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Kwadjane et al.

EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83

R ESEA R CH Open Access

Performance evaluation of max-dmin precoding

in impulsive noise for train-to-wayside
communications in subway tunnels
Jean-Marc Kwadjane1* , Baptiste Vrigneau2 , Charlotte Langlais3 , Yann Cocheril1 and Marion Berbineau1

This paper addresses the performance evaluation of the multiple input multiple output (MIMO) precoding technique,
referred to as max-dmin precoding, over fading channel with impulsive noise in a railway tunnel. Measurements
showed that the received signal at the antenna on the moving train roof near the catenary suffers from
electromagnetic noise interference (EMI). This implies that the traditional Gaussian noise model is no longer valid and
an impulsive noise model has to be considered. Based on this observation, we investigate the performance of the
max-dmin MIMO precoding technique, based on the minimum distance criterion, in an impulsive noise modeled as an
α-stable distribution. The main contributions are (i) a general approximation of the error probability of the max-dmin
precoder, in the presence of Cauchy noise for an nr × nt MIMO system, and (ii) the performance evaluation, in terms of
bit error rate, of a complete communication system, considering a MIMO channel model in tunnel and impulsive
noise, both obtained by measurements. Two soft detection techniques, providing the soft decisions to the channel
decoder, are proposed based on the approximation of the probability density function of the impulsive noise by
either a Gaussian or a Cauchy law.
Keywords: MIMO systems; Closed loop; Precoding techniques; Impulsive noise; α-stable distribution; Channel
correlation; Tunnel environments; Minimal distance density function

1 Introduction value decomposition (SVD) to convert the MIMO chan-

Spatial diversity offered by multiple input multiple output nel, represented by a full matrix, into parallel subchannels,
(MIMO) techniques can help to provide efficient trans- without any interference. MIMO precoding is of great
missions in underground tunnels [1]. In the field of public practical interest in wireless communication and remains
transport, particularly in subway tunnels, MIMO tech- an active research area, fueled by applications in commer-
niques can improve the system performance in terms of cial wireless technology.
data rate, robustness, and availability [1]. Moreover, when In this paper, we consider a closed-loop MIMO pre-
the channel state information at the transmitter (CSI- coder based on the maximization of the minimal distance,
T) is known, precoding techniques permit to compen- referred to as max-dmin precoder. Indeed, the max-dmin
sate the channel impairments such as spatial correlation precoder outperforms other kinds of MIMO precoders in
between antennas and can improve the overall perfor- terms of bit error rate (BER) performance, particularly in
mance drastically, particularly in confined environments correlated propagation scenarios [2-4]. Moreover, it pro-
[1]. Indeed, precoding is a processing technique that vides a high spectral efficiency compared to the single
exploits CSI-T by operating on the signal before trans- antenna scheme. In general, the analyses of MIMO sys-
mission. MIMO precoding typically makes use of singular tem performance so far have been performed assuming
an ideal Gaussian noise model. However, this model is not
*Correspondence: representative of real environments in railway systems,
1 Université de Lille 1, Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, IFSTTAR, COSYS, LEOST, where impulsive noise can be identified. Several models
Villeneuve d’Ascq 59650, France of impulsive noise have been proposed in the literature:
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
mixtures of Gaussian [5,6], the generalized Gaussian [7],

© 2014 Kwadjane et al.; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 2 of 12

