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EDITORIAL DOI: 10.1111/nbu.


The future of food

What will food be like in the future? This question can enterprising restaurants have used them to deliver
be looked at from many different perspectives. From food, either as consumers drive through (Ouellette
that of science and technology we might ask, ‘Will sci- 2011) or to the table (Napier 2013). In a more ambi-
entists develop foods in the laboratory?’, or ‘Will every- tious endeavour, Noel Hodson’s Foodtubes project
thing we eat be genetically modified?’. From the proposed that food could be delivered to retailers via
perspective of the food supply we might ask, ‘What raw an underground capsule-pipeline system, thereby sav-
ingredients will go into our food?’ or ‘Will we be eating ing energy and reducing pollution (Hodson 2012).
unfamiliar protein foods such as insects?’. And from According to the project, the capsules could be driven
that of convenience and pleasure we might ask, ‘Will either by linear induction motors or air pressure.
we buy all our food online?’ or ‘What will our food The examples above were based on emerging or
taste like?’. The speculation is endless. new science and technology of that time. However, in
the literary world, science fiction has predicted future
scenarios before the technology was invented. For
Past visions of the future of food
example, written in 1961, Clifford Simak’s novel,
Wondering about what food will be like in the future Time is the simplest thing, describes so-called butcher
has been a human preoccupation for over 100 years. plants. These plants were said to be found on other
In contrast with today’s desire for natural ingredients planets and grew chunks of protein, similar to meat.
and natural foods (Rozin et al. 2004; Evans et al. Such a plant, if it existed, could be useful for address-
2010; Dickson-Spillmann et al. 2011), our predeces- ing protein deficiency, especially in developing
sors around the turn of the 20th century were fasci- countries. Currently, the only way to produce a plant
nated by the idea of synthetic food. with extraordinary protein levels would be to use
For example, in 1893 Mary E Lease considered the genetic engineering. However, Simak wrote his novel
future of food from the perspective of convenience. As 30 years before the first genetically modified food was
a feminist and activist, Mary E Lease was concerned approved for human consumption, which was the
about women’s issues and she predicted that synthetic ‘flavr savr’ tomato (Center for Environmental Risk
food would spare women from the chores of food Assessment 2015). It was a further 50 years before
preparation and cooking (Novak 2013). In 1896 transgenic techniques were used to develop the first
Marcellin Berthelot, a French chemist, predicted ‘meal protein-rich potato (Chakraborty et al. 2010).
pills’ based on then current science. He considered In the 1930s, Sir Winston Churchill called for meat
that in the future these pills would be dispensed cultivated in vitro, long before we had the technology
according to a prescription (Novak 2007). The ‘meal to make this a reality. In 1932, for the magazine Popu-
pill’, as such, has never materialised, not least because lar Mechanics, he wrote that meat cultivated in vitro
pills cannot provide sufficient volume or energy to sat- would eliminate the need for rearing chickens that are
isfy human appetites. used only for their meat. He predicted that this would
A different Victorian vision of the future of food is happen in the next 50 years (Churchill 1932). This
provided by The Boston Globe (Novak 2011). In an would have been as early as 1982. In reality, the science
article published in 1900, the newspaper predicted was still a long way off, with embryonic stem cells hav-
that, by the year 2000, each house in Boston ing only just been isolated from mice (Evans & Kauf-
would have an electro-pneumatic switchboard that man 1981; Martin 1981), and it was not until 2013 that
would conveniently allow food to be delivered the first meat from stem cells was eaten (Ghosh 2013).
through pneumatic tubes. Pneumatic tubes have prob- Even if, or when, stem cell technologies can be fully
ably never been used to deliver food at home but two commercialised there would still be challenges in over-
coming potential reluctance of consumers to eat meat
cultured under laboratory conditions. Nevertheless, it
Correspondence: Dr. Hilary Green, Senior Expert, Corporate promises to have a variety of benefits including a
Technical Department of Nutrition, Health and Wellness and reduction in the use of ‘factory-farming’, health
Sustainability, Nestec SA, Vevey, Switzerland.
benefits for consumers stemming from its better

