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Contents of todays lecture
Introduction about sediment transport
Sediment terminology
Sediment properties

Sediment Transport
 Sediment is fragmental material, primarily formed by the physical and chemical
disintegration of rocks from the earth's crust.
 Once the sediment particles are detached, they may either be transported by
gravity, wind or/and water.
 This phenomenon is known as sediment transport.
 Any solid mater that is eroded transported and or deposited by flowing water.
 Whenever water flows in a channel (natural or artificial), it tries to scour its surface.
 When the transporting agent is water, it is called fluvial or marine sediment
 Water is the driving factor that displaces sediment from one place to another
Components of sediment:
 A mineral component: arising from the erosion of bed rock
 An organic component: arising during soil forming process

Sedimentation process
Erosion:- the wearing away of earth’s surface
by surface water runoff (e.g splash erosion, rill
erosion, gully erosion, sheet erosion etc. )
Transportation: movement of eroded
particles through stream channels to the point
of deposition
Deposition: deposing of eroded particles in
stream channels, flood plains, reservoirs,
channels etc.

Source of sediment
 Land cleaning:- there is a direct relationship b/n increased soil and
 In areas where catchments have been cleared and a river banks are
consistently grazed sediment load are often high.
 Grazing along river banks can strip vegetation disturb the soil banks
 Higher flow increase erosion of the stream channels, leading to the creation of
deep gullies.
 Road construction
 In-stream disturbances
 Other activities (like mining, dredging, some industrial process, cleaning weirs
that are filled with deposited sediments.

Importance of Understanding of Sediment Transport in
A) Morphological boundary conditions for design of hydraulic
structures and river training works.
 This requires understanding of the interaction between the future structure and
the nearby flow pattern and sediment transport.
B) Sedimentation in Reservoirs
 due to the fact that either the upstream sediment supply was never considered

 Also due to changes in sediment yield

C) Sediment problems at Intakes

 Remedial measures are rehabilitation of the intake structure or regular cleaning
of the canals, which both are very expensive.
D) Environmental Impact Assessment
Sediment Terminology
• The science of sediment transport deals with the interrelationship between
flowing water and sediment particles.

• An understanding of the physical properties of water and sediment

particles is essential to our study of sediment transport.

• Some commonly used terms for describing the properties of water and
sediment are:

Sediment Terminology
1. Density: the mass per unit volume [kg/m³].
• The density of water is denoted by ρ while that of sediment is denoted by ρs.
2. Specific weight: the weight per unit volume [kN/m³].
• It is denoted by γ for water and γs for sediment.
• The relationship between density and specific weight is
𝛾𝑠 =𝜌𝑠 𝑔 for sediment, and 𝛾 =𝜌𝑔 for water.
3. Specific gravity: The specific gravity, s, is the ratio of the specific weight of a solid or a liquid (a
given material) to that of water at 4°C.
• The specific gravity of most common sediments is 2.65.
4. Nominal diameter: is the diameter of a sphere having the same volume as the particle.
5. Sieve diameter: is the diameter of a sphere equal to the length of the side of a square sieve opening
through which the particle can just pass.
• As an approximation, the sieve diameter is equal to the nominal diameter.
6. Fall diameter: is the diameter of a sphere that has a specific gravity of 2.65 and has the same
terminal fall velocity as the particle when each is allowed to settle alone in quiescent, distilled water.
• The standard fall diameter is the fall diameter determined at a water temperature of 24°C.
7. Fall velocity: is the average terminal settling velocity of a particle falling alone in
quiescent distilled water of infinite extent.
• When the fall velocity is measured at 24°C, it is called the standard fall velocity.
8. Angle of repose: is the angle of slope formed by a given material under the
conditions of incipient sliding.
9. Porosity: is a measure of the volume of voids per unit volume of sediment, i.e.
p =vv/vt , where p= porosity, vv = volume of voids, vt = total volume of sediment, including
that due to voids.
10. Viscosity: is the degree to which a fluid resists flow under an applied force.
• Dynamic viscosity is the constant of proportionality relating the shear stress and velocity
gradient, i.e. , where τ is shear stress, μ is dynamic viscosity and du/dy is the velocity
• Kinematic viscosity is the ratio between dynamic viscosity and fluid density, i.e.
ν = μ /ρ, ν is kinematic viscosity.

Properties of sediment
oSediments are broadly classified as cohesive and no cohesive (or cohesionless).
oWith cohesive sediments, the resistance to erosion depends on the strength of
the cohesive bond binding the particles
oCohesionless sediment particles react to fluid forces and their movement is
affected by the physical properties
oSediment properties of individual particles that are important in the study of
sediment transport are :
Particle size
Specific weight, and
Fall velocity.
Properties of sediment

1. Size
• Size is the basic and most readily measurable property of sediment.
• Size has been found to sufficiently describe the physical property of a sediment
particle for many practical purposes.
Various methods are available to determine the particle size.
• Cobbles can be measured directly with ruler.
• Gravel, sand and silt are analyzed by wet or dry sieving methods yielding sieve
• Clay materials are analyzed hydraulically by using settling methods yielding the
particle fall velocity from which the standard fall diameter is computed.
• A natural sample of sediment particles contains particles of a range of sizes.
• The size of an individual particle is not of primary importance in river mechanics or
sedimentation studies, but the size distribution of the sediment that forms the bed
and banks of the stream or reservoir are of great importance.
Properties of sediment

Particle size distribution

 This curve is obtained from the result of sieve size analysis and it is plotted from grain
or particle size versus percentage finer
 This is also known as “Gradation Curve” and used to know the sample is poorly or well

Mechanical sieve shaker Hydrometer method (wet analysis

(dry sieve analysis for sand for clay, silt < 75microns)
Gravels > 75microns)
Types of particle distribution curve


2. Shape
• Shape refers to the geometric form or configuration of a particle regardless of its size or
• Corey investigated several shape factors, and concluded that from the viewpoint of
simplicity and effective correlation, the following ratio was most significant expression of
𝑆𝑝 =
• In this equation, a, b, and c are the lengths of the longest, the intermediate, and
the shortest mutually perpendicular axes through the particle, respectively, and Sp is
the shape factor (also called Corey’s shape factor).
• The shape factor is 1.0 for sphere.
• Naturally worn quartz particles have an average shape factor of 0.7.


