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Sectional Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine Vol.

page 9 263

Section of Odontology
President-W. G. SENIOR, C.B.E., Ph.D., F.D.S.
October 27, 1958
Dr. W. G. SENIOR delivered his Presidential The Address has been reported in the British
Address entitled The Child and Us. Dental Journal, 106, 111, February 3, 1959.
January 26, 1959

Further Studies on the Growth of the Human Face

IN a previous paper (Scott, 1954) certain of soft tissue between the bony elements of a
features of facial growth in man were discussed. typical facial suture during the period of active
Here it is proposed to consider some of the same growth of new bone at the adjacent edges of the
matters in greater detail, and also some new bones bounding the suture. Selman and Sarnat
material, so as to give a more complete picture of (1955) have demonstrated by the use of metallic
our present knowledge of this complex implants that at a suture one bone may grow
problem. faster than another, emphasizing the fact that at
each suture there are two "growth centres", one
Growth at Sutures for each bony element.
Pritchard et al. (1956) have given a fuller and Fig. 2 (A-C) illustrates the changes in suture
more accurate account of the structure of growing structure at the mid-palatal suture in man from
sutures. Fig. 1, from their paper, shows the layers about three and a half months of foetal life to the
Uniting .-FIG. 1.-Diagram showing the struc-
ture of a growing suture (by courtesy
T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I of Pritchard et al. and the Journal of
FIG. 2 (below).-Changes in suture
structure with age.
A, mid-palatal suture 70 mm. C.R.
human foetus. x 50.
z I B, mid-palatal suture 135 mm. C.R.
human foetus. x 60.
Cam=lMdle \ Camabi,Ial'' c, mid-palatal suture child 1 year old.
Capsular ~~x60.
CapsuFr D, zygomatico-temporal suture 250
FIG. 1. mm. C.R. human foetus. x 40.

FIG. 2.
264 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 10
first year after birth. These changes can be
tabulated as follows:
(1) A gradual reduction in the osteogenetic
zone as the rate of bone deposition at the
suture slows down.
(2) A greater density and "knitting together"
of the collagenous fibres in the capsular and
middle zones. A
(3) The development of collagenous fibre
bundles which directly unite the adjacent
bones across the whole width of the suture.
The early development of these bone-
connecting fibres is illustrated in Fig. 2D in
the suture of the zygomatic arch of a 250
mm. C.R. human foetus (about 8 months
If it is remembered that during feetal life the
facial sutures are both sites of growth and sites of
union between adjacent bones, it will be seen that
with increasing age the function of growth B
gradually slows down and the function of union
becomes consolidated and strengthened.
In previous papers (Scott, 1953, 1954) it was
suggested that the cartilage of the nasal septum
played an important role in the growth of the
upper facial skeleton in the antero-posterior and
vertical dimensions, acting as the means whereby
the maxillary and circum-maxillary bones were
separated from one another and from the an-
terior cranial segment (frontal and sphenoid)
along the facial suture systems. The septal
cartilage at birth extends from the cranial base to
the maxilla in man, but in other animals from the
cranial base to the premaxilla, its lower edge lying C
within the vomerine groove. This is so con-
structed as to allow the interstitially growing FIG. 3.
cartilage to slide in the groove without having to A, Diagram showing relationship between facial
shift the position of the vomer (Fig. 5A). As a bones and sutures. Pm, premaxilla. M, maxilla.
P, palatine. Pt, pterygoid plates.
result it is the premaxilla which is directly acted B and c, facial and cranial bones at end of foetal
on by the growing cartilage (Fig. 3A), and the life and at 7 years of age. 0, basioccipital. S, sphen-
premaxilla in its turn draws the maxilla down- oid. E, ethmioid. F, frontal. M, maxilla. P, pala-
wards and forwards after it. In the same manner tine. L, lacrimal. N, nasal. 1, sphenoidal synchon-
drosis. 2, spheno-ethmoidal suture. 3, fronto-
the maxillary bones exert a pulling action on the ethmoidal suture.
palatine bones which are drawn away from the Arrow indicates position and direction of growth of
cranial base and its extensions, the pterygoid septal cartilage.
plates. It follows that the greatest separating
force is exerted at the premaxillary-maxillary the mid-line cranial base just before birth (Fig.
suture, where this is present, and the least force 3B) and the changes which have occurred by 7
at the pterygo-palatine suture. years of age (Fig. 3c). During late foetal life there
are three growth sites between the pituitary fossa
Further Studies on the Cranial Base and the foramen cacum. These are (1) the
Ford (1958) substantiates the statement that synchondrosis between the post-sphenoid ele-
growth of the middle segment of the mid-line ment of the sphenoid body (carrying the greater
cranial base (pituitary fossa to foramen cwcum) wings) and the pre-sphenoid element (carrying
is completed by the time of eruption of the first the lesser wings), (2) the spheno-ethmoidal
permanent molar (Scott, 1954). Furthermore, suture at the back of the cribriform plate area,
he states that growth of the cribriform plate of the and (3) the fronto-ethmoidal suture at the front
ethmoid is complete by 2 years of age. of the cribriform plate area.
Fig. 3 (B and c) shows the growth sites along Fig. 3B shows that the midsphenoidal syn-
11 Section of Odontology 265
chondrosis is in the same vertical plane as the Growth of the Maxilla
palato-pterygoid suture. In man this synchon- During all this time and since early fetal life,
drosis is obliterated and the two parts of the the growing cartilage of the nasal capsule and
sphenoid united at about the time of birth. In later the nasal septum has been thrusting the
the Macaca rhesus monkey, however, it persists maxilla downwards and forwards allowing
until the beginning of adult life. The spheno- growth to take place between the maxilla and the
ethmoidal suture together with the more laterally circum-maxillary bones (the circum-maxillary
placed spheno-frontal sutures are in the same suture system). It is still uncertain how much of
vertical plane as the palato-maxillary suture but, this growth continues after about the 7th year and
as has been previously shown (De Coster, 1951; for how long.
Scott, 1954; Ford, 1958), growth at the sutures It has been pointed out (Scott, 1956) that the
behind and in front of the cribriform plate has positions of nasion and the posterior border of
ceased by 7 years of age if not earlier. The slight the maxilla as seen in X-rays are not reliable
amount of growth which takes place in the indications of circum-maxillary suture growth:
distance between the pituitary fossa and foramen the position of nasion because it migrates up-
cecum (Fig. 3c) between 2 and 7 years (Ford, wards by a process of surface growth at the fronto-
1958) may be due to growth on the sphenoidal and nasal suture which does not involve any separa-
frontal sides of these sutures, or, as is more tion of the two bones (see also Ford, 1958); the
likely, to a backward migration in the position of posterior border of the maxilla because this, as
the pituitary fossa. This latter process certainly seen in lateral cephalograms, is a free border (the
appears to take place in the anthropoid apes. anterior border of the pterygo-palatine fossa)
The time of union between the facial and which can extend backwards narrowing the fossa
cranial parts of the ethmoid across the cribriform without, however, involving any growth at the
plates is still uncertain but is almost certainly more deeply placed palato-maxillary suture.
complete by 3 years of age (Ford, 1958). This As measured from the incisive foramen to the
means that there is probably no further growth transverse palatine (palato-maxillary) suture on
in length of the facial ethmoid after this time the oral surface of the hard palate it would appear
although the perpendicular plate continues to that this segment of the palate elongates through-
extend into the cartilage of the nasal septum. out childhood by growth at the suture, but if
Therefore, between 3 and 7 years of age the adult the distance is measured on the nasal surface
relationship between the body of the sphenoid, (Fig. 4A) the distance remains fairly constant
the cribriform plate, the facial ethmoid and the after the 7th year and maintains a rather constant
frontal bone has been established (Fig. 3c). relationship to the length of the cribriform plate.

