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ISV-Formation Aurélie Briffault - 2023-2024 1

Intervenant : Aurélie Briffault, Optométriste, EurOptom, Recherche
Contributeur : Ludivine Voulot

A. Introduction to Optometric Terminology / Medical vocabulary
B. Patient communication - Phraséologie
C. Role- Play
D. Group discussions - Podcast Listening
E. Language resources

A. Introduction to Optometric terminology

Medical Vocabulary
Flash Cards:
1. A disease of the optic nerve caused by improper drainage of the eye’s fluid. Leading
cause of blindness.
2. A progressive clouding of the eye’s natural cristalline’s lens.
3. Inadequate lubrication of the eye.
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4. This condition means that a person can clearly see objects that are near, but far away
objects are unclear.
5. The transparent part of the eye that covers the front portion of the eye
6. Something the patient feels
7. Eyecare professionals who examine the eyes, prescribes (in some countries) eyeglasses
and contacts and medical treat (in some countries) eye conditions.
8. Decreased, poor or indistinct vision in one or both eyes caused by a disruption of
normal development during the first 7 to 9 years of life.
9. Inflammation of conjunctiva.
10. Provides correction for two distances usually near and far.
11. A condition that occurs with age where the crystalline lens of the eye becomes less able
to focus for near vision.
12. A medical condition in which the blood pressure is chronically elevated. Also referred to
as high blood pressure.
13. A medical doctor trained to perform eye surgery who examines and treats eye
14. The same lens provides correction for a full range of distances, near, far and
intermediate. This lens could be progressive lenses, with no visible lines on the lenses,
or trifocals with visible lines.
15. An irregular curve of the surface of the cornea.
16. A problem with the eyes that causes a person to see two objects when only one is
17. Condition where one has difficulty “crossing” eyes at near to fixate binocularly; can
result in double vision or eye strain
18. Maps of the variations of curvature in the cornea
19. Changes in the retina due to longstanding or uncontrolled DM; may include
hemorrhages, cotton wool spots, exudates, and neovascularization
20. An object that doesn't belong; could be corneal, conjunctival, or intraocular

a. Symptom
b. Double Vision
c. The Cornea
d. Myopia - Short sightedness
e. Cataract
f. Astigmatism
g. Dry Eye Syndrome
h. Glaucoma
i. Lazy eye
j. Optometrist
k. Pink eye
l. Multifocal lenses
m. Presbyopia
n. Bifocal lens
o. Ophthalmologist

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p. Hypertension
q. Convergence insufficiency
r. Corneal Topography
s. Diabetic maculopathy
t. Foreign body

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B. Patient communication - Phraséologie
- Hi! Good morning. Please come in and sit down
- I am M. X, a french optometrist and I am going to take care of you today / check
your eyesight / teach you how to put contact lenses in…
- What is your name? How do you spell it? What is your date of birth?

Medical History/ Anamnèse:

- Since when have you been wearing glasses?

- Have you ever worn an eyepatch?
- Do you have any medical issues?
- Do you take any medical treatment?
- Are you allergic to anything?
- Does anyone in your family have any eye conditions?
Eye exam:

- I am going to cover your eye, please look at this letter and try to keep it clear
and simple
- What is the lowest line you can read?
- Is it better/ clearer/ sharper , the same or worse?
- Is it better in position one or two or the same?
- Is it blurry?
- Go ahead and read the letters

Watch the videos and fill in the blanks:

1.First Person Routine Eye Exam

Carte de mutuelle = __________________

Remplir un formulaire = __________________
Antécédents médicaux = __________________
Ressentez-vous une gêne visuelle ? = __________________
Nous allons poursuivre et contrôler votre vision = __________________
Couvrir l’oeil gauche = __________________
Un écran = __________________

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Regarder au travers = __________________
Que lisez-vous ici ? = __________________
Qu’en est il d’ici ? = __________________
Vision de près = __________________
Quelle est la plus petite ligne que vous pouvez lire ? = __________________
Permettez que je vous emprunte vos lunettes un instant ? = __________________
Une ordonnance = __________________
Je reviens de suite = __________________
L’éblouissement = __________________
Contrôler la pression oculaire = __________________
Surveiller la pression oculaire = __________________
Le fond d’oeil = __________________
Gouttes oculaires = __________________
Reculer = __________________
Essuyer ses yeux = __________________
Faire effet (le traitement) = __________________
Flouter la vision de près = __________________
La partie avec moi est terminée = __________________
Zone de dilatation = __________________
Ma collègue viendra vous chercher pour aller voir le médecin = __________________
Le médecin sera la dans un court instant = __________________
Posez votre tête correctement sur la mentonnière et votre front sur l’appui tête =
Etes vous bien installé ? = __________________
Ouvrez grand les yeux et regardez droit devant = __________________
Vous allez ressentir une lumière vive = __________________
Vos yeux sont en bonne santé = __________________
Pas de signe de complications lié au diabétique ou à la pression artérielle =
Avec ces maladies = __________________
Contrôler ses yeux tout les ans = __________________
On vous attends l’année prochaine = __________________

