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Unit 24: Work experience in Business


Compare the suitability of three different business sector-based work placements for self, based on personal skills audit.

For each of the three suitable work placements that you have applied for you will need to complete a personal skills audit.

Carry out a skills audit to identify skills gaps

Please copy and paste the titles of each of the Work experience and Job opportunities that you have applied for in P3 in this space.

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BTEC Extended Diploma Business
Unit 24: Work experience in Business COMPETENCE

Written I can write clearly and concisely in a range of 12345 Writing email to Writing to different companies for work.
communication different formats to communicate messages colleague. Imagine yourself in different events such as
effectively to varied audiences. writing email to supplier or co-worker.
Writing to clients.

Oral communication I can summarise and communicate information 12345 In a presentation Talking to people and making it as short and
/ presentation skills effectively when speaking with people or delivering Infront of people. clear as possible. If they ask to explain or ask
presentations. me again, I would be forced to put it in a
simpler way.
When you report to
the boss or higher

Time management I can manage my time and prioritise my workload to 12345 Arriving on time to Do tasks and try and finish an amount of time
ensure that I produce high-quality work within set different places. if I practice for different topics and different
deadlines. time/amount.

Finish tasks in a
duration of time
and move to
different one.

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BTEC Extended Diploma Business
Unit 24: Work experience in Business

Problem-solving I know how to find logical, constructive, and realistic 12345 The business is Having more problems to solve and doing
solutions when I am presented with complex declining I have to puzzle games to continue my mind working.
problems. take a decision to
save the business
and survive

Teamwork I am able to work effectively as a member of a team 12345 Doing different I will help others and take advise in general to
in order to help my team achieve its goals. things for the same help myself and other to get along and help
goal. and understand our help.

Leadership I am able to use a range of approaches and 12345 Taking the risk and If anything goes wrong, I will take
techniques to lead a team towards its goals. action when responsibility and take the group to a higher
nobody is brave or group and make people aware of us.
sure enough.

Leading the team

and taking
responsibility for
their actions.

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BTEC Extended Diploma Business
Unit 24: Work experience in Business

IT skills I can use IT packages (e.g., Word, Excel, and Access). 12345 When I am writing I would use computer to see what new
an email to objects and techniques I could use and find
I can use specialist IT packages that are specific to someone. out.
my particular subjects (if applicable).

When I must create

a PowerPoint to
present it to others.

Information skills I am able to find sources of information (including 12345 When creating a report, I I would study/read the news and
online sources) quickly and easily. I am able to would have to write the articles to be aware of my surroundings
evaluate different sources of information to right information that is and be aware of people opinions.
determine their reliability. true or finding
competitors true profit
and loss.

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BTEC Extended Diploma Business
Unit 24: Work experience in Business

Independent I am able to manage my own workload and 12345 Being able to work alone. I would try my best in developing my
learning complete tasks on my own with minimal input or own skills and doing my work without
supervision from my teachers. any help.

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BTEC Extended Diploma Business
Unit 24: Work experience in Business


Assess own suitability for a work placement in a specific business based on research into a specific career path.

Reflective essay. Min two pages:

Explain what your career goals are?

Short term: revise for the English exams.

Mid-term: go to university of law/apprentice in law.

Long term: Be a part of the law such as mp or lawyer.

Explain, why you think you need to improve skills and gain experience.
What are the benefits to you and how will it support you for the future?

First if I improve my skills and gain experience, I would be able to gain more job offers and
might even gain/enhance existing skills such as communication skills and judgement skills.
This could help in a variety of jobs such as lawyers which people want lawyers with good
experience and have good skills at persuading the observants and the judge. This would lead
to awareness and then a higher wage/bonuses.

What do you think the benefits of work experience are?

The reason people want experience people is so that they could have truest and be able to
purchase/hire a person that can do most things instead of 10 people who has different
salaries and need work training.

How will this help you to work towards your career goals.

Experience is one of the items that is needed to help with finding a good job such as
lawyer which I am aiming for. Also, if I do not have any experience in any domain
this is because everything (every experience from different jobs) is good for
something an example of this is cashiers. Cashiers are gaining experience in talking
and being able to handle many products at a time.

What are you hoping to gain form your work placement opportunity? How
will you achieve this?

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BTEC Extended Diploma Business
Unit 24: Work experience in Business

First, I need to go to the north hill genesis work experience to get basic
understanding of how it works to work in an office and what skills are useful to
have. Then I would move on to I would get on Tesco work to get experience with
customers and how coworkers work with you This would also build my intermediate
understanding of skills such as communication and how to handle different people's/
customers emotions and how to work with others. Finally, I would go to the
Vodafone work experience to get creative and fast thinking skills to help me think
faster and be creative in creating a senary which could defend or accuse my client's
peso when becoming a lawyer.

How will the three job/ placement opportunities help you? Discuss each
role individually and how the role is suitable to work towards your chosen
path? How / why? Be specific.

The Tesco customer assistant helps me with getting new skill such as handling tasks in
pressure and being able to enhance speaking and listening to customers. This role is a way
up to a lawyer because some people also hire multiple lawyers at a time and that means
lawyers need cooperation. Which leads to being able to communicate efficiently and clear
which Tesco helps with by communicating with their customers and I with the customers,
coworkers, and higher ups such as chief and head of departments.

The innovator work experience program that Vodafone is doing is beneficial because it
would help me work as a team which have the same goal and that is to succeed. The next
achievement I get is connections with the workers there and this is beneficial because if a
client (when I become a lawyer) has a problem with phone or card I would be able to get in
touch with Vodaphone or their repair team much faster and the repairs would be a bit
faster because they would put me close to their first repairs.

North Hill Genesis work experience program This was beneficial because it allows me to
make more connections and enhance my handling skills (This is done to be able to do tasks,
have breaks and hang out with family which doesn’t affect the content and the quality of
work this is what lawyers need to not stress them self but not lose any progress), under
pressure thinking capacity (Gave some quick question under time condition such as finding
jobs or apprentice in a day or hour and feedback how to get in and what is required),
communication skills and cooperation (Both speaking), time management (This was done by
them giving us a time and arriving or joining before or on the dot of that time this was to get
ourselves ready and out of any extractions) ,and multitasking (this is done to be able to
handle multiple things at the same time).
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BTEC Extended Diploma Business
Unit 24: Work experience in Business

Resources I need to help me

Sources of information

(e.g., Websites, Employability Hub, Apprenticeship Office
Apprenticeship Office; UCAS Fair)

Employability Hub

Who can help me Friends

(e.g., friends, family, careers Family
practitioner, teachers, etc)

Careers advisor



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BTEC Extended Diploma Business

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