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Lesson 2: Discriminative and Efferent Listening

In relation to the purposes of listening, these terms are

Listening, like the other language arts, involves a process. similar to Verderber and company.
It is more than just hearing, even though we often use the l When you listen to enjoy like music or watching your
terms hearing and listening synonymously (Lundsteen, favorite series, that is appreciative listening.
1979). Actually, hearing is only one step; the crucial part is l When a person tries to discern linguistic codes like
comprehending what was heard. The listening process has speeches or when talking to someone that is
three steps: receiving, attending, and assigning meaning discriminative listening.
(Wolvin & Coakley, 1995). In the first step, listeners receive l When a person tries to recall information (from seminar
the aural stimuli or the combined aural and visual stimuli or lecture) that is comprehensive listening.
presented by the speaker. Next, listeners focus on l Finally, when a person evaluates the value of the
important stimuli while ignoring other, distracting stimuli. message, he/she practices critical listening.
Because so many stimuli surround students in the
classroom, they must attend to the speaker’s message, In the short exercise you had earlier, it was a brief
focusing on the most important information in that introduction to what discriminative listening is. When you
message. In the third step, listeners comprehend or assign were young, you actually developed phonemic awareness
meaning to the speaker’s message. Responding to the that is to blend and segment sounds.
message is not considered part of the listening process; l Blending- this is your ability to combine sounds and
the response occurs afterward, and it sets another eventually make words
communication process into action in which the listener l Segmenting- this is your ability to chunk the sounds and
becomes the message sender. make meaning to these sounds
l savoring word play- this is when you try to play with the
There are many accounts as to the process of listening, words and revisiting your mental lexicon for words related
Rost has also introduced a similar concept. In the process, to what you are hearing
there are still processing phases, decoding, l noticing verbal and nonverbal cues- fillers like ‘ahm’
comprehension, and interpretation. In his words: ‘okay’ or gestures also provide a listener hints to what the
message is.
l Decoding involves attention, speech perception, word
recognition, and grammatical parsing; Another type of listening is efferent listening, when you
l Comprehension includes activation of prior knowledge, listen efferently, you focus on the big ideas. You employ
representing propositions in short term memory, and specific strategies in order to and use strategies that help
logical inference them recognize these ideas and organize them so they are
l Interpretation encompasses comparison of meanings easier to remember. For example, they use the questioning
with prior expectations, activating participation frames, strategy to help them pick out what’s important and
and evaluation of discourse meanings understand the relationships among the big ideas.
l Organizing- You put into order your understanding
These processes are important as these will dictate how l recognizing big ideas- You identify the salient points from
the receiver of the message respond or react the the message
messages transmitted. l Questioning- You ask yourself for clarifications and have
them cleared
Why do people listen? People often answer that they l Summarizing- You create a gist of the entire message for
listen to learn or to avoid punishment, but according to easy recall
Wolvin and Coakley (1995), people actually use different
types of listening for these four purposes: One active listening strategy that harnesses the power of
◆ Discriminative listening to distinguish sounds discriminative and efferent listening is attending. Attending
◆ Aesthetic listening for enjoyment is the process of intentionally perceiving and focusing on a
◆ Efferent listening to learn information message (O’Shaughnessey, 2003). Poor listeners do not
◆ Critical listening to evaluate information have this as they allow their minds to wonder and focus on
the message. Do you find yourself dreaming or thinking of 3. Take notes: Although note taking may not be an
something else while in class? Or may be now while you appropriate way to remember information when engaged
are listening to this? in casual interpersonal encounters, it is a powerful tool for
increasing recall during lectures, business meet- ings, and
To improve this strategy, there are simple techniques: briefing sessions. Note taking provides a written record
1. Get physically ready to listen. This simply means you that you can go back to later. It also allows you to take an
as the listener eliminates anything that could potentially active role in the listening process (Dunkel & Pialorski,
distract you from listening, your cellphones, gadgets, social 2005; Kobayashi, 2006; Titsworth, 2004).
media, tv, and more.
Lesson 3: Aesthetic Listening
2. Resist mental distractions. Always have control of what
is in your mind. Focus. Yes, it is easier said than done, but Generally, aesthetic listening is used for enjoyment or
practice and determination makes it happen (e.g., a pleasure something that does really require too much of a
classmate who enters the room mental effort rather more on the affective domain. But at
e you while your supervisor is giving instructions), or a the same time, this kind of listening allows you to practice
physical distraction (e.g., wondering what you’ll eat for certain strategies while actually enjoying. Students learn
lunch because your stomach is growling) to use predicting, visualizing, connecting, and summarizing
strategies, and they apply what they’re learning as they
3. Hear the person out. At times, attending is not observed listen.
when we already have biases toward a person. Practice Predicting- Have you experienced watching a film or series
arguing with the person in mind and let him/her make his and tried to formulate how it will go? I bet you did.
point and wait for the time you can respond.
Visualizing- Have you tried to imagine or picture out the
Additional Inputs scenarios and how they will turn out?
“Remembering is being able to retain and recall
information later. We may find remembering difficult, for Connecting-Have you experienced associating elements
instance, because we filter out information that doesn’t fit from what you listened and watched to your beliefs or
our learning style, our listening anxiety prevents us from connect them to the scenes in the film just to make sense
recalling what we have heard, we engage in passive of what is happening?
listening, we practice selective listening and remember
only what supports our position, and we fall victim to the Summarizing-Have you recalled a film/series and relay to
primacy–recency effect of remembering only what is said your peers or friends the gist of the movie?
at the beginning and end of a message. “
Verderber, K Sellnow, D., & Verderber, R., 2017 All these are executed by us when we do aesthetic
listening. These are the same comprehension strategies
There are three techniques to develop: that students use when they read, but learning them
1. Repeat the Information: try to recall the information through listening is often more effective.
and repeat it either in your head or by saying it out loud.
This helps you in remembering important information. For Listening style is our favored and usually unconscious
example in an emergency call, you must remember vital approach to listening (Watson, Barker, & Weaver, 1995).
information in order to provide the need of the caller. Each of us tends to favor one of four listening styles.
2. Construct mnemonics: this is a common way of taking However, we also may change our listening style based on
down notes. In conversations though you do not take the situation and our goals for the interaction (Gearhart,
down notes unless it is a formal meeting. Speaking of Denham, & Bodie, 2014).
which, when you communicate with your boss and
requires you to do numerous tasks, the best way to go There is this one listening style I think we can identify
about it is perhaps employ mnemonics to recall all ourselves with when doing aesthetic listening. Since it
instructions. impacts more our affective domain and focuses more on
enjoyment. When we watched and listened to drama or
tragic movies, they are still to entertain audiences. At Lesson 4: Critical Listening
times, watching and listening to them makes us relate or
understand what they are going through. Listening with comprehension has same value as reading
comprehension. To comprehend meaning, words should
People-oriented listeners focus on the feelings their be familiar and sentences should be not beyond the
conversational partners may have about what they are linguistic capability of the person that includes but not
saying. For example, people-oriented listeners tend to limited to vocabulary and grammar. Understanding the
notice whether their partners are pleased or upset and body of the text and identifying important details help a
will encourage them to continue by using nonverbal cues person take hold of what others really mean. In this
like head nods, eye contact, and smiles. (Gearhart, module, you shall learn to evaluate messages from videos
Denham, & Bodie, 2014). and audio texts employing strategies in critical listening.

An active listening strategy we can associate with aesthetic The last type of listening and personally a very important
listening is understanding. skill to develop is critical listening. As students, you are
exposed to mass media (tv, radio, movies,) and it is
There are four techniques employed in understanding: necessary then and now to clearly evaluate the messages
conveyed to us. Critical listening is actually an extension of
Identify the main point- When you are listening ask efferent listening. You need to organize ideas, ask
yourself what the speaker is trying to convey. questions, recognize the big ideas, and summarize the
Ask questions-When you don’t understand the context of presentation so that you can evaluate the message.
the conversation, you may ask questions to clarify your
confusion. In watching films though, you internalize the Here are four strategies in critical listening
questions for yourself and later find the answers. determining the author’s viewpoint.-knowing the
standpoint of the proponent or speaker gives you a better
Paraphrase- put the message in your own words in order grasp as to how you would process the message. This will
to better decipher the thought. By paraphrasing, you give further expand your understanding considering different
the speaker a chance to verify your understanding. The perspectives.
longer and more complex the message, the more
important it is to paraphrase.
identifying persuasive techniques-this is when you
Empathize- Empathy is intellectually identifying with the examine how the message is conveyed and what purpose
feelings or attitudes of another. Three approaches are do the sender of the message aims to accomplish.
empathic responsiveness, perspective taking, and
sympathetic responsiveness (Gearhart, et al., 2014). When Evaluating- this is when you associate your ideas to
you empathize, you put yourself in someone else’s shoes. someone else’s and put value judgment on the idea being
processed by you, would you agree, disagree, abstain?
Perspective Taking- this is when you use your knowledge drawing conclusions-this part is when you reach an end as
of the person you are talking in order to understand you fully processed the information.
his/her point. I could associate two listening styles in critical listening we
have first: Content-oriented listeners focus on and
Sympathetic Responsiveness- is feeling concern, evaluate the facts and evidence. Content- oriented
compassion, or sorrow for another’s situation. Sympathy listeners appreciate details and enjoy processing complex
differs from the other two approaches. Rather than messages that may include a good deal of technical
attempting to experience the feelings of the other, we information. Content-oriented listeners are also likely to
translate our intellectual understanding of what the ask questions to get even more information. (Gearhart,
speaker has experienced into feelings of concern, Denham, & Bodie, 2014).
compassion, and sorrow for that person.
Second one is Action-oriented listeners focus on the necessarily remember the exact language patterns, but
ultimate point the speaker is trying to make. Action- more on what was the message all about. Research on
oriented listeners tend to get frustrated when ideas are listening has shown that syntax is lost to memory within a
disorganized and when people ramble. Action-oriented very short time, even a few seconds, whereas meaning is
listeners also often anticipate what the speaker is going to retained for much longer.
say and may even finish the speaker’s sentence for
them. (Gearhart, Denham, & Bodie, 2014). As closing to this unit, it is important to instill why we do
listen. We may forget the definitions of the types,
An active listening strategy we can connect with critical strategies and all, but an application of them would be
listening is evaluating. Evaluating is a process that involves much more meaningful in real life. So why listen?
the scrutiny of an information. It is done to validate the There is a great range and variety in input which of course
authenticity of the message. There are two techniques: will expose you to varying linguistic codes. In return this
Separation of facts from inferences. You must learn how to could help you develop comprehension.
differentiate and distinguish facts from inferences. Your In listening, you learn how to respond appropriately as you
opinion may be valid on your end, but it does not stand also learn to take into account the context and the people
true to all. Facts are proven by evidences. you are with.
Probe for information- As a critical listener, you must allow Listening has different purposes (to be informed, to make
yourself to quench your thirst of knowledge and ask friends or acquaintances, to be entertained, and more).
further questions to the proponent or speaker in order to With these purposes your strategy will greatly differ.
authenticate your curiosity. Listening can be done in different medium (face-to-face,
phone call). With this, factors may affect the
communication, but these challenges only bring out a
better listener in us as this shall strengthen the ability to
listen more.
Lesson 5: Developing a Critical Ear Listening involves contextual factors and taking into
account these would make one a more effective listener.
Being able to listen to others and critically evaluate what
they have said immensely provides oneself an opportunity Moreover, why listen in English? As second language users,
to gather thoughts and integrate them in one’s ideas. we learn language through formal schooling and others
People should listen without prejudice first to completely may have learned at home while watching or listening to
comprehend what others really mean. Afterwards, people English-language materials. Listening is a key to language
can then create their own judgment based on what they development because learners learn English as they listen.
have heard and compare and contrast to what they know.