192 © 2016 The Authors. Nutrition Bulletin published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 41, 192–196
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
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Editorial 193

nutritional profile, as well as environmental benefits plate in the future? Can foods be developed to deliver
including reduced pollution (greenhouse gas emis- unmet nutrition needs? Could we use innovative pack-
sions), and water and land use (Sharma et al. 2015). aging that keeps food even fresher?
Asking how to add value is a fundamental business
proposition. Clearly no value is created for a company
Today’s societal concerns and challenges
(or for the society in which it operates) if consumers
Today’s societal issues, which include climate change feel no benefit or are not interested in the proposition.
and population growth, coupled with advances in Value chain theory is a business management concept
science and technology, are shaping our visions for the that has been useful for a variety of different industries
future of food. In the broadest sense, some societal for over 30 years (Porter 1985). The theory explains
demands of food science and technology have not how different sectors benefit during the process of con-
changed. For example, just as Mary E Lease did over verting a raw material with relatively little value into
100 years ago, consumers are still demanding conve- something that has relatively more value. For example,
nience and fast food. And, like Sir Winston Churchill, milk straight from the cow has less value than a yogurt
we are still trying to find ways to reduce food waste. from the supermarket. Value is added to raw milk
Indeed, according to the Waste and Resources Action through processing (e.g. pasteurisation, extending shelf
Programme (WRAP), UK households throw away life and improving the sensory profile) as well as
86 million chickens every year (WRAP 2013). through making products conveniently packaged and
The 21st century has been described as the ‘century available in supermarkets. This requires investment in
of the environment’ (Lubchenco 1998). Arguably, one science and technology. At the same time the various
of the biggest global challenges that we face today is sectors expect to make some profit during the ‘farm to
how to deliver food and nutrition in a sustainable way fork’ process, including farmers, dairy companies,
to an ever increasing number of people. This topic has transport companies and retailers. Ultimately, there-
been addressed in detail by the Foresight project fore, the consumer pays more for yogurt from the super-
report on The Future of Food and Farming (Foresight market than the same amount of milk straight from the
2011). The report puts food security, and related cow. However, in exchange for paying more, he/she will
issues such as sustainable practices in agriculture and have a product that is more desirable. In other words,
fisheries, as well as efforts to reduce food waste, as a the consumer is at the end of a process that converts
matter of priority for various stakeholders. Without raw ingredients into products that meet consumer val-
doubt, there will need to be changes in the food sys- ues, needs and/or desires (Fig. 1).
tem, across the value chain from the sourcing of raw Concerns about environmental and nutritional sus-
materials to the purchasing decisions of consumers. tainability render a simple value chain model somewhat
This is unquestionably complicated, and finding the outdated. Today, food manufacturers are considering
solutions will require a multi-sectorial approach. not only consumer needs and desires but also those of
society, as well as the environment. For example, foods
that are lower in salt, free sugars and saturates are bet-
Food in the future: A value chain approach
ter for society, even if consumers may not prefer the
As food companies develop foods for the future, they taste of these foods. In other words, the simple value
will plan to add value between the steps from ‘farm to chain depicted in Figure 1 must be expanded so that
fork’. What would consumers like to have on their science and technology are used to meet not only

Figure 1 The food value chain whereby science and technology help to add value at the different steps along the path from ‘farm to fork’. For the sake of
simplicity, and to illustrate the principle, only three steps in this chain are depicted – farmers, the food industry and consumers. In reality, there are many other
stakeholders along this path, including ingredient suppliers, transporters and retailers.

© 2016 The Authors. Nutrition Bulletin published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 41, 192–196
194 Editorial

Figure 2 The food value chain whereby science and technology help to add value at the different steps along the path from ‘farm to fork’.

