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Kovács Magdolna – George Seel

DExam felkészítő könyv

Felsőfok (C1)

Debreceni Egyetem Idegennyelvi Központ

DExam Vizsgaközpont

Debrecen, 2020
© Debreceni Egyetem, 2020

Jelen kiadvány a Debreceni Egyetem szellemi tulajdona. Bárminemű sokszorosítás vagy

további felhasználás kizárólag a felelős kiadó írásbeli engedélyével lehetséges.

ISBN 978-963-318-138-6

Felelős kiadó: Dr. Szilvássy Zoltán rektor

Cím: 4010 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1.
BEVEZETÉS...................................................................................................................... 7
A DExam vizsga felépítése ......................................................................................................... 7
Humán vagy reál feladatsorok közötti választási lehetőség ......................................................... 8
Általános témakörök .................................................................................................................. 9
1. A BESZÉDÉRTÉS VIZSGARÉSZ ................................................................................... 11
1.1. A feladatsor felépítése és a megoldások értékelése..............................................................11
1.2. Kiegészítés (Completion) ...................................................................................................11
Tippek, tanácsok ............................................................................................................................. 13
1.3. Többszörös feleletválasztás (Multiple choice) .....................................................................14
Tippek, tanácsok ............................................................................................................................. 14
1.4. Többszörös hozzárendelés (Multiple matching) ..................................................................15
Tippek, tanácsok ............................................................................................................................. 15
1.5. Hasznos technikai tudnivalók a feladatok megoldásához a vizsgán .....................................16
1.6. Beszédértés feladatsorok .....................................................................................................17
I. FELADATSOR ........................................................................................................................... 18
II. FELADATSOR .......................................................................................................................... 24
III. FELADATSOR ........................................................................................................................ 31
IV. FELADATSOR ........................................................................................................................ 37
1.7. Beszédértés – Megoldókulcsok ...........................................................................................43
2. A BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG VIZSGARÉSZ ............................................................................... 47
2.1. A vizsgarész felépítése és a vizsgázói teljesítmény értékelése .............................................47
2.1.1. A vizsga felépítése ................................................................................................................ 47
2.1.2. A vizsgázói teljesítmény értékelése ....................................................................................... 48
2.2. Kiselőadás (Presentation) ...................................................................................................49
2.2.1. Milyen a jó kiselőadás? ......................................................................................................... 50
2.2.2. Kiselőadás minták ................................................................................................................. 52
2.2.3. Tippek, tanácsok ................................................................................................................... 61
2.2.4. Hallgasson meg két kiselőadást! ............................................................................................ 61
2.3. Társalgás a vizsgáztatóval (Conversation with the examiner) ..............................................64
2.3.1. A feladat jellemzői ................................................................................................................ 64
2.3.2. Hogyan lehet jól megválaszolni egy interjúkérdést? ............................................................... 65
2.3.3. Hallgasson meg néhány vizsgázói választ! ............................................................................. 66
2.4. Vita a vizsgázótárssal (Discussion between the two candidates)..........................................69
2.4.1. Beszédszándékok nyelvi kifejezése........................................................................................ 69
2.4.2. Mintamegoldások .................................................................................................................. 70
2.4.3. Tippek, tanácsok ................................................................................................................... 76
2.4.4. Hallgasson meg két párbeszédet! ........................................................................................... 76
2.5. Beszédkészség – Humán feladatsorok..................................................................................82
I. HUMÁN FELADATSOR................................................................................................................... 83
II. HUMÁN FELADATSOR ................................................................................................................. 90
2.6. Beszédkészség – Reál feladatsorok ......................................................................................97
I. REÁL FELADATSOR ...................................................................................................................... 97
II. REÁL FELADATSOR ................................................................................................................... 105
3. AZ OLVASÁSKÉSZSÉG ÉS NYELVISMERET VIZSGARÉSZ ............................................ 112
3.1. A feladatsor felépítése és a megoldások értékelése............................................................ 112
3.2. Alcím hozzárendelése bekezdéshez (Matching headings).................................................. 112
Tippek, tanácsok ........................................................................................................................... 113
3.3. Többszörös feleletválasztás (Multiple choice) ...................................................................114
Tippek, tanácsok ........................................................................................................................... 114
3.4. Mondatrészlet visszahelyezése a szövegbe (Matching clauses) .........................................115
Tippek, tanácsok ........................................................................................................................... 115
3.5. Szóképzés (Word formation) ............................................................................................ 116
3.6. Hasznos technikai tudnivalók a feladatok megoldásához a vizsgán ...................................118
3.7. Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret feladatsorok ....................................................................119
I. FELADATSOR ......................................................................................................................... 120
II. FELADATSOR ........................................................................................................................ 131
III. FELADATSOR ...................................................................................................................... 142
IV. FELADATSOR ...................................................................................................................... 155
3.8. Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret – Megoldókulcsok ........................................................... 166
4. AZ ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG VIZSGARÉSZ................................................................................. 171
4.1. A feladatsor felépítése és a vizsgázói teljesítmény értékelése ............................................ 171
4.2. Az első feladat: hivatalos levél ......................................................................................... 172
4.2.1. A feladat felépítése .............................................................................................................. 172
4.2.2. A hivatalos levél stílusa ....................................................................................................... 173
4.2.3. Hivatalos válaszlevél (transactional letter) – jellemzők ........................................................ 174
4.2.4. Hivatalos válaszlevél – egy vizsgázói megoldás értékelése .................................................. 176
4.2.5. Olvasói levél (letter to the editor) ........................................................................................ 177
4.2.6. Tippek, tanácsok – Időbeosztás és szótárhasználat ............................................................... 179
4.2.7. Tippek, tanácsok – Levélírás ............................................................................................... 180
4.3. A második feladat: véleménykifejtő fogalmazás (discursive essay) ...................................180
4.3.1. A véleménykifejtő fogalmazás felépítése és stílusa .............................................................. 181
4.3.2. Hogyan írjunk véleménykifejtő fogalmazást? – Music competitions on television ................ 183
4.3.3. Hogyan írjunk véleménykifejtő fogalmazást? – Does smart technology really improve the
quality of life? .................................................................................................................... 185
4.3.4. Véleménykifejtő fogalmazás – vizsgázói megoldások értékelése.......................................... 187
4.3.5. Tippek, tanácsok – Véleménykifejtő fogalmazás.................................................................. 195
4.4. Íráskészség feladatsorok ...................................................................................................197
I. FELADATSOR ............................................................................................................................. 198
II. FELADATSOR ............................................................................................................................ 201
III. FELADATSOR ........................................................................................................................... 204
IV. FELADATSOR .......................................................................................................................... 207
4.5. Mintamegoldások ............................................................................................................. 210
4.5.1 Levél .................................................................................................................................... 210
4.5.2 Fogalmazás – humán feladatok ............................................................................................. 212
4.5.2 Fogalmazás – reál feladatok ................................................................................................. 214
Kedves Vizsgázók!

Az államilag elismert DExam vizsga a KER (Közös Európai Referenciakeret) ajánlásait követő
egynyelvű angol nyelvvizsga, mely a kommunikatív célok megvalósításához szükséges általános
nyelvtudást a vizsgázók érdeklődésének megfelelő témakörökben méri.

Elektronikus kiadványunk a felsőfokú (C1) DExam nyelvvizsgát mutatja be, s öt fejezetet tartalmaz.

A bevezető fejezet áttekintést nyújt a DExam felsőfokú (C1) nyelvvizsga felépítéséről és a vizsgázói
teljesítmény értékeléséről, majd részletezi a DExam vizsgarendszer fő sajátosságát, a humán és a reál
feladatsorok közötti választási lehetőséget.

A továbbiakban egy-egy fejezet foglalkozik a komplex nyelvvizsga négy részével: Beszédértés,

Beszédkészség, Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret és Íráskészség. Az egyes vizsgarészekre vonatkozó
fejezetek ismertetik a vizsgán előforduló feladattípusok jellegzetességeit, és számos hasznos tippel és
jó tanáccsal is szolgálnak. A Beszédkészség és Íráskészség fejezetek mintamegoldások, illetve „éles”
vizsgadolgozatok elemzése és értékelése alapján adnak megfelelően árnyalt képet arról, hogy mi minden
befolyásolja pozitívan, illetve negatívan a vizsgán elérhető pontszámot. Mind a négy vizsgarész
bemutatását korábban „éles” vizsgán használt feladatsorok zárják.

A Beszédértés, Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret és Íráskészség fejezetekben 4-4 felsőfokú (C1)

DExam vizsgasor található. A humán és reál vizsgasorok mindig tartalmaznak 1-2 közös, általános
témájú feladatot is. A közös feladatot/feladatokat kiadványunk egyszer közli. A fejezeteket a
vizsgafeladatok megoldókulcsa, illetve mintamegoldása zárja. A Beszédkészség fejezetben a
vizsgasorokat a többi készségtől némileg eltérően csoportosítottuk. A közreadott humán, illetve reál
vizsgasorok, ahogyan az „éles” vizsgán is, összesen 4 kiselőadás feladatot tartalmaznak a vizsgázópáros
tagjai számára, akik így 2-2 különböző téma közül választhatnak.

Elektronikus kiadványunk .pdf formátumú, a hozzá tartozó hanganyag pedig .mp3 formátumban
tölthető le. A .pdf fájl beágyazva tartalmazza a felhasználónevet, ezért azt nyomtatni csak a kód
megadásával lehet.

A szerzők


A DExam Vizsgaközpont számos jelenlegi és volt munkatársának tartozunk köszönettel

azért, hogy ez a kötet elkészülhetett. Sok szakember összehangolt munkájával érlelhető ki
egy vizsgafeladat, juthat el a kipróbáláson át az „éles” vizsga feladatsorába, majd a
felkészülést segítő kiadványba.
Különös köszönet illeti Gergely Nikolettát és Nagy Éva Viktóriát, akik a kézirathoz
fűzött észrevételeikkel segítették munkánkat.

A DExam vizsga felépítése
A DExam vizsgarendszer mindhárom szinten – alapfok (B1), középfok (B2) és felsőfok (C1) –
komplex tudást mér: a vizsga szóbeli és írásbeli részből áll.
A szóbeli vizsga részei:
 Beszédértés
 Beszédkészség
Az írásbeli vizsga részei:
 Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret
 Íráskészség
A vizsgán különálló nyelvtani teszt nincs. A nyelvismeret mérése egyrészt az írott szöveg értésének
mérésével együtt történik az Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret vizsgarészben, másrészt pedig a Beszéd-
és Íráskészség vizsgarészek értékelési szempontjai között szerepel.
Szótárt az Íráskészség vizsgarészen, illetve a Beszédkészség első feladatára, a prezentációra történő
felkészülés során lehet használni. Ezen vizsgarészeken akár egynyelvű, akár kétnyelvű nyomtatott
szótár használható.

Szóbeli vizsga
Vizsgarész Feladattípus Idő Maximális
Beszédértés 35-40 perc 25
Többszörös feleletválasztás (3 lehetőségből)
Többszörös hozzárendelés
Beszédkészség 18-23 perc 25
Társalgás a vizsgáztatóval
Vita a vizsgázótárssal

Az önmagában, azaz nem komplex vizsga részeként teljesített szóbeli vizsga akkor sikeres, ha a
vizsgázó az elérhető 50 pontból minimum 30 pontot (60%-ot) szerez úgy, hogy mind a Beszédértés,
mind a Beszédkészség vizsgarészben 10 pontot (40%-ot) vagy azt meghaladó eredményt ér el.

Írásbeli vizsga
Vizsgarész Feladattípus Idő Maximális

Olvasáskészség és Alcím hozzárendelése bekezdéshez 90 perc 25

nyelvismeret Többszörös feleletválasztás (4 lehetőségből)
Mondatrészlet visszahelyezése szövegbe
Hivatalos levél
Íráskészség 100 perc 25

Az önmagában, azaz nem komplex vizsga részeként teljesített írásbeli vizsga akkor sikeres, ha a
vizsgázó az elérhető 50 pontból minimum 30 pontot (60%-ot) szerez úgy, hogy mind az Olvasáskészség
és nyelvismeret, mind az Íráskészség vizsgarészben 10 pontot (40%-ot) vagy azt meghaladó eredményt
ér el.

Komplex vizsga
A komplex vizsga akkor sikeres, ha a vizsgázó egy vizsgaidőszakon belül mind a 4 készségben
teljesíti az előírt 40%-ot, és a 4 vizsgarész összeredményének az átlaga minimum 60%, függetlenül
attól, hogy a szóbeli és /vagy az írásbeli részvizsga eredménye eléri-e a 60%-ot.

Humán vagy reál feladatsorok közötti választási lehetőség

A DExam vizsgarendszer sajátossága a humán, illetve reál tematikájú feladatsorok közötti választási
lehetőség. A DExam olyan általános nyelvvizsga, amely a diákok – középiskolások, egyetemisták – és
a már dolgozó nyelvtanulók nyelvhasználati igényeit természetes humán- vagy reálérdeklődésük
messzemenő figyelembevételével elégíti ki.
A humán/reál feladatok a vizsgázók szűkebb vagy tágabb érdeklődési vagy szakterületéhez
kötődnek, de a tárgyi tudást nem mérik, laikusok számára íródott (tudományos) ismeretterjesztő
szövegeken alapulnak. A társadalomtudományok és a művészetek iránt érdeklődők nyelvtudásukat
humán tematikájú feladatokon mutathatják meg, míg a természettudomány és a technika iránt
érdeklődőknek a reál feladatsor választásával lesz nagyobb esélyük angol nyelvi ismereteik
bizonyítására a DExam vizsgarendszerben. Mind a humán, mind a reál feladatsorban általános témájú
feladat(ok) is szerepelnek.
Az általános témájú és a humán/reál feladatok aránya a DExam felsőfokú (C1) vizsga egyes
vizsgarészeiben eltérő:
 a Beszédértés vizsgarész feladatsora 3 feladatból áll, és ebből kettő humán, illetve reál témájú;
 a Beszédkészség vizsgarész 3 feladatból áll, és ezek közül a prezentáció témája különbözik a
humán, illetve reál feladatsorban;
 az Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret vizsgarész feladatsora 4 feladatból áll, melyek közül kettő
humán, illetve reál témájú;
 az Íráskészség vizsgarész 2 feladatból áll, és ebből az egyiknek, a véleménykifejtő
fogalmazásnak a témája különbözik a humán, illetve reál feladatsorban.
A humán, illetve reál témájú feladatok arányát az alábbi ábra foglalja össze. A téglalapok száma a
feladatsorban található feladatok számát mutatja, a humán/reál feladatokat szürke, az általános
feladatokat fehér szín jelöli:

Vizsgarész Feladatok
Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret

A humán/reál feladatok, a Beszédkészség és Íráskészség vizsgákon tehát feladattípushoz kötődnek;
míg a Beszédértés és Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret vizsgarész feladatsorában a fenti arányok
megtartásával más-más feladat lehet humán, illetve reál témájú.

A humán, illetve reál feladatokat az alábbi piktogramok jelölik:

– humán, – reál

Egy példa a humán- és reál feladatsor lehetséges tematikus felépítésére:

1. feladat történelem csillagászat

2. feladat szolgáltatások
3. feladat zene biológia

A fenti példa egy Beszédértés vizsgasor lehetséges tematikus felépítését mutatja be. Az általános
szöveg témája az Általános témakörökben megjelölt témakörök valamelyikébe sorolható be, az jelen
esetben a szolgáltatások. A humán feladatok társadalomtudományi (irodalomtudomány, nyelvészet,
néprajz, történelem, szociológia stb.) vagy művészeti témájúak, a reál feladatok pedig a
természettudományok (biológia, csillagászat, fizika, informatika stb.), egészségügy vagy a technika
témakörébe tartoznak. Egy feladatsoron belül a humán, illetve reál szövegek különböző
tudományterületeket érintenek. A témák száma és változatossága egyrészt megbízhatóbbá teszi a
nyelvtudás mérését, másrészt az újrakezdés esélyét kínálja annak a vizsgázónak, aki esetleg valamelyik
témában nem eléggé jártas.

Általános témakörök
A DExam vizsgarendszer általános tematikáját a szintek egymásra épülő témakörei alkotják úgy,
hogy egy adott szint témája tartalmazza az alatta lévő szinten szűkebben vagy konkrétabban
meghatározott témát, pl.: alapfok (B1) szinten a vásárlás a „boltok, piac” témakörére szorítkozik,
középfok (B2) szinten ez a „vásárlási szokásokkal”, felsőfok (C1) szinten a „vásárlási szokások
átalakulásával” bővül. Két olyan témakör van, amely csak a felsőfokú vizsgán fordul elő: Magyarország
gazdasági, politikai rendszere, kultúrája, illetve közbiztonság (bűnözés, fegyvertartás), terrorizmus.

Látható, hogy az általános témakörök között szerepelnek olyanok is, amelyek „reáljellegűnek”
mondhatók, pl.: az étkezés hatása az egészségre vagy a környezetvédelem. Az, hogyha valaki a humán
feladatsort választja, nem jelenti azt, hogy nem kaphat valamilyen betegségről szóló szöveget például
az Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret vizsgarészen. Az általános és reál szöveget ebben az esetben a
kérdésfeltevés jellege, a téma kifejtésének mélysége különíti el. Például, általános szövegnek számít,
ha a szöveg a fogszuvasodás megelőzéséhez ad tanácsokat, viszont csak a reál feladatsort választók
olvashatnak a fog újranövesztésére irányuló kísérletekről.

Alapfok (B1) Középfok (B2) Felsőfok (C1)
Család és rokonság Család (tipikus szerepek, Család (munkamegosztás és
problémák) szerepek, gyermeknevelés,
generációs problémák)
Barátok, osztálytársak Barátok, osztálytársak, ismerősök Barátság szerepe
(külső, belső jellemzés)
Mindennapos tevékenységek, mindennapi élet

Lakóhely (otthon, házimunka) Lakóhely (falun, városban) Lakáshelyzet (támogatások,

Tanulás (tantárgyak, Iskolarendszer, továbbtanulás Korszerű tudás (a nyelvtudás
nyelvtanulás) fontossága)
Foglalkozás (helyszín, Munkahely (feladatkörök, Munkavállalás (szellemi és
munkavégzés) munkatársak, álláskeresés) fizikai munka, átképzés,
Szabadidő (olvasás, mozi, Szabadidő (hobbik, programok, Nyaralási szokások; turizmus,
színház, tv, internet) élmények, veszélyek); utazás
nyaralás (készülődés, útközben)
Étkezés (ételek) Étkezés (különféle étrendek) Étkezés hatása az egészségre
Vásárlás (boltok, piac) Vásárlás (vásárlási szokások) Vásárlási szokások átalakulása
Szolgáltatások igénybevétele Szolgáltatások igénybevétele Szolgáltatások átalakulása
(szálloda, étterem, posta) (pénzváltás, autószerviz és egyéb
Közlekedés (tömegközlekedési Közlekedés (tömegközlekedés) Közlekedés problémái (úthálózat,
eszközök, útbaigazítás) közlekedési morál)
Sport (kedvelt tevékenységek) Sport (népszerű sportok) Sport (dopping, új sportágak,
Egészség (betegségek) Egészséges életmód (betegségek, Egészségügyi ellátás (szociális
orvosnál) ellátás, szenvedélybetegek,
fogyatékkal élők)
Környezetünk (időjárás, Környezetvédelem Környezetszennyezés
évszakok, állat- és növényvilág)
A célnyelvi országok kultúrája

Magyarország gazdasági,
politikai rendszere, kultúrája
Közbiztonság (bűnözés,
fegyvertartás), terrorizmus

1.1. A feladatsor felépítése és a megoldások értékelése
A feladatsor 3 különböző típusú feladatból áll:

Feladattípus Kérdés-

1. feladat Kiegészítés (Completion) 8

2. feladat Többszörös feleletválasztás 3 lehetőségből (Multiple choice) 7
3. feladat Többszörös hozzárendelés (Multiple matching) 8

A feladatsor 3 feladata 3 különböző témájú hangfelvételre épül, ebből 1 általános, 2 pedig a vagy
humán- vagy reáljellegű.

A felvételek ismeretközlő típusúak, részletek rádióban elhangzott információs és

dokumentumműsorokból, internetes audioblogokból. A hanganyagok eredeti formában, adaptálás
nélkül kerülnek a vizsgára. A beszélők kiejtése többnyire a brit vagy az amerikai köznyelvi kiejtési
normát tükrözi (Received Pronunciation, illetve General American), de esetenként előfordulhat nem
túlságosan erős tájnyelvi vagy idegen akcentus is. Egyes beszélők lezser, pongyola ejtést és gyors
anyanyelvi beszédtempót (is) alkalmaznak.

A vizsgázók a felvételeket hangszórón keresztül hallják. A feladathoz tartozó felvételt egymás után
kétszer hallgatják meg.

A feladatok megoldásakor minden helyes válasz 1 pontot ér. A kérdések megválaszolásával szerzett
ún. nyerspontokat (maximálisan 23 nyerspontot) a Vizsgaközpont százalékszámítással, a kerekítési
szabályoknak megfelelően felelteti meg a maximálisan elérhető 25 vizsgapontnak.

