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13/8/2021 26780: Phase 1: The Shark Tank Project


Phase 1: Start up your Company

In the phase one of this project, you will participate in a forum by answering some questions about how the companies are important in
economic reactivation, so that in teams, you can brainstorm ideas of a new business that could facilitate your professional activities and
tasks. Then, as a team, you will select the best idea, and create a slide presentation to introduce your new company and present it to your
tutor during a videoconference.

Task 1. Group slection

In the link “Creating my group”, select the group (A, B, C, etc.) you want to be part of. If you do not select a group before the deadline, your
tutor will randomly assign you one.

Videoconference: Participate in the online lessons in which your tutor will introduce the project; its general features and topics related
with the grammar you have to use during the first phase. Also, during these lessons, you will identify your strengths and weaknesses and
you will correct your mistakes.

Task 2. Brainstorming and sharing ideas for the new companies

Participate in the forum “This is my company”. According to your profession and also your product or service:
1. Propose the type of company you will create with your team. You can even propose a name for your company. (apps are not
2. How could the company be useful for the economy reactivation?

Task 3. Presenting a new innovative company trough and oral presentation

It is time for your team to choose one of the companies you suggested in the forum. Now, your team has to create a slide presentation
addressed to a group of business angels and present it in real time (Videoconference). Follow these guidelines:

- Take the presentation available in the platform as an example. Please take into account you must add the mission and vision of your
company and also that apps are not allowed this time.

- Your presentation must have four slides:

Slide 1: Name of the company, name of the group and its members.
Slide 2: What is it? and How will be the company in 5 years?
Slide 3: Why could it be useful for the economy
Slide 4. Why is it innovative?
- Feel free to use images to ilustrate your ideas.
- Use vocabulary related to jobs, technology and artificial resources, and use the grammar learned (such as conditionals zero, one
and two).


Checking resources 1 Hours

Virtual Individual – collaborative Activity development 7 Hours

Week 2 Week 5
Videoconferences 5 Hours

TOTAL 13 1/2
13/8/2021 26780: Phase 1: The Shark Tank Project


Present an oral report using a slide presentation in Power Point. It must have only four slides with the structure and content indicated
before. Make sure you checked English Language use (Grammar and Vocabulary). Choose only one member of the group to upload the
Power Point file before the deadline (PDFs are not allowed).

The tutor will answer any question you have about the phase 1 of the project through the communication tools of the virtual classroom. In
the first videoconference, he/she will introduce the project and its general features. He/she will also moderate the forum and your
interventions. Additionally, the tutor will grade your oral presentation using the criteria in the evaluation rubric.

Todos los derechos Reservados. UNIMINUTO 2021

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a Inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional
Personeria Jurídica: Resolución 10345 del 1 de Agosto de 1990 MEN 2/2

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