consumer needs and desires but also societal needs and selective breeding. More recently, marker assisted
address environmental concerns (Fig. 2). selection has been used to accelerate the selection of
Farmers can help ensure sustainable nutrient secu- plants for breeding purposes (Perez-de-Castro et al.
rity, for example, by producing nutrient-rich crops, 2012). The use of high-throughput DNA sequencing
together with appropriate use of fertilisers and water. and other genomic tools is helping plant breeders to
Food manufacturers can help to protect the environ- select plants with characteristics that address some of
ment by improving manufacturing processes as well as the problems associated with the increasing world pop-
finding methods of packaging and transportation that ulation and the effect that this has on the environment.
make efficient use of water and energy. In addition, These characteristics include higher yield, drought
manufacturers can help to make society more health- resistance and resistance to diseases and pests (Collard
ful by developing products that are lower in energy, & Mackill 2008). The techniques of marker assisted
saturates, free sugars and salt. In the longer term, the selection in plant breeding can also be used to increase
scientific advances in molecular research are paving the nutrient content of plants, such as beta-carotene-
the way for personalised nutrition, developed to meet rich maize (Azmach et al. 2013; Muthusamy et al.
individual consumer needs. This research includes 2014). Such hybrids offer promise in helping to address
‘omics’ techniques such as genomics, proteomics and vitamin A deficiency in certain parts of the world,
metabolomics that provide a deeper understanding including Sub-Saharan Africa and India. Indeed, a
of how nutrition influences health in individuals recent trial in Zambian children has shown that biofor-
(Badimon et al. 2016). Consumers can also make a tified maize is as effective as a vitamin A supplement in
contribution to the sustainability agenda by using increasing liver stores of vitamin A (Gannon et al.
cooking methods that require less water and energy, 2014).
as well as reusing or recycling food and packaging Genetic modification offers additional possibilities
waste and making healthier food choices. for breeding plants that provide enhanced nutrition,
such as beta-carotene-enriched rice (Al-Babili & Beyer
2005), as well as traits that help plants to withstand
Genetics and the future of food
the effects of climate change, such as flood tolerant
The scientific and technological advances being made varieties of rice (Dar et al. 2013). However, genetic
in today’s post-genomic era have had a huge impact engineering is not only costly but also faces public
on our understanding of biological diversity. This resistance (Lucht 2015). Therefore, new gene editing
knowledge has generated new ideas around food, technologies that produce plants without any foreign
including innovation in raw materials as well as man- DNA are potentially very attractive (Abdallah et al.
ufactured food products. 2015). Specifically, for example, clustered regularly
interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), a
new genome editing tool, offers new opportunities for
Plant genomics
modern agriculture, including nutritional enhancement
Plants have always been a vital source of nutrition. of crops, either by increasing the nutrient content, or
Traditionally, plants/crops with desirable attributes removing anti-nutrients such as phytic acid (Rajendran
(e.g. high yielding) have been developed through et al. 2015).

© 2016 The Authors. Nutrition Bulletin published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 41, 192–196
Editorial 195

Human genomics Present day societal concerns, such as population

growth, water resources and environmental sustain-
An understanding of how different people respond to
ability, will increasingly shape what and how much
nutrients according to their genetic make-up offers pro-
we eat, as well as how we cook. At the same time, sci-
mise for developing foods and diets that are tailored to
entific advances in the post-genomic era suggest that
the health needs of the individual. Potentially, this
future foods could be targeted towards specific and
means that the food industry could use nutrigenomics
individual nutrition and health needs, while also
research techniques to develop ‘personalised’ foods and
increasing the pleasure of eating. Only time will tell.
diets (Afman & M€ uller 2006; Neeha & Kinth 2013).
Another exciting advance has been the discovery
H. Green
that maternal nutrition before and after conception
Senior Expert, Corporate Technical Department of
can cause epigenetic changes to her offspring’s DNA
Nutrition, Health and Wellness and Sustainability,
that can have long-term consequences for health
Nestec SA, Vevey, Switzerland
(Dominguez-Salas et al. 2014; Blumfield 2015; Uauy
& Chambers 2015). Indeed, the EpiGen Global
Research Consortium recently announced a new study References
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Azmach G, Gedil M, Menkir A et al. (2013) Marker-trait associa-
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as well as health. For example, foods in the future,
nancy and the programming of infant body composition. Nutri-
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nutritional status (Drewnowski & Rock 1995; El-
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© 2016 The Authors. Nutrition Bulletin published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Nutrition Foundation Nutrition Bulletin, 41, 192–196

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