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English for Purposive Communication

MODULE 7-Communication for Academic Purposes

Lesson 7.3 - 7.4 Enabling Assessment
Reaction Paper
Name: Justin Morados Date: 11-18-23

Course/Year/Section: BOM-1-2

TASK 1: As you watch the movie, 3 idiots, take note of punch lines (or statements that
make very important points). Have at least 10 and put these in the table below.

1. “These engineers are very clever. No such machine has been made which can
measure the pressure of the brain.”
2. “Some great man has said, study to be capable, not to be successful.”

3. “There is a lot of exams in your life. But there is only one Father.”

4. “It hurts if a friend fails. If a friend got the first rank, it hurts more.”

5. “If I become a photographer, I will earn less money, right? The house will be
small, the car will be small, but I will be happy.”

6. “Sir, I have learnt to stand up on my feet after having broken both my legs. This
attitude has come with great difficulty. No sir, I can't. You may keep your job and
let me keep my attitude.”

7. "Everyone turns into a yes-man to get the job".

8. "If I pass, it'll be because of my own ability. Otherwise, it's okay if I fail."

9. "Whatever you enjoy doing, make that your profession. Then work won’t seem to
be work, but a game."

10. "Children, achieve excellence. Because then success will chase you!"
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 7-Communication for Academic Purposes

TASK 2: PRE-REACTION PAPER WRITING: Formulate a thesis statement with TWO major supporting
points. Underline the supporting details. 5 points.

Thesis Statement: The study of astronomy unveils the wonders of the universe, deepening our
understanding of celestial objects and their interactions.

The study of astronomy allows us to explore the vastness of the universe, revealing the beauty
and complexity of celestial objects like stars, planets, galaxies, and nebulae. By observing and
analyzing these objects, astronomers can uncover valuable insights into their formation,
evolution, and behavior.

Astronomy helps us understand the interactions and phenomena that occur within the
universe. Through the study of gravitational forces, stellar fusion, black holes, and other
cosmic processes, we gain a deeper understanding of how celestial objects interact with each
other and the forces that shape the universe as a whole.

TASK 3: Write a reaction paper based on one of the thesis statements that you wrote
above. Make sure that your thesis statement is positioned in the INTRO PART of your
essay. The BODY PART of your reaction paper should have TWO paragraphs: The first
paragraph explains the first major supporting detail, and the second paragraph the
second supporting detail. Each major supporting detail should be expressed in a
sentence, which serves as the topic sentence of each of the two paragraphs. End your
reaction paper with a concluding paragraph (conclusion).

Your essay will be graded based on the following criteria:

Thesis Statement and Topic Sentence = 10 Points
Soundness and validity of claims = 20 Points
Coherence and organization = 10 Points
Language = 10 Points
Audience and Purpose = 10 Points

Reaction Paper
English for Purposive Communication
MODULE 7-Communication for Academic Purposes

(Task 3)

Exploring the Wonders of the Universe: A Journey

into Astronomy
The study of astronomy unveils the wonders of the universe, deepening our
understanding of celestial objects and their interactions. From the breathtaking beauty of stars
and galaxies to the intricate dance of cosmic forces, astronomy takes us on a fascinating journey
of discovery. We will now dive into two important aspects that shows the importance of studying

One important aspect is the exploration of the vastness of the universe. Through astronomy, we
gain access to a realm beyond our Earthly boundaries. The observation and analysis of celestial
objects like stars, planets, galaxies, and nebulae reveal the sheer beauty and complexity of the
cosmos. Each discovery brings us closer to understanding the formation, evolution, and behavior
of these celestial entities. Whether it's witnessing the birth of a star or unraveling the mysteries of
distant galaxies, astronomy offers a window into the awe-inspiring vastness of the universe.

The other important aspect of studying astronomy is gaining insights into the interactions and
phenomena within the universe. By studying about gravitational forces, stellar fusion, black
holes, and other cosmic processes, we deepen our understanding of how celestial objects interact
with one another and the forces that shape the universe. This knowledge allows us to
comprehend the complicated mechanisms at play, such as the cosmic ballet of stars in a galaxy
or the cataclysmic events that occur within the heart of a black hole. Astronomy provides us with
a profound appreciation for the complexity and interconnectedness of the universe.

As has been shown above, the study of astronomy takes us on a thrilling journey of exploration,
unveiling the wonders of the universe and deepening our understanding of celestial objects and
their interactions. By exploring the vastness of the cosmos and gaining insights into cosmic
phenomena, astronomy broadens our horizons and ignites our curiosity about the mysteries that
lie beyond our own planet. It is through this fascinating field of study that we gain a greater
appreciation for the beauty, complexity, and interconnectedness of the universe we call home.

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