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When I watched the videos, the health workers described competing concerns,

burdensome responsibilities, and ambiguity about how to interpret and administer the
law. He discuss how try to strike a balance between their religious beliefs and principles
and their professional commitments, as well as their care for wrangling is most visible in
the treatment of women's health and well-being.

This women who fall outside of the law’s guidelines. Alternatively, some people
believe that abortion before becoming pregnant is unethical. However, after
experiencing an unforeseen pregnancy and assessing their condition, they may believe
that bringing a kid into the world is less ethical owing to their circumstances. Others may
have a strong opinion about which option is best for you. When making a decision, it's
critical to put your ideals ahead of others'.

I disagree about abortion because aborting a baby in your womb is a very huge
enormous sin in your own body, and you can commit a great offense against God if you
don't realize what you're doing.

The preferable strategy is to reduce the need for abortion as a viable remedy. To
begin, reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies. In the United States, half of all
pregnancies are unplanned, and half of them result in abortion. Unintended pregnancies
could be significantly reduced if we demonstrated a genuine commitment to
comprehensive sexuality education, which includes medically accurate information on
abstinence and contraception. Finally, insurance coverage and public funding for family
planning services could be significantly reduced.

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