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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário

Voz Passiva
As definições de voz ativa e voz passiva referem-se à forma do verbo. Na voz ativa, o sujeito do verbo é a
pessoa ou coisa que pratica a ação. Neste caso, a ênfase é dada em quem pratica a ação.


Caio prepared a delicious Italian dish last dinner.

(Caio praticou a ação de preparar um delicioso prato italiano).

This dog ate all the feed you gave him.

(O cachorro praticou a ação de comer toda a ração que você lhe deu). PLAY

Na voz passiva, o sujeito da frase sofre a ação do verbo. Neste caso, a

ênfase é dada na ação em si.

A delicious Italian dish was prepared last night.

(Um prato Italiano delicioso sofreu a ação de ser preparado). PLAY

All the feed you gave the dog was eaten.

(Toda a ração foi comida pelo cachorro) PLAY

Na voz passiva, o responsável pela a ação pode ser indicado pelo agente da passiva
(by + quem ou o que praticou a ação). Exemplos:

This song was written by Rihana. PLAY

The window was broken by the ball. PLAY

A formação de frases na voz passiva é feita com o to be seguido do particípio passado do verbo. O verbo to be
acompanha o tempo verbal da frase na voz ativa. Observe a tabela abaixo:


Pedro His car is

PRESENTE washes his washed
car every PLAY every PLAY
SIMPLES week. week.

1 de 11 07/04/2019, 08:54
Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

His cars
washes his
cars every

Pedro is His car is

washing being
PRESENTE his car. washed.
CONTÍNUO Pedro is His cars
washing are being
his cars. washed.

His car was
washed his
PASSADO yesterday.
PLAY His cars PLAY
washed his

Pedro was His car was

washing being
PASSADO his car. washed.
CONTÍNUO Pedro was His cars
washing were being
his cars. washed.

Pedro has His car has

washed his been
PRESENTE car. washed.
PERFEITO Pedro has His cars
washed his have been
cars. washed.

PASSADO Pedro had His car had

washed his PLAY been PLAY
PERFEITO car. washed.

Pedro is His car is

going to going to
wash his be
car. washed.

Pedro is His cars

going to are going

2 de 11 07/04/2019, 08:54
Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

wash his to be
cars. washed.

Pedro will His car will

FUTURO wash his PLAY be PLAY
car. washed.

Pedro can
wash his
His car can
Pedro washed.
His car
wash his
could be
Pedro may
His car
wash his
may be
His car
should be
His car
ought to
ought to
wash his
His car
must be
must wash
his car.
His car
would be
wash his

21.1. Grammar Practice

01. Choose the correct option to the passive voice of the following
sentence: “The New York Times interviewed dozens of people in recent PLAY

a) Dozens of people are interviewed in recent days by The New York

Times. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

b) Dozens of people was interviewed in recent days by The New York


c) Dozens of people had been interviewed in recent days by The New

York Times. PLAY

d) Dozens of people were interviewed in recent days by The New York

Times. PLAY

e) Dozens of people were been interviewed in recent days by The New

York Times.

02. Choose the correct option to the passive voice of the following
sentence: “We asked him to be our commander”.

a) He is asked to be our commander. PLAY

b) He was asked to be our commander. PLAY

c) He is going to be asked to be our commander. PLAY

d) He were asked to be our commander. PLAY

e) He was being asked to be our commander. PLAY

03. The sentence: “A detailed description is given by the scientists” in the

active voice, is: PLAY

a) The scientists will give a detailed description. PLAY

b) The scientists give a detailed description PLAY

c) The scientists given a detailed description. PLAY

d) The scientists will have given a detailed description. PLAY

e) The scientists have given a detailed description. PLAY

04. Choose the alternative that brings the active voice of the following
sentence: “The 2014 cup will be hosted by Brazil”.