the generalized t distribution [8], the distributions of received constellation of a precoded MIMO system
Middleton [9,10], and the α-stable laws [11,12]. The with rectangular QAM modulations.
effects of these impulsive noise distributions on OFDM (ii) We apply our precoded MIMO solution on a
systems and power line communications have been largely practical transmission in a tunnel. The transmission
investigated [13,14]. In [15], the authors considered the involves a realistic channel model in tunnel,
effect of a mixture of Gaussian noise and impulsive including impulsive noise and MIMO channel, both
noise (α-stable distribution) on typical single input sin- based on measurements and a communication
gle output (SISO) techniques. Some more recent works system close to Wi-Fi technology, including a
on MIMO systems also considered impulsive noise distri- channel code. Since the channel decoder has to be
butions. In [16], the performance analysis of three typical fed with soft decisions by the MIMO detector, two
MIMO systems - zero forcing (ZF) system, maximum like- soft detection techniques are proposed, based on the
lihood (ML) system, and space-time block coding (STBC) approximation of the probability density function of
system - was performed in a mixture of Gaussian noise the impulsive noise by either a Gaussian or a Cauchy
and impulsive noise. The upper bound of symbol error law.
rate (SER) in this mixed noise was derived for each sys-
tem. In [17], authors analyzed the symmetric α-stable The rest of the paper is organized as follows. After
(SαS) noise component after performing ZF filtering in describing the system model with SαS noise in Section 2,
the receiver and deduced a probability density function Section 3 details the error probability analysis of the max-
(pdf ) approximation of the SαS noise component by dmin precoder assuming full channel state information
using Cauchy-Gaussian mixture with bi-parameter model. (CSI) at the receiver side and perfect channel estimation in
Based on this approximated pdf, they provided a closed- a theoretical Rayleigh channel. Section 4 highlights prac-
form expression of the BER performance in MIMO sys- tical performance results considering a MIMO channel
tems. Nevertheless, none of those works has considered measured in a real tunnel environment. Conclusions and
MIMO precoding. perspectives are presented in Section 5.
In this paper, we focus on the max-dmin MIMO pre- Throughout the paper, boldface characters are used for
coder in the presence of a specific impulsive noise, matrices (upper case) and vectors (lower case). Super-
whose model was obtained thanks to measurements script (·)∗ denotes conjugate transposition. IM stands for
on the antenna dedicated to Global System for Mobile the M×M identity matrix. ·2 and ·F indicate the two-
Communications-Railways (GSM-R) situated on the roof norm and the Frobenius norm of a matrix, respectively. 
of a running train. The measurement campaigns were car- Cm is the m-dimensional complex vector space, Nc 0, σ 2
ried out on trains running at a speed between 160 and 200 is the complex normal distribution. λ is the wavelength.
km/h. They showed that an intermittent source of elec-
tromagnetic interference (EMI) is received by the GSM-R 2 System model
antennas [18]. The EMI is generated by the electric arc We consider the case of a single-user transmission from
emissions due to the sliding contact between the cate- nt transmit antennas to nr receive antennas over a fad-
nary and the pantograph. The variables that influence the ing channel. We assume that the channel coefficients are
electric arc emissions are the contact wire surface con- known at the receiver and at the transmitter. The amount
ditions, the pantograph sliding contact conditions, the of information sent from the receiver to the transmitter
temperature, the train speed, the amplitude of the col- can be reduced by using partial or quantized CSI [4,22]. In
lected current, the mechanical suspensions reaction, and this case, the receiver chooses the precoding matrix from
in general the mechanical characteristics of the catenary a finite cardinality codebook, designed off-line and known
system [19]. The noise distribution measured in [18] is at both sides of the communication link. Since the quanti-
well approximated by a SαS distribution [20]. zation is a stand-alone problem, in this paper, we focus on
The contributions of the paper are as follows: full CSI-T. Thus, the general input-output relation of the
precoded MIMO scheme is given by
(i) We present a new approximation of the error
probability of the max-d min precoder, in the y = HFx + n (1)
presence of Cauchy noise. This approximation is
available for any number of antennas and any where y is the complex received symbol vector, x is the
rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation complex transmitted symbol vector of b streams such that
(QAM) modulation order. This is an extension of b ≤ min (nt , nr ) and E = [xx∗ ], F is the linear pre-
our previous work only valid for 2 × 2 MIMO coder respecting F2F = Et where Et is the total transmit
system and 4-QAM modulation [21], using the pdf energy, n ∈ Cnr ×1 is a complex SαS noise vector, and
statistic of minimum Euclidean distance of the H ∈ Cnr ×nt is the Rayleigh decorrelated channel matrix.
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 3 of 12

In Section 4, H will be described by a Kronecker model to elements represent subchannel gains arranged in a
account for the spatial correlation measured in the tunnel. descending order. The precoding and decoding matrix can
respectively be written as F = Fv Fd and G = Gd Gv . By
2.1 Impulsive noise: α-stable distribution applying the precoding and the decoding matrix at the
α-stable random processes provide a suitable model for a transmitter and at the receiver, respectively, the received
wide range of non-Gaussian heavy-tailed impulsive noise vector of the precoding-based MIMO scheme is given by
encountered in wireless communication channels [12].
y = Gd Hv Fd x + Gd nv . (4)
This can be justified by the generalized central limit
theorem considering that the noise results from a large The max-dmin precoder solution is given by
number of possible impulsive effects [11]. However, there Fd = arg max dmin (Fi ) , where dmin (Fi )
is no closed-form expression of their pdf and cumula- Fi
tive distribution except for the Gaussian (α = 2), Cauchy = min Hv Fi (xk − xl ) .
(α = 1), and Levy distributions (α = 1/2 and β = 1). They (xk ,xl )∈C ,xk  =xl
are generally described by their characteristic function In [2], an analytic solution of Equation 5 is given for two
⎧  independent data streams, b = 2 and a 4-QAM. Thanks to
⎪ πα
⎪ α
⎨exp iμt−|γ t| 1−iβsgn (t) tan 2 for α  = 1 a judicious change of variables, the virtual channel matrix
φ (t) =  can be parameterized as