A B c
FIG. 4.
A, hard palate and nasal cavity showing relationship between roof of nasal cavity (cribriform plate) and
hard palate (between nasal opening of incisive canal and transverse palatine suture). Note the difference
in position of the nasal and oral openings of the incisive canal. A, B, C represent anterior, middle and
posterior segments of nasal cavity.
B, diagram showing the sagittal suture system on the base of the skull. F, frontal. SW, lesser wing of
sphenoid. GW, greater wing of sphenoid. T, temporal. S, body of sphenoid.
c, growth cartilage between body and greater wing of sphenoid in a 250 mm. C.R. human fcetus. x 4 5.
266 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 12
The different behaviour of the oral and nasal time the width across the bridge of the nose
measurements is due to the forward migration of (dacryon to dacryon) has reached 75 % of adult
the incisive canal with descent of the hard palate size and further growth is by surface deposition
(Fig. 4A), so that the oral measurement is not at the medial wall of the orbital cavities rather
entirely an indication of sutural growth but than by growth at the internasal suture (Ford,
rather of a change in the position of the oral 1958). As this measurement includes the frontal
opening of the incisive canal. It has been processes of the maxillary bones it would seem
pointed out that further downward and forward that there is little if any growth at the suture
growth of the maxilla after about the 7th year between them and the nasal bones after the first
(when the size of the orbital cavity has reached year (Fig. SB).
about 95 % of its adult size) would involve surface After the first year both the frontal and the
deposition on the floor of the orbital cavity sphenoid bones are continuous from one tem-
(orbital plate of the maxilla). This in turn would, poral fossa to the other, and together form the
if at all extensive, result in a covering in of the upper and lower halves of a bony ring which, with
infra-orbital groove extending the infra-orbital its extensions the pterygoid plates, bounds and
canal backwards to the pterygo-palatine fossa. supports the facial skeleton. This fronto-
This does not, however, usually happen and in sphenoidal ring grows by surface deposition
those cases where it does occur the roof of the associated with internal resorption (Fig. SB).
bony canal is very thin. The relationship of the palatine tuberosity to
The available evidence, therefore, would seem the notch between the pterygoid plates is inter-
to indicate that, allowing for individual variation, esting in this respect (Fig. 5c). By this inter-
there is little growth at the circum-maxillary locking mechanism growth between the greater
sutures during the second decade of childhood wings and body of the sphenoid during foetal life
(10-20 years), but the preliminary work of Bjork is correlated with growth at the mid-palatal
(1955) based on the use of amalgam implants suture. With union between the parts of the
indicates that the problem is still open and that sphenoid, the pterygoid plates no longer undergo
some of the statements made by the present a process of bodily separation and this will limit
author on this matter have been perhaps too to a considerable extent the amount of growth
dogmatic. that can occur between the palatine bones at the
Growth in Width of the Skull mid-palatal suture. Growth in width and height
At birth the skull and face can be divided into of the posterior nares after birth would seem to be
left and right halves along the mid-sagittal suture almost entirely a matter of bone resorption
system (Scott, 1957). As seen from the frontal correlated with bone deposition (Fig. 5c). In the
aspect of the skull this consists of the inter- upper ethmoidal part of the nasal cavity this is
parietal and interfrontal sutures of the vault; the certainly the case after the union between the
internasal suture; the suture between the two facial and cranial elements of the ethmoid has
maxillary bones and its extension on the palate taken place. There is surface deposition on the
as the mid-palatal suture; and the mandibular orbital side of the facial ethmoid associated with
symphysis. As seen on the floor of the cranium, pneumatization on the nasal side, producing the
the sagittal suture system is more complex. ethmoidal air sinus system.
Behind the foramen cecum it divides to run on Alveolar Bone Growth and Tooth Movements
either side of the mid-line cranial base (Fig. 4B). Tooth movements in the jaws can be divided
At this time the great wings of the sphenoid are into three categories:
united to the body of the bone by a mass of (1) Separation movements between the devel-
cartilage (Fig. 4c). During foetal life this car- oping and growing tooth germs correlated
tilage and that of the roof of the nasal capsule with the growth of the overlying oral
play an important role in determining the growth mucous membrane (gum) to which they are
of the sagittal suture system correlated with the attached' by their follicular sacs
rapidly growing brain which, however, exerts its (Wasserfallen, 1954).
main influence on the bones of the cranial vault, (2) The movement of active eruption within
and has little if any effect on the growth of the the follicular sacs produced by the growth
cranial base. At about the time of birth, the of the pulp expanding between the calcified
greater wings of the sphenoid unite with the body, shell of the tooth crown and the base of the
and during the first year the two halves of the follicle (Scott, 1948).
frontal unite (except in the rare cases showing a (3) Migration of the upper and lower dentitions
metopic suture) as do the two halves of the through the alveolar bone. It is this later
mandible. By the end of the first year only the type of movement which we discuss here.
interparietal, internasal and intermaxillary sutures That part of the alveolar bone which is growing
remain of the mld-line sagittal suture. By this by surface deposition lies beneath the muco-
13 Section of Odontology 267


A B c
FIG. 5.
A, vomerine groove in a dog.
B, diagram showing relationship of frontal (A and B) and sphenoid (C) to the bones of the facial skeleton.
In B arrows indicate place of union between facial and cranial parts of ethmoid at cribriform plate; in C
arrows indicate position of growth cartilage between body and greater wings of the sphenoid.
c, showing the relationship of the palatine bone to the pterygoid plates.

