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Flores, Jovey Ann B.

BSPA | Special Class

1. What makes the Reason and Impartiality as requirements for the existence of
- Morality, as we define it, is the moral quality of an action and a standard for
what is good and evil. Since reason aids in the understanding, analysis, and
moral justification of behavior within our society, it becomes necessary for
morality to exist. Along with being impartial, we are also being objective
when we make decisions, which enables us to make moral judgments without

2. Discuss the role of human freedom and responsibility as foundation of morality.

What are those and their significance in the study of Ethics?
- Humans are endowed with free will and the ability to accomplish whatever
we want in life. Being rational requires us to have freedom, but this does not
give us license to make terrible decisions or do good things. Rather, it means
that we must accept responsibility for our actions, whether they are good or
bad, because according to morality, we are judged according to what we do.

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