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Mom Ssiomon, writsiNG SHowMY

the Pon-tine osiioN offeeo •DVgise

mes Sw MY nivers I News bos

As Comleleo
Te hiNG CoUf5 e for eATHUSi•ic leoip tedChi NG corkDS
OT the HeON VwiVeSiY wh e Tescheu with tHe

k6REDEe khow/en le for orr2VG doivies for

ChiipreN to Develofe
theic AbiliT ies wle
noreoveR CuNeTIY TesCueS In

the Ta HCs DuiNG tHe c5; eS Heilho The kiDS.

offer becusethiwk T wau be

Gesi To My (•rier CV.
Decr ives
Peseie nore OfTeN MY erT MUS i•sic foieNT Soi•bl,
avoGeric Hop oker, ADD o firsT
lesGud6e m flvevs A SPAsh.

lSm kobkio for Dwe HeariG bou 00Joon

Yaurs fYiHEULY,

SND How to kee IT
ess You MishT
wsnT to folow ODes to keep tor (eioJhif witn TT fre

fCienpsYoU HYve

o beciN with, TIS Ae cesarr to kee?

texiNo (cieND ofeN will emtonce
More to uTurer Hsw6i vG

tHAT you A

(estowse witH The t(uth fo our

Wil) Show tHen tHey Coun You.
be GeAUine a MUMole ther willbe To.

the þesfine
(wel! to tHem you yeep

to be for them Your

sPeci to SJSiSI tnem wwe twer STUGÓ el, AuD

To Seec the

Shou love Cose for the

M•STeS TH) (elN 0DN SHs In Gen•| wiN

be afec Teo ln GoOD war.

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