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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Ethical Communities Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the four ethical communities
2. Apply the ethical communities to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

Applying to GBSB Global Business school in Barcelona trying to get admitted to

the school, marketing myself as a strong candidate towards the admissions team. My role
involves crafting a comprehensive application that not only meets the school's specified
requirements but goes above and beyond by including additional optional documents.
These supplementary materials aim to present me as an exceptional candidate, offering
the admissions committee compelling reasons to consider my application favorably and
see me as a valuable addition to their academic community. The goal is to strategically
showcase my unique qualities, achievements, and aspirations in a way that aligns with
the school's values and expectations, making a strong case for my candidacy.

2) Describe how the ethics of the organization influenced the situation.

The ethics of GBSB Global Business School significantly influence my approach to crafting
my application for admission. As an institution that prioritizes ethical conduct and social
responsibility, it's essential that my application reflects these values. I ensure that every aspect of
my application, from the personal statement to the recommendation letters, demonstrates my
commitment to ethical behavior, integrity, and moral values. This includes providing examples of
ethical leadership and decision-making in both academic and professional contexts, showcasing
instances where I have made principled choices and positively contributed to my community.

Moreover, the school's emphasis on ethics inspires me to delve deeper into my own values
and beliefs, reflecting on how they align with GBSB's mission and vision. I strive to present
myself as not only academically qualified but also as a candidate who embodies the ethical
principles GBSB seeks to instill in its students as when in (Perusall Ch 20) stated “Being faithful
is more important than being successful” this put a big perspective on what I need to be thinking
about during this process. By showcasing my understanding of ethical issues and my dedication
to ethical decision-making, I aim to demonstrate my readiness to contribute positively to the

school's academic community and uphold its ethical standards. Overall, the ethics of GBSB
Global Business School serve as a guiding framework for my application strategy, shaping how I
present myself as a candidate and emphasizing the importance of ethical values in both my
personal and professional life. By aligning my application with the school's ethical guidelines, I
aim to make a compelling case for my candidacy and demonstrate my suitability for admission to
GBSB Global Business School.

3) Recommend how you would apply one of the ethical communities for an alternative
course of action regarding your case.

To apply an ethical community for an alternative course of action regarding my

case, I would consider the utilitarian approach. This ethical framework focuses on
maximizing overall happiness or well-being and minimizing harm. In the context of my
case, which involves crafting a comprehensive application for admission to GBSB Global
Business School, applying the utilitarian approach would involve considering the
potential consequences of my actions on various stakeholders. Firstly, I would assess
how each aspect of my application, including the optional supplementary materials,
contributes to the overall happiness and well-being of different stakeholders, such as the
admissions committee, faculty members, and myself. I would prioritize actions and
materials that are likely to result in positive outcomes for the majority of stakeholders,
such as presenting relevant achievements and aspirations that align with the school's
Furthermore, I would consider the potential harm that could arise from certain
actions, such as embellishing qualifications or misrepresenting experiences as in Chapter
20 in Perusall it states how the stories are what give sacred beliefs as it shares the values
and flesh of the human. By avoiding dishonesty and ensuring transparency in my
application, I would aim to minimize harm to both myself and the admissions committee,
as well as uphold the integrity of the admissions process. Overall, applying the utilitarian
approach would guide me in making ethical decisions that prioritize the well-being of all
stakeholders involved in the admissions process while striving to achieve the best
possible outcome for everyone.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about ethics.

Reflecting on what I would do differently given what I have learned about ethics, I
would place a stronger emphasis on integrity and transparency in all aspects of my
actions and decision-making processes. Understanding the importance of ethical
behavior, I would strive to uphold ethical principles in both my personal and professional
life, including academic pursuits such as the admissions process for GBSB Global
Business School. Specifically, I would ensure that my application materials accurately
represent my qualifications, achievements, and aspirations, without exaggeration or

misrepresentation. This commitment to honesty and integrity would not only align with
ethical standards but also contribute to building trust and credibility with the admissions
Additionally, I would prioritize ethical considerations when faced with decisions
that could potentially impact others. By applying ethical frameworks such as
utilitarianism or deontology, I would carefully evaluate the potential consequences of my
actions and consider the moral duties and obligations involved. For example, I would
weigh the potential benefits and harms of including certain information in my
application, considering how it may affect both myself and other stakeholders. Through
this reflective approach, I would strive to make ethical decisions that uphold moral
values and contribute to positive outcomes for myself and those around me.

Reference or References

Perusall. (n.d.).


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