⎩exp iμt−|γ t| 1+iβ sgn (t) log |t| for α = 1
σ1 0 cos θ 0
π Hv = =ρ (6)
(2) 0 σ2 0 sin θ

where α ∈ ]0, 2] is the characteristic exponent. It mea- σ2
where θ = arctan is the channel angle and ρ =
sures the tail heaviness of the distribution. The more α  σ1
tends to 0, the slower the tail decreases and vice versa. σ12 + σ22 is the channel gain. The solution does not
γ > 0 is the dispersion or scale parameter. γ is simi- depend on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) but rather on
lar to the variance of the Gaussian distribution. μ ∈ R the value of the channel angle θ and can take two dif-
is the localization parameter. β ∈ [−1, 1] is the symme- ferent forms. The optimized solution for MIMO systems
try parameter. When β = 0, the distribution is symmetric using high-order QAM modulation is hard to find. How-
about μ, denoted SαS, and Equation 2 is reduced to ever, a general form of minimum Euclidean distance based
φ (t) = eiμt−|γ t| . (3) precoders for all rectangular QAM modulations was pro-
posed in [23]. This form is based on two linear precoders,
The probability density function may be numeri- which maximize the Euclidean distance dmin for the two
cally calculated using the inverse Fourier transform of independent data streams according to the following rule:
Equation 2 or 3. In [20], a distribution fitting of the pouring power only on the strongest subchannel or on
measured transient EMI acting on GSM-R antenna on both subchannels according to the value of the channel
the train roof revealed that the measured data in [18] is angle θ in comparison to θ0 . The threshold θ0 (M) depends
well modeled by the SαS distribution. Table 1 gives the on the modulation level and is defined by
parameter values of the distribution, estimated by [20].
2−1 √
2.2 Closed-loop MIMO precoding technique θ0 (M) = arctan √ √ √ , with N = M−1
We consider the max-dmin precoder, based on the max- 2N + 6N 2 − 1

imization of the minimum Euclidean distance of the (7)

received constellation [20]. By performing the singular The corresponding minimal Euclidean distance for these
value decomposition (SVD) of the channel matrix H, two precoders, referred to as Fr1 and Focta , is given in
Fv and Gv can be obtained, where Hv = Gv HFv = Table 2 [23]. Suboptimal extensions for substream number
diag(σ1 , · · · , σb ). Hv is the virtual channel matrix, whose greater than 2 can be found in [3].
Table 1 Estimated parameters values of the SαS
distribution Table 2 Minimum distance
Precoders 2
Model Parameter Estimated value
6 2
cos γ √
Exponent characteristic α 1.253 Fr1 0 ≤ θ ≤ θ0 Es ρ 2 √ with N = M − 1
M − 1 N2 + 3N + 2
α-stable Dispersion γ 0.419
Location μ 3.95 × 10−4 ≈ 0 6 2− 2 2 2
Focta θ0 ≤ θ ≤ π Es ρ 2 cos γ√sin γ
Symmetry parameter β 2.64 × 10−4 ≈ 0 M−1 1+ 2−2 2 cos2 γ
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 4 of 12

