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Oct 1, 2012

To Whom It May Concern

I herewith am glad to introduce an outstanding student, Ms Chang, Tsui-Jung,

and believe Tsui-Junag is qualified as International Student of the Visiting
Program at Hong Kong Baptist University.

Tsui-Jung is fourth-grade student at Department of Recreation and Leisure

Industry Management at National Taiwan Sport University. Tsui-Jung highly
expects to join International Visiting Student Program in Spring Semester,
especially subjects, like ‘Hong Kong and Taiwan Cinema’, ‘Customer
Relationship Management’ and ‘Documentary Photography’ from Jan to
May 2013.

Tsui-Jung had been my student at ‘English Reading’ class and currently one at
‘English Listening& Speaking’. Highly-motivated, creative-thought, active-
attitude in addition to gentle and polite, Tusi-Jung has left me an unforgettable
impression. No matter what listening or speaking, her performance is always at
top 5.

With above-mentioned good traits, I strong recommend that Tusi-Jung

deservers to get an opportunity studying at extinguished university, like Hong
Kong Baptist.

Faithfully yours,

Abraham Chao
Lecturer of Literacy Class at NTSU

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