1.2. Kiegészítés (Completion)

A feladatsor 1. feladatában a vizsgázók egy kb. 3 perces összefüggő szöveget hallanak. A feladat
alapja a hallott szöveg vázlatos és helyenként hiányos összefoglalása. A vizsgázóknak a szöveg üres
helyeit kell kiegészíteni az elhangzottak alapján úgy, hogy ezáltal az írott szöveg értelme helyreálljon.
A szövegből hiányzó szavak, az üres helyek száma 8, melyek az elhangzás sorrendjében
következnek. Az üres helyeket maximum 4 szóval kell kitölteni. A feladat elején (0) mintamegoldás
segíti a vizsgázókat.

A feladat üres helyeire a felvételen elhangzó szó vagy kifejezés illik, de nem kötelező mindenképpen
azt használni: rokon értelmű szó vagy nyelvtani szerkezet is elfogadható megoldás. A vizsgázók
használhatják például mind a brit, mind az amerikai angolra jellemző kifejezést, pl.: flat/apartment. Ez
természetesen igaz a helyesírásra is: a megoldásokban elfogadható mind a brit, mind az amerikai
helyesírásnak megfelelő alak.

A vizsgázók válaszában előfordulnak helyesírási és egyéb grammatikai hibák. A kisebb nyelvi
pontatlanság (helyesírási hiba, helytelen névelőhasználat, egyeztetés stb.) elfogadható, amennyiben a
válasz tartalmilag odaillő, és a hiba az értést nem zavarja. C1 szinten– a KER leírásoknak megfelelően
– ugyanakkor elvárható a változatos és komplex nyelvtani és lexikai szerkezetek pontos kontextusfüggő
használata. Ezért egy válaszon belül maximum 1 helyesírási vagy 1 grammatikai hiba fordulhat csak
elő. Ha a válaszban egynél több nyelvi hiba van, akkor a válasz 0 pontot ér.

Nézzük meg a Black holes c. feladatból vett néhány példán, hogy milyen megoldások fogadhatók el
és melyek nem (a teljes feladat a 19. oldalon található).

 They are the ________________________ (1) in the cosmos.

BLACK HOLES  They are energetic, extremely _________________and _______


Példánkban két olyan kérdés is van, ahol elfogadható rokon értelmű szavakat írtak a vizsgázók. Az
1. kérdés kapcsán a felvételen a következő hangzik el: Black holes definitely manifest themselves as the
most spectacular objects in the universe. Just the most energetic phenomena…. Az elvárt válasz: most
spectacular objects, de az adott szövegkörnyezetben egyértelmű szinonimának tekinthető a most
spectacular phenomena kifejezés is. Viszont egyértelműen helytelen például a most spectacular thing
megoldás, mert a thing szó jelentése ebben a szövegkörnyezetben túlságosan általános.

THE WEIRDNESS As they are at _______________________(5) of reality, it is doubtful

OF BLACK HOLES whether they actually exist or not.

You can observe the ________________________(6) in galaxies, and look

NOTICE THEM for unusual orbits. In such cases we can suppose that there is
________________________ (7) there that could also be a black hole.

BLACK HOLE … needs __________________________(8) and feeding.

Az 5. kérdésben a hallott szöveg alapján elvárt válasz: the (very) fringes. Elfogadható, ha a vizsgázó
elhagyja a very módosító szót, hiszen az a jelentést lényegileg nem változtatja meg. Emellett több rokon
értelmű szó is elfogadható jó válaszként: edge/edges/brink/border. A 7. kérdésben viszont nem
fogadható el a dark matter helyett a dark material, a magyar ’sötét anyag’ kifejezés rossz, félreérthető
Az 5. kérdésben a fringes válasz, azaz a határozott névelő elhagyása olyan nyelvtani hiba, amely
kisebb pontatlanságnak mondható, ezért megadható rá az 1 pont. Hasonlóan kisebb pontatlanság a 2.

kérdésre adott válaszban, ha valaki helyesírási hibát vét, és powerful and destructive helyett például azt
írja, hogy destructiv vagy distructive. C1 szinten egy betűtévesztéssel a szóalak elfogadható, kivéve azt
az esetet, ha az más jelentésű szót eredményez, pl.: dual, duel.

Nem kisebb pontatlanság, hanem elfogadhatatlan, értelmetlen szóhalmazt eredményező nyelvtani

hiba viszont a 8. kérdésben az active válasz a to be active szerkezet használata helyett.

A kiegészítés feladat táblázatos elrendezése segíti a vizsgázókat az elhangzó szöveg követésében. A

táblázat bal oldali oszlopa fontos tartalmi vagy szó szerint elhangzó kulcsszavakat tartalmaz. Ezek
segítenek azonosítani, hogy éppen hol járunk a hallott szövegben. A bal oldali oszlopban szereplő
szó/kifejezés további szerepet is kaphat, mint például a Black holes c. feladat 8. kérdésében. A 8. kérdés
három ponttal és kisbetűvel kezdődik. Ez azt jelzi, hogy a bal oldali oszlopban található
kulcsszót/kifejezést össze kell olvasnia a jobb oldali oszlopban található szöveg első mondatával: az A
real black hole jelzős szerkezet a kiegészítendő mondat alanya. Más esetekben a bal oldali oszlopban
található kulcsszó/kifejezés lehet a kiegészítendő mondat részét képező hely- vagy időhatározó.

Tippek, tanácsok
1. Olvassa el és pontosan értelmezze a kiegészítendő szöveget! A felvételről először a feladat utasítása
hangzik el, majd 1 perc áll rendelkezésére a feladat áttekintésére, azaz van elegendő idő alaposan
átolvasni és megérteni a feladat szövegét.
2. Tudatosítsa magában, hogy mi a feladat témája! Igyekezzen mozgósítani a témával kapcsolatos
ismereteit, szókincsét, ez segítségére lesz a hallott szöveg megértésében!
3. Figyelmesen olvassa el a (0) mintamegoldást! Ez a hangfelvétel elejére vonatkozik, és így jó
kiindulópontul szolgál az elhangzó szöveg megértéséhez.
4. A feladat megoldásában szerepet kaphat az előzetes találgatás. A feladat átolvasásakor próbálja meg
kitalálni, milyen szó/kifejezés hiányzik a szövegből!
5. Készüljön fel rá, hogy a feladat szövege nem szó szerint idézi az elhangzottakat! A feladatban
szinonimákkal, eltérő nyelvtani szerkezetekkel fog találkozni, a szöveg csak az üres hely közvetlen
környékén „kanyarodik vissza” a felvételen elhangzó kifejezésekhez.
6. Figyeljen a feladat bal oldali oszlopában található kulcsszavakra! Ha esetleg egy szövegrészt nem
értett, vagy túl sok időt szentelt valamely kérdésnek, akkor a bal oldali oszlopban szereplő
információ segít visszatalálni a soron következő kérdéshez.
7. Nézze meg, hogy van-e olyan kérdés, amely három ponttal kezdődik! A … azt jelzi, hogy a bal
oldali oszlopban található kulcsszót össze kell olvasnia a jobb oldali oszlopban található szöveg első
8. Tudatosítsa magában, hogy egy szót akár tízszer annyi időbe kerülhet leírni, mint kimondani! Ne
essen kétségbe, ha még nem írta le végig a megoldást, és már hallja a következőt! Ha megértette a
szöveget, akkor például a két lejátszás közötti szünetben is folytathatja a válaszát. Követheti azt a
stratégiát is, hogy néhány választ tudatosan a 2. meghallgatásra hagy.
9. A lehető legpontosabb információval egészítse ki a feladat szövegét! Ha a szövegben az hangzik el,
hogy valaki kínai étteremben ebédelt, akkor nem elegendő annyit válaszolni, hogy étteremben, vagy
ha valami az XIX. század elején történt, akkor nem elegendő csak a századot megadni. Ez
vonatkozik a jelzős szerkezetekre is. Fontos ugyanakkor, hogy a tartalmilag pontos válasz
megfogalmazásakor ne feledkezzen meg arról a szabályról, hogy a választ maximum 4 szóval kell
10. A 2. meghallgatás után ne kezdje rögtön átmásolni a megoldásait a válaszlapra, erre a teljes
feladatsor végén lesz ideje! A 2. meghallgatás után további 1 perc áll a rendelkezésére, hogy
átgondolja megoldásait. Ekkor még vissza tud emlékezni olyan információkra, amelyek segíthetnek
a helyes válasz megtalálásában.
11. Ellenőrizze válaszai helyesírását a 2. meghallgatás utáni 1 percben, vagy amikor a vizsga utolsó 5
percében átmásolja végső megoldásait a válaszlapra.

1.3. Többszörös feleletválasztás (Multiple choice)

A feladatsor 2. feladatában a vizsgázók 3-4 perces összefüggő szöveget hallanak. A vizsgázóknak 3
válaszlehetőségből (A, B, C) kell kiválasztani, hogy az elhangzottak alapján melyik egészíti ki igaz
állítássá a megadott mondatrészletet. Ehhez az szükséges, hogy részleteiben is megértse mind a feladat
szövegét, mind a hangfelvételt.
A hallott szövegre vonatkozó kérdések száma 7, s ezek követik az elhangzás sorrendjét. A feladat
elején (0) mintamegoldás segíti a vizsgázókat.

Tippek, tanácsok

1. Olvassa el és pontosan értelmezze a feladat szövegét! A felvételről először a feladat utasítása

hangzik el, majd 1,5 perc áll a rendelkezésére a feladat áttekintésére, azaz van elegendő idő alaposan
átolvasni és megérteni a feladat szövegét.
2. Tudatosítsa magában, hogy mi a feladat témája! Igyekezzen aktiválni a témával kapcsolatos
ismereteit, szókincsét, ez segítségére lesz a hallott szöveg megértésében!
3. Figyelmesen olvassa el a (0) mintamegoldást! Ez a hangfelvétel elejére vonatkozik, és így jó
kiindulópontul szolgál az elhangzó szöveg megértéséhez.
4. A 3 választási lehetőség meglehetősen közeli információt is tartalmazhat. Az írott feladat
értelmezése során törekedjen a válaszlehetőségek közötti lényegi különbség megragadására. Ehhez
hasznos segítség lehet a kulcsszavak aláhúzása.
5. Készüljön fel rá, hogy a feladat szövege nem szó szerint idézi az elhangzottakat! A felvételen
elhangzó szavak és kifejezések visszaismétlése semmiképpen nem jelent biztosítékot arra, hogy az
adott válaszlehetőség lenne a helyes.
6. Ne döntsön elhamarkodottan! A választási lehetőségekben szereplő információ valamilyen
formában elhangzik a felvételen, de lehetséges, hogy ha figyelmesen tovább hallgatja a szöveget,
akkor egyértelműen kiderül, hogy az adott információ egy másik személyre, időszakra, helyszínre
stb. vonatkozik. Az is előfordulhat, hogy a bemondó a következő mondatában módosítja vagy
megcáfolja a korábban elhangzottakat.
7. Ne bátortalanítsa el, ha a felvétel első meghallgatása során nem tudja minden kérdésre a választ!
Összpontosítson inkább arra, hogy minél pontosabban megértse a hallott szöveget!

8. A hangfelvétel két meghallgatása közötti félperces szünetben gondolja végig, hogy mely
válaszokban biztos, illetve melyekre kell figyelmét összpontosítania a 2. meghallgatás során!
9. A 2. meghallgatás után ne kezdje rögtön átmásolni a megoldásait a válaszlapra, erre a teljes
feladatsor végén bőven lesz ideje! A 2. meghallgatás után további 1 perc áll a rendelkezésére, hogy
átgondolja megoldásait. Ekkor még vissza tud emlékezni olyan információkra, amelyek segíthetnek
a helyes válasz megtalálásában.
10. Mindenképpen jelölje meg valamelyik választási lehetőséget akkor is, ha nem sikerült pontosan
megértenie a felvétel vonatkozó részét! Ilyen esetben találgathat, vagy – ami talán hatékonyabb –
dönthet kizárásos alapon. Zárja ki azt a két válaszlehetőséget, amelyik a feladat egésze vagy
háttérismeretei alapján kevésbé valószínűnek, hihetőnek tűnik, és jelölje a fennmaradó lehetőséget
helyes válaszként!

1.4. Többszörös hozzárendelés (Multiple matching)

A feladatban a vizsgázók 3-4 rövid (40-60 másodperces) rádióprogram-részletet hallanak. A
rádióprogram-részletek tartalmilag összefüggnek, például az Egyesült Államok elnökei által készített
titkos hangfelvételekről (lásd 41. oldal) vagy híres sarkvidéki expedíciókról (lásd 42. oldal) szólnak. A
hangfelvétel-részletekhez 7 állítás tartozik. A vizsgázóknak az a feladatuk, hogy megfelelő
hangfelvétel-részlethez társítsák az azok tartalmára vonatkozó állításokat. Egy hangfelvétel-részlethez
(azaz például egy adott amerikai elnökhöz vagy sarkvidéki expedícióhoz) 1-3 állítás tartozhat. Az
állítások között van 1 felesleges is, amelyik egyik hangfelvétel-részlet tartalmához sem kapcsolható.
A feladat elején (0) mintamegoldás segíti a vizsgázókat.

Tippek, tanácsok

1. Olvassa el és pontosan értelmezze a 7 állítást! A felvételről először a feladat utasítása hangzik el,
majd 1 perc áll a rendelkezésére a feladat áttekintésére, azaz van elegendő idő többször is átolvasni
az állításokat.
2. Tudatosítsa magában a feladat témáját! Igyekezzen aktiválni a témával kapcsolatos ismereteit,
szókincsét, ez segítségére lesz a hallott szöveg megértésében.
3. Figyelmesen olvassa el az A állítást is! Ez az első hangfelvétel-részlet elejére vonatkozik, és így jó
kiindulópontul szolgál az elhangzó szöveg megértéséhez.
4. Ne várja, hogy a hangfelvételen az egyes állítások szó szerinti megfogalmazását vagy az azokban
található szavakat fogja hallani! Az a jellemző, hogy az állításban szereplő szavak vagy egyáltalán
nem szerepelnek az állításhoz tartozó rádióprogram-részletben, vagy az, hogy a felvételek közül
többen is elhangzanak.
5. A hangfelvétel két meghallgatása közötti félperces szünetben gondolja végig, hogy mely
válaszokban biztos, illetve melyekre kell összpontosítania a 2. meghallgatás során!
6. A 2. meghallgatás után ne kezdje rögtön átmásolni a megoldásait a válaszlapra! Erre a teljes
feladatsor végén bőven lesz ideje. A 2. meghallgatás után további 1 perc áll a rendelkezésére, hogy
átgondolja megoldásait. Ez idő alatt még vissza tud emlékezni olyan információra, amely segíthet a
helyes válaszok megtalálásában.

1.5. Hasznos technikai tudnivalók a feladatok megoldásához a vizsgán
 A feladatok megoldásakor a feladatlapon lehet dolgozni, de a végső megoldást át kell másolni a
 Nem érdemes rögtön a válaszlapra írni a megoldást. Dolgozzon a feladatlapon, és a vizsga utolsó
5 percében, az erre kijelölt időben másolja át megoldásait! Amennyiben nem másolja át a
feladatok megoldásait a válaszlapra, úgy azok nem kerülnek értékelésre.
 A vizsgán kék tollal kell dolgozni. Ha ceruzával ír, akkor annak szintén az lesz a következménye,
hogy válaszai nem értékelhetők.

Az 1. feladat
 A válaszok átmásolásakor előfordulhatnak elírások. A tévesztést egyértelműen húzza át! Ne
használjon zárójelet!
 Egy kérdésre csak egy választ adjon! Csak a legjobbnak vélt választ írja a válaszlapra!
 Az átmásolásra biztosított időben még egyszer ellenőrizze válaszaiban a helyesírást és azt, hogy
nem lépte-e át a maximum 4 szavas korlátot!
A 2-3. feladat
 Az 2-3. feladat megoldásait úgy kell megadni a válaszlapon, hogy X-et tesz a válasz betűjele alá.
Part 2
Put an X under the
correct letter for
each question.
0 A B C

1 A B C

2 A B C

 Az 1-3. feladatok esetében a válaszlapon javítani nem szabad. Javítófesték és hasonló eszközök
használata tilos. Amennyiben az 1-3. feladatok valamelyikében elvéti az átmásolást, úgy
forduljon problémájával a teremfelügyelőhöz!
 Ellenőrizze, hogy nem hagyott-e megválaszolatlanul kérdést! Ha nem jutott valamelyik feladat
végére, akkor tippeljen! A rossz válaszért ugyanis nem jár büntetés (a jó válasz 1, a rossz válasz
0 pontot ér).

1.6. Beszédértés feladatsorok




3. Többszörös hozzárendelés ANCIENT GRAINS

1. Kiegészítés ROCK MAGAZINE


3. Többszörös hozzárendelés BALLET




3. Többszörös hozzárendelés LETTERS VENDING MACHINES

1. Kiegészítés PANGOLIN
2. Többszörös ROYAL PHOTOS



Part 101_Listening_I_Arts_1 KEY


You are going to hear a text about Queen Elizabeth I. First you will have 1 minute
to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two
listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about the answers. While listening,
complete the notes (1-8) in a maximum of FOUR words. There is one example (0)
at the beginning. After the second listening, you will have 1 minute to finalise your
answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

A QUOTE FROM It expresses her distaste for all the shortcomings (0) of being a female
ELIZABETH I monarch at that time.

 her mother, Anne Boleyn

KEY WOMEN IN  _________________________(1)
 her half-sister, Mary

Tracy Borman’s book also describes Anne in labour. She hoped for a prince

who would bring England great ______________ and ______________(2).

Henry VIII would not have put Anne _________________________(3) had she
had a son.

After years _________________________(4) from his first wife, Henry VIII

was furious with another “useless girl”.
Neither Henry VIII nor Anne knew that Elizabeth would become

_________________________(5) of her father’s dynasty.

Elizabeth _________________________ (6) to her own household.

INFANCY _________________________ (7) kept Anne away from her daughter.

ANNE’S LEGACY It is not true that Elizabeth _________________________ (8) by Anne.

Part 1  02_Listening_I_Science_1 KEY

You are going to hear a text about black holes. First you will have 1 minute
to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two
listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about the answers. While
listening, complete the notes (1-8) in a maximum of FOUR words. There is
one example (0) at the beginning. After the second listening, you will have
1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

TODAY’S MISSION … is to explore the drama of deep space (0).

 They are the ________________________ (1) in the cosmos.

BLACK HOLES  They are energetic, extremely _________________and _______

______________ (2).

Physicists are used to thinking ____________________________ (3) and

describe black holes as supermassive.

Black holes are a billion times the _______________________ (4).

As they are at _______________________ (5) of reality, it is doubtful

OF BLACK HOLES whether they actually exist or not.

You can observe the ________________________ (6) in galaxies, and look

HOW TO for unusual orbits. In such cases we can suppose that there is
________________________ (7) there that could also be a black hole.

BLACK HOLE … needs __________________________ (8) and feeding.

Part 2  03_Listening_I_2 KEY

You are going to hear a radio program extract about English banknotes. First
you will have 1.5 minutes to study the task below. Then you will hear the text
twice. Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your
answers. While listening, decide which answer best completes each sentence
(1-7) and circle its letter (A, B or C). There is one example (0) at the beginning.
After the second listening, you will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on
the task sheet. Start studying the task now.

0 The radio program starts with an extract from W. Churchill’s speech ______.
A that was given when he was re-elected
B in which he proposed to introduce new banknotes
C delivered in the Parliament at the beginning of WW2

1 The five-pound note currently in circulation ______.

A portrays a female historic figure
B depicts a famous prisoner of war
C replaced the note with the Duke of Wellington on it

2 On the new note Churchill is portrayed ______ .

A standing in front of the Houses of Parliament
B as he looked in the iconic WW2 photo
C with his trademark cigar

3 According to Callaway, replacing worn-out notes allows us to ______ .

A follow the custom of depicting historic figures
B get rid of those with the same image on both sides
C incorporate new security features in them

4 The decision about who will be the next face on banknotes is made by ______ .
A a committee of outside experts
B the Bank of England
C public voting

5 English banknotes can feature _____ .
A prominent figures of the past
B anybody who has recently done any good for the people
C famous people from the field of sports and music, too

6 Polymer notes ______.

A aren’t mentioned in the recent tender
B are considered for introduction in the UK
C will make banknotes production less cost effective

7 The speaker has pointed out that the ______ definitely in favour of polymer notes.
A director of the International Banknote Society is
B representatives of the Central Bank of the UK are
C new Canadian governor of the Bank of England is

Part 3 04_Listening_I_Arts_3 KEY

You are going to hear extracts about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. First you will have
1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two
listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers. While listening match
the extracts (1-3) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each piece of information only
once. There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is ONE piece of information
that you do not need to use. After the second listening you will have 1 minute to
finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.


1 Extract 1 A A The other musical prodigy in the Mozart family

2 Extract 2 B It was Nannerl who played an important part of the piece

3 Extract 3 C Mozart wrote sonatas for her sister too

D A high opinion of female pianists

E Mozart’s greatest achievements as a composer

F A most beautiful interpretation of a Mozart piece

G A family tragedy put an end to Nannerl Mozart’s career

H Mozart also wrote music for teaching purposes

I The harmonious way they played the piano together

Part 3 05_Listening_I_Science_3 KEY

You are going to hear radio program extracts about 3 different ancient grains. First you
will have 1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between
the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers. While listening
match the extracts (1-3) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each piece of information
only once. There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is ONE piece of information
that you do not need to use. After the second listening you will have 1 minute to finalise
your answers on the task sheet. Start studying the task now.