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Je vais vous raccompagner = __________________

2. Child eye exam (beginning 2’30)

How to Conduct a Pediatric Eye Examination

Atteindre = _________________

Veux tu regarder des dessins = __________________

Peux tu me montrer le canard ? = __________________

On va faire de la magie = __________________

Peux-tu me dire ce que représente l’image ? = __________________

Peux tu pointer sur la même image ici ? = ______________________

Superbe travail = __________________

Jouer à cache cache =

Tickle your eyelashes = ____________

Quel est le suivant? = ___________

Avoir les mains libres = ________

Lampe à fente = __________________
Met toi debout une seconde = __________________
Look right here, to my ear= ___________

Continue à regarder le film = __________________

Regarde la mouche ici, peut tu pincer ses ailes ? = __________________
Un des animaux sort-il du livre ? = __________________
Mets ton doigt sur le point qui ressort = __________

Regarde le singe = __________________

Continue à regarder = __________________
Regarde tout en bas = ____________
Regarde son nez = ________

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3. Reading prescriptions
Prescription Glasses Lens Guide: Lens Types and Materials

Verres unifocaux = __________________

Verres à vision de près = __________________

Verres progressifs = __________________

Myopie = __________________

Hypermétropie = __________________

Astigmatisme = __________________

Le moins cher = __________________

Le plus performant = __________________

Plus coûteux = __________________

Verre organique : __________________

Abordable = __________________

Polycarbonate = __________________

Incassable = __________________

Plus fin et plus léger = __________________

Rayer = __________________

Anti rayure = __________________

Anti reflet = __________________

Qualité optique : __________________

Aberrations = __________________

Moins de matière pour le même effet = __________________

Dépasser de la monture = __________________

Verres photochromic = __________________

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Learning to pose
1. should / wash / you / dry / and / First / clean / with / lint-free / a / hands / your / towel.

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Premièrement, vous devez laver et essuyer vos mains avec une serviette propre et non


2. eye. / same / a / tip / to / the / the / Check / start / with / prescription, / is / always

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Vérifiez la prescription, une astuce est de toujours commencer par le même oeil

3. trimming (reduce) / the lens / blister, / out of its / your fingernails / of your index / use the skin

(padding) / finger / the lens / to catch (grib) / with more control, / and consider / if they are a bit long.

/ Take

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Sortez la lentille de son blister, utilisez la peau/le coussinet de votre index pour prendre/saisir la

lentille avec plus de contrôle et envisagez de vous couper/réduire les ongles s'ils sont un peu longs.

4. the contact / defects. / lens / for/ any / Inspect

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Inspectez la lentille à la recherche d'un quelconque défaut

5. upside / that / Check / the lens / not / is / down.

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Vérifiez que la lentille ne soit pas à l'envers

FYI : the “Tacobell method” is another way to check that

6. / your eyelids / to prevent blinking. / to control / (the secret is to use both hands) / Use fingers /

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Utilisez les doigts pour contrôler vos paupières pour éviter de cligner des yeux (le secret est

d'utiliser les deux mains)

7. the eye. / place / onto / Gently / the lens

In order : ___________________________________________________________

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FR : Placez délicatement la lentille sur l'œil

Nb: We use on when we refer to a position on a surface (on the table, on the ocean, on the moon, on

roof, on the bus). We use onto to talk about direction or movement to a position on a surface, usually

with a verb that expresses movement.

8. to settle. / Blink / the lens / and allow / a few time / (then switch eye)

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Clignez plusieurs fois et laissez la lentille se stabiliser. (puis changez d'oeil)


- visual / do / problem / what / have / you ?

In order : _____________________________

FR : Quelles sont vos gênes visuelles ?

- problem / the / of / nature / exact / the / is / what / : visual fatigue, blurred vision, double vision ?

