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一级 RO 纯水设备
5T/H First stage RO pure water equipment

Operation and Maintenance Instructions

嘉 兴 市 明 成 机 械 设 备 有 限 公 司
Jiaxing Mingcheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

地址:嘉 兴 市 南 湖 区 新 丰 镇
Address: Xinfeng Town, Nanhu District,Jiaxing City
Tel: 0573-83122086 Fax: 0573-83123789
目 录
System overview
Preprocessing system
Reverse osmosis system
Post-processing system
Common faults and troubleshooting methods
System overview
The system includes three parts: pretreatment of water, desalination of one-stage reverse osmosis
device and post-treatment system of water. The high-purity water preparation production line system
specially designed and manufactured according to the raw water quality, adopts the international
advanced reverse osmosis water production process, with complete functions and stable and reliable
The pretreatment system is composed of raw water booster system, multi-media filter, activated
carbon filter, precision filter, security filter and other equipment. This system is configured
according to the local water quality, through each filter, to remove a small amount of suspension
remaining in the raw water. The impurities with larger particles such as particles and organic matter
can meet the requirements of the influent water quality, flow and pressure required by the reverse
osmosis host, so as to ensure the normal operation of the reverse osmosis host.
反渗透装置处理系统采用的是世界上最先进的美国产复合反渗透膜,脱盐率达到 96%以上,从而保证产出水的品
质,泵采用的是中国名牌 NANFANG 泵,高效率低能耗。系统还配有清洗系统,可以延长膜的污堵周期及恢复 RO 产水的
The treatment system of the reverse osmosis unit adopts the world's most advanced composite
reverse osmosis membrane made in the United States, with a desalination rate of more than 96%, thus
ensuring the quality of the produced water. The pump adopts the Chinese famous brand NANFANG pump,
which has high efficiency and low energy consumption. The system is also equipped with a cleaning
system, which can prolong the fouling period of the membrane and restore the quality and output of RO
The post-processing system consists of a pure water tank, a pure water delivery pump and a
circulation pipeline. The main purpose is to ensure the constant pressure of pure water at the point
of production use.
The water treatment system is a unified organic whole. It is grouped according to the functions
undertaken in the water treatment process, and the water quality objectives of the treatment process
of each unit are clarified, so as to achieve the final water quality requirements of the entire

Preprocessing system
Raw water tank
Equipment description
The raw water tank is a vertical container. There is a drain valve at the bottom of the tank to
drain. The raw water tank has the functions of buffering and voltage stabilization.
Technical parameters of the equipment主体材质:PP
Main body material: PP公称容积:1000L
Nominal volume: 1000L试验方式:盛水静压试验
Test method: hydrostatic pressure test with water
Equipment installation检查设备的完整性和良好性。
Check the integrity and goodness of the equipment.按设计规定的位置放置好设备,土建条件应符合设备承重的要求。
The equipment should be placed in the position specified by the design, and the civil construction
conditions should meet the requirements for the load-bearing of the equipment.

Raw water booster system
Equipment description
The raw water booster system consists of raw water valve, raw water booster pump, etc.
The raw water valve has the function of automatically cutting off the raw water to ensure water
saving. The raw water booster pump can ensure the constant water inflow to the filter and is not
affected by the fluctuation of external raw water; the minimum supply of raw water must be guaranteed
in normal working conditions.
Raw water booster pump: The raw water is pressurized by the raw water pump and then goes to the
filter to remove mechanical impurities, organic matter, free chlorine, etc. in the water; the backwash
valve is fully open during backwashing.
Technical parameters of the equipment原水增压泵
Raw water booster pump
扬程:30 米
Head:30 Meters
Control Mode: Manual

Multimedia filter
Equipment description
The multimedia filter is a vertical container. The inner packing is made of high-quality refined
multi-path quartz sand. When the raw water passes through the packing layer from top to bottom, a
large amount of suspended solids and impurities with larger particles in the water are retained by the
packing, thereby reducing the turbidity (NTU) and pollution index (SDI) values of the raw water.
Technical parameters of the equipment主体材质:玻璃钢
Main body material: FRP公称直径:φ600
Nominal diameter: φ600设计压力:0.4MPa
Design pressure: 0.4MPa设计温度:45℃
Design temperature: 45℃控制方式:手动
Control method: manual
Equipment installation检查
Integrity and goodness of equipment.安装
The equipment should be placed in the position specified in the design, and the civil construction
conditions should meet the requirements of the equipment's load-bearing.填料
According to the packing height shown in the table below, wash the coarse quartz sand and fine
quartz sand packing in sequence. Then fill the tank with water and put it in sequence
序号 填 料 高 度 或 包 数
填料 大 小 规 格
NO. Filler height or number of
Filler Size packs
1 2-4 mm 150mm 4pc
2 石英砂 1-2mm 1000mm 10pc
Operation Instructions
Close the air switch in the local cabinet, and turn the manual automatic selection switch on the
panel to the manual gear. Follow the steps below.最初启动
Initial startup
First turn the valve handle to the right, and then start the raw water pump until the tank is
filled with water and the air in the tank is exhausted.
 关闭原水泵。让过滤填料在水中浸泡大于 1 小时。
Turn off the raw water pump. Let the filter pack soak in water for more than 1 hour.
Turn the valve handle to the right first, then start the raw water pump for positive washing.
反复操作步骤 1 至 3 一直到上排阀出水浊度与进水相当。施压进行正常操作。
Repeat steps 1 to 3 until the turbidity of the outlet water from the upper discharge valve is
equal to the inlet water. Apply pressure for normal operation正常操作
Normal operation
Turn the valve handle to the left first, that is, in the normal operating position.
The valve number of the equipment is shown in the following figure:
Maintenance Instructions说明
大。当此压差≥0.05Mpa 时,会影响过滤器的出水质量,这时必须对填料进行反洗操作。
After the multi-media filter works for a certain period of time, due to the continuous
accumulation of impurities such as suspended matter in the quartz sand packing layer, the pressure
difference between the inlet and outlet of the filter gradually increases. When this pressure
difference is greater than or equal to 0.05Mpa, it will affect the water quality of the filter. At
this time, the packing must be backwashed.洗注意事项:
Notes on washing:
 反洗时,进水流量应由小而大,以填料不被冲出罐体外为限。反洗进水流量一般为正常工作的 2-3 倍。
During backwashing, the flow rate of influent water should be increased from small to large, and
the limit is that the filler is not flushed out of the tank. The backwash inlet water flow is
generally 2-3 times that of normal work.
 当过滤器反冲程度不充分时(反洗后压差较大并且影响总的流量),应用无油压缩空气来擦洗。然后再进行反
When the degree of backwashing of the filter is not sufficient (the pressure difference after
backwashing is large and affects the total flow), use oil-free compressed air to scrub. Then backwash
and forward wash.
 通常情况下工作一周左右需要反洗一次(具体视压差而定)。
Under normal circumstances, it needs to be backwashed once a week or so (depending on the pressure
 正洗结束后,对过滤器出水取样分析,测试 SDI 值(测试方法见附录)。如 SDI≤5,则可以恢复正常运行。
After the main wash, sample and analyze the effluent from the filter to test the SDI value (see
the appendix for the test method). If SDI≤5, normal operation can be resumed.