1 teff A A … is a grass originally cultivated in hilly regions

… can arouse the interest of those who are for reducing
2 quinoa B
greenhouse gas emissions
… is a traditionally important crop in Asia and North
3 millet C
D … used to be neglected by colonists

E … is a crop noted for its good harvests

F … has round seeds in several different colours

… is a crop whose original producers are unsure of their
… has long been considered more suitable for animals in
the US
… is grown on a much more restricted area than other
established crops


Part 1  06_Listening_II_1 KEY


You are going to hear a text about Rolling Stone magazine in China. First
you will have 1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the
text twice. Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think
about the answers. While listening, complete the notes (1-8) in a
maximum of FOUR words. There is one example (0) at the beginning. After the second listening, you
will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

DELAY There is a delay in getting out (0) the new issue of Rolling Stone
magazine in China.

SUCCESS OF A man on the phone is asking to ______________________ (1) of the very first
THE 1ST edition of Rolling Stone for him.
The first edition of the magazine ______________________ (2) in a short time.

There was ______________________ (3) about the causes of the delay in the
CAUSES OF media.
According to some sources there were ______________________ (4) about
the magazine’s partnership.

His song was considered an anthem of ________________________ (5) in

CUI JIAN 1989. The communist authorities crack down on any _________
________________________ (6) about the June 4 incident.

OPINIONS People in Beijing believe that the magazine is a _____________________ (7)

in their country.

Advertisements for the magazine appeared on signposts and at ________

________________ (8) all over Beijing.

Part 2  07_Listening_II_Arts_2 KEY

You are going to hear a short radio extract about chess. First you will have
1.5 minutes to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice.
Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your
answers. While listening, decide which answer best completes each sentence
(1-7) and circle its letter (A, B or C). There is one example (0) at the
beginning. After the second listening, you will have 1 minute to finalise your
answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

0 The chess match in Iceland ______.

A was the most famous Cold war battle
B helped put an end to Cold war
C was characterised as a war on the board

1 ______ a surrogate for war.

A It is an exaggeration to call chess
B Games are generally considered
C In the middle ages it was common to use chess as

2 The objects unearthed on the Isle of Lewis ______ .

A consisted of more than 70 chess pieces
B were identified as a 12th century Hebrew chess set
C are now exhibited in the main English museums

3 Some of the chess pieces ______.

A are much bigger than a clenched fist
B were made of whales’ teeth
C were originally painted red and black

4 The Lewis Chessmen _____ .

A feature several incomplete major pieces
B are a mixture of different sets
C include a large percentage of pawns

5 The pawns of the Lewis Chessmen are ______.
A of different geometric shapes
B drawn on gravestones
C small and faceless pieces

6 The main chess pieces ______ .

A symbolize the fate of foot soldiers
B mirror the conventions of medieval armies
C portray the people at the top of the heap

7 The king of the Lewis Chessmen ______.

A sits on his horse with a sword in sheath
B has more power than his Islamic counterpart
C is accompanied by his main advisor, the queen

Part 2  08_Listening_II_Science_2 KEY

You are going to hear two people talking about short-term memory. First you
will have 1.5 minutes to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice.
Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers.
While listening, decide which answer best completes each sentence (1-7) and
circle its letter (A, B or C). There is one example (0) at the beginning. After the
second listening you will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task
Start studying the task now.

0 In laboratory experiments subjects are asked to ______ of digits or letters.

A make up unusual combinations
B remember lists
C ask each other lists

1 The immediate serial recall task has been _______ .

A used as a diagnostic test since the mid 50s
B used by psychologists for decades
C neglected by cognitive scientists recently

2 The test can be made more difficult by _______ .

A repeating items several times
B asking to say something before the list
C using only numbers in the list

3 _______limited recall ability.

A Scientists have given different accounts of
B There is one accepted explanation of
C The interviewee believes that delay alone can account for

4 In the 1960s people often called the wrong number because _______ .
A they had to dial a zero before the phone number
B the phone numbers became longer by a zero
C they had to remember to dial a prefixed area code

5 The information kept in short-term memory decays quickly because _______ can disturb
A any redundancy
B any background noise
C a few extra things

6 Inherited genes can contribute to _______ ability to remember.

A everybody’s
B one in ten people’s
C one-third of people’s

7 People with the rare form of the gene perform _______ .

A better than the majority in recalling lists
B worse than the others when they are tested immediately after a task
C the worst when they have to recall things after a while

Part 3 09_Listening_II_Arts_3 KEY

You are going to hear 3 radio extracts about ballerinas and their art. First you will
have 1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between
the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers. While
listening match the extracts (1-3) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each piece
of information only once. There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is ONE
piece of information that you do not need to use. After the second listening you will
have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.


Ninette de … is one to whom a most prestigious ballet company

1 A A
Valois owes its existence
2 B … chose an ancient god to represent her art
3 C … learned a new technical skill from touring artists
… was a powerful and impressive person as well as an
E … believes in the international character of her art
… points out the connection with Italian comedy and
G … is credited for introducing dancing on tiptoe
… emphasises the conventionality and the narrative
character of ballet
I … helped to satisfy dancers’ dream to be weightless

Part 3 10_Listening_II_Science_3 KEY

You are going to hear 4 radio extracts about space exploration vehicles. First you
will have 1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice.
Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers.
While listening match the extracts (1-4) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each
piece of information only once. There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is
ONE piece of information that you do not need to use. After the second listening
you will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.


1 Lunakhod 2 A A Leaving unmistakable marks on the planet’s surface

2 Jade Rabbit B Posting text messages about the mission

3 Spirit C Malfunctioning communication system ended the mission

4 Opportunity D Looking for a possible entry point into the crater

E Getting into sleep mode to survive

F Challenging but within its technical capabilities

G Disappearing after just a couple of months

H Incapable of folding up to protect itself

I Taking photos and searching for water in the crater


Part 1  11_Listening_III_Arts_1 KEY


You are going to hear a text about envy. First you will have 1 minute to
study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two
listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about the answers. While
listening, complete the notes (1-8) in a maximum of FOUR words. There
is one example (0) at the beginning. After the second listening, you will
have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

ENVY … is one of the deadly sins that has remained rather shameful (0).

… is about a _______________________(1). Mitch is __________

____________(2) with envy for his brother’s appearance.

MARTIN PALMER … is a(n) _______________________(3).

THE BIBLE … has the earliest story of the relationship between Cain and Abel.

… sees envy as a(n) _______________________ (4) because it helps

us aspire to be better than the others.

… teaches that _______________________ (5) to envy.

When a Taoist philosopher declined the position __________

_______________ (6) he used the metaphor of a turtle.


What would the turtle prefer: to remain ___________________

______(7) or hanging on the wall of the imperial palace dead?

MOST RELIGIONS … teach that envy has the _______________________(8).

Part 1  12_Listening_III_Science_1 KEY

You are going to hear a radio programme about de-extinction. First you
will have 1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text
twice. Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about
the answers. While listening, complete the notes (1-8) in a maximum of
FOUR words. There is one example (0) at the beginning. After the second
listening, you will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

The notion (0) of the movie was bringing back dinosaurs.

As Zimmer writes in National Geographic, de-extinction is possible,

“JURASSIC however____________________________________(1) to return to
Earth. Today scientists are close to bringing back _________

________________________________ (2) species.

… which is a mountain goat in the Pyrenees. __________________

___________________________(3) couldn’t save the bucardo, but

BUCARDO they managed to get a(n) ___________________________________(4)

from the ear of the last animal. During the experiment one of the surrogate

mothers ___________________________________(5) a live clone.

Scientists know how to clone animals _____________________________

ADVANCES IN ________(6) and avoid birth defects. They can use material that would
TECHNIQUE have been ruled out before as being ____________________________


ONGOING Researchers are working on reviving _____________________________

________(8) using DNA fragments from museum specimens.

Part 2  13_Listening_III_2 KEY

You are going to hear a text about a historic place. First you will have 1.5
minutes to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the
two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers. While
listening, decide which answer (A, B or C) best completes each sentence (1-7)
and circle its letter (A, B or C). There is one example (0) at the beginning. After
the second listening you will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task
Start studying the task now.

0 The radio station _________ .

A broadcast coded messages during World War II
B tried to protect its co-workers anonymity
C started broadcasting classical music in 1943

1 The pianist _________ .

A played pieces only by German composers
B was supported by Teller, the well-known physicist
C was an amateur artist as well as a great scientist

2 The radio would broadcast programs for _________ .

A everybody living in the region of Jemez Mountains
B workers of the biggest American factory
C residents of a closely guarded settlement

3 Los Alamos _________ .

A used to be a ghost town with no high school
B became the most important site for weapons research
C became the biggest dumping ground for nuclear weapons

4 The pilot who dropped the atomic bombs _________ .

A described the incredible sight to the reporters
B complained about poor visibility
C was shocked by the number of victims

5 After the war Los Alamos_________ .
A was abandoned by leading scientists
B enjoyed a real economic boom
C remained an important research centre

6 The project accomplished in Los Alamos during World War II _________ .

A did little to revolutionize scientific research
B was the achievement of an interdisciplinary team
C was funded by overseas research centres

7 Researchers in Los Alamos _________ .

A continue working on high security military projects only
B have been studying e.g. protection against biological weapons
C have proved very successful e.g. in producing toxins

Part 3  14_Listening_III_Arts_3 KEY

You are going to hear extracts about letters. First you will have 1 minute to study
the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two listenings you
will have 30 seconds to think about your answers. While listening match the extracts
(1-3) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each piece of information only once.
There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is ONE piece of information that
you do not need to use. After the second listening you will have 1 minute to finalise
your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.


1 Letters 1 A A Shedding light on a supposed affair

2 Letters 2 B Meeting in pre-war Europe

3 Letters 3 C Only one letter sent to the most celebrated writer

D Some new items added to the collection

E War correspondence between celebrities of the time

F Letters saved by unofficial diplomatic manoeuvres

G A new find challenges accepted public beliefs

H Making a witty literary allusion

I Hiding away from the attention of the public

Part 3  15_Listening_III_Sceince_3 KEY

You are going to hear extracts about vending machines. First you will have 1 minute
to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two listenings
you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers. While listening match the
extracts (1-4) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each piece of information only
once. There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is ONE piece of information
that you do not need to use. After the second listening you will have 1 minute to
finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.


Vending extends into non-traditional areas like

1 Robotic stores A A
The Espresso More specific offers would require continuous
2 Book Machine B
3 Japanese machine C It offers an impressive range of choices

4 Blossom One D Items are smoothly released through high-tech

Recognition technology helps to guess customers’
New image technology makes vending machines
popular in airports
G It’s also equipped with binding capabilities

H High-tech applied to brewing coffee

I It looks like a massive commercial cooler


Part 1  16_Listening_IV_Arts_1 KEY


You are going to hear a radio programme about Ernest Hemingway’s short novel
The Old Man and the Sea. First you will have 1 minute to study the task below. Then
you will hear the text twice. Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to
think about the answers. While listening, complete the notes (1-8) in a maximum of
FOUR words. There is one example (0) at the beginning. After the second listening,
you will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

Hemingway evaluated The Old Man and the Sea as “the best I can write

HEMINGWAY’S ever (0)”.

OPINION The book is about a(n) ________________ _______________(1)
fisherman fighting with a huge marlin.

The first work Hemingway published ________________________(2) was

PREVIOUS disliked by the critics. The Sun Also Rises, Farewell to Arms and For
NOVELS Whom the Bell Tools – the famous books that _____________
______________(3) – were published years earlier.

Hemingway wrote The Old Man and the Sea in a(n) ______________
___________ and ___________________(4) simple style.

The Old Man and the Sea is an allegory, a testimonial to ____________

THE THEME _______________(5). As the well-known quote from the book states “a

man can be ________________________(6).”

HEMINGWAY’S Hemingway described in an essay how he ______________

EXPERIENCE _____________(7) to protect himself from sharks.

The book is too obvious, and also __________________ and _____

CRITICISM _______________(8).

Part 1 17_Listening_IV_Science_1 KEY

You are going to hear a text about pangolin. First you will have 1 minute to study
the task below. Then you will hear the text twice. Between the two listenings you
will have 30 seconds to think about the answers. While listening, complete the notes
(1-8) in a maximum of FOUR words. There is one example (0) at the beginning.
After the second listening, you will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the
task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

Pangolins are more trafficked (0) than elephants, rhinos and tigers altogether.
SURPRISING Experts say it’s high time to add pangolins to the ______________

Pangolins are the size of a cat. They are basically ___________________

PANGOLIN’S _________(2) with an extremely long tongue. They are covered literally
____________________________(3) with scales.

WHEN …, they roll up into a ball, which is a really great ____________________

FRIGHTENED __________ (4) against predatory animals.

 The pangolin’s meat is a(n) ____________________________(5) and

sometimes in Africa
THREATS TO  Their scales are used in ____________________________(6) e.g. for
dispelling _________________ and ________________(7) and treating

liver problems.

… has already suffered ____________________________(8) and might get very

PANGOLIN close to extinction in about 20 years.

Part 2  18_Listening_IV_2 KEY

You are going to hear a radio programme about royal photos. First you will
have 1.5 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice.
Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your
answers. While listening, decide which answer best completes each sentence
(1-7) and circle its letter (A, B or C). Write your answers in the space provided.
There is one example (0) at the beginning. After the second listening you will
have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.

0 The reporter is looking for _________ .

A a spot suitable for taking a photo of the Queen
B the drain he saw in a photo of the royal residence
C the place where an old royal photo could have been taken

1 The reporter believes that _________ .

A carefully staged pictures serve the monarchs’ purposes well
B all royal images should convey the impression of glory and power
C the role of court artists is hopelessly outdated

2 Hugo Bernard is proud of_________ .

A the unofficial photos he took at a royal wedding
B the amount of natural light in the photo
C a staged photo, which he hopes keeps his efforts hidden

3 _________ are the most intriguing for the reporter.

A Snapshots commissioned by the court photographer
B Photos taken by royalty
C Paparazzi photos of the royal family

4 The photo of the _________ was taken at Balmoral.

A princess with some pets
B future Queen with her brother
C princess behind other royalty

5 Such images give us _________ .
A an insight into the complicated relationships of the royalty
B evidence that monarchs can’t live an ordinary family life
C a glimpse of the royal family’s life behind the scenes

6 According to the professor we are eager to think that _________ .

A royalty is really similar to us
B royalty should share their private life with us
C family issues of British monarchs are of great importance

7 George VI _________ .
A was a notable exception among the recent British kings
B was educated to become a great monarch
C was a caring father, which helped him rule the country

Part 3 19_Listening_IV_Arts_3 KEY

You are going to hear radio program extracts about US presidents’ secret recordings.
First you will have 1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice.
Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers.
While listening match the extracts (1-4) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each
piece of information only once. There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is
ONE piece of information that you do not need to use. After the second listening you
will have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.


1 JF Kennedy A A Transcribed recordings published with a CD compilation

2 LB Johnson B Speaking to his predecessor’s widow

A sophisticated multimedia system gives easy access to
3 R Nixon C

4 B Clinton D Foreword written by another member of the family

E Recorded in private, away from other members of the team

F Audiotapes might have been of help in political disputes

G Some of the tapes were destroyed by loyal supporters

H The first president to record phone calls regularly

I Clandestine recordings with rather poor sound quality

Part 3 20_Listening_IV_Science_3 KEY

You are going to hear radio program extracts about 3 Arctic expeditions. First you
will have 1 minute to study the task below. Then you will hear the text twice.
Between the two listenings you will have 30 seconds to think about your answers.
While listening match the extracts (1-3) to the pieces of information (B-I). Use each
description only once. There is one example (A) at the beginning. There is ONE
piece of information that you do not need to use.. After the second listening you will
have 1 minute to finalise your answers on the task sheet.
Start studying the task now.


An early 17th century effort to find a shorter route to

1 Hudson A A
important trade destinations
The further north it’s measured the more variance it
2 Franklin B
The expedition was led by a celebrated military doctor
3 De Long C
and a journalist
D They assumed that the turbulent water leads to the ocean

E Outlandish theories about “the great unknown”

F Scientific aims only become possible in mid-century

Expedition apparently driven by political and
geographical motives
The explorers believed in the existence of the warm
northern current
I Expedition members unprepared for weather conditions

1.7. Beszédértés – Megoldókulcsok

I. Feladatsor

Part 1 ELIZABETH I (18. oldal)

0 all the shortcomings
1 (the) doomed stepmothers
2 glory and power
3 to death
4 of trying to divorce
5 the most successful
6 was sent away
7 Affairs at court / The court
8 was ashamed

Part 1 BLACK HOLES (19. oldal)

0 deep space
1 most spectacular objects/phenomena
2 powerful and destructive / fabulous and powerful/destructive
3 on a big scale
4 mass of our/the Sun
5 the (very) fringe(s)/edge(s) / the border/brink
6 motions of stars
7 dark matter
8 to be active

Part 2 ENGLISH BANKNOTES (20. oldal)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 Extract 1 A D G
2 Extract 2 B E I
3 Extract 3 F H

Part 3 ANCIENT GRAINS (23. oldal)

1 teff A E I
2 quinoa D G
3 millet B F H

II. Feladatsor
Part 1 ROCK MAGAZINE (24. oldal)
0 in getting out
1 save copies/a copy
2 (was) sold out
3 plenty of speculation
4 unspecified problems
5 young demonstrators / the Beijing riots
6 public discussion(s) / public talk
7 breath of fresh air
8 major shopping malls/centres

Part 2 LEWIS CHESSMEN (25. oldal)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part 2 SHORT-TERM MEMORY (27. oldal)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part 3 BALLET (29. oldal)

1 Ninette de Valois A D E
2 Marie Taglioni C G I
3 Jennifer Homans B H


1 Lunakhod 2 A G
2 Jade Rabbit B H
3 Spirit I E
4 Opportunity D F

III. Feladatsor

Part 1 ENVY (31. oldal)

0 rather shameful
1 pair of identical twins
2 eaten up
3 expert on world religions
4 virtue
5 there’s nothing
6 of (the) Prime Minister
7 (sitting) in the mud
8 power to destroy

Part 1 DE-EXTINCTION (32. oldal)

0 The notion
1 a T-rex is unlikely
2 more recently extinct
3 conservation biologists
4 little tissue
5 gave birth to
6 efficiently
7 too degraded
8 the passenger pigeon

Part 2 LOS ALAMOS: THEN AND NOW (33. oldal)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part 3 LETTERS (35. oldal)

1 Letters 1 A D F
2 Letters 2 C H
3 Letters 3 B G I

Part 3 VENDING MACHINES (36. oldal)

1 Robotic stores A I D
2 The Espresso Book Machine C G
3 Japanese machine E B
4 Blossom One H

IV. Feladatsor

0 I can write ever
1 weather-beaten Cuban
2 after World War II/ WWII/ WW2
3 (really) made his career
4 extremely and deliberately
5 human endurance
6 destroyed but not defeated
7 used a/his machine gun
8 too simple-minded and too sentimental

Part 1 PANGOLIN (38. oldal)

0 more trafficked
1 US Endangered Species List
2 ant-eaters
3 from tip to tail
4 (self-)defence mechanism
5 delicacy in China
6 Asian medicine
7 stiffness and swelling
8 severe decline(s)

Part 2 ROYAL PHOTOS (39. oldal)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part 3 SECRET RECORDINGS (41. oldal)

1 JF Kennedy A D F
2 LB Johnson B H
3 R Nixon C I
4 B Clinton E

Part 3 ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS (42. oldal)

1 Hudson A D I
2 Franklin B G F
3 De Long E H

2.1. A vizsgarész felépítése és a vizsgázói teljesítmény értékelése

2.1.1. A vizsga felépítése

A DExam Beszédkészség vizsga páros vizsga, azaz egyszerre 2 vizsgázó van jelen, akik 2 vizsgáztató
előtt hol együtt, hol külön-külön vizsgáznak.
A vizsga rövid bemutatkozással indul, amelynek során a vizsgázók 2-3 mondatot mondanak
magukról. Ezt nem értékelik, nem befolyásolja a vizsgaeredményt, de alkalmat adhat például arra, hogy
a lámpalázas vizsgázók túlessenek az első megszólalás izgalmán.
A vizsga 3 különböző feladatból áll, melyek közül az első kettőt egyénileg, a harmadikat pedig
párban kell megoldani:
1. kiselőadás,
2. társalgás a vizsgáztatóval,
3. vita a vizsgázótárssal.

Az első feladat, a kiselőadás az a feladat, amely eltér a humán, illetve reál feladatsorban. A 2. és 3.
feladat témája általános.
A vizsgázónak 10 perc felkészülési idő áll rendelkezésére, hogy megtervezze kiselőadását,
jegyzeteket készítsen. A felkészülési idő alatt mind egynyelvű, mind kétnyelvű szótár használható.
A kiselőadás végén a vizsgáztató megkéri a vizsgázótársat, hogy 1 percben reagáljon az
elhangzottakra, például mondja el mennyire ért egyet a vizsgázótársával, vagy emeljen ki valami
érdekes gondolatot az elhangzottakból.

A második feladatban a vizsgázók a vizsgáztatóval társalognak. A kérdező vizsgáztató két különböző

általános témában – például sport és közbiztonság, vagy vásárlás és egészségügyi ellátás – tesz fel
kérdéseket a vizsgázóknak. Az általános témakörök listája a 10. oldalon található.

