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Communication is simply the act of exchanging information between individuals or group to one

another, be it verbal or non-verbal. Every communication involves at least one sender, a message and a
recipient. Communication is being equated with the role of cement in construction in which it acts as the
binder that gives strength and solidity to the concrete materials with the right blend of course, to make
sure that the construction will last long. Communication as well serves as binder to human relationship -
to couples, families, friends, in an organization and in the teaching and learning process. Communication
will never be perfect all the times, so a healthy communication style is required to build a clear
understanding to matters at hand between individuals. One communication style can’t be applied to
different kind of speakers and listeners, so we must choose the most applicable one to be able to convey
clearly the message the speakers want to relay to the listeners. Communication brings people within a
society together and build diplomatic relationship between them. Adopting different communication
styles and flatforms could help the authorities to reach out their constituents and vise-versa, thus
promoting a more peaceful, progressive and more developed society to live in.

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