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Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Adjectives
• Definition of Possessive
Adjective: A word that indicates the
possession of the noun to a person/a
few people.

• While we use them when we refer to

people, it is more in the sense of
relationship than ownership

• The possessive adjectives are:

Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Adjectives

Remind Like all adjectives in English, they Struture:

are always located directly in
that: front of the noun they refer to.
(Possessive Adjective + Noun)

We do not include an S to the Examples:

adjective when the noun is
Our cars are expensive. (Correct)
plural like in many other languages.
Ours cars are expensive. (Incorrect)

However, the verb that is used Examples:

needs to be in agreement with
My pen is black. (Singular)
the noun - if the noun is singular
then the verb is singular; if the noun My pens are black. (Plural)
is plural then the verb is plural. Our child is intelligent. (Singular)
Our children are intelligent. (Plural)

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