A harmadik feladatban a vizsgázók egymással társalognak. A vizsgázók szerepkártyáján egy kérdés

és az ahhoz tartozó 4-4 szempont szerepel. A feladatban a vizsgázóknak saját álláspontjuk mellett
érvelve rangsort kell felállítaniuk, el kell dönteniük, hogy a megadott tárgyak/jelenségek/
tevékenységek/tulajdonságok stb. közül melyik a legfontosabb/leggyakoribb/legveszélyesebb stb., és
melyik a legkevésbé az. A vizsgázóknak fel kell használniuk a kártyájukon szereplő irányító
szempontok közül kettőt, ugyanakkor lehetőségük van az egyik irányító szempontot saját ötlettel
kiváltani, és így egy általuk fontosnak/érdekesnek gondolt irányba terelni a beszélgetést.

Páros vizsga

A páros vizsgának számos előnye van. Önmagában az a tény, hogy nem 1 vizsgázó ül szemben 2
vizsgáztatóval, hanem 2 vizsgázó 1 kérdező vizsgáztatóval (miközben az értékelő vizsgáztató
félrehúzódva figyel), magabiztosabbá teszi a vizsgázókat és oldottabbá a vizsga légkörét.
A vizsga 3. részében a vizsgázók egymással folytatnak párbeszédet, nem valakivel, aki náluk
általában idősebb, és „hatalmi” pozícióban van (annak a bizottságnak a tagja, amelyik eldönti, ki megy
át a vizsgán). Így fesztelenebb, természetesebb párbeszédre kerülhet sor. A vizsgázók különösebb
gátlások nélkül mondhatnak egymásnak ellent, kevésbé érzik úgy, hogy mondanivalójuknak
tartalmában is meg kell felelni a vizsgáztatók elvárásainak.
A páros vizsga előnyei leginkább akkor teljesednek ki, ha a vizsgázópáros tagjai ismerik egymást,
és együtt is készültek a vizsgára. A DExam vizsgázók a jelentkezési lapon megjelölhetik, hogy kivel
kívánnak együtt vizsgázni. A társ lehet bárki: barát, barátnő, osztálytárs, testvér, szülő, akár tanár is, az
egyetlen feltétel, hogy DExam vizsgázó legyen.
Mindez nem jelenti azt, hogy ha valaki a társ megnevezése nélkül jelentkezik a vizsgára, az
valamilyen hátrányba kerülne. A Vizsgaközpont számítógépes rendszere automatikusan vizsgázótársat
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együtt tudnak működni a vizsgán.

2.1.2. A vizsgázói teljesítmény értékelése

A DExam vizsgarendszerben a vizsgázói teljesítmény mérése a három feladatban nyújtott

összteljesítménye alapján történik az alábbi 4 szempont szerint:
1. Kommunikatív hatékonyság (a feladat teljesítése),
2. Szókincs és stílus,
3. Nyelvtan és koherencia,
4. Beszédfolyamatosság és fonetikai jellemzők.

1) Kommunikatív hatékonyság
E szempont szerinti értékelés azt mutatja, hogy a vizsgázók mennyire sikeresen teljesítették a
vizsgafeladatokat. A kommunikatív hatékonyságra kapott pontszám attól függ, hogy a vizsgázó
 kellő mélységben, kellő részletességgel válaszol-e. Arra kell törekedni, hogy a kérdések
megválaszolása, a szempontok kifejtése során több gondolatot, érvet/ellenérvet fogalmazzon
meg, mondjon példákat;
 releváns-e, amit mond vagy eltér a feladatban előírt témától. A valós beszédhelyzetekben
előfordul, hogyha egy téma kellemetlen vagy érdektelen számunkra, akkor témát váltunk, és
egészen másról kezdünk beszélni. Ez családi vagy baráti körben esetleg elfogadható vagy
célravezető lehet, a vizsgabizottság azonban ezt annak fogja betudni, hogy a vizsgázó félreértette
a kérdést, vagy nincs meg a kellő nyelvi felkészültsége ahhoz, hogy megfogalmazza a válaszát.
 elég hosszan válaszol-e. A kérdező vizsgáztató a feladat utasításában elmondja, mennyi idő áll a
vizsgázó rendelkezésére. Elvárás, hogy a vizsgázó kitöltse ezt az időkeretet;
 megfelelően alkalmazza-e a társalgási stratégiákat, képes-e a vizsga 3. részében kezdeményezni,
megfelelően fenntartani, majd lezárni a társával folytatott párbeszédet.

2) Szókincs
Az erre a szempontra kapott pontszám azt tükrözi, hogy
 mennyire gazdag, változatos a vizsgázó szókincse az érintett témákban;
 mennyire pontosan használja meglévő szókincsét. A legsúlyosabb hibának az számít, ha a
helytelen szóhasználat félreértést okoz, meggátolja a kommunikációt.

3) Nyelvtan és koherencia
A nyelvtan értékelése kitér arra, hogy
 használja-e a vizsgázó az adott feladat teljesítéséhez szükséges grammatikai eszközöket, és azok
mennyire változatosak;
 grammatikailag mennyire helyes a vizsgázó beszéde. A legsúlyosabb hibának a nyelvtan
esetében is az számít, ha a hiba félreértést okoz;
 mennyire koherens a vizsgázó beszéde, azaz érthető és követhető-e a gondolatmenete, valamint
milyen kötőelemeket használ gondolatainak megfogalmazásakor.

4) Beszédfolyamatosság és fonetikai jellemzők

Az idegen nyelvi beszédprodukció fontos jellemzője, hogy a beszélőnek milyen a kiejtése.
Ugyanakkor, ha valakinek nagyon sok időre van szüksége, hogy megfogalmazza mondanivalóját
angolul, vagy erős anyanyelvi akcentussal beszél, akkor az ugyanolyan súlyos gátja a szóbeli
kommunikációnak, mint a szókincsbeli vagy nyelvtani hiányosság. Az erre a szempontra kapott
pontszám tehát azt tükrözi, hogy
 mennyire egyenletes a vizsgázó beszédtempója. A beszédtempót jelen esetben a szünetek
hosszával jellemezzük. Az egyenletes beszédtempó azt jelenti, hogy nincsenek olyan hosszú
szünetek a vizsgázó megszólalásai között, amelyek a beszélgetőtárs számára megerőltetővé
tennék a kommunikációt;
 képes-e a vizsgázó szintjének megfelelően használni a hangsúlyt és az intonációt. A vizsgáztatók
itt azt értékelik például, hogy megfelelő szótagra kerül-e a szóhangsúly, mennyire erőteljesen
jelentkezik a magyarok kiejtésére gyakran jellemző monoton hanglejtés;
 mennyire tisztán ejti a vizsgázó az angol beszédhangokat. A legsúlyosabb hibának az számít, ha
az angol beszédhangok felcserélése egy másik szót eredményez, és így félreértést okoz, vagy ha
a vizsgázó a magyar nyelvre érvényes szabályok szerint ejti ki a szót.

A vizsgarészen elért eredmény számítása

Mind a 4 értékelési szempont szerint 7 ún. nyerspontot lehet maximálisan szerezni, így a
Beszédkészség vizsgán elérhető összpontszám 28 nyerspont. A vizsgázó által elért nyerspontokat a
Vizsgaközpont százalékszámítással, a kerekítési szabályoknak megfelelően felelteti meg a maximálisan
elérhető 25 vizsgapontnak.

2.2. Kiselőadás (Presentation)

Ebben a feladatban a vizsgázónak kiselőadást kell tartani, azaz önálló monológ formájában kell
kifejtenie gondolatait egy humán/reál témakörbe tartozó kérdésről. A kiselőadás elvárt időtartama 3-4
Maga a feladat egy rövid bevezető szövegből és az ahhoz kapcsoló kérdésből áll. A szöveg
ismeretközlő jellegű, általában egy rövid újsághír vagy egy hosszabb újság- vagy folyóiratcikk részlete,
amelynek terjedelme 130-190 szó. Azok számára, akik a humán feladatsort választják, ez a szöveg lehet
például egy könyvről/koncertről/kiállításról szóló ismertető vagy valamilyen szociológiai/nyelvészeti/
pszichológiai tárgyú felmérés eredményének az összegzése. A reál feladatsort választók tudományos

ismeretterjesztő szöveget kapnak, amely például valamilyen műszaki vagy informatikai újdonságról,
tudományos felfedezésről vagy környezetszennyezési problémáról számol be.
A DExam Beszédkészség vizsga a felkészítő teremben indul, ahol a vizsgázó a feladatlapon két olyan
feladatot lát, amelyek a humán/reál tematikán belül 2 különböző témát fednek le, például a humán
feladatsorban az egyik szöveg szólhat a klasszikus zene népszerűsítéséről, a másik pedig
újrahasznosított anyagokból készült műalkotásokról. Fél perc mérlegelés után kell a vizsgázónak
eldöntenie, melyik témát részesíti előnyben. Ezután 10 perc felkészülési idő áll a rendelkezésre, hogy
megtervezze kiselőadását, jegyzeteket készítsen. A felkészülés során szótár használható. 10 perc
elteltével a vizsgázó a jegyzeteit magával viszi a vizsgaterembe, ahol a kiselőadása során bele-

2.2.1. Milyen a jó kiselőadás?

A jó kiselőadás legfőbb ismérvei a következők:

 kellően részletes, tartalmas, azaz több oldalról világítja meg a kérdést, példákkal illusztrálja
megállapításait, s ennek révén időtartama eléri a 3 percet
 megválaszolja a feladat kérdését
 jól felépített, könnyen követhető

A bevezető szöveg
A bevezető szöveg funkciója a téma felvetése, gondolatébresztés a kiselőadáshoz. A feladat utasítása
felhívja a figyelmet, hogy a vizsgázó ne idézzen teljes mondatokat a szövegből, és ne foglalja össze azt.
A vizsgázónak a kérdést kell megválaszolnia, amely a témával kapcsolatos tapasztalataira, véleményére,
de nem tárgyi tudására vonatkozik. A bevezető szöveg ugyanakkor nagyban hozzájárulhat ahhoz, hogy
a kiselőadás tartalmas és kellően hosszú legyen.
A felkészülést érdemes azzal kezdeni, hogy áttekintő olvasással, semmiképpen sem több, mint 1-2
perc alatt értelmezi a feladat bevezető szövegét. A szövegek autentikusak, azaz eredeti formában,
adaptálás nélkül kerülnek a vizsgára, így előfordulhat, hogy nem mindent ért belőle pontosan. Mivel a
szöveget nem kell, sőt nem is szabad összefoglalni, felesleges az időt az esetleg nehezebb szövegrészek
értelmezésével és az ismeretlen szavak szótározásával tölteni.
A feladat utasítása szerint nem szabad teljes mondatokat idézni a szövegből. Ez azonban nem jelenti
azt, hogy egyáltalán nem lehet a szövegre utalni, abból gondolatokat idézni, ötleteket meríteni. Sőt! A
szövegben szereplő érdekes tény, adat, példa színesítheti vagy alátámaszthatja mondandóját!
Ezeket a nem szószerinti idézeteket érdemes az alábbi vagy hasonló utalásokkal bevezetni:
The article discussed / talks about …
The article I read made an interesting point about …
The article mentions the fact that ...
In the text I read, there was a reference to the …

A kiselőadás szerkezete
Fontos leszögezni, hogy a kiselőadásnak sem a témája, sem az időtartama nem kívánja meg, hogy az
üzleti vagy tudományos életben használt prezentációs technikákat alkalmazzon a vizsgázó. Az azonban
elvárható, hogy a monológnak legyen meg a hármas tagolása, azaz a bevezetése, tárgyalása és
befejezése. Természetesen, aki gyakorlottabb előadó, törekedhet a kiselőadás további strukturálására is.
Könnyebb követni a kiselőadást például, ha a bevezetőben elmondjuk a kiselőadás vázát. Pl.:
First, I would like to explain the main problem/question/issue…
Then I will give some examples / try to present arguments for and against… / explain what I feel
about this issue…
Segíti gondolatmenetünket követni, ha jelezzük a hallgatóság számára, hogy mikor kezdünk egy új
témát tárgyalni, mikor térünk rá egy következő érvre. A témaváltás jelzésére alkalmazhatók például a
következő kifejezések:
The next point I would like to make is that…
Having discussed … , I would like to move on to ….

Az elemek, amelyekből felépíthető egy jó kiselőadás

Egy jól felépített, tartalmas kiselőadás általános, témától független váza lehet a következő:

Vezesse be a témát! Emelje ki, miért bonyolult/ellentmondásos/időszerű/ fontos stb. a feladatban
megválaszolandó kérdés. Pl.:
My question is/was … . This is a very topical/relevant/controversial question, because …
This is a question that has provoked a lot of debate / has been debated for many years.
I found this question interesting because …

Induljon ki az olvasott szöveg valamely érdekes/fontos gondolatából, majd fűzze hozzá saját
Mindig szemléltesse megállapításait példákkal!
Többször is utalhat a bevezető szövegre, de az idézeteket mindig kapcsolja össze a megválaszolandó
Zárásképpen vonja le az elmondottakból adódó következtetést! Ezzel egyben meg is válaszolja a
feladat kérdését. Válasza lehet pozitív, lehet negatív, vagy akár arra a következtetésre is juthat, hogy
nem lehet egyértelműen megválaszolni a kérdést.
In conclusion, I would say …
Having thought carefully about this subject, I feel that…
All in all, …
To sum up, I think …

2.2.2. Kiselőadás minták

Az alábbiakban közreadunk 3-3 humán, illetve reál témájú kiselőadás mintát. Az első feladathoz
megadjuk mind a vázlatot, mind a kiselőadás szövegét. A második feladatnál csak a kiselőadás szövege,
a harmadiknál pedig csak a kiselőadás vázlata található. Ez utóbbiak felfoghatók gyakorló feladatokként
is, amelyekben a feladat megírni a vázlatot a mintához, illetve a vázlat alapján megtartani a kiselőadást.

1. Humán feladat

Text 1
Read this text about Stonehenge Visitor Centre and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in
answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text
but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the talk you may use the
notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.
Can a historic building be a tourist attraction and still keep
its original atmosphere? Why (not)?

Stonehenge lays out the welcome mat

Stonehenge, Britain's most mysteriously resonant World Heritage Site, is finally going to get a
visitor centre fit for the 21st century.
The centre will not be visible from the stones, and an existing line of mature beech trees will screen
a new coach park from view. By siting functions such as catering and offices next to the coach park,
two pavilions beneath the centre's canopy can be used solely for exhibitions, retail and education.
The design was developed by Barrie Marshall and Stephen Quinlan, who won't mind if the building
is forgettable. "Our proposal seeks not to compromise the solidity and timelessness of the stones,"
Mr Quinlan told The Independent. "If a visitor can remember their visit to the stones but can't
remember the visitor centre they passed through, we will be happy.
"We've tried to satisfy the brief with a design which is universally accessible, environmentally
sensitive, and at the same time appears almost transitory in nature."

1) My subject: historic buildings and tourism
difficult question: tourism very popular, sometimes too many tourists
2) Tourists on city tours or historic tours
 they need facilities: toilets, cafés, car parks, public transport etc.
 too many tourists damage interiors, or paths and walls of old buildings
 contribute to pollution in the area
3) Special problem at Stonehenge: important to have right atmosphere
An almost temporary visitor centre – a line of trees to keep it invisible – try not to spoil atmosphere
4) Some other solutions:
limit number of tourists
no photographs

build cafes and visitor centres in historical styles
historical exhibitions to create authentic feel, e.g. Eger castle
5) Conclusion: yes, we can keep historic atmosphere and have a tourist attraction, but needs care and

“My question was ‘Can a historic building be a tourist attraction and still keep its original atmosphere?’
To start, I would like to mention the fact that tourism is more and more popular nowadays, and so sometimes
there are too many tourists at a particular site. Many tourists go on city tours or historic tours and, of course, they
need all the typical facilities that tourists usually need, such as toilets, cafés, car parks and public transport.
Morevoer, tourists can damage the historic sites, simply because they wear out the paths, or the carpets in historic
buildings, or climb over the walls of castles. What is more, tourism can destroy the special atmosphere of an old
place, especially if it is a religious site, or if the tourists don’t understand the significance of the site for local
In the article I read, the famous stone circle in England - Stonehenge – faced a similar problem. How to
preserve its special, ancient atmosphere, and yet accommodate the high numbers of tourists visiting. The solution
they chose was to build an almost temporary visitor centre, protected by a line of trees to keep it invisible. In my
opinion this was a good solution, because it managed to build the necessary facilities, but in such a way that
visitors could enjoy the full atmosphere of the original building. The designers of these buildings said they would
be happy if the tourists didn’t remember the buildings after their visit, which I think is the right attitude.
There are many other solutions which can be implemented to solve this problem: for example, you can limit
the number of tourists who can visit, so that the building is not overwhelmed by an ‘invasion’ of tourists. In some
places, such as in churches, it may be a good idea to ban photography. There are other solutions which can be
adopted in churches, such as only opening half the building to tourists, and keeping the other half undisturbed.
Another idea is to build cafés and visitor centres in historical styles so that they can blend in with the original
style of the building. Another good solution is to create historical exhibitions. In this way you can recreate the
authentic feel of the building, and also educate people at the same time. There is also an extra advantage that
the tourists will have a better feeling for the historical significance of the site, and so may behave with more
respect. A good example of this kind of exhibition can be found at Eger Castle, where you can learn about the
period of the Turkish siege of the castle, and get a better feel for the atmosphere of the place.
In conclusion, I believe it is possible to preserve the historic atmosphere of a building or other historic site
and at the same time make it a tourist attraction, but to do it successfully needs good planning, care and

2. Humán feladat

Text 2
Read this text about the London 2012 Olympics logo and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation
in answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text
but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the talk you may use the
notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.
Do you think it is important that logos and signs should convey
the “right” meaning? Why (not)?

No medals here. Only "rubbish".

A quietly spoken and clearly thoughtful boy at an infant school interviewed for the news last night
got it exactly right. He told ITV's reporter what he thought of the new London 2012 Olympics logo.
"Rubbish". Surely the graphic designers (sorry, "brand consultants") who came up with this dismal
£400,000 design had been playing around in the studio.
Sadly, the logo, already likened to a "broken swastika" may yet be with us for another five desperate
years. This is the way we want to be seen by the rest of the world now that we live, according to
Olympics executives and government ministers, in a world in which we are all "modern", "flexible",
"brand savvy" and young people "no longer relate to static logos."
The logo fails the Olympics spirit completely. Its component parts are broken apart, while the
Olympics are all about athletes, spectators and nations joining together. Now look at the original
Olympics symbol, designed by Pierre de Coubterin, founder of the modern Games, in 1913. This is
a superb design, its five intertwined rings evoking the idea of continents linked together.

My question is “Do you think it is important that logos and signs should convey the “right” meaning?”.
Nowadays it is increasingly important for an organisation to have a logo or some kind of sign which people
can identify them with. This is because we receive so many messages and information from so many different
sources, and organisations want us to remember them easily. It is especially difficult because we often don’t have
time to read things in detail. So it’s a natural question to ask whether these logos should give us the ‘right’
The article talks about the logo for the London Olympic Games, which had a logo which was heavily criticised.
The author of the article contrasts the ‘dismal’ new Olympic logo with the traditional logo which was simple, with
its five rings representing the five continents.
Many logos are combinations of letters in a stylish design which try to give a feeling of strength or mobility.
Some logos – for example for post offices or railway companies – try to give a feeling of movement and speed
by a design which seems to be moving from left to right. Other company logos give you some idea of what the
company is trying to produce by incorporating some object, such as food or clothing, for example. Another key
element of logos is the national colours, so in Hungary a red, white and green colour combination is very popular
for all kinds of organisations, whereas in the UK or the USA the colour combination is red, white and blue. It is
also important when designing a logo to create one that can be used in different formats. By this I mean that it
can simply be a design on an advert or a road sign, but can also be used in an animated form in a TV advert as

well. I personally think that the most important qualities of a logo should be to look pleasant and be memorable;
this is more important than trying to be meaningful.
As regards signs, it is obviously very important that we understand what they mean. So a sign must be
functional as well as attractive. The worst kind of sign is one that looks very pretty, but is not clear, or one that is
ambiguous, and causes confusion. Fortunately most signs are quite well designed, and there are many
international conventions so we can easily ‘learn’ what symbols and pictures have what meanings.
All in all, in answer to the question, a sign must give the “right” meaning, while for a logo the most important
thing is that it is attractive and memorable.

3. Humán feladat

Text 3
Read this text about a film score composed by Shostakovich, and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral
presentation in answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas
from the text but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the talk you
may use the notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10
minutes to prepare.
How important a role does music play in different genre films?

Ennio Morricone: good film scores have been replaced by the bad and the ugly
Too many films are blighted by lacklustre music, with directors failing to grasp the potential of a
great score to enhance the viewing experience, one of cinema’s most revered composers has said.
Ennio Morricone, 88, criticised the use of “amateur” composers or synthesised sounds, rather than
real instruments, in what he called a misguided attempt to cut costs. “The standard of composition
for film has deteriorated. I have suffered a lot in watching many films because of that” he said.
Over a 60-year career, the Italian maestro revolutionised the way music was used in westerns,
creating a wild west soundscape of gunshots, eerie whistling, twanging guitars and dissonant
harmonicas that matched the unsettling heat and tension of Sergio Leone’s parched desert
landscape, and its heroes and villains, portrayed through long shots and close-up cinematography.
The Hollywood Reporter once observed: “There aren’t many composers whose music is
immediately identifiable after just a couple of whistled notes.”
Leone once said that “music is more expressive than dialogue”, and Morricone sometimes wrote
his music before the cameras even started rolling.

