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Carla y María

Sports are very important for our health.If you practice some sports you will be more quiet in
your life,because you have something to disconnect from the exams of the schools.You will
have a very good time with your sports friends!

If you don’t know what sport did you like to practice , you have to ask yourself , what i’m good
at?.And if you answer this question you can find your sport.But if this question doesn't help
you you can try sports to find your sport.

Why do you choose this sport?Because you liked it or because your friends go there too?We
think that more of the 50% of childs that do sports go to it,because the friends are there.So
the advice we can give to you is that you have to choose the sport that you like, not the sport
that your friends go to.

In conclusion,you have to choose the best sport for ou and if you don’t found,tr all the sports
and e are sure that you will find the correct

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