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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos


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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário

Sentenças Condicionais
Frases condicionais retratam algo que tem que ser cumprido caso determinada coisa aconteça. Por exemplo: I
will go out if it stops raining (eu vou sair se parar de chover). Analisando este exemplo é possível perceber que
a condição para que eu saia de casa, é parar de chover.

Existem três tipos de frases condicionais em inglês:

I) Primeira condicional: Fala-se ou pergunta-se sobre algo que é real, que é absolutamente possível de
acontecer. Sua forma mais comum é: IF + presente simples + futuro simples ou presente simples.


If I meet Paulo, I’ll give him your message.

(é possível que eu encontre Paulo, então entregarei sua mensagem). PLAY

Gabriel will move from Curitiba if he gets that job.

(Há uma probabilidade que Gabriel consiga aquele emprego e se mude PLAY
de Curitiba).

Vinícius will fall in love if he meets you.

(Se Vinícius conhecer você, provavelmente ele se apaixonará). PLAY

If it rains, São Paulo’s traffic becomes impossible.

(Se chover, certamente o tráfico de São Paulo ficará impossível) PLAY

II) Segunda condicional: Descreve uma ação irreal ou improvável no presente ou no futuro. Sua forma mais
comum é: IF + passado simples + sentença com would.


If I met Paulo, I’d give him your message.

(Se eu encontrasse Paulo, eu entregaria sua mensagem). PLAY

Gabriel would move from Curitiba if he got that job.

(Grabriel se mudaria de Curitiba caso conseguisse aquele emprego) PLAY

Vinícius would fall in love if he met you.

(Vinícius se apaixonaria por você se ele te conhecesse) PLAY

If it rained, São Paulo’s traffic would become impossible.

(Se chovesse, o trânsito de São Paulo ficaria impossível).

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

III) Terceira condicional: É impossível que a condição se realize, pois se refere a um evento no passado. Sua
forma mais comum é: if + Past Perfect + would + have + particípio.


If I had met Paulo, I would have given him your message.

(Se eu tivesse encontrado Paulo, teria entregue sua mensagem para PLAY

Gabriel would have moved from Curitiba if he had gotten that job.
(Se Gabriel tivesse conseguido aquele emprego, ele teria se mudado de PLAY

Vinícius would have fallen in love if he had met you.

(Vinícius teria se apaixonado se ele tivesse conhecido você). PLAY

If it had rained, São Paulo’s traffic would have become impossible.

(Se tivesse chovido, o trânsito de São Paulo ficaria impossível).


É importante saber que usa-se were em frases que trazem a primeira ( I

) ou terceira (he, she, it) pessoas do singular. Exemplos:

If I were you, I’d call the doctor. PLAY

I would tell all the truth if I were you. PLAY

Robson would travel with you if he were on vacation. PLAY

UNLESS (se não / a menos que) – substitui if not. Exemplos:

I’ll not talk to Pedro if he doesn’t apologize.

(eu não conversarei com Pedro se ele não se desculpar). PLAY

I’ll not talk to Pedro unless he apologizes.

(eu não conversarei com Pedro, a menos que ele se desculpe).

IN CASE (em caso de)

Take your jacket in case it’s cold.

(pegue sua jaqueta no caso de fazer frio). PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

I’ll give you the address in case you get lost.

(eu vou te dar o endereço caso você se perca).

AS LONG AS (somente se / desde que)

He will not make mistakes as long as you teach him the exercises.
(ele não cometerá erros desde que você o ensine o exercício). PLAY

We would travel as long as you had enough money.

(nós viajaríamos somente se você tivesse dinheiro suficiente).

I WISH (eu queria que...) – expressa desejo ou arrependimento sobre o


I wish I hadn’t missed that plane.

(eu queria não ter perdido aquele avião). PLAY

I wish we hadn’t gone to that party.

(eu queria que nós não tivéssemos ido àquela festa)

IF ONLY (se ao menos) – expressa desejo sobre o presente.

If only I could understand math.