Activated carbon filter
Equipment description
The activated carbon filter is a vertical container. The inner filler is made of high-quality
fruit shell water purification charcoal, and the bottom layer is quartz sand. The activated carbon
filter mainly has the following two functions:
 吸附水中部分有机物,吸附率 60%左右;
Absorb some organic matter in water, the adsorption rate is about 60%;
 吸附水中余氯,防止余氯对反渗透膜的氧化作用,延长膜的使用寿命。余氯的测定方法见附录Ⅱ。
Absorb residual chlorine in water, prevent the oxidation of residual chlorine on reverse osmosis
membrane, and prolong the service life of membrane. The determination method of residual chlorine is
shown in Appendix II.
Technical parameters of equipment主体材质:玻璃钢
Main body material: FRP公称直径:φ600
Nominal diameter: φ1000设计压力:0.4Mpa
Design pressure: 0.4MPa设计温度:45℃
Design temperature: 45℃控制方式:手动
Control mode: manual
Equipment installation检查
Check the integrity and goodness of the equipment.安装
The equipment should be placed in the position specified in the design, and the civil construction
conditions should meet the requirements of the equipment's load-bearing.填料
Fill the tank with water at the filling height shown in the table below, and then load them in
序号 填料 大 小 规 格 填 料 高 度 或 包 数
NO. Filler Size Filler height or number of packs
1 活性炭
Activated 2.5~5mm 1000mm 9pc
2 石英砂 2-4mm 150mm 2pc
Quartz sand
Operating Instructions
Close the air switch in the local cabinet, and turn the manual automatic selection switch on the
panel to the manual gear. Follow the steps below.最初启动
Initial startup
First turn the valve handle to the right, and then start the raw water pump until the tank is
filled with water and the air in the tank is exhausted.
 关闭原水泵。让过滤填料在水中浸泡大于 2 小时。
Turn off the raw water pump. Let the filter pack soak in water for more than 2 hours.
Turn the valve handle to the right first, then start the raw water pump for positive washing.
反复操作步骤 1 至 3 一直到上排阀出水浊度与进水相当。施压进行正常操作。
Repeat steps 1 to 3 until the turbidity of the outlet water from the upper discharge valve is
equal to the inlet water. Apply pressure for normal operation.
填料浸泡 2 小时后,反洗至出水无灰粉,再施压进行正常操作。
After the filler is soaked for 2 hours, backwash until the effluent is free of ash powder, and
then apply pressure for normal operation.正常操作
Normal operation
The valve number of the equipment is shown in the following figure:

Maintenance Instructions说明
压差≥0.05Mpa 时,必须对填料进行反洗操作。
After the carbon filter works for a certain period of time, due to the continuous accumulation of
impurities such as suspended matter in the packing layer, the pressure difference between the inlet
and outlet of the filter gradually increases. When the pressure difference is greater than or equal to
0.05Mpa, the packing must be backwashed.反洗注意事项:
Precautions for backwashing:
 反洗时,进水流量应由小而大,以填料不被冲出罐体外为限。反洗进水流量一般为正常工作的 0.8-1 倍。
During backwashing, the flow rate of influent water should be increased from small to large, and
the limit is that the filler is not flushed out of the tank. The backwash inlet water flow is
generally 0.8-1 times that of normal work.
 反洗后,进行正洗。正洗进水流量等于正常工作时的流量。
After backwashing, carry out forward washing. The flow rate of positive wash water is equal to the
flow rate during normal operation.再生方法
Regeneration method
After the activated carbon fails, it needs to be regenerated. In the actual operation process,
considering the difficulty of regeneration, replacement is the main method. The regeneration methods
 加热至 100℃左右,使其中的水汽化;在 800℃下焙烤;并加热至 800~900℃之间进行活化,使吸附在活性炭
Heat to about 100℃ to vaporize the water in it; bake at 800℃; and heat to 800~900℃ for
activation, so that the organic matter adsorbed on the activated carbon is oxidized and removed, so
that the activated carbon can be regenerated.