2.3 Detection techniques In the max-dmin precoder case, we are interested only
The lack of analytical form of the probability density in the two largest eigenvalues. Thus, the conjoint law of
makes it difficult to study detection techniques in the these two largest eigenvalues is expressed by
presence of impulsive noise. For SISO systems, some good  
approximations of probability density of the SαS noise as a   λ2 λm−1
fλ1, λ2 λ1, λ2 = ··· fλ1 ,λ2 ,··· ,λm (λ1 , λ2 , · · · , λm )
mixture of noise have been proposed in [15]. However, the 0 0
maximum likelihood (ML) detection in the general case × dλ3 . . . dλm .
of SαS noise is difficult to solve for the precoded MIMO (11)
scheme. In this study, we will consider a suboptimal detec-
tion technique, based on the assumption of a Cauchy A general form is difficult to obtain, but it can be
detector [24]. This assumption is justified since the esti- demonstrated that the conjoint law has the form [26]
mated error exponent of the considered SαS distribution    n
fλ1, λ2 λ1, λ2 = k2 λ1, λ2 s e−(λ1 +λ2 ) (λ1 − λ2 )2
(Table 1) is close to that of the Cauchy distribution.
The optimal decoding rule is to find  x that maximizes 
m−2  (12)
e−nλ2 pn,i,j λi1 λ2 e−nλ2
the likelihood ×
n=0 i,j

x = argmax p (y|x) . (8)
where coefficients pn,i,j are computed by any mathemati-
If n follows a Cauchy distribution, the rule of maximum cal computational software program. In order to find the
likelihood is then given by pdf of the square minimum Euclidian distance for the
nr   2 max-dmin precoder, pdfmax−dmin , we consider a second

x = argmin yk − heki xi , with He = HF. change of variables based on a more tractable couple of
k=1 i
(9) RV:
⎧ 2
In the following section we analyze the error probability ⎨ = λ1 + λ2 = ρ

of the precoded MIMO scheme in the presence of Cauchy λ − λ2 . (13)

⎩β = 1 = cos 2θ
noise (α = 1) [24]. λ1 + λ2
Thus, the square minimum Euclidian distance can be
3 Error probability analysis
written as [26] in a simplest form:
Equation 6 shows that the virtual channel is fully charac-
terized by two variables ρ and θ which are the channel dmin = αM δ (β) (14)
gain and the channel angle, respectively. The behavior and
performance of the max-dmin precoder depend on these with
two parameters. Furthermore, ρ and θ are random vari- 1+β 6
δ (β) = , αM =  √ for Fr1
ables (RV) whose laws depend on the channel. Thus, in 2 (M − 1) N 2 + 3N + 2
this section, we focus on the theoretical laws of these two
RV, and especially θ, whose pdf depends directly on the (15)

distribution of the two largest eigenvalues of the channel. 1 − β2 6(2 − 2)
δ (β) =  √ , αM = for Focta
The main idea is to derive the expression of pdf of the
2− 2 β (M − 1)
minimum Euclidean distance and then the error probabil-
ity of the max-dmin precoder. As the channel matrix H is (16)
an uncorrelated Rayleigh matrix, W = HH∗ is a Wishart where δ is a function of β and αM is a constant depend-
matrix. Using the random matrix theory, we can define ing on the modulation size. The expression of the mini-
the joint distribution of nonzero eigenvalues of a Wishart mum distance takes into account the two possibilities Fr1
matrix for min(nt , nr ) = m [25]. and Focta . In (14), the determination of the pdf of the

m square minimum distance requires the computation of the
λni s e−λi ×
fλ1 ,··· ,λm (λ1 , · · · , λm ) = km λi − λj marginal law of δ from the joint law of and δ. Finally,
i=1 i=1, i<j the pdf of the square minimum distance in the case of the
(10) max-dmin precoder is
where   1 d2 d2
pdfmax −dmin d2 = gFr1 + gFocta
1 αM αM αM
λi = σi2 , ns = |nt −nr | and km =

m (17)
(nt − i) ! (nr − i) !
i=1 where
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 5 of 12

⎪ −z ns β0 (M)

⎪ gFr1 (z) = ke z i
pn,i,j z ψn,j z,

⎪ 1 + β0 (M)

⎪ n,i,j


⎪    2  √

⎪ 2ns +3+i+j −z 1+ n −z √ n i,j

⎪ gFocta (z) = √ k
pn,i,j √ z
e 2 × e 2 φ1,n+1 z, 2 + 1

⎪ 2 2 2 2

⎪ n,i,j

⎪ γinc (ns + j + 3, ξ ) γinc (ns + j + 2, ξ ) γinc (ns + j + 1, ξ )

⎪ ψn,j (z, a) = − 2z + z2

⎪ + ns +j+3
+ ns +j+2
(n + 1)ns +j+1

(n 1) (n 1)

⎨ β0 (M) = cos(2θ0 (M))

⎪   tsup  tsup 

⎪ x b+1  x b

⎪ i,j − √ (a+1)t+ t − √ at+ t 1

⎪ φ (x, t sup ) = e 2 2 w t l
+ β K0 e 2 2 dt

⎪ a,b l

⎪ l 1


⎪  tsup 

⎪ x b
− √ at+ t (t 2 − 1)

⎪ + √x

⎪ β K1 2 e 2 2 dt

⎪ 1 4t 3

⎪ ξ = a(n + 1)z

⎪  x

⎩ γinc (a, x) = t α−1 e−t dt.