3. specific gravity
• specific gravity is defined as the ratio of specific weight or density of sediment to
specific weight or density of water, is used as an indicator of density.
• Waterborne sediment particles are primarily composed of quartz with specific
gravity of 2.65.
4. Specific weight
• Specific weight is an important factor extensively used in hydraulics and
sediment transport.
• The specific weight of deposited sediment depends on the extent of
consolidation of the sediment.
• It increases with time after initial deposition.
• It also depends on the composition of the sediment mixture.

4. Fall velocity, ω
• The fall velocity, or the terminal fall velocity defined as the final velocity
attained when the grain settling in an extended fluid under the action of
• The terminal fall velocity (w) of a sphere can be calculated from a balance
between the particle buoyant weight and the resisting force resulting from fluid
• The general drag equation is
𝐹𝐷 = 𝐶𝐷 𝜌𝐴 eqn. 1
where FD = drag force; CD = drag coefficient; ρ = density of water;
A = the projected area of particle in the direction of fall, and ω = the fall velocity.


• The buoyant or submerged weight of a spherical sediment particle is

𝑊𝑠 = 𝜋𝑟 3 𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌 𝑔 eqn. 2
where r is the particle radius.
• The fall velocity can be solved from equations (1) and (2) once the drag coefficient has
been determined.
• The drag coefficient is a function of Reynolds number and shape factor.
• The drag coefficient is then found to be (this is the viscous or Stokes range where Re is
less than 0.1)
𝐶𝐷 =


Non sphere falling

• The terminal fall velocity of non spherical sediment particles can be determined
from the following formula
𝑆−1 𝑔𝑑 2
𝜔= for 1 < d ≤ 100𝜇𝑚
10𝑣 0.01 𝑆−1 𝑔𝑑 3 0.5
𝜔 = (1 + ) −1 for 100 < d < 1000µm
𝑑 𝑣2
𝜔 = 1.1 𝑆 − 1 𝑔𝑑 0.5 for d ≥ 1000µm
in which d = sieve diameter
s = specific gravity (= 2.65)
v = kinematic viscosity
• For particle size greater than 2mm, the fall velocity in 16..water can be
approximated by 𝜔 = 3.32𝑑1/2 , where 𝜔 in m/s and d in m.
5. Particle Size Distribution
• The size of an individual particle is
not of primary importance in river
mechanics or sedimentation studies,
but the size distribution of the
sediment that forms the bed and
banks of the stream or reservoir are
of great importance.
• The most commonly used method
to determine size frequency is
mechanical or sieve analysis.
• In general, the results are presented
as cumulative – size frequency
• The fraction or percentage by
weight of sediment that is smaller
or larger than a given size is plotted
against particle size.
The frequency distribution is characterized by:
• Median particle size – d50 which is the size at 50% by weight is finer.
• Mean particle size - 𝑑𝑚 = (𝑝𝑖 𝑑𝑖 )/100 with pi = percentage by weight of each
grain size fraction, di = diameter of each grain.
Often the phi-scale is used for size distribution representation:
pi= −log 2(𝑑)
Where d is the particle diameter in millimeters.
• Geometric mean size – dg = (d15.9 d84.1)1/2 is the geometric mean of the two sizes
corresponding to 84.1% and 15.9% finer, respectively.
• Geometric standard deviation – σg = (d84.1 / d15.9)1/2
𝒅𝟖𝟒.𝟏 𝒅𝟓𝟎
• Gradation coefficient –𝑮 = ( + )
𝒅𝟓𝟎 𝒅𝟏𝟓.𝟗
log(𝑑 )
• Skewness = 50

𝑑 𝑑
log(𝑑16 𝑑95 )
• Kurtosis = 50 84
1. The following data are recorded by Table 1
sedimentation method of determining
grain size (Table 1). For these size analysis
a) effective mean particle size (dm) .
b) d16, d50, and d84
c) Gradation coefficient (G)
d) Skewness and Kurtosis
1. A 50 g bed sediment sample from Table 2
a river is analyzed for particle size Size fraction (mm) Mass (g)
distribution (Table 2).
0.001 – 0.15 0.9
a) Plot the sediment size distribution
0.15 – 0.21 2.9
b) Calculate the mean diameter (dm)
0.21 – 0.3 16.0
c) Calculate the gradation coefficient
(G) 0.30 – 0.42 20.1
0.42 – 0.6 8.9
0.6 – 0.8 1.2
Characteristics parameters
The following dimensionless characteristic parameters are herein used:
• Particle diameter , 𝐃∗
• Particle mobility parameter, 𝛉
• Excess bed-shear stress parameter, T
• Suspension parameter, Z
• Transport rate , 𝛟
1. Particle diameter, 𝐃∗
The particle diameter D∗ reflects the influence of gravity, density and viscosity and read
s−1 g
D∗ = d50
in which:
d50 = median particle diameter of bed material
s = specific gravity = 𝜌𝑠 /𝜌
𝜈 = kinematic viscosity coefficient
g = acceleration of gravity
2. Particle mobility parameter
Plane bed
The particle mobility is the ratio of the hydrodynamic fluid (drag and lift) force and the submerged
particle weight. The fluid force is proportional to 𝜌𝑑 2 𝑢∗2 and the submerged particle weight is
proportional to ( 𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌 𝑔𝑑 3 , yielding a ratio of:
(u∗ )2 𝜏𝑏 ℎ𝐼
θ= = =
s − 1 gd50 𝜌𝑠 − 𝜌 𝑔𝑑50 (𝑠 − 1)𝑑50
In which:
𝜏𝑏 = overall time-averaged bed-shear stress due to currents and/or waves
u∗ = overall bed-shear velocity (𝜏𝑏 = 𝜌𝑢∗2 )
s = specific density 𝜌𝑠 /𝜌
h = flow depth (m)
I = energy gradient (-)
Bed form
When bed forms are present, the grain-related or effective bed-shear stress (𝜏𝑏′ ) in stead of the
overall bed-shear stress (𝜏𝑏 ) should be used to calculate the particle mobility parameter.