Reverse osmosis system

Precision filter
Equipment description
在反渗透装置的 RO 增压泵前设置 5u 精密滤器为了祛除 5u 以上颗粒杂质,减少在反渗透膜面的累积,延长反渗
A 5u precision filter is installed in front of the RO booster pump of the reverse osmosis device
in order to remove the particulate impurities above 5u, reduce the accumulation on the reverse osmosis
membrane surface, and prolong the cleaning cycle and service life of the reverse osmosis membrane.
Equipment technical parameters主体材质:不锈钢
Main body material: stainless steel公称直径:φ300
Nominal diameter: φ300处理水量:8.5T/H
Water treatment capacity: 8.5T/H滤芯材质:PP 喷熔滤芯
Filter element material: PP melt-blown filter element滤芯规格:5μm
Filter element size: 5μm滤芯数量:11 支
Number of filter elements: 11滤器形式:外压式
Filter form: external pressure type
Equipment installation检查
Check the integrity and goodness of the equipment.安装
按设计规定的位置放置在反渗透装置的 RO 增压泵前。
It is placed in front of the RO booster pump of the reverse osmosis unit according to the position
specified by the design.
Maintenance Instructions
精密滤器中配置的滤芯正常使用寿命为 3~6 个月。滤器在工作一段时间后,由于滤芯表面上的杂质不断积累,当
进出口压差增加 0.05Mpa 时,应及时更换滤芯,否则将会影响反渗透系统的正常运行。
The normal service life of the filter element configured in the precision filter is 3 to 6 months.
After the filter works for a period of time, due to the accumulation of impurities on the surface of
the filter element, when the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet increases by 0.05Mpa,
the filter element should be replaced in time, otherwise the normal operation of the reverse osmosis
system will be affected.滤芯的更换
Replacement of filter element
How to replace the filter element:
 将精密滤器进水端阀门关上。
Close the valve on the inlet side of the precision filter.
 将排气口阀门打开放水,直到压力表指示为零即可。
Open the vent valve to drain the water until the pressure gauge indicates zero.
 将桶身锁紧螺丝顺时针松开。
Loosen the barrel locking screw clockwise.
 将滤芯取下抽出,换上新滤芯。
Remove and pull out the filter element and replace with a new filter element.
Install in reverse order, and tighten the screws.运行使用
Running use
Open the red exhaust button on the top to exhaust the air in the filter.

Reverse osmosis device
Brief description of working principle工作原理
Working principle
If a semipermeable membrane that can only pass water but not solutes is used to separate seawater
and pure water, it will be found that pure water will pass through the semipermeable membrane and
enter the seawater side, on the contrary, seawater cannot pass through the semipermeable membrane into
pure water. water. This process is called the natural osmotic process. If a pressure greater than the
osmotic pressure is applied on the seawater side, the normal natural osmotic process will be reversed:
the water molecules on the seawater side enter pure water through the semi-permeable membrane. This
process is called the reverse osmosis process.反渗透的净水功能:
Water purification function of reverse osmosis:
The reverse osmosis equipment is specially designed and manufactured using this principle. The
reverse osmosis device is a high-tech equipment for membrane separation water treatment technology and
is the most critical equipment in this system. It can not only continuously remove most of the
inorganic salt ions in the water, but also remove almost all the organic matter, bacteria, heat
sources, viruses, particles, etc. in the water. It is one of the most advanced pure water preparation
technologies in the world.技术术语:
Technical terms:
 反渗透(RO):是一种借助于选择透过性膜(半透膜)的功能,以压力作为推动力的膜分离技术,一种水净
Reverse osmosis (RO): It is a membrane separation technology that uses pressure as a driving force
by means of the function of a selective permeable membrane (semi-permeable membrane), a membrane
separation technology for water purification;
 反渗透元件:是一种能使反渗透膜技术付诸于实际应用的最小基本单元膜组件;
Reverse osmosis element: It is the smallest basic unit membrane module that can put reverse
osmosis membrane technology into practical application;
 原水:预处理的进水(如地表、地下或市政市水);
Raw water: pretreated influent (such as surface, underground or municipal water);
 RO 进水:经预处理后,进入反渗透系统的水;
RO influent: water entering the reverse osmosis system after pretreatment;
 RO 产水:反渗透系统中透过反渗透膜而被收集的那部分纯水;
RO product water: the part of pure water collected through the reverse osmosis membrane in the
reverse osmosis system;
 RO 浓水:流经反渗透膜而未透过反渗透膜的那部分浓缩水;
RO concentrated water: the part of concentrated water that flows through the reverse osmosis
membrane but does not pass through the reverse osmosis membrane;
 盐透过率:RO 产水的含盐量(浓度)与 RO 进水的含盐量(浓度)比率,通常以百分率表示;
Salt transmission rate: the ratio of the salt content (concentration) of RO produced water to the
salt content (concentration) of RO influent water, usually expressed as a percentage;
 回收率:RO 产水流量与 RO 进水流量的比率;
Recovery rate: the ratio of RO permeate flow to RO influent flow;
 胶体:粒径﹤1μm 的水中的分散物质;
Colloid: Dispersed substances in water with particle size < 1μm;
 电导率:在一定温度下,1cm3 水溶液中,两极片相距 1cm 测得的电导值,表征水的无机盐纯度,单位为
Conductivity: at a certain temperature, in a 1cm3 aqueous solution, the conductivity value
measured at a distance of 1cm between the two poles, indicating the purity of the inorganic salt of
water, the unit is μS/cm;
 污染指数(SDI):一种表示溶液中胶体、微粒等杂质对 RO 膜污染堵塞程度的一种指数。
Pollution Index (SDI): an index that indicates the degree of fouling and blocking of RO membrane
by impurities such as colloids and particles in the solution.
Description of reverse osmosis system
RO 系统总出水量为 1M3/H,原水经多介质过滤器、活性炭过滤器等滤器处理后,将水的污染指数降低至 5 以下,
余氯降至 0.1mg/l 以下,从而保证反渗透系统的安全运行。
The total water output of the RO system is 1M3/H. After the raw water is treated by a filter such
as a multi-media filter and an activated carbon filter, the pollution index of the water is reduced to
below 5, and the residual chlorine is reduced to below 0.1mg/l, thus ensuring the reverse osmosis
system. safe operation.
水经过上述处理,再通过精密滤器,以防止 5u 以上杂物及大颗粒物体进入反渗透装置而划伤反渗透膜。水由 RO
增压泵提升至所需的工作压力,进入反渗透装置。反渗透装置产水 1M3/H,回收率≥70%,系统盐透过率≤3%,反渗透
After the above treatment, the water passes through the precision filter to prevent the sundries
and large particles above 5u from entering the reverse osmosis device and scratching the reverse
osmosis membrane. The water is boosted to the required working pressure by the RO booster pump and
enters the reverse osmosis unit. The reverse osmosis unit produces water 1M3/H, the recovery rate is
≥70%, and the system salt transmission rate is ≤3%, and the reverse osmosis water is sent to the
next process. The system is also equipped with a membrane element cleaning device, which can be
chemically cleaned when the membrane element is contaminated.
3.2.3. 反渗透装置技术参数
Technical parameters of reverse osmosis device型号: MC-3000
Model: MC-5000产水量: 3T/H(25℃)
Water production: 5T/H (25℃)一级回收率: ≥50%
Primary recovery rate: ≥50%盐透过率: ≤4%
Salt transmission rate: ≤4%结构形式: 卧式
Structural form: horizontal反渗透膜: 8040 3支
Reverse osmosis membrane: 8040 5 pieces最佳运行水温: 20~25℃
Optimum operating water temperature: 20~25℃
3.2.4. 流程
反渗透进水通过可更换滤芯的 5u 精密滤器后,去除绝大多数的悬浮物,然后进入到 RO 增压泵。RO 增压泵将水送
After the reverse osmosis inlet water passes through the 5u precision filter with replaceable
filter element, most of the suspended solids are removed, and then enters the RO booster pump. The RO
booster pump sends the water to the reverse osmosis pressure vessel in parallel or in series. The
water is separated by the reverse osmosis membrane in the pressure vessel, and flows out of the
pressure vessel in two states of produced water and concentrated water.
A check valve is installed on the water production pipeline to prevent the membrane element from
being damaged by reverse pressure, and the water production volume is measured by a flow meter.
Concentrated water flows out from the last pressure vessel and flows to the concentrated water
collection pipe, and the concentrated water is discharged to the trench. The concentrated water flow
is controlled by the recovery rate and operating pressure of the system, and the concentrated water
flow is measured by a flow meter.
Equipment installation安装
为了便于更换膜元件,在机组两端应留有不小于 1.0M 的自由空间,机组必须保证水平和稳定。
In order to facilitate the replacement of membrane elements, there should be no less than 1.0M
free space at both ends of the unit, and the unit must be level and stable.工艺管道的连接
Connection of process piping
原水经过预处理达到 RO 进水要求后,通过精密滤器过滤后,滤器出口管道连接到一级 RO 增压泵的进水口,RO 增
压泵的出水口连至 RO 压力容器的进水口。RO 产水管路将产水送至下一道工序。
After the raw water is pretreated to meet the RO water inlet requirements, and filtered through a
precision filter, the filter outlet pipe is connected to the water inlet of the first-stage RO booster
pump, and the water outlet of the RO booster pump is connected to the water inlet of the RO pressure
vessel. The RO product water pipeline sends the product water to the next process.电气安装
Electrical installation
The system is equipped with a reverse osmosis on-site cabinet, and its installation and wiring can
refer to the relevant electrical wiring diagrams.
Main water intake indicators
In order to ensure the operation of the reverse osmosis system in the best state and improve the
service life of the reverse osmosis membrane, the raw water must be pretreated so that the pretreated
water can meet the requirements of reverse osmosis influent water.朗格利尔指数:LSI≤0
Langelier Index: LSI≤0污染指数:SDI≤5
Pollution index: SDI≤5水温: 20~25℃;最高 45℃(短时)
Water temperature: 20~25℃; maximum 45℃ (short time)余氯:≤0.1mg/l
Residual chlorine: ≤0.1mg/l,正常 7-7.5
PH: 4-11, normal 7-7.5
Debug run (first manual run)阀门编号图
Valve numbering diagram
阀门编号 Valve number 原水 清洗泵
泵 cleaning RO 泵
类别 程序 时间
category program V V V V V V V V V V Raw pump RO hr.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 water pump
low      
新膜预处理 6
New flushing
pretreatme 高压冲洗
nt high       2
正常运行 运行
normal      
冲洗       0.04
停机 flushing
downtime 清洗     6
 ——表示阀门打开或水泵运行。
Indicates that the valve is open or the pump is running. 低压冲洗:
Low Pressure Flushing:
After the system is put into operation for the first time or the reverse osmosis membrane is
replaced, the surface of the reverse osmosis membrane needs to be washed with low pressure and high
pressure to remove the protective liquid and fully wet the membrane.
Power on the main control cabinet. Close the corresponding open.
手动打开阀门 V1、及 RO 增压泵出口阀门 V2,冲洗产水排放阀 V5,冲洗浓水排放电动阀 V8。起动原水泵,让进水
连续通过 RO 机组 6 小时后,停原水泵,关闭 V8 阀门。
Manually open the valve V1 and the outlet valve V2 of the RO booster pump, flush the product water
discharge valve V5, and flush the concentrated water discharge electric valve V8. Start the raw water
pump, let the influent water pass through the RO unit continuously for 6 hours, then stop the raw
water pump and close the V8 valve. 高压冲冼:
High pressure punch:
RO 增压泵出口阀门 V2 调至 1/4 开度,浓水排放阀门 V10 调至 1/2 开度,打开冲洗产水排放阀 V5、浓水回流阀门
The outlet valve V2 of the RO booster pump is adjusted to 1/4 opening, the concentrated water
discharge valve V10 is adjusted to 1/2 opening, and the flushing product water discharge valve V5 and
the concentrated water return valve V3 are opened.
起动原水泵,二分钟后,再将 RO 泵起动(注意:电机转向同泵上箭头所示,相应指示灯亮)。调节 RO 增压泵出
口阀门 V2,浓水排放阀门 V10,使产水流量达到系统设计值 1m3/h,浓水排放流量为 0.8m3/h,浓水回流 0.4m3/h。让进
水连续通过 RO 机组 120 分钟(涂有保护剂的反渗透膜不少于 2 小时)。
Start the raw water pump, and then start the RO pump after two minutes (note: the direction of the
motor is the same as the arrow on the pump, and the corresponding indicator light is on). Adjust the
outlet valve V2 of the RO booster pump and the concentrated water discharge valve V10, so that the
flow rate of the produced water reaches the system design value of 1m3/h, the discharge flow of the
concentrated water is 0.8m3/h, and the return flow of the concentrated water is 0.4m3/h. Let the
influent water continuously pass through the RO unit for 120 minutes (reverse osmosis membrane coated
with protective agent is not less than 2 hours).
Sampling and analysis, the conductivity of the produced water at this time should meet the
required standards. 正常工作:
Normal work:
接上步,观察产水水质,当产水水质合格后,先开产水阀 V7,后关产水排放阀 V5。系统即达到正常运行,产水导
Continue to the previous step, observe the quality of the product water, when the quality of the
product water is qualified, first open the product water valve V7, and then close the product water
discharge valve V5. The system is in normal operation, the produced water is introduced into the
intermediate water tank, and the concentrated water is discharged into the sewers.记录运行参数
Recording operating parameters
Record the operating parameters of each pressure gauge, various electrical conductivity, water
temperature and other parameters as reference materials in the future.手动停机
Manual shutdown
按下主控柜上相对应的 RO 增压泵停止按钮,使 RO 增压泵停止运行。
Press the corresponding RO booster pump stop button on the main control cabinet to stop the RO
booster pump.
继续通水 2 分钟。停原水泵。
Continue to water for 2 minutes. Stop the original water pump.手动运行说明
Manual operation instructions
低压冲洗和停机冲洗时,RO 泵停止运行,原水泵仍然保持运行状态,直至 2 分钟后冲洗结束。
During low-pressure flushing and shutdown flushing, the RO pump stops running, and the original
water pump still keeps running until the flushing ends after 2 minutes.
以后正常开机,只要低压冲洗 2 分钟,就可以转入正常工作。停机还是先停 RO 增压泵,低压冲洗 2 分钟后,停原
After the normal boot, as long as the low-pressure flushing for 2 minutes, you can switch to
normal work. When shutting down, stop the RO booster pump first, and after 2 minutes of low-pressure
flushing, stop the original water pump.
当系统所配的反渗透膜涂有保护剂,或新更换的反渗透膜涂有保护剂时,需要低压冲洗 6 小时,高压冲洗 2 小
When the reverse osmosis membrane equipped with the system is coated with a protective agent, or
the newly replaced reverse osmosis membrane is coated with a protective agent, it needs 6 hours of
low-pressure flushing and 2 hours of high-pressure flushing, mainly to completely remove the
protective agent and ensure the quality of the produced water.
Chemical cleaning原因
在许多情况下,系统冲洗只是简单地通过增加表面流速的方法 冲洗膜表面的沾污物、沉积物。对固体颗粒物质沾
In many cases, system flushing is simply a method of flushing the membrane surface of contaminants
and deposits by increasing the surface flow rate. The flushing effect is better when the solid
particulate matter is attached to the membrane and the bond is not tight. Flushing should be performed
after each shutdown. When the binding force with the membrane is strong, the flushing is ineffective,
and chemical cleaning should be carried out.
注意:冲洗时进水压力不应大于 0.3MPa。
Note: The water inlet pressure should not be greater than 0.3MPa when flushing.准则
System cleaning is important because deposits on membrane surfaces can reduce permeate flow and
affect permeate quality. Deposits can also cause permanent chemical damage to the membrane, shortening
the life of the membrane. Chemical cleaning is necessary when one of the following conditions is
 系统的产水量比初期投运时或上一次清洗后降低 5-10%时;
When the water production of the system is reduced by 5-10% compared with the initial operation or
after the last cleaning;
 系统的脱盐率比初期投运时或上一次清洗后降低 2.5-5%时;
When the desalination rate of the system is 2.5-5% lower than when it was initially put into
operation or after the last cleaning;
 系统各段的压力差值为初期投运时或上一次清洗后的 1-2 倍时;
The pressure difference of each section of the system is 1-2 times of the initial operation or
after the last cleaning;
The above three items must be compared under the same water inlet pressure, water production
volume, and inlet water temperature!
 系统需要长期停用,用保护溶剂保护前。
The system needs to be out of service for a long time before being protected with a protective
如果系统无异常情况建议半年清洗一次。清洗压力一般为 0.3MPa。
If there is no abnormality in the system, it is recommended to clean it once every six months. The
cleaning pressure is generally 0.3MPa.清洗操作规程:
Cleaning procedures:
 配制清洗液,见清洗配方(附录Ⅳ)。
To prepare cleaning solution, see cleaning formula (Appendix IV).
 打开系统的清洗进水阀 V7,清洗产水回流阀 V8,清洗浓水回流阀 V11,并关闭系统的其它阀门。
Open the cleaning water inlet valve V7 of the system, clean the product water return valve V8,
clean the concentrated water return valve V11, and close other valves of the system.
 低流量清洗:调节清洗泵进出口阀门控制流量,以低流量(表 1 所示流量的一半)注入预热过的清洗液,并
Low-flow cleaning: Adjust the inlet and outlet valves of the cleaning pump to control the flow,
inject the preheated cleaning liquid at a low flow (half of the flow shown in Table 1), and use a low
pressure to remove the remaining water from the equipment, and use only enough to compensate for the
water from the inlet to the concentrated outlet. The pressure of the pressure drop should be used for
cleaning, and the pressure should be so low that reverse osmosis will not be generated. Low pressure
minimizes redeposition of concentrate on the membrane and is essential to prevent dilution of the
cleaning solution.
 反复循环清洗:排除了设备余水后,清洗液将以浓缩液和透过液两种形式存在。在清洗水箱和机组之间反复循
Repeated cycle cleaning: After removing the residual water from the equipment, the cleaning
solution will exist in the form of concentrate and permeate. The two liquids are repeatedly circulated
between the wash tank and the unit and the temperature is kept stable.
 浸泡:关闭清洗泵浸泡清洗单元。一般情况下,浸泡 1 小时已足够,但对于膜较污浊的情况,延长浸泡时间是
有益的,通常浸泡 10~15 小时。在长时间浸泡期间,若清洗液的温度下降,需用较慢的循环流量(表 1 所示流量的
Soak: Turn off the wash pump to soak the wash unit. Under normal circumstances, soaking for 1 hour
is enough, but for the case where the film is relatively dirty, it is beneficial to prolong the
soaking time, usually soaking for 10 to 15 hours. During long-term soaking, if the temperature of the
cleaning solution drops, a slower circulating flow rate (10% of the flow rate shown in Table 1) should
be used to inject the cleaning solution with a higher temperature (30~35℃) to maintain a constant
soaking temperature.
 大流量清洗:以表 1 所示的流量用 30~60 分钟注入清洗液。高流量冲掉膜表面清洗剥落的污垢,如果单元污
染严重,用表 1 所示流量的 150%的流量清洗,但高流量会引起压降,最大允许压降是每个清洗单元 20psi。
Large-flow cleaning: inject the cleaning solution at the flow rate shown in Table 1 for 30 to 60
minutes. The high flow washes off the fouling on the membrane surface. If the unit is seriously
polluted, use a flow rate of 150% of the flow rate shown in Table 1. However, the high flow rate will
cause a pressure drop. The maximum allowable pressure drop is 20psi per cleaning unit.
 冲掉清洗液:用过滤后的水冲掉清洗液,最低的冲洗温度为 20℃。
Rinse off the cleaning solution: rinse off the cleaning solution with filtered water, and the
minimum rinse temperature is 20℃.
Table 1
输入压力 单元直径 每根压力容器的输入流量
(磅/英寸 2) (英寸) (加仑/分钟)
Input pressure Cell Diameter Input flow per pressure vessel (gallons/
(lbs/inch) (inch) minute)
20~60 2.5 3~5
20~61 4 8~10
20~62 6 16~20
20~63 8 30~40
20~64 11 60~80
NOTE: The recommended flow rate input per pressure vessel high flow rate cycle depends on the
number of pressure vessels in the unit
Cleaning precautions:
 清洗操作时要有安全防护措施,如戴防护镜、手套、鞋和衣等,用 NH4OH 调节 PH 值时,要考虑通风。
Safety precautions should be taken during cleaning operations, such as wearing protective glasses,
gloves, shoes and clothing, etc. When adjusting the pH value with NH4OH, ventilation should be
 固体清洗剂必须充分溶解后再加其它试剂,进行充分混合后才能进入 RO 装置。
The solid cleaning agent must be fully dissolved before adding other reagents and mixing
thoroughly before entering the RO device.清洗效果的判断和对策:
Judgment and countermeasures of cleaning effect:
 清洗有效的标志
Clean effective sign
 产水量恢复至接近初期投运或上一次清洗后的水平;
The water production is restored to the level close to the initial operation or after the last
 脱盐率有明显提高;
The desalination rate has been significantly improved;
 进、出口压差值恢复至接近初期投运或上一次清洗后的水平,表明清洗有效。
The pressure difference between the inlet and outlet returns to the level close to the initial
operation or after the last cleaning, indicating that the cleaning is effective.
 清洗效果不明显的可能原因和对策:
Possible reasons and countermeasures for the ineffective cleaning effect:
原 因 对 策
Reasons Improper Countermeasures
预处理不当,膜污染过度 加强预处理
pretreatment and excessive membrane Improper pretreatment
清洗剂选择不当 改变清洗剂配方,重新清洗
Improper choice of cleaning Change the cleaning agent formula and re-
agent clean
膜使用过长,清洗已无效 更换膜组件
The membrane has been used for too Replace the membrane assembly
long, and cleaning is invalid.膜污染特征与清洗剂的选择
Membrane fouling characteristics and selection of cleaning agents
膜上积累的污染物通常有胶体、混合胶体、金属氧化物、微溶盐(如 CaCO3、CaSO4 等)和细菌残骸等,也有可能几
The pollutants accumulated on the membrane usually include colloids, mixed colloids, metal oxides,
slightly soluble salts (such as CaCO3, CaSO4, etc.) and bacterial remains, and it is also possible
that several pollutants are mixed together. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all cleaning agent,
only specific treatment according to the situation. The relationship between membrane pollutant types
and system performance changes is shown in the following table:
Table 3
污 染 物 系 统 性 能 变 化
pollutants System Performance Variation
盐透过率 SP 压差△P 产水量 PR
类 型 Salt Differential Permeate water
Type permeability SP pressure △P PR
金属氧化物 迅速增加 迅速增加 迅速降低
Metal oxide ≥2X ≥2X 20-25%
(Fe 和 Mn 等) Increase rapidly Increase rapidly Rpid decrease 
(Fe and Mn etc.) ≥2X ≥2X 20-25%
钙沉淀物 中等程度增加 略有降低
(CaCO3,CaSO4 等) 10-25% <10%
calcium precipitate Moderateincrease slightly reduced
(CaCO3, CaSO4, etc.) 10-25% <10%
胶 体 缓慢增加 缓慢增加 缓慢降低
(多半是硅胶体) ≥2X ≥2X ≥50%
colloid Increase slowly increase slowly decrease slowly
(mostly silica gel) ≥2X ≥2X ≥50%
混合胶体 缓慢增加 缓慢降低
(铁有机物和硅酸铝) 迅速增加
mixed colloid ≥2X ≥50%
(Ferric organics and Rapid increase low increase  decrease slowly
aluminum silicates) ≥2X ≥50%
明显增加 明显增加 明显降低
细菌残骸 ≥2X ≥2X ≥50%
significantly significantly significantly
Bacterial debris increased increased reduced
≥2X ≥2X ≥50%
注:  发生在 24 小时之内
Notes: Occurs within 24 hours
 发生在 2-3 周以上
Occurs over 2-3 weeks
 无保护剂保护情况下长期停运存放
Long-term storage without protective agent
△P——The pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the component
X ——初期投运时或上次清洗后的值
X ——the value at the time of initial commissioning or after the last cleaning
 清洗过程中密切注意清洗液温度上升情况,不得超过 35℃,并观察液位和清洗液颜色的变化,必要时补充清
During the cleaning process, pay close attention to the temperature rise of the cleaning solution,
which should not exceed 35℃, observe the change of the liquid level and the color of the cleaning
solution, and replenish the cleaning solution if necessary.
 清洗结束后,取残液进行化学分析,确定污染物的种类,为日后清洗提供依据。
After cleaning, take the residual liquid for chemical analysis to determine the type of
contaminants and provide a basis for future cleaning.
Maintenance of reverse osmosis membrane
For users who use the reverse osmosis system seasonally, the maintenance of the reverse osmosis
system is a more important issue during the non-production period. How to protect the reverse osmosis
system, that is, how to protect the reverse osmosis membrane, is related to whether the reverse
osmosis system can be used for a long time and whether it can continue to work normally in the next
service cycle, which is a matter that cannot be ignored. The following will introduce in detail how to
maintain the reverse osmosis membrane during the shutdown period of the reverse osmosis system.系统短期内停运(1~3 天)
The system will be shut down for a short time (1~3 days)
 停运前,先对系统进行低压(0.2~0.4MPa)、大流量(约等于系统的产水量)冲洗,时间为 15 分钟。
Before shutdown, flush the system with low pressure (0.2~0.4MPa) and large flow (approximately
equal to the water production of the system) for 15 minutes.
 保持平常的自然水流,让水流入浓水管道。
Maintain normal natural water flow and allow water to flow into the concentrate pipe.系统停运一周以上
System outage for more than one week
A 环境温度在 5℃以上:
A The ambient temperature is above 5℃:
 停运前,先对系统进行低压(0.2~0.4MPa)、大流量(约等于系统的产水量)冲洗,时间为 15 分钟。
Before shutdown, flush the system with low pressure (0.2~0.4MPa) and large flow (approximately
equal to the water production of the system) for 15 minutes.
 参照本说明书中有关系统化学清洗的方法,选用清洗有机物的清洗配方进行系统的化学清洗。
Refer to the method of chemical cleaning of the system in this manual, and select the cleaning
formula for cleaning organic matter to carry out the chemical cleaning of the system.
 化学清洗完毕后,将反渗透膜冲洗干净。
After chemical cleaning, rinse the reverse osmosis membrane.
 配制 0.5%的亚硫酸氢钠溶液,低压输入系统内,循环 10 分钟。
Prepare 0.5% sodium bisulfite solution, input it into the system at low pressure, and circulate
for 10 minutes.
 关闭系统所有的阀门,进行封存。
Close all valves in the system and seal it.
 如系统停运 10 天以上,请用 0.5%福尔马林溶液封存,操作同上。每 30 天须更换一次福尔马林溶液。
If the system is out of operation for more than 10 days, please use 0.5% formalin solution for
storage, and the operation is the same as above. The formalin solution must be changed every 30 days.
B 环境温度在 5℃以下:
B Ambient temperature below 5℃:
 停运前,先对系统进行低压(0.2~0.4MPa)、大流量(约等于系统的产水量)冲洗,时间为 15 分钟。
Before shutdown, flush the system with low pressure (0.2~0.4MPa) and large flow (approximately
equal to the water production of the system) for 15 minutes.
 在有条件的地方,可将环境温度升高到 5℃以上,然后按照 A 的方法进行系统保养。
In places where conditions permit, the ambient temperature can be raised to more than 5℃, and
then the system maintenance can be carried out according to method A.
 若无条件对环境温度进行升高,则采用下述方法:
If the ambient temperature is raised unconditionally, use the following methods:
低压(0.1MPa),流量为系统产水量的 1/3 水进行长流,以防止反渗透膜被破坏,并且保证每天使系统运行 2
Low pressure (0.1MPa), the flow rate is 1/3 of the water produced by the system, to prevent the
reverse osmosis membrane from being damaged, and to ensure that the system runs for 2 hours a day.
用重量比为 20%的甘油或丙二醇加 1%硫酸钠水溶液进行封存。
Use a weight ratio of 20% glycerol or propylene glycol plus 1% aqueous sodium sulfate solution for
按 A步骤,对反渗透膜进行清洗后,将反渗透膜取出,移至环境温度大于 5℃的地方,浸泡在配制好的
According to the steps of A23, , after cleaning the reverse osmosis membrane, take out the reverse
osmosis membrane, move it to a place where the ambient temperature is greater than 5℃, soak it in the
prepared 0.5% formalin solution, and turn it over every two days . The water in the system piping
should be drained to prevent damage to the system due to freezing.反渗透系统运行注意事项
Precautions for the operation of reverse osmosis system
新投入的反渗透系统或系统更换反渗透膜,必须低压冲洗 5 小时,然后高压冲冼 2 小时,从而使膜保护剂从浓水
The newly invested reverse osmosis system or the system to replace the reverse osmosis membrane
must be flushed at low pressure for 5 hours, and then flushed at high pressure for 2 hours, so that
the membrane protective agent is drained from the concentrated water and product water, and the
protective agent is prevented from flowing into the finished water tank.
反渗透系统的正常使用温度为 5℃-30℃,最佳温度 24℃-27℃,最高温度 35℃,进水温度每升 1℃或降低 1℃,
产水将增加或减少 2.7~3.0%(见附件Ⅵ),因此冬季使用时应适当升高水温,保证系统的正常运行。
The normal operating temperature of the reverse osmosis system is 5°C-30°C, the optimum
temperature is 24°C-27°C, and the maximum temperature is 35°C. For every 1°C or 1°C decrease in
the inlet water temperature, the water production will increase or decrease by 2.7~3.0%. (See Annex
VI), so the water temperature should be appropriately raised in winter to ensure the normal operation
of the system.
如果开机时出现启停振荡状态,原因可能是 RO 增压泵进口水压太低、浓水排放阀开度太大或是多介质过滤器前后
If the start-stop oscillation occurs when the machine is turned on, the reason may be that the
inlet water pressure of the RO booster pump is too low, the opening of the concentrated water
discharge valve is too large, the pressure difference between the front and rear of the multi-media
filter is too large, and the outlet water pressure of the raw water pump is too low. Therefore, all
need to be adjusted, and the multi-media filter needs to be exhausted frequently.
Insist on filling out the daily record form of the system, so as to often compare the previous
operating conditions (such as pressure, flow rate, desalination rate, water production, temperature
and other parameters), if there are obvious differences, analyze the reasons and deal with them in
The water supply system is a key part, and attention must be paid to the balance between raw
water, product water, concentrated water, and return and supplementary water to minimize the level
fluctuation of the pure water tank.
Once turned on, stop as little as possible to ensure a long enough cycle time.
反渗透系统要保证每天运行时间不低于 1 小时(特别在夏天高温季节)。如果系统需要停运,请按照本说明书提
The reverse osmosis system should ensure that the daily operation time is not less than 1 hour
(especially in the summer high temperature season). If the system needs to be shut down, please follow
the maintenance method of the reverse osmosis membrane provided in this manual.

Post-processing system

Pure water tank
Technical parameters of the equipment主体材质:PP
Main body material: PP公称容积:3000L
Nominal volume: 3000L试验方式:盛水静压试验
Test method: hydrostatic pressure test
Equipment installation检查设备的完整性和良好性。
Check the integrity and goodness of the equipment.按设计规定的位置放置好设备,土建条件应符合设备承重的要求。
The equipment should be placed in the position specified in the design, and the civil construction
conditions should meet the requirements for the load-bearing of the equipment.
Technical parameters of the equipment纯水输送泵
Pure water delivery pump
数 量:1 台
Quantity: 1
Equipment model: Automatic booster pump
Flow: 2-3T/H
扬程:25 米
Lift: 25 meters
quantity: 1
Table control mode: Automatic
Equipment installation检查
. Inspection
Integrity and goodness of equipment.安装
The equipment should be placed in the position specified in the design, and the civil construction
conditions should meet the requirements of the equipment's load-bearing.

Common faults and troubleshooting methods

5.1.RO 增压泵不工作
RO booster pump does not work
故 障 原 因 处 理 方 法
cause of issue Approach
RO 产水压力高于压力保护开关的设定值,
控制器自动接通 检查产水管路阀是否全部处于关闭状态
The RO product water pressure is Check if all the valves in the water
higher than the set value of the production line are closed
pressure protection switch, and the
controller is automatically turned on
RO 增压泵吸入口压力低于压力保护开关的 检查原水进口,增压泵出口等各段滤器压
设定值,控制器自动断开 力差,做好反洗工作
The pressure at the suction port of Check the pressure difference of the
the RO booster pump is lower than the filters at the inlet of the raw water,
set value of the pressure protection outlet of the booster pump, etc., and do
switch, and the controller automatically a good job of backwashing
相应的开关,交流接触器等不灵 检修相应的电器
Corresponding switches, AC Repair the corresponding electrical
contactors, etc. are not working appliances
泵电机烧毁 修理泵电机
Pump motor burned out Repair the pump motor

Reverse osmosis water production decreased
故 障 原 因 处 理 方 法
cause of issue Approach
调节 RO 增压泵出口阀和浓水排放阀,调组
Adjust the outlet valve of the RO
进水温度下降 booster pump and the concentrated water
Inlet water temperature drops discharge valve, and adjust the inlet
pressure value of the component until
the flow rate is appropriate
RO 泵出口阀开得太小 调节阀门
RO pump outlet valve open too small regulating valve
反渗透膜堵塞或污染 清洗或更换反渗透膜卷
Reverse osmosis membrane clogged or Cleaning or replacing reverse osmosis
fouled membrane rolls
流量计失灵 检修流量计
Flowmeter failure Overhaul the flow meter

Deterioration of reverse osmosis product water quality
故 障 原 因 处 理 方 法
cause of issue Approach
原水水质变差 If it exceeds the process water
Deterioration of raw water quality index, other desalination equipment
needs to be set up
反渗膜堵塞(水质缓慢变化) 清洗或更换反渗透膜卷
Blockage of reverse osmosis membrane Cleaning or replacing reverse
(slow changes in water quality) osmosis membrane rolls
反渗透膜破裂(水质迅速变差) 更换膜组件
Reverse osmosis membrane rupture Replacing the Membrane Module
(water quality deteriorates rapidly)
进水压力太低 增加进水压力
Inlet pressure too low increase water pressure
○型密封圈损坏或位置不正确 更换或重新定位○型密封圈
○-type seal is damaged or in Replace or relocate O- type seal
incorrect position

RO 操作步骤
RO operation steps
→高压泵→RO 膜→纯水箱→纯水输送泵→紫外线杀菌→用水点
Process: raw water tank → raw water pump → quartz sand filter → activated carbon filter →
precision filter → high pressure pump → RO membrane → pure water tank → pure water delivery pump
→ ultraviolet sterilization → water point
启动原水泵,将原水压力调节至 0.2Mpa 左右,约 10 秒钟后打开高压泵,
运行 1 分钟左右后关闭浓水电磁阀,调节浓水调节阀,将淡水流量达到所
需流量即可(浓淡水流量为 1:1)。
(Manual) Pull the two filter manual heads to run, open the raw water solenoid valve and
concentrated water solenoid valve, start the raw water pump, adjust the raw water pressure to about
0.2Mpa, turn on the high-pressure pump after about 10 seconds, and run for about 1 minute Then close
the concentrated water solenoid valve, adjust the concentrated water control valve, and make the fresh
water flow reach the required flow (the concentrated fresh water flow rate is 1:1).
(Automatic) Before starting the machine, check that the two filters are manually turned on to run,
and then click to open the automatic mode to run, which will automatically start each step to run
until the pure water tank reaches a high level and automatically stops.
(Manual) Open the concentrated water solenoid valve, close the high pressure pump, close the raw
water pump, and then close the raw water solenoid valve and the concentrated water solenoid valve.
(Automatic) Click to stop.
Flush the filter (should be flushed regularly once a week)
0.2-0.25Mpa,冲洗时间 15 分钟左右,再将手动头开至正洗,约冲洗 10 分
First, pull the manual head of the quartz sand filter to backwash, start the original water pump,
adjust the inlet water pressure to 0.2-0.25Mpa, and the flushing time is about 15 minutes.
Then pull the manual head to run to start flushing the activated carbon filter, the same as the
quartz sand filter flushing operation steps (observe whether the operating pressure is stable and
normal during flushing, if the pressure rises and the drainage flow is small, you need to switch
between forward and reverse washing).
1. 冲洗过滤器时只开原水泵即可;
Only turn on the original water pump when flushing the filter;
2. 纯水机在制水的状态下不得将过滤器手动头拉至冲洗状态;
When the pure water machine is in the state of making water, the manual head of the filter shall
not be pulled to the flushing state;
3. 打开手自动转换开关前请检查两个过滤器手动头是否开至运行状态。
Before turning on the manual automatic transfer switch, please check whether the manual heads of
the two filters are turned on to the running state.


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