Only the main results are reminded here, and the reader Then, we deduce the complementary cumulative distri-
may find more detailed calculus in [26]. The minimum bution function (ccdf ) of the Cauchy noise by
Euclidean distance directly affects the error probability
at the output of the ML detector. The closer the two F(x) = P (X > x) = 1 − F(x)
impacts of the received constellation are, the higher the
error probability is. Therefore, we use the theoretical error  (20)
1 1 x
probability approximation, limited to the nearest neigh- = − arctan
2 π γ
bors as in [25]: considering an impact of the received
constellation, the error only comes from the choice of
one neighbor at the distance dmin . In order to take into where F(x) is the cumulative distribution function (cdf )
account the channel statistics, the expression is averaged of the Cauchy distribution. Finally, the ccdf of the Cauchy
by using the integration weighted by the pdf of dmin . noise, which is analog to erfc function for the Gaussian
Figure 1 shows different examples of results for the Gaus- case, is averaged over the statistics of the minimum
sian noise. The proposed formula is a good lower bound distance considering a decorrelated Rayleigh channel,
and a close approximation at high SNR for the Gaussian and the BER expression of the max-dmin precoder is
noise. The Cauchy receiver, which is the optimum in the provided:
case of α = 1, performs quite closely to the optimum
receiver for a wide range of α and γ [27]. Thus, we suggest ∞   
N(θ) 1 1 SNR·u
using the same method as in [25] applied to the Cauchy Pe − arctan pdfmax −dmin (u)du
law. First, we approximate the pdf of the measured SαS 2 2 π 8
noise by a Cauchy law given by (21)
fCauchy (x) =  2 . (19)
π γ + x2 where

⎪ Ne (θ)Nb (θ)

⎨ N(θ) = blog (M) , is the average number of neighbors and different bits for a fixed modulation

SNR = Et /γ , the signal to noise (SNR) ratio
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 6 of 12






0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 1 Numerical approximation and simulation - max-dmin . Error probability of the max-dmin precoder with a Gaussian noise for different
MIMO systems: 2 × 2, 6 × 2, and 10 × 2, from right to left, respectively.

Ne (θ) represents the average number of nearest neigh- able U ∈ − π2 , π2 , and then we apply the relationship
bors at the distance dmin , and Nb (θ) is the average number [28]:
of errors among the b transmitted bits per symbol. These
two parameters can be obtained using the received con- X = γ tan U + μ. (23)
stellations and depend on the modulation and the max-
dmin precoder (Fr1 or Focta ). Table 3 presents the results Figure 2 provides the theoretical and the simulated BER
in the special case where b = 2, and 4 bits is transmitted versus the SNR ratio for a 2 × 2 MIMO system with
using M-QAM modulations. The exact analytical solu- different modulation order in the presence of an impul-
tion of equality 21 is hard to find due to the difficulty to sive noise modeled by the Cauchy law. By comparing the
deal with the integration. So, we manage it by numerical theoretical results (line with plus sign) and the simula-
integration. We compare these results with the simulation tion results (line with circle), we can readily find that the
of the whole communication chain in a Rayleigh chan- theoretical results match the simulated results of the com-
nel. Simulation parameters are presented in Table 4. Gd munication chain very well at high SNR values (>20 dB or
is chosen as an identity matrix, and nv is a Cauchy noise BER < 10−2 ) for 4-QAM and 16-QAM modulations. In
in this stage. There are several algorithms to simulate sta- these cases, the agreement is not so good for the low SNR
ble α-random variables [28]. In particular, for X a Cauchy values. For the 64-QAM modulation, the gap between
random variable, we generate a uniform random vari- theoretical and the simulated results is about 3 dB. This
demonstrates the interest of the proposed closed-form
BER performance only at high SNR. It may be considered
as a good lower bound for 2 × 2 MIMO systems in the
Table 3 Ne and Nb values presence of impulsive noise. In Figures 3, 4, and 5, we show
Fr1 Focta
4-QAM Ne 3.5 7
Table 4 Simulation parameters
Nb 1.471 1.488
MIMO systems 2 × 2, 4 × 4, 8 × 8
16-QAM Ne 4.312 13.875
Number of streams 2
Nb 2.032 2.29
Number of frames 10,000
64-QAM Ne 4.32 18.484 Frame length 800 bits
Nb 2.196 2.913 Modulation 4-QAM, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 7 of 12

