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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos


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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário

Verbos Modais
Características dos verbos modais:
⇒ Precisam da presença de outro verbo para que tenham sentido completo;
⇒ Não admitem a presença do to entre eles e o verbo principal, exceto ought to;
⇒ Apresentam-se tanto na forma afirmativa como na negativa e interrogativa.


That decision could make it something interesting. PLAY

Ms. Bachmann must have some obstacles to overcome. PLAY

Water with a higher level of radioactivity can be stored. PLAY

They must keep water into the reactors to stop them overheating. PLAY

Can you help me, please? PLAY


1. Exprimir probabilidade remota. 1. It might rain today. PLAY

Might 2. Pedir permissão, autorização
2. Might I come in? PLAY
mais formal.

1. Pedir permissão, autorização

May 1. May I help you? PLAY
mais formal.

1. Exprimir habilidade, capacidade 1. She could run very fast

no passado. when she was younger. PLAY
2. Fazer pedidos e pedir permissão 2. Could you help me,
mais formal please? PLAY

1. I can speak four

1. Exprimir habilidade, capacidade. PLAY
2. Fazer pedidos, pedir permissão
2. Can I drink some water? PLAY
mais informal.

Should 1. Fazer uma recomendação. 1. You should stop smoking PLAY

1 de 7 07/04/2019, 08:45
Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

Ought 1. They ought to call before

1. Fazer uma recomendação. PLAY
to coming.

1. Exprimir obrigação ou 1. You must stop at the red

necessidade. traffic light. PLAY

2. Exprimir proibição quando o 2. You mustn’t pass at the

verbo estiver na forma negativa. red traffic light.

3. She is pale. She must be

3. Deduzir PLAY

16.1. Grammar Practice

01. Choose the sentence that doesn’t have a Modal Verb. PLAY

a) You shouldn’t drink much. PLAY

b) May I ask you a question? PLAY

c) She had gone to Italy PLAY

d) We must obey the law. PLAY

e) They ought to be care with their jobs. PLAY

02. A frase “You mustn’t take this medicine” expressa: PLAY

a) uma ordem.

b) uma obrigação.

c) uma advertência.

d) uma proibição.
e) uma permissão

03. Marque a alternativa que tenha a correspondência correta entre o

verbo modal da frase e o uso desse verbo.

a) Everybody can live in a better world. – Obrigação. PLAY

b) Ted might get a job soon. – Capacidade. PLAY

c) We must leave work at 6 p.m. – Recomendação. PLAY

d) The original story can be terrifying. - Proibição PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

e) Carol must be at school now. – Dedução. PLAY

04. Kate: ____________ you hold your breath for more than a minute?
Jack: No, I ___________. PLAY

a) should / mustn’t PLAY

b) must / shouldn’t PLAY

c) can / can PLAY

d) can / can’t PLAY

e) can / couldn’t PLAY

05. You ___________ do the job if you didn’t speak Japanese fluently. PLAY

a) can’t PLAY

b) couldn’t PLAY

c) mustn’t PLAY

d) won’t PLAY

e) would PLAY

06. Na frase “The British Prince should be well advised to sign a

prenuptial agreement.”, o verbo should pode ser substituído por qual PLAY
modal sem alteração de sentido?

a) can PLAY

b) must PLAY

c) ought to PLAY

d) could PLAY

e) may PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

07. They _________ travel alone when they were ten years old. PLAY

a) can PLAY

b) must PLAY

c) ought to PLAY

d) could PLAY

e) may PLAY

08. A: Hello?
B: Hello! Please, _________ I speak to Mr. Santiago? PLAY
A: Sure. Wait a minute, please.

a) can PLAY

b) must PLAY

c) ought to PLAY

d) could PLAY

e) may PLAY

09. I’ve got a toothache. I _________ see the dentist. PLAY

a) cannot PLAY

b) must PLAY

c) ought to PLAY

d) might not PLAY

e) should to PLAY

16.2. Reading Practice


4 de 7 07/04/2019, 08:45
Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

Junk is rubbish, so junk food is food without nutritious value, for example
hamburgers and chips. Junk comes from the Middle English word jonk,
which was a nautical term meaning old rope. The rope wasn’t thrown
away, but was used on the ship in other ways. Later there were junk
shops which sold old materials from ships. Today junk shops sell second- PLAY

hand articles, such as furniture, ornaments and clothes.

Another term for junk food is fast food. This comes from fast food
restaurants that serve inexpensive meals quickly in paper bags or boxes.

Now there is the slow food movement. It was founded in the 1980s by
Carlo Petrini, an Italian journalist who discovered a new McDonald’s
restaurant in Rome’s famous Piazza di Spagna. He was horrified and
founded the slow food movement, which had two basic beliefs: the
importance of traditional cooking methods and the use of local
ingredients. The slow food movement now has over 80,000 members in
over 100 countries.
RIGG, J. Junk food. Speak up. São Paulo: Peixes, n. 224, p. 35

01. According to the text, answer the following questions:

a) What’s the meaning and origin of the word “junk” in the expression “junk food”? (line

b) Where does the expression “fast food” (line 9) come from? PLAY

c) What are the two basic beliefs of “the slow food movement” (line 14)? PLAY

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Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos

02. Give the grammatical function of the following words from the text: PLAY

a) “so” (l. 1)

b) “that” (l. 11)

c) ’s, in “Rome’s” (l. 16)

d) “food” (l. 19)



6 de 7 07/04/2019, 08:45
Estudando: Inglês Intermediário | Prime Cursos


Based on the legend under the cartoons, explain the difference between
each man’s attitudes towards exercising.

7 de 7 07/04/2019, 08:45

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