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The University of Hong Kong Common Core Course 2019 – 2020

China: Culture, State and Society

Chinese House and Garden: Architecture, Landscape, and Material Culture (CCCH 9001)

Lecture 05
Courtyard Houses in Southern China

A. Lingnan Dwellings 嶺南民居

1. Traditional Houses in Guangzhou and Southern Guangdong 廣府民居
i. Prototype: Three Modular Bays and Two Corridors 三間兩廊
ii. Development and Grid-like Village Layout 梳式布局
- Tai Fu Tai, San Tin 新田大夫第
iii. Variation: Xi-Guan Houses 西關大屋 and Bamboo Barrel Houses 竹筒屋
- Lou Kau Mansion 盧家大屋 and Mandarin’s House 鄭家大屋 in Macau
2. Hakka Walled Villages 圍村 and Walled Houses 圍屋 in Hong Kong and Shenzhen
- Kat Hing Wai, Kam Tim 錦田吉慶圍
- Tsang Tai Uk, Sha Tin 沙田曾大屋
- Hehu-xinju, Longgang 龍崗鶴湖新居; Dawan-shiju, Pingshan 坪山大萬世居
- Sam Tung Uk, Tsuen Wan 荃灣三棟屋
3. Diao-Lou: Tower Dwellings in Kaiping and Taishan 開平台山碉樓
i. Colonial Style and Oversea Chinese: Symbol of Wealth and Defense Measure
ii. Layout, Components and Motifs

B. Hakka Houses and Villages 客家民居 in Fujian and Guangdong

1. Hakka Culture and the Collective House Form
i. History, Migration and Social Organization
ii. Enclosure, Defence and the Clan
iii. Rammed Earth Construction
2. Tulou: Earth Dwelling Complex in Fujian 福建土樓
i. Prototype and Variations:
Five Phoenix House 五鳳樓, Circular House 圓樓, and Rectangular House 方樓
ii. Layout and Components: Residential Quarter and Ancestral Hall;
Gate and Wall of Enclosure
iii. - Five Phoenix House: Fuyu Lou 福裕樓
- Circular House: Zhencheng Lou 振成樓
- Rectangular House: Xishuang Lou 西爽樓
3. Walled Houses in Northern Guangdong: Weilong-Wu 粵北圍龍屋
i. Layout and Components:
- Central Halls 上堂/中堂/下堂
- Peripheral Rooms 橫屋 and Horse Shoe Rooms 圍房/龍廳

- Semi-circular Courtyard 花頭, Front Ground 禾坪 and Moon Lake 月池
ii. Prototype and Combination:
Halls with Peripheral Rooms and Horse Shoe Rooms; such as:
3 Halls with 2 Peripheral Rooms and 1 Horse Shoe Room (三)堂(兩)橫加圍屋
iii. Dexin Tang, Guangdong 廣東德韾堂

C. Courtyard Houses in Southern Fujian Style 閩南民居

1. Prototype, Development and Variations
2. Layout, Components and Motifs:
- Quanzhou Courtyard Houses 泉州民居
- Courtyard Houses in Taiwan
3. Variations: Colonial Style Dwelling in Xiamen 廈門洋樓

Extended Reading List:

Boyd, Andrew. Chinese Architecture and Town Planning 1500 B.C. – 1911 A.D.. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press, 1962. (Chapter IV)
Knapp, Ronald G.. Chinese Houses: The Architectural Heritage of a Nation. Singapore: Tuttle Publishing,
2005. (Part Three, Page 176-209)
陸元鼎著,中國民居建築(中巻),廣州: 華南理工大學出版社,2003.

Qing-xi, Jiang. (Ed.) Earth Buildings in Nanjing Fujian Province The Rare Treasure of Human Habitation
of China. Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2006.
黃漢民著,福建土樓 中國傳統民居的瑰寶,北京: 三聯書店,2003.
吳慶洲著,中國客家建築文化(上)(下),武漢: 湖北教育出版社,2008.
陸元鼎著,中國客家民居與文化,廣州: 華南理工大學出版社,1990.

P.H., Hase. (Ed.) Beyond the Metropolis: Villages in Hong Kong. HK: Joint Publishing, 1995.
武旭峰著,開平碉樓與村落,廣州: 廣東旅遊出版社,2007.
陸元鼎著,廣東民居,北京: 中國建築工業出版社,1990.
吳慶洲著,廣州建築,廣州: 廣東省地圖出版社,2000.

Southern Fujian
福建省泉州市建設委員會編,泉州民居,福建: 海風出版社,1996.
李乾朗著,台灣民居,北京: 中國建築工業出版社,2009.
高鉁明等著,福建民居,北京: 中國建築工業出版社,1987.

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