a) Brazil hosted the 2014 Cup. PLAY

b) Brazil will host the 2014 Cup. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

c) Brazil have hosted the 2014 Cup. PLAY

d) Brazil had hosted the 2014 Cup. PLAY

e) Brazil will have hosted the 2014 Cup. PLAY

05. “Nathalie had been told about the party”, in the active voice is: PLAY

a) Nobody told Nathalie about the party. PLAY

b) Everybody would tell Nathalie about the party. PLAY

c) Somebody had told Nathalie about the party. PLAY

d) The party was told about Nathalie. PLAY

e) Nathalie had told somebody about the party. PLAY

06. Choose the alternative that brings the passive voice of the following
sentence: “We encourage our children to go swimming”.

a) Our children have been encouraged to go swimming. PLAY

b) Our children are encouraged to go swimming. PLAY

c) Our children will be encouraged to go swimming. PLAY

d) Our children were encouraged to go swimming. PLAY

e) Our children may be encouraged to go swimming. PLAY

07. Mark the sentence below which is NOT in the passive voice: PLAY

a) A stylish computer was programmed. PLAY

b) The Russian translation was then fed into the computer. PLAY

c) A innovative telephone system was unveiled. PLAY

d) It was instructed to translate “silence”. PLAY

e) A computer will always have difficulty in making sense of it. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

08. Choose the sentence that is not in the passive voice: PLAY

a) A long time was lost when we were waiting for Alice. PLAY

b) The letter was posted yesterday. PLAY

c) The lessons were finally learnt. PLAY

d) This house was built by my grandfather. PLAY

e) The loud noise frightened the baby. PLAY

09. Complete the sentence in the passive voice: “The Statue of Liberty
_________ to the United States by France”.

a) Is given PLAY

b) Will be given PLAY

c) Have been given PLAY

d) Was given PLAY

e) Was being given PLAY

21.2. Reading Practice



The US government says land that oil and gas companies

want to drill in Alaska is a crucial home for polar bears.
Environmentalists hope this announcement will help save the
endangered animals. PLAY
Right now in an icy den in the Arctic, a polar bear is
giving birth to cubs, or is about to. But the very survival of
this fearsome, majestic species concerns many humans.

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

Polar bears live and hunt on sea ice, but the frozen Arctic
Ocean is melting at an increasing rate, a result, scientists say,
of global warming caused by greenhouse gases.

Now the US government has designated nearly 500,000

km2 in Alaska as critical habitats for the polar bear. It covers
an area of roughly twice the size of the United Kingdom, and
it means any proposed economic activity there, must be
weighed against its impact on the bears’ habitat. It includes
some of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, exactly where the oil PLAY
company, Shell, wants to drill.
The designation itself doesn’t ban oil exploration, but it adds
extra obstacles that opponents say will harm the economy.
Environmentalists welcome the move, saying now they can
write a recovery plan for polar bears, not an obituary.

MIRCHANDANI, Rajesh. Polar bears will be protectedin Alaska.

Disponível em:<<

01. About the polar bear reserve in Alaska, it’s correct to say that PLAY

( ) it has about half a million square kilometers. PLAY

( ) it’s almost double the size of the United Kingdom’s territory. PLAY

( ) oil exploration will definitely be forbidden there. PLAY

( ) it has been suffering the bad effects of the increase in temperature

around the world. PLAY

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is PLAY

a) F T F T
b) F F T F
c) T T F T
d) T F T F
e) T T T T

02. The U.S. government __________a large area in Alaska as

__________ for the polar bear. PLAY

According to what is stated in the 4th paragraph, the alternative that

suitably completes these blanks is PLAY

a) identified – difficult places. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

