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Unit-level overview Unit 1

Unit name or title: Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Aim of the Unit: This Unit provides an overview of the subject of environmental impact
assessment (EIA). First, the Unit provides an introduction to the
concepts upon which EIA is founded; including its definition, history,
and the key issues associated with EIA.
This topic covers: The meaning, purpose and principles of EIA.

Intended learning At the end of this Unit, you are expected to be able to:
outcomes: 1. Explain the meaning of EIA
2. Describe the purpose of EIA
3. Identify the principles of EIA

Overview of student Watching YouTube videos, participating in online discussion, online

activity: assignment and reading books.

Constructive alignment of unit level outcomes with module level outcomes, learning activities
and assessment
No of module-
level outcome

engage with Where and how is this
Intended unit learning outcomes: this outcome outcome assessed?
At the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
1. Define the concept of EIA 1 E-TIVITY 1.1 Online quiz
2. Describe the purpose of EIA 1 E- TIVITY 1.2 Online peer review
3. Briefly explain the principles of EIA 1 E- TIVITY 1.3 Online quiz and assignment

Detailed explanation of ALL student and teacher engagement with the Unit:
(This should be presented in the order that the activities take place. So, if students do work online
before coming to the lecture, that should be shown ahead of what happens in class.
If there is more than one opportunity for face-to-face contact, or more than one online task, there
should be a separate section for each instance, and they should be presented in the template in the
same order that students encounter them.)
Content – such as lecture material – can EITHER be shown here OR added as clearly identifiable
addenda to the document. If you plan to use addenda, you should ensure that these are cross-
referenced in this section.)
Module-level outcomes addressed:
Units 1 covers overall learning outcome 1
Purpose of the unit/week/section:
Unit 1 Provides a general background of Environmental Impact Assessment, especially its meaning,
objectives and guiding principles.
Over to you: (a description of the process of the section)
In this Unit, you are supposed to watch a provided YouTube video about EIA in E-TIVITY 1:1 that will
provide you with a basic understanding of EAI. Once you have watched a video and mastered key
ideas on EIA you will be required to do online quizzes and assignments to test that there are gaps
in your understanding

Pre-topic activity: Number of hours 5 hours

The purpose of E-TIVITY 1.0 is to introduce yourself to your module moderator and fellow
classmates; this is important as a foundation for the relationships that are going to develop during
the study of this Module.
 Write a brief biography (bio) that;
 tells your fellow students something about your educational background
 In your opinion, briefly explain how do you think Environmental Impact Assessment Module
will prepare you to become a good environmental manager?
 What do you consider to be your main strength and weakness?
(1 hour)
 Post your bio in the discussion forum on the Week 0 discussion board by Tuesday the 8 th
December 2020 at 23:00 HRSh00.
 Read what the other students have posted, and comment on at least two of their bios,
suggesting how you might work together to exploit your strengths for each other’s benefit. Post
these comments by Thursday the 10th December 2020 at 23:00HRS
Has your country introduced EIA on a legal basis? If yes, find out when the legislation was
enacted, who the government bodies responsible for making the decision are, and if there is a
quality control body or some other ways of controlling quality
Face to face time: (if applicable) Number of hours 2
Face to face session on the concept of Environmental Impact Assessment
Online activity: Number of hours 13
Watch online lecture, participate in the online discussion,
attempt online assignment and quizzes
What should students  E-TIVITY 1.1; Watch the YouTube video on Environmental Impact
do? Assessment at,
and from the video, explain why EIA is important; giving specific
examples from your local area
 E-TIVITY 1.2; Watch a webinar on Environmental Impact Assessment
which was hosted by Dr. Prasad Modak at and explain the
circumstances in which a construction of a water dam project in a
national park can be approved
 E-TIVITY 1.3 Examine the principles of EIA good practice and illustrate
their practical application

Some Important questions

How are students enabled to The materials will be uploaded for students to the learning
access the resources management system (LMS)
By when should submit the Post the findings of E-TIVITY 1.1 by 10th December 2020 for
online assessment? assessment.
Which learning  Powerpoint presentation, practice quizzing
resources/references will  Books and study questions
scaffold the student’s learning  Hyperlinks to chapters in books
Where in this Unit are students  E-TIVITY 1.2
expected to work collaboratively
How has an inclusive approach The use of multimedia (audio, video and text)
been incorporated in this Unit?
How will feedback on Unit be Students will be asked to complete an evaluation form at the
obtained from students? end of the topic
How will student’s feedback be The teaching approach including aspects such as assessment or
used to improve Unit? activities may be modified depending on the feedback from the
evaluation form to improve the process of teaching and
At which point(s) will students One week after submission of the assignment/quiz task given
receive formative feedback on
the work they have done in the
How has an inclusive approach The use of multimedia (audio, video and text)
been incorporated in this Unit?
E-moderator/tutor role
 Welcoming learners to participate in the learning process
 Providing feedback to learners based on their responses
 Ensuring that inclusivity condition is met
How are the learning outcomes in this Unit assessed? Number of 1
Assessment will be conducted through online assignments and quizzes.
How does this section link to other sections of the Module?
This section links to all other parts of the Module since it sets a foundation for learners to capture
a general concept of Environmental Impact Assessment.

= Total number of hours 20

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