In order : _____________________________

FR : Quelle est la nature exacte du problème : fatigue visuelle, vision floue, vision double ?

- specify / circumstances / you / which / occurs / problems / the / could / in / the / : reading, working

at a computer screen, driving ?

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Pouvez-vous préciser le contexte dans lequel les troubles se manifestent : la lecture, le

travail sur écran, la conduite ?


1. should / wash / you / dry / and / First / clean / with / lint-free / a / hands / your / towel.

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Premièrement, vous devez laver et essuyer vos mains avec une serviette propre et non


2. / your eyelids / to prevent blinking. / to control / (the secret is to use both hands) / Use fingers /

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Utilisez les doigts pour contrôler vos paupières pour éviter de cligner des yeux (le secret est

d'utiliser les deux mains)

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3. lower / Pinch / kissing fingers… / one-third / of the / with your / contact lens

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Pincez le tiers inférieur de la lentille de contact avec votre pouce et l’index …

4. the lens / … while / then remove / slightly up / you look

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : … tout en regardant légèrement vers le haut, puis retirer la lentille

—> syn for remove : to grip / to grab (the lens)

5. a cleaning product / disposable lenses, / otherwise / For daily / clean / throw it away, / the lens with /

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Pour les lentilles jetables journalières, jetez-les, sinon nettoyez la lentille avec un produit


→ Another method of how to remove contacts (step 3&4)

3. of the eye. / contact lens / to the / Slide (drag) / part / over / white /

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Faites glisser la lentille de contact sur la partie blanche de l'œil

4. fingers. / the / with / Pinch / contact lens

In order : ___________________________________________________________

FR : Pincez la lentille de contact avec les doigts


● Don’t use a q-tip

FR : _______________________

● If you have difficulties, you can use eye drops

FR : ______________________

● Don’t sleep with your contacts, except if it’s special lenses

FR : ______________________

● Never put them in contact with water

FR : ______________________

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C. Role- Play

1. Patient Intake:
● Scenario: A new patient walks into your optometry clinic. They speak English, and you
need to gather information about their medical history, current symptoms, and any
previous eye conditions.

2. Prescription Explanation:
● Scenario: A patient needs an explanation of their eyeglass prescription, which is written
in English. They are curious about what the numbers and terms mean.

3. Contact Lens Fitting:

● Scenario: A patient is interested in getting fitted for contact lenses. They need
guidance on proper care, insertion, and removal.

4. Eye Exam Instructions:

● Scenario: During an eye exam, you need to instruct the patient in English to follow
specific procedures like reading an eye chart or undergoing a visual field test.

5. Emergency Situation:
● Scenario: A patient experiences sudden eye discomfort and reports to the clinic. The
optometrist needs to ask questions and provide instructions in English to assess the

6. Counseling on Eyewear Choices:

● Scenario: A patient needs guidance on selecting the right type of eyewear (glasses or
contact lenses) based on their lifestyle and preferences.

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D. Group discussions - Podcast

Atul Gawande on Coaching

Which message did you pick?

What do you think about it?

Do you think you should stop learning when you get your degree?

Podcast listening:

Myopia guidance review - Part 2 - College of


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E. Language resources

● BBC Learning English

● TED-Ed: TED-Ed's "Lessons Worth Sharing" often include short articles and
accompanying video lessons.
● The College of Optometrists
● Language learning apps: Duolingo, Medical English courses, Babbel…
● Optometry today
● Focus On Life

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General Medical History:

● Have you ever been diagnosed with any chronic medical conditions, such as
diabetes or hypertension, that might affect your eye health?

● Are you currently taking any medications or supplements? If so, please list them,
as some medications can have ocular side effects.
● Allergies:
○ Do you have any allergies to medications, eye drops, or other substances?
● Eye History:
○ Have you ever had eye surgery, such as LASIK or cataract surgery?
○ Do you wear corrective lenses (glasses or contact lenses)? If so, please
provide your current prescription.
● Family History:
○ Does anyone in your family have a history of eye conditions, such as
glaucoma or macular degeneration?
● Eye Injuries:
○ Have you ever had an eye injury or foreign object in your eye that
required medical attention?
● Visual Habits:
○ How often do you use digital screens (computers, smartphones, tablets)
in a typical day? Are you aware of any digital eye strain symptoms?
● Contact Lens Use:
○ If you wear contact lenses, do you follow proper hygiene and care
guidelines for them?
○ Have you ever experienced discomfort or infections related to contact
lens use?
● Sun Exposure:
Are you exposed to sunlight for extended periods, and do you wear sunglasses or
protective eyewear when needed?
● Occupational and Hobbies:
○ Do you have any hobbies or engage in activities that might pose a risk to
your eye health, such as woodworking or sports?
● Pregnancy/Breastfeeding:
○ If applicable, are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? Some
medications and conditions can be relevant during these periods.

