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Mulungushi University

School of Medicine and Health Sciences

MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
1. DNA replication is
a) Conservative
b) Non-conservative
c) Semi-conservative
d) None
Explanation: Each DNA strand serves as a template for the synthesis of a new strand,
producing two new DNA molecules, each with one new strand and one old strand.
2. Which of the following is true about DNA polymerase?
a) It can synthesize DNA in the 5’ to 3’ direction
b) It can synthesize DNA in the 3’ to 5’ direction
c) It can synthesize mRNA in the 3’ to 5’ direction
d) It can synthesize mRNA in the 5’ to 3’ direction
Explanation: DNA pol can synthesize only a new DNA strand not m-RNA. It can do
this in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
3. The reaction in DNA replication catalyzed by DNA ligase is
a) Addition of new nucleotides to the leading strand
b) Addition of new nucleotide to the lagging strand
c) Formation of a phosphodiester bond between the 3’-OH of one Okazaki
fragment and the 5’-phosphate of the next on the lagging strand
d) Base pairing of the template and the newly formed DNA strand
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Explanation: DNA ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between 3’-
OH of one Okazaki fragment and 5’-phosphate of the next.
4. Which of the following reactions is required for proofreading during DNA replication
by DNA polymerase III?
a) 5’ to 3’ exonuclease activity
b) 3’ to 5’ exonuclease activity
c) 3’ to 5’ endonuclease activity
d) 5’ to 3’ endonuclease activity
Explanation: The 3’ → 5’ exonuclease activity removes the mispaired nucleotide and the
polymerase begins again. This activity is known as proofreading.
5. Which of the following enzymes remove supercoiling in replicating DNA ahead of the
replication fork?
a) DNA polymerases
b) Helicases
c) Primases
d) Topoisomerases
Explanation: Strand separation creates topological stress in the helical DNA structure
which is relieved by the action of topoisomerases.

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
6. DNA unwinding is done by
a) Ligase
b) Helicase
c) Topoisomerase
d) Hexonuclease
Explanation: These enzymes move along the DNA and separate the strands using
chemical energy from ATP.
7. The enzyme used to join bits of DNA is
a) DNA polymerase
b) DNA ligase
c) Endonuclease
d) Primase
8. Transcription is catalyzed by
a) DNA-dependent RNA polymerases
b) RNA-dependent DNA polymerases
c) Reverse transcriptases
d) DNA ligases
Explanation: Transcription is catalyzed by DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, which
use ribonucleotide 5’-triphosphates to synthesize RNA complementary to the template
strand of duplex DNA.
9. Where does RNA polymerase bind DNA?
a) Promoter
b) Operator
c) Enhancer
d) None
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Explanation: Transcription initiation occurs when RNA polymerase binds at specific
DNA sequences called promoters.
10. Which of the following is true about RNA synthesis?
a) Synthesis of RNA is always in the 5’ to 3’ direction
b) RNA polymerase requires a primer for initiating transcription
c) U is inserted opposite T in transcription
d) New nucleotides are added on the 2’-OH of the ribose sugar
Explanation: Unlike DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase does not require a primer to
initiate transcription.
11. Actinomycin D is an inhibitor of
a) Transcription
b) Translation
c) Replication

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
d) None
Explanation: The elongation of RNA strands by RNA polymerase in both bacteria and
eukaryotes is inhibited by the antibiotic actinomycin D.
12. Number of hydrogen bonds that form between U and A in a Watson-Crick base pair
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
Explanation: According to Watson-Crick base pair interactions, number of hydrogen
bonds between U and A are 2 and between G and C are 3.
13. RNA primer is removed from the Okazaki fragment by
a) DNA polymerase I
b) DNA polymerase II
c) DNA polymerase III
d) RNA polymerase
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Explanation: DNA polymerase I removes RNA primer from Okazaki fragment.
14. Which of the following statements regarding splicing in eukaryotes is correct?
a) Several reactions in the splicing process involve hydrolysis of ATP
b) Exons are spliced out and introns are retained in the mature mRNA transcript
c) Splicing takes place in the cytosol
d) Small nuclear RNAs are retained in the mature mRNA transcript
Explanation: Splicing takes place within the nucleus.
Introns are spliced out and exons are retained in the mature mRNA transcript.
15. Which of the following is not involved in the post transcriptional processing of t-RNA?
a) Base modulation
b) Attachment of CCA arm
c) Splicing
d) Attachment of poly-A tail
Explanation: Base modulation, attachment of CCA arm and splicing are involved in the
post transcriptional processing of t-RNA.
16. Incorrect statement about m-RNA
a) Cap is added to the 5’ end
b) Introns are removed and exons are spliced together
c) Histone mRNAs lack 5’ cap
d) Poly-A tail is added to the 3’ end
Explanation: Introns are removed and exons are ligated.

