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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos


Atenção: Esse curso é de autoria da Prime Cursos do Brasil LTDA (registro número 978-85-5906-164-2 BN)
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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário

Discurso Direto e Indireto

O discurso direto é usado quando se quer informar o que determinada pessoa disse ou perguntou exatamente
com as mesmas palavras.


Camila said, “I’m always busy in this job. I’m getting tired of this”
Rita asked me, “Are you going home now?”. And I said, “Yes. I’ve PLAY
concluded my work”

Note, nos exemplos acima, que a informação veio entre aspas (“ ”) e

separada por vírgula (,) e não sofreu nenhuma alteração.

No discurso indireto, a informação é transmitida com as palavras de

quem fala, neste caso, não há mais a necessidade do uso de aspas e a
frase sofre algumas alterações.

Camila said that she’s always busy in that job and that she’s getting tired
of it. PLAY

Rita asked me if I was going home that time and I said yes, because I
had concluded my work. PLAY


Ao observar os exemplos acima, podemos verificar que as frases sofreram algumas modificações nos tempos
verbais (I’ve concluded / I had concluded), nos pronomes (I’m always busy / she’s always busy) e em
advérbios (now / that time) ao serem transformadas do discurso direto para o indireto. Veja a tabela abaixo e
analise outras modificações:


Passado simples
He said that he PLAY
He said: “I work
worked a lot.
a lot”.

1 de 13 07/04/2019, 08:55
Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

Passado perfeito
PLAY He said that he PLAY
He said: “I
had worked a lot.
worked a lot”.

Passado perfeito
PLAY He said that he PLAY
He said: “I have
had worked a lot.
worked a lot”.

Passado perfeito
PLAY He said he had PLAY
He said: “I had
worked a lot.
worked a lot”.

Presente Passado
contínuo contínuo
He said: “I’m He said that he
working a lot”. was working a lot.

Passado perfeito
PLAY He said that he PLAY
He said: “I was
had been working
working a lot”.
a lot.

He said that he is
Futuro: going to
going to work a lot.
He said: “I’m
going to work a
He said that he
was going to work
a lot.

Futuro: Will Would

He said: “I will PLAY He said that he PLAY

work a lot”. would work a lot.

Can Could

He said: “I can PLAY He said that he PLAY

work a lot”. could work a lot.

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

May Might

He said: “I may PLAY He said that he PLAY

work a lot”. might work a lot.

Shall Should

He said: “I shall PLAY He said that he PLAY

work a lot”. should work a lot.

Must Had to

He said: “I must PLAY He said that he PLAY

work a lot”. had to work a lot.

É importante lembrar que há situações em que a mudança de tempo

verbal é opcional:

Quando o que é relatado acabou de ser dito. Exemplo:

A: I’m going home with José.

B: Sorry, what did you say? PLAY
A: I said I’m going home with José.

Quando é relatado algo que ainda é verdadeiro. Exemplo:

The teacher said: “your time is over”. PLAY

The teacher said that your time is over. PLAY

Quando é relatada uma verdade universal ou lei científica.Exemplo:

You told me: “the water boils at 100º Celsius. PLAY

You told me the water boils at 100º Celsius. PLAY


Mudanças no advérbio de tempo também acontecem:


this (evening) that (evening)

today yesterday / that day

these (days) those (days)

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

now Then

(a month) ago (a month) before

last weekend the weekend before /the previous weekend

here there

next (month) the following (month)

the next /
the following day

Mudanças nos pronomes acontecem com frequência. Observe estes exemplos:


She said: “My

She said her
name is PLAY
name is Amanda.

Carlos asked me: Carlos asked me if

“Are these your PLAY those were my PLAY
keys?”. keys.

Maiana told us: Maiana told us

“We traveled that they had
together for two traveled together PLAY

days”. for two days.

I couldn’t believe I couldn’t believe

when he said: PLAY when he said he PLAY
“I love you”. loved me.


Você pode ter observado que nos exemplos ora usou-se said, ora usou-se told. Embora ambos signifiquem
“disse” said é usado quando a pessoa com quem se fala não é mencionada:


Tiago said: “I’ll arrive in some minutes”. PLAY

Tiago said that he would arrive in some minutes. PLAY

(Tiago informou que chegaria em alguns minutos, no entanto, não se

sabe a quem esta informação foi transmitida).

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

Quando quiser mencionar com quem se fala usando said, é necessário o acréscimo do
“to”. Exemplos:
Tiago said to his mother: “I’ll arrive in some minutes”. PLAY

Tiago said to his mother that he would arrive in some minutes. PLAY

(Tiago informou à sua mãe que chegaria em alguns minutos).

Quando se sabe a quem a informação foi transmitida, usa-se “told”.Exemplos:

Tiago told me: “I’ll arrive in some minutes”. PLAY

Tiago told me that he would arrive in some minutes. PLAY

(Tiago me disse que chegaria em alguns minutos).


O imperativo é usado para dar ordens, instruções, pedidos ou fazer proibições.