(se ao menos eu entendesse matemática) PLAY

If only he called me right now.

(se ao menos ele me ligasse agora).

23.1. Grammar Practice

01. If you ________ five and six you _________ eleven. PLAY

a) Add / would get PLAY

b) Add / would have got PLAY

c) Add / get PLAY

d) Add / gets PLAY

e) Adds / get PLAY

02. If you ___________ Sílvio, he ________________ all the truth. PLAY

a) Had asked / would said PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

b) Have asked / will say PLAY

c) Have asked / would have said PLAY

d) Asked / would have said PLAY

e) Had asked / would have said PLAY

03. What ___________________ if he __________ hurt? PLAY

a) Would you have did / had got PLAY

b) Would you have done / had got PLAY

c) Would you have done / got PLAY

d) Will you have done / had got PLAY

e) Would have you done / had got PLAY

04. If I ___________ a millionaire, I ___________ around the world. PLAY

a) Was / would travel PLAY

b) Was / will travel PLAY

c) Were / will travel PLAY

d) Were / would travel PLAY

e) Were / would have traveled PLAY

05. Your children ______________ if they _____________ hard. PLAY

a) Will succeed / work PLAY

b) Would have succeed / work PLAY

c) Will succeed / worked PLAY

d) succeed / will work PLAY

e) succeed / would work PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

06. Nobody __________ you if you ____________ louder. PLAY

a) Would hear / don’t speak PLAY

b) Would have heard / don’t speak PLAY

c) Will hear / doesn’t speak PLAY

d) Will hear / speak PLAY

e) Will hear / don’t speak PLAY

07. Water _____________ if you ____________ it to 100°C. PLAY

a) Boil / heat PLAY

b) Boil / heats PLAY

c) Boils / heat PLAY

d) Boil / heating PLAY

e) Boils / heats PLAY

08. If Liz __________ here, she ___________ what to say. PLAY

a) Were / would known PLAY

b) Were / would know PLAY

c) Were / would have known PLAY

d) Was / will know PLAY

e) Was / would know PLAY

09. If Rejane ___________ this match, she ___________ the next

champion. PLAY

a) Win / will be PLAY

b) Wins / will be PLAY

c) Wins / would be PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

d) Win / is PLAY

e) Wins / will been PLAY

10. If she ____________ him what he wanted, he __________ happy

now. PLAY

a) Gives / would be PLAY

b) Give / would be PLAY

c) Gave / would be PLAY

d) Gave / will be PLAY

e) Gave / would been PLAY

23.2. Reading Practice

TEXT 43 -Gregor Mendel PLAY

Gregor Johann Mendel was born on July 22, 1822, in

Heizendorf, Austria. He was the only son of a peasant farmer.
In 1843 he began studying at the St. Thomas Monastery of the
Augustinian Order. After his ordination, Mendel was assigned to
pastoral duties, but it soon became apparent that he was more
suited to teaching. In 1849, he was assigned to a secondary PLAY
school in the city of Znaim. It was there that he took the
qualifying examination for teacher certification and failed. In
1851, he entered the University of Vienna to train to be a teacher
of Mathematics and Biology. It was there that he developed his
skills as a researcher which he utilized later in his life.

Mendel did groundbreaking work into the theories of

heredity. He studied seven basic characteristics of the pea pod
plants. By tracing these characteristics, Mendel discovered
three basic laws which governed the passage of a trait from
one member of a species to another member of the same
Mendel found actual proof of the existence of genes and is PLAY

considered to be the father of genetics. Unfortunately, he was not

recognized for his work by his scientific peers and his findings
were not given their real importance until the early 1900s. His
work and theories later became the basis for the study of modern
genetics, and are still recognized and used today.

