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Effectiveness of shifting from traditional learning to modernized (use of technology

and gadgets)

2. Impact of technology on society and its people

3. Being politically active and involved: a basic human right

4. Cultural Preservation of Significant Historical Heritage
5. Breaking stereotypes: the call for gender-neutral uniforms
6.How to help teenagers who don’t know what to do with their lives?
7. Social media marketing and its importance
8. The death penalty shouldn’t be legal
9. How to look for good internships while studying?
10. Being a vegetarian is healthier than eating meat
11. Effects of climate change and global warming
12. What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom?
13. Women have always been smarter than men
14. Social media destroys a person's self-esteem
15. Children should have the freedom to pick their own religion
16. The most important lesson of my life

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