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(a) (b)

i. Fixed Inclined Bite Plane This is situated over the incisal edges of the Lower
labial segment teeth and will free the upper incisors
from being trapped behind the mandibular incisors
and also apply labially directed force on the
maxillary incisors to encourage it’s proclination
ii. Reversed Stainless Steel This is cemented to the crown(s) of the affected
Crown upper incisor(s) with its lingual surface positioned
labially, thereby creating an elongated inclined
plane. When the incisal edges of the mandibular
teeth contact the stainless steel crown the maxillary
incisors will be deflected labially while the
mandibular teeth will be deflected in a lingual
iii. Tongue Blade Is used to apply labially directed pressure to the
affected upper incisors, and gradually free it from
being trapped by the lower incisors.
iv. Composite Bonding Bite This is used to prevent contact and subsequent
ramp trapping of affected upper incisors by the lower
incisors and also provide labial pressure to the upper
v. 2x4 appliance This bonds to maxillary incisors and applies
pressure in desired directions to correct anterior
vi. Upper Removable appliance This will provide contact force to the crown of the
with Adam’s clamps on the affected upper incisor directing it labially
6’s and 4’s
Buccal capping essential to free the contacts
vii. URA with Buccal capping between the ULS and LLS and eliminate incisal
and Z-spring interference
Z-spring accomplishes labial movement of the
affected tooth

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