1) Why music in films?
 creates mood,
 keeps our attention,
 helps communicate feelings.
2) Examples of music
 tense music in horror films,
 romantic music for romances
 ‘big’ orchestras for historical epics.
3) Music important in different genres:
 good composers understand the film and create right emotional background; see example of
Morricone in article.
 Good music helps director - lots of extra emotional ‘information’ for audience.
 Can also keep attention of uninterested viewers.
4) Must be used carefully;
 sometimes can ruin a film,
 irritate the audience;
 danger that it will become an expected thing - audience will not appreciate emotional content of
scene if music is not there.
 sometimes not appropriate - e.g. a serious documentary about a social problem.
5) In answer to the question, in general yes, music is important, especially in certain genres, such as romantic
films, historical epics and horror films.

1. Reál feladat

Text 1
Read this text about a genetically modified (GM) maize and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation
in answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text
but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the talk you may use the notes
you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.
Do you think it is a good idea to ‘engineer’ our staple food in a way
described in the text? Why (not)?

Engineered maize's vitamin boost

A genetically modified (GM) maize fortified with three vitamins has been created by European
The modifications make the growing maize, or corn, produce large amounts of beta carotene and
precursors of vitamin C and folic acid. The development marks the first time any plant has been
engineered to make more than one vitamin. The creators argue the crop could help improve diets in
poorer nations, but anti-GM campaigners are sceptical.
Reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the research details
how the South African white corn was created. Subsequent analysis of sample plants grown from the
genetically modified seeds showed that the corn was indeed successfully manipulated into producing
the vitamins. The changes induced in the maize also persisted through a couple of generations of the
plants, wrote the researchers.
The yield of vitamins "vastly exceeds" any produced by conventional plant breeding methods, wrote
Dr Paul Christou and his colleagues in their paper. Producing a plant that contains three vitamins could
help those in poorer nations who subsist on one food and rarely eat a balanced diet, the scientists said.

1) Why is question so important?
A crisis coming in food production. Reasons:

 rising populations
 pollution, climate change
 changing diets etc.
2) How can GM engineered foods help?
Creating foods which are more resistant to disease or extreme climate, or more nutritious, like the one
described in the article.
3) What are the problems with genetic engineering?
a. Unknown long term effects of GM foods on agriculture and natural world.
b. Not everyone wants to eat them.
c. Is it right to play God in this way?
d. Who will control the technology (patents etc.)?
4) How to answer these arguments?
a. We do not know long term effects, but we face a real emergency.
b. We can separate engineered foods from other foods.
c. Humans have bred animals and plants for thousands of years, GM foods nothing new. Plants are not
animals (i.e. it’s not cloning).
d. We can control technology by democracy.
5) In conclusion, a risky project, but maybe necessary because of the food crisis we face.

The question I am going to answer is “Do you think it is a good idea to ‘engineer’ our staple food in a way
described in the text?
First of all I would like to consider why the question is so important. We all know there is a crisis coming in
food production. This is caused by rising populations, as well as changing diets which place greater demand on
agriculture. There are also problems with pollution, and with climate change. The simple fact is that we will need
greater food production to avoid real problems in the future.
How can GM engineered foods help these problems? By creating foods which are more resistant to disease
or extreme climate, or more nutritious, or have more vitamins, like the one discovered by European researchers
which is described in the article. The idea is that scientists can produce a new generation of crops which are more
efficient, more nutritious, and less environmentally damaging. If this is true, it would be a fantastic scientific
But, as the article stated, there are objections to this kind of genetic engineering. Firstly, we do not really
know what the long term effect of GM foods will be on agriculture and the natural world. Secondly, some people
will prefer not to eat these kinds of foods and this could cause problems. Thirdly, is it right to ‘play God’ in this
way? And fourthly, who will have control of the new seeds and the right to use them.
How can we answer these arguments? Firstly, it is true that we do not really know the long term effects, but
we are facing a real emergency with our food production, and so we have to take risks. Secondly, it is right to be
worried about the question of free choice. Everyone has the right to eat, or not to eat, the food they want, and,
for example, Americans are more used to GM foods than Europeans. However, it will be possible to keep
engineered foods separate from other foods and so people will always have a choice. The third objection I
mentioned was about ‘playing God’. It is important to remember that we have been breeding animals and plants
for thousands of years, so in fact we have been interfering with Nature for a long time. GM foods are simply a
more technically advanced way of doing this. And we shouldn’t forget that there is a difference between
engineering a plant and an animal (i.e. cloning), and here we are only talking about plants. Finally, it is important

that we don’t become too dependent on big multinational food companies, but we can achieve this through
democratic means.
In conclusion, engineered foods are a risky project, and the risks are many, but maybe it is necessary to take
these risks because of the food crisis we face.

2. Reál feladat

Text 2
Read this text about NASA’s space probe, Voyager 2 and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation
in answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text
but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the talk you may use the
notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.
Is it worth spending large sums of money on exploring the more distant
parts of the universe? Why (not)?

Nasa's Voyager 2 probe reaches interstellar space

Spacecraft becomes second human-made object to reach space between stars

Nasa’s Voyager 2 has become only the second human-made object to reach the space between stars.
Nasa said that the spacecraft left the region of the sun’s influence last month and is now beyond the
outer boundary of the heliosphere, about 11 billion miles from Earth. It is trailing Voyager 1, which
reached interstellar space – the vast, mostly empty area between star systems – in 2012.
Nasa said the evidence that Voyager 2 had left the heliosphere was provided by an onboard
instrument called the Plasma Science Experiment, which measures solar wind. On 5 November, the
device recorded a steep decline in the speed of solar wind particles, and had not observed any at all
since that date. Other instruments on Voyager 2 have corroborated the theory.
“Voyager has a very special place for us,” said Nicola Fox, director of the heliophysics division at
Nasa. “Our studies start at the sun and extend out to everything the solar wind touches. To have the
Voyagers sending back information about the edge of the sun’s influence gives us an unprecedented
glimpse of truly uncharted territory.”

My question was “Is it worth spending large sums of money on exploring the more distant parts of the
This question has become a very frequently debated one in recent years for two reasons. Firstly, because we
have developed the technology to explore not just the Moon and the nearer planets, but also places which
previously have been absolutely unreachable. The second reason is that there is a growing awareness of serious
problems on earth, such as poverty, pollution and climate change, and so spending money on exploring distant
planets and galaxies is sometimes seen as a luxury, because people argue that we should focus on these things
To concentrate first of all on the scientific aspects, it is important to mention that we now have the technology
to plan long-distance space missions and to investigate the further parts of the universe. As the article states, we
can now travel out beyond the solar system, and find out about deep space. This means that whereas previously
we struggled to reach the Moon and still have not landed on Mars, now we can send space probes to observe
space millions of miles away. What is more, the early years of space travel were influenced by the competitive
atmosphere of the Cold War, whereas now countries can co-operate more easily. However, these missions are
expensive, and what is more, they have to be funded by governments. This is because there is a new kind of
modern private ‘space entrepreneur’, but these people are mainly interested in providing space travel for
billionaires who want the ultimate space trip, which means that they can’t come back.
So if we have the technical means, is it worth spending the money? On the one hand, we must accept that
the voyages to the Moon did provide a lot of useful scientific applications; furthermore, many materials were
developed for use in space which have proved to be useful on Earth. However, any long distance space mission
is probably not going to be able to return to Earth, and therefore the only thing it can provide us with is
information about deep space.
Personally, I fully support the scientific value of these missions and I think humanity can benefit immensely
from a knowledge of deep space. We will always be curious, and satisfying this curiosity is something that makes
humanity richer and inspires future generations. In addition to this, a better understanding of the physics of deep
space might help us to understand our own planet’s physics, which is important because we face such serious
problem as climate change. Another important point to remember is that although the costs of these space
missions are high, when shared internationally they are quite reasonable, and are not so great as the costs of, say,
removing plastic from our oceans and dealing with other environmental problems.
All in all, I would argue that it is worth spending money on exploring the distant parts of the universe.

3. Reál feladat

Text 3
Read this text about a study of white-collar criminals and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation
in answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text
but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the talk you may use the
notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.
How much do you think people’s behaviour is affected by their genetic makeup?

Study links brain and white-collar crime

People who commit "white collar" crime such as credit-card fraud and computer hacking have been
found to have brains that are structurally different from the brains of non-criminals with similar
backgrounds, scientists have found.
Psychological tests on white-collar criminals also showed that they were better at making decisions
in the kind of "higher executive" brain functions associated with being good at business, researchers
The study found that, in effect, white-collar criminals had more grey matter than a comparable
group of non-criminals, suggesting that there may be a biological basis for this kind of criminal
behaviour, according to Adrian Raine, a criminologist at the University of Pennsylvania.
The study, which has been submitted for publication in a scientific journal, used magnetic resonance
brain scanners to compare 21 convicted white-collar criminals with a similar group of people of the
same age and social class who had not committed such crimes, Dr Raine said.
He emphasised that the study did not show that difference in brain structure was the cause of
someone turning to crime, only that there was an association between the two that might indicate a
cause and effect.

1) Why question is interesting?
 we always try to understand ourselves
 debated question: are we products of our genes or our environment?
2) Article – certain types of crime related to genetic make-up, e.g. fraud?
3) We can’t yet match one type of gene to one type of behaviour.
4) Why not? Many different things influence our behaviour:
 our parents,
 education,
 friends,
 rules of society,
 life experiences.
5) How much is our behaviour affected by our genes?
For example, ‘white collar crime’ is now easier because financial transactions are computerised - new
opportunity for criminals. This is not connected to genetics.

6) Some behaviours are more genetically-influenced?
E.g. Aggression? Aggressive parents may have passive children.
7) Conclusion: I am not convinced – we need more evidence, but difficult to find because we cannot experiment
on humans to study human behaviour.

2.2.3. Tippek, tanácsok

1. A kiselőadásban bátran mondjon el mindent, amit a kérdésről gondol! Ha jól választott modult,
ebben a feladatban bemutathatja nemcsak angol nyelvi felkészültségét, hanem tájékozottságát is. A
feladat középpontjában ugyanakkor egyértelműen a nyelvi felkészültség áll, az esetleges tárgyi
tévedésért nem jár pontlevonás.
2. Ne essen kétségbe, ha esetleg először úgy érzi, nincs elég mondanivalója a kérdésével kapcsolatban!
a. Merítsen ötleteket a bevezető szövegből! Emeljen ki néhány fontos/meglepő tényt/adatot a
szövegből és építse bele kiselőadásába!
b. Megállapításait mindig szemléltesse példával!
3. Ne feledkezzen meg arról, hogy válaszolnia kell a feladatban szereplő kérdésre! Mindenképpen
kapcsolja össze mondanivalóját a feladat kérdésével!
4. Ha esetleg bizonytalan abban, hogy miről szól a szöveg, akkor se essen pánikba! Próbálja meg a
kérdést a szövegre való utalás nélkül megválaszolni!
5. Törekedjen arra, hogy logikusan építse fel kiselőadását úgy, hogy legyen bevezetése és befejezése!
6. Gondolatainak összeszedésére, az azok átadásához szükséges szókincs mozgósítására 10 perc
felkészülési idő áll a rendelkezésére. Gazdálkodjon okosan az idejével!
a. Ne töltsön sok időt szótározással! Legfeljebb 1-2 kulcsszót keressen ki a szótárból!
b. A felkészülés során vázlatpontokat írjon és ne teljes mondatokat, s főleg ne fogalmazást! Ha
a kiselőadás teljes szövegét próbálja leírni, akkor egyrészt kifuthat a 10 perc felkészülési
időből, másrészt a kiselőadását nem olvashatja fel a vizsgateremben, s ha elakad, a folyó
szövegben nehezen találja majd meg azt a részt, amellyel folytathatná mondandóját.

2.2.4. Hallgasson meg két kiselőadást!

Jelen alpontban meghallgathatja, hogyan válaszolta meg két vizsgázó kiselőadásában a What can be
done to change people’s present attitude to literature? kérdést (a feladat 62. oldalon található)
Mindkét válasznál megadjuk a Kommunikatív hatékonyság (lásd 2.1.2. pont) szerinti pontszámot,
illetve szövegesen is értékeljük a kiselőadások erősségeit és gyengéit. A kiemelt tartalmi vagy
szerkesztési negatívumok nem minden esetben pontlevonással járó hibák. Minden kiselőadás
természetszerűleg különböző és egyedi, s ezért azon kívül, hogy a vizsgázó több oldalról vizsgálja meg,
majd válaszolja meg a kérdést nem lehetnek kőbevésett tartalmi elvárások. Célunk az, hogy felhívjuk a
figyelmet mi minden javíthatja az adott kiselőadásra kapott pontszámot. A nyelvi teljesítmény
értékelése a teljes vizsga alapján történik, ezért a Szókincs, stílus, Nyelvtan, koherencia és
Beszédfolyamatosság, fonetikai jellemzők szempontoknál csak szövegesen értékeljük a vizsgázó

A teljesítmény elemzésekor a következő jelöléseket alkalmazzuk:
A hibás szóalakot aláhúzzuk, és szögletes zárójelben megadjuk a javítását. Pl.: “We rise [raise] their
attention”. A fölösleges szót áthúzzuk, pl.: “the people”.

Read this text about literature and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the
question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not
quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the talk you may use the notes you have
made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.
What can be done to change people’s present attitude to literature?

Literature in theory
The love of literature is endangered, and for more than three decades a large faction of professors
of literature has contributed to extinguishing the flame.
True, large social forces are also implicated. Literature takes time, but these days women as well as
men work long hours, and for many, the satisfaction they derive from their jobs provides an essential
component of happiness. Literature requires leisure, but more and more adults, to say nothing of
children, live frenetically paced, ruthlessly scheduled lives and learn to survive by multitasking –
on the job, at home, out on the town, on the road. Literature needs sustained concentration, but TV
and film have conditioned us to take our entertainment in one helping: Even in the movie theatre,
which shuts out distraction, we grow antsy if the tale requires more than two hours to move from
beginning to middle to end.

1. vizsgázói megoldás 21_Speaking_2_1


Kommunikatív hatékonyság: 7 pont (Kiválóan megfelelt)

A kiselőadás kellő mélységben tárgyalja a kérdést:
A vizsgázó kiemeli a kérdés aktualitását, hogy mennyire fontos, hogy az emberek több szépirodalmi
könyvet olvassanak. Utal egy társadalmi problémára (a magyar gyerekek gyenge olvasásértési
teljesítménye) és személyes/családi érintettségére (ő maga szeret olvasni és az édesanyja
könyvtárosként dolgozik). A vizsgázó úgy véli, hogy a probléma azzal oldható meg, hogy a
kisiskolásokkal megszerettetjük az olvasást. Édesanyja példája érdekesebbé és hitelesebbé teszi a
vizsgázó mondandóját.
A vizsgázó jól használja fel a bevezető szöveget: a cikkrészlet több megállapításával is vitatkozik.
Amellett érvel, hogy a cikkrészletben felsoroltak nem indokolják, hogy kevesebbet olvassunk.
A kiselőadás végig releváns, a vizsgázó nem tér el a témától.
A kiselőadás terjedelme 4 másodperc híján 3 perc. Mivel a vizsgázó igen kevés szünetet tart,
mondandójának mennyisége megfelel a mennyiségi elvárásoknak.
Szókincs, stílus
Szókincse a témában gazdag, árnyaltan fogalmaz (pl.: in the process, propagate, make a point very
emphatically, at one sitting, deserve full attention, frenetically paced, make considerable efforts, fall
behind European standards, irreplaceable, hinder) és pontosan is használja szókincsét.

Nyelvtan, koherencia
A vizsgázó választékos szerkezeteket használ magabiztosan, pl.: She has made considerable efforts
to propagate literature among children in the first year of primary school. Csak igen ritkán téveszt, pl.:
can be read [ri:d].
Gondolatmenete jól követhető, megfelelő kötőelemeket használ, pl.: The other thing is, actually, a
reason why, first of all, again. Kiválóan emeli ki a fontosnak tartott gondolatokat, pl.: And this is a point
I would like to make very emphatically, There was one point I deeply disagree with in the text.

Beszédfolyamatosság, fonetikai jellemzők

Beszéde gördülékeny, intonációja megfelelő, akcentusa már-már megközelíti az anyanyelvit.

2. vizsgázói megoldás 22_Speaking_2_2


Kommunikatív hatékonyság: 6 pont (Jól megfelelt)

A vizsgázó a bevezetésében az olvasás fontosságáról beszél (javítja a kreativitást és a képzelőerőt).
A bevezetés arányiban túlságosan hosszú, de ez nem befolyásolja számottevően a kiselőadás
A vizsgázó három eszközt jelöl meg, amelyek révén az emberek pozitívabban viszonyulhatnak a
szépirodalomhoz és ezért többet olvasnak majd: az oktatás megreformálása, a könyvtárak fejlesztése és
az elektronikus eszközök használata. A kiselőadást egy személyes példa színesíti (a vizsgázó elmeséli,
hogyan vett részt egy német könyvtár által szervezett eseményen).
A vizsgázó egyáltalán nem utal a bevezető szövegre, de ez nem is kötelező.
A kiselőadás végig releváns, a vizsgázó nem tér el a témától.
A kiselőadás terjedelme meghaladja ez előírt 3 percet.
Szókincs, stílus
Szókincse a témában megfelelő (pl.: improve our imagination and creativity, libraries could be
upgraded, take the people out of their comfort zone. Szókincsét általában pontosan használja, de pl.: We
rise [raise] their attention”, keep on the [maintain a positive] attitude towards the literature, they don’t
help the children to get attention about [realise] the amazingness of reading a novel.

Nyelvtan, koherencia
A vizsgázó viszonylag választékos szerkezeteket használ (pl.: reading a lot we can improve our
imagination and creativity, choose their own novels to read what they can enjoy), de eléggé gyakran
hibázik, pl.: can last more longer; it’s definitely worth to keep [keeping] it; events which helps [help]).
Hibái nem értelemzavaróak, de vannak köztük ismétlődőek: a vizsgázó rendszeresen helytelenül
használja a határozott névelőt (attitude towards the literature, the people).

Kiselőadásában a vizsgázó gondolatmenete jól követhető, mindössze egyszer fordul elő, hogy nem
tudjuk, kire vonatkozik az utalószó: The biggest mistake of our education is that they don’t help…
A vizsgázó megfelelő soroló kötőelemekkel vezeti be az új gondolatokat (Firstly, Secondly, Finally)
és a belső utalás (as I mentioned before) is segíti a hallgatóságot.

Beszédfolyamatosság, fonetikai jellemzők

A kiselőadás során csak egyszer fordul elő feltűnő szünet, beszéde folyamatos. Többnyire képes a
hangsúlyt, az intonációt és a beszédritmust kommunikációs céljának megfelelően használni, azonban
többször rosszul hangsúlyozza event szót. Kiejtésén érezhető más nyelvek hatása, de kifejezett
hangképzési hibát csak egyszer, a very szó kezdőhangjában vét.

2.3. Társalgás a vizsgáztatóval (Conversation with the examiner)

2.3.1. A feladat jellemzői

A Beszédkészség vizsga 2. feladatában a vizsgáztató ún. interjúkérdéseket tesz fel az egyik, majd a
másik vizsgázónak. A feladat célja, hogy bizonyos témaköröket érintő kérdésekre válaszolva a vizsgázó
beszéljen tapasztalatáról, véleményéről. A felsőfokú (C1) interjúkérdések jellemzője, hogy
általánosítást igényelnek, valamilyen társadalmi/kulturális stb. jelenségre és nem a vizsgázók személyes
élethelyzetére vonatkoznak.
Az interjúkérdés a nyelvvizsgák leghagyományosabbnak mondható feladattípusa, amelyben
valójában sohasem valódi, természetes társalgás zajlik. Elég nyilvánvalóan nem életszerű, hogy egy
idegen (a vizsgáztató) minden különösebb ok nélkül arról érdeklődjön, hogyan viszonyulnak a
magyarok az egzotikus ételekhez, vagy milyen hatása van az alkohol- és drogfogyasztásnak a
bűnözésre. A DExam vizsgán forgatókönyv szabja meg, mit kérdez a vizsgáztató. Az „igazi” társalgásra
a vizsga 3. részében kerül sor, az interjúkérdésre adandó választ sokkal inkább úgy érdemes felfogni,
mint egy rövid monológot.

Az interjúkérdések két különböző általános témát érintenek, mint például étkezés és közbiztonság.
A vizsgáztató egy adott témakörből mindegyik vizsgázónak minimum 1 kérdést tesz föl. Ha a vizsgázó
elég hosszasan, kb. 1-1,5 percig válaszol, akkor a vizsgáztató áttér a következő témakörre. Ha a vizsgázó
túlságosan szűkszavúan válaszol, vagy nem érti a kérdést, akkor a vizsgáztató egy új kérdést tesz föl.
Egy adott témakörben egy vizsgázó maximum 3 kérdést kaphat.
Önmagában az a tény, hogy egynél több kérdést kell feltenni egy vizsgázónak az adott témakörből,
nem számít negatívumnak. Az azonban biztos, hogyha a vizsgázó szűkszavú, akkor mindenképpen
rosszul járhat. Egyrészt nem tudhatja, hogy a következő kérdés számára kellemesebb, kedvezőbb lesz-
e. Másrészt a rövid válaszokban gyakran egyszerű szókincset és mondatszerkezetet használunk. Az egy-
két mondatos válaszokban a vizsgázó nem tudja megmutatni nyelvi felkészültségét, márpedig a
kérdéseknek ez az elsődleges célja: elegendő mennyiségű angol nyelvi megnyilatkozást kiváltani annak
érdekében, hogy a vizsgabizottság meg tudja ítélni a vizsgázó nyelvi tudását.

