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1.How should a project manager determine when (i.e., time of day) to hold a team
meeting? What factors should be considered?

● Team Member Availability: choose a time that is suitable for the majority of
team members to ensure their participation and engagement.
● Energetic time: choose schedule meetings during times when most team
members are alert and focused.
● Meeting Goals: Consider the purpose and goals of the meeting.
● Workload and Deadlines: Avoid scheduling meetings during periods of high
workload or tight deadlines. Ensure that the meeting time does not interfere
with critical project tasks.
● Feedback and Adaptation: Project managers should gather feedback from
team members regarding the meeting schedule and adjust it as necessary.

2.What mistakes did Vince make initially?

Vince made these mistakes:
● Ignoring Needs of Team Members: Vince didn't think about what his team
members needed. Some of them had early shifts, but he didn't consider that.
● Putting His Needs First: Vince focused too much on what worked for him
and did not think about what was good for the whole team.
● Not Talking to the Team: Vince did not talk to his team about the meeting
times, which caused problems.
● Not Listening to Feedback: When Vince saw that meetings were not going
well, he kept trying to do things his way instead of listening to what the team

3.If you were an executive in this company, would you allow Vince to continue doing

If I were an executive in the company, I would be happy that Vince tried to make
meetings better. However, I'd be concerned about the cost of providing lunch for
every meeting, which might not be sustainable.
I would support Vince in finding a good meeting time that works for the team. Having
some meetings where team members bring their own lunches and the company
provides drinks and snacks sounds like a good compromise. This way, meetings are
effective, and it's not too expensive.
I would also encourage Vince to keep talking to the team, gather feedback, and be
willing to change the meeting schedule to make sure meetings are useful for

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