp) ,-».)1 ,(~) .i.iol
ego * she hates getting up early. .. .I~~ ..f>~I ô~ :JI;..
, " - !
• 1 like reading before sleeping. .~jOl J;i iil~1 ~I
* IF we buy plenty of food DOW, it will save shopping again this week.
1.1> J~ ~I Cr' ~ ,,,'JI ~~'11 .;J"' ~I ~r j •

4- ln Compound IIOU" S: :A..S J I f.k'91 ~
- NounsConsislingofaCombination ~ ~111 ~ 1.$# ~I..-I -
• A driving lesson - A driving ;jL::Jl 4...a.>j - ~~l J r..fJ) -

- A Swimming pool. - A Living Room. J~ ~\ ~.f - ~~j ~.J. -

- A bird wa tching. - A washing machine. j.:-.J\ ~i - ~..,;.ll · }l.k -
- A dry d eaning. - A pu.blic speaking. ,4,. ~1 ~ - j~1 ~I -

, 103 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
1Adjectives 1

An adjecth'e is a word used to qualify a noun. . ~_/.~, ,j....., j ~ 4IS' 4i.AII

Ex: Wc ncver forgel great men ,-L...1.,.J\ J~)I \~i ~ ':} :J:.-
Adjectives add to the mcaning of oouos but limit their application .
. ~ ,J' ~ ~J <I....}~I <?" ,J' "<.J .:"Li....oJI
Ex: The pen. , ..\.ill :cP
The IlCW pen. ....\,!JJ.- \ r-W' -

The new blue pen. .-,<-,-*-I J Jj'il r-lill -
The small new blue pen. .~' -'<-'-*-, JJ}" r-lil' -
The more adject ives we add " j l..J5' ..;:,li...> ,J' ~Î l..J5'
the morc limitations wc impose -'<~ ,J' r-)l1 JI- "';'.1" \..
Adjectives arc invariable for numbcr, gcndcr, person or case.
aJ~1 JÎ ~I ,~I " .WJ I.i.,l> .:"I..i..<>ll ;:i<J 'i

A green dress. .r"-'" yi
Green trces. . <'r"-" J J."...;.Î
Green ink . .r"-"Î ~
Green pens ,Ir"-" t)liÎ

Green grass r"-'" ~
How 10 lise adjectioes ",,\.i...aJ \ 1 I~' ~
Attributively Predicatively
Belore the noun As a complement to the verb

Happy drcams i~ r)6..i Thal sounds good ~)~Lu

A Beautiful nower ~ &,J)J Vou seem happy 1..L..oo...-
. .
) .J...>-.:...;Î

• 104 • | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He did useless efforts i,iJ.:o:v ~ .;..b ~ r\j His thoughts are quick ~~~)~i
Thal is 3 grcal idca ~~;:.:. o.l...t. His friends are few Jl~ .j\i.c..i
Poor fellow ~ ~ She looks preHy u.-
- . ) .J.,,;

Kinds o[Adjectives: û\i..aJ1 E9

1 - Proper Adjectives ~.;:..L<.,.
2 - Descriptive Adjectives c...; ..,:..I...L,.,
3 - Quantitative Adjectives <,S.;:..L<.,.

4 - N umeral Adjectives ~.:l~":"'~

5 - Demonstrative Adjectives ;;).:.. l..,:..~

6 .. Interroga tive Adjectives ..,..~I .;:..L<.,.

7 - Distributive Adjectives ~..:...~

8 .. Possessive Adjectives ~ .;:..L<.,.
1 .. Propcr Adjecthes ~ .;:..Li...>- 1
The Aigerian people. .<.,>JI.f.- 1 ..,......:J 1
The Arab league. .<.".rJ1 w~1
The British embassy . .<,; 11,.)1 i }":..JI
The Roman an tiquities . . <';l..))1 )U'JI
The Turkish delight. .~)I <S}>-
2 - Descriptive Adjectives «~""JI ~ ":"'~-2

... To explain the quality or the state: ;;J~I )i Cyll ~.fI •

C Adj + NOim ~\ + ~~
1i r'.\II ~J-'..
;.,;.:;,JI cr s:, <.,..f"-II W11,
. ~)J'
. 1 -"" "::i .b-)\,.
An awkward situation C? "';';y
Fresh news «~..\;>o.» ;;.À:!~ j~i

The Pllplic opinion tWI <.,>1)1

- 105 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
The cold war ;,}.,JI y.J-1
Big powers ~I cSyi\1
A populated area ,,15:..J,
<l.o. i <Ak;..
Mutual understanding J, G r-" li;
Peaceful co-existence .1. 'W
Peaceful relations 6..!~) ..:...ü-::u.
A brutal aggression ~) ,'-~I
F aise allega tions ~~IS' 0\'"t?~\
Fair means ~)r-- yl.)
Decisive decisiol1s ~l>. ..,:...\)}
A republic decree c?)~ )}
The diplomatic corps Ir" 1...,J,.ùl .!.lUI
Economie blockade c?,L,.,:;1 )l.a>-
Cultural Exchange Jlii J,t,;
Legislative authority -
,- i.bL
A general assembly ~t?~
Military alliances ,,~ j)\,..Î
Special occasions ~ l>- ..:...1.:---\..:...
Modern concepts ~ -"- ,.,.1.;..
< <
Foreign capital ~' JI.. <fI)
National struggle .;k) CliS"
The middle East h..}11 JrJl
Postal exhibition -,<.), uP/"
Armed forces <...L 01}
Human rights "Le'>'1 Jyi>-
International peace Jl<o (;}...
- 106 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
The broad tines ~.rll .1.#1
Conerete proof

e:1\i J,I'
The red cross ~}lI~1
The national spirit ~}I O}
False promises ~::,IS' :JYJ
Armed intervention d-' J>-X
Internai affairs Uocb
- J )y
Positive neutrality Il",, 1 ,\,>-
Economie planning <.f,WI .b,k;..;
Agrarian reform </,IJj C")lpl
3 ~ Quantitative Adjectives ....,.- ":;'\A.p -3

Much / Sorne .J-; Any .,si
Little j.,J; No 'i Enough JI5"
Ali Half ~ Sufficient .j\~

C Adj + Noun __1""""\ + ll..o J

Much work pJ-> Sorne water ,UI .J-;
Much food /rW. Sorne food rw.J1 .J-;
M uch pleasure ..$ J ) r Sorne rnoney ,.,;.JI .J-;

J-> j.,J; JI..
Any work
. Little money

j.,J; J-Î
Any lime ) -
(.$\ Little hope

No smoking "-R'-,"I U'" .

'.J,; 'i Liltle knowledge U)j4j."...

Ali the money 'yiJl J' Ali the tÎme "'-'}IJ'

SufficÎent rest ~IS' ;",..\) The whole book y~lJ'
Half solution J>-J...; HalftÎme "'-'.,II"';"";

- 107 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Much cry little wool. .l>.1 ,,) 'J) ~ e:-i
Ts there any diffic ulty? 1"r--' <.fi ~Lo J.-
There is no harm done. ." ,i <.fi -.:,_ r.I
Have you gO! any money? 1,.,;.; <.fi .;J.... J;; J.-
That does not make any sense. .~ <.fi 1-4J cr-l
4 - Numeral Adjectives

For countable nouns

A - Dcfinite numeral adjectiws OJ~ ~JJS. ~1.A.,p -1

Cardinals ~J ~ \...Is-I Ordinals ~;~\...Is-i
Zero ./'-" Firs! J}!I
000 -'>-1) Second ·\:11
Two .:>lOl Third -'.J\:II
Three ~)I.; Fourth c,l)!
Etc ... '.r'ï Ji Etc ... '.r'ï Ji
B - lndefinite Itumeral adjectives

Ali cl' Several ",,," Plenty of if.;?,

Sorne F,w t..>..wh J.=l.i Any of if <.fI
No """
'i Enough --.ilS" Any
Many A lot of ifp.) Sorne of ifJ";
Many of ifp.)
Examples: l

Four eyes see more than two. . .G-I}I ,If. '! L. Jlé'!l "f.
Of two evils, choose the least. .J).rAJ1 J>.Î ?,I
Ali people afe mortal. .Jo ~ if cl'
No success withou t tiredness. . ..,...; J)-'-' Cl>.' 'J

- 108 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Some people like to be great. .'"~ If~ 0i 0~ dU! ~
Life has many ups and downs. .J6- Js- ~..ù! .;::...-; "Y
He has made few mistakes. .,"\.b.:.\r\ if ~ ~) .J.Aj
Several subjects must he tackled. . W~ ~ ;-\!js;. ...:..\s.."....,.r
We have enough troubles. .~I.:l\ if ~ ~ ~JJ
They have bought a lot of things. .i.r.S ' L,.!.i 1)';':'1 .cil
He ha s much money and little sense J.,ll .!lIA.! .r.S J\.. ..,.0
• A few (means a small numher) ~ \)js;. ~ A few 0-

Few (means a sma ll numher Ji cfJ) ~ b.l<- <.j'Ü Few

but less than (a few) (a Few) i f

We have a few friends. .Cl},li ,~-w>i \;,.0

1 have read few books though t'-~ ~I i f ~ .c-i) .cil
. ;
r am free. 'é.:P JI
ln comparison with the free time \é.iJ1 t/AlI ..:..i}1 c: ~~I.:il.~
in my possession, The number of books ~I '"": :,~ ,';jY"
1 have read is small . .I.e.,. J.,ll .cA) .}I
Many cooks and fe w eaters. .#'11 i f J.,ll) i4kJ1 i f .r.S

A few of my friends Iike footbaH. .r.cill i.? iJY" Iim....... i f J,Lil1 1
A lot of my frieods Iike foot baH. .r.cill i.? iJY" lim .......i i f ~\
Many of my friends Iike football. ·r.cill i.? iJY" J~ .......i i f ~I
Many = a great number ..r-$' ,:,js;. ~ ' Many.
A great deal = much = "a large grea t" ;..r-$' ~ ~
A large quantity ~ Ji ~ ,:,js;. ~ lA 10 l of)
<J..;..I J 4Jt......:...\ ..,..... ir-?

. 109 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
5 - Demonstrative ad'jett'/\les !
.,...,;.0 W
'J.. This That

c::"" These Those

Such The other

The same Another


1 saw a cow walking on the other -"";C!-I Js- .r--" ;fi ~iJ
side of the street. ·tJl.:J1 if J"-'\II
Such crazy persons sometimes ~I v"~:,rl ,'Yy. J-

surprise you. . ~ \.,>-1 .!.1 frli,
1 know tha t place very weil. .I~ "t5:.l1 .!.li; j fi
He has won a prize and is looking
for another one.
- .
..) ~) ;)k- r;<J -Cil
.<5J"-1 Js- J~I
Do not talk with such a fool. . ~I Li.. t: ":"..I.>..:i 'Y
Those flowers are for you. ..!.li ..... J1')I .!.lli
1 do not like the other one. .<5J"-:,rl .,.....i 'Y
.1 will meel you at the same place.
1 hope you will come al the same time
."t5:.l1 ..,-i' ,j .!.lWL
.~}I ..,-i' ,j ..JI; ,,1 Joi

6 - Interrogative adjectives .... 1fA:..o1 .:..\A.;> -6

What Which
• •
What towns have you seen?
Whic~ book are you going to buy? ~"I';'
~~IJ "..\lI ,,1
-"<J y\5 ,,1
- 110 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Whal an illluck? ~ '-'""" .b- if J ~
What do you prefer? ~J.,;,.i; ..... IJ ",i

Which time suits you? kj~ t;, ..:...iJ '" 1
7 - Distributive adjectives ;;, .,.,:;.; .:.,,\.Q..,p -7
Each Every
Either Neither

1 ga ve a pen 10 each one. ......IJ j5J Wi ~i

Each one has rus own hobby . ....... \.;1..1 ""1..........IJ j5J
Evcryone should stay at his place. . "lS:,. ci ~ Ji ..,.."., .....IJ J>
Neither bail appeals to him. .J ,jJ) .:r,;.fjl if ; .....IJ 'iJ
Eithcr one will suit me. ..;.....IJ J""L. \..Jo1 ..... l ~*--
Pupils have a rest every J> .... 1.;--1 Js. J y......... ..\,.o)\:)1
two hours. .0>"'L..

8 - Possessive adjectives <.s:.t.

. .;.. u;",., -8
Subject Possessive adj Adj + Noun
My My umbrella
We Our Our dreams
you Your Your activities
He His His son ~\

She Her Her daughter \pl

1. los <j;WI .r-"!l Its hair o""":"'}1.A~
They Their Their will t"i',IJl
Examples: ~ Ito\
Il is your desire. '~J 4'1
Old people always lose their ways. 'i*")o J ~ ;,\;0 .;,-II JLf
Malice drinks its poison. .•.......;; J:.i< .ûJ.1. ,,,..... .... IJ 'i

. III . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Let us cali up our old days. . ylll t:.."i .f.i:.....; ~,
We vîsited him at his offi ce. ..p... J , CJj .cil
Don't eat yOUf words. ...!.J..')1.5" J t:"'" 1.;' '1
His heart was in his mou th. .j yL 1 .l,!.L:. .) 15'
• Nouns used as adJectives ",,\.<..aS .k~1 , 11&-=11<
A noun may he uscd to qualify ....u} 1'"""1 JI..A:....I ~
another noun -.1"ï 1'""" 1
Examples: •
Dog days i.!:-- r~i Constan tine bridge ~r""
World news ,JWI )I.,>-i Security counei l ,:r';1 ~
Gold ring ~.iJI d (\..:. Social diseases ~4' '-"".t"i
Population explosion Jts::..... J~l Football fan s (..\.iI1 ôj" JI..!..
The nouos uscd as an adjective precede the qualified noun and any change
of position changes the meaniog in return.
,:r .fi ~). ~ ,,1) ,jJ4'}.1 1'"""'1 1 ..;,...; .;;,\.i..,oS' '1.." 11 ,'-'~I
.~I .r-'< ,.,;!l.'-'~I
~ :$
Cornfield c--<J1jA>- School boy ;..,.. J.J.,o l:-oJ.i
Field eorn Ji'-I~ Boy school .i.:-- ')1.; ;..,.. J.M

Race horse Jl,.- .)i...=- Love righ ts JI J....,.

Horse race j,J-1 Jl,.- Rights love J#-I _
• Adjectives used as f10uns ~~t5 ;i\ .... p
11 ""Li...all 1<

The rich ,,,,'11 The poor ,lj..iIl
The wise ,w:J-1 The happy t.I...u..!J\

The blind .)L,...JI The sick ,-,",,)1

The brave ,:,t..,...:.J1 The old ':'pl

- 11 2 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Using the present particlple js.W\ 1':""'\ J~\
as an adjective .6.i..a5 (verb + ing)

The dreaming boy. ,.J\.J..I ~I

Let sleeping dogs lie. .W\.i d l t:l
A drowning man will catch a straw. -~~ ~ J:!jJI
He used to tell us amusing stories ~ ...:...~~ l:J J~ 0Î :lb.1
The smiling girl. .~I ôl:.AJI

Uslng the past participfe as an ! le-Ü1 1"="'\ ! l~\

adjecli,. :ü..a5
Opened doors encourage the thieves. -if.,..JII ~ ~. ,! ~IJ"! ~I
Married men respect their wives. .~\.:.:-)j 0.r ~ 0 y.- J;ll Jl:.:-)I
Satisfied people accept what . ~..I.:!Î J 4" J ~ 0 yUl;.1\ c.J"I.:JI
they have.
The kidnapped boy was found. .J':~J ..l.Ï ,j~\ ..u}\
My friend is a gifted person. .y rr ~ ~J...,:;

Broken hearts will never forgive \~i C:""L..; J ôJJ-'s:'U y}ill

A fixed priee. .:l~ ./""""

Only registered persons are ~ ..h..ü 0 ~\ if~ "il
allowed to enter. .Jy:-..u4 ~
Comparisoll or adjectives ùli..a.l\ ~)\.i..

There are three degrees of comparison ;,;)Lt....U ..:..L.:-):. .!..o'j.; ~f

1 - The positive degree 4k.-:Jl ~,)W\ ii,,; ,.u\ - 1

The positive degree denotes the simple quality and it is thus the simple form
of the adjective
.l..i..& ïJ......JI ."" .!lJj". </,J ïJ......JI
_. i J.r-' _. ~I ~
.- - ..-,\.JI ....J .Ill

- 11 3 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Happy ~ Rich ,?
Lucky J;,~ Nice ~
Strong 9} Weak ~

1 have a lucky friend. .J;~ ..J.!~ J

1 will be a rich man. .~ k) ~L
He gave me a nice story. .~ ~ J~i

• The positive degree is uscd ~AA::...:; ~, W1 ;;",.):il 1 •

to express equality in quality ~I .j ôlJWI 4r .",dl
As + Adjective + as
He is as strong as a lion. . .c..)l1S' <?.; "1
She is as beaut iful as a fl ower. ." )}IS' a,...". ~l
It is as plain as daylight. .)4-J1 ,~ e-P 1) "1
His face is as black as coal. , ...AlIS' , yi ~)
He is as stupid as his brother.
."'"ts- ~ "1
As white as snow.
.cBlS' """i
Negative (orm: ~I~
C ____ Not as + Adjective + as _ _ ~
Today is not ascold as yesterday. .<f"')l1S' I,)~ crd r."ll
You are not as happy as the others. 'J..? ':JlS"" !~ ...:.-J ...:.. ..iÎ
She is not as polite as her sister. ..lf:..>lS"" 4.:4- ...:-..-:J ~1
They are not as clever as ,"\.?~i !.r--:l ~1
the other class. ,?':J\ ~lS""
2 .. The comparative degrec ~W.I ;;",. >' - 2
• The comparative degree denotes ~)~.:J:.:i J.l.j,\Â\.1 ~)~ •
a higher or /ower degree of the quality ï..i..A1J u',i Ji .;.i

-114 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Il is rormed as rollows:
A - By adding 11er" to the positive adjective ifit ends in a consonant
JL.. ..,)r-; ~ ..:...lI$' I;'! ;u",..,J1 u...J1 J! "er" ~w.~-I
Posithe Adjectives Comparative Adjectives
"~I ..:..\" "-.w.W,\ ,.;...I.i...."
Great ~ Greater ~I,
Clear c:-"IJ Clearer e-"J 1
TaU J» Taller J»I,
Sweet }>- Sweeter ~I
Old .:r-' OIder L. .",1
Thin ~ Thinner ~i
B - By adding "r" to the positive adjective cnding in "e" .
. "e" ..,)r-; ~ ..:...ll$',,! ;u",..,J 1 u...J 1 J! "r" ~w. ~ -.."
Brave t~ Braver
Simple .h,..., Simpler <bL, pi
Ripe ~
'0 Riper pi
Fine Y-'/~ Finer 1.......... pi/.:,-->i

C - By changing lIy" into "i" and adding lIer ll when the positive adjective
ends in "y" preceded by a consonant
~;u",..,J1 u...J1 ..:...lI$' I;'! 'erl~W.!J IiI J! Iyl ..,)f JW"'! -r
.JL.. ..,)f ~ Iyl ..,)r-;
Happy ..,..... Happier -,-,-1
Dirty ) .ii Dirtier J.iil
Ea,y J<- Easier J+.-I,
Ugly C:'" Uglier 1::""\
Early .f,.. Earlier ;:'1

- 115 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
If the lIyll is preceded by a vowel, the "y" remains as it is
...... W- ~ 4J~ "& .j.r-" :J-""'"" .j.T". ;ijJ:--' "y" ..:..ilS" I,!
Gay Gayer
D - By using "more" with a positil'e adjecth'c in case of adjectives of more
than two syllables
,;r iJfo .;J 1..:;., \A..all ;U 1>- J l.b.,....,Il l.A..aJ 1(:: "more" ~ 1AA;;.., ~ -,

.~,;r jS"Î
Beautiful J,->c More beautifu! 'lk,- ..$Î
Interesting J--/.;0 More interesting li,r" ..$i
Splendid cll) More sp!endid '-<)) ..$Î

E - By using "lcss'! to express ,a lower degree.

:.},~I "")J.l1 .:r p "Iess' J'-"-'~ -.A
Intelligent J~ Less intelligent ,lS";yi
Charming Less charming lép/I.r-- yi
Carefu! Less careful )1;.. Jil
* The comparativc degree expresses ~ ;J.;.\A1I ;"'J'
superiority or inferiority .iJ \.;.) 1 m)Î J.P \.i::ll .:r
1 - Supe";oritv J.P \.i::ll -1

She is more intelligent than her husband ~)j .y ,15"; ..$i ~l

He is richer than his brother ..."..i .y c?Î, "1
He is taller than me <i' J}>I "1
2 - In{erioritv "";,~I" iJ\.;.)1 ill -2
Her husband is Jess intelligent than her. .~ ,15"; Jil ~)j
He is less careful than his friend. .y ;Jo.;, JiÎ "!
, ,
She is Jess happy than her sister. .\pl .y i,1...,. Jil ~!

- 116 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
"l'han" is usually used with Ihe comparative degree, howe\'er il may nOI be used .
.J--l ':1 .Ii .!.Il; t;') l.i) 1.AI.1 ;.".) ' t;' i,~ J--l "Th. n" •
Are you better now?
~,)':ll ')fb.
~I ~

Are yOlI lookîng for a betler job? ~~i ~J .:..r ~ ~

It is hotter lhis day. ' i..,J1 ,.e. ;).". pi -.;1
Keep your town clean. .~ .!.8.Co J-e-l ..!.8.Co ;,; \k; ~ j;; l,..
3 - The superlative degree , ..!.dl ..... ) ' -3

* The superlative degree denotes the highcst degree of the quality.
.ll..oJ 1 .;:,b,.) ' ,j' ;.".) ' ~ i ~ J.u ..... 81 ;.".) ' •
* It ;s IIset! when we compaJ'e one ,IIit'g 1:,.-" ,,;Ii.; \.o~ J-:--' •
w;,11 ail otJœl' tJrillgs of the sam e ,j' .,.=l'l -S.t"'J l ,t,:.. 'J 1 J5:.,
kiml. ·uJl ..,...;;
Ali is the tallest boy in the class. ...---<JI J .uJ J}>i Y' J'-
;'}J"". ë"" ,j' J}>I

• The superlative degree îs formed by using: :JL....o.:.....~ ,)fo ifl:dl ~J~.

"est'" "st", "iest!! or "most" in accordancc with the same rules applicd to
the comparative degree .
. U,.;:,\lI.1 ~),) 4lb- J U:hll ~ 1.".aJ1 ~ t,a;J IImost ll yi lIiest", "st '\ lIest ll

Posi tive degree Comparati ve degree Superlalive degree

Fol J~ Falier ~I"" ?i The falles t ~I"" ?'II

Small .J"'-' Sm aller ~i The smallest ~'JI
Simple .J..,..., Simpler.L.,i The simples! i1L., ?'JI
. ü Emptier 1<1) ?i The empt iest 1<1) ?'II
Empty é,J ,
-i ''11
Ugly ~ Uglier ~ The ugliest ~,
Expensive .;u.\/J" More expensive cFi The mosi expensive cF'Il

- 11 7 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Irregular compar;son

Adjective Comparat ive Superlative '\

"-"II u.,;"Wl ~;.:l ....81 ;,...J,
• •
Bad "r.?.:l; Worse b) The worst o"b; ?~,
III JoV Worse L.;,.,. ;>i The worst L.;,.,. ;>'11

Good ~ Setter .:ly.-Î The best .:ly.- ~,

Little J,li Less cYi The least cY'jl
Much ~Ip.> More Il> ;>i The most Il> ;>'11
Many ,..\JI p.> More 1,-,- ;>i The most b-,- ;>'11
Old • •
.:r-' Older/Elder l... ;>i The oldest/Eldest l... ;>~I
fne Farther ~Î The farchest .J.A}il

- 11 8 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
An adverb is a word which describes aDy part of speech other than a DOUD
or a prODoun.
..,..,...:.:JI JI l'''''''~I I~ l.,l ~~I ~ .7- <$1 ..;.....J'. ~.;; WS" J~I
Thcrefore, the adverb may describe verbs, adjectives, adverbs, participles,
prepositions, conjunctions, phrases, and sentences.
,~ I..ill .t......1 ,J I.r~1 ,..;..\A..aJ1 ,J W~I ~ <JI JWJ .;.., ~J
.J...*-IJ ..;..I},.JI , ~IJ)I ,';'-1 .jJ.r ,Jr'il
fURetions of adverbs Jly ~I ...:.;\l;,
1 - To describe verbs: :JW~I "-'-") - 1
- 1 was absen t yesterday. . cr''11; t,:l? .::.-5 -
- That deeply concerns me. . I.e,. ~ 1.iJ. -
- Let us speak frankly. .;"'1"..." ~ "'" -
- Keep quiet. .,)-4l1 t)l -
- 1 sincerely wish you good luck. .I~ iJ;.,.. .!..ll ",,1 c.J")\.>.1 ~ -
2 - To describe adjectives: ..;..\UJI "-'-") - 2

Thal is very kind of you. . ~ .!,l. t.? 1.iJ.,

1 feel much better (his morning. 'C~I 1.iJ. ~ cr""'! r'-I
Is he still fast asleep? ~trll .j \;~ Jlj '11
Are you quÎtc sure? ~~Ii .\5"b d Jo>
He is strong enough to challenge a bear. y' <$..c,.,J "u>J1 .,; I.e ~>' "1
3 - To describc adverbs: :Jly~I~ - 3
- You play perfectly weil . .\.Ii .;.".
.. -.....J; .:11, -
- He drives too fa st.

. 119 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- He works very hard. ,.l.>,-J5:, Jo.-< .c! -
- Thank you sa much. .I~ .!lJ 1;:":' -
A You spend tao lavishly. -"-.!.J.;I< -
,fl":'"<' ,L>......,. ~

4 To describe participles:
A :J"..<ll) J&LiII ,l.,..,Î ...u) - 4
- You look rather confused. , I.l.>,-, tS:.;, f )J...:i.!.J.;
, 1• -
A This result is very promising. . L~o~~lo~ -
- He is tired out. . \..l>' .~,j,jl- .
- 1 am mostly honoured to mect you.
- He lold us an exceedingly amusingstory. .~L;Jj Y--- ~ LI Jü -
5 To describe prepositions:
A ';'-1 ..j J-r ....A..; J - 5

- He arrived long before the rime. .J):- ...:..j.J"! ..J..?"ll ~ j..PJ -

- They came just in time . . ;)~\ ...:..j}1 J \)~ -
- The bullet passed exactly over his head. .0\..,.01.; ~ vL,.,:.)1 ~./' J....oij -

- Your ability is certainly above the average . . J} 4W4 ~).û JI-
6 To desctibe conjunctions:
A ~IJ)I ....A..;J - 6

.~.r- ~I ~ ",;Î ;)ft -

- 1hale him simply because he is not hones!.
- 1 feel happy only when 1 work hard. .~ ~I \.,...J...:.? o;)~ r:-Î -
- They respect him merely because he is rich .. ~ ,j,jÎ ;)ft .;.".~ ~l -
- He ca me to himself shortly artel' ~ ~ o..t,;.) Ji ;)U:. J..A.l -
a fcw minutes. .JJÜ;)
• •
- 1 will tell you precisely \Vhat to do. .4ui; J\ ~ \...s. J.:i..t:.l4 ~.r.=-L.. -
7 - 1'0 dcscribe phrases: :"':"'I)~I ....A..;J - 7

Let us gct right to the point. .0';"1.:-- tr""ll J J>-..l.i \,.:s.;)

They live exactly at the corner ~)\j J ~l:o J ~ ~1
of the main st reet. .~)I t)L:J\
You are not right with me. .~ b...!.r'" ...:.....J

- 120 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
8 - To dcscribe scntcnces: : ~I J..;) - 8

Luckdy. they came la te. 'J..r'L I)jle- r-t'i YI .;r-!-

Fortunately, we have not missed much. ..r.SJ1 ~ r.I d ..b:l\ .:..r-> ..:.r
Indeed. 1 <lm a t your disposaI.
Obviously, they were not in the Js- 1.,,;J-~
· .!..t}·!.l ~) dl
- ,~
r.I ~I L""'I}\ ..:.r
m_. .~~

• TI.. kÙ,ds of ad""bs J I ". 'il 1 t"i 1<

1 - Simple adverb,: <k,-.,JI Jly'Jl _ 1
2 - Interrogative adverbs ~~ ":JI Jly- ~I _ 2
3 - Conjunctive adverb, •....okJI Jlyi. <.6,1)1 Jly:Y1 _ 3
t - Simple advcrbs ~I J 'F~I - 1
A - Adverb, oftime and frequency. ,';:'1.;' >"'" ".;ll) ';'I.oJI Jly; (i)
. W_
Before .P Ago ~

Since b Now J~I

Theil ~~ ACter .Nu,

Immediately I)j Early 1;:"

Late I.r'l:.o Soon 'Jl>-
Presemly l,Il>- Instantly JlJ-I.j
\'-JI Today r."JI
Yesterday u-'I Always Wb
Ever ~/ ..:..1) - Wb Already J'if
Recently 1.:;-1>- Tomorrow 1-"

Next ..!.1b -lA: Never 1->,1

ACterwards ~l...;.t Lately 1~'1
Shortly \..,- Still Jlj'J

- 121 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Frequently lJ/" Once ' / ..:...1.)
Tonight ~Wl1h Vot -"i
, •
Seldom lJ.:Ili Repealedly " cS.r'i -"i 0/ 1jl " ".fi
Generally Lor" Onen l,l\i.
Hardly ,IS' Lo Sometimes ~l,>-I

Conlinuously }r:-~ Occasionally ~l,>-I

Conslanlly rl)..ul J-- Scarcely IJ.:Ili

Rare ly lJ.:Ili Regula rly r\k;~

Vou have 10 finish Ihis work right now. . "Y\.;... J-JI L.lA
• Qi
~ JÎ .!.J.#.

1 haven't seen this man before. .j.:i if ~)I 1.1.A ) ~

They always make fun of him . ."Woo (j)~ Wb ~1

Sometimes we watch the la te film. . o~1 ~ ,uL:..; lil:>-Î

Do you know what will happen next? ~~.1.b ~ ~ j..,-; .]A
Vou wi ll never unders1and me. .\..I..:>Î ~ J ~1
They hard ly paid their debts. .~~ ~ J:!.) I)$..L.,..
He ,eldo m gelS up early. . (I:f~) lM ~;: ! Lo IJ'~ <il
b - Ad\'crbs of place 01.S:.1I J 1.ri - ~

Abroad Ul!!-I J Above J;

Afar -"id" Across :ft.
Anywhere JI.(. <,St Along J.,k ~
Ashore '.)oL!J1 = Around Jy
8ack ,IJJIi J! Away 1...,.,
8elow Ji-i 8ehind ....Al>-
DownSlairs .)'-JI J)..u~ Down y--i/J
Hence W,if F" 1...,.,
122 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Hithcr Loo Hcre Loo
Nca r ~) ln
0"" Nowhere JI>:.. ",4 ~
Pas! 0" ",.,.il" On .P
Thithcr !iL. Somewhere \.. Jt5:.<


Through .J:>l>-. J
Upslairs ",}.JI JJ-"4 Up J}
Wilhout te) '>" 0)..l..! Within J>'b J
Examl!Jes: ; Itoi
- Our troops gathered behind ~ ~ ;;,,}:-.JI li-c>-) -
the mountain . .JJ-I
- You will und me here. .l:.AI J~

- There are roses everywhere. . JLS:... Jf ~ J~ j ~ j

. Go . head. .j.PI) -
~I - rJ..i; -;
- She will travel abroad with her family. .4Jr i c: C.J~ )L...:.....
- The train went out leaving me behind . . \.Q.L;...,;:,. .;S j) }.6Â.JI ~
- Please, come nearer. .~ i f y pl
C - Ad\'erbs of number: ~..uJ1 Jlyi --:?;
Always Again cS? 1 •.;"
Once Never 1...,1
Sometimes Seldom I),~

Twice Thrice c:A.;" ~~

Examples: l It 01
A fau!t once denied is
twice commi tted .

- 123 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- 1 never play cards. J)}\ ~Î "Y -
- They always find the right answers .. ~I~.r. 'JI J)~ Wb ~I-
- Do not leave me ever again. .L~i ~\j ...sS.? 'j -
- He somelimes goes to the shore. .~~l.!J\ Ji ~~ -\..;~i -
- He always lega lizes the sin . 'i l}-\ r Wb -
- Let us say lhis again. .iS?! 0/ ..:D~ Ji.:.! -
d-Adverbsofquantity,extentordegree: :~)",\,H )ÎI..5.û\ ,~\ J\yÎ -~
Too 1.J.e- Quite \
L, ..
Enough ~l5' ~J~ AlmOSI ..T'
Rather \.. l> y . Very 1.J.e-
Little ':>\,li A linle ')lJ;
Partly \;.r- Much 1-""
\.. l> y . ~

Wholly (\}5") <,l5"
more ;s-i Hardly ,\5' \..

Scarcely IJ':'\..; Least Ji'll
..T' So 1.J.e- "WJ
Ail <,JS" Abundantly o\~
) .
Really lb- Completely \
Distinctly CY"'Y Enlirely lli'
Exactly \ Absolulely ~~I

Enormously <1:" ~J~ Greatly ~ ~J..l:>

Extremely 1.J.e- Just .L;,J~

Slighlly ':>\,li Equally ")~ ~)..l:>

Perfectly \ Practically \"l..<

Utterly <,JS" Dceply ~

- 124 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Sumciently ~l5' ~) Thoroughly t..Lë
Constantly r l).ul ~ 1 Especially L....r"'""

- This work is not so bad. .1-","

u,.... ...,...,J
1t Qi

J.-JI Il,.
- Are yO ll quite sure? Yt..Lë .t5'l:.. .:..,;Î J>
· He is halC mad . .0~ ~..;1
- 1 mect him almost everyday. .\,;,;; rY- J5' ~üÎ jl
- He did not drink much milk. .(..,..,u.I) .:JJI 0" Ir.> ~A r-l
· We have nearly finished C~I J5' l,,';; 4iÎ ..Li!
ail the programme. .(C"~ )1)
- We drink coffee especially J L....r"'"" i"..<J1 ~ r .:r'"
in the morning. ·C\.,..4J1
· 1 feel rather tired. .t.. ~ j ..,....d, "...:.Î
- 1 will give yOll a very good piece oC advice .. L~ ô~ ~ ..!.U (..ûL
·1 am ab~olutely sure that he is the thief. .(J)UI) ~I r ~~ t..Lë .IS"\;. ~i.

· Think deeply of the matter .~ .r'YI J~
- We really don't understand you. .~ )1 ~ ~

E - Advcrbs of orderlsequencers ~..rH Jlyt -~

Firs( -;)
1.r-> Î
} 1'"

- First, let us do this exercise. ..;r-"..,}I Il,. Js- ...,...). "", 'J} -
- Lastly, 1 must remind yOll .ri;, .A ~,;>;Î "i ~ I.r-"i-
of an important matter.

- 125 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Who spoke last? ~I.r.>'i ~ ",.ill 0' -
- Last but not least. . '.r:-ï ~) Ip>-i -
. Firstly, we are going to solve this prob lem. .4.lS:..!J.\ ok ~ 'Y} -

F- Adverbsof Affirmation and Negation: ~IJ ~~'J\ J1ri - J

Perhaps 4; Really Li.-
Truly );-,-, y" r-'"
Certainly 4hJL Indeed Li.-
Proba bly Jd'-10' Obviously .:,i e:-"I}I if"
, Naturally \...,1
Sm' } .J.S"Ji 1 if"
ObvÎously '.;.1:"/Cr"Ji No 'i
Quite \ Possibly ~10'
May he 4; No.
Entirely l.\i - <,15" Never

Precisely Lol..ë - ~~ W illingly j. \.>. -,...,k cr

Examples: ï
. Are you satisfied? ~.~
. 1) -'i v1.
.......... _

Certainly. ...s'Wc
- .
- Do you agree with him? ~wly J> -
Sure. ·.!Sr
- Could they gel you? ~!lr-f' J> -
Yeso 'r-'"
- Do you accept my invitation? ~..; y' JZ Jo -
Most wiUingly. . (;).r') yI..-; .;.s:,
- 1 did not expect that. . .!.lb é yi r-l -

- 126 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Are you indeed in love with her?
Perhaps they will ring me up
at six o'dock.

G - Adverbs or manner
Badly (0,1,fi) L:,... Slowly ,.k"
Wisely ~ Weil 1..",.
Carefully ~~ Care1essly Ju~
Foolishly ;;~ Boldly ~~
sadly 0~ Cleverly ;)4-<
Lightly ~ Heavily ';;1.::,
Correctly ~ "';" Weakly ~
Strongly o~ Clearly Cr-Y-
Polilely ~~y~~ Severely , .r-'i
noisily ~ ,~w.~ Sharply o~

Proudly ,~~ Silently ;;~

Decently ;J.;,\; "';" Wickedly oj:!j-!. ",j>,
Simply <J,L.; Finnly t?'i
Secretly (".ri) I r Calmly ,)-41

Rapidly ~r. Suddenly o~
;.l.-t.",;" •
Urgently Strongly o~

Promptly I.J";

You should not behave badly. .\!,- \5'.,L .!..ll.-; 'J ;;1 ~
It is raining hard. .o)~ )d lti!
He did it cleverly. .o.J4-ç 1A\~i ...w
We solve our problems wisely. .(J-.iJ~) ~~ un.:'" j,..; ~
The number of the inhabitants is increasing rapidly. . 4&-r. ~\?- ~lS:...J\ .)Js:.

. 127 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He answered me sharply. "
.o~ ..,F·\...Î.lil
They behaved proudly. .ç.~~ 'j ~ ..L4J
They answered ail the cxercises clearly. 'CrP J'! ~JL...:.U § ~ ''y~i J.4.l
1 will gladly accepl yOU f oiTer. .J)r ~ ~f j.:.iL
Vou will not find yOuf way easily. .;j.ri--< .!JA,}> ~
Weil done. . 1, " ~I , ~ ~

H - Sentence adn~rbs: ~4 a.." J! r .rI Jlyt;1 -.JO

Theo 0)1 Indeed li>

Hellee 1"• .y) Therefore .!-Il..iJ
So ..!JJ~) Besides I.u -,..; 1..,- J!
Yet .!-Il;c:) Thus .:.U~)
Howevcr J' c:) Perhaps l<J
Nevertheless .!-Il; c:) Olherwise >'lJ
Moreover .!-Il; .:r 'j..,;ù COllsequently .!-Il..iJ ~
Accordingly ~ ç. ~

In addition to this. . ~~ Ji ~w,)I~

Added to this. ..!.U~ Ji ~\
Therefore, 1 do n't agree with you. .~ J.iji ':J ~..u
Perhaps. he docs not descrvc Ihis trcalment. .~WI"..lA ~ )1 ~J

Hence, 1 considcr him as a bad persan Ç-t.?' ~ 41 }.d t.f~ ~ d J

However, this can't la st very long. . '>\!.,1I.:i) ~ J Li,A J~ ..:J.l~ r::)
Thus, he drew dust in Iheir cyes. . I~J.>. ' r+r. .j ~\...)! j) ..w ~-4J
Then, drop the mask. . <el.;;J1 eyl) .!.l.:.i,.i.. J<- RI,);!