2.3.2. Hogyan lehet jól megválaszolni egy interjúkérdést?

Az alábbiakban bemutatjuk, milyen jellegű interjúkérdéseket kaphatnak a vizsgázók, továbbá

közreadunk két mintamegoldást, azaz két tartalmilag megfelelő, a rendelkezésre álló 1,5 percet
maximálisan kihasználó és nyelvileg kifogástalan választ.
A mintamegoldásokban is érdemes megfigyelni azoknak a kommunikációs szándékoknak, vagy más
szóval beszédszándékoknak a kifejezését, amelyekre gyakran szükség lehet a 2. feladatban. Ilyen
például az időnyerés és az utalás a legelterjedtebb véleményre.

Az interjúkérdések megválaszolása előtt nem áll a vizsgázó rendelkezésére gondolkodási idő.
Ráadásul lehetnek olyan kérdések, amelyek váratlanul érnek bennünket, olyasmiről szólnak, amiről
keveset tudunk. Az alábbi kifejezések használatával nyerhetünk néhány másodpercnyi gondolkodási
időt, és egyúttal azt is kifejezhetjük, hogy bizonytalanok vagyunk a válaszunkban, nincsenek pontos
ismereteink a kérdéssel kapcsolatban:
This is an interesting question, and I think…
That’s quite a difficult question to answer, but in general I feel that …
It's difficult to say, but I'd guess that…
I have never thought about that, but I suppose…
That’s a question I haven’t considered about a lot, but perhaps…
Sport/Shopping isn't really my cup of tea. However, in my family / among my friends…

Általános vélekedés ismertetése

Mivel a felsőfokú (C1) interjúkérdések általánosítást, saját konkrét élethelyzetünktől való
elvonatkoztatást igényelnek, válaszunkat érdemes a szerintünk legelterjedtebb nézet ismertetésével
kezdeni, majd azt követően kifejteni, hogy azzal egyet értünk-e vagy sem. Az általános vélekedés
bevezetésére használhatók például az alábbi kifejezések:
Many people would say that … / I think a lot of people argue that …. However, I feel that …
Based on what I’ve seen and heard in the media, I would say that …

TOPIC 1 – Crime and public safety

Questions for Candidate A
 How much of a role does poverty play in crime?
 Should surveillance cameras be used in public places to control crime?
 Should there be more police in uniform patrolling the streets?

Questions for Candidate B

 Has the Internet become a ‘paradise for criminals’, and if so, how?
 What effect do drugs and alcohol have on crime?
 Can schools and colleges do anything to reduce crime among young people?

TOPIC 2 – Eating
Questions for Candidate A
 Do you agree that people today are too worried about what they eat? Why (not)?
 What factors are important in the success of a new restaurant?
 What role should the state play in promoting healthy eating among the general population?

Questions for Candidate B

 Should boys be taught to cook at school? Why (not)?
 Do you think most people are prepared to pay more for organic foods? Why (not)?
 Have Hungarians become more open to foreign foods in recent years? Why (not)?

– How much of a role does poverty play in crime?
– Well, I think that a lot of people are convinced that crime originates in our own nature and that a criminal is
entirely responsible for any crime that he or she commits. In some senses I agree with this view, because I
think we should always try to look at ourselves and admit our faults… However, I know that a lot of people
argue that you are more likely to commit a crime if you come from a disadvantaged background, and
particularly if you are poor. I think there is some truth in this, because you might socialize with the wrong
people because you don’t have the same motivation to concentrate on your school work or your job. Maybe
you feel you don’t have much chance of getting on in society. … I suppose in a way it depends on the type of
crime. I think with crimes like fraud, the criminals are more likely to be richer people, because they need to
have the opportunity to do it, … so in answer to the question I would say yes, it does play a role, but there are
other important factors, too.

– Do you agree that people today are too worried about what they eat?
– That’s a difficult question! … Erm, some people worry too much, and some don’t worry at all! They just eat
anything they want. … I think in general the media is full of advice and ideas about what we should eat. You
can’t switch on the TV without someone telling you that fat or sugar, or whatever, is bad for you, so I suppose
it’s difficult not to watch what you eat. Sometimes it really annoys me… but then I see so many children who
have very unhealthy diets, and I feel sad because what you eat when you’re a child has a lasting effect on your
health in later life, so I can understand why parents are anxious about what their children eat.
Erm, yes, another point is the moral question, like vegetarianism, or eating only organic food. Sometimes I
think it’s a great idea, because it really shows you care about the world, but sometimes I think it’s just too
difficult to worry about. So, all in all I think I have mixed opinions about this question.

2.3.3. Hallgasson meg néhány vizsgázói választ!

Az alábbiakban meghallgathatja, hogyan válaszolt egy-egy vizsgázó az alábbi négy interjúkérdésre.

Minden válasz esetében kiemeljük a válaszok pozitívumait és negatívumait.
Ahogyan erről korábban szó esett, az interjúkérdéseknél az az elvárás, hogy a vizsgázó az adott
témáról 1-1,5 percig beszéljen. Gyakori, hogy a vizsgázó válasza 1 percnél rövidebb. Noha ezért

önmagában nem jár pontlevonás, érdemes elgondolkodni azon, hogy példáinkban mivel lehetne
kiegészíteni az elhangzottakat.
A teljesítmény elemzésekor a következő jelöléseket alkalmazzuk:
A hibás szóalakot aláhúzzuk, és szögletes zárójelben megadjuk a javítását. Pl.: “We rise [raise] their
attention”. A fölösleges szót áthúzzuk, pl.: “the people”.

Is it possible to live in a consumer society and protect the environment?  23_Speaking_3_1

A vizsgázó jól vezeti be válaszát (This seems to be a very controversial question but I would say…).
Ezzel egyrészt időt nyer a gondolatai rendezésére, másrészt jelzi, hogy a kérdést nem lehet gyorsan és
egyszerűen megválaszolni. A vizsgázó kellő mélységben és mennyiségben fejti ki gondolatait, két
példával is alátámasztja véleményét.
A válasz nyelvi megfogalmazása is példaértékű. A vizsgázó választékos kifejezéseket használ, pl.:
requires a lot of attention, carbon footprint, farmers’ markets, local produce in season, food miles.
Szókincshibát nem vét, talán csak az kifogásolható, hogy a consumer szó helyett a customer szót
használja. A kötőelemek, az utalások és a mondatok hangsúlyozása révén mondanivalója könnyen
követhető, pl.: it is possible to live in a consumer society; of course it requires a lot of attention;
Another way can be…; …. and in this way you can reduce food miles.

What is your opinion about distance learning?  24_Speaking_3_2

A vizsgázó kellő mélységben fejti ki mondanivalóját, pozitívum, hogy beszél a távoktatás előnyéről
és hátrányáról is. Hasonlóképpen pozitívum, hogy törekszik a kötőelemek használatára. Ugyanakkor
C1 szinten elvárható azok pontosabb használata. Pl.: On [the] one hand I think … hiányzik a folytatás
(but on the other hand).
A vizsgázó nem mindig találja meg a megfelelő kifejezést, pl.: to … to … to achieve or to have a
more … well, a broader knowledge of … of things [different subjects].
Ötletek a válasz kiegészítéséhez:
 Further advantages:
o Students can learn at any time that suits them and don’t have to be far away from their
o Students can work at their own pace
o It can be good for students with disabilities
o Can be great for unusual courses that are not very popular in your area
 Further disadvantages
o Distance learning requires self-motivation and self-discipline
o It’s difficult to learn from your fellow students because you don’t meet them face to

Do you think it’s unhealthy to keep pets at home?  25_Speaking_3_3

A vizsgázó megfelelő mélységben és relevánsan válaszolja meg a kérdést, érdekes az a felvetése,
miszerint a betegségek a tudatunkban keletkeznek, s ezért azok jól gyógyíthatók háziállatokkal.

Nyelvi pontatlanságok: increase our healthiness [health], It depends on what pet do you have,
because for example, if I would have [had] a dog at home…
Ötletek a válasz kiegészítéséhez:
 Animals and so our pets have the potential to spread infection. But I think it can be avoided
if our pets are vaccinated and we always wash our hands after playing with them
 Some people are allergic to cats or other animals like guinea pigs, hamsters and birds
 Walking your dog makes you healthy, keeping a pet is recommended especially for older

Do you think that health care is free in Hungary? 26_Speaking_3_4

Pozitívumként említhetjük, hogy a vizsgázó konkrét példát is hoz, de megelégszik egyetlen példával,
ahelyett hogy szólna a kérdés más vonatkozásairól is. Szintén pozitívum, hogy megpróbálja körülírással
áthidalni, hogy nincs bevett angol kifejezés a kifejezetten az orvosoknak/nővéreknek fizetett
borravalóra/kenőpénzre: … there are some doctors who actually wait for [expect] some so to say pocket
money [a ‘cash gift’/a ‘tip’/a ‘bribe’ / an unofficial extra payment]. A vizsgázó körülírása azonban nem
túlságosan sikeres.
Ötletek a válasz kiegészítéséhez:
 The amount of extra payment given depends on the field a doctor is specialized in. For
example, a surgeon usually gets much more than a family doctor.
 I think the Hungarian healthcare system should be reformed. The problem is that Hungarian
doctors are overworked and underpaid. Nevertheless, not all doctors demand or accept an
extra payment.
 There are some treatments which might be considered not absolutely necessary, for example,
cosmetic surgery. These are usually not free.
 A lot of medicine is free or almost free for children, but not for adults.
 Even free healthcare can be expensive if you have a difficult medical condition, and have to
travel to a faraway hospital.

Do you think that childhood friends are more valuable than friends made later?
 27_Speaking_3_5
Jó stratégának tekinthető, hogy a vizsgázó jelzi, hogy nem igazán testhezálló számára a kérdés, nem
elég idős hozzá. Ugyanakkor a vizsgázó gondolhatott volna szülei/ismerősei gyerekkori barátjára,
mások példái révén részletesebben válaszolhatott volna a kérdésre.
A válasz nyelvi megfogalmazásában vannak pontatlanságok. Pl.: I don’t have many experiences
about [much experience of] this, ugyanakkor a szintnek megfelelő, igényes a Friendships from the
childhood can fade very easily mondat megfogalmazása.

2.4. Vita a vizsgázótárssal (Discussion between the two candidates)

A vizsga harmadik feladatában a vizsgázók egymással vitatnak meg egy kérdést. A feladat
kérdéséhez vizsgázónként 4-4 különböző irányító szempont, plusz az Anything else? opció tartozik. A
feladatot a vizsgázók szerepkártyán kapják meg, és fél perc áll rendelkezésükre, hogy átgondolják, miről
szeretnének beszélni.
A szerepkártyán található szempontok közül mindkét vizsgázó választ kettőt-kettőt. Az egyik
szempontot saját ötlettel (Anything else? opció) is ki lehet váltani. A feladat célja, hogy a vizsgázók a
szempontok ellen és mellett érvelve kialakítsanak egy 4 szempontból álló közös listát, és megegyezésre
jussanak a szempontok rangsoráról, azaz eldöntsék, hogy a megadott tárgyak/jelenségek/ tevékenységek
/tulajdonságok stb. közül melyik a legfontosabb/leggyakoribb/legveszélyesebb stb., és melyik a
legkevésbé az. A feladat elvégzésére 4-5 perc áll rendelkezésre.

2.4.1. Beszédszándékok nyelvi kifejezése

A vizsga harmadik feladatában nem elegendő az, hogy ha a vizsgázó kellő részleteséggel fejti ki
gondolatait az irányító szempontok mentén. Legalább ilyen fontos, hogy megfelelő társalgási
stratégiákat alkalmazzon, valódi interakció alakuljon ki a párbeszéd során.
Az alábbiakban a teljesség igénye nélkül felsorolunk néhány olyan kifejezést, amelyek hasznosak
lehetnek ebben a feladatban.

 A feladat megkezdése
Shall I start?
Would you like to start?
Well, what have you chosen?

 Vélemény kifejezése
In my opinion the most important thing is …
I think I would say that … is the most important
I tend to believe that …
I’ve always been convinced that…
I’ve changed my opinion about this, and now I think that…
I always like to keep an open mind about this, but I believe that…

 Vélemény/reakció kérése
What’s your opinion about this?
Do you agree with me?
How do you feel about...?

 Egyetértés
Yes, I agree with you.
Yes, I suppose you’re right.
I find that argument very convincing.
I tend to agree with you, but I also think…

 Ellenvélemény
I’m afraid I don’t agree with you on that point.
No, I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t agree.
Actually, I see this differently.

 Szó átvétele
I’m sorry, if I could just make a point here…
I’m sorry to interrupt, but…
Forgive me/Sorry for interrupting, but …
Could I just say that…?
Yes… but what I wanted to say is …

 A rangsor felállítása
So, I think we should rank these ideas/objects/problems/choices etc. in order of importance.
What do you think should come first?
And what comes after that, in your opinion?

2.4.2. Mintamegoldások

Az alábbiakban két mintamegoldást mutatunk be. Az első mintamegoldásban a párbeszéd minden

szempontból megfelel az elvárásoknak . A másodikban Candidate A elkövet több tipikus hibát is.

A mintamegoldásokban félkövérrel kiemeltük, hogy melyik irányító szempontokról beszélnek a

vizsgázók, továbbá az alábbi rövidítéseket alkalmaztuk:
A = Candidate A
B = Candidate B
E = Examiner

1. mintamegoldás – Which service/institution is the most likely to disappear from our life in the near
Candidate A





Anything else?

Candidate B





Anything else?

A: So, the question we have to discuss is ‘Which service or institution is most likely to disappear from our life in
the near future?’ Would you like me to start?
B: Yes, why not.
A: So, this is an interesting question, and I’ve often thought about it. One thing that I think we might not see, say,
twenty years in the future is the post office. The reason I think this is that more and more people are using
email and other types of social media to communicate, so I think the number of letters is much less than
twenty years ago. What do you think?
B: I agree, but we shouldn’t forget that a lot of people use the post office for getting their pension, or paying
their bills, so it might still be useful in the future.
A: That’s true, but more and more people have bank accounts and are starting to use electronic banking, and
paying for things online, so I think the numbers of post offices will decrease a lot.
B: Yes, I suppose you’re right… I think that one other thing that we won’t have in the future – in fact it’s practically
disappeared even now – is the public telephone. The mobile phone is such a common thing that almost
everyone has one. In fact, I read that there are more mobile phones than people nowadays! So there is no
need for any public phones. What do you think?
A: I totally agree. I know that there might be a few public telephones for emergencies – like at the top of a
mountain if you need rescuing, maybe! But, in our everyday lives I can’t imagine that companies would be
able to make any profit from a network of public phones. … My second choice is the coal-fired power station…
B: I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand.
A: Well, I think they mean a power station which uses coal to make electricity.
B: Oh yes, right.
A: So, I know that Hungary is supposed to be transferring from a more carbon-based energy system to a carbon-
free one, and everybody knows that coal is the worst type of carbon fuel because it is so dirty, and it produces
so much carbon dioxide when we burn it. Plus, we are developing our own nuclear power station in Hungary,
so I think that in the future we probably won’t need coal-fired power stations. What’s your opinion about this?
B: Well, I agree with you as far as Hungary is concerned, but I think I read an article that said that other countries
are still burning coal to make electricity, and some countries – like China - are developing very fast, and so
they might not be able to shut down their coal power stations very quickly. Otherwise they might have power
cuts and energy shortages.
A: Yes, that’s true, but I think climate change will put pressure on politicians to find alternatives, or to introduce
rules to save energy, because I don’t think these kind of power stations are very sustainable.
B: Yes, I suppose you’re right. Well, my second choice is the photographer’s shop. I’ve chosen this because so
many people take digital photographs nowadays, and they send them to their friends and family online, or
they upload them onto photographers’ websites if they are more interested in photography as a hobby. The
fact is that not many people want to develop paper copies of their photographs, and nearly all cameras are
digital, so I think only professionals need special photography services. What do you think?
A: Yes, I agree with you, although there is still a need for paper photographs for things like weddings and school
leaving ceremonies, so perhaps there will only be a few photographer’s shops left in the future.
B: Or maybe people will order those kind of photos online and have them delivered?
A: Yes, maybe you’re right. … So, what about putting them in order? What do you think the first thing should be?
B: You mean the thing which is most likely to disappear?
A: Yes, that’s right.

B: Well, I think perhaps the public telephone. What do you think?
A: Yes, I completely agree, and I think the next thing would be the coal-fired power station. Do you agree?
B: Well, actually, I’m still not quite sure about that. I think the political situation is too difficult to predict, so I
would go for the photographer’s shop.
A: Yeah, OK, I can go with that, and then the power station?
B: Yes, yes… and so the last would be the post office?
A: Yes, I suppose so. So I think we’ve finished.
E: Well, thank you very much, that is the end of your exam.

A párbeszéd minden szempontból megfelel az elvárásoknak. Mindkét vizsgázó megfelelő
részletességgel beszél a saját 2 szempontjáról, a teljes párbeszéd során a kérdésre és a kiválasztott
szempontokra összpontosítanak, nem térnek el a tárgytól. Mindketten aktívan vesznek részt a
párbeszédben és jól használják a társalgási stratégiákat: figyelmesen hallgatják a beszélgetőtárs érveit,
reagálnak rá, érdekli őket a másik véleménye, szükség esetén visszakérdeznek, segítenek egymásnak
tisztázni az esetleges félreértéseket. Végül közösen kialakítják a rangsorrendet, és ezzel megfelelően
lezárják a feladatot.

Mindkét vizsgázó 7 pontot (Kiválóan megfelelt) értékelést kapna kommunikatív hatékonyságára a


2. mintamegoldás – What are the most frequent issues that parents and teenagers disagree about

Candidate A





Anything else?

Candidate B



Anything else?

A: So, the question we have to discuss is ‘What are the most frequent issues that parents and teenagers disagree
about?’ So, I think the most important thing to say is that parents and teenagers always disagree, and if I’m
right they spend a lot of time arguing about lots of things. For example, me and my parents often argue,
actually about so many things. It upsets me sometimes, although I’m sure that nearly all teenagers have similar
problems and argue not just with their parents but also with their teachers about all kinds of school issues.
The relationship a teenager has with adults is very important and I think..
E: I’m sorry, but please try to keep to the task.
A: Oh, yes, … so I think… er… the most typical thing to argue about is studying … for example, in my case I often
have difficulty doing my homework, because I do a lot of sport and my parents are getting a bit worried
because I have my final exams next year and so they are always telling me ‘Do your homework!’
B: Yes, I can…
A: But it’s not so easy, because I have to go to training three times a week and it causes a lot of conflict in our
B: … I can understand your problem, and I think it’s quite typical. I also think that smoking is something that
causes a lot of problems between different generations. It’s…
A: Yes, my brother and my mother always argue about that. He started to smoke about two years ago and my
mother hates it and always tells him to stop, but of course, he hates it when she tells him, and so he goes out
of the house and sometimes doesn’t come back for two or three hours, and that doesn’t really help their
B: Yes, I understand … er.. what is your next point?
A: Well, probably friends. My sister has recently started going to a new school and she has lots of new friends
who my parents don’t really like.
B: Er, yes.. I can see why it can be a problem. I know that some parents have strong opinions about who their
children’s friends are. I can understand that because it can be worrying sometimes if your children are with

unknown people, especially if you live in a big city where the parents don’t know many people. Maybe it’s
different in a village, where everybody knows each other. What do you think?
A: Yes, I agree.
B: Right, well, my next point is housework. Even in today’s modern world mothers usually end up looking after
the family and doing the cooking and the housework, so they need as much help as possible. But I think that
the teenage years are the most difficult ones, because your personality is forming and you are very self-
centred, so it’s often easy to forget that you need to help your family in the house. So then the mother – and
maybe the father, too – feels angry because the teenager is ‘ungrateful’ and is ‘using the home like a hotel’,
and then they have a big argument. What do you think?
A: Yes, I think I agree. I know that me and my parents often argue about that. They are always saying how lazy I
am, which I don’t think is true, because I often try to help.
B: Yes, I understand. It must be difficult. …
E: So can you try to agree on the order of the items you have chosen?
B: I’m sorry?
E: Can you try to agree on the order of the items?
B: Yes, oh right. So, well, I think the most frequent problem is probably studying. Do you agree?
A: Yes, I totally agree with that. As I said, I have lots of problems with my parents about my studies.
B: And what do you think should come next?
A: Well, maybe friends. It’s not always very easy to choose a friend that your parents like too!
B: Yes, I absolutely agree with that. So then, I think the third thing should be smoking, because it’s a very common
issue among young people.
A: Yes.
B: And the final thing on our list should be housework.
A: Absolutely.
B: So I think we’ve finished.
E: Well, thank you very much, that is the end of your exam.