FIG. 6.
A, developing upper incisor in its follicle in a 6-week-old kitten. x 27. F, follicular sac. G, gum. Note
attachment of follicle to gum via gubernacular cord and the deep osteogenetic layer of gum adjacent to alveolar
B, showing attachment of gum to adjacent teeth (transeptal fibres) and relationship to growing alveolar
bone. (13y courtesy of Dr. H. J. J. Blackwood.) x 22.
268 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 14
periosteum of the gum, the deeper layer of which The Relationship of the Mandibular Ramus to the
is osteogenetic (Fig. 6A). Upper Facial Skeleton
To the overlying gum are attached the follicles The width of the ramus of the mandible
of the developing teeth: directly in the case of the (condyle to coronoid process) is correlated with
deciduous teeth; through the common molar the length of the zygomatic arch as measured from
gubernacular cord in the case of the permanent the anterior edge of the articular eminence to the
molars; and through their individual gubern- lower end of the zygomatico-maxillary suture
acular cords in the case of the successional (usually marked by a tubercle) and is related to
permanent teeth (Fig. 6A). The teeth which have growth at two suture systems:
erupted and are in occlusion are attached to the (1) The coronal suture system which includes
gum at their necks through the gingival and the suture of the zygomatic arch between
transeptal fibres (Fig. 6B). As new bone is laid the temporal and zygomatic bones and is
down by the deeper osteogenetic layer of the gum regulated in its growth by the spheno-
the overlying gum tissue is translated in the occipital synchondrosis (Scott, 1954).
direction of alveolar bone growth, which is (2) The posterior, vertical limbs of the circum-
upwards, forwards and outwards in the lower maxillary and cranio-facial suture systems
jaw, and downwards, forwards and outwards in in the pterygo-palatine fossa.
the upper jaw. As the bone grows both the The coronal suture system is a site of growth until
developing and erupted teeth are carried in the adult life, while the pterygo-palatine sutures
direction of its growth in virtue of their attach- probably to play any significant role after
ment to the gum. The so-called "mesial the end ofcease the first decade.
migration" of the dentition is therefore only one zygomatic arch probably extends by a
aspect of a three-dimensional growth movement process of resorption also
behind and deposition at
involving the whole dentition. In human the front of the maxillary zygomatic process, but
dentitions the predominant direction is vertical, in man this is probably limited in amount.
and it is this vertical growth of the alveolar bone, Growth at the condylar cartilage thrusts the
carrying the teeth with it, which maintains them mandible downwards and forwards from the
in occlusion as the mandible in its growth is glenoid fossa. The forward element in this
separated from the upper facial skeleton. In growth process would carry the anterior edge of
some cases the amount of growth necessary to the ramus beyond the vertical plane of the
maintain occlusion, especially in the molar anterior surface of the temporal fossa, which
region. is quite extensive (Fig. 7). coincides with the anterior edge of the temporal
muscle, if there did not occur at the same time a
process of resorption along the anterior edge of
the ramus where the anterior fibres of the temp-
oral muscle are attached. Resorption of bone
at the anterior edge of the ramus therefore takes
place in order to maintain the proper relationship
between the zygomatic arch and also the origin
and insertion of the temporal muscle during the
period of facial growth. It is not primarily
r~~~~~ related to the development of the dentition as is
A shown by its occurrence in edentulous animals,
in children showing complete anodontia, and by
the fact that the anterior part of the ramus may
overlap the third permanent molar on its outer
side in whole or in part (Scott, 1958).
BJORK, A. (1955) Acta odont. scand., 13, 9.
DE COSTER, L. (1951) Trans. europ. orthod. Soc., p. 227.
FORD, E. H. R. (1958) Amer. J. Orthodont., 44, 498.
PRiTCHARD, J. J., et al. (1956) J. Anat., Lond., 90, 73.
ScoTT, J. H. (1948) Brit. dent. J., 85, 193; (1953) Brit.
dent. J., 95, 37; (1954) Proc. R. Soc. Med., 47, 91;
(1956) Amer. J. Orthodont., 42, 381; (1957) Amer. J.
Orthodont., 43, 366; (1958) Dent. Practit., 8, 327.
__ ~~~~~~B SELMAN, A. J., and SARNAT, B. G. (1955) Amer.
J. Anat., 97, 395.
FIG 7.To show vertical growth of alveolar WASSERFALLEN, P. (1954) Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnheilk.,
process in upper jaw. A, 5-year-old child. B, adult. 64, 551.

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