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

MENDEL, Gregor. Disponível em: <


01. About Gregor Mendel, it’s correct to say: PLAY

a) He came from a large family. PLAY

b) His father was a wealthy man. PLAY

c) He wasn’t good at doing research. PLAY

d) He never finished his course at the St. Thomas Monastery. PLAY

e) He did badly at his qualifying exams to become a teacher. PLAY

02. It’s stated in the text that Mendel’s findings PLAY

a) were only valued by his contemporaries. PLAY

b) were only recognized after his death. PLAY

c) have become dated nowadays. PLAY

d) are underestimated by the modern scientific community. PLAY

e) are too complex to be understood by the average individual. PLAY

03. The only false cognate is in alternative PLAY

a) “ordination” (l. 4). PLAY

b) “entered” (l. 9). PLAY

c) “utilized” (l. 11). PLAY

d) “governed” (l. 15). PLAY

e) “actual” (l. 18). PLAY

04. “Mendel did groundbreaking work into the theories of heredity.” (l.
12-13). This sentence means that Mendel

a) had to work incessantly. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

b) used traditional methods. PLAY

c) achieved new results. PLAY

d) disregarded past studies. PLAY

e) started all over again. PLAY

05. Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say: PLAY

a) The adverb “later” (l. 11) is in the superlative degree. PLAY

b) The verb form “did” (l. 12) is functioning as an auxiliary. PLAY

c) The demonstrative “these” (l. 14) is in the singular. PLAY

d) The relative pronoun “which” (l. 15) can be replaced by that. PLAY

e) The verb form “found” (l. 18) describes a present action. PLAY

06. “his findings were not given their real importance” (l. 20-21). This
sentence can be exactly rewritten in the active voice as People _______ PLAY
his findings their real importance.

The alternative that completes this sentence correctly is PLAY

a) did not give. PLAY

b) was not giving. PLAY

c) wouldn’t give. PLAY

d) hasn’t given. PLAY

e) hadn’t given. PLAY

TEXT 44 -Japanese garbage island moves towards US PLAY

Following the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami

disasters, a massive amount of rubbish has washed into the
Pacific Ocean. The US Navy is watching the garbage with
interest as it floats towards Hawaii and the west coast of the
United States.
Entire houses, bodies, car parts, tractors and many

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

upturned boats have amassed off the east coast of Japan

on an epic scale. The floating objects have been declared
a maritime danger by the American Navy, which warned
they could pierce the body of a boat, or destroy engines in
the Pacific’s shipping lanes. The island of debris of most
concern, 110 kilometers long, is being closely monitored
by the US Navy’s seventh fleet, as experts predict it could
hit Hawaii’s shores in two years and the American west
coast a year later. Hawaiian scientists put it honestly. They
warned that a vast mass that originated in a few moments
of destruction in Japan, could eventually foul beaches
and reefs off the Eastern North Pacific and kill marine life.
The American Navy’s working with civilian construction
companies from the earthquake-hit country, as huge
cranes and boats are sent to clear the seas of this vast
bobbing mass of wreckage of household furniture, wood,
tires, fishing equipment and other garbage, sweeping

LOBEL,Mark.Disponível em: <


01. Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). It’s stated in the
text: PLAY

( ) A negligible amount of rubbish has been produced by the Japanese

earthquake and tsunami disasters. PLAY

( ) The island of debris is expected to reach the west coast of America in

about three years. PLAY

( ) The American Navy thinks that the island of floating objects is not
powerful enough to affect large boats. PLAY

( ) The most dangerous island of debris is over a hundred kilometers

long. PLAY

According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is PLAY

a) F F T T
b) F T F T
c) T T F F
d) T F T F
e) T T T T

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

02. Scientists believe that the Japanese garbage might _____________. PLAY

The only alternative in disagreement with the text is PLAY

a) pollute beaches. PLAY

b) damage coral reefs. PLAY

c) make sea creatures die. PLAY

d) make holes in boat structures. PLAY

e) improve tourism in the eastern north pacific. PLAY

03. The only alternative without a pair of opposites is PLAY

a) “massive” (l. 2) — small. PLAY

b) “most” (l. 11) — least. PLAY

c) “closely” (l. 12) — carefully. PLAY

d) “later” (l. 15) — earlier. PLAY

e) “huge” (l. 20) — tiny. PLAY

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