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
17. 80S eukaryotic ribosome is the complex of
a) 60S and 40S
b) 40S and 20S
c) 60S and 50S
d) 30S and 20S
Explanation: 80S eukaryotic ribosome is the complex of 60S and 40S subunits.
18. The main function of t-RNA is
a) Proof reading
b) Inhibits protein synthesis
c) Identifies amino acids and transport them to ribosomes
d) None
Explanation: t-RNA identifies amino acids and transports them to ribosomes.
19. One of the following best describes the cap modification of eukaryotic mRNA
a) Modified guanine nucleotide added to the 3’ end of the transcript
b) Modified guanine nucleotide added to the 5’ end of the transcript
c) String of adenine nucleotides added to the 3’ end of the transcript
d) String of adenine nucleotides added to the 5’ end of the transcript
Explanation: Modified guanine nucleotide added to the 5’ end of the transcript, this best
describes the cap modification of eukaryotic mRNA.
20. Choose the molecular definition of a gene that includes all of DNA elements that may be
part of the DNA sequence of a gene:
A. The DNA sequence of a gene includes only exons.
B. The DNA sequence of a gene includes only exons and introns.
*C. The DNA sequence of a gene includes exons, introns and noncoding
regulatory control regions.
D. The DNA sequence of a gene includes exons, introns, noncoding regulatory control
regions, and intergenic regions.
21. Watson and Crick proposed a molecular structure or model of double helical DNA in
1952 which contains a helical turn every 10 base paris and adjacent base pairs 0.34
nanometers apart. This form of DNA is now one of several forms known to exist.
Choose the response that correctly names the Watson-Crick form of DNA, which by the
way turns out to be the most common form of DNA inside cells:

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
D. Triple helical DNA
22. Which one of the following classes of molecules is not encoded in genes?
A. Proteins
B. Ribosomal RNA
C. Transfer RNA
*D. Nucleotides
23. Here is a nucleotide sequence: ATGCAAGGTT. Choose the answer that correctly
identifies both the type of nucleic acid that this sequence represents and the
complementary DNA sequence written in the 3' to 5' direction:
24. Choose the answer that correctly gives the most important change in the structure of
cellular DNA for allowing the initiation of transcription as the first step in gene
*A. Proteins bind to specific sequences in the DNA often resulting in both the
bending and unwinding of the double helix to expose unpaired purine and
pyrimidine bases.
B. DNA has the ability to undergo denaturation at the appropriate temperature and
ionic strength of its solution environment and then to reversible renature into a double
helix again.
C. Double-stranded DNA has extensive secondary structure that is melted out by
proteins binding to specific regulatory sequences.
D. The nitrogen bases in double helical DNA are reversibly crossed linked by covalent
bonds and these cross links are removed when regulatory proteins bind thus allowing
strand separation and the initiation of transcription.
25. The synthesis of RNA and DNA have a number of features in common but there is one
big difference. Choose the answer that gives a property of RNA synthesis that is not
shared by DNA synthesis:

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
A. Synthesis proceeds in the 5' to 3' direction.
B. Synthesis requires a cellular supply of nucleoside triphosphates.
C. New chains are produced using an exisiting or parental strand as a template.
*D. RNA polymerases can begin a new RNA chain with the addition of the first
nucleoside triphosphate but not DNA polymerase which requires a primer
26. In which process of information transfer would you find at work helicases,
topoisomerases, ligases and a primase?
*A. Replication
B. Transcription
C. Translation
D. Reverse transcription
27. Choose the answer that correctly names all three of the molecules that must be bound to
amino acyl-tRNA synthetase as part of the two-step decoding process:
A. Amino acid, mRNA, tRNA
B. Amino acid, rRNA, tRNA
*C. Amino acid, tRNA, ATP
D. Amino acid, mRNA, ATP
28. Which one of the following amino acids is frequently found both at the N-terminus of a
polypeptide chain in eukaryotic cells as a consequence of the initiation of translation and
also internally in the polypeptide chain?
A. Leucine
B. Lysine
C. Glutamine
*D. Methionine
29. which statement best describes the ‘semi conservative replication’ of DNA?
A. In each replication cycle, only one of the two DNA strands is replicated
B. In each replication cycle one of the parental strands is conserved

