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Who Am I?

Personality Profile
Name: Serena Block: D

For this assignment, we are going to be looking at two different Personality Profile survey sites
and comparing the results.

First, please login to your MyBlueprint page and look at the personality profile survey. (If you did
this in grade 10 or just want to redo your survey, please click the “restart” icon to do your survey
over again.)

ISTJ – the inspector

Once you have completed your My Blueprint survey and you have discovered your learning style,
compare the results with the results from the profile.

Letter Percentage

I 84%

S 73%

T 61%

J 86%

T 79%

C) What do each of the letters mean?

I = Introverted

S = Observant

T = Thinking
J = Judging

T = Turbulent
Section: List bullet points:

Strengths - Can work independently

- May have good social skills
- Organized
- Good communicators
- Practical
- Good at meeting deadlines

Weaknesses - Views flexibility and options as road blocks

- May be insensitive
- Can be opinionated

Friendships N/A
& Relationships

Career Paths N/A

Workplace - Focuses on big picture

Habits - Emphasis on final product
- Concerned about everyone doing their part than getting along

Next, go to Answer ALL of the questions as HONESTLY as you can.

Using the16 personalities results, answer the following questions:

A) What is the name of your designation from the 16 Personalities site?


B) What is your personality type? ISTJ-T

Personality Profile Notes:

Personality Bullet point notes:


Strengths and - Honest and Direct

weaknesses - Disciplined
- Very responsible
- Calm and practical
- Organized and effective
- Research-oriented

- Stubborn
- Insensitive
- Always by the book
- Judgmental
- Prone to burnout

Romantic - Deeply committed

relationships - Reliable heart

Friendships - Deeply committed

- A reliable heart
- The gift of loyalty
- Better together

Parenthood - Leading by principle

Career paths - Military officers

- Lawyers
- Judges
- Police officers
- Detectives

Workplace - Seek structure, clearly defined rules, and respect for authority and
habits hierarchy
- Crave responsibility
- Recognized for impressive focus and attention to detail
- Loyal, dedicated, meticulous, and patient in completing work
- Quiet and methodical
- Value peace and security
- Love responsibility and power resulting from it
- Capable of laying down hard criticism
- Willingness to make tough decisions

Finally, write a comparitive paragraph based on the two survey results. Focus on the similarities,
the differences and your opinions of the results.

*Your writing should be between 200 – 300 words in length.*

Between the test from My Blueprint and 16personalities, there were a few similarities and
differences. The main similarity between the two tests were that I received the same result which
was “ISTJ.” This result meant that I am introverted, observant, thinking, and judging. From this
same result, there were similarities which included describing this mbti as responsibile, organized,
and sensitive. Also, both tests describe my personality as having the wilingness to take
responsibility and being inconsiderate about others feelings as ISTJ’s tend to focus on completing
the task. While there were similarities between the tests, there were also differneces which
included that not only did the 16personalities provide an extra letter, but every letter except “I”
had lower percentages. My Blueprint and 16personalities both gave around 80% for introverted
while the other letters for My Blueprint was 50% or lower compared to 16personalities where
everything was higher than 60%. My opinion of the results is that I agree with the results very
much because I recognize that I am introverted, observant, thinking, and judging rather than
extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting. Even though I have always known about these
results, I found the details very shocking and informative because I finally recognized that I pay
attention to details, like the responsibility, and can be insensitive of others feelings because I
tend to focus on getting the work done over how people may feel. While both tests have shown
me what I already knew, both gave me a deeper insight on the type of person I am.

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