, 128 ' | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Com pllrison w ith adve rbs: Il Il e ~I ~)\i...
.. The compar;sOl. with adverbs is simital' l.f< L..:.o J IY ~ 1 ;.;J La. •
to ,/lat of adjectb'es: :.:" LUlI ;';}.il
t.,.,.. Fast Fas ter Fastest

c:'r "'~ Loud Louder Loudest

~~ Rapidly More rapid ly Most rapidly
( "'"") .:r'" Weil Betler Best

'r.>' Much More Most

Ho w ro use Adverbs: _JI,..')1JJr:;.-1 4."i,5

A - Attributivelv: ~ >1)1 ws:J4 or\'- J~I J~4 -i
He is ext remely intelligent ~I.AU J~ <\.il
Better be silent than speak ill ~\ } \..r:>- Ji
B . Predicat ively: J...i1l ~ J~I iJh) i.t.:,l.l r= e - y

Do not be long :>\,)0 ~ 'J

Yo u are not ou t yet I~ ..:Jj \.:
The game is over <,.ill ~I ..\.il
Ad\'erbial Parlides: : ;Y~I ...;,J}-I
They are like prepositions in form but not in function .
......,.,JI .} '+il\;.; ~J 4'J-"'" .} )-1 ...;,JY 4,-!J 4'!

About .!ll.» l.> ,j Y. Forw::ud r\...'JI Ji
Across .;>-'1 ~I..:- .:/

,:;s- In J>-I.ul J
Along rl.,.'YI Ji \....û Off 1",,",
Around J,.. On W\i ,J,,; ,L...û
Away \~ Out t",. JI.>- 'OI.;!..I J
Behind JI>. Over J,,; ".{.
- 129 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Between Past r\..Î
By Round Jy-
Down Through J>-b,j
Up .jji ,~Î jl
* Most of the adverbial particles have the same form as their corresponding
..rl ..jJ~ '" 4l<~ \.. i Jr" ..,...<; 4l J~I ..jJ~ ~ •
- However, the following criterion helps .l?~ JL::.II )~I J~ .!JJ~ t:)
a great deal to distinguish between them. ~ ~\ J.>- 1.r.=5'
- A preposition is closely attached lbW) ~.;:! «)--1 ~j.r- »
to the no un it modifies "y~ 4 } r" 'i~ li})
- An adverb particle is c10sely .k.,;.1- Il J\.J..I cJ.rI,
attached to the verb il modifies. '-" l,.LW
.....".<.,? ..\JI <.1"'" .)1
• ) \1.L.;

They are sitting in the room. .II? cJ? "')JI J J~ ~l

Come in , please. .IIJl> cJ? ~ i f J>-,I
He put hisjacket on the chair. .II?" cJ? ",}JI J";';.;-~)
He put on his jacket. .«Jl>- ...j.r- D IÜ;:--- lSJ.j) .ûJ
1 followed him up the hill. .'? cJ?, J'lI ~Î JI "",1 .\.il
1get up early in the morning. .'Jl> cJ? , Cl,.-all J l.fl, ~Î
* = An Adrerbial pal·tiele is :..}. W- J~I ..j}-I C="Y- •
placed as follows:
A - Immcdiately anef the verb, when the sentence contains no direct object:
.? l,- J.,.... .;s. ~ 1 <.,?~ ':1 \...(:; i? l,- J-Ali ~ _Î
ego They got in at once. .J\.J..I J ,}>-,.\.il : $
B· After apronoun ,grect object: ..fol,. 'JyJ.o dlyl ~I ;.., i;-"'. Y
eg: Take il off ~1 :$
Bring them in ~.>i

• 130 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
C - After the verb or after the direct object if it is a noun.
01..-01 il\S" I;! -,",,\.,lI J yuil.1 ~ } J-Ali ~ -i:

eg: Ta ke off yo ur clo thes ~')4... &\ :$

Take your c10thes off
D - ACter the verb, when the direct object is long.
'J.i.y. -,",,\.,lI J yuil.1 il \S" I;! J-Ali ~ - ~

eg: Look up ail the difficult J ~I ..:.,..L.J.5.JI ..:.r ~I :$

words in the dictionary rJ' -",Lill
Look the word up in the dictionary . J"-,,"Lill J ~I Y ~I

• A preposition precedes its object l)))?I , .J~ r~ r. 1 j.r .

Look up the tower C.)I J.>Î J! p l
Loo k up it .~Î p l
• Prepositions and Adverbial particles .y1J-1 J ))-1) r.1 .j).r •
may be used to fo rm compound JW~I J..~ 4--\J. ~..\ J..f
verb,. y)1 ,
verb + Preposition Verb + Adverbial particles
.r; + ?Jj" .r; + Jl.- J j"
Come up ~fo.. Blow up
Give in r-'-'-< Cryouc '--""'"
o • -

Go in J>-o, Go away J>-JI

Keep on .r'-< Go on .r'--<
Lock up J.i.i, Leave off .:r~
Pay back 'JI Make out
Play about
-*' Pick up 1.i;Ï! /~
.o.:,i ~ ,\";""I

- I3 1 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
IConjunctionsl I~'-'..J\I
Conjunctlons are used to join:

Phrdses Words

Sentences Clauses

• Conjunctions are subdivided .

' .0>--'"JI.61
• .))1 r-="." 0

ioto tWQ main classes:

1 - Coordinaling conjunctions w}1 .hel))! " 1

2 - Subordinating conjunctions ..,WI .hel))! "2
t - Coordinating conjunctions: :<.ai}1 .hel))!' 1
Coordinating conjunctions join words, phrases ôr sentences of co-ordinale
or cqual rank (of similar functional value) .
...,.).111 J l,:;\S:;. J-. } ~IN ,~ws- .hef. :<.ai}1 .he1))1 ~;; 0

.(c.i,l;) .Jbi J ..... ~I ,J' "'"'" \p JS' ~ <,fi)

* ln tbis case, none of the sentences is dependent on the othee. nor cnters
inta its construction.
J-'oIJ 'JJ <>.r'i ~ .... ~ ~I ,J' <,fi i.Jfo 'J ~~I •.l.o JJ 0

<'" <1. \i~1
An eye ror an eye and a IOOlh ror a IOOlh. ..:r-J~ .:r-JI) ~~ ~I
Fiee is a good servant but . ~ .J.;...o 4-SJ.J ~ i.)\">' )UI
a bad master.
Neither a borrower nor a lender he. . Wb ':/.) ~J.,.. ~ ':/

The book is nol worlh .~p 'J 1-4J ,i,I.;J~ fi~ .r-i' ",~I
rcading, 50, don't buy il.

" 132 " | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Coo rdinélfin~ conjunctions con tain four mail) eroups:

a ~ The "ANOu group:

T he conjunctions of this group suggest addition:

4l W,~ 1 J Î ...AbJ 1 .l,oil ~ ~ l ,,:,.,. ..b., 1J)

Not only .. . But also
w.,i J.IJ ... ~ ..,..,1
And .. a tso L..::.!Î • . J Fu rlhermore .'JJ; J-- i) ':J.>-
80th .. and w.)IS' .. J Besides .'JJ; ,y- ~

As weil as w.,ÎJ J'S Likewise

, J't'),
Moreover .!.lI; Ji "L.;,~, Again JI l.S L,a,1)

Men and wornen arc equal in front ofGod.Jn i\...Î ~I.,...... ,-WI) J~)I -
80th you and your ~.l.."o J--) ~ ~ r}ll -
friend are to blame. . L.5')1.5'
He is a poli te perso n, Js- O)"':N- '-:""-4--- ~ <\.i l -
furthermore he is of a noble famil y. ."4...f llil.&- i f ~ -!..U.>
She as weil as her husband J \~ )1.$' L...a.!Î 4t.)j) ~ -
are very old (JJ"'--').:rJ1
Thal is out o f question, ,t~)1 .:.r C).~· Li..t. 0} -
mo reover. il mea ns nOlhing to us. .,-.? J ~ "Y 4.i~ ,.!.m Ji 4j'-" "Y4
Hi slorical leaders and their ~) ....:2.iÎ) 0 ~).::l\ o.)W\
followers did the impossible. .j:.-:-J.\ \~

b ~ The "BUT" group "~L:i\" .!l1)'.I.:,.,,~1 ~\J) :\s.~ -~

The conjunctions of Ihis group suggesl contrasl .

.l...alUI J Î .!ll)",,-, ~ 1 .l,oil ~ ~ l ,,:,.,. ..b., 1J)

BUI J.lJ However JI> 4)/J> t:)
Yot ,.!•.lb ~J NeverlheJess

- 133 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Still On the contrary ~I ,}>-
Whereas While L.c." / 0 Î Cr.>- J

- He has done his best, cf!) ,* <.5Jkü J-i, J..iJ

but it did Ilot work. . <.il t..., r! C.t..J1
- 1 am not bored, on the ,~I J ,l.i;~ .:......J
contrary, 1 am very pleased. .I.e.,. J).r-' .J~
- Fathers want ta keep up r-"..c)\.i; ,}>- .l;L;,L1 0)""".r- ,~'II
• •
their traditions. whereas sons, I~ 01 0)""".r- ,\':' 'JI L.c."
waot to live the modern lire .. .,,~ I ilf-I
- He gave her everything, .!.lJ; c:) "<? Y -t..~Î J..iJ
sti ll she docsll't love him. ....,i. 'J 4'~
- He is a wicked persan , JI 0:>- J '.l-r- ~ .!"jl
white his brother is good hearted. .~I ~ ~
- 1 will forgive you, only, tell me the truth . . ~I J Ji ~..kM ,,-~..J._.. L...L
Many people ' pend their ~L;- 0.r"-f J'WI J' .r.>
life gathering money, 'J .!.lJ; c:) '.,.;JI ~ J
nevertheless, they don 't enjoy il. .41 J~

c - The 1Ior1l group )~"l l ~IJ) ;is.~ -c.

The conjunctions of this group suggest choice (alternative) .
.)\,?-~I .y; ~.,...fl • .:u. .1:,1))
Or ii ~ Ji Neither ... Nor "j) - "j
Either ... Or Or else
~J!-'-" t Î )~
Enemy o r fr iend ?
Neither boys nor girls
I)...a>' ,:.kJI 'J) , 'J) 'JI 'J
gOI good marks. . i~; ,}>-
- 134 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- You must respect the laws, 'J 'lU ~I.r'll r~ "i ...,.."..
otherwise, you will no t be_ . "i5:.l1 l.i.o J J""" .!-IJ e-<
a Uowed to ente r this place
• • •
- 1 neit her smoke nor drink. ..,.J.I y';'l 'J) .:r',1 'J Cl
Either peace or war wi ll solve Ihis problem . .I,.r- } I..L 1..1 ~ ~I ,.u
d - The "50" group ~I .1:,1)) ~.,..... ->
T he conjunctions of Ihis group suggest consequence .
. ~I .;".ii ~ ~I • .u. .1:,1)) •
So ~\ ~lt ,.!Jj.i! Hence
Thus 1-41) Accordîngly
Then. Thcrefore .!.ll.iJ Consequently ~.u ~.J

- He respects ail people. .w .!-IJ.iJ û UI J5' rr-< -.;1

accord ingly, he lives in peace. ·r"Y--~ ci
You have done a 101 or mistakes, Ihererore, "Ib-:;I if Pl ~) .>.il
yo u have lost many marks. .i.r.> lblZ '-'.r->-
.!.ll.iJ ,

- She d oes not like you, so, if ~J :>Ii ,~ 'J 4-'1

do n' t disturb her a nymo rc.
- 1 did nOlhing wrong, hence why blaming me?
\f'P \~l..ü ,t,b:. ..
0 } r-'~!
2 - 5 ubordinating conjunctions: ~I.::JI ~'J)I _ 2
Subordinate conjunctions are used 10 introduce noun and adverbial clauses.
' . r""'" ~l:ll .1:,1))1 ~
).,)1.>-1) ;;".....~I ~I 'l,:.ol .

a - wilh oouo clau$Cs:

Th" Whet her

b - \Vilh adverbial clauses of place ~lSll 4~1 ~I ol:-!li e -y

Where (as) Wherever

- 135 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
e - \Vi th adverbial cla uses of lime .,..)1 ;y 1>-1 J..!-I •t,;. i (;:' - ""
When t.= Whenever L$

While t.." As ,\.CI J d.~
Afler Berore j.,;
...- lill "W - c?-
Until c?- As saon as , .r.-'
As long as ~lk Now ~'YI
Once ;if ,,:A,;, 1°f No sooner c?- - .D:,~
tha n
d - \Vith adl'erbial clauses of cause ~:;~ ~ Il ~~ I ~, o~l ~ _ ...:J
Because Since
e - \Vith adverbial clauses of ;y 1>-1 J..!-I • t,;. i (;:' _ .:-
purpose .)>.,oJ 1 Js. lJ l.!ll
Thal ./J-c?- Sa Ihal .i ,- "
ln order Iha t ~i..»c" Lest 'J ' /~i ~
..r- -
For fea r Iha t 01 d ij~ In case \<.,li
f - \Vith adverbial clauses lJ l.!l 1 ;y 1>-1 J..!-I • t,;. i (;:' - c.
of result ~1Js.
Thal .!.U.iJ Sa Iha t ..»c~
Sa .. thal 01 "-:o:-)..u Sa as 10 ..»c~
Such . thal .)i "-:o:-)..u
The wa ter was so cold ~ d <.-).!l b), ,lll ~I>
tha t we cou ldn' l swim ,--LJI d'-'-'
g - With adverbial clauses J..!-I • t,;. i (;:' - t
;y 1>-1
of contrast .,Wdl. :w.lW,1 Js.
Although Tho ugh ~i cr r')"
Even though Even i fJthough (b!)}) c?-
- 136- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
. A, Whoever
Whalever H owever
Wheneve r Whether. or not '1 ii .. 1'>1~ Ir
No matler whethcr . Or nol ~ ri .. bJ ~I".... No matter how 4 ~\)-"
h - With ad\'crbial clauses ;y 1>-1 J.o.>-I '1.,.'> i t' - ,
of manner ;.,.;,sJ 1 Js- ;U I.IJ 1
A, As ;[ }W'
A s though How ~
in Ihat

i - With ad"crbial clauses ;Yl>-I J.o.>-I ,w.i t' ~

of comparison l.l)\.ill Js- ;UI.IJI
As .. As ~ Such as J:.-
Not as .. as J!-o ~ Not '0 .. As J'S ..,..,1
Th'n , ~~
.• ' . ...w.lLJJ.,J! The .. the WS' . . \..J.S"
- The more you forgive. ~i 1.$ pi 0~ 1.$
the grealer yOll arc ~pi
j - \Vith ad"crbial clauses of condition .,.,ri 1 ;y 1>-1 J.o.>-I '1.,.'> i t' - '
If bj , } Unless ,J b! ' ,J }
Whclher 'J )i r . L!\. Provided thal .Ji J,.A
SupposÎng Ihat HJÎ \...p}
On condition Ihal (.Ji ~.r- Js
As l o~g as u.u..
• You may go OUI 011 condition Ihat , yS .) i .l.ri CJ)-I .!.-L \5:,. ~
yOll are back by tcn o'clock. .ifi-WI j;i
- You will have nothing ..!J:.$ r~ r-! 1;1 I!,.:. J.,cÎ; J
unless you keep yOuf word.
As long as yOll are in love \Vith her r= '1 1;\\ ,~ .!.-Li \\\1.
why don't yOll ask ror her hand? ~t"."" .,.JhJ

- 137 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Use of sorne clauses
with exarnples

- 138 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
[ Time clal/ses ]
IAsl al used with "just" to express an interrupted action
.J-i t \l:.i;1 ..,.. pd "\.1<" ~ J--Î li
examples: *1 / Just as 1 was watching the match on TV set, the
light came off.
.;,:. 81 J>- <L WI ..v. L:. i .::..c.5' \...u L: 1< '"} ) JlI .w
, as she. was rcading the paper the phone rang.
*2/ Ju st
. 0) """411 ,o-,<}-I e::'-"" u\5" 1...:",
L:li ./2
bl used to express two actions that accnT at the same rime .
. .;..i}1 .,...<; J
~ .!.»J.>. ..,.. pd 1y J..o:.-l
examples: *1 / She eut her finger, as she was preparing lunch .
.,I..wl ~ u\5" \...u ~l G->-? Il
"'2/ 1 dropped my gla sses, as 1 stood uP.:
-, .
. -:..E) \...u JJk " b; .1/2

IWhonl al used to express (wo act;olts when -olle follows the

f"J l tfi J.>.ljl \fi J:"!\:::o ~ ..,.. ~ J..o:.-l li
examplc: .. when he pressed the button , the machine stopped. ,
.(<J'JI) <S'lIl -:..Ef )jJl J>- ~ .u •
hl used to express Iwo actions that occu,. together .
•1Â.o UJ.>. ~ ..,.. ~ J..o:.-l 1y
examples: • when 1 came home, shc was having a bath .
.r " u\5" ~I .:...L.) \...u •
'" she was an intelligent girl, when she was fifteen .
. O? ....... i:l-I 0'"'ci u\5" \...u '-?;, ~ u\5" •
cl lIsed ;11 future clauses .J:A:-ll J J..o:.-l 1(.
* 1'11 do my bed, when l've fini shed reading the book.
,. , ,.....! •
~)L. ,"",1;.>,)1 0,1) 0' csPl \...u •
dl IIsed to express an ùtferl'Ilpted action. -
(..JJ' \fi) J.i t \l:.i;1 ..,.. ~ J..o:.-l l'
eg: * 1 \Vas watching the film, when the light came off.

• 139 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
al used to express an interrupted action .
.(..;Îj ",i) J...i t \k.ill ~ .,."..w J-.J li
cg: ... While 1 was watching the film, the light came off.
•, '.11 . , ,. ,1 ,"
"..-.. JY ~ ~
.l>L:.Î ~ w-.
hl used to express two actions tha. Geeor together .
.,;..i} 1 ..,...;.; J .;:.,W .;.,) """ ~ .,."..w J-.J 1""
cg: ... While 1 \Vas watering thë flowers. he \Vas repairing his car .
.ô).,:..]1 ~ y J\5' 'Jy}ll .j--Î ~ ~ .Je..
cl "while cali IUcan "but" l "",hereas" to emplaize contrast.

(an opposing clause).

• L.:; 1< ... .I..!3J"· ." l " . CI" ." i . C - "W i~" 1__
.:1-. c r · ~ cs' ..r'..r" '" '""" .) .. .
. . .;;;}" }
cg: '" 1 wo rk eight hO,ufs a duy, while she works only six .
.~ )/1 J-.-i <./' .:fJ "'" \? L.. J L..: j.-? Î l; Î .J e..
'" While our country has plenty of oil, others have none .
."? ~I JI.uJ1J oC> , . ; - ..c,. Ji '1 ,.6J1 J ôh Js. l;.u, '"J"". 0»- J .Je..
IBetorel as a conjunction used to join twc actions \Vhen olle
happened berGre the second .
..1'':/1 Jj ~ ~I) .;.,)~ J§.,. 1,."," .;:.,W J.,) J..:.-' ~ ,jA -
""FTERI as a conjunction, used to join two succeeded actions .
..;,)b .;:.,W J.,) ,~ ,j.rS - J--'
cg: ... Aner he had left. 1 arrived .
. i l i j 'J;\? J!I,. • Il oéJ,t;.,. -"'! ~j .Je..
'" He examined him. aftef he had taken the temperatu re .
. ~ ~)? ~)~ ..l>.i Ji L. Il ~J~ 4.:.:-J~ ..L.:.\ L..~ ~ <tJl:.o
... 110st my watch. aner 1 had left the meeting. _
'tke- ~I "'" J,l? J) \.. // t ke-{\l JJ't;.,. -"'! \f"'L.. -:"""';'Î .J~
'\f"'L.. ~I

- 140 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
trill LUntill means: "up to", used to join rime clauses.
(here are used as conjunctions)
;u..- • ;U~I •.:u. Jl ."",]1 J..!-I J.,} J.--J ,'-< t.~! ~I -i'" •
.(~ J.r-S"
cg: >1< l'm Ilot going till j untill get my money.
'u-"IJ> .i>-ÏI ? ..,....;1 J .J~
>1< He won't came till j uutil he -is invited.
. iy~1
~ '"
.J .J,. f JI
. --
JI Cs'l, J .J~
1 won't go out till j until the rain stops ---
.).ll .fir. J>- c.r'i J .J~
ISincel as a conjunction, used in general with perCect tenses.
It means: After a past rime .
.lA! :-i'" <i') (......111 Jl ~Sl Jo<ill &; C;' .. \0 J.--J ,~ J .r-S"
eg: >1< Since being in Aigiers, we've visited "MAKAM. ECHAHID" .
.'.......,WI )1)-4 "-"clf -'-'"' .~I rLi... "J) .J~
cg: >1< Since you can't answer the question, 1 shall ask sorne one else.
• • M
...",...".,""".....,.;~/ J>- J1J-l1 C»1..... ''-! l,,-)' 1 e:k'-' 'J ~ 1 l< .J \.\0
- used for time clauses.
(l,,;jyll "",)1 J.."Jl J.--J -
cg: 1 shall see hirn as soon as he comes.

A~L J-"< Il\.,... IJ-"< Il\.,... •.WL .J~

>1< 1'11 inforrn you as soon as 1 have a sign. 1

.(i).:'!) J), J>- ~ JI l,. ~L .J~

- used (or rime clauses. It means: At any time.
eg: >1< Phone me whenever yOll want. , ,
.ù» c::..j) <,>1 d ~\,o. .J~
>1< This is rny car, you can use it whenever you like. - - -
...:.."..-i c::..j) <,>1 J 4lt.....:...,.1 ~ ,jJ~ • .:u. .J~

- \4\ | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬ ‫ ﺗﻌﻠم‬-|
[ Place ciaust!!~_(.:J~L~i1I~1 ~
• used to express place clauses, il means: at BOy place at ail.

(~i) "IS:. ~i J :.rJ <l.,;1S:. ~ .r ~ ~ -

cg: ... wherever he goes, he faces the problems .
.j>l.!ll .".1-" ..,...,.; ~Î • :JI:..
... Sit wherever you like.
("",) ..:...".. Î ,,\5:.. <? i J ..,..te.1 • :JI:..
... He will be Beneficiai wherever he works .
.J.--< L..:,Î 1...,... ,,~ • :JI:..

[ R_~Q~on] Callse c/a'! ,,,.:.11

_.. ~
1 JI ]
IB.eaus.1 Sine.1 Asi
- used in the same ",ay to express causes! Reasons

cg: ... 1 can't help you because 1 Sincel As l'm late.

.' - ~,
..r'1:.. : " .!J;~L.... FI' ", :JI:.. •
• She stayed at home becausel Sincel As it nined a lot.
.op., .kil...; )01.1 :,~ d " ,i, :JI:..
~I •
... Because/ Sincel As it raind a lot, she stayed at home. - -
.~I J ~ <op., .kil...; )01.1 "..,
IB"eause ofl Froml
- (Tllese are prepositions, used onlv ",;th nouns,
pronouns or gerunds to express causesl Reasom')
The same as "Because" .
W)I ~\.ill ,l...-i) ) w.J 1 "l...-~I ~ ~! ~ J" ..:JJ? • .i.o) -
."[/'1" ~ .,.Ai J.N (yl,..o 'il ,:r .,.,....;u (lNG) - !
cg: ... He died from smoking .

. 142 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
'" She rerurns back because of the snow.
'CfiJl ~ ~ ~ ~J :JI;.. .
'" From his aCtÎvity, we wouldn't think he was aged .
.(:;,..... .;i JI." W~ 'il ..:,...; .Ji .f.;,; 'i J.~ ~ :JI;.. •
[ J
rn -used to express condition clauses.
~I .;r
.'Jo)JI p J-:--l -
It means: supposing that 1 on condition that.
&i j, r< l "i J>?J :",ro -
eg: '" If yOll poor oil on water, it floats .
.,\ll ~ ~I)! ;J\.,.. ci "",,)JI yi.b, .JI;..
If 1 were yOll, 1 wOllld accept. - --
..!.1l5:.. J.{i "i ,l,.r- ~L / ..:.J.,AJ .!.1l5:.. Ji } .JI;..
'" If yOll heat ice, lt melts.
.~ <k,';' ~I y).i, :JI;.. •
IWHETHERI - It means: nIf.....or not" "sed to show a choice
between possibilities. 1

..:"~ I..>! i~ .J:>! .ft) ~l "I.,,::l J-:--l "(~) ~ ri " ..}" :",ro -
eg: '" He asked me wherher she was coming .
..."i ..:..;\5" .)1 .}L :JI;.. •
eg: '" 1 do ,n ot know whether is true.
'(l:"""") ? Y' bl j.ri ~ •
IUNLEssl - It meaRS nIf not", "except if'
., .
."I;! ~r "~ &1 ,~l." ",ro -
eg: '" He will do nothîng unless you ask him .
~ bl 'il,";'
- J..i< J :JI;.. •
cg: '" Oon't leave the building unless 1 tell yop to.
~ J • ~

..!.JJ.i, ~ 1 ~ l,. cr.l1 J> \;.; 'i •

eg: '" 1 shall go to the party unless she phones.

.\;iil. ~ ~ 01 <W.I Jl -,...;1...- •

- 143 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
t CHAPTED;,8 l
[ /F- COND/T/ONAL ~)JI } ]
iF clause
* Condition:.1 sentences have '\Va parts
"F"IF"~}~ Jl4>~1
Rcsult clause. (main clause)

jJ.-I r-"i
(i,-))llW-I) lW-1 t li
The Fi,st conditional
. ...-k j.fJ\
, ),)1\

(IF clause) "}" "IF" u.." (Result clause) 'a.J..I te

IF + Present simple + shall/will + infinitive (simple future).
} + .?l!-I ;;.,.... + "shall! will " + ).L.o11 (.k,-,)I J.,.i:-ll)

- IF it Rains r shall get wet

)dl .hA......, jl j,;L
- JF yOll hurry. will catch
, the train.

~.,..Î ~ ) 11.iI1,, ~.
The first conditional is used for a direct or immediate possibilitv a
probable condition.
. "
Jo';' :,;.\.,.0 JL..:"..I Joel i f ~ Li.• J) 'JI J-".!JI
Possible variations of the tClIses rules JW~' 6-'" ,.I$I..t'l ~, ..:.t'~1
IF + simple present + simple present
IF yOll pour oil on water It floats (Natural 10\\'5)

( <....k '1'
.. ' 0>'".)
.?l!-I ;;.,....
+ +} •
.?l!-I ;;.,....
,UI J;. .:."jJI " :: " } •
IF yOll heat ice It tUfilS water (Natural Laws)

(y."k ""I}) ,\... ~ 'J ~I~}
- IF [ say "yes" He says "No" (Habitua i Reaction)
.;,,~! ~ ;) ,'J , J-", 'r ' ~ }
, 144 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
uscd for Natural laws and habituai Reactions.
,<;>~! JL.;I »») ~I ';";I?J ~
• •
,())I1 / ......y)1 /..,.."., /,/'11 + ,...;,Ll-I ~ + }
- IF you see him Tell him to return back
""i) } -
- IF he comes again you must prevent him
I)W,~ ~-
- IF she phones you you ought toI should inform her
,l»Y') ~ I}I.y -!.b;l> } -
,-!.b;l> } \,0, )L>.) ~ I}I .y 0

uscd for gh'ing ad\'ice or command .,..."i Ji ~\.a; .\ks.~ J .. '; ,,;
IF + Sim ple present + Mayor can
;y \5:...)'1 Ji i.,I L.,.. )' 1 + ,...;,Ll-I ~ + (1;) }
- IF you hurry you may catch the train.
~.r'i } .\kiJ~
J. .!.Li li'..J
Co mpare with :-1 J}i
- IF you !lUrry you will catch ,the train
d:;.i ~ )
\kiJ~, -
- IF you are out of cash you c;m gh'e me a cheque
r"'1).01 -!.L. ~l.;:; (1;1) } 1,(., J\W) ~
used to lalk, about something to happen or to ask for permission
,C#; } .);) c,JkJ } 0-'>- ,..;:. ~ J...:..J P
IF + Present Perfeel 1 Present Continions + Simple fnture
,.h,-.,JI J,.i:-ll ~ + r-=--JI ,...;,Ll-I ~ / (!:JI ,...;,Ll-I + }
- lF you have finished your meal 1 shall give you some desserl
~) ~i } ~I ~ .!.t,w.L:.
- IF you are still learning english 1 shall show you Illy new grammar

- 145 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
"fl)'1 ~ ~jl,. yi j .,.;,JI) y.3l ...,.c!-I "",\5 ,j>- ~L
used for direct, immediate, certain possibility.
·.JS"YJ <$)} ,';'y Jl.=-'J ~
The second conditional ..;~\ <.;.-1~\
lF clause --+ (j~) (~, ~)_ Result clause
IF + simple past (past subjunctire) + would + Infinith'e (present conditional)
" J>;WI ...... ~I + (J>;WI ...... ~I) ..6.,-,J1 "...~I ...,.., + yi
J"-"-' + ,1)'1
.(J>).ll ?~I) J-.ill
- IF it rained 1 would get wct

- IF you hurried you would catch the train

.).6.iJ~ .!.l-l j r ~ GJj-!-i yi
- IF 1 \Vere rich 1 would buy a s peed car
t..r'i )."... ",-<pl GS j.,....J \?- GS yi
The second conditional is used for a less likelv possibilitv .

..:f.l Jl.:.>-I j;~ .,.;WI J>j-ÎJI J--l

* Note that the tcuse used in the "IF clause" ius't the simple past but
it's the past subjunctive, that's why in the third example wc say (1
\Vere) and Dot (1 \Vas). But, as bath tellses han the sante Carm, It
doesn't matter to use the simple past, except \Vith "Ta Be", we use
(were) instead of (was) .
..6.,-,J1 I?"'\ll J .:-.,J .""rDl 4 , .1 •• - li J-.ill ...,.., Ji .b-'Y •
- " j
."1 was" ..,..,JJ "Iwere" J.,;; .!.JWI Jl:tl J) 1.i.,J ,,,,,:,.'JI ..,...,lil d ~J
J..""-' Ji ~l,. 'J J v"~ 'Y ,Pl ~ 4<-" JW\t1 ~ Ji lr~ , P
.(was) JtS:.. J (were) J..""-' ,"Tobe" ,c=...~ ..6.,-,J1.,,-"~I
Possible variatiolls of ,Ile tellse ru/es JW~I &"" JS.\ ~ 4L.:$:1 ..;.J1.z:A:l1
IF + Simple past + Might 1 Could
(I?'" \lI J) .." ~)'1Ji ;.,J 1..;.-)' 1+ J.,-,ll I?'" ~1+ yi
IF you hurried yOD might catch the train | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

- 146 ‫ﺗﻌﻠم‬
- |
) \kAlI,. .::...C..i ..:..5 lé)
Compare \Vith: IJ)W-!
IF you hurried you would catch the train
)\kAlI,. .!.Li ..:..5 j r-'
. 1 ..::..<-.r'i }
IF it stopped snowing yOll could go out.
U}-I .!.1 LS:..~ JlSJ ~I j,y<.- JiJi )
uscd about possible rcsult and about abilitv or permission .
.~~ JÎ J1~ , ;)J.QJ ,iJ...:>,.. . ~ J--Î
THE THIRD CONDlTlNAL ...:J\.:J\ ,:,J:;..FJ\
} u..". (IF Clause) ...... ' ;",..,:; (Result clause)
IF + Past Perreet + Would + Have + Past Participle
Juill ~"""" + .c.UI Juill + j Y' + r~1I .".-"111 + jl
IF it had rained 1 would have stayed ho~me
.-::..,J, ~ ..:..5 j ri 0 j.:i jÎ
IF you had hurried You would have got the tr:Jin.
.) \kAlI,. ~i ..:...s j .r--
. 1 ..::..<-.r'i jÎ
'* The third conditional is used for a past possibilitv, ",hich didn't
happe": impossible condition .
.~ j,';' :..:.""" r.l JI..".-'J ..:JWI Jo)J1 ~
Possible variations of the tcuse rules .
.Jw~1 ~ ~1.;iJ u..:,:1 .:,,1.-*1 1
lF + past perfeet + would + infinitive
IF you had listened my ad vice yo u would be at university now .
.J'Yi ...... V-I .} ..:..5 j ri ~ ~! }
'* used wlle" the action in "IF clause" is a past acÏion, and the action
in "Result clause" is a present one .
.} Juill) ,1;..;>1.. )W "<,).,;.JI }" u..". J Juill j ~ 1..= ~ •
- - . i.J,.1 .!'
'.1"" <1. "a.J-I ·
. ~ | ‫اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- -147 - ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬

IDirect and Indirect speech l l'' ':' I:JI ~... "":"I:JI <:'..YI1l11
A - Direct speech: .rWI (,,~I _i
The very words used by the speaker are quoted without any change .
.J..w <?Î i.» • .;,obdl ~I <?.\JI ~~I ..,.;.; .fJ.;
• She said "1 am tired todaylt "r-"JI
. -
r ".cJ0 •
Il. <.p ~
• He said "We are not JoW ci> 'l'WoI L..J \;;1 Jo.
kids 10 be treated like that" "<.i,pl •.i;,
Direct words arc always "" Wb t:"'J' ;.rt,l.l -:..W5JI •
. !.~ . ~.~
put between brackets ..:F>"'"' 0l--.i'
Indirect speech: .rWI.d' ()\~I -Y '
- The words of the speaker are reported with sorne changes in construction .
.-.,..f.rl l .j .:..I~I ,;.., ';'I.I>-! t' .;..obdl .:..WS' .fj.;
• She said that she was lired that day. .r.r.ll .:J,I.> ~ ...:,.j\5' 4-i~ ...:.JI,; 0
• •
• He sa id that they are not ci> 'l'WoI 1"....,1 r-i'~ Jo •
kids to be treated like that. .~....,6J\ ~ \j.-~

forms of Indirect Speech pWI ;;f r~1 J\S:..!.i

1 . Indirect statements r-w,\ ~ ~\ . 1
2 - Indirect questions .rt,l.l .ri- JIJ-l1 - 2
• •
3 - Indirect commands or requests ;;.w,\ ~ ,,1...:-)l)I./'':J\. 3
4 - Indirect exclamations .;.w,\ ~ ~\ - 4
1 - Indirect statements: ,;.W\ cf J-I. 1
General Rules: .... \s. Js..\,i
To change from direct to indirect speech, we must apply the following
general rules:

- 148 | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬ ‫| ﺗﻌﻠم‬-
~I..tAI' J"ki ~ ..,.."., pl,- ~ (J.S' J! pt,. tJ.S' .:J' ,.\1."& -
:4,I\:J1 ;"'WI
A - Change of pronouns:

- Change tlle prOIlOll"S and possessÏJ'e adjectitJes QccOl'ding to

('0''''''011 sense lise the prOIlOllllS and possessive adjectives wl,ic/t
correspond to the speaker and to ,lte pel'son to w!tom ,lte speech
is llddressed.
.:,,\.i..p) }UI Jwo:--I rWI ~ Lii) ;,s:ul .:,,\.i..p) }UI ~ -

.• .,....\;01, ""' .... 1 .,J! ",)., ~I) ~I J!1i .;JI ;,s:ul
B - Change of (cuses: ,'r' ~I t;;N I~
Do nOl change the tenses of the verbs if the principal verb is in the:
:J"""':)I JMlI ,JI> I,! JW~I l.;..jÎ .r.N 'J
Present Simple ~I tJL.<.l1
Present Continuous ",.::....L I tJ L.<.ll
Prescnt Perrcel ~ Uli tJ L.<.ll
Future ~I
EXQmples: j

says: "They are beilutifu l flowers"

Ho is saying: "<J.,..e. 'J)J 4'( J-",
has said: Ihal Ihey are beau tiful flowers r-y .r-'-
will say: a.....
" . '··L J'
::IJ)J ~. ~

say: "We have ail the necessary things" 'l.,.

.r" .
They are saying: '\)J.r"l' ,L,;.'y, J' l<.lJ" J)-'"
have said: Ihat Ihey have ail the necessary things ":'1.,-
will say: ~)J"..;,J' ,L,;.~' J' ,...,.lJ ~L '"} -'"
- If t!Je maill Irerh is ;11 tire plut. we make the folloJllil'g cha liges:
:4,1 \:JI ':"1.,."d" r".a; ,,,...:- \lI J ~)1 JMlI ,J IS" I,! -

- 149 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Î Direct speech Indirect speech
• L..
.r' - \
.'%' r- t.,.. .r-'- r'%'
Present simple .b.,.-, t)-'"-' Past simple .L., -\..
- - cF"
Present conl illuous ~t..jL:... Past contÎnuous .r"-" ,,-" \..
Present perreet r~ t..jL:... Past perreet rli cF"-\..
Past simple - - ..r'- l.o
.L.., Past perfect r" ,,-"\..
F uture simple .b.,.-, J,i'-' Conditional ..}>r- </j
Future perCee! r~ J,i'-' Conditio nal r" ..}>r- </ j
Conditio nal Jo.r- ,;rj Conditio nal perreet il; ..}>r- </ j

Plays Played
Is playing Was playing
Has played Had played
Played Had played
Shall "will" play Should "would" pl:ly
Shall "wi ll" have played Should "would" have played
Should "would" play Should "would" have played
May play Mi ght play
Can play Could play
Could play Could have played
Might play Might have played

Examples: !" oÎ
. He said. "1 am quite wclP' .
He said lhat he \Vas quite weil.
- The man sa id II I have secn the thief.
He said that he had seen the thier.
- The manager said, "1 am

- 150 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
going to tire you ail",
- The manager said that he
was going to tire them ail,
- She said, "1 waited for you
for six ho urs" ,
- She said that she had .::.- i.u ".,k' .û t,.;~ .;.lU
waited for him for six hours. ,..:...t&.L

- He said "If 1 had moncy, 1

would buy a new car".
He said that if he had had money, .ji5J1 JUI ~.J ;,\5' } ,;i JU
he would have bought a new car .. ,éJ..!..1.:>:- é;l::- tSr' J.i 0lS:J
- She said "1 wish 1 could do that".
- She said that she wished 4'Î } Lo ')! ;,\5' ~I .;.lU
she could have done that.. ,.!..U~ J.,s.\
She sa id "1 do Ilot bclieve
what he sayslt,
She said that she did not
believe what he said.
He said "1 shall sec you at my office".
He said that he should see
him at his office.
The present tense may he used to the reported speech, when the sentence
expresses a unh'ersal or a habit fact.

If ~I .r." l.o~ .f'L,11 .r-< ~~I <i t)L..4i1 .....)1 ~'~' jy..;
.;,~ Ji ... ~ ~

General FuelS: :~\; ~\iJ

Ali naturallaws and eternal fact. .o..ùl;l\ ~W.I) ~I ~\yAJl J5'

- 151 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He said. "the earth is round lt .
He said that the earth is round.
They said. "Angels and
Devils can not be round in one place".
They sa id that Angels and ':J .:J..I,.!JI) ~)lJ.1 J~ I}~
Devils can not be round in one place. ,-'>- 1) Jl5:.. J ~
Habituai Faels: :.,1::.,. ci\! ,
He said. "We get up carly every mornillg"
He sa id tha l they gel up carly every morning c.~ JS' \?~ ,)~ ~~ J\.i

She sa id. "After dinner. wc sit and

la lk or watch tclevision programmes lt
She sa id Ihat <l ftcr dinner, Ihey si l J ~ ,LcJI "'" 1""~ .;.JIJ
and talk or walch television programmes. ô.;.w\ ~\.I J)..v.~ } Jy~)
C • Change of nearncss indicators: ",}II Jli ;:1" -.,;;.,
Whcn tenses arc ehangcd , words indieating nearness must be ehangcd into
eorresponding words illdicatillg remotcncss.

",}JI ~ J.I; .;JI .,;;.,w.s::J1 J-;; ~ .i~1

, .... J
ydü .,:.,1.1.>-1 J.;.;

,-IA,II .j; J.I; ..:;, WS" J!

Direct Indirect ""'\

This Il> Tha t ~ - -!..U~

These ,'iJ> Those .!-W)

Here l.> there .!ll:..
Thus I~ So .!.\liS'
Now J'JI Theo
Today (-"" Iha l duy

- 152 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Yesterday -ri The Iusi duy

or : the previous day = the day before yesterday

Tomorrow ,-" The next duy

or : the following day = Ihe day after tommorow

Tomorrow morning...LJ\ C~ The following J\.:1i C!.,..JI
Las! Ilight The previous
Ago Before
Come Go

Examples: j

He said, "l watched the late

!ihn la st night"

He said tha t he had i.;rJ1 ,..t,; .U> L:. J.i ,,~ Jli
watched the late Iilm the . "-" III a,1J1
previo lls night.

She said. "I met my c1ass-mate

in this place yesterday"
She said that she had met .} 4-:J.,..j ..:.J, li J.i 4' ~ c:..! li
her class-mate in that place •i."J1 .!.I.b .J 15:.1.1 .!JJ;
the previolls day.
She said, "this is the Jast
straw, 1 am completely ou't
of pat ience with you l1
She said that was the .Ji) ~I e.ib .cil c:..!li
1ast straw and she WOlS •\..11 .i.i; J.i ~ lo.r-"
completely out o f patience
with him .

- 153 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Notice that in indir«t speech it is not always necessary to replace words
indicating nearness as the past tense of the introducing verb is often quitc
.;;, ~ 1 ..)ai.)'Ü Wb .,,))yol2ll 4J' ..,..,J ...,:.l,lI .r-< ~~ 1 J '" i Ji:..."i
.lot< !,ilS" iJ~ lo U~ ..... I.;;i"il J-All ..,..,lI.l 4J'}1 iJi ;! ..."fil ~ 1.I1JJI
He sa id to her, "yo u arc
court ing danger now"
he told her that she was courting danger. , )U~ ~ 4-i~ lot..r.>-i
Special Rules For Indirect ~ &1: 1 JI ti':l~ ~\::I..I ...u.\ tAJl
S tatements: :0 r?l:ll r!-
i - Use tlte l'erbs "SllY 01' leU' ".r.'""Î ."i J Ij" Jd ~1. 1
Say J.,.. Sa;d JIi
Tell Told

2 - Instead of the quotation ...... l,;i~ 1 l:.o~ oJ' "i J., - 2

marks, use the word "THAT" " iJ i" ;ws- J-.-I

He sa id , "1 am deeply sorry"

He sa id tha t he was deeply sorry.

He sa id 10 me, "1 highly

appreciate your hospita lity"
He told me that he high ly
appreciated my hospitality.

He said te his rrjeod, "1 cao

not see yOll loday as lIsual"
He told his fr icnd that he
could not see him that
day as usual.
She sa id nIt is time for me
to go home"

- 154 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Shc said that il was time ...,......i; Ji 41 JI -Ii ...;~ ..:J\i
for her ta go ho me. . ..::...,JI Ji
He sa id , "1 will do my best
ta help my friendl!.
He said that he would do ,* LSJL.ü J.i."...

...;L J\i
his best ta help his friend. .~J...,.,:t o.JsU

He said, "We advised him

not ta \Vaste his time"
He SJ id that they had ~""" ,~ -Ii r+~ J\i
advised him not ta \Vaste ..a) ... 1..,;.1
his lime
o r: They advised him not ta waste lime. .ci) 4,.ç.L;,\ i~ o~ )

2 - Indirect Questions: ~l;J.1 ..r.:'- Jlj-JI - 2:

General Ru les: : .... WI ~I".<ll
Apply the general rules of ~\..;LI ~W\ .JsI..,il\ ~'
indire,,, speech ';'LlI .r-'- ~)\.Çjt,
Special mies: : ~L;l l .JsI.tJ1

1 - Use the verbs ask or inquire

Ask JL Wonder
inquire j' LI - ii"-' Wanl 10 know
2 - Link the introducing l'crb with the rcporlcd question using:

A - the saille question ward ~.J..i; .}' ~~)l1 ibi '-"""" j

which introduces the question JIJ-l1

, 155 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
B - the word III Fil or IIWH ETHERII "W H ETH ER' " JI' IF ~ - ~
when the q uestÎon has Js. '-?J'>-< 'J Jlj-ll JI> 1;1,
no question word r4-'-'-"1 ibl
3 - Replace the interrogath'e construction by a statement construction,
changing the question inta a subardinatc clause,

Jlj-ll ..4-",,", .!.Il;) '-?) y;.1 ...,.,?? .... ~ 'JI ...,.,?)I J "",",I -3
."-! ~ :u.-. ..,.:.. J I
Examples: ,

- He sa id. IIA re yOll still cross

with me?1I
He asked if 1 was st ill cross
with him. .'-"

- He sa id lit s this the ma n yO ll

are 100 king for ?"

He w.. nted to know if that Y' .!lI; JI> JI j fi JÎ ,1)

was the man 1 was tooking for. . "'" .:..,., Î .:..S '-? 1)1 Je-)I

- He said, 11 00 you know the

right answer ?II
He asked if 1 kncw the yl)-I j fÎ .:..S 1;1 ~ JL
right answer. . ~I

- He said. "H ave yOli invcnted

all y mea ns of communication ?I!
He asked if we had ,-?Î Wc?,1 J.i lS 1;1 ~ JL
in vcnted any means of .Jl...a;'!1 JI....) .J' ;u,....)
cOl1ullunicat ion.

- 156 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- He said I1Where is the
ncarest post office?11
He inquired where Ihe
!learest post office was.

- She said ItHow sha ll we get

She asked how they would ~ 4-:JL
gel there. ..!lLo J.,...}I
- She said "Who called while
1 was out ? did he leave a message 1"
She asked who called while 4-
J.ail ",-'lI i f

she was oui and whelher he JI5" bl W) 4-~ ,l;;I l;.i;lA
had left a message. .;JL..J .!lJ J.i

- He said "When will you

finish Ihe programme of
this year 1"
He wanled to know when ~~.I ~ ..? j fi Ji ,1)
we would finish the .UI .!..lJ;
programme of Ihat year.
- He said "What is the matter 111
He asked what the matter was. ../"1 '-i,.i>- j f i Ji ,1)
3 -Indirect conunands or requests: r 1.,11 .r-'- ,I.:-}1Ji ./., 1• 3
Apply the general rules of .r-'- t ~ ;... WI -'" l.,-il 1 .;,J,
indirect speech r 'UI
' .
Special rules ,",,~I ..1,Al1
Use a suitablc introducing verb according to the kind of the imperative .

J'~I t.rl 1..,; W'l\,. 1.,>-81 ';Ml J-.-I | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- - ‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

157 -‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬
Command )
Order )
Tell -,.l1 Cl>! ..JkJ 1 <J l.- d _
<,;)1 ..,-" i f <J" b.:.i
Ask cJkJL
Request b-J I~'_ ,1.,)1 <Jl.- J-
Beg tS~! J---,"1 <Jl.- J-
Pra y l.-J IJ-y
Advise c:-= ~' <Jb- d-
. Cha nge the (orm of the ""yi ~ f~1 ..,.., jy
imperative as follows: :.;'J I
The imperat ive /' ~\ ~ To infinitive )~ \

"Go" ~j\ ~ .. To go ~-4 .)i

The negative imperative ~\ ~ Ta negati ve infinitive ~\ )~\
...,.....,...i; ") ~
Don't go . , Not 10 go ~-4 ~ J\

He sa id to his friend, "Write
ail this information"

He told his friend 10 wrile J> ~ jl ""-,--,, i f -,-lj,
ail that informati on. _"-'L.}-1I.!JJ;
The officer sa id , tlFire"
The officer commanded his lA JI, "r'c J.,I.;.)I ri
soldiers to fire. _):11
He sa id to his friend,
Don't spend aIl your money,
save sorne for the future.

- 158 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
He advised his friend nOl to "yi' J5' ~ ''J j t '"" -'-" ~
spend ail his money and to .Ji' . 11 lr- w,..., .,;", Ji)
sa ve some for the future
4 - Direct Exclamation:
Apply the rules or indirect stalemenls and rcflecl the spirit of the exclamation .
.~I CJ) III ~ r-l,I.l ~ "';-1 ~Ij J:1>
Su itable introducing verbs ;.,.. \;... ;",- b 1 Jwi
Say with sorry. .li.... \;... J-",
Exclaim (with regret).
Exclaim (wi th surprise).
. .. .li....i C7'"
. (L».c..c;) w.,.-l:,. C7'"
Exc1aim (bitterly). .ô) ./ C7'"
Remark. L..:.......::.. •.
' .' ~

Admire. .~~\ l$~

Shout (with joy) . .l>-) C7'"
He said "What a charming actress 1"
H e remarked what i.l:..11 " ~ Le "c,...I <S -'1 i
a charming actress she was. .Jk,. if

She said "Oh dear ! 1 have

10st my neck1ace"
She excla imed bitterly tha t J.i 4i! <.l:\i ô)./ ..:,.,.L.,.,
she had lost her necklace. .\A..w:. ...:.."w

, 159 ' | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
IPrep ositionsl
A Preposition is a word uscd for showillg the relation betwccn Iwo things.

.<J.':' ~ ~')I.l1 "l"l J--l W> /.-1 .j~

Prepositions arc uscd \Vith nouns or pronouns to show the relationship
bctwccn the lIoun or pronouo and anothcr word "or words".

Ji l'""'~I ~ ~')I.l1 .:r.-;:I }l...:d l Ji ,t-.~I ~ J--l /.-1 .jJ~

. ~f i ..:..WS' Ji W> ~J .,.,....:.>JI
Prepositions arc closcly lied to the Douns or pronouns which Ihey control.

. ~ .jl }l...:dl Ji ,t-.~~ \.i.,iJ I,bLi) .k.,lj /.-1 .jJ~

Ex amples:

0 011' ( cntc r inlO details. .~\.i:ll J J>--" 'J

He gave \Vay to her \Vishes. .lfiLf) ~' J..iJ
He entercd upon a new li re. ..;~ J i-4 ~ ~ Î--'-! ..ûJ
D on', p ut me in yO uf black li Sl ,by-ll ~I.i J ~ 'J
10 . . , '-1
You are hard on me. .~ y-AJ .,;...u •

For better, fo r \Varse. .,Ipall) , I:,-JI J

Let hint stay beside me. .~ h ". J ~ "",
He hand led her witho ui gloves. .;,;~ 4J..lto J..iJ
It is no use crying ovec spih mil k. .t \..;, \.. .j>- ,l5:J1 0" i.\J\i 'J
DOll '[ d o tha t bchind Illy back ~.# ,1)) 0" -!JJ; J'"" 'J
From the bo tt om o f Illy hemt ,}i Jwi 0"
1 will not look a l you r face .!.-l,ls- ...;,....,Î J

. 160 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Kinds of prepositions: AI ..JJY tyl
1 • Simple prepositions: ~.r ..)Jr - 1
At = orr .;r-o.,.,
By ;J..,.IJI From J'
With ;J..,.IJI -c: - ~ Through J::I->- J'
0" Js- After ...,

ln .j Up Js-I
or J' Under J-
Over Jj Round Jy
Since .L. Till (until) .r
To J'" - J!• Except I.,.L.

For Je'! During ~ L:.."\

Like J!- Against .)j

Near ~} Among .;", Vl J...)

2 - Double prepositions:

From behind From within J>'I' .:r,

Into Onto Js-
3 . Compound prepositions: :l.;r.r ..)Jr -3
Across ~ Along J-'" Js-
Behind ...Al>- About .;r
Above Jj Before J'
Between .;", Beside ...,....ob..
Within J>'b-.j Below J'--Î
Wilhout Beyond ~\)J L...:'
4 - Prepositional phrases: i)\:o:- .;;..I)~ -4
On account of Instead of .:.r- '
lnspite of By means of ~\JI
ln front of Owing to

- 161 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
At the back of ~\;J In accordance with JlOlJ
Wilh Ji <Il.-';, For the sake of .ri .y
Reference 10 JI tJ"JI \Vith regard 10 .)~
Nex( to }~ - ~~ - ~ Out of ~ \ -4 - (;t.:.

S - Participle prepositions: i;l~.1 Jr41 Ji J'WI .L.....i -5

Conccrning Regarding
Supposing Assuming

Examples: : dl'" oi
1 know nothing conceming
his behaviour.
What did they say
regarding my proposais?
The television broadcast ,,-U Js- J y..A-:J1 .:..,JI i.e"
starts at half past four .....<..a;)1) <..,1)1
He ran past the door ...,.,\,JI rloi cS.r.
The prepositions may come at the end of tbe scntence or arter the l'erb in
the roUowing cases:
:;;,1\:11 Jly~1 J JoAlI ~ Ji ~Il;~ J lA .Ji }-I .j}- .;..,
With interrogatives: :rlt4::'l1 e
Whom did you talk with? Y~J..i r.J" e
What are you looking for? y~ l.s.
Which target are you pointing at? ~...,.,~ .......... ",i Js-
With re.sthe pronouns: J.-jl;w. t'
He does not Iike the bouse ..;.,... ",.ill -.:..."lI ..,....., 'J .;!
which he lives in. .....
The young man whom you r ..... ..:....JS:; ",.ill ...,.,L.:JI
spoke to is my brother. ....') ,
- 162 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
The preposition must come at the end of the sentence or aCter the verb iD
the following cases:

:./'JI .:..~~I ..) JoAlI "'-! } ~I ~4J ..) }-I """.r ,j~
- When the relative pronoun
"l'HA 1'" is uscd:
J-oyll ~ J~I =-
This is the kind of life Ihat
he is used to.
It is the opportuni ty thal
he has drcamed of.

- Whcn the relative proooun

is ornittcd:
This is the present J
promised you of.
It is the piece of music 1 .::..5 ,,"1 <,.i,-}I ;.,J,.iJ1 ~1
was listcning to. - .1+.11 ~i,
- Whcn "WHAT" intToduccs "WHA T" 4JS' ).J....a:;j t.~ -
a clause. :H
. aJ.•. ~
This is exactly what 1 am thfnking of. . .tJ ~i L. ~~
, I..i.~
Thal is what you were looking fo r. .~ ~ ~ L. I..i,..
That is what we warned yOll of. .~ .!.I\.iJ..i- L. Li..

- With the passive voice: J~ ~I ~ -

l'le is not the pers"" that J-c. .".iJ1 ~I ~ "'1

cao bc relied on. . .....h:. )~ 'il
It is a promise that cao be relied on. .~ )~ ~I ~ J.&.J ~1
- When the object is understood aCter the Ûlfinitivc .
.)~I "'-! I~ J"..oll i.Jfo. \.0= -
- 163 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Hcrc is ano.her focal point to talk about .
. ~ ..!Jwl ~ cSfi ~.J"" Y. &il ..;' lA
The use of prepositions ~\ ~_l""" J~\
Common use: cS'~ J~I
Idiomatic use: .,.-) J~I
"~ ~-? j.?" J.f.,."
About .. conce rning "Î..!., - ,y-
They were talking abou t him . .""" "Y~ Iyl>
You know eyerything .J:k' ,y- ,..;- JS' j.J" .!J;1
about my plans.

About - Around "here or there" ·<.!.IU ,i U · - J,...

He wa lked abo ut the garden. •..., .....1 Jy-..r-
He has many friends about him . .Jy- J).r-> ,\;.c...1 "..u
Let us go about the town. ."".ùl Jy- ~.i; l, t,.
• -(1 ..•
Aboye: <Z' r " . <ff
Above = higher in place ,,~I .:J. ,. '" ~i ~ ci)
. ..,..,...JI j -:..1)lkJl
The planes flew above the c1ouds.
Il cost me aboye 5000 dinars Jc" J~i ......... .:r )S"i ~ ..\.il
He is ubove suspicion. . c:..t~!J1 J j .;1
, :1 ' - ( · \
Above - more than .>.t; l:.>=' c.=..
Their level is above average. Jj rlJ'--' "1
Across: '!.Dr .d . .e9 "";1.,. <Z' .
The telephone post feU lS:...J1 Jo:J "yi,W1 , r .b.<..,.
down across the railway line. .,,"'.....1
You may draw a line i.;.J1 ~ \Jo>. .J. "i ~
across the wrong paragraph. .i!kCl-1

- 164 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Ailer: ·W,_~ _ ~ .

He is coming aftef me. 'I.$~ ~i <

1 will see yOll after the match .. . .'.l,WI ....., !lI)...
He ran after me for half an hour. .4s.L.. ......i..a.i ~..u. r ~J
She is named after her mother. .~..u\-, r"~ ..:...-;:.-..
He is a man after my li king. .J J).;! ~) <I.i!
Against: .~ ~ ~.
Against = opposite to ~Iy" J - ~I.Q.. = J.,.,p

- ./JL... - ~
They playcd against many strong teams.. .~; .J} L 1.r.J
1 have nothing against you. ..!l...l...;? ".? I.$i I.$..u ~
We are swimming againsl the 1..:..;( ~I ->..r-" ~ ~ ~
stream.. 1.5~. ~
•"<...0. J)r"'. , ..,
Among: is uscd in case of referring to more than two persollS or things .
•i.t:.:..,:. } ~ .;r' jS'i J! i}.;"'~1 ;;JI>- J "AmoDg" J--l'
Between: is used in case of referrÎllg to two persons or thillgs.
.~ )i ~ J! i)';'~1 ;;JI>- J "Betw.. n" J--l
- He likes to stay among his friends. .~\.i~t <J.:.1 s:.L.'WI ~ < -
. She prefers ta ,il amang the pupil, .. .i,.-)WI .;", cf #, ~ 4'1 -
• Don't sleep among the graves. .)y.AJ\ <J.:.1 ~ 'Y -
- Our schoollies between the ) b) ~\ ~~ ,..z \:.::......) J..,.
:ou ~ -

museum and the court of justice. . ~\J..JI

- There is nothing between me and her ~) ~ ~~ ~ y. 'Y
- they are always between my eyes. .~ 0::1 Wb ~ -
- She put the Rose between. ~ 0'::! i,;:,)}\ ~-' -
two pages of the English book. .~#.'Y\ W\ yl:5'" 0'"
165 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
There is a wide gap belween J\..JJI '-'"
. ï...t....IJ i r .J..>;-i
the Soulh and lhe Norlh. .yy!-I)

At: • <:.>=' ..",.il\, - yU - M- - .) .

* At = Referring to a place J! i ;I..;.~ •
1 shall mcel you al the statioll. .~I J .!.Ll,~L
l'II wa il for you al lhe sea·sidc. ."...,JI <.sk L:. .J.;s. !l.,k L..
At school ~J..u~ At home .:.."IL
At the door '"':""'W~ At the same ...rii~
Place 0l5:l1

At the foot of the mounlain JJ-I e-'- .J.;s.

Al the front of the gate ;" I",JI ....",1) .J.;s.

Near at hand .yI J)b J

At the end of the party <W-I ;"4' J
II- At .. Referring to time .z;.!1 ,,.Ji;.);;)IJ •
1 will sec you at nine o'dock. ....... 1;.11 ~\...JI Js- .:.II)...
- At present. 'r"U-1 .:..ô}1 d -
• At the moment. .<1.>..1J1 •..v. :; -
- At the sa me time. . .:..ô}l '--'""" J -
• At nooo. .;~I .J.;s. -

- At midnight. .JiII~d -
• At the first attempt. .;.l)l>... J;Î :; -
• At the age of fift y. .~I.:r- J-
- At the end. .;"4;J1 J -
· At sunset. .'-c' )~I .J.;s. -

- At suorise. .J).rJ1 .J.;s. -

• At peace. , .UI .:r' j -

- 166 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
. At war. .y.J-I 0" j -
. At last. .1.",..Î -
- At firse ,'l} ~
f! to directions
At :: Referrino • ,.....' . \ -""\
CI'~..1 \1 o.;\.I.U~
,,:. • 1,.. ..11

Have a look at this page ~I • .iJ, Js-

i.;b ..;l!
She is laughing at hÎm (~~) .ys. ~
At = Referring [0 priees • ~\ . ~I ()1 ô}~,~

You can have it at 100 dinars. .)~~ 4St.... J\.i... ~ J~\ ~t5:..~
Gel il at any priee. .~ '-$~ ~ ~\
1 cao not buy il at such a \..l.A J!.Ç o~\..,.;. ~i 'j
high priee.. .t'")1 cr-"I

At ::::z General adverbial use: JWl c>~ rU. J~\

At least ijl~ At most p'Jl ~

At this rate J.wl 1..., At uny raie JI.".. l$i .)s-
At full speed ~r~~ At a lime 0)\ J
Clevcr al J -,,'v pleased al -! J)~

Frightcllcd at (~\>-).:/Yr.r ASlonished al ..:.r" ?J.:.;

Good at J~ Bad at <../ "o,f"
Quick at J~r Siow at J"~
Before: ~
Before ~ Pdo";tyoftime: (Ji) ..::.j JI .} .,.,..~I
- You may find me at my ~U\ .}.i ~ J JJ.J- Jj

office before nine o'clock .. ....... Wl

- They may arrive before next week .. ·r,L<lI Cr-' 'JI JiIJ..a< .Ij
~ Thi s film will end before Ji ~ ~11.iJ,
midnight ..Jl!1 ~
• 167 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Before = Priority of choice .J 1...:7~1
• ...• ,J, i
Death before dîshonour. .JWI 'J) ';')1
Before = In front of: ,(\..1
He stood berore me. (Jljl) .. ifL.Î ....ü)
The question before us Îs JI .s:.:L:. c.:L.Î '-")~I <lUI
somewhat thoroy. . L. •

Behind: ...:...l7
Behilld = At the back of: ...,u;.
He sat behind me. . ~~
Never say anything behind 'J u,.;. -'>- Î ,IJ) ,J' -1-" Î Ji' 'J

a person's back that you .~).j ..jj~

wou ldn', say to his face.
Behind ,. Refening to lateness , è lJi - ...:.J.;.;JI ' (dl ô 1l;;.;iJ
The train is behind time. . ,Js.r ,y .r'"' }k.ill
Sorne nations are still .j ,;.,.; ..::JIjL. ..,.,y--'JI ~
living behind times. . ....;.1>.;
Bchind the times. .JJ.;.:.
Bchind time. . ,.,.6
Behind ooc's back. .~I ,IJ),J'
Behind the scenes. .}".JI ....;.l>- ,J'

Below = Lower than a .~ <>~ JÎ ;.kA; ,J' ...\.i....Î
gillen point or place.'
The operaling costs are
below the average ..
In box ing, don't hit below the belt. ·rl}-I J-i--Î ..,.,.rA" 'J ,<.S)t.l.I .j

- 168 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Beneath: "ç>,.) - ~ - JL...) "

Put this pillow beneath your head .. ..!.L-ÎJ J ;>L..)I oi" c:."'
He is beneath his brother in intelligence. .,\5".il1 J "",i j;> ,,;1
Beside: ..... DI;. . ..,...;1.,.;
Beside = By tl,e side of ~I.:,.:

He refused ta sit beside me. .)1 J>i J
Beside .. Apart from:
""" DI;.
That is quite beside the question . . \..Ii t.r"}1 J" Ut;. Ii"
Beside oneself. ..."I.,....JI .AÔ\; (~) .r-' J)
Beside the mark (point) (question). .t.r"}1 J" U t;.
Beyond: J~ - ),~ - ~i - J\.Jj I..-.i
We can't drive beyond this place. ,J\5J.\ \ok 0'" ~i ~W\ ~ 'j
Beyond a person. . ~I ~ <>>'-' '"'Y'<
" 1 1
Beyond one's means. ,~\1 Jyi.!
Beyo nd expectations. ,W y JLS"" \..0 J~
• •
Beyo nd the pale. , "-="~ ~\ ~ J-l>- j)~
Beyond comparison. ,J}Â:! ~
Beyond one's reaeh. ,Jl:.1! ~ \..1..::":'
Beyond sea. .Jb..:J\ '\JJ W
Beyond measure. .» ..... 1 j)l,.,
Beyond control. .où
- <"- -II .Jk '
During: ,!)I.>: - .\:li
• 1 will vÎsit yo u during the holiday. .;j l.e- '1'1 J)i>. rS"J )jL
- It did not stop raining .J.lli J)i>. .;hll Jlr. ~
during the night.
Priees were sore during the war.

- 169 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
By, ~ - ;J:,......IJ:! - r\...\ - 0:..;. - y ~ - """," - J.",>
By - Nearness of place: ("":-'A - ;!.f")J) J15J.I ~"al'
• We like lO si l by the fire in win ter. .~l::..!J\ J }J\ '-:"} ~ 0i ~
- He al ways sils by his [al 11er. .o..ul) )~ ~ Wb ..,;!
By - Passing in front of: if:'-! \rLtÎ (Ijl.t)
- They like to walk by the river. . ~\ )~ ri .j~ ~1
- 1 go by yO Uf h ouse everyday. 'i.)!. y r-<:": )~ yi
By = Neamm of 'im" (JJ) (JE ~) iiI,.JI y)ll
- 1 ca n'I fi nish Ihis work by tomorrow .. MI ~ J.....JI \~ '"4-'\ ~f "1
- He will rcturn by nooo . ë~\ ~ ::'.Y"-:'"

Br ~ Agen'r ( Jr\.il

- Thi s exercisc is donc by me. . ~\y. j>- ..û J.r=JI l..iA
- Ali the problems will be l.h....1J' ~ J5"w.11 J5"
solved by my fathe r wher1 he cornes. .~ L.....l:S- <$...ul)

Br = Manfler (means): <ll:--.i') ~I

_ Yo u ea n succeed by perseverance. .ô..l8.t,. ~ .lI ~
_ Yo u ean pay him by inswlm cllts. . b. ii-Il:.;J l!JJ ,:.S ..:.L~

- H e will travel by air. .(ô)l6J\ ~\)1) 'r-:- )~

Br = E){ pressing oaths: e' d' ;:t:U

- l 'wear by God. . JJ~ r--'I
- By my life. 1 will obey the 0yU 01101 J~ r--'I
scout's law. .~\..:S:J\
_ He s\\'o re by his honour 10 tclilhe trllth. .~\ J~ JÎ .uA ~t

- 170 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
BV :::: According to:

- What is the lime by yOU f watch? ~~L. ...,......,. u )1 L. -

Down: J,i...'il ,)!
Referring to movement towards a lower position .
.Ji--Î ."...,) .~I J lS"? .;r ;ij~ .uJ
- He fell down the stairs. .~I JD-Î Jl k.... -
- They wenl down town. .~ ..ul .k...,.) JI 1.t:A~ -
- Sit down. .~I -

Except: \~\.,

- He invited ail his frie nds except Sami. '1:f"L. \J.ç.l,.. ~li..l,..pi J5' l,ç.~ jÂj -

- Women are I1ice except for ~)} IJ.ç. ~ ûlAJJ ~LJI -

their gossip and jealollsy. ..:fi'ff)
For: - ~\..,J - ~ - .J t,.lb - j,.l;., - , ,J! t-.;., - J-r ~
"r' '!-"-! . ;';L...oJ . cr' . vI;
• Fo" For the sake of J::~ - J::Î .:r' -
,. ,
- It is beller for yO li to have lk.......i ,1,.:..1; ,)\ ..!JJ J-Ai')l\ ,j'" -
a little rest. .Â.:>-\)1 .:..r"
- A U for one and one for ail. .~ p ~\) ~ ~).ll -

For = To be given 10: ( ul!~) .. j

- Are a il thcsc cl Olhcs for me? ~ J ....,.-1)U\ o..i..t. Y ~ -
- 1 will bring more for yOll. - • ..!JJ ~)\ ~L -
For:::: Referring to destination o~,lajjoJ\ ~1 vl! o)~~'jj
- She left for London yesterday. ......r'"';~ ,)J.:J Ji G.l>- J -
- They will set for Oran this morning. .c~\ Il:. jl./') Y.r" 0 ~ -

. 171 . | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
For"" In exchange for: J,.\u
· 1 won't pay one dinar for Ihat. .1.;'" J<tA.o 1...... 1) 1),<' e,i '1 -
· For how much do you sel! that? kJ);~~­
- Don 't Iran slate word for word (~ ;.$) t,;.r r.i' '1 -
For'" In quest of .. .J WJ,
· We have to send for a doctor. ...,.."w l;1k ~ "i u "< '1 -
- Let us go for a swim. )·>W~.L y. -
For = Because of: (..,.., "'.') . . j

- He was rewarded for bravery. .~t.....oJ 'J~ -

- You will pay dearly for that. .l,I~ .!.lb ~ eJ:... -
For = In spite of: (y) e' ~.JI;
- For ail his merry, he is 110 1 so hrtppy. .\~ ~";~.o..>- / J5' 0" r1-)~ -
- For ail hi s friends he feels if J \.. ri' j, i ...... } ' A "'! -
lonesome. ."li~i
For - Ouration of time: (~,J\ J~\) ô.>.oJ
- 1 will stay there for five days. _rl,i <-...>- i.ll !lLo .:.s::..L -
For the lime being Forever .L)IJ
for the present Forever and never \~i) Wb
For = Instead of: e' ':10.;
- 1 will act for you. _ l j~1 JI ~ yjL-

From: cY - e'
From '"" Indicating starting point. ( ;;"I..L.l\
_. ~ . U) if
..,.. .
From one place to anothcr .r'i J! "l5:.. if
From the beginning to the end. _,,4;)1 J! "I..yl if

- 172 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
From morning to night. ., UI ? Ct,...J1 i f
From top 10 bottom. .Ji..-Î J! J>-Î i f
From hand to mouth . , •.Ali J! ..yI i f
From door to door ...,., \,Il y \.,lI i f
From day to day. ·ryJ rY- if
From house to house. ..r''J J? if
From hand to hand. ...y -'< if
From side to side. ..r''J ..,...; t.,. if
From place to place. ..r''J j tS:- if
From time to time . ..r''J ..:..;) if
From = By reason of: ('. ': ".11) "'"'
He died [rom the accident. . ~.)lJ-\ ~ Ü\....
He is suffering [rom neglect.. .JL•...,'1 i f .,il.., "!
From = lndicating prevention: ( ~I u-I! o) .z,)ll) 0-!
1 cou ldn't stop her [rom doing that. . .!.\b ~ i f 4-'" ~I r!
He saved him [rom death. . u ).1 i f • ..\.i;i ..\.il
From" out of (after):
1 am speaki ng from experience. .if." .f ~i .,i!
Don 't judge [rom appearancc. ./,lfoJ~ ~ '}
ln = Indicating place and direction: :0 ~ '} 1) ,,1S:l.1 "\,,l
A bird in hand is wo rth ten
in the bush.
& 1. J
r.; ..yI
)1 (~') ~I

ln: is gcnerally used for large places, cities, towns, and centres .
...s;,s:J1 jS1}I) ".Ill ,i~1 ';'>\.o~ '-,-J4 i,~ "IN" J-.-l

- 173 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Eg: Shc lives in Co nstantine
AI: is more generally uscd for smallcr or less important places (suburbs,
stations, small villages etc).
'.rr"il) .....i J~I Ji i~1 J"'SU ;;"...J~ i,~ "AT" J--l
.( . ... i ~I ",}JI ,..:;,u",:1
gg; He lives at EI-Kouba in Algiers. .......,Wl )1)-, ,'-,.iI1 J J.-< ~! : J~

In front of (~1Y') rL.l l n the way J,!)J\ J

In the midd le J
.h.....) ln my way .j<J> J
ln the North Jl..lJ1 J In the South y"';-I J

In = Indicating lime: . ~,JI t:J \o.,J ' .)

For Illonths For years ,,,,Ip
In February l' • . ln 1982 1982 rI. J
-' -'" ft-" Il
In April JjÏ k- J ln 1971 1971 rI. J
In March if)\" k- J ln 1992 1992 rI. .}

For parts of the day: l''nll .. !d~

ln the morning ln the evening "U\ J
ln aU my life 1n the afternoon .ra-J\ J
ln an hour 's time. .."WI .i'" J
In three days' time.
In the night.
In a week.

In: Indicating state:

We were in great danger.

Are yo u in good health?
• •
He is in love with another woman .. .(.$?\ 01/1 ~ ~l

- 174 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
]n = ]ndicating reference: "-.I\...~

- We are not interestcd in music. .~}~~L....l

- ln reply to your lettc r, 1 ,:,Î Jr- ,~lh.>- ~ b.j
have the pleasurc of communicating ~"'foll -:A..}.il ~Î
to you the rcquired information.
- In good order ..:.r- rlk .j
- In such a ease. •;.)\,1.1 • .i.A J'- .j
- ln comparison with. .c: ;.;~W~
- In Arabie style. ......rJ1},hll ~
- In conclusion. .r1;.;1.1 .j
- In short. .)..='-~
- Speak in English In public. .~ ".r.b!-'j~ ~
]nto: J;-b -..}
Wc use it instead of "]N" Jod "IN" ~ 'J~ J--'
to denotc motion. ..s'.}-I ,)sr
- We jumped into the waler. ., 1I.1 .j l;yü .cil
- He has got in ta difficulties. . .........\.,a11 .j J,~y .cil
- He bas turoed into a wolf. .y; JI Jy' .cil
Likc: as (such) (resembIing) ..,....,. -J4. J4.
- You are just like me. . \..LC- .}- .:..;1'
- Don't talk like that. .IA.. 'j ~
- Like a lot of people. . cf 1:.11 ~.r.> J'-

Unlike: ...,..s;.. .,a. - ":')1;.,.

, J.,.s "'1
- Unlike his brother, he is lazy.
- Unlike his friend, he ~ 'PAi 'ri JI ..r" "'1
belongs to a poar family. .";'-'-" ~

- 175 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
To express proximity:
· We had lunch in a
restaurant near the university.
• 1 live near the school.
· 1 don't sit near him.
Of: & - e'
Of = Ind icating origin or cause: (..,..,..JI Ji).I..o1 1 il \"l) if

· Many Africans die of hunger every year. ."-- J> t.y- J yir. ijFil <.1' r.>
• That is very kind of you. .~ fjJ ';1
· He is ashamed of his son 's behaviour. • ",,1 0\; .r'" if P .lil
Of III Indicating possession or relationship (~':lUtJ\ ,i ~\ C)~) !.:J-'
- The power of the law. .wilaJ1o}
- The beloved ofyouth. .y~1 ~.r.-
• The queen of the country. .~~I o::.L.
Of = Indicating material, creation J.W\ j ô~WI C)~) t:>-'
or constitution (1,;);I"s:;J\ ,i
- My watch is made of stainless steel. Î...l...<a.:! 'l w..loo...e i f ~~ ?L...
- Many humall artificial ~l:.b...,.:, 'lI ~17-~I i f P
parts are made of plastic. .~~I i f ~~ JL..if'J
Make the best of your life. .~ \,. j~ ôt;..~ ~I

A fam ily of five. .~I)\ 4...-.> ,y W~

Of - About (conceming) (",U;.,.) ~

Have you heard of such a thing? ~1-45'" ~~ d' .....:...-.....i
1 don'l know anything of it. .~..l.b d' ,~ ($Î J.ri 'l
1 am certain of that. .~~ ,y ~b liÎ

- 176 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Of - Indicating partitive relation •(;;.,.l;..JI -';:JL,JI c>~) cr
A piece of music. . <,.i,-y w,;
A part of the plan. .<h:l- 1 0" ':r
A quantity of. '0" <,.S
A lot o f. '0" /
A number of. ...:f .::.~
Of = Indicating apposition: " . ~ J.,.;.ll c>~
The city o f Annaba. .~\..:s. ~..l,.o

The continent o f Arriea. .\,.i,)1 i}i

Of = Forming adjective equivalent: -.......u ,"i$...

, <Z'~
A man of silence is a man of sense. . .,;U .lW- 0" jiWI
Birds o f a feathe r nock toget her. .c}' 4J~i Js- J".,kll
Off - Away from: ,o:l~

Keep off the grass. . ~I .:r """,1

Get off the table. .;J)uJl Js- 0" Jjr
The plane will take oITat seven o'clock. ).~U\ ~U\ Js- o)l.W\ ~
Switch off the li ght.
, . .J"JI ,.rI
Off side . .(JI.c,l1 CJ\.>.) y.:..; :r.liJ1 i.f J
Take off your clothes. .~)\.. &1
.'"e<:;' . - ' ~ - '-1'. . <..e

On = Indicating place: ( J l5:.l1 J l"l) Js-

Stick the stamp on the J ",,1kI-1 Js-
C'~I ~l
letter in the right upper hand corner. .JyJI .:1-'>1.;/)1
Put yOU f luggage on the balance, please. .~ 0" Js- ~i ~
The passengers went on board the ship. . y..JI R J- ",,\5')1 .J..o...>

- 177 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
On earth ci'}il .)<- On the moon r-ill.)<-
On land ci'J '-;1 .)<- On sea .;-JI.)<-
On right ~I.)<- On left JL..!JI .)<-
On = Indicating days and dates! 6th·?I, ,.\/il ",t,.,J
· On the Ist of March. 'c./'"l,. ft"- J} J
· On Friday. • ......... 1 ~j! J

· On new year's day i""JJ..1 '-:...JI <fi" -V J

· On that day. .~".)I ..'JJ; J
On"" Indicating state and condition ,";'.,.Ali ,1 ;;JWI ",t,.,J
· He is here on business. .~ J lA <il
· On duty. J
. ... JJ..I
· On a journey. .<1..-" J

· On an errand. .(~) ""yl,. J
· On horseback. .,,~I R Js-
·1 am still on holiday. .ijH .} .:Jjl,.
ON - Concerning: "'~ - ..,...
· 1 have read a book on ~ç <1..-" cr ~l6' ",i; .li!
· Columbus' voyage to America. .LS:,) Jl ".rJ1
On = As soon as! .)~

· On receiving his letter, 1 ,.,)L,." if*--I '.r:--(

sent him the money at once. .ë,.- 'pl J .:JL..)
· On seeing him, she hurst .<,5"~ '"~I ";i,, "i '.r:--(
into tea rs.
Onto: ~
Instead 01 liON' to denote J.0 "ON" if J"" .J.-;-.s
motion: :<S"';'1 Js-

- 178 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

- The box feU o nto the ground . '../J'11 J>- .hi.... J)~I -
- The plane feU onto the y } cc..,.,JI ..? c.:. 6, • ; ;lhJI -
houses near the airport. .)1.11

Out of: yy V - ~\-'-! - VI.;.

