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Social Inequality: Social Inequality can be described as a state of social affairs in which there is difference
in opportunity, status, and treatment among the members of a given society.

Social Inequality Example: Sexual harassment, and Discrimination

Two ways by which social inequalities can be addressed in Local and National Government in the

1. Through policy legislation – Gender equality can be fostered by administering laws that promote
the rights of women and the LGBT. We have laws within the Philippines that advance the rights
of women, but not for LGBT. Similarly, laws that ensure the rights of ethnic minorities can be
passed. The Philippines, for example, has in place the Indigenous People’s Rights Act that seeks
to protect the rights of our cultural communities.
2. Through promoting cultural transformation – and endeavoring to transform the way society
looks at women, LGBT, ethnic minorities, and PWDs is a way to respond to social inequalities.
The key to this will be to teach the public, both in formal settings such as schools as well as
through well-known media. Stereotyping of women, LGBT, ethnic minorities, and PWDs in
television, radio, internet, and other popular media are the most effective ways to perpetuate
discrimination, and these are also means, where that such discriminations can be addressed and
minimized, if not totally removed.

Example: Global Inequality – Inequality does not only exist between social orders and states, but also
among states. Some states are wealthier and more effective than other states. Some states are
wealthier and more effective than other states. Theses privileged states most likely become more
powerful within the worldwide community. Hence, it leads to a circumstance of global inequality, where
poorer and less powerful states are being controlled and influenced by the wealthier and more powerful

Ways to address global inequality:

- Formation of regional groups, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is
one of the ways to address global social inequality. The assumption which is not always the case,
is that the formation of regional groups can provide strength in numbers. The main drawback is
that despite the presence of the ASEAN, individual members may be constrained to provide
assistance to others due to the policy of noninterference, where members are hesitant to
intervene in the foreign and domestic issues of another country. For example, in the West
Philippine Sea issue where there is a dispute between the Philippines and China, there is no firm
ASEAN position.
- To enter into bilateral treaties and pacts with other countries, like the mutual defense
agreement between the Philippines and the US could be done in order to respond to global
social inequality. Unfortunately, while this provides some semblance of security for the
Philippines as it sets the parameters for when the US can help us in times of external aggression
from another country, it further reinforces our unequal relations with the US

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