“Open that door, please.” PLAY

“Mix the eggs. Then, add the sugar.” PLAY

“Do not call me at this time. It’s too late!” PLAY

O discurso indireto de frases imperativas afirmativas é feito com o acréscimo do to

antes do verbo. Observe:
Sara said: “open that door, please”.
Sara said to open that door. PLAY

The instructor recommended us: “Mix the eggs. Then, add the sugar.”
The instructor recommended us to mix the eggs. Then, to add the sugar.

O discurso indireto de frases imperativas negativas é feito com o acréscimo do not to

antes do verbo. Observe:
Sara said: “don’t open that door, please”.
Sara said not to open that door. PLAY

The instructor recommended us: “don’t mix the eggs right now.”
The instructor recommended us not to mix the eggs right now.


O uso do conectivo that é opcional.


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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

The police said that they were investigating the circumstances of the
death. PLAY
The police said they were investigating the circumstances of the death.

They said that nothing has been found.

They said nothing has been found.


Observe os seguintes exemplos:

I) Tiago asked me: “Can you tell Felipe to call me?”
Tiago asked me if/ whether I could tell Felipe to call him. PLAY

II) They asked their children: “Did the class end earlier?”
They asked their children if / whether the class had ended earlier. PLAY

III) Bruno asked us: “How much money do you have?” PLAY
Bruno asked us how much money we had.

Após análise destes exemplos, é válido ressaltar algumas coisas:

⇒ Como estava se reportando uma pergunta, foi essencial o uso do ask (perguntar) no lugar do say e do tell.

⇒ Outro ponto importante a ser observado é o uso do if (se) ou do whether (se) em substituição ao that (Tiago
me perguntou se eu poderia pedir a Felipe para ligá-lo).

⇒ A pergunta do exemplo I foi feita com um verbo modal (can) e este seguiu a mudança de tempo verbal (can
– discurso direto / could – discurso indireto). Já a pergunta do exemplo II, foi feita com o verbo auxiliar (did) e,
ao transformar a frase para o discurso indireto, seu uso não foi mais necessário, pois o mesmo não é usado
em frases afirmativas (“Did the class finish...” / ...if / whether the class had finished...).

⇒ O pronome interrogativo (how much) permaneceu na sentença mesmo quando a frase foi transformada para o discurso indireto
(“how much money do you have?” / much money I had).

22.1. Grammar Practice

01. Change the following sentence to the indirect speech: PLAY

“It just makes sense, and it’s great that it’s been put into practice,” said
Alan. PLAY

a) Alan said that it made sense, and it was great that it had been put in
practice. PLAY

b) Alan said that it makes sense, and it is great that it had been put in
practice. PLAY

c) Alan said that it make sense, and it was great that it had been put in
practice. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

d) Alan said that it made sense, and it is great that it have been put in
practice. PLAY

e) Alan said that it made sense, and it was great that it had being put in
practice. PLAY

02. Change the following sentence to the indirect speech: “I now

pronounce you married”, said the priest. PLAY

a) The priest said he pronounce us married. PLAY

b) The priest said he had pronounced us married. PLAY

c) The priest said he pronounced they married. PLAY

d) The priest said he pronounced us married. PLAY

e) The priest said me he pronounced us married. PLAY

03. “Barbara said there had been concerns about the size of the school.”
The correct direct speech form of this sentence is:

a) Barbara said me, “there have been concerns about the size of the

b) Barbara said, “there have been concerns about the size of the school”. PLAY

c) Barbara said, “there are concerns about the size of the school”. PLAY

d) Barbara said, “there are many concerns about the size of the school”. PLAY

e) Barbara said, “there weren’t concerns about the size of the school”. PLAY

04. Change the following sentence to the indirect speech: And Chris
asked me, “What is the director doing?”: PLAY

a) And Chris said what the director was doing. PLAY

b) And Chris told me what the director was doing. PLAY

c) And Chris asked me if what the director was doing. PLAY

d) And Chris asked me whether what the director was doing. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

e) And Chris asked me what the director was doing. PLAY

05. But he said that the police wanted to know about his secrets.
Changing this sentence to the direct speech, we have: PLAY

a) But he said: “the police want to know about my secrets”. PLAY

b) But he said: “the police want to know about your secrets”. PLAY

c) But he said me: “the police want to know about my secrets”. PLAY

d) But he told: “the police want to know about my secrets”. PLAY

e) But he said: “the police wants to know about my secrets”. PLAY

06. Change the following sentence to the indirect speech:

“It’s a confidential business relationship with Mark”, Frank told me PLAY

a) Frank said me it was a confidential business relationship with Mark. PLAY

b) Frank told me it were a confidential business relationship with Mark. PLAY

c) Frank told me it was a confidential business relationship with Mark. PLAY

d) Frank told me it was being a confidential business relationship with

Mark. PLAY

e) Frank told me it had been a confidential business relationship with


07. “Two of the leading services say that an increasing amount of their
business is taking place via smartphones”.
A forma verbal correta do trecho sublinhado, ao transformar a frase para
o discurso direto é:

a) Was taking place PLAY

b) Had been taking place PLAY

c) Takes place PLAY

d) Has been taking place PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

e) Is taken place PLAY

08. “Olivia reminds me a lot of Angelina Jolie — a gorgeous woman who

knows what she wants to do and goes after it,” said Donna. This PLAY
sentence in the indirect speech is:

a) Donna said that Olivia remind her a lot of Angelina Jolie — a gorgeous
woman who knew what she wanted to do and went after it

b) Donna said that Olivia reminded her a lot of Angelina Jolie — a

gorgeous woman who knows what she wanted to do and went after it PLAY

c) Donna said that Olivia reminded her a lot of Angelina Jolie — a

gorgeous woman who knew what she wanted to do and went after it PLAY

d) Donna told that Olivia reminded her a lot of Angelina Jolie — a

gorgeous woman who knew what she wanted to do and went after it PLAY

e) Donna said that Olivia reminded me a lot of Angelina Jolie — a

gorgeous woman who knew what she wanted to do and went after it

09. The indirect speech of the sentence - “when will the hospital be
ready?”, asked me Victor - is: PLAY

a) Victor asked me if the hospital was ready. PLAY

b) Victor asked me if the hospital is ready. PLAY

c) Victor asked me when the hospital was ready. PLAY

d) Victor asked me when the hospital will be ready. PLAY

e) Victor asked me if the hospital will be ready. PLAY

22.2. Reading Practice


Building workers in Buenos Aires have discovered

the remains of an eighteenth century Spanish galleon.
Archaeologists in Argentina are calling it one of the most
important finds ever made in the country.
The foundations were being dug for a luxury apartment
block being built in the renovated port area of Buenos
Aires when workers found oil — olive oil. Or at least eight
ceramic jars which in the eighteenth century were used to

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

transport olive oil to the Spanish colonies in Latin America.

Archaeologists were called and together they uncovered
four cannons, timbers from the ship’s hull and evidence that
the ship was probably sent to trade in leather. Archaeologist
Marcelo Weissel said the discovery was unique in

Work is now underway on finding out more. Early

indications are that the ship sank in about seventeen-fifty. The
mayor of Buenos Aires, Mauricio Macri, said the construction
company and archaeologists would work together on what
looks like being a great treasure for the whole city.
Towards the end of the eighteenth century Buenos
Aires was becoming a major port city, as Spanish colonists PLAY

began transporting silver from what is now southern

Bolivia through the city to Europe. But the waters were
often treacherous and pirates were uncontrollable, leaving
a trail of destruction waiting to be unearthed hundreds of
years later.

SCHWEIMLER, D. Spanish galleon unearthed in Buenos

Aires. Disponível em: <

01. Com relação ao galeão espanhol mencionado no texto, é correto afirmar:

(01) Seus destroços foram descobertos, acidentalmente, por operários de uma construção.

(02) Oito jarras de cerâmica e quatro canhões destacam-se dentre os objetos encontrados.

(04) O navio, provavelmente, era usado para o comércio de couro.

(08) O navio afundou, possivelmente, por volta de 1715.

(16) Arqueólogos suspeitam que, por haver se desviado de sua rota original, o navio naufragou no porto de
Buenos Aires.

02. Quanto ao uso da linguagem no texto, pode-se afirmar:

(01) “it” (l. 3) e “which” (l. 8) referem-se, respectivamente, a “eighteenth century” (l. 2) e a “eighteenth century”
(l. 8)

(02) “port” (l. 6) e “port” (l. 21) têm função de substantivos.

(04) “were used” (l. 8) e “was [...] sent” (l. 12) descrevem ações na voz passiva.

(08) “sank” (l. 16) e “began” (l. 22) indicam ações que ocorreram em um passado determinado.

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

(16) “now” (l. 15) e “often” (l. 24) exercem função de advérbios.

(32) “uncontrollable” (l. 24) e “unearthed” (l.25) são palavras formadas por prefixação e sufixação.


01. Analyze the following statements: PLAY

A. Lucy argues strongly with Charlie. PLAY

B. Lucy sings out to Charlie. PLAY

C. Lucy looks down at Charlie. PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

D. Lucy pulls the ball away. PLAY

E. Lucy dares Charlie to kick the ball. PLAY

The order in which these facts take place in this comic strip is PLAY

a) B – D – A – E – C
b) D – A – B – C – E
c) B – E – A – D – C
d) E – C – B – A – D
e) D – E – C – B – A

02. In the 4th picture Charlie Brown is PLAY

a) pretending. PLAY

b) apologizing. PLAY

c) complaining. PLAY

d) complimenting. PLAY

e) encouraging. PLAY

03. “If there’s anyone in this world I do trust, it’s my mother!” (6th picture).
The verb do in this sentence is being used PLAY

a) as a main verb. PLAY

b) as an ordinary transitive verb. PLAY

c) as an ordinary intransitive verb. PLAY

d) to avoid repeating the main verb. PLAY

e) to emphasize the meaning of a positive statement. PLAY

04. The meaning of mistrust is: PLAY

a) have confidence or faith in PLAY

b) not dependable in devotion or affection; PLAY

c) doubt about someone’s honesty. PLAY

d) full of trust PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

e) extend credit to PLAY

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