Outside of - From
He ran out of the field. .01..L,l1 Ul>- <s?
Do not look out of the window. .;.\;\JI i f Jk; '1
He did it out of kindness. .w.:.JI t'I-,! .!.Il; J..i ..I.AI
Out of sight, out of mind . .~I;ll ,J- I~ •.;,.JI ,J- I~

Out of danger. .)J-I ,J- I.e,..,

Ou t of pity. .w.:.JI y~ if
Out of money . ...,-LV
Over: '-""'Ai -..;,; ..,... -..;,;
Over = Above: .Ji
The sky is over our heads. .l...)jJ J} ,L....J\
He is going to hover over ",..... J} ..;.,WI <s-'" "1
Oover. .".;.;lll.i'" ..? ;";\k,J. ", ....." ))>

Over = On the other side of: <:.t' "";''Y\ -"";I.,J\ ..,Jl - .Ji V
He jumped over our heads. .l... )jJ J} i f jAl ..I.AI
Over: More than:
, vAi
He is over twenty years now. .(1.1.c.;) L 0'r-JI J} 0'11 "1
It is no use crying over spilt milk. ...,.,u-I JIA if p i ,15:,11if ,,) .10,- '1
He will get over his troubles. .....,..b J>- ...,..J;.:, j Y'
Round (Around) ~
The earth moves round the sun.
News around the world.
- 179 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Spacemen went round the .r-<ll Jy- Ijlk ,l.a.ill JI".)
maon several times. . ..,:...1/ o~
Through: ' .. :w .. -,;.tJ:
They passed through the town . .",.!ll:ft 1)/
He go t through his examination. ...;\,.,..1 j~1

. i.l? i.f.; J ~
A goad idea came through my mind .
- J-- ..:..)0>-
We lea rn through crrars. . L.J..,; -,..,... ,\h.>. ':II
To: ~! - ~
To = Indicating point of arrivai J~J ;;.kA; JI
1 am gai ng ta the University. ....... L!-I J1 '"""P ';1
We came ta a turn in the road .. .J<}>JI.j ~ J1 lLo)
To "" As far as: - ..)! - t.é
He can cou nt fram one ta ten. op Ji ..1.>-1) 0'" -loo.:! 01 ~ 4il
1 read this book from beginning ta end . . ~4J1 ~ ~\.J.JI if yt:.ÇJl l.k ut}
To "" Towards: ..)! - ~
Ali road, lead to Rome. _ .)1 ,p;
. \..)) J5" J}>JI
Be kind to yo ur parents. .(.!.l,..\JI) y.c L,... J ) ~L-.-1 0'..ùI}~)
To = Marking indirect object: rl,.oJl ni- J,.4JI CIl.,.,.!
Don 't say that ta me. .~) J JZ '1
Will yau listen ta me? ~ J! ~ jA
Leave that ta her. . 4J ~) ç..)
1 will write ta you. •" rJ'---" • H~
" ' ) " o,;:...v . _.,",1...00

To .,. Expressing comparison 4,jJ~\ c..t" J ~ :9 -; \ \

1 want something superior to that. ..!JJ;' ,i f ~i ~ -'1),
She bUlOt his letters to ashes. .b\..) ~I ? ..JJL..) ~/"1

- 180 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
To = expressing degree:
. It is accurate 10 a hai r.
- My wa lch is right to a minu te.

To '" In accordance \Vith . . ~ 1.Q.9,

- They were da ncin g to the tune. 'il...iUSU \..if) .)~",è \ilS -

- According to the papers.. . . ..;:....\).. • Il W) -
- Accord ing to law.. ·.JiliU Li.:1 -
- According to plan.. ..As."...,)1 ~ Lü.) -

Under: ~ · ,)~1 J~ .

- There is a grave under the dame. .~I J ,r.i ...1...:0:- ~ -

- They sa I under an umbrella. .~ J I~ -

- He was livi ng under a ralse name. ·U···.;·_) ).)f r""'\ J ~ .:>IS' -
- Under a nns. 'C')l...J\ J -
- Under ou r law. .~p ~ -
- Under d iscussion. . ~\ J -
- Under co nsideration. . (.,,a.~.Q.H J -
Until: cr>
Preferable a t the beginning of sentences: .,w.-I ~I", J 4J~1 J4
Till: -

Preferable bcfore nouns , L,.... ';1 Ji 4J1...o::...1 J.<:.i<

and short clauses i .r--
'''1 <J"<
L.LI .w.i
. J
- 1 will not wait liU next week. ·tr--';1 '-4' ?" ~t J -
- Until then, he laId me . ~ 1 y- I!,:. Ji< r-' ~ 'JI J>- -
nothi ng about the prablem.

- 181 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
~ ..).:1 ..,.l!
From a lowcr to a highcr place: :~Î J! ~i ~
- Let us walk up the hil!. .J:l1 Js'i J! ~ \,> -
- He is up a tree. .JjL... d . . ;1 -
- Are you going 10 swim ri ~I )L,; c: r~ J- -
down or up the river ? ~oL
With, , _ ~ _ ~~ _ ~ _ ~

u J I ~ _ ~
",.ill,: III compally -Togetlle.. - lit cOlltact: ~ - \AoO - ~ :~

- He lives with his stepfathcr. .~i

C)j e:: ~ ol,j! -
- She lives \Vith her stepmother. .~\ ~)j c: ~ 4-il -
- T ake me \Vith you. ...!..Lv ~~ -
- Come and have dinner with us. .L:...... ,-L:..J\ J,,,l::l J\..V -
- He met with a n accident. .0.:l~ .J c!) .ûJ -

With '" Having

- D o Ilo t sleep \Vith the windows open . .~ p.o .ii1.,.J1) ~ ":J -

- She is 100 king for a husba nd ..r.'J Jt.. <l CJj J' ~ 4'! -
with plenty of money .
- With an cye ta . . ;~I/ c: -
- With relation to ., Jl..:, t..,; -
With ". In respect ta - In (oollection with oU;.,. - &
- 1 wallt to talk with yOli. ..!.1v ":"'..l>d\ --4) -
- Thi s lic does not go \Vith c: ~')\:J 'Y oh ~\ ~j -
yOUf new su it.. .;-\!~\ ~-4
- Compare the copies wi th the origi nal. . ~)!~ J..raJI J).; -

- 182 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- 1 have done with him . . .., ~ -:....J,; .cil -
· Hand in hand witb .. . . C::' .J, J I.J, -
· Face to face with .. . . C::' """} lp.-) -
oSide by side with . C::' ~ JI ~ -
- On friendly terms with .. . . C::' r~) ~ -
o On equal terms with .. C::' i l)WI ~ -
With = By means of - by: ,;w.....\.';' ... -!

She fiUed my heart with love .
He always begins his
. L,.

.... ~~ "'.?\....
- .
~ ,,",)L. .cil
I..I.,! Wb "'1
· lecture with a smile.
· With God's help. .JJI 0-",
- With = Indicating manner: ;JW\ ,i ',;,0\ ",I.,.,J -

- This machine is fragile, it " '-!..o" ~ <l, ij <J'i'i ,.;.. -

should be handled with care. .J i..., 4--- .}~ 01 ..,...".,

o With great effort. ..r.f ,*'"' -

· With a heavy heurt. .J? ...,J.i, -
· With a light heart. .c) ...,J.i, -
- With ail my heart. ·Cy) J5:, -
With .. lnspite of: 'cr ""~4 - J5 1'1
· With ail hi s money. he is la;...:. ..,..,l "1' ,,1) JI" C::' -
not a happy pcrson. . I~

o With ail her bcauty , r""'" f.l 414 JI" i f ~)~, -

nobody usked for her hand. .lr.Y- .l.>-I

- 183 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Within >, >-> .j - J\l,; ~b - ..,......, - ~b .j
People shou ld live within »-'>- J I~ .;,i ,-",UI ~ ..,.".,
their means. . .r-"~~I

It is within easy reach. ...yl J)b J~!

Within an hour. .~L C»-'>- J) J~ J
Within sight. ."j)l J\k yi;
Without: lV~ - CJ,-'-!
No t having - free from - out of - beyond

- She wen t o ut without his knowledge.. .~ J)..Lt ~ /- -

. He asked her 1l0l lO do .;,)-'; i!,..;. JW 'il 4.:.. ..Jl, -
anything with out hi s conse nt. .~\y

- 1 will go with you without fail. ."",\:14 ~ ____ L -

- That gocs without saying . .. , rL- ) Il. -
- Witholll difficulty. . ~.Y'-'-" .J)..Lt -
- Wilhout wu rning. .).L\ .J)..Lt -
- Wilhout notice. .)\",,;,1 J)-'; -

- Without trouble. .~b J)..Lt -

- Without fear. .Jy>- J)..Lt -
- Without end. .,,~ .;,)-'; -
- Without an exception. .~L:.:.....\ .J)~ -
- Withollt rcsult. .~ .J)..Lt -

- 184 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Idi omatic use of ...... ~)I\J~)l1
prepositions ."..,.JI ':',.el
ItCommon combinations"

Accom pa nicd by . . (A person) (~ ) . . -! Y Y'-"-'

Accomp:mied with (sornething) (,,;.) -! Y Y'-"-'
On account of ..,..,.... - yL....- Js-
• Accuse "someone" or .. ... -! ''L.. L..z..;.....!." ~ ~

· Advantageolls 10 .. "someone l1

· Take adVanl<lge or .. "\..~" ~ v ) ~ ­

· Affected by .. (.J..?'-" ~~) -! ;6 ~

· Arraid o r .. . (,.,;.) (~) J' ...A!l;. -

• Agree \Vith .. (~) c:: .jly. - c:: ~ -

· Aim at .. . . JI j-", -
· Angry \Vith. (~) J' -,...;,~ -

• Ambit io us o r ..

• Anxiolls abo ut .. J>- <>ü -

· Anxious ror .. JI ci"-'-- -
· ApologÎse 10 . . J)~-

..&. ..t;,u-
· Apologisc ror .. CT ) •

· Appeal to .. JI J---'" -
· Appeal against . J ).JI ;'"'1 ~ - ....o;L., -
· Apply 10 .. Ji ..Jl" r~ -
· Appropriate to . . .J 1"')1,.. -

- 185 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Approve of .. . . J." .jl)/ - fi -
- A rrive at .. . Cr.'-- ~\5:...) J! J..o< -
- Arrive in .. . ~ 0\5:...) J! J..o< -
- Ashamed o f . . .0" Je..> -
- Ask for . . . û,:. .,J...., 0i lA>...:. JL., -
- Ask about . . .. (~) J." ~ ­
- Associated with .. (Jo>- J) .. C' !I.;-'-- -
· Astonished at .. ('-'-" \..) J .;.>-"-' -
- Aware of . . !IJ o- .. J t.1) -
,-< r-I~
· Bascd on .. . J." r;' - J." .r-"r -
- Belicve in . . . . ~,yJ; - J~ -
· Beneficia i to .. ('->....all) . . J ...,... -

- Beware o f . . . (c,J» 0-") 0" i fr i-

- Blame for . . . . J." r}, -
- Break of .. (i,~) . . .:r ~ -

· Break with . • -< <lAJ1 &'< -

- Burst into tears .. . . \,5"4 ~ -
- Borrow from . .. 0" J'A -
- Cali on .. . (lA>...:.) J)j! -

· Cali to .. (~) .. J." ,pL, -

- Cali for . . . (\.. lA>...:.) y-" -

- Capable of . . . J." J,li -

· Capacity for . . J." i JJ.A.. -

- 186 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
· Ca relcss o f .. .. JJ-+- -
· Cautio us of .. .:/ <..!'.?"-" - .:/ )J..>. -

· Certa in of . . · . if JS'h. -
· Certificate of .. (i.".-JI 0-"") -i i>4-!- -
· Change in to .. . J! Jy., -
- Characterised by .

· Charge against .. (~) J...;. <..;; -

· Take cha rge of . . (......) YJJ-o Ji'< -
· Come across .. (u,.;. ) ~) ..... ,1...>, -
· Come iUlQ fo rce . . J.,Ml1 ~)L.. C7"" -
- Come to pieces .. . . -
...:..;.i.:.. -

· In com pari so n with . . · t::: ~)i1, -

· Co mpensate with .. · .~ ~r. -
- Co mpe te with .. · . t::: ..,-iIz, -
- Complain of . . · . i f ~­
· Composed of .. . . if -,S J' -

· Concentrate o n .. · . J&- ;?; -

· COllcerned with .. . r<' Ji ..;--- -
- Confess to .. L.~ .....r< -
- Co nnected with . . . . -i~ ­

· Conse nt to .. ~ - -i cs-"..< -
· Considerat ion for . . · . J 1)\,:>1 -
· Co nsult with .. (~) t::: )J~ -

- 187 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- ln contact \Vith . . .. ., Jb1 ~­
- Correspond \Vith. . c:: ~ - Jiu., -
- Cou nt for nothing .. l!,.:. <f) L, 'i -
- Deal with .. · . c:: J-k, -
- Decide on . "~llj~-
. .J J -

- Depan from .. .. -J'.Y-.t-

- Depend on upon . ..~~­

- Deprive of . . . -J' (~) r.r< -

- Desire for . . .. J ~J-

- Determined in .. · . ~ rj1>- -
- Devote . . ta .J-~-.f.f.,-
- Die from .. · . -J'~"­

- Differ from .. .J'~­

- Different from . . .J'~­

- Difference of opinion . . . <fÎ)I j)8.1 -

- Disappoinled of . (~ ~ r') J ,1.,-)1 -,.lI.,- -

- Disapprovc of .. (t.. l!,.:.) ~ -

- Dismiss .. from .. ..-J' .. ';"-

- Displeased \Vith . . (~)-J"L.. -

- Distinguish .. from .. . . J' ~-

- Doubt about . .
(t.. ,,;-) J é.J..:. -

- Due ta .. (t.. ,,;-) Ji ~Ij -

- 188 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Emerge from . . . . .:r .h< -
- Employed at .. .J -..iJ;y -
- Engaged in .. ,. ~ J~ -

- Envio lls of . . (~) J .bN ,..... l.. -

- Equal in .. . . J '" JL.... - J,l..o -
· Escape from .. . .:r y ft' - .:r J'>'< -
- Exchange .. with .. . c: L. t.:,.:. J,,, -
- Fail in , ' · J J.!-i< -
- Fall in battle . . .,/'" J ":J.-? t3< -
- Fall into the hands of. . • ", .. Î J t3< -
· Fall in priees . . . } ....:"il J j,r." -
"""' p.o / (L. ~) J ..;,"'-" -
· Familiar with , .

- Familiar to ' .
. .
. . J .....}L. -
· ln favour of , . (L.~)dU -

· Fear of .. . . .:r JI>., -

- Fear for . . . ~ JI>., -
· Feed on ,' , . ~ cG';';'" -
- Fight for. , . Je-Î.:r e~ -
· Fight against . , . .J..;, YJ~ -

- Filled with .. · . ~ ,j.(-

- Fife inta upon , , 10 UI .,L -
' ~J ~

· Set fire to . . J )UI J-'; -

- Fit for . , · . J JI'! -

- 189 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Fond of . · . r./"" -

- Gel over .. C?J') .}<- ~ -

- Get on wi th . · pL, -
- Get throllgh .. · j~-

- Grateful to .. . J .:J.l - J }'L;, -

- Grieve fo r. . (~) .}<- J Ï'" -

- Guilty of . .

- Hesitate at .. · !./ ~~..? -

- Identical with . . · J Li,u,.. -
- Ignoran t of .. · ., joie- -
- Immune against .. (ci'J') .i.-;, ~ -

- Impatient for . . ..}<- ~­

- Increase in . (>.wl) .. J "'..> -

- Independent of .. · . cr Ji'-.- -
- lnferio r to . · if
· yi -
- Instead of .. . . i f ';.J.; -

- Innocen t of . . (<....;;) if 'tf p -

- Involved in .. . J,'
· ." JY-
- Irrespective of . . . cr }iJ1 J"o< -
- Jealo us of .. . . i f JY- -
- kin with .. · . J! r"'< -
-Keyto. . . J Cl;.;.. -

- 190- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Kind to .. · • -! J.,.a..:. -
- Lack of . . . . J!}.i';! -
- Liable to .. · . J ;";'.f' -
- Limited to .. . Js. (,:i....) ')-'--- -
- Live for . . . .ri if ~ -
- Long for . . . . J! J"-'., -
- Look for . .

- Look after ..
· . . "'" -
.J . ~ -

- Look al .. . ..J I .. - ~

- Loyal to .. .. J~­

- LOSl in .. (~) .. .j J}~ -

- Made in .. ("15:..) .; t.."...... -
- Made of . . (• .,;.) i f t.."...... -
- Make o ul . . . . r+".' -
- Make up for . . (i}_>-) '/Y" -
- Makc a fool of ..

• • -! I..,i+.! -
- Martyr to .. (<.)-1) J "'*' -
- Necessity of . . (\.. '..?) . . '))r- -
- Neglect of .. (..,...".I}I) Jl.A! -
- Obedient to .. . .J~­

- Object to .. . Js. J'r< -

- Occupied with .. ~)., Jy..:..-
- Occur to .. . (~) J ;..;.., -

- 191 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
· Of great use 10 (~) J 'r.? ,J,st; ); -

· Opposi te to .. (J&.) J ..".1... -

· Parallel 10 .. ('..r-) J jI... -
· Participate ~ith .. ('..r- J ~) c: !l? -
- Pass from .. . , (J&.) i f ~ -
- Pass for . . ( J .,."...) ..,. WI ..,....., -
- Patient with .. "C: J_ -

- Pleased with . (~) i f J).r-' -

· Pleased at .. ('..r-) i f J).r-' -

· Prejudice against .. ..c;, ..,....,., )i!:rJ -

- Prepare for . . , . J -""--< - ~ -
- Prevcnt from .. . i f I!,:- (~) 0 -
· Profit by .. . . .:.r- ~ -
- Protect from ..

- Proud of .. . . -!)~ -

· Providc \Vith . . .-:1 • • )).).-

- Recover from . "if~-

· Refer to .. . ..
J I ~
• -

· Regard for. , , J IJ\,:<I -

- A relation of . . (~)J y)-
- Relevant to .. , J Jil... )i ..,.....\:.. -
· Rely on .. " J>- -'---"" -

- 192 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Rcmarkablc for . .

· Rcmedy for . . .J C~-

· Rcmolc from . ·y 1..,., -

· Repent of .. · . .)s- r-'" -
· Replace by .. • . -! J~­

· Rcpl y lO .. · . .)s- '';1 -

· Rcspond to .. .J~-
. .' .
- Rcsult from .. · .y r-""< -
- Rcvcngc on . .. if~­

- RUIl into .. , r~/ J .1).f< -

· Run throllgh .. . . (1,.,.0;) '-" -

· Safe from . . if ifL.. J-
- Satisfied wÎth . . . y .....I)-

· Search for . . ..y~­

- Seek aCter .. · . J! c<"-' -

- Separate .. from .. . y . . J.o.i, -

- Set upon .. . . (t....>..:.) 1'"""4< -
· Shoot at .. .)s- )81 ~ -

- Short of .. · . J! p. -
- Sick of .. "
···if jL;.;.1 - if r- - r? -
- Similar lO .. . J "Le.. -
- Smile al ..

- 193 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
· Sorry for . . . (ik>.) J ......... i -
· Speak o f .. ·J'F-
- Speak on behalf of .. .J'WF -
- Stand by .. (IL --») - 1.. ~ -.,...;l". J! --») -
· Stand against . · . J cS -'-"" -
- Stare at .. ci}..J1 J~ -

- Stare in the face of "someone" "1.. ~" ..".) ci J1.>., -

· To starl by doing . (1.. ,.;-) J...., i-'! -
- Strugglc for. . . ~i cr ~l5:, -
- Subjcct ta .. (ü~JÂ") .. ~ J>;'" -
- Succeed in .. · . Il C:"" -
- Sufficicnt for . . (J>h j jl> -
- Suitable for . . ..j~)l. -

· Sure of . . · . cr .l5'L -
· Suspect of .. ·. ~
• •• -

- Suspected of .