Candidate A

A párbeszédben Candidate A több hibát is elkövet:

 A feladat elején eltér a tárgytól, arról kezd beszélni, hogy minden kamasznak nézeteltérései
vannak a tanáraival, illetve a felnőttekkel általában. Ezért a vizsgáztató figyelmezteti, hogy
összpontosítson a feladatban megadott kérdésre és irányító szempontokra.
 Candidate A mennyiségileg eleget mond, de egyáltalán nem próbálja meg általánosítani saját
tapasztalatát, csak családja életéből vett konkrét példákat hoz.
 Nem mindig megfelelőek Candidate A társalgási stratégiái sem: nem figyel kellőképpen a társára,
és nem elég sokféle beszédszándékot kifejező fordulatot használ. Így például:
o Többször társa szavába vág, udvariatlanul veszi át a szót
o Egyszer sem kéri ki társa véleményét, mutat érdeklődést társa érvei iránt. Ennek
következtében Candidate B az, akinek végig irányítania kell a társalgást.

o Csak egyetértést kifejező fordulatokat használ, s azok sem eléggé változatosak.
 Nem próbálja meg lezárni a feladatot, a vizsgáztató figyelmeztetésére sem ő, hanem Candidate B
kezd hozzá a rangsor felállításához.

Candidate A 4 pontot (Közel a megfeleléshez) értékelést kapna kommunikatív hatékonyságára a


Candidate B

Candidate B megfelelő érveket hoz, Candidate A-vel ellentétben képes elvonatkoztatni a konkrét
példáktól. A ’housework’ szempontot jól kifejti, a ’smoking’ szempontról azonban keveset mond.
Candidate B irányítja a társalgást: kikéri társa véleményét, udvariasan és megértően reagál a
Candidate A által elmondott problémákra, megfelelően kommentálja pl. a ’friends’ szempontról
elhangzottakat, de nem tudja eléggé határozottan visszavenni a szót. A feladat végén Candidate A-hez
hasonlóan megfeledkezik a rangsorolásról, de a vizsgáztató figyelmeztetésére megfelelően elvégzi.

Candidate B 5 pontot (Megfelelt) értékelést kapna kommunikatív hatékonyságára a vizsgán.

2.4.3. Tippek, tanácsok

1. A felkészülésre rendelkezésre álló fél perc alatt válassza ki azt a 2 irányító szempontot, amelyről
beszélni szeretne! Ha nem érzi valamelyik szempontot eléggé testhezállónak, akkor használjon fel
egy saját ötletet is!
2. Ne akarja egyszerre elmondani mindazt, amit a kérdéssel kapcsolatban gondol. Egyszerre csak az
egyik szempont mellett érveljen, és kérdezze meg társa véleményét az elmondottakról!
3. Világosan és kellő részletességgel fejtse ki véleményét! Mindig tartsa szem előtt, hogy nem
általában a kérdésről vagy egy szempontról kell beszélgetniük. A feladat célja, hogy
megállapodjanak, melyik a legfontosabb/leggyakoribb/legveszélyesebb stb. az irányító szempontok
4. Figyeljen a társára mondanivalójára! Fűzzön hozzá megjegyzéseket, fejtse ki, hogy miben ért egyet
vele, és miben nem!
5. Segítse ki beszélgetőtársát, ha ő valamit nem ért pontosan vagy nem tud jól kifejezni! Ha valami
Önnek nem világos, kérdezzen nyugodtan vissza, tegyen fel pontosító kérdéseket!
6. Ne feledkezzen meg róla, hogy a feladat akkor van készen, ha megegyeztek a közös lista elemeinek
a sorrendjében!
7. Kezelje rugalmasan a rangsort, szükség esetén kössön kompromisszumot!

2.4.4. Hallgasson meg két párbeszédet!

Jelen alpontban két párbeszédet mutatunk be. Mind a négy vizsgázó esetében megadjuk a
Kommunikatív hatékonyság (lásd 2.1.2. pont) szerinti pontszámot, illetve szövegesen is értékeljük a
párbeszédek erősségeit és gyengéit, különös tekintettel az alkalmazott társalgási stratégiákra és
beszédszándék nyelvi kifejezésére.
A teljesítmény elemzésekor a következő jelöléseket alkalmazzuk:

A hibás szóalakot aláhúzzuk, és szögletes zárójelben megadjuk a javítását. Pl.: “work in the genre
[field]”. A fölösleges szót áthúzzuk, pl.: “the people”. A szórendi hiba jelölése a következő: just to
keep fresh their mind [fresh].

1. What are the most important characteristics of a good teacher?  28_Speaking_4_1

Candidate A






Anything else?

Választott szempontok: problem solving skills, openness

Kommunikatív hatékonyság: 7 pont (Kiválóan megfelelt)

Candidate A kellő aktivitással vesz részt a társalgásban. Elfogadható mélységben, bár nem
túlságosan hosszan fejti ki gondolatait a választott szempontokról. Az, hogy rögtön első
megszólalásában felveti mindkét szempontot nem igazán szerencsés, mivel így kevesebb lehetőséget ad
társának a reagálásra.
Csak releváns megszólalásai vannak.
A társalgás során Candidate A odafigyel társa felvetéseire és tovább vivő kérdésekkel, okosan
érvelve reagál azokra. A sorrend felállítása során átadja a kezdeményezést társának, de a végén ő zárja
le a beszélgetést.

Szókincs, stílus
Szókincse a témában gazdag, pl.: adore, appreciate, really crucial, strict hierarchy. Szókincsét
pontosan használja, de társától átveszi a respectful melléknév helytelen használatát.
Nyelvtan, koherencia
Candidate A megfelelően választékos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ (pl.: which is crucial in being
a teacher), és igen kevés hibát vét.
Gondolatmenete jól követhető.

Beszédfolyamatosság, fonetikai jellemzők

Beszéde gördülékeny, intonációja megfelelő, akcentusa már-már megközelíti az anyanyelvit.

Candidate B






Anything else?

Választott szempontok: patience, respect

Kommunikatív hatékonyság: 7 pont (Kiválóan megfelelt)

Candidate B kellő aktivitással vesz részt a társalgásban. Elfogadható mélységben, de nem túlságosan
hosszan fejti ki gondolatait a választott szempontokról. Nem szerencsés, hogy rögtön első
megszólalásában felveti mindkét választott szempontját. Ez is az egyik oka lehet annak, hogy
viszonylag rövidebben magyarázza őket.
Csak releváns megszólalásai vannak.
A feladat végén átveszi a társalgás irányítását: kezdeményezi, „levezényli” a sorrend felállítását,
kompromisszumot kínál.

Szókincs, stílus
Szókincse a témában eléggé széles, pl.: able to keep order in class; a teacher shouldn’t be shabbily
dressed. Szókincsét pontosan használja, de pl.: should be respectful [respected/worthy of recpect],
somehow get respect, he or she can be open and everything else. Az utóbbi kifejezés nyelvtanilag
helyes, mégsem szerencsés, mert azt a benyomást keltheti, hogy a vizsgázónak még van ugyan
mondanivalója, de azt nem tudja angolul megfogalmazni.

Nyelvtan, koherencia
Candidate B általában választékos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ, és kevés hibát vét, pl.: If I would
be a teacher.
Gondolatmenete jól követhető.

Beszédfolyamatosság, fonetikai jellemzők

Beszéde gördülékeny. A hangsúlyt, az intonációt, és a beszédritmust a jelentés finomabb
árnyalatainak kifejezésére eléggé jól használja. A nyelv hangjait tisztán ejti.

2. What can a young person do if he/she isn’t admitted to higher education? 29_Speaking_4_2
Candidate A






Anything else?

Választott szempontok: prepare for the next entrance exam, do charity work

Kommunikatív hatékonyság: 6 pont (Jól megfelelt)

Candidate A kellő aktivitással vesz részt a társalgásban, odafigyel társa felvetéseire és reagál azokra.
A választott szempontok közül a prepare for the next entrance exam szempontról nem kellő
részletességgel fejti ki gondolatait. Megszólalásai relevánsak.

Candidate A irányítja a társalgást, jól alkalmazza a szintnek megfelelő társalgási stratégiákat és azok
nyelvi kifejezéseit. Pl.: Yes, I tend to agree with you, I see you point and partly I agree with you, I would
suggest we should list it.

Szókincs, stílus
Szókincsének terjedelme a témában megfelelő. Szókincsét általában helyesen használja, de
esetenként súlyosabb szóhasználati hibát is vét, pl.: if it was his goal to get [enrol into] that higher
education; meanwhile [while] he was waiting; work in the genre [field].

Nyelvtan, koherencia
Candidate A megfelelő nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ, és igen kevés hibát vét, pl.: a charity work.

Beszédfolyamatosság, fonetikai jellemzők

Candidate A beszéde folyamatos, a szünetek nem feltűnőek. Többnyire képes a hangsúlyt, az
intonációt és a beszédritmust kommunikációs céljának megfelelően használni. Kiejtésén érezhető más
nyelvek hatása, de kifejezett hangképzési hibát csak egyszer a suggest szóban vét.

Candidate B







Anything else?

Választott szempontok: prepare for language exam, do the housework at home

Kommunikatív hatékonyság: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

Candidate B elfogadható aktivitással vesz részt a társalgásban, választott szempontjairól azonban
nem mindig kellő mélységben és részletességgel fejti ki gondolatait, csak egyszer reagál részletesebben
társa véleményére. Megszólalásai relevánsak.
Candidate B társára hagyja a párbeszéd irányítását, mindössze egyszer kérdez vissza. Kevés a
szintnek megfelelő társalgási stratégia, egyetértését gyakran csak egy Yes-sel fejezi ki, de használja a
Yes, I totally agree with you és Yes, I share your point [opinion] kifejezéseket is.

Szókincs, stílus
Szókincsének terjedelme a témában csak viszonylag megfelelő, nem éri el a szinten elvárható
választékosságot. Szókincsét általában helyesen használja, de pl.: if they know [speak/learn] another
language; if they prepare for language [exam] they…;…do the shopping between two language course
[classes]; I share your point [opinion].

Nyelvtan, koherencia
A nyelvtani szerkezetek köre eléggé korlátozott, nem törekszik a változatosságra. Többször vét
nyelvtani hibát, de azok nem értelemzavaróak. Pl.: …they have more opportunity, like work [working]
abroad; just to keep fresh their mind [fresh], between two language course [courses]; the goal that what
they want to do in their life [helyesen: their goal in life vagy what they want to do in life].

Beszédfolyamatosság, fonetikai jellemzők

Beszéde általában folyamatos, a szünetek csak esetenként feltűnőek. Intonációja monoton, akcentusa
nyilvánvaló, esetenként feltűnő.

2.5. Beszédkészség – Humán feladatsorok


Should art help us to escape the world, Do you think the initiative to create
or learn more about it? ‘completely child-focused stories’ will
achieve its purpose? Why (not)?
1. Kiselőadás VAGY
Who or what are streets usually named
after? Do you approve of the practice? Do you think it matters that artists and
musicians use technology to improve
their performance? Why (not)?

2. Társalgás a 1. téma: Munka

2. téma: Angol anyanyelvű országok kultúrája

3. Vita a What are the most important differences between life now
vizsgázótárssal and in the 19th century?


Do you think it is important that artists Do young people enjoy radical art
are from the same generation as their that shocks them, or do they prefer
audiences? Why (not)? something more traditional?
1. Kiselőadás
What are the most frequent reasons for Do you think that such biographies
books being banned? help people understand famous
personalities more, or does this topic
serve just as a good basis for a best-

2. Társalgás a 1. téma: Egészség

2. téma: Közlekedés

3. Vita a
What are the most important criteria when booking a holiday?


Part 1

Text I.1

Read this text about Hollywood today and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the
question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote
sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have
made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Should art help us to escape the world, or learn more about it?

Hollywood escapes US recession thanks to Star Trek and X-Men films

Wall Street might have collapsed, Detroit might have gone bankrupt and the American consumer might
have given up spending for the first time in 60 years.
But the revenues of one industry have soared by 14 per cent since January and, with the help of a
psychotic robot, the crew of the USS Enterprise and an English boy wizard, it hopes to make 2009 the
best in its history.
Yes, Hollywood is booming.
“Escapism seems to be the order of the day,” said Jeff Brock, a senior analyst at Exhibitor Relations, a
box-office tracking company. “People don’t want to sit around at home worrying about the economy
— they want to get out, and going to the movies is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment.”
The boom in Hollywood despite the depressed times is a phenomenon that veteran movie executives
recall from previous downturns. “In five out of the last seven recessions box-office revenues have
increased,” said one.

Part 1

Text I.2

Read this text about street names and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the
question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote
sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have
made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Who or what are streets usually named after?
Do you approve of the practice?

Immortal names that are right up your street

WHILE on the surface, a 19th-century Edinburgh confectioner nicknamed "Sweetie Mill", Deacon
Brodie's father and the works of Sir Walter Scott don't appear to have much in common, they have all
been immortalised – by the city streets named after them.
But while having an avenue, lane or crescent named after you is an honour, in Edinburgh, those who
have aspirations to make it into a city A to Z during their lifetimes will be disappointed.
Unlike in Stevenage, where council bosses are looking to honour the town's most famous son - 22-year-
old racing driver Lewis Hamilton by naming a street after him, similar proposals in Edinburgh to
commemorate modern-day heroes such as Sir Sean Connery and rugby legend Gavin Hastings have
failed, due to a policy of not naming streets after living persons.
So who are the people immortalised in Edinburgh's street plaques? Many of the Capital's oldest street
names were inspired by tradespeople, literary characters or even fashionable resorts. Having a business
or leaving a financial legacy to the city fathers was a good way of ensuring your name was never

Part 1

Text I.3

Read this text about an initiative to create ‘completely child-focused stories’ and then prepare a 3-4
minute oral presentation in answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use
ideas from the text but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the
presentation you may use the notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will
have 10 minutes to prepare.

Do you think the initiative to create ‘completely child-focused stories’ will
achieve its purpose? Why (not)?

Boys’ own adventures

How to make lads read?
You can lead a boy to a book but you cannot make him read. We are in a panic about reading in this
country, and with reason. According to research, only a third of boys read for pleasure. But choosing
books for other people can be tricky. Reading is a private matter and the reasons for being drawn to a
book are often unclear. I steer my sons towards books I hope they might enjoy. But, often, those books
get jilted, left on the shelf.
This month marks the launch of an initiative that shows we have lost our nerve about what children
might like to read.
Egmont Books have just launched the 2Heads series based on consultation with schoolchildren. They
have asked hundreds of children about plot, style, illustration and character names, to create ‘completely
child-focused stories’ which are then dished up to a team of writers. The publishers say: ‘This radical
new approach is a dynamic move to encourage kids to read more by directly involving them in the
books’ creation. This new process is revolution for children’s reading as it generates storybooks that
genuinely engage with their imaginations and involves them from the outset.’

Part 1

Text I.4

Read this text about technical support for live performances and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral
presentation in answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from
the text but do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you
may use the notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes
to prepare.

Do you think it matters that artists and musicians use technology to improve
their performance? Why (not)?

X Factor microphones 'turned down for twins'

X Factor twins John and Edward were at the centre of "fix" claims today following reports that
soundmen have been ordered to mask their weak vocals.
The Irish 18-year-olds – whose lack of singing talent has sparked criticism of the ITV show – received
some of their highest praise from judges following their rendition of Queen's Under Pressure on
Saturday night. But according to reports, technicians were ordered to lower the levels on their
microphones so their voices were drowned out by a pre-recorded backing track.
Show chiefs responded to the allegations today to say contestants had "technical support". The Sun
today quoted a programme source who claimed: "Every week session singers record backing tracks to
some songs. But soundmen are told to turn down the levels of the twins' mics so their vocals are mostly
covered by the backing singers. Often mics are so low the twins' singing would be barely audible."
However, a spokeswoman for production company talkbackThames said all X Factor hopefuls receive
an "equal amount" of technical help for their live performances.


Part 2

TOPIC 1 – Work

Questions for Candidate A

 What’s the best way for a young person to find the ‘right career’?
 How well does school and university prepare you for the world of work?
 How can an organisation make their staff want to work for them?

Questions for Candidate B

 Is it a good idea to find a ‘job for life’ or to change jobs frequently?
 Do you agree that work is too important in our lives?
 Do you agree that men and women should retire at the same age?

TOPIC 2 – English speaking countries

Questions for Candidate A

 Do you find British people’s interest in the royal family surprising?

 Why do you think American films are still so popular around the world?
 How does an interest in the culture of English-speaking countries help a person learn

Questions for Candidate B

 Which English-speaking country would you most like to live in? Why?
 What aspects of American life do you find particularly strange?
 Who do you think was the greatest president in U.S. history? Why?


Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?

Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?


Part 1

Text II.1

Read this text about a famous singer and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the
question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote
sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have
made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Do you think it is important that artists are from the same generation as their
audiences? Why (not)?

Bob Dylan sets record to become oldest musician to have No 1 album

Bob Dylan rewrote the record books yesterday to become the oldest musician to have a No 1 album,
nearly 40 years after he last topped the charts.
The veteran singer-songwriter claimed his seventh British No 1 with Together Through Life, narrowly
edging out the claim of his fellow sexagenarian Neil Diamond to be the oldest artist to scale to the
summit of the chart. Dylan, 67, last reached the top of the charts in 1970, when he had two No 1 albums,
Self Portrait and New Morning.
It is 45 years since Dylan first topped the charts, with the album that made his name, The Freewheelin’
Bob Dylan. Pete Paphides, the Times critic, described Dylan’s new record, which is virtually guaranteed
to top the US charts, as “his warmest, most unforced, set of songs in recent memory”.
Mike Smith, managing director of Columbia, Dylan’s record label, said: “What’s really delightful is
going round and seeing him perform live around the country and seeing so many teenagers at the shows.

Part 1

Text II.2

Read this text about censorship and book banning and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in
answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but
do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the
notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

What are the most frequent reasons for books being banned?

China censors the world

On August 28, 2000 an article in the "New York Times" by David D. Kirkpatrick illustrated a new
example of one of the oldest forms of censorship and book banning. Thousands of copies of "The
Clinton Years," a new book by a former official White House photographer, were confiscated by
Chinese customs officials as the books were being prepared for shipment from a bindery in southern
China. In effect this bans the book from distribution in the United States and the entire world.
The book was reportedly seized because, among its 227 black-and-white photographs, there was a
picture of President Clinton clasping hands and chatting at the White House with the Dalai Lama, the
spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism. The Chinese fear the lasting influence the Dalai Lama has over
the Tibetans even after his flight to India over 40 years ago. They are currently engaging in a fiercely
repressive campaign against the survival of anything Tibetan, and are once again burning books, closing
monasteries and banning the use of the Tibetan language.

Part 1

Text II.3

Read this text about radical art and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the question
below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote sentences
or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have made but
you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Do young people enjoy radical art that shocks them, or do they prefer
something more traditional?

Alain Buffard's ballet without dance provokes backlash in France

A middle-aged man stands naked in the glare of fluorescent lighting. He stoops, lowers his arms and
very slowly pulls on a pair of white Y-fronts — all in the name of art.
To the supporters of Alain Buffard, the French choreographer who included the scene in the acclaimed
work Mauvais Genre, such performances are pushing back the boundaries of modern dance.
To his detractors they threaten to destroy dance altogether. “France was the cradle of classical ballet but
it is now dominated by a current of experimental dance which is elitist and totally closed in on itself,”
Dominique Simonnet, a critic, said. “It is a veritable fraud.”
The row has been going on for years but it was made public this week by the writer Rosita Boisseau in
an article for Le Monde on the contemporary dance season in Paris. “There is little dancing,” she said.
“And sometimes none at all. The dancers know how to do everything on the stage except raise their
legs: they sing, act, read a text, give a conference.”

Part 1

Text II.4

Read this text about a new biography of Matisse and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in
answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but
do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the
notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Do you think that such biographies help people understand famous personalities
more, or does this topic serve just as a good basis for a best-seller?

'Writing biographies is a bit like being a private detective'

Spurling won for her two-volume biography of Henri Matisse, a life that one might have thought would
be a sumptuously illustrated bore. Matisse's paintings of blissful bien-être and sun-drenched calm surely
indicated that the artist was so unedifyingly well adjusted that his life wasn't worth writing about.
Spurling has with 15 years' research and writing shown all the contentions of the previous paragraph
wrong. She writes, for instance that, "For Matisse, models were working partners, not sexual captives,"
and is convinced that even though, aged 70, Matisse left his wife for his young model Lydia
Delectorskaya, the relationship was platonic. He loved her, yes, but he only expressed it on canvas.
Spurling, moreover, has exposed a paradox about Matisse that nobody imagined to exist: that this
tranquil art was made by an endlessly angst-ridden man. The Matisse disclosed by Spurling was the sort
of person so insecure that he practised violin incessantly out of fear that he would go blind and have to
earn his living playing for pennies in the street.


Part 2

TOPIC 1 – Health
Questions for Candidate A

 Is e-cigarette a healthier option for smokers? Explain it.

 What do you think about alternative medicine?
 What do you think the most serious health problems in Hungary are?

Questions for Candidate B

 Do you think it is unhealthy to keep pets at home? Why (not)?
 To what extent should tobacco companies be held responsible for a person's addiction to
 Do you think that health care is free in Hungary? Why (not)?

TOPIC 2 – Transport
Questions for Candidate A

 Do you consider a car to be a luxury? Why (not)?

 What changes do you expect to take place in the way we travel over the next 100 years?
 What accounts for the high number of accidents on the roads?
o What could be done about it?

Questions for Candidate B

 Do you think that drivers respect pedestrians in Hungary?
o (If yes) Give some examples.
o (If no) What should be changed?
 Do you agree with the idea that cars should be banned from city centres? Why (not)?
 What is your advice to a foreigner who would like to travel in Hungary by train?


Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?

Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?