Also, people can learn from others so listening should Reason 1: Language Models: Through listening to
never be underestimated. appropriate and correct materials, you gain knowledge of
words, sentences, grammar. They serve as foundation in
Just to consolidate the very idea of listening, it can be understanding exchange of information in English as
deduced to processing of sounds and processing of learners may acquire language patterns.
meaning. Listening is never always a success. At times, Reason 2: Expanding Knowledge: Through listening, one
misunderstanding still is underway. But as much as can develop his/her knowledge of the world. They can
possible one must try to process information accordingly. associate their personal experiences to what they have
learned and make them meaningful or simply they have
Processing the sound pertains to your acoustic processing widened their knowing of things.
of linguistic codes. If these sounds aren’t familiar they may Reason 3: Transfer to Reading: Listening is an important
be affecting the communication or exchange of instructional tool because it is a receptive process, like
information. Nevertheless, when we listen, we receive the reading. Students can transfer the listening strategies they
aural stimulus/ and process them. learn to reading, and both listening and reading involve
Processing the meaning, when you listen you won’t the active construction of meaning. Effective listening
depends on expectations and predictions about the product now, and so on
content, language, and genre that the listener brings to Name Calling
the text. In addition, whether students are successful Persuaders try to pin a bad label on someone or
listeners depends on their background knowledge and something they want listeners to dislike, such as calling a
familiarity with the topic teachers are talking or reading person “unpatriotic.” Listeners then consider the effect of
about. the label. This happens when the competitor shows or
names the product and states the negative.
It is worth quoting Vandergrift (1999: 168) in full to Lastly, let me share these set of active listening skill set by
reinforce this point: Michael Hoppe.
Listening comprehension is anything but a passive activity. Pay Attention. You have to pay attention to your frame of
It is a complex, active process in which the listener must mind, body language, and the person you are talking to.
discriminate between sounds, understand vocabulary and This is setting creates a productive dialogue.
structures, interpret stress and intonation, retain what was Holding Judgment. You allow yourself to have an open
gathered in all of the above, and interpret it within the mind. You must be open with new ideas, new
immediate as well as the larger sociocultural context of perspectives. If you disagree, you suspend your ideas and
the utterance. Co-ordinating all this involves a great deal allow the other party to make his/her point.
of mental activity on the part of the learner. Listening is Reflect. Always allow yourself to see beyond what is said.
hard work. The way you understand things might be different and
never allow yourself to be clouded by your biases.
Propaganda Devices Clarify. Double-check on any issue that is ambiguous or
Glittering Generality unclear. Open-ended, clarifying, and probing questions are
Propagandists use generalities such as “environmentally important tools.
safe” to enhance the quality of a product. This is when Summarize. This is a brief restatement of core themes
they generalize and box a product or item to a term or raised by the other person as the conversation proceeds.
catchphrase as a form of branding. For example, the Summarizing helps people see their key themes, and it
popular line “We find ways” by BDO, “Hari ng Padala” by confirms and solidifies your grasp of their points of view.
LBC, and more. Share. As a listener, you are not there to just listen. You are
Testimonial an active participant in the conversation. Open up and
Advertisers associate a product with an athlete or movie voice your ideas as well.
star. This is a good way of enticing consumers as they use
models that are of high caliber who can potentially impact
the buying power of the people. However, they are
instances as well where ordinary people are used to
connect more with the masses.
Card Stacking
Propagandists often use only items that favor one side of
an issue; unfavorable facts are ignored. This is hiding the
unappealing aspect of the product. Like how fast food
chain that says 50% free, 50% more, but these are only use
to focus on the good part of the product.
Advertisers claim that everyone is using their product. This
is done by telling the target audience that everyone uses
it. Like 9 out of 10 women, 8 out of 12 men…
Propagandists offer rewards for buying their products.This
is common in our local products. Like you win load when
you buy this, you get 50% discount if you purchase the

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