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Check the letter that your teacher has given you for feedback on your assessment against the
statements below. If you don’t understand the comment, please see your teacher in your next PE


A Think about joining an extra-curricular club to
further your knowledge of this sport.
B Watch examples of high-level demonstrations
to improve your understanding of this sport.
C Do some further research on the rules of this
sport via National Governing Body websites.
D Ask questions during lessons to check your
understanding of rules.
E Ask questions during lessons to check your
understanding of skills.
F Ask questions during lessons to check your
understanding of tactics.
G You have shown excellent understanding of the
skills required for this sport.
H You have shown excellent understanding of the
rules required for this sport.
I You have shown excellent understanding of the
tactics required for this sport.
J Ensure that you read all questions carefully
before trying to answer.
K Make links to other sports when answering
L Great understanding of rules! Try to implement
this now in your game play during lessons.
M Great understanding of skills! Try to implement
this now in your game play during lessons.
N Great understanding of tactics! Try to
implement this now in your game play during
O See me in the next lesson to discuss this work.
P Outstanding effort!
Q Good effort!
R You have used these rules and skills in lessons.
Try to remember them when answering your
S Try to remember the components of fitness we
used in lessons. Research their definitions if you
are unsure how they apply to sport and PE.

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