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
C. In each replication cycle, the daughter cells acquire either the parental strands or
new strands
D. Only half of the DNA is replicated in each replication cycle
E. The genetic information is partly conserved in each of the replication cycle
30. which of the following enzymes is not involved in DNA replication?
A. Helicase
B. Primase
C. Topo isomerase
D. DNA polymerase
E. Reverse transcriptase
31. The mobile complex between helicase and primase is called
A. Prepriming complex
B. Origin replication element
C. DNA unwinding element
D. Primosome
E. Nucleosome
32. The template is read in replication in the
A. 3’-5’ direction
B. 5’-3’ direction
C. From both the directions
D. Any of these directions
E. None of these directions
33. the main enzyme to polymerize leading strand of eukaryotic DNA is –
A. DNA polymerase α
B. DNA polymerase β
C. DNA polymerase γ
D. DNA polymerase δ
E. DNA polymerase Σ
34. The 5’-3’ exonuclease activity involves all except-
A. Removal of one nucleotide at a time in the properly base paired DNA
B. Both ribonucleotides as well as as deoxy ribonucleotides can be removed
C. Groups of altered nucleotides can also be removed
D. Activity is possessed by both DNA polymerase I and III
E. DNA repair can also be undertaken by this activity
35. choose the incorrect statement about RNA polymerase
A. Can not initiate chain synthesis
B. Has no endonuclease activity
C. Has no proof reading activity
D. Utilizes ribonucleotides only for polymerization

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
E. Can bind to only double stranded DNA
36. Transcription of a gene in human cells:
A. Always begins at an AUG codon
B. Does not require local unwinding of DNA
C. Always reads the template in the 3’-5’ direction
D. Requires a primer
E. Involves the whole DNA
37. The chemical structure of 5’cap of eukaryotic mRNA cap is-
A. 5-methyl adenosine triphosphate
B. 7 -hydroxy guanosine triphosphate
C. 5- methyl guanosine triphosphate
D. 7 methyl guanosine triphosphate
E. 5,7 dimethyl guanosine triphosphate
38. choose the incorrect statement about mRNA
A. Poly (A) tail is added to the 3’ end
B. Cap is added to the 5’end
C. Methylation takes place at 2’hydroxy and the N6 of adenylyl residues
D. Histone mRNAs lack 5’cap
E. Introns are removed and exons are spliced together
39. the monomeric deoxyribonucleotide units of DNA include all except
A. Deoxyadenylate
B. Deoxyguanylate
C. Deoxycytidylate
D. Deoxyuridylate
E. Thymidylate
40. the strands of this double stranded helix are held in register by-
A. Hydrogen bonds between the purine and pyrimidine bases of the respective linear
B. Van der waals forces between the stacked adjacent base pairs
C. Hydrophobic interactions between the stacked adjacent base pairs
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
41. Chargaff’s rule states that in a double stranded DNA molecule-
A. Concentration of Deoxyadenosine (A) nucleotides equals that of Thymidine
(T) nucleotides
B. Concentration of Deoxyadenosine (A) nucleotides equals that of deoxy guanosine
(G) nucleotides
C. Concentration of Deoxy cytidine (C) nucleotides equals that of Thymidine (T)

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
D. Concentration of Deoxy Uridine (U) nucleotides equals that of deoxy guanosine (G)
E. All of the above
42. Choose the incorrect statement out of the following:
A. Double stranded DNA exists in at least six forms (A-E and Z)
B. The B form is usually found under physiologic conditions
C. Single turn of B-DNA about the axis of the molecule contains six base pairs
D. The distance spanned by one turn of B-DNA is 3.4nm
E. The width (helical diameter) of the double helix in B-DNA is 2nm
43. When the DNA molecule is twisted in the direction opposite from the clockwise turns of
the right-handed double helix found in B-DNA, such DNA is said to have acquired-
A. Z form
B. A form
C. Positive supercoils
D. Negative supercoils
E. No change
44. choose the correct statement out of the following:
A. The common form of DNA is said to be left-handed
B. The coding strand is copied during RNA synthesis
C. The two strands of the double-helical DNA molecule run parallel to each other
D. Template strand matches the sequence of the RNA transcript
E. The G-C bonds are much more resistant to denaturation than A-T rich
45. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a polymer of purine and pyrimidine ribonucleotides linked
together by-
A. Hydrogen bonds
B. Hydrophobic interactions
C. Vander walss forces
D. 3’-5’ phosphodiester linkages
E. 5’03’ phosphodiester linkages
46. which of the following types of RNA participate in RNA processing?
A. t-RNA
B. r-RNA
C. small nuclear RNA (snRNA)
D. small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)
E. heterogenous nuclear RNA (hnRNA)
47. The anticodon region is an important structural component of-
A. m-RNA