- Sympath ize with .. c? J)..., -

- Take after . <iL!. l'';'w. -
- Take to .. (;."... i,~) ci ~ -
· Take up .. (i;:; ..;=1 i<t}l> ~l5 .i.>.Î l.h.i:Il -
· Take upon oneself . . ...,~ Js- lA -
- Take advantage of .. · '-"-" .iP- -
· Take heed to . · . J! ...,., -
- 194 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Take hold o f .. • • ~ '-J"'-> -
J' ~ ~.' --
- Talk over .. (L. ~) é /(<LG) u"c, -
- Think over .. J ~ I.j"f­
- Thirst o f . . ..J~ ­

- Trans late into .. . J! r--?- -

- Unjust to . . .J ~lb -

- Vcrsed in . . J tJ' )Î - cf." -

- Wa it on .. (~) ... .l.> J>- t -'" -
- Withdraw from .. 'if~-

- Worth of . . ..~.f.~-

- Yield to . . (.;:,10, -'i') J ,...t--'-' i(L. ~) J i::".JI -

- Zealous for . . (;JI.wI) J ~ -

- 195 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
J- Jnterjectiolls and exclamations: CO ,...:JI.> ~W\ c:,~\ 1
2- Contractions c.JW-\'\ -2
3- Irregular verbs ,.;0\ c.J1.:.J>\ -3
The interjection is merely a word or sound used to express a sudden feeling
or emotion, and does not enter into the construction of a sentence.
} )~ if .",& ~ v J-" Ji ;ws- , ft" Ji' ~WI ~I
.l..l...f- 1 ...,..? j ci J.>- J; 'JJ ;;.:".W ;w,~
~ To express ;or. l' ~ 'JI if ""..u
Hurra 1 Hurra. c?/ 'c?/
~ To expl'ess gl'ief. ii}- 1 if ""..u
Oh! o}
- To express surprise. ;w..JJI if ""..u
Ah! Oh! ,1

~ T0 express approval. J.,! Î:;J 1 if ""...u

Bravo! ! ..:....:.-.>Î

~ To express weariness. ..,....:l \ if ""..u

Heigh ~ Ho ! ,i - ,I} ,t,:;)l1 -,Jkl
~ To l'equire attention. .I.,:;'J 1 ..,.Jhl
Lo! Rush!

Hark ! Hist 1 .
'•- " ''1

~ To express repl'oo{. .....;, Ji r}ll if ""..u

Fie! ! ..r'I - l,;

- 196 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- Ta exp,.esl' colltempt or ridicule,

Tush ! 1 Pshaw 1 Pooh

- T0 alll'act attentioll,
Hey! Hi 1

..,.."..;1\ ..,. .,.,,&

Hello! ! \,>-/ - ')\>\

Excla matorv sentences: ,.".,..:11 MI

- How! Whal!
- How wen he plays ! !..,.J U) \,. -
- How nice of you 10 come ~ .JÎ .!.-L- ....;.,kI Y' ~ -
to sec us ! !W)~)

- How beautiful she is 1 !4J-Î \,. -

- What grand ideas you have! !!l}5:;Î ~Î \,. -

- What a fool he is ! !o~Î \,. -

- There she is ! !.".. 1..> -

- ln yo u get ! !~ J]\, y,Î -

- Thcrc goes the drive! !.r---< ..,s)l Y' 1..> -

- Away went ail his we:tlth !

- Herc cOllles Mohamcd !

- \97 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
[ Contractions]
ln English there are a number of contractions of words which are
used in speech, and in wriring which reproduces spoken language, for
ex ample drama, direct speech in navels and short stories, personal
letters. It is important that the Icarner should Icarn and make use of
these contracted forms if he n'auts his cnglish ta sound lIarural.
When contractions are writren, the t\Va words are shortened by
omitting onc or tn'a Ictters and joining the words together.
The letters rhat are omitted are represented by an apostrophe (')
when contractions arc spoken, the tn'a words are shortened by
omitting sante sounds and pronouucing the t\l'a words as one.

- 198 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
• [Contractions]
IPersonal Pronouns + verb JMlI+;~\I ·-::·,:-+'--J.<iI:-:·::I'1

l 'm ---+- lam Can', can Dot

l'\'C __ 1 have Couldn' t could not
1 will daren't - - dare not
1 ",ould , 1 had didn't - - did not
doesn' t -- does not
don't - - do Ilot
hasn't -- has not
you're ---+- you arc hal'cn't -- have Dot
you've ----+- you ha,'c hadn' t -- had not
you' lI ----+ you will mightn' t - - tnight Ilot
you' d - - you would, you had mustn't -- must Dot
nccdn't - - need not
hc's ----+- he is, he has oughtn't - - ought not
he'lI __ he will shan't - - shall not
he'd ---+- he would, he had shouldn't - - should not

",asn't was not
shc's she is, she has wcren't - - were not
shc'II she will won't - - will not
shc'd she would, she bad ",ouldn't - - would Dot
".". 11. ". 11 _". ".11. ".
hrr common conlrarlio/U .sr! r-- l5' ";"";/Ip'i
ifs - - it is herc's here is
it'Il - - il will how's how is

~' c'rc
-- wc are
that would
that will
we' lI
-- wc ha\'(~
wc will
wc would, wc had
what' Il - -
",ha Cs
that is
there is
",hat will?
what is?
they're ---+- Ihey arc ",hen's when is?
thcy' ,·c ----+ Ihey ha\'c wherc's where is?
they'lI ---+- chey will who'd who would?
thcy'd ----+- Ihey ",ould, Ihey had who' lI who will?
who's who is?

- 199 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Qrregular verbSJ
IThe 11l00't! WU! f/l/ ol/eJI r-I~-~-.-,="=-\-~-.---,-,-\-t)-'\..:.J-'-\-J-w-·C'' '\I

infinithc paste simple past participle present par[ici~

J-o'II ~? ~I
).l..Al 1 ~ ~1~UI J-AJI ~."...,I.o
1 t~WIJ J....,a' 1)

B, was 1 \Yerc Been Bcing C7"'Î I~JI<J'S'

Bear Bore Borne Seaming j\i. I:r-- 1;':' I:J), 1j;J.
Beat Beat Bealcn/Beat Sealing (A')~ /py;'
Become Recame Decome Becoming \~ /,) I.:P /-~
" \

Bll'cd Bled Bled Dlccding ~! I~) /;,r )

Bless BlcsscdfBlcst DlcsscdfBlcst Blessing\ &- /oJ'jj j!J)4
Blow Bic\\' 810\\'11 B10wing 4 /UJ~
Break Broke Broken Brcaking ~ /J.:.l lrS
Dring Broughl Broughl Bringing ~î I~ 1~~1i;
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcasl Broadcasling ~ /;J It11\
8uild Built BuHl Building ~L!.. 1J4 Irijj I~
Burn Bumt/Burncd Burnt/Burncd Duming v'~I• ("
<Jr_, ' \ 1j11("-.J?i
Buy 80ught 80ught Buying tt;;! IJoS! 1~:J.l:-!
Cast Cast Cast Casting .,,-JI .) t) l2>jj IJiI

Catch Caught Caught Catching .:.;i 1..-.» ~ 1..., <.wl

Choosc Chosc Choscil Choosing ..:..J,.;.;!
. ..r-,) ,~' !I {-~I
Come CllIliC COIIIC Coming ~~

C",,' Cost Cost Costing Ji?

Co, Co, Col Cutting ..;.l /~
Dare Darcd Darcd Daring ii~ 1.s'.JJ. I:;:..!). !j~
Dcal Dcalt Dcalt Dcaling &" I~ IOl
Dig Oog Dug Digging ~/);-
Di\"{' Dh'cd/Dm'c Dh'cd Divillg j,ill 1".,. 1..-" 1.rSJ

- 200 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Do Oid • Donc Doiog j.;i I~
Drill\' Drew Drawn Drawing J~~ Ir- î I~ I~~
Drc-lun Dremllt DrcamtfDreamed Drcllming (Id) ~i) I~
Drink Orank Dru"k Drinking U l'-!p
Drin' Drol'c DrÎl'cn Driving .)1ë~ I~.,j {.JI,;.

Dwt'll Dwelt j Dwelled DweltfDwellcd Dwclling y. lilii l j j I:f..:.

E" Ale Eatcn Eating "\Ok jj6 /jii
I<"all Feil rallcl! Falling ",,! 1..<,. Ii!j 11L
F,ro F,d F,d Fecding '.Ill, t-";i 1..<'" 1~i
Feel FeU Feil Feeling .;-:1 1,:,-:.l 1~i
Fight Fought F'ought Fighting J.'>é 1i:!'S Iyû
Find round round Finding ;) 1ft I~j
Flee Fied Fied F'lccÎng ~I !~f' l'}

Fl~' Flew F'lowIJ Flyillg :P U"

Forbid ~"or bad /Forbade ForbiddcnjForbid Forbidding "J' j .. lé:' IJo?
Forget Forgot Forgotten forgctting '<- I:r'
Forgiw Forgal'c ForgÎl'cn Forgivillg ~ l'pil~
Forsake Forsook Forsa kcn Forsakillg J>.; I:J} IJii
Forswear Forswore Forsworn Forswca ring &' Il;...j .f;i 1_
Frcezc Froze FrnzclI F'r('czing (~ ~r l .;r) ..:.Jj I:w..

Got Go! Go! GClling ,.w I;?' 1";' .}A'-
Gin Ga\'c Ch'cn Ch-jug -'->j Ij.<i
G. Went GOlle Going ..r-- 1...,..;.1
GrOIl Grew Crowl! G rowing é...,j I~i 1.).) ,)
Hallg Hung HUlIg Hanging J" I~ 1»
Ha\'e Hod Ho' Bayillg
Hear Hcard Hcard Hcaring . .,lJi 1"" r1:'-"'
Hide Hid HiddclI/ Hid Hidillg r-I~ 1';';'\

- 20 1 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Hil Hil Hit Hilling "":,,l..Pl/~ I~~
Hold Held Hcld Holding -< WI 1J' J.;i l.iJ-.;j
Hutl Hurt Hurt Hurting ~) l,Ji 11S~1
.,,' KepI Kept Keeping ~I...P 1':";1- l!/,lJ

Knell knelt/KnecJcd Knclt/Knceled Knceling ~--

J1 .=. 1"'-. li!-J
Knil Knit/ Knitted Knit/ Knitted Knitling ~! I~I li", d ..
Know Knew Kllown Kllowillg " ); Iil' {Jj

"-'>\ 1:'" 1t:'- j
L.y Laid Laid
L"d Led Led Leading ... Jjl!.jl Ij~ I~J I~ti
Lean Leallt/Leallcd Lcant/Lcallcd Leallillg - - -J' \50, l ","- ,
'- '1 Ij"
Le., Lcapt/Leapcd Leapt/Leapcd Leaping 1; l')l j.:,ij
Lutn Learnt/ Learned Learnt/ Learne Learning .,,>-, J' ~I l:r); l,k
Lea\'c Lert Lert Leaving fo 1.j:.,:.:J' /j~'!j,
1.<,d Lent Lellt Lending .}>Ji / ,jÎ;. Ij~l
Lei Let Let Letting r::..:. I~~j (:J) I~j
LI' L.y Lain Lying t'PIJL'I~'
Lie lied Lied Lying .!.lill .:, I~}i
_ ".f'- _
Lighl Lit/Lighlcd Lil/Lighted Lighting jjJ /jûl h~j
Le~ Lost Le" Losing jL {i"J' 1;#1 1-r----
Make Mnde Made Making t:.;i I~"" ~i It?
Mean Meanl Meanl Meallillg jj li} 1,,-;
M~I Met Met Meeting ~! Ijd 1,)
~! Itl; 1~11
ôJI?- jlS.JJ
. , .;

Misspend Misspcllt Misspcnt Misspellding .j;:.l Ij~ ItJW'jl J ~\Jl

MISlake Mistook Mistaken Mistaking ,;.-; Ii-'j lii.;i
Ouldo Outdid Ouldone Ouldoing J' J)'i Ij~
Oulgroll" Outgrew Oulgrown Outgrowillg (li;I);f Il) .~ J~

- 202 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
On'rlK'ar O"crborc Ovcrborne O,'erbearing -. •" 1'·1i
1J~ )J , 1.:.Ji

On'rcalllC On~'rcame Overcome O\'crcoming ;.il 1J- .;.i;i

On'rôa Overdid O"crdollc Overdoing .)r'/J~ I~,
On~ rh('ar Oycrheard Overhen rd On~ rh cnrdi n g ~lj?! /Ui
Q,'crrull Ol'errnn Ol'errun O"crrunning "'"
. ,:... ),.J",' It::d'.

On!rscc O,'crsaw Oversecn Overseeing J- .).r:j l.;.i,-

. )
OH'rlake Overlook Overtakcn Ol'ertaking .;i~ l(i;'~) ~JLf
O"('fChrow OYerlhrew Ol'erlhrown Orcrthrowing c.-U;i 1.:.Ji
. l é,."

Po' Po. Po. Pulling ~ I.;J; It'-;
Rl'UÔ Rend/Red Rend/ Red Read ing '" 18U; li)
Ridc Rode Ridden Riding 'p' 1,,",,' l.:,.s;
Ring Rang Rung Ringing ~j It) !j~
Rise Rose Riscn Rising '.~
l " ., 1~1~ : I /t? 1
). ).
Run Ran Ron Running "'ft 1,,-,. 1j5;
'" Sawed Sawn Sawing ;!J
S'Y Sa id Said Saying .J'i I,k; IJoJ,
So< Saw Seen Secing A I).J 1,,1;
Sel! Sold Sold Selling t,
,rnI Senl Seut Sending ......
, .. 1J;.·i)
Sot Set Set SectLng ..•. /o,:;.
K .

Sc\\' Sewed Sewn/Sewed Sewing J);) ,1';'

Shake Shook Shaken Shaking t) 1';
Sha"e Shal'cd Sha ved/Shal'Cll Sha "ing ji;.
0::: •• •
Shine Shone Shone Shining .)lU It: I~
Shul Shul Shut Shulting :w.ji l jii l;foi
Sing Sa ng Sung Singing 4 l:..\li l,fi
Sink Sank/Sunk Sunk/Sunkcn Si nking ('N.. ,j"jI') :Ji
Sic Sa. Sa' Sitting

- 203 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
Siccp S icpt Sicpt S leeping .üJ Irti
Siide S Iid Siid S iiding ,/'1
:1- 1(#')
Smell S Olcll Smell S melling ~tjlt ~ ..:..;..It I~
50. Sowed Sown/Sowed Sowing ~ I..jPJ~t J ~yt J~
Speak Spokc Spoken S pcll king ~ /",rl /~
Spced S pcd Spcd S pccding j;.t Itr i
Spcll S pclt Spelt S pclling
J;W~I " " "'"
Spcnd Spellt Spent Spendillg G) ..... 1::';:' l';<i
Split Split Split S plitting ·- -·~t
..,....,- 1:;;_ (-.
~j- I..:.illl/~l

Spoilcd/Spoill Spoiled/Spoih
S prcad Sprclld
Spreading ';' 1.»' /))

Spring Spnmg/Sprung Sprung S pringing Jo; là. ) 1-;'

Stand S tood Stood St:lIuling rit I": :.~l! I.jjJ

Sicai S tole Stolen StcaJing ~! /j:?
Stick S tuck St uck S tieki ng .;,.iJ If) 1))
Sirike Struek St ruek St rikillg ~~" u.:Jt
- 1: ;(,i·l/~j./~~
J. "
S lrÎl"t' Slro\'c St rh'clI Strivi ng ~~ ';Jl.d J~ /Ù.,lo:- J)~
Sunburn Sunburncd S Ullburncd Su nburning ..,...;. '-'" .(.,..-\JI) f>.:-
Sl\"eilr Sworc Sworn Swearing ;-Ji I~
Sl\"cep Swepl Swepf Swccping ::'"ft 1;,-5
S"-im 5wam SWllm Swimnling (~~) ..:..JJJ)! I~
S\\-ing 5wulig Swung Swinging .;.i; IcJ 16
llke Took Tllken Taking J> (-) .Al I• .iwi I~i
Teach Taught Taught Tcach ing ) 1",;; 1';'
Tear Tore Torn Tearing Jl' 1;':' If:!.l
Tell Told Told Telling (I.jJf-) .s)J I~~ (;;\
Thfnk Thoughl Thought Thinking j~ 1j:.; lfJ
Throl\" Threw Thrown Throwing (~~) /~J /..jjj | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- -‫اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

204 -‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم‬
Tread Trod Trod/Trodden Treadillg (~)- ;j..-1(' ,j;)
J,JJ - 1~
- ..,.
Undergo Uliderwent Undergone Undergoing p fj:J fJ~ f"':-~
Undersland UlII.lerstood Understood Undcrstanding F' f~

Undcrtake Undcrtook
Undo Undid
(J-lI) fJ'Y f~
- •
-"i f,r
Uphold Uphcld Upheld Upholding ~i IJJo,,;.
Upsct Upset U"",. UpscUing jili fU j f.;.ii
Wake Woke/Waked Woken/Woked Waking (loaj.J") ft 14i~ 'J
Wur Wore Wom Wearing J _ f~
,,:';-1 ;

Wed Wed/Wcdded Wedded/ Wed Wedding t)J ft)j

f~) .Jo.
Weep Wcpt Wept Weeping (.:..;.j
Wei Wetted/ Wet Wet/WcUed \Vetting
Win Won Won Winning ,~ f.:..d
) -

Wincl Winded Winded Winding ~

.. i~l.C:.'
- - ~ C;
- l.~
Writc \Vrote \Vritten Writing J? IfJj~ l':;s

- 205 - | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

* The appetite COIlles ",;,Ir elltillg.

* To g"ellf evils great remedies

,Ij' :1, ~ ",U; i..,1S! i.l..1 r~)U

* The,"e is /lever profit j;oOlIl ill-gottell gains
•• •
' - 'J
* Good accounls make good !demls
,!,j.,I.;}jl ~ Ü.lJ.JI .:..~~I
,... ~.
,,,,'l';u, -'1'1
* Great minds think alike _ " '1'1
(JJ -r
* Il's hy working at the forge ,hat yOIl become a blackmitlt
1511> i;.o.Jl'C:;"'-!
. , ;,IWL
. • ;
• •
* Two heads are better rlrall olle ~Ij \.jÎ.; Ù"" ~ ~~i.J

* Tel/me who your [demis a~e, 1 will tell )'011 what yOIl are
., " " ' " .,
';';1 ~ .;U J.".; 1 ~~ ~ .,..! Ji
* The exception p"oves the r"le ;~WI :J~ 1LlJI
, , , ...
* The end justifies the ",ean ll.... "1 f,r.J
_ ... .Y ' •• - ..._WI

* rhe,.e is /la smoke wil/lOut a fire J\:' ~ .:.~, ~

* You mllst strike while the iron is hot
, "", ......
. ',-1, LA ",,;;'1
L:>L:.. - . 1. .
-. '-'.-. . . ~
- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬-- 206-

‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
* II is only Ille firSI Siep Ihal is diffeull
". . ., I, •
..J-' ~ 1 j.,.b.:l.1 ...; ;J.,.b.:l.1 fr5J
* Dog doesn'( eat dog
* An eyefor an eye, a 100tll[0l' a footl,
! <Il,
V - . V ,_ . ~I
! "- 1-' ,0vJl, _
, :; , ,
* YOli l'ecogllise the ("ee by ifS fruits L.~~ ~ o~ 1 u':;;
* Who lives by the sword shall die by tire sword
-- • '" ù...!Jl,
.,....,.. __ • ~
• ': ' -
o..,4!J~ ..:;,....,,-!JI -
* Who sows the wùtd, Reaps the storm
, L..;.; ~,. , Ü""
" 1 <-.J.J<
, - (;!.J' :'

* Like falher, like son

.. "
..,...:. ~I .!lI:' ~ J;..!JI .!lI:'
' . .-

, "
* Where there's a will, there is a wuy ~51.J)'1 o~.J 4S.~)'1
. , ,
* Who ",ishes Ihe end ",ishes Ihe mealls ,IJoUI ~ J!L:..:;J~
"'" .... : ,, " t
* Birds of fealher j/ock logelher ~ 1.f.1~1 ~ .:,...;.6.11

- 207 ' | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬
- | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

‫ﺗﺣﻣﯾل اﻟﻣزﯾد ﻣن اﻟﻛﺗب‬

‫إﻧﺿم ﻟﺻﻔﺣﺗﻧﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻔﺎﯾﺳﺑوك‬
English - Arabie
Explanation of the English
Grammar Rules
Rectified and Reviewed by:
MR. Dammene D. Fayçal
A New Print
- ." | ‫ اﻟﻣﻛﺗﺑﺔ‬- ‫ | ﺗﻌﻠم اﻟﺑرﻣﺟﺔ‬

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