Approx, M=4
Simul, M=4
−1 Approx, M=16
Simul, M=16
Simul, M=64
Approx, M=64




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 2 Numerical approximation and simulation - max-dmin nt = 2 nr = 2 M = (4, 16, 64). Error probability of the max-dmin precoder in
2 × 2 MIMO system with a Cauchy noise (α = 1) and 4, 16, 64-QAM.

the performance analysis of 4 × 4 and 8 × 8 MIMO sys- the communication chain very well at high SNR values
tems for 4-QAM, 16-QAM, and 64-QAM, respectively. By (>30 dB or BER < 10−4 ) for 4-QAM and 16-QAM mod-
comparing the theoretical results (line with plus sign) and ulations. For higher modulation, we have to improve our
the simulation results (line with circle), we can readily find BER approximation by considering more neighbors. With
that the theoretical results match the simulated results of 4-QAM modulation, the 4 × 4 system provides a high gain

a b
0 0
10 10
Approx, M=4 Approx, M=4
Simul, M=4 Simul, M=4
−1 −1
10 10

−2 −2
10 10

−3 −3
10 10


−4 −4
10 10

−5 −5
10 10

−6 −6
10 10

−7 −7
10 10

−8 −8
10 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure 3 Numerical approximation and simulation - max-dmin M = 4. Error probability of the max-dmin precoder in 4 × 4 and 8 × 8 MIMO
systems with a Cauchy noise (α = 1) and 4-QAM. (a) 4 × 4 MIMO system. (b) 8 × 8 MIMO system.
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 8 of 12

a b
0 0
10 10
Approx, M=16 Approx, M=16
Simul, M=16 Simul, M=16

−1 −1
10 10

−2 −2
10 10

−3 −3
10 10

−4 −4
10 10

−5 −5
10 10

−6 −6
10 10

−7 −7
10 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 4 Numerical approximation and simulation - max-dmin M = 16. Error probability of the max-dmin precoder in 4 × 4 and 8 × 8 MIMO
systems with a Cauchy noise (α = 1) and 16-QAM. (a) 4 × 4 MIMO system. (b) 8 × 8 MIMO system.

a 0
b 0
10 10
Approx, M=64 Approx, M=64
Simul, M=64 Simul, M=64

−1 −1
10 10

−2 −2
10 10

−3 −3
10 10


−4 −4
10 10

−5 −5
10 10

−6 −6
10 10

−7 −7
10 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 5 Numerical approximation and simulation - max-dmin M = 64. Error probability of the max-dmin precoder in 4 × 4 and 8 × 8 MIMO
systems with a Cauchy noise (α = 1) and 64-QAM. (a) 4 × 4 MIMO system. (b) 8 × 8 MIMO system.
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 9 of 12

at high SNR value compared to the 2×2 system, more than channel sounder from the Elektrobit company (Oulu,
20 dB at BER = 10−5 . However, there is no significant gain Finland) [30] which is based on the spread-spectrum
when we consider a 8×8 system compared to the 4×4 sys- sounding method for the delay domain. It is a multi-
tem with the same modulation order. This approximation dimensional channel sounder which measures radio chan-
may be considered as a good lower bound for any MIMO nel in time and spatial domains, and provides complex
system in the presence of impulsive noise. impulse responses (CIR). The rapid switching of the
antennas makes PropsoundTM suitable for MIMO mea-
4 Performance in a real tunnel environment surements. Measurement configurations and first analy-
4.1 Realistic model from measured MIMO channels ses are presented in [29]. Due to the small RMS delay
The considered transmission chain mimics an IEEE spread in this environment (few ns) regarding the data
802.11× PHY modem that involves a bit-interleaved coded frame size, the channel matrices H are modeled in narrow
modulation (BICM) resulting in the concatenation of a band using the Kronecker model [31] as indicated in (24):
channel encoder, a bit interleaver, and a bit-to-symbol
mapper. The channel code is a 12 rate convolutional code
with constraint length K = 7 and defined by the genera- H = r1/2 Hw t (24)
tor polynomials g0 = 0133 and g1 = 0171. The frame of
encoded data is then randomly interleaved and converted
to complex symbols belonging to the constellation alpha- where Hw ∈ Cnr ×nt is the i.i.d. Rayleigh matrix, and t ∈
bet of 4-QAM modulation. This BICM scheme is followed Cnt ×nt and r ∈ Cnr ×nr represent the correlation matri-
by the max-dmin precoder, which adapts b = 2 streams to ces averaged along the tunnel axis at the transmitter and
the 4 × 4 MIMO channel. Decoding is performed using receiver sides, respectively, computed from H. The mea-
a soft detection technique considering two different laws: surements of the MIMO channel were conducted in the
Gaussian and Cauchy (see Section 4.2). For this simula- Tunnel of Roux (Ardèche region in the south of France,
tion, 10,000 frames of 800 bits each were transmitted. The Figure 6). Two MIMO configurations related to the spac-
channel is quasi-static, so H is assumed constant over ing between the receiving and transmitting antennas, 2λ
the transmission of several consecutive vector symbols. (average value of correlation along the tunnel ρ = 0.96)
The considered noise is SαS, and the generation of SαS and 10λ (average value of correlation ρ = 0.57), are con-
random variables follows the formula proposed by [25]. sidered. They correspond to a high and a low correlation
A MIMO channel sounding campaign provided the scenario, respectively [29]. In such an environment (empty
channel matrices H, thanks to the measured complex tunnel, no cross-sectional change), there is a geometrical
impulse responses between each couple of transmitting similarity between the environment near the transmitting
and receiving antennas [29]. Measurements were con- antennas and that near the receiving antennas. So, the cor-
ducted in the Tunnel of Roux located in the Ardèche relation values are equivalent at both sides. All antennas
region in the south of France. We used the PropsoundTM at transmission and reception sides are vertically polar-

Figure 6 Tunnel of Roux environment.

Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 10 of 12






Soft Decoder Gaussian LLRs

Soft Decoder Cauchy LLRs
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 7 Max-dmin BER performance in the measured 4 × 4 MIMO channel. Perfect estimation of H, 4-QAM in coded system with soft
decoding in noise environment (α = 1.253, γ = 0.419, β = μ = 0).

ized. In the rest of the paper, we will consider only the low son between the two different soft detection techniques
correlation configuration for the max-dmin precoder. It can be seen that the
detector with the Gaussian assumption gives poor per-
4.2 Soft detection technique formance, compared to the detector with the Cauchy
Since channel coding is considered in the communication assumption. For a BER of 10−2 , the gap between these
chain, log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) have to be provided to two detectors is greater than 6 dB. Therefore, the chan-
the channel decoder. For each MIMO received vector y nel decoder based on LLRs obtained, thanks to the
and assuming a Gaussian noise, LLRs are given by Cauchy assumption, can increase the performance poten-
tial of the communication system in this type of railway
   2 environment.
exp − 2σ1 2 y − He s
LLRGaussian (b|Y) = ln    2 .
exp − 2σ1 2 y − He s 5 Conclusion
S∈Xb=0 In this paper, we have investigated the performance, in
(25) terms of BER, of a precoded MIMO system, based on
the max-dmin precoder, in the presence of impulsive noise
Assuming a Cauchy noise, LLRs are given by in the railway environment. First, we have proposed a
lower bound on the error probability of the max-dmin
   2 precoder in a Cauchy noise environment for any MIMO
1/ γ 2 + y − He s system dimensions and M-QAM rectangular modulation,
LLRCauchy (b|Y) = ln    2 . which is tight at high SNR relative to the simulation
1/ γ 2 + y − He s results of the communication chain. The expression is val-
S∈Xb=1 idated by the Monte Carlo evaluation of the minimum
(26) distance and the full simulation of the communication
chain. The chosen approximation is simple and more
4.3 Simulation results and discussion accurate, but a more complex form may be found by
Figure 7 corresponds to the max-dmin BER performance taking into account all neighbors. Second, we have evalu-
in the measured 4 × 4 MIMO channel obtained in the ated the performance of a realistic communication system
low correlated scenario (antenna spacing equal to 10λ close to the Wi-Fi PHY layer, including a realistic tun-
and ρ = 0.57). In this figure, we present the compari- nel channel, based on previous MIMO channel sounding
Kwadjane et al. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:83 Page 11 of 12

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