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
C. r-RNA
D. t-RNA
E. Micro RNAs
48. The small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) are rich in-
A. Uracil
B. Cytosine
C. Thymine
D. Adenine
E. Guanine
49. an endonuclease is an enzyme that hydrolyzes:
A. A nucleotide from only the 3’ end of an oligonucoeltide
B. A nucleotide from either terminal of an oligonucleotide
C. A phosphodiester bond located in the interior of a polynucleotide
D. A bond only in the specific sequence of nucleotides
E. A nucleotide from only the 5’ end of an oligonucleotide
50. which of the following RNAs contains both a 7-methyl guanosine triphosphate cap and
polyadenylate segment?
A. hn RNA
B. t-RNA
C. sn RNA
D. m-RNA
E. r-RNA
51. Choose the incorrect statement about an RNA:
A. has a single stranded structure
B. does not obey Chargaff’s rule
C. does not exhibit Watson and crisck’s base pairing
D. instead of uracil contains the ribonucleotides of thymine
E. the sugar moiety is ribose
52. which of the following statements is incorrect about tRNA species
A. they have the smallest size of the three major species
B. all tRNAs have between 10-20 nucleotides
C. there is at least one specific tRNA molecule for each of the 20 amino acids
D. they make up 15% of the tRNA in the cell
E. tRNA molecules contain unusual bases
53. which of the following does not need a primer in order to function?
A. DNA pol I
B. DNA pol II
C. DNA pol III
D. RNA polymerase

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
54. which of the following is required for end to end joining of DNA
A. DNA pol I
B. DNA ligase
C. DNA pol III
D. RNA polymerase
55. the only methylated base in mammals is?
A. 7-methyl guanine
B. Thymine
C. Methyl adenine
D. 5-methyl cytosine
56. 10. The RNA primer is removed from the Okazaki fragment by:
A. DNA pol I
B. DNA pol II
D. RNA polymerase
57. Enhancer regions in eukaryotic DNA are
A. DNA Pol I binding sites
B. Inhibit the binding of repressor
C. Enhance the frequency of transcription
D. Specific for given set of genes
58. in contrast to DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase
A. Fills in the gap between Okazaki fragments
B. Works only in 5’ to 3’ direction
C. Edits as it synthesizes
D. Synthesizes RNA primer to initiate DNA synthesis
59. DNA is replicated:
A. Conservatively
B. Distributively
C. Semi-conservatively
D. Dispersively
60. Eukaryotic RNA polymerase I is specialized to transcribe which of the following?
C. Ribosomal RNA
D. Mitochondria RNA
61. The melting temperature of DNA is the temperature where:
A. DNA anneals to RNA
B. DNA denatures into single strands
C. DNA is degraded

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
D. RNA binds to the ribosome
62. In protein synthesis which out of the following is not a termination codon?
63. A promoter site on DNA-
A. Is present upstream to the start site
B. Is present on the coding strand
C. Initiates transcription
D. All of the above
64. all are true for DNA polymerase except one-
A. Has exonuclease activity
B. Works only in 5’ to 3’ direction
C. Edits as it synthesizes
D. Synthesizes RNA primer to initiate DNA synthesis
65. what is added to the 3’-end of many eukaryotic mRNA after transcription?
A. Introns
B. Cap of modified G nucleotide
C. Poly A tail
D. Trinucleotide CCA
66. An 8 -year old boy is treated with ciprofloxacin for some respiratory infection. Which of
the following enzyme activity is most directly affected by this drug?
A. DNA polymerase
B. Topo isomerase
C. Reverse transcriptase
D. RNA polymerase
67. All of the following are required for purine de novo synthesis except:
A. CO2
B. Glycine
C. Glutamine
D. Isoleucine
68. A 40 year old alcoholic comes in with severe pain in his big toe. You decide to
administer allopurinol to inhibit which of the following enzymes:
A. Xanthine oxidase
B. Thymidine kinase
C. Adenosine deaminase
D. Adenine phosphoribosyl transferase
69. the following are features of DNA replication except:

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
A. Semi-conservative
B. Semi-discontinues
C. Unidirectional
D. Chain growth in the 5’→ 3’ direction
70. which ones of the following does not have introns?
B. Non-processed pseudo genes
C. Processed mRNA
D. Primary RNA transcript
71. which of the following is not true of RNA synthesis?
A. The key enzyme is RNA polymerase
B. The energy is supplied by ring cleavage
C. The RNA sequence is complementary to the template strand of DNA
D. The RNA sequence is of opposite polarity to the template strand of DNA
72. if the molar amount of G in a DNA sample is 20%, what is the molar amount of T in the
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 60%
73. which is true of the melting temperature of G-C pairs compared to A-T pairs in DNA?
A. The Tm are equal
B. Tm of G-C is less than the Tm of A-T
C. Tm of G-C is greater than the Tm of A-T
D. None of the above
74. all of the following are involved in translating information into proteins except:
B. siRNA
D. snRNA

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
1. Differentiate introns from exons in eukaryotic transcription
• Introns are sequences of genetic code found in eukaryotic organisms that are
transcribed into RNA but are not coded and are removed before translation.
• Exons are sequences of the genetic code that are transcribed and remain to be
translated into an amino acid sequence.
2. What are the differences and similarities between DNA Replication and Transcription
DNA replication
- produces 2 semiconserved - create new -produces a
double complementary nucleic single strand of
stranded DNA molecules acid strands mRNA

-uses DNA polymerase -read DNA code

-use RNA polymerase

3. State at least 4 differences between DNA and RNA

• sugar moiety to which the phosphates and purine and pyrimidine bases are attached
• pyrimidine components
• RNA exists as a single strand (hairpin fold), whereas DNA exists as a double-
stranded helical molecule.
• Purine/pyrimidine content
• RNA can be hydrolyzed by alkali to 2’,3’ cyclic diesters of the mononucleotides,
compounds that can not be formed from alkali-treated DNA because of the absence
of the hydroxyl group at C-2 of the ribose
4. What factors contribute to the strict pairing of A-T and G-C

• The restrictions imposed by the rotation about the phosphodiester bond,

• the favored anti configuration of the glycosidic bond
• predominant tautomers & concentrations of the four bases (A, G, T, and C) allow A to
pair only with T and G only with C,
5. briefly explain the central dogma of molecular biology?

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
6. The genetic information stored in the nucleotide sequence of DNA serves two purposes.
What are these?

• It is the source of information for the synthesis of all protein molecules of the cell and
• it provides the information inherited by daughter cells or offspring (daughter DNA

7. consider the following diagram and fill in the blanks

In the coiling process, the double helix wraps around ____________ proteins, as shown in
figure on the right. The DNA/histone further condenses into a fiber that is called
__________________. Depending on the cell life cycle, chromatin can undergo further
coiling. For example, before a cell divides chromatin is coiled into its tightest, most compact
shape, which is called a ______________________.
8. In DNA synthesis, what is the function of each of the following

• Helicase - unwind
• Topoisomerases – torsion relief
• SSB – stabilize & protect
• DNA Polymerase – dNTP addition
o 3’→5’ exonuclease activity - proofreading
o 5’→3’ exonuclease only – RNA Primer slicing

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Mulungushi University
School of Medicine and Health Sciences
MBChB program
Biochemistry MBI 261
2nd Year 1st semester DNA_RNA Practice questions
Prepared by Dr. Masenga SK
• Primase – RNA primer
• DNA ligase – join/seal fragments
• Replisome – DNA synthesis complex at repl. Fork
9. What enzymes degrade DNA

• DNA Is Degraded by Nucleases or DNases if they are specific for DNA rather than
• Nucleases:
― Exonucleases degrade nucleic acids from one end of the molecule.
― Endonucleases can begin to degrade at specific internal sites in a nucleic acid
strand or molecule, reducing it to smaller and smaller fragments
10. what is the function of mRNA, tRNA and r-RNA?
mRNAs - transfer of genetic material from DNA to protein synthesizing machinery
rRNA – have structural roles and contribute to the formation and function of ribosomes (the
organellar machinery for protein synthesis)
tRNA – adaptor molecules for translation of RNA information into specific sequence of
polymerized amino acids:- allowing physical linkage between mRNA and amino acids

11. list atleast 4 differences between DNA and RNA synthesis

12. The 5′ cap on mature mRNA has four main functions, mention them:
― Regulation of nuclear export
― Prevention of degradation by exonucleases
― Promotion of translation
― Promotion of 5′ proximal intron excision.
13. Name the 3 Post transcriptional modifications of mRNA

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