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Put in order:

- the / what / reason / is / visit / your / for ?

In order : What is the reason for your visit ?

FR : Quel est le motif de votre visite ?

- visual / do / problem / What / have / you ?

In order : What visual problem do you have ?

FR : Quelles sont vos gênes visuelles ?

- problem / the / of / nature / exact / the / is / what / : visual fatigue, blurred vision,
double vision ?

In order : What is the exact nature of the problem : visual fatigue, blurred vision, double
vision ?

FR : Quelle est la nature exacte du problème : fatigue visuelle, vision floue, vision
double ?

- specify / circumstances / you / which / occurs / problem / the / could / in / the / :

reading, working at a computer screen, driving ?

In order : Could you specify the circumstances in which the problem occurs : reading,
working at a computer screen, driving ?

FR : Pouvez-vous préciser le contexte dans lequel les troubles se manifestent : la

lecture, le travail sur écran, la conduite ?

- Do you see floaters or flashes from time to time?

FR: Voyez-vous des corps flottants ou des flashs de temps en temps?

Do you ever experience eye pain, redness, or itching?

● Have you experienced any changes in your vision, such as blurriness, double
vision, or flashes of light?
● Does it hurt? Is it painful?
● When did it start?
● When do your eyes get dry? Itchy ? Runny ?
● Do you normally wear glasses or contacts?
● Do you know your normal prescription?

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English exercices :

Frame types and parts

We all know: A pair of glasses (usually) consists of a frame and two lenses – and you need your
ears to fix it in front of your eyes. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule: e.g a monocle or
a lorgnette. And we are sure about another fact, too: There are few materials to make frames
of. Compared to that the choice of lens types, materials, colors treatments etc. is tremendous.
Of course, it is rather easy for us to show examples of frames or lenses to the foreign
customers. It is a little more complicated to give explanations or to tell facts about sunglasses,
or correction glasses, different lenses (or even parts of frames!) in a foreign language. But
more and more often you’ll have to!

Repairs – Some examples

Well, sometimes tourists drop into your shop because something is broken with their glasses.
Maybe they lost a part of their frame or damaged it, etc.. Then you usually have to try a
dialogue in English! Let’s look at some situations to check your specialized vocabulary:

1) The customer shows you his frame. One little part is missing (See figure 1, part A).
This is a (A).

2) There is a defect at the part of the frame shown in the figure ( See figure 1, part B).
You call it a (B).

3) You can see (and feel) a deep scratch on the surface of the frame; it is impossible to
repair it by polishing. You’ll have to order a new (C).
4) The right lens has fallen out of the frame because the eye wire is broken near the
5) Which parts does a “normal” frame consist of?
6) What are hinges (joints) good for? Hinges are good for connecting the _____of the
frame and the________. You need hinges to be able to move respectively to clip in the

Some more vocabulary:

Bridge – Pont
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Temple – Branche
Former / template - Gabarit
Screw – Vis
Joint – Tenon
Hockey end – Embout
Pad – Plaquette
Pad arm - Porte plaquette

Saddle-bridge – Nez-selle
Locking-nut – Contre-écrou
Supporting disk – Rondelle
Shape- Forme
Resistant to – résistant à
Eyebrows – Sourcils
Cheeks – Joues

Frame materials
The first classification of the frame is by the material used in its construction: either plastic,
metal for the most common ones but you also can find wood, horn, vinyl and many others
Some materials contained in frames can cause allergic reactions.

To bend, bent, bent.
To seal – Fermer
To dye – teindre
To fit well – bien s’adapter
To weld / welding – Souder / soudage
Soldering – Soudure
Brazing – Souder
To straighten - redresser

Frames which have got a thin rim/ eyewire are lighter than other frames.

When all adjustments having to do with the front of the glasses have been done – open temple
angle, pantoscopic angle, height, vertex distance, and pad positions on the nose – final
attention is paid to the adjustment of the temples.

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ISV-Formation Aurélie Briffault - 2023-2024 19
24 Rue Robinson, 42100 Saint-Etienne
T. 04 77 95 31 70 Ι F. 04 77 95 31 79

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