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Juana Camila Gutiérrez Tavera

On my vacaction, i was with my family on a farm and saw many so beautiful animals and i
traveled to San Martin to spend time with my cousins who were on vacation. My cousins and I
visited different rivers and learned to prepare sancocho, it’s a very delicious soup.
After being with my cousins, I was with my niece in Villavicencio. We played together and
made many trips to shopping centers, another activity we did was cooking together. At the end
of January, my brother and my mom came to visit. We were all together sharing family
moments like eating pizza and watching movies. We went out to discover new restaurants at
night, we took a walk through the Carmen path and then we went to Cumaral to visit my uncles.
And to end my vacation, I spent a few weeks with my paternal family who were also in
Cumaral, as that is my birthplace and where all my family lives.

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