b) has shown – the worst homes. PLAY

c) will be selecting – uninhabited places. PLAY

d) officially announced – the wrong territories. PLAY

e) has formally chosen – essential endangered homes. PLAY

03. The best adjective to describe the way environmentalist feel about
the US government project is PLAY

a) fearful. PLAY

b) hopeful. PLAY

c) distressed. PLAY

d) discouraged. PLAY

e) disappointed. PLAY

04. The expression “is about to” (l. 6) conveys the meaning of something
that PLAY

a) must be observed. PLAY

b) has just taken place. PLAY

c) will take long to happen. PLAY

d) is happening right now. PLAY

e) is going to happen very soon. PLAY

05. The fragment “must be weighed against” (l. 14) should be understood
as must be PLAY

a) adopted quickly. PLAY

b) rejected definitely. PLAY

c) considered carefully. PLAY

d) determined beforehand. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

e) discouraged immediately. PLAY

06. Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say: PLAY

a) the pronoun “that” (l. 1) refers to “the us government” (l. 1). PLAY

b) the demonstrative “this” (l. 3) is in the plural form. PLAY

c) the noun “survival” (l. 6) is formed by adding a suffix to the verb. PLAY

d) “must be weighed” (l. 14-15) is in the passive voice. PLAY

e) “doesn’t” (l. 18) is being used as a main verb. PLAY


Dr. Mehmet Oz is a heart surgeon, and longtime resident

healer on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Last year, he launched
his own daily TV show in the U.S., The Dr. Oz Show. He was
asked what he has learned from his years answering health
What advice do people never take?
Maintain muscle mass. Frailty is a killer, and it can start
very early in life. By the time you’re 50, you’re getting hunched
over (start curving your back and shoulders forward); even by PLAY

40, you’re putting on weight because fat burns fewer calories

than muscle does. You need to get some arduous daily
physical activity, at the gym or just by doing some serious
gardening. Yoga and tai chi are great for this, by the way.–
Done right, they help build strength.
What advice do you yourself have the most trouble

I have a really difficult time meditating. I used to try to rest

my mind when I was on the treadmill, but I kept jumping off
to jot down some great idea that was actually not great but
seemed like it when I was running as fast as I could. What
works for me is yoga; I do it every morning.
How will you stay healthy, doing the TV show five days
a week on top of surgery and everything else? PLAY
I’ve tried to engineer things so that it’s easy for me to do
the right thing. I have exercise equipment in front of the TV.
I need to watch Oprah every day, so I run on – the elliptical
trainer while I watch it. During the commercials, I do my
weight work. It sounds dumb but I get my workout in.
What are the two most important things people should

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

do to keep themselves young?

Walk. When you can’t walk a quarter mile in five minutes,
your chance of – dying within three years goes up dramatically.
Second most important is building up a community —
avoiding isolation. Because if your heart doesn’t have a
reason to keep beating, it won’t.

PERI, Camille. DR. OZ: how to live long and well. Reader’s
Digest, Iowa, Sept. 9, 2009, p. 78

01. De acordo com o Dr. Oz, os requisitos necessários para uma vida jovem e saudável são os citados nas
seguintes proposições:

(01) Formar um círculo de amizades.

(02) Procurar manter a massa muscular.

(04) Fazer intensos exercícios físicos diariamente.

(08) Evitar exercícios com peso, em academias de ginástica.

(16) Praticar exercícios diários de meditação no início da manhã.

(32) Dar preferência a atividades físicas realizadas ao ar livre.

(64) Caminhar, pelo menos, cerca de quatro milhas cinco vezes por semana.

02. São afirmações verdadeiras sobre o Dr. Oz:

(01) Pratica ioga diariamente.

(02) Faz corridas longas duas vezes por semana.

(04) Atua como cirurgião plástico em sua própria clínica.

(08) Adora exercitar-se trabalhando no jardim de sua casa.

(16) Tem, atualmente, seu próprio programa de televisão.

(32) Consegue meditar somente enquanto se exercita na esteira.

(64) Faz musculação durante os intervalos do programa de Oprah Winfrey.

03. Quanto ao uso da linguagem no texto, é correto afirmar:

(01) “surgeon” (l. 1) e “questions” (l. 5) exercem função de adjetivo.

(02) “He was asked” (l. 3-4) descreve ação na voz passiva.

(04) “fewer [...] than” (l. 10-11) está empregado no comparativo de superioridade.

(08) “engineer” (l. 24) funciona como substantivo.

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

(16) “while” (l. 27) introduz uma oração temporal.

(32) “should” (l. 29) e “can’t” (l. 31) expressam, respectivamente, obrigação e proibição.

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