3. Excess bed-shear stress parameter T
• The excess bed-shear stress parameter T, is defined as:
τ′b − τb,cr
in which:
𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 = critical time-averaged bed-shear stress according to Shields.
4. Suspension parameter, Z
• The suspension parameter Z reflects the ratio of the downward gravity forces and the
upward fluid forces acting on a suspended sediment particle in a current and read as:
In which:
ws = particle fall velocity in clear fluid
𝑢∗ = overall bed-shear velocity
k = Von Karman constant
𝛽 = ratio of sediment and fluid mixing coefficient

5. Transport rate, 𝛟
• The dimensionless transport usually is represented as:
𝜙= 1.5
(𝑠 − 1)0.5 𝑔0.5 𝑑50
• Another dimensionless expression is:
𝜙= 𝑡
in which:
qt = volumetric total sediment transport rate (m2/s)
g = acceleration of gravity (m2/s)
d50 = median particle size of bed material (m)
ws = particle fall velocity of bed material (m/s)
s = specific density 𝜌𝑠 /𝜌

Initiation of Motion
 Water flowing over a bed of sediment exerts forces on the grains that tend to move or
entrain them
 Forces that resist the entraining action of the flowing water differ according to
the grain size and grain size distribution of the sediment
 For course sediments, e.g., sands and gravels, the forces resisting motion are
caused mainly by the weight of the particles
 Finer sediments that contain appreciable fractions of silt or clay, or both, tend
to be cohesive and resist entrainment mainly by cohesion rather than by the
weight of the individual grains
 In fine sediments groups of grains are entrained as units
 Course non-cohesive sediments are moved as individual grains
 Driving forces are strongly related to the local near-bed velocities

 Incipient motion occurs when
instantaneous fluid force ≥ instantaneous resisting force
 Incipient motion is not merely deterministic phenomenon but a stochastic process
as well because
 in turbulent flow conditions the velocities are fluctuating in space and time
 particle size, shape and position varies randomly
 Due to the stochastic nature of sediment movement along an alluvial bed, it is difficult to define
precisely at what flow condition a sediment particle will begin to move.
 Incipient motion is important in the study of:
o sediment transport,

o channel degradation, and

o stable channel design.

 Let us consider the steady flow over the bed composed of cohesionless grains. The forces
acting on the grain is shown in Figure

 The driving force is the flow drag force on the grain,

Where: - u* is the friction flow velocity close to the bed
α is a coefficient, used to modify u*
 so that αu* forms the characteristic flow velocity past the grain.
 The stabilizing force can be modelled as the friction force acting on the grain
 If u∗,c, critical friction velocity, denotes the situation where the grain is about to move, then the
drag force is equal to the friction force, i.e.

which can be re-arranged into

Shields critical mobility

Shields mobility
parameter (θ)
 Shields parameter is defined as

We say that sediment starts to move if

u *  u *, c critical friction velocity u *, c

 b   b,c critical bottom shear stress  b,c   u b,c

u *,2 c
 *   *, c critical Shields parameter  *, c 
s  1g d


• Many experiments have been performed to determine the 𝜃𝑐𝑟 as a function of Re.
• The experiment results of Shields (1936) related to a flat bed surface are most
widely used to represent the critical condition of for initiation of motion.
Assumptions of shield theory
 Particle distribution is uniform
 Unlined channel
 Only sand and gravels are considered

• Herein, the median particle diameter is used as the characteristic particle

diameter in the case of non uniform sediment material. 31
1. A wide open channel with a plane sloping bed has a water depth of h = 2 m,
slope I = 0.5*10-3, bed material characteristics d50 = 0.002 m, d90 = 0.005 m, 𝜌𝑠 =
2650 kg/m3, water temperature T = 20 0C and water density 𝜌 = 1000 kg/m3.
a) is there movement of bed material according to shields curve?
b) what will be the fall velocity for d50 materials?
c) what will be the mobility particle parameter ?
a) The critical bed-shear for d50 = 0.002 m from shields curve is : 𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 = 1.3 N/m2
• The applied bed-shear stress is: 𝜏𝑏 = 𝜌𝑔ℎ𝐼= 9.81 N/m2
• Thus, 𝜏𝑏 > 𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 and yes there is movement of bed material.
b) For d50 = 0.002 m > 1000 mm, the fall velocity is: 𝜌𝑠 /𝜌
𝜔 = 1.1 𝑆 − 1 𝑔𝑑 0.5 = 0.198 m/s
𝑢∗ 2 𝜏𝑏
c) mobility (Shields) parameter: 𝜃 = = = 0.303
𝑆−1 𝑔𝑑 𝜌𝑠 −𝜌 𝑔𝑑


#1. A wide-open channel with a plane sloping bed has a water depth h = 1.8 m,
slope I = 0.5 x 10-3, bed material characteristics d50 = 0.002 m, d90 = 0.004 m, ρs =
2650 kg/m3, water temperature Te = 20°C, and water density ρ = 1000 kg/m3. Is
there movement of bed material according to the Shields curve?
#2. A wide-open channel with a plane sloping bed has a slope I = 10*-4, the bed
material characteristics d50 = 0.003 m, d90 = 0.006 m, 𝜌𝑠 = 2650 kg/m3, water
temperature Te = 20°C, kinematic viscosity v = 10-6 m2/s, water density 𝜌 = 1000
kg/m3. What is the maximum discharge per unit width without movement of bed
material (according to Shields curve)?


#3. The bottom of wide open channel is protected with uniform rounded stones
(diameter d). The stones have a mass of 30kg and a sediment density of 𝜌𝑠 = 2800
kg/m3. The water depth is h=4m. Other data are 𝜌 = 1000 kg/m3 ,v = 10-6 m2/s.
what are the critical depth average velocity using θcr= 0.03?
#4. A trapezoidal channel has a water depth (in middle) of h=2m, bottom width=
15m and side slope 1 to 2 (Y=27˚). The bottom is covered by rounded stones d50=
0.05m, ks= 0.05. what are the maximum bottom slope and the maximum
discharge to obtain stable bed (use shields curve)?

Bed forms and bed roughness
• Bed form: are relief features initiated
by the fluid oscillations generated
downstream of small local obstacles
over a bottom consisting of movable
(alluvial) sediment materials.
Classification of Bed-forms
1.Bed-forms in Sand-bed Rivers
• Many types of bed forms can be
observed in nature.
• When the bedform crest is
perpendicular (transverse) to the main
flow direction, the bedforms are called
transverse bedforms, such as
ripples, dunes and anti-dunes.
• Bed-forms with their crest parallel to
the flow are called longitudinal bed-
forms such as ribbons and ridges.

• Ripples have a length scale smaller than the water depth, whereas dunes have a length scale
much larger than the water depth.
• Ripples and dunes travel downstream by erosion at the upstream face (stoss side) and
deposition at the downstream face (lee side).
• Ripples are formed at relatively weak flow intensity and are linked with fine materials, with
d50 less than 0.7 mm.
• The size of ripples is mainly controlled by grain size.
• By observations the typical height and length of ripples are
𝐻𝑟 ≈ 100𝑑50 , 𝐿𝑟 ≈ 1000𝑑50
Ripple profiles are approximately triangular, with long gentle upstream slopes and short, steep
downstream slopes.
• Anti-dunes travel upstream by lee side erosion and stoss side deposition.
• In laboratory flumes the sequence of bed-forms with increasing flow intensity is
• 𝐹𝑙𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑑 → 𝑅𝑖𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑠 → 𝐷𝑢𝑛𝑒𝑠 → 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑑 → 𝐴𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑛𝑒𝑠

Plane (flat) bed: is a plane bed surface without elevations or depressions
larger than the largest grain of the bed material
Dunes: The shape of dunes is very similar to that of ripples, but it is much larger.
• The size of dunes is mainly controlled by flow depth.
• Dunes are linked with coarse grains, with d50 bigger than 0.6 mm.
• With the increase of flow intensity, dunes grow up, and the water depth at the
crest of dunes becomes smaller.
• It means a fairly high velocity at the crest, dunes will be washed-out and the high
stage flat (plane) bed is formed.
Transition: This bed configuration is generated by flow conditions intermediate
between those producing dunes and plane bed. In many cases, part of the bed is
covered with dunes while a plane bed covers the remainder.
Anti-dunes: These are also called standing waves. When Froude number exceeds
unity anti-dunes occur. The wave height on the water surface is the same order
as the anti-dune height. The surface wave is unstable and can grow and break in
an upstream direction, which moves the anti-dunes upstream.



Chutes and Pools: These occur at relatively large slopes with high velocities and
sediment concentrations.
2.Bed-forms in Gravel-bed Rivers
 The bed materials of gravel-bed rivers usually have a broad range of grain sizes from
sand particles to large boulders.
 As a result, selective transport processes and armoring of the bed surface may occur
locally. The most common regime is the lower transport regime; the transition regime
(with plane bed) is a rare event.
 Very regular bed-features such as mega-ripples and dunes have been observed in
laboratory flumes and small-scale channels.

Attempts to explain the type of bed forms

Many attempts were made to explain the type In which

of bed forms: 𝑢∗ = bed shear velocity
𝑢∗,𝑐 𝑢∗𝑐 𝑑50
1. Liu (1957): Bftype =𝑓( , ) 𝜏𝑏 =bed shear stress
𝜔𝑠 𝑣
2. Si mons-Richardson (1966): 𝐵𝐹𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 = 𝜔𝑠 = particle fall velocity
𝑓(𝜏𝑏 , 𝑈, 𝑑𝑓 ) 𝜏′ 𝑏 −𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟
T= = bed shear stress parameter
3. Vanden berg-van Gelder(1989): 𝐵𝐹𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 = 𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟
𝑓(𝜃 ′ , 𝐷∗ ) 𝑼
𝝉′ 𝒃 = 𝝆𝒈( ′ )𝟐 = grain related bed shear stress
4. Van Rijn (1984, 1989): 𝐵𝐹𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 = 𝑓(𝑇, 𝐷∗ )
𝐶 ′ = 18𝑙𝑜𝑔(12ℎ/𝑑90 ) = grain related Chezy
𝑆−1 𝑔 1/3
𝐷∗ = 𝑑50 = particle diameter


• According to Van Rijn BF type are classified as below

Transport regime Particle size

Lower 1≤ 𝐷∗ ≤ 10 𝐷∗ ≥ 10
0≤𝑇 ≤3 Mini-Ripples Dunes

3 < 𝑇 ≤ 10 Mega- Ripples & Dunes

10 < 𝑇 ≤ 15 Dunes Dunes

Transitional 15 < 𝑇 < 25 Washed out dunes, Sand waves

Upper 𝑇 ≥ 25, 𝐹𝑟 < 0.8 (symmetrical) sand waves
𝑇 ≥ 25, 𝐹𝑟 ≥ 0.8 Plane bed or anti dunes
Dimensions of Bed forms according to Van Raijin

For Mega ripples For dunes

• ∆𝑚𝑟 = 0.02ℎ 1 − 𝑒 −0.1𝑇 10 − 𝑇 •
𝑑50 0.3
0.11( ) 1 − 𝑒 −0.5𝑇 25 − 𝑇
ℎ ℎ
• 𝛌𝑚𝑟 = 0.5h • 𝛌𝑑 = 7.3h
For Mini ripples For sand waves
• 𝛌𝑟 = 500𝑡𝑜 1000𝑑50
• ∆𝑠𝑤 = 0.15ℎ(1 − 𝐹𝑟 2 )(1 − 𝑒 −0.5(𝑇−15) )
• ∆𝑟 = 50 𝑡𝑜 200𝑑50
• 𝛌𝑠𝑤 = 10h

Effective bed roughness

Understanding the river bed roughness is very important to know

• Calculate the rate of sediment transport
• Design channels and levees
• Predict the impact of changes in flow on the bed of a stream or river
Two approaches to estimate the bed roughness
1. Methods based on bed form and grain related parameters: such as bed form
length, height, steepness and bed material size.
2. Methods based on integral parameters such as mean depth, mean velocity and
bed material size.
• The first method is more universal

1. Methods based on bed form
K= 𝑘 ′ + 𝑘 "
In which k = total roughness height, 𝑘 ′ = grain related roughness height, 𝑘 " = form related
roughness height
According to Van Rijin:
𝑘 ′ = 2 to 3𝑑90 for non movable ( rigid ) plane bed
𝑘 ′ = 3 to 5d90 for movable plane bed
𝑘 ′ = 3d90 for 𝜽 < 𝟏 (lower regime)
𝑘 ′ = 3d90 for 𝜃 ≥ 1 (upper regime)
𝑢2 ∗
In which 𝜃= = mobility parameter
𝑆−1 𝑔𝑑50
𝑢∗ = 𝑔0.5 𝑈/𝐶 = bed shear velocity
𝐶 = 18log( ′ )
𝑘𝑠 +3.3𝑣𝑚 /𝑢∗
𝑣𝑚 = 𝜇𝑚 /𝜌𝑚 = kinematic viscosity coefficient of fluid sediment mixture (∝ 10 m247
/s in
near bed regime).
Form roughness:

𝑘" = 𝑓(∆, , 𝛾)
• The most general case is that of a bed consisting of mega ripples superimposed on a
symmetrical dunes and symmetrical sand waves.
𝑘 " = 𝑘 " 𝑟 + 𝑘 " 𝑑 + 𝑘 " 𝑠𝑤  𝑘"𝑟 = 20𝛾𝑟 ∆𝑟
in which 𝑘 " = over all form roughness

𝑘 " 𝑟 = form roughness related to ripples −25𝛌𝑑
 𝑘 " 𝑑 = 1.1𝛾𝑑 ∆𝑑 (1 − 𝑒 𝑑 )
𝑘" 𝑑 = form roughness related to dunes
𝑘 " 𝑠𝑤 = form roughness related to sand waves  𝑘 " 𝑠𝑤 = 0
∆𝑟 = ripple height  𝛾𝑑 = 0.7 for field condition
𝛌𝑟 = ripple length
𝛾𝑟 = ripple presence shape factor (𝛾𝑟 = 1 for ripples alone, 𝛾𝑟 = 0.7 for ripples super
imposed on dunes or sand waves)

#1. A wide-open channel has a water depth of h = 2 m, mean current velocity

𝑈= 0.6 m/s, the Chezy-coefficient is C = 63 m1/2/s. The bed material characteristics
are d50= 100 𝜇m, d90 = 300 𝜇m. Other data are: 𝜌 = 1000 kg/m3, 𝜌𝑠 = 2650
kg/m3, v = 10-6 m2/s.
a) What type of bed forms can be expected according to the methods of Liu,
Simons-Richardson and Van Rijn?
b) What are the dimensions of the bed forms by using Van Rijn?


#2. A wide channel has a water depth h = 3 m. The depth-averaged flow velocity
is 𝑈 = 1 m/s. The bed material characteristics are d50= 300𝜇m, d90 = 500 𝜇m,
𝜌 = 1000 kg/m3, 𝜌𝑠 = 2650 kg/m3, v = 10-6 m2/s.
a) What type of bed forms are present according to Van Rijn?
b) What are the bed form dimensions?
c) What is the effective bed roughness?

3) A wide open channel has a mean water depth h = 3m, a mean bed slope I = 1.5*10-4, a
mean velocity 𝑈 = 1 m/s , the bed material characteristics are d50 = 350µm, d90 = 1000µm,
sediment density 𝜌𝑠 = 2650 kg/m3, fluid density 𝜌 = 1000kg/m3, fluid temperature T =
200C (𝑣 = 1.01*10-6 m2/s). According to Van Rijn; Liu, Simons-Richardson:
i) what type of bed forms are generated ?
ii) what are the dimensions of the bed forms?
i) Bed form type:
′ 12ℎ 1/2
According to Van Rijn: 𝐶 = 18log( )= 73.4 𝑚
𝜏𝑏′ = 𝝆𝑔(𝑈 𝐶 ′ )2 = 1.82 N/m2

𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 = 0.21 𝑁/𝑚2 from Shields curve

(𝜏𝑏 −𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 )
𝑇= = 7.7
𝑆−1 𝑔 1/3
𝐷∗ = 𝑑50 8.85 =
Bed form type is mega-ripples and dunes

ii) Bed form dimensions:

• Height of mega-ripples (∆𝑚𝑟 ) = 0.02ℎ 1 − 𝑒 −0.1𝑇 10 − 𝑇 =0.074 m
• Length of mega ripples (𝜆𝑚𝑟 ) = 0.5h = 1.5 m
𝑑50 0.3
• Height of dunes (∆𝑑 ) = 0.11ℎ( ) 1 − 𝑒 −0.5𝑇 25 − 𝑇 = 0.37 m

• Length of dunes (𝜆𝑑 ) = 7.3h = 21.9 m

4. A wide channel with a depth h = 8m has a bed covered with dunes. The dune
dimensions are ∆𝑑 = 1 m, 𝛌𝑑 = 50 m. The ripple dimensions are ∆𝑟 = 0.2 m, 𝜆𝑟 =
3m. The bed material characteristics are d50 = 300µm, d90 = 500µm. What is the
effective bed roughness and the Chezy-coefficient?
• Grain roughness (lower regime): 𝑘𝑠′ = 3𝑑90 = 0.0015 m
• Ripple form roughness (take 𝛾𝑟 = 0.7): 𝑘" 𝑟 = 20𝛾𝑟 ∆𝑟 = 0.187 m

• Dune form roughness (take 𝛾𝑟 = 0.7): 𝑘 " 𝑑 = 1.1𝛾𝑑 ∆𝑑 (1 − 𝑒 𝑑 ) = 0.3 m
• Effective bed roughness: 𝑘 = 𝑘 ′ + 𝑘𝑟′′ + 𝑘𝑑′′ = 0.49 m
• Chezy-coefficient: 𝐶 = 18log(12ℎ 𝑘) = 41.3 m0.5/s

Sediment transport(movement)

 Three modes of motion can be distinguished in the sediment transport induced by

flowing water.
When the values of the bed shear velocity just exceeds the critical value for
initiation of motion, the bed material particles will be rolling and/or sliding
in continuous contact with the bed.
For increasing values of the bed shear velocity the particles will be moving along
the bed by more or less regular jumps, which are called saltation’s.
When the value of the bed shear velocity begins to exceed fall velocity of the
particles, the sediment particles can be lifted to a level at which the upward
turbulent forces will be of comparable or higher order than the submerged weight
of the particles and as a result the particles may go into suspension.

Sediment transport(movement)

Suspended particle motion

• Usually, the transport of particles by rolling, sliding and saltation is called bed
load transport, while the suspended particles are transported as suspended
load transport.
• The suspended load may also include the fine silt particles brought into suspension
from the catchment area rather than from the streambed material (bed
material load) and is called the wash load.
• A grain size of 63 μm (dividing line between silt and sand) is frequently used to
separate between bed material and wash load.
• The following classification and definitions are used for the total sediment
transported in rivers.


Bed material:
• the material, the particle sizes of which are found in appreciable quantities in that
part of the bed that is affected by transport.
Bed material load:
• the part of the total sediment transport which consists of the bed material and which
rate of movement is governed by the transport capacity of the channel.
Suspended load :
• the part of the total sediment transport which is maintained in suspension by
turbulence in the flowing water for considerable periods of time without contact with
the stream bed.
• It moves with practically the same velocity as that of the flowing water.


Wash load:
• that part of the suspended load which is composed of particle sizes smaller than those
found in appreciable quantities in the bed material.
• It is in near-permanent suspension and , therefore, is transported through stream without
• The discharge of the wash load through a reach depends only on the rate with which these
particles become available in the catchment area and not on the transport capacity of the
• Usually, the transport of particles by rolling, sliding and saltation is called the bed load
• Saltation refers to the transport of sediment particles in a series of irregular jumps and
bounces along the bed.
• Bed load transport occurs when the bed shear stress, τb exceeds a critical value (τb)c. In
dimensionless terms, the condition for bed-load motion is: 𝜃∗ > 𝜃𝑐𝑟
Where: 𝜃∗ is the Shields parameter (i.e. and 𝜃𝑐𝑟 is the critical Shields parameter for initiation of
bed load transport.
Bed Load Formulae
• Various formulas are developed in the past for estimation of bed load discharge.
• Estimates of bed load transport using different formula for the same set of given
data are also found to give widely different results.
• Here, only few of the most common formulae and approaches are presented.
1. Discharge approaches
2. Shear stress approaches
3. Probabilistic approaches
Shear stress approaches.
• Meyer-Peter and Muller
• Van Rijn
• Frijlink
• Bangnolds

By Meyer-Peter and Mueller Formula for uniform materials
• The formula is given as follows:
𝑞𝑏 = 𝟇𝑏 (𝑆 − 1)0.5 𝑔0.5 𝑑𝑚 1.5 and 𝟇𝑏 =8(𝜇𝜃 − 0.047)1.5
Where: 𝑞𝑏 = volumetric bed load transport rate (m2/s)
𝟇𝑏 = 8(𝜇𝜃 − 0.047)1.5 = dimensionless bed load transport rate
𝜃= = dimensionless particle mobility parameter
(𝜌𝑠 −𝜌)𝑔𝑑𝑚
𝑑𝑚 = mean particle diameter
𝜇 = ( ′)1.5 = bed form factor or efficiency factor
𝐶 = 18log( ) = over all Chezy coefficient (m0.5/s)
𝐶′ = 18log( ) = grain related Chezy coefficient (m0.5/s)
𝑘𝑠 = effective bed roughness
Meyer-Peter and Mueller Formula for non-uniform materials

• The bed material in natural conditions are non uniform.

• Generally the approach is to divide the bed material in a number of size fractions and
to apply an existing formula for each size fraction with a correction factor (𝜉) to
account for the non uniformity effect.
• Using the formula of Meyer Peter and Muller, the bed load transport rate integrated
over the fractions read as:

𝒒𝒃 = 𝟖(𝒔 − 𝟏)𝟎.𝟓 𝒈𝟎.𝟓 𝒑𝒊 𝒅𝒊 𝟏.𝟓 (𝝁𝜽𝒊 − 𝝃𝒊 𝜽𝒄𝒓 )𝟏.𝟓

• The equation should be used when 𝑑90 𝑑50 ≥ 5.
• Generally, the correction factor ξ𝑖 is assumed to be equal to unity for 𝑑𝑖 = 𝑑𝑚 . Thus
ξ𝑖 = 1 for 𝑑𝑖 = 𝑑𝑚 .


In which:
• 𝑞𝑏 = bed load transport rate integrated over N size classes (fraction),
• 𝑝𝑖 = percentage of size class i of the bed material,
• 𝑑𝑖 = particle diameter of size class i , S = specific density(=2.65)
• g = acceleration of gravity
• 𝜇 = bed form factor
• 𝜃𝑖 = mobility parameter of size class i
• ξ𝑖 = correction factor of size class i
• 𝜃𝑐𝑟 = critical mobility parameter based on the average diameter 𝑑𝑚
• 𝑑𝑚 = 𝑝𝑖 𝑑𝑖 = average diameter of bed material
• N = number of size fractions.


• 𝜃𝑐𝑟 can be expressed in terms of dimensionless particle diameter 𝐷∗

• 𝜃𝑐𝑟 = 0.24𝐷∗ −1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 1 < 𝐷∗ ≤ 4
• 𝜃𝑐𝑟 = 0.144𝐷∗ −0.64 𝑓𝑜𝑟 4 < 𝐷∗ ≤ 10
• 𝜃𝑐𝑟 = 0.04𝐷∗ −0.1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 10 < 𝐷∗ ≤ 20
• 𝜃𝑐𝑟 = 0.013𝐷∗ 0.29 𝑓𝑜𝑟 20 < 𝐷∗ ≤ 150
• 𝜃𝑐𝑟 = 0.055 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐷∗ ≥ 150


By Van Rijin
• Basically, the bed load can be defined as the product of particle concentration particle
velocity and layer thickness.
• But the bed load transport rate for particles in the range of 200 to 2000𝜇𝑚 can be
derived from 𝑞𝑏 = 𝑢𝑏 𝛿𝑏 𝐶𝑏 and resulted in the following equation.
𝒒𝒃 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓𝟑(𝑺 − 𝟏)𝟎.𝟓 𝒈𝟎.𝟓 𝒅𝟓𝟎 𝟏.𝟓 𝑫∗ −𝟎.𝟑 𝑻𝟐.𝟏 ………..for 200 ≤ 𝑑 ≤ 2000𝜇𝑚
𝒒𝒃 = 𝟎. 𝟏(𝑺 − 𝟏)𝟎.𝟓 𝒈𝟎.𝟓 𝒅𝟓𝟎 𝟏.𝟓 𝑫∗ −𝟎.𝟑 𝑻𝟏.𝟓 …………..for T ≥ 3


Where: 𝑞𝑏 = Volumetric bed load transport rate (m2/s)

(𝜏𝑏 ′ −𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 )
𝑇= = dimensionless bed shear parameter
′ 𝑈 2
𝜏𝑏 = 𝜌𝑔( ′)
𝐶 ′ = 18log( ) grain related Chezy-coefficent
h = water depth (m)
𝑑50 , 𝑑90 = particle diameter (m)
𝑈= depth averaged velocity (m/s)
𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 = critical bed shear stress acting to shields (N/m2)
𝑆−1 𝑔
𝐷∗ = 𝑑50

1) A wide river has a depth of h = 3m. The depth averaged velocity 𝑢 = 1.2𝑚/𝑠.
The energy slope I = 1.67*10-4. The mean particle size of the bed material is dm=
2000 µm, d50= 1800 µm, d90= 3000 µm.
Compute the bed load transport according to Meyer-Peter-Muller and Van Rign?
2) A sediment transporting river with an approximately rectangular
cross section has a mean flow of 125 m3/s. The average width and
depth of the river is 20 m and 5 m, respectively. Bed material median
grain size is 2 mm, d90 = 8 mm, and slope I = 0.1m/km. The water
temperature is 20oC. Other data are: ρs = 2650 kg/m3, ρ = 103 kg/m3,
ν = 10-6 m2/s. Calculate the bed load sediment transport along the
bottom using the Meyer-Peter and Mueller formula and the Van Rijn


3. The bed of river consists of non

uniform material with grain sizes
between 100 𝜇𝑚 and 6000𝜇𝑚. The size class (µm) di(µm) pi ξ μθi
size fractions are given in table below. 100-500 300 0.3 4.67 0.538
The d50 of the bed material is 980𝜇𝑚;
500-1000 750 0.22 1.67 0.215
the d90 is 3600𝜇𝑚. The water depth
h=5m. The bed slope is I = 10-4 . The 1000-2000 1500 0.23 0.98 0.108
Chezy-coefficient is C = 50m0.5/se. Other 2000-3000 2500 0.1 0.71 0.065
data are ; 𝜌𝑠 = 2650kg/m3 𝜌 =
1000kg/m3, 𝑣 = 10-6m/s. 3000-4000 3500 0.08 0.59 0.046
4000-5000 4500 0.05 0.52 0.036
Compute the bed load transport
according to Meyer Peter – Muller, 5000-6000 5500 0.02 0.48 0.029
using the mean particle diameter and
the size fraction method.
Example on bed load transport
a) Based on mean particle diameter
• First calculate for mean grain diameter by using data given on table (look table
𝑑𝑚 = 𝑝𝑖 𝑑𝑖 = 1465µm
• Bed shear stress: 𝜏𝑏 = 𝜌𝑔ℎ𝐼= 4.9N/m2
• Mobility parameter: 𝜃 = 𝜏𝑏 𝜌𝑠−𝜌 𝑔𝑑𝑚 = 0.207
• Chezy grain roughness : C’ = 18log(12h/3𝑑90 ) = 76m0.5/s.
• Bed form factor: μ=(C/C’)1.5 = 0.533
• 𝜇𝜃 = 0.11
• Bed load transport rate: 𝟇𝑏 = 8 𝜇𝜃 − 0.047 1.5 = 0.127
• Volumetric Bed load transport rate:
𝑞𝑏 = 𝟇𝑏 (𝑠 − 1)0.5 𝑔0.5 𝑑𝑚 1.5 = 2.8*10-5m2/s

B)based on size fraction method

• Particle diameter parameter:
𝐷∗ = 𝑑𝑚 𝑠 − 1 𝑔/𝑣 2 1/3 = 37
• For 𝐷∗ = 37; 𝜃𝑐𝑟 = 0.013𝐷∗ 0.29 = 0.037
The others are can be calculated in tabular
Using: 𝐴 = 𝑝𝑖 (𝜇𝜃𝑖 − 𝜉𝑖 𝜃𝑐𝑟 )1.5
𝑞𝑏,𝑖 = 8(𝑆 − 1)0.5 𝑔0.5 𝑑𝑖1.5 𝐴


#1. A wide river has the following characteristics: h = 2m, 𝑈= 1.4 m/s, I = 8*10-4, dm =
800 𝜇m, d50= 700 𝜇m, d90 = 1500 𝜇m, v = 10-6 m2/s.
• Compute the bed-load transport rate according to Meyer-Peter-Mueller and
Van Rijn?

Suspended load transport rate
1. Einsten
2. Bangnold
3. Bijker
4. Van Rijn
According to Van Rijn
• Usually, the behavior of suspended
sediment particles is described in terms
of the sediment concentration, which is
the solid volume (m3) per unit fluid
volume (m3).
• Observation shows that the suspended
sediment concentration decrease with
distance up from the bed. See the

Figure: Definition sketch of suspended load transport

• The depth integrated suspended load transport (qs) is defined as the integration of
the product of velocity (u) and concentration ( C ) from the edge of the bed load
layer (z = a) to the surface (z = h), yielding;

• 𝑞𝑠 = 𝑎
𝑢𝑐𝑑𝑧 or
𝑞𝑠 = 𝐹 𝑈ℎ𝐶𝑎
𝐹 = dimensionless shape factor
𝐶𝑎 = reference concentration
a= reference level above bed (a = ks)
𝑍= = suspension number, K = Von Karman constant (=0.4)
𝑍 ′ = 𝑍 + 𝟁 = adjusted suspension number


• 𝟁 = stratification correction
• 𝐶𝑜 = maximum volumetric concentration (=0.65)
• 𝛽 = ratio of sediment and fluid mixing coefficient
• 𝑑𝑠 = 𝑑50 1 + 0.011(𝜎𝑠 − 1)(𝑇 − 25) = representative particle size suspended
sediment (m) for 0 < T < 25
• 𝑑𝑠 = 𝑑50 ……….for T ≥ 25
1 𝑑84 𝑑50
• 𝜎𝑠 = ( + ) = geometric standard deviation of bed material
2 𝑑50 𝑑16


• Finally, sediment concentration profile by Rouse using parabolic equation, can be

represented by:
𝐶 ℎ−𝑧 𝑎 𝜔 /(𝛽𝑘𝑢 )
• = ( ∗ ) 𝑠 ∗
𝐶𝑎 𝑧 ℎ−𝑎

• used to predict the vertical distribution of suspended sediment particles in a

turbulent flow.
In which C = concentration at height Z above the main bed
𝐶𝑎 = reference concentration at height Z = a above bed
h = water depth
𝜔𝑠 = fall velocity
𝑢∗ = bed shear velocity.
Total load transport
Two approaches;
1. Indirect method: computation of bed load and suspended load separately and
then adding them together to obtain total load.
• Van Rijin
• Einsten
• Bagnold
• Bijker
2. Direct method: determination of total load function directly without dividing it
into bed load and suspended load.
• Engelund-Hansen
• Ackers-White
• Yang

Example on suspended load

6. A wide river has a water depth of h = 13.05m, energy gradient I =0.000076, mean
velocity 𝑢= 1.55m/s. The bed material characteristics are d35 =250µm, d50 = 400µm, d90 =
1500µm, 𝜎𝑠 = 2.5.
a) Compute the suspended load transport according to Van Rijn.
b) Compute the sediment concentration at z=0.55, 1.59, 3.63, 6.62, 9.39 and 10.95m
above the bed. (by using rouse concentration profile).

• Chezy grain roughness : C’ = 18log(12h/𝑑90 ) = 81 m0.5/s
• Grain bed shear stress: 𝜏 ′ 𝑏 = 𝜌𝑔(𝑢 𝐶 ′ )2 = 3.6 N/m2.
• Critical bed shear stress: 𝜏𝑏𝑐𝑟 = 0.23 from shields curve.
(𝜏𝑏 ′ −𝜏𝑏,𝑐𝑟 )
• T- parameter: 𝑇 = = 14.6
• Overall Chezy coefficient: 𝐶 = 𝑢/(ℎ𝐼)0.5 = 52.2m2/s
• Effective bed roughness: 𝑘𝑠 = 12ℎ10 18 = 0.18m
• Particle diameter parameter: 𝐷∗ = 𝑑50 𝑠 − 1 𝑔/𝑣 2 1/3 = 10.12
𝑑50 𝑇 1.5
• Reference concentration: 𝐶𝑎 = 0.015 ∗ = 0.00092
𝑎 𝐷∗ 0.3
• 𝐶𝑎 =0.00092*𝜌𝑠 = 2.44kg/m3
• Friction velocity: u*= 0.095m/s
10𝑣 0.01 𝑆−1 𝑔𝑑 3 0.5
• Fall velocity for d50 = 400, : 𝜔 = (1 + ) − 1 = 0.059m/s
𝑑 𝑣2
• Fluid mixing coefficient: 𝛽 = 1 + 2( 𝑠 )2 = 1.78
• Suspension number: 𝑍 = = 0.87
𝜔𝑠 0.5 𝐶𝑎 0.4
• Stratification correction: 𝟁 = 2.5( ) ( ) = 0.14
𝑢∗ 𝐶𝑜
• Suspension number: 𝑍 ′ = 𝑍 + 𝟁 = 1.01
𝑎 ′ 𝑎
(ℎ)𝑧 −(ℎ)1.2
• Shape factor: 𝐹 = 𝑎 ′ = 0.042
(1− )𝑧 ∗(1.2−𝑧 ′ )

• Suspended load: 𝑞𝑠 = 𝐹 𝑈ℎ𝐶𝑎 = 1.914 kg/sm.

• 𝑞𝑠 = 1.914kg/sm*2650kg/m3 = 5072 m2/s
• Suspended sediment size:
𝑑𝑠 = 𝑑50 1 + 0.011(𝜎𝑠 − 1)(𝑇 − 25) = 330µm.


ℎ−𝑍 𝑎 ′
b) Concentration profile: 𝐶 = 𝐶𝑎 ( ∗ ℎ−𝑎)𝑍 , calculated in tabular form:

Rouse sediment concentration profile

Height above Z Sediment concentration 12
(m) (kg/m3)
0.55 0.84
1.59 0.29

Height (m)
3.63 0.11 6

6.62 0.04 4

9.39 0.02 2
10.95 0.006 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Sediment concentration (kg/m3)

Sediment sampling
o Sediment transport is a dynamic phenomenon
o Measurement technique can not register the ever changing conditions that exist in
o One single measurement is not enough to tackle this dynamic phenomenon
o Knowledge of particle size is a prerequisite for understanding the source
transportation, and some cases environmental impact of sediment
o Particle size can be determined by passing a sample of sediment through a series of


o Understanding the local morphological variables such as:

• Bed material size
• Settling velocity of the suspended sediment
• The transportation rate
o To obtain this information, an extensive field survey should be carried out
o Before field surrey appropriate site selection is important
o Measurement selection is dependent on measured variables.
Sediment sampling depends on:
• Type of sediment
• River characteristics
• Objectives of the study
• Budget and resources 81

Mechanical sieve shaker Hydrometer method (wet analysis

(dry sieve analysis for sand for clay, silt < 75microns)
Gravels > 75microns)


Description of Study Area

1. Introduction Material and Methods

Result and Discussion

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