2.6. Beszédkészség – Reál feladatsorok


Why do you think there is no consensus What other inventions have you heard
concerning the use of nuclear energy? of whose future is/was uncertain, or as
in the text, at least interesting?
1. Kiselőadás VAGY
Explain it.
Do you think animals should be an
integral part of contemporary circus?
Why (not)? Do you think reading an article like
this will make people use the internet
less? Why (not)?
2. Társalgás a 1. téma: Család
2. téma: Szolgáltatások

3. Vita a What contributes to a football victory most?



In what other ways do you think our Do you agree with the measures to
life/health is threatened by the protect great apes mentioned in the
consequences of global trade and article? Why (not)?
1. Kiselőadás extensive travelling?
VAGY What kind of personal sacrifices do
In a world where computer games can people make in their scientific career?
easily become an addiction, do you Give examples.
think it makes sense to develop gear like
the one described in the article?
2. Társalgás a 1. téma: Barátság
2. téma: Étkezés

3. Vita a What are the most important characteristics of a good employee?


Part 1

Text I.1

Read this text about nuclear power stations and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer
to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not
quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you
have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Why do you think there is no consensus concerning
the use of nuclear energy?

Nuclear plants ‘need better flood protection’

Emergency measures will be needed to protect nuclear power stations from the effect of tidal surges as
extreme weather patterns increase, according to a wide-ranging body of experts.
A study last year by the Met Office commissioned by nuclear firm British Energy said that ‘increases
in future surge heights of potentially more than a metre could, when combined with wind increases,
threaten some sites unless existing defences are enhanced.’
British Energy, which runs nine reactors, said it is mindful of the risks, having commissioned
Halcrow, the engineering consultancy, to devise contingency plans and beef up defences. This is likely
to add 2 per cent to the £2.8bn cost of each reactor. Nuclear reactors tend to be sited on the coast to
access large quantities of water needed for cooling.
This weekend the Department for Business and Enterprise said: ‘The potential impact of flooding,
and taking into account climate trends, would clearly be an important consideration in any future siting
assessment. It would, of course, need to be considered alongside the potential for coastal sites to be
protected from rising sea levels.

Part 1

Text I.2

Read this text about circus animals and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the
question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote
sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have
made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Do you think animals should be an integral part of contemporary circus?
Why (not)?

Top US circuses sued over ‘gross cruelty’ to elephants

Two of the world's best-known circuses are accused by American animal welfare groups of cruel
treatment of elephants.
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus have been targeted by the Performing Animal Welfare
Society (Paws), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the Fund for Animals
and the Animal Welfare Institute. In a lawsuit, filed this week, they say the circuses have broken
America's Endangered Species Act and other animal protection laws.
The lawsuit is part of a long-running campaign to apply animal welfare laws to circus animals, and bar
circuses from using animals. The groups claim the circuses broke the law by beating elephants to train
them, forcibly removed baby elephants from their mothers and failed to prevent the use of physical
abuse in training.
A circus spokeswoman Catherine Ort-Mabry rejected the accusations. "Animals are an integral part of
the Ringling Brothers family, and we provide the highest standards of care,"' she said. "Animals have
been an important part of our shows for 130 years."

Part 1

Text I.3

Read this text about the fate of an invention and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer
to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not
quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you
have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.


What other inventions have you heard of whose future is/was uncertain, or as in
the text, at least interesting? Explain it.

Should UK trains look to magnets?

When it comes to the railways, the UK has an unrivalled reputation for leading the way in new
technologies. Unfortunately, it is equally renowned for all too quickly abandoning such new advances
as too impractical or expensive, only to see other nations go on to prove their success.
One of the most recent of such developments that Britain was first to implement – and then abandon –
is magnetic levitation or maglev trains.
These are super-fast trains propelled by the force of electric-powered magnets. Using a combination of
magnetic attraction and repulsion for lift and forward movement, they literally float a few centimetres
above specially-built tracks. Because there are no wheels in direct contact with the tracks, friction is
substantially reduced. As a result, maglev trains can reach speeds significantly higher than conventional
railways - more than 430 km/h (260mph).
Maglev trains are back in the news in Britain after shadow chancellor George Osborne said the UK
should follow the lead of China, Germany and Japan and look at the technology.
However, he failed to mention the fact that Britain once had the world's first commercially operating
maglev railway.

Part 1

Text I.4

Read this text about an environmental issue and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer
to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not
quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you
have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Do you think reading an article like this will make people use the internet less?
Why (not)?

Unknown web: Is the net hurting the environment?

Sending an email across the Atlantic Ocean does not burn any jet fuel, but the internet is not without its
own, huge carbon footprint. One estimate suggests it takes a whopping 152 billion kilowatt-hours per
year just to power the data centres that keep the net running. Add to that the energy used by all the
computers and peripherals linked to it and the whole thing could be responsible for as much as 2 per
cent of all human-made CO2 emissions, putting it on a par with the aviation industry.
The way we use our computers also has an impact. According to Google, the production of the electricity
needed for a single internet search generates 200 milligrams of CO2. This may not sound much, but it
adds up: 1000 searches produce the same CO2 emissions as an average European car travelling 1
kilometre. According to the international environmental coalition The Climate Group, total emissions
from computers will increase by 280 per cent, to the equivalent of 1.4 gigatonnes of CO2, by 2020.


Part 2

TOPIC 1 – Family
Questions for Candidate A

 Do you think work is equally shared between husband and wife in most families?
 Are there still jobs which women cannot or should not do?
 What is the best age for a young person to leave their parents’ home?

Questions for Candidate B

 Is it right that women take a greater share of childcare in most families?
 Is it a good idea for the state to pay for women to look after their young children?
 Is it easier or more difficult to bring up children now than it was in the past?

TOPIC 2 – Services
Questions for Candidate A

 Do you think that customers today expect good quality service, or is price still the main
feature for them?
 Does society do enough to help the elderly use services like shops, post offices and banks?
 Do you think everyone should have free access to legal services?

Questions for Candidate B

 What do you feel are the main advantages and disadvantages of shopping and banking over
the internet?
 What do you think should be the minimum age to open a bank account?
 Do you think that governments should do more to help people in country areas have better
access to services like hospitals, banks and government administration?


Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?

Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?


Part 1

Text II.1

Read this text about mosquitoes and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the
question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote
sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have
made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

In what other ways do you think our life/health is threatened by the
consequences of global trade and extensive travelling?

The buzzing sound of summer

The telltale sound of summer in Rome used to be the clapping of plastic tables on the cobblestone streets
as restaurants prepared to serve dinner under the stars. Now there’s also the whine of buzzing
mosquitoes. Those patrons intrepid enough to venture outside these days have to gobble down their
bucatini before the insects – specifically the Asian tiger mosquito – eat them alive. The bug arrived
three years ago at the port of Genoa in a boatload of secondhand tyres from Southeast Asia and
apparently took to Italy’s hot, humid climate – it’s since spread as far south as Naples.
The mosquitoes are so aggressive – one can bite 10 times in succession -, leaving large swollen welts
that sometimes require lancing – that they are endangering the Italian al fresco tradition. Restaurants
now brag about their use of pesticides on the cobblestones and shrubbery. People are putting up screens
over their windows or, if they can afford it, buying air conditioners (sales have nearly doubled in the
past two years.)

Part 1

Text II.2

Read this text about new gear and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the question
below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote sentences
or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have made but
you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

In a world where computer games can easily become an addiction, do you
think it makes sense to develop gear like the one described in the article?

Feel the force

If you have ever wondered what it feels like to fly a fighter plane or drive a formula one car, now is
your chance. TN games has designed a wardrobe for gamers that recreate on screen action in the real
The vests are based on technology that was originally designed for use by doctors to remotely examine
patients. The vests, connected to the computer by USB, consist of a light weight air compressor that
pumps air into bladders. A version designed for first person shooters contains eight cells that are able
to recreate the direction and force of bullet fire. Another version recreate the G-forces felt whilst driving
and flying. When the player accelerates, the cells inflate in the chest. Faster acceleration causes the cells
to inflate quicker, whilst braking causes the back cells to activate.
The firm has also designed sleeves, leg covers and a helmet that plug into the vests to deliver what it
says is a "full body gaming experience".

Part 1

Text II.3

Read this text about measures against animal testing and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in
answer to the question below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but
do not quote sentences or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the
notes you have made but you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

Do you agree with the measures to protect great apes mentioned in the article?
Why (not)?

Protection for great apes

At long last (they first threatened to do it more than 4 years ago) European Commissioners have
published plans for a comprehensive overhaul of the rules governing the use of animals in medical
experiments. And at first glance it looks like a significant tightening of the legislation. Launching the
draft directive Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said it was time to "....steer away from testing
on animals. Scientific research must focus on finding alternative methods to animal testing". The top
line is certainly the ban on experiments on the great apes – our closest relatives – but the proposal
includes important caveats....research involving gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-utans will still be
allowed in exceptional circumstances (such as a serious pandemic threatening human health), and for
the conservation of great apes themselves. There are also stricter regulations governing the use of other
non-human primates, measures to phase out the use of wild-caught animals, a significant widening of
the directive's scope to include invertebrates.

Part 1

Text II.4

Read this text about explorers and then prepare a 3-4 minute oral presentation in answer to the question
below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote sentences
or give a summary of the article. During the presentation you may use the notes you have made but
you are not allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

What kind of personal sacrifices do people make in their scientific career?
Give examples.

Ice team endures meagre rations

Three UK explorers surveying the Arctic ice were down to rations of just 90g of food each per day until
a resupply flight reached them on Tuesday. Bad weather had frustrated repeated attempts to land new
food stocks at the ice camp set up by Pen Hadow, Ann Daniels and Martin Hartley.
The explorers, from the Catlin Arctic Survey, usually consume enough food to give them about 6,000
calories per day. The cut in rations took them down to just 1,000 calories each. In the last few days
before the flight landed, the team had gone without any hot food and were described as "hungry,
lethargic, and excruciatingly bored".
At one point, cameraman Martin Hartley said he was surviving on the equivalent of three Mars bars –
even less in the last few days – and listed his rations:
"Today I've had a cup of porridge, three pork scratchings, a piece of dried coconut and a finger of
shortbread. I've got 12 raisins left in my bag and nine pieces of pineapple, each the size of a little finger."


Part 2

TOPIC 1 – Friendship
Questions for Candidate A

 How has social media changed the way people make and maintain friendships?
 Do friends become less important when we get married and have children?
 Who finds it easier to make friends – people living in cities or people living in villages?

Questions for Candidate B

 How is friendship different when your friend is from another culture?
 Is it possible to be happy as an adult without friends?
 Should kindergartens and schools teach ‘friendship’ as a subject?

TOPIC 2 – Étkezés
Questions for Candidate A

 Do you think that a woman must be able to cook? Why (not)?

 Why do you think fast food restaurants are popular with young people?
 Always watch what you eat to make sure that you get the essential vitamins and minerals.
Do you agree?

Questions for Candidate B

 Why do you think most chefs are men?
 Why are slimming diets unsuccessful in most cases?
 What are the main reasons for the growing number of eating disorders nowadays?


Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?

Part 3


Choose two items from your card and put them together with your partner’s two choices in a common
list of 4. You can also add your own idea. Try to agree on the order of the items on the common list.
Accept your partner’s choices if you agree with his / her arguments. If you do not agree, explain why





Anything else?

3.1. A feladatsor felépítése és a megoldások értékelése
A feladatsor 4 különböző típusú feladatból áll:

Feladattípus Kérdés-

1. feladat Alcím hozzárendelése bekezdéshez (Matching headings) 8-9

2. feladat Többszörös feleletválasztás 4 lehetőségből (Multiple choice) 7-8

3. feladat Mondatrészlet visszahelyezése a szövegbe (Matching clauses) 8-9
4. feladat Szóképzés (Word formation) 12

Az 1-3. feladat a szövegértést ellenőrzi. A feladatok típusa és sorrendje vizsgaidőszakról

vizsgaidőszakra változatlan. A feladatsor 4. feladata nyelvismeretet mér, azaz célzottan nyelvtani és
lexikai tudást tesztel.
A feladatok megoldásakor minden helyes válasz 1 pontot ér. A kérdések megválaszolásával szerzett
ún. nyerspontokat (maximálisan 36 nyerspontot) a Vizsgaközpont százalékszámítással, a kerekítési
szabályoknak megfelelően felelteti meg a maximálisan elérhető 25 vizsgapontnak.

3.2. Alcím hozzárendelése bekezdéshez (Matching headings)

Ebben a feladatban a vizsgázóknak 8-9 jól elkülönülő sorszámozott bekezdéshez kell hozzárendelni
a megfelelő alcímet (az alcímeket az abc nagybetűi jelölik). A szöveg első bekezdése a feladat (0)
kérdése, amelyre mintaválaszt kapnak a vizsgázók. Az alcímek között van 1 felesleges elem, amely
egyik bekezdéshez sem kapcsolódik.

Az alcímek rövidek, maximum 5 szavasak. Megfogalmazásukban az angol újságcímek szokásos

nyelvtani jellegzetességit követik, azaz például kimaradnak a névelők és a segédigék.

A bekezdésekhez tartozó alcímek jellegükben különbözőek lehetnek, amit a szervezett bűnözésről

szóló feladat egy részletén mutatunk be (a teljes feladat a 131. oldalon található). Az alcímek
leggyakrabban a bekezdés egészének vagy legalábbis nagy részének a tartalmát fedik le. Példánkban
ilyen a (0) kérdéshez tartozó A alcím, továbbá a 3. bekezdésre vonatkozó C válasz. Előfordulhat, hogy
az alcím kifejezetten a bekezdés elejére vagy végére utal, erre példa a 2. bekezdéshez tartozó B alcím.
Ritkán, de esetenként előfordulhat az is, hogy az alcím a bekezdésben nem központi, de érdekes
részletre utal, például az 1. bekezdéshez tartozó D alcím.

Organised crime in the UK is bigger than ever before. Can the police catch up?

Faced with new threats from international gangsters, the boss of the National Crime Agency,
Lynne Owens, thinks UK policing needs a radical reboot. By Alex Perry.
0 A
One afternoon in April, as we climbed into an armoured car outside her office in Vauxhall, south
London, I asked Lynne Owens, the country’s most senior police officer, to describe 21st-century
crime in the UK. Her answer spanned most of the next two hours, as we crawled east through the
traffic to Chelmsford, Essex where, as head of the National Crime Agency (NCA), she had been
invited to give a lecture on the future of law enforcement.
1 D
There was Russia’s attempt to kill Sergei Skripal. A North Korean cyber-attack. Eastern European
slave traffickers. Albanian cocaine smugglers. (Sensitive to singling out nationalities, Owens
used the term “western Balkans”). Hundreds of billions of pounds laundered through London
every year. A dramatic rise in the murder rate in the capital in four years. Historic child abuse in
Rotherham. Fentanyl manufacturers in Merseyside and Manchester.
2 B
That evening Owens said much organised crime in the UK operated all but unchecked. Partly that
was because there was so much of it. In her car, Owens had told me that the NCA’s latest figures
showed there were 4,629 criminal gangs and syndicates in Britain, employing 33,598 professional
gangsters – numbers that become astonishing when viewed in context. The figure of 4,629 means
there are more gangs in Britain than staff members of the NCA; 33,598 career criminals
translates to more gangsters in Britain than belong to all three big Italian mafias.
3 C
Popular perception of organised crime in Britain is anchored in cinematic portrayals such as The
Godfather or historic villains like the Great Train Robbers – and there was once some truth to these
legends. In the first decades of the 20th century, the gangs that held sway over parts of London or
Birmingham, tended to be hierarchies based around family or ethnicity, making money from
robbery, protection, and casinos.

A Short question – long answer

B Alarming comparison

C Fact and fiction merged

D Keen to avoid offence

Tippek, tanácsok

1. Gyors, néma olvasással fussa át a teljes szöveget és először egyáltalán ne foglalkozzon a feladat
kérdéseivel! Fontos, hogy megértse a szöveg globális tartalmát, képet kapjon a szerző
gondolatmenetéről. A cél tehát az, hogy legyen elképzelése, miről szólnak az egyes bekezdések. Az
első átolvasás során nem szükséges mindent részletesen megérteni vagy az ismeretlen szavakkal

2. Értelmezze a cikk címét, esetleges alcímét! Mindenképpen olvassa el az első bekezdést, azaz a (0)
kérdést! Az újságírás hagyományos szabályai szerint az első bekezdés összefoglalja a legfontosabb
információt, amelyet a cikk azután részletez. Az első bekezdés elolvasása tehát értékes segítséget
nyújthat ahhoz, hogy globális képet kapjon a szöveg témájáról. Ugyanakkor meg kell jegyezni, hogy
az újságíró más, figyelemfelkeltőbbnek gondolt bevezetéssel is indíthatja a cikket. A bevezetésben
találkozhatunk például az esemény helyszínének a leírásával, valamilyen érdekes adattal vagy
idézettel is.

3. A szöveg áttekintését követően nagyon alaposan olvassa el és értelmezze a feladat kérdéseit, azaz
az alcímeket!

4. A bekezdésekhez rendelendő alcímekben ritkán köszönnek vissza a szövegben előforduló szavak,

legfeljebb azok rokon értelmű szavaival találkozhat. Ha egy bekezdésben mégis valamely alcímben
is szereplő kifejezést talál, akkor inkább arra gyanakodjon, hogy az az alcím vagy egy másik
bekezdésre vonatkozik vagy az a felesleges elem, amely egyetlen bekezdéshez sem illik.

5. Ne feledkezzen meg arról, hogy az alcímek nem mindig a bekezdés egészének a tartalmát fedik le!
Az alcímek vonatkozhatnak az adott bekezdésben szereplő bármely információra (lásd
részletesebben a 112. oldalon)!

6. Ha úgy érzi, hogy az adott bekezdéshez több alcím is illik, akkor mind a két vagy három alcím
betűjelét írja a bekezdés sorszáma mellé és haladjon tovább! Térjen vissza az adott bekezdéshez
később, amikor már véglegesítette azokat a válaszait, amelyekben biztos!

7. Ha biztos a megoldásban, akkor érdemes áthúzni annak betűjelét, nehogy véletlenül kétszer
használja fel ugyanazt az alcímet.

3.3. Többszörös feleletválasztás (Multiple choice)

Ebben a feladatban a vizsgázónak 4 válaszlehetőségből (A, B, C, D) kell kiválasztani, hogy az
olvasott szöveg alapján melyik egészíti ki igaz állítássá a kérdésben szereplő mondatrészletet. Ehhez az
szükséges, hogy részleteiben is megértse mind a feladat szövegét, mind a kérdéseket.
A szövegre vonatkozó kérdések száma 7 vagy 8, s ezek a szöveg tartalmának a sorrendjét követik.
Kivételt képez az utolsó kérdés, amely nem a szöveg végére, hanem a szöveg egészére, például a szerző
álláspontjára vagy attitűdjére vonatkozik.
A feladat elején (0) mintamegoldás segíti a vizsgázókat.

Tippek, tanácsok

1. Először áttekintő olvasással semmiképpen sem több mint 2 perc alatt derítse ki, miről szól a szöveg!
Értelmezze a szöveg címét, az esetleges alcímeket! Érdemes nagyobb figyelmet szentelni a tartalmi
szempontból kitüntetett szövegrészeknek: az első bekezdésnek, amely összefoglal(hat)ja a szöveg
mondanivalóját, valamint a további bekezdések első mondatának is. Ez utóbbi az ún. tételmondat,
amely a bekezdés legfontosabb gondolatát tartalmazhatja.
Ahhoz, hogy globális képet kapjon a szöveg témájáról, nem szükséges az egész cikket elolvasni.

Időt takaríthat meg azzal, hogy ha csak a kérdések ismeretében olvassa végig a szöveget, és azokra
a szövegrészekre összpontosít, amelyekre a kérdések vonatkoznak.
2. A kérdések a szöveg mondatainak sorrendjét követik. Vegye egymás után sorra a kérdéseket!
a. Olvassa el figyelmesen a kérdést! Törekedjen a válaszlehetőségek közötti lényegi különbség
megragadására! Ehhez hasznos segítség lehet a kulcsszavak aláhúzása.
b. Olvassa a szöveget mindaddig, amíg rá nem bukkan a kérdésre adható válaszra! Olvassa el
nagyon figyelmesen az adott szövegrészt és tekintse át ismét a 4 válaszlehetőséget!
c. Ne döntsön elhamarkodottan! Lehetséges, hogy ha figyelmesebben/tovább olvassa a
szöveget, akkor egyértelműen kiderül, hogy egy adott válaszlehetőség egy másik személyre,
időszakra, helyszínre stb. vonatkozik. Az is előfordulhat, hogy a szöveg következő mondata
módosítja vagy megcáfolja a korábbiakat.
d. Hasznos lehet aláhúzni a megfelelő információt tartalmazó szövegrészt és megjelölni, hogy
hányadik kérdésre tartalmazza a választ. Így szükség esetén könnyen vissza tudja keresni a
szövegrészt és ellenőrizheti megoldását!

3. Mindenképpen jelölje meg valamelyik választási lehetőséget akkor is, ha nem sikerült pontosan
megértenie a szöveg vonatkozó részét! Ilyen esetben találgathat, vagy – ami talán hatékonyabb –
dönthet kizárásos alapon. Zárja ki azt a három válaszlehetőséget, amelyek a feladat egésze vagy
háttérismeretei alapján kevésbé valószínűnek, kevésbé hihetőnek tűnnek, és jelölje a fennmaradó
lehetőséget helyes válaszként!

3.4. Mondatrészlet visszahelyