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With a great many of us now trying to lose weight as a New Year's resolution, can artificial
intelligence (AI) personal trainers replace human ones?

5 "I'd never set foot in a gym before," says Varun Bhanot, the chief executive of AI fitness software
firm Magic AI. "I found it too intimidating. It's also very expensive, and inconvenient when
you've got to travel to get there."

When Mr Bhanot was told a few years back that he needed to lose weight or face health problems,
he transformed his life with the help of a personal trainer - a human one. But it dawned on Mr
10 Bhanot that advice from an AI fitness chatbot, available to people in their own homes, could make
a healthy lifestyle more accessible. So, in 2021, he set up Magic AI.

Its main product, the Magic Mirror, is a touch-screen mirror that also plays a video of an AI-
powered trainer in human form. "When you log in you put in all of your biometric information,
and then the AI generates a personalised programme, just like a human personal trainer," says Mr
15 Bhanot. The AI trainer can talk to you via loudspeakers and, using cameras to track your workout
movements, it offers instant feedback and suggestions. As you progress it devises new workouts.

It comes as the use of AI in the global fitness and wellbeing sectors is continuing to soar. One
report estimated that the market was worth $7.8bn (£6.1bn) in 2022 and forecasted that the value
would jump to $35.6bn by 2030. […] The rise in AI-powered fitness apps suggests that some
20 people feel more comfortable interacting with a computer than they do with a human. While for
others it might just be about the convenience of having a fitness coach in their pocket.

But can AI really replicate the motivation that comes from human interaction?

Pilates teacher and physiotherapist Esther Fox doesn't think so. "People want to speak to
somebody they know and trust," she says. "AI is not something I would particularly want to use."
25 The way to get results, Ms Fox says, is by connecting with people. "When people feel heard and
understood, they listen to you - and they do what you want," she says. "It's a very human
experience. "There's a lot of emotional intelligence that goes into health and fitness that you just
can't replace with AI." […]

Mr Bhanot says that the idea is not to replace gyms, but to work alongside them, "like Netflix and
30 cinema, food delivery and restaurants. AI offers another option for people who value flexibility
and convenience". While most AI fitness apps are designed as a solitary pursuit, now the first gym
has opened where people can exercise together, all trained by AI coaches. […]

Physiotherapist Lucy McDonald says that "if AI is programmed properly, then I can see a huge
amount of potential for it to help people to progress their exercises". However, she cautions that
35 AI might not always get things right, and so people should still check with a human expert before
they risk over-training or injury. […]

Katherine Latham, BBC News, January 4th, 2024

Key points:

1. Magic ai and varun bhanot's journey:

 Varun bhanot, ceo of magic ai, shares his personal transformation story. He
initially found gyms intimidating, expensive, and inconvenient. His own weight
5 loss journey with a human personal trainer inspired him to make a healthy lifestyle
more accessible through ai.

2. Magic mirror - ai fitness solution:

 Magic ai's flagship product, the magic mirror, combines a touch-screen mirror with
a video display featuring an ai-powered trainer in human form.

10  Users input biometric information, and the ai generates personalized fitness

programs, offering instant feedback and suggestions using cameras to track
workout movements.

3. Global trends in ai fitness:

 The global fitness and wellbeing sectors are experiencing a surge in ai adoption,
15 with the market estimated at $7.8 billion in 2022 and projected to reach $35.6
billion by 2030.

4. User comfort and convenience:

 The rise in ai-powered fitness apps suggests that some individuals prefer
interacting with a computer over a human coach. Convenience and having a fitness
20 coach readily available on a mobile device contribute to the popularity of ai

5. Human motivation vs. Ai interaction:

 Pilates teacher esther fox questions whether ai can replicate the motivation derived
from human interaction. She emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence
25 in health and fitness, asserting that it cannot be replaced by ai.

6. Magic ai's vision:

 Varun bhanot clarifies that magic ai aims to complement traditional gyms rather
than replace them. He compares the relationship between ai and gyms to that of
netflix and cinema, or food delivery and restaurants.

30 7. Group workouts with ai coaches:

 The article mentions the opening of the first gym where individuals can exercise
together, all guided by ai coaches, indicating a shift towards ai-supported group
fitness activities.

8. Professional caution:

35  Physiotherapist lucy mcdonald acknowledges the potential of ai to help people

progress in their exercises but advises caution, highlighting the importance of
proper ai programming and the necessity to consult with human experts to avoid
over-training or injury.
Conclusion: in conclusion, the article provides insights into the evolving landscape of ai in the
fitness industry, showcasing both the potential benefits and the skepticism surrounding ai's ability
to replace the human touch in health and fitness. Magic ai's innovative approach and the ongoing
market trends highlight the dynamic intersection between technology and personal well-being.
5 Thank you for your attention. Any questions or thoughts are welcome.

the piece delves into the intersection of technology and fitness, particularly focusing on the
potential of ai personal trainers.


The article begins with varun bhanot, ceo of magic ai, sharing his personal journey to fitness.
Bhanot highlights the common challenges people face with traditional gyms, such as intimidation,
expense, and inconvenience.

15 Magic ai's solution:

In 2021, bhanot founded magic ai and introduced the "magic mirror," a touch-screen mirror
serving as an ai-powered fitness trainer. Users input biometric information, and the ai generates a
personalized workout program similar to a human personal trainer.

20 Features of the magic mirror:

The magic mirror includes video playback of an ai trainer in human form, loudspeakers for
communication, and cameras to track workout movements. It provides instant feedback and
suggestions, evolving the program as users progress.

25 Market trends:

The article notes the global growth of ai in fitness and wellbeing, estimating the market's worth at
$7.8 billion in 2022, with a projected increase to $35.6 billion by 2030.

User preferences:


A rising trend is the preference for ai-powered fitness apps, indicating that some individuals find
comfort in interacting with a computer rather than a human. Convenience is also cited as a factor
for having a "fitness coach in their pocket."

Human interaction vs. Ai motivation:

Pilates teacher and physiotherapist esther fox expresses skepticism, emphasizing the importance of
human connection in fitness. She argues that emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in
achieving results, something not easily replaceable by ai.

Magic ai's perspective:

Varun bhanot clarifies that magic ai aims to complement traditional gyms, not replace them. He
draws parallels with other industries, likening ai's role to that of netflix alongside cinemas or food
delivery alongside restaurants.

Group workouts with ai coaches:


A noteworthy development is the opening of the first gym where individuals can exercise
together, guided by ai coaches, challenging the perception of ai as a solitary pursuit.

Professional caution:

15 Physiotherapist lucy mcdonald acknowledges the potential of ai to aid exercise progression but
warns of potential inaccuracies. She advises users to consult human experts to avoid over-training
or injury.


20 In conclusion, the article paints a picture of the evolving landscape where ai and fitness intersect.
Magic ai's innovative approach, while met with enthusiasm, also sparks debates about the
irreplaceable aspects of human connection and emotional intelligence in the pursuit of a healthier

Thank you for your attention. If there are any questions or thoughts, i'd be happy to discuss
25 further.

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