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List of games that people have expressed interest in doing on stage or at least practicing more.

asterisk represents an additional mention)

Freeze Tag (Blind or regular)***

Poetry Slam/Jam - poet, viber, and rhythm

Fake Campaign - fictional character campaigning and audience can interview them

Emotional Wreck - Two or three people in a dialogue scene (like a job interview), ring bell during the
scene and call out a person and an emotion, the scene continues with that person portraying that
emotional change until a new emotion is offered.

1 Scene, 3 ways - get a location, two people have a normal grounded scene, then different improvisers
repeat the same scene (or important elements/details) in the style of a book/movie/music genre.

Scene Collage - For two or three people. Person, place, thing associated with three different spots on the
stage. When improvisers physically walk to one of those spots they are in a scene associated with the
associated person/place/thing , when they leave the spot the specific scene will pause and pick back up
when the improvisers return there.

And The Nominees Are…/Oscar Winning Moment* - Make an Oscar category and each person acts it out
to have their Oscar Winning moment or three people do different variations of the same activity
(creative object work) as if they were the Oscar nominees and their scenes are playing (before they
announce the winner)

Bucket Game (with live text messages)*

Sound Effects***

Hey Alexa*

Peas in a Pod* - Start a scene with two people. Once you have different points-of-view established for
the two characters, have a third person walk-on in full agreement (peas in the pod) with one of the two
characters. Eventually have everyone else on the backline walk-on, supporting that same point-of-view
(so it is an everyone vs. one dynamic).
Party Quirks

Character Bench***

World’s Worst/World’s Best*

A re-worked vacation photos, in which the two narrators were not a part of the vacation and are just
guessing as to what the photo’s subjects are doing.*

Interview – Audience knows what/who the interviewee is but not the Improvisor, who must guess to
determine what they are as the interview continues.

Character trigger/quirks – Three characters leave the stage as remaining Improvisors and audience
workshop quirks for them one at a time. They then have a group scene with those quirks.

Two Jobs – every improvisor has two jobs: one they were, and the one they are doing now (E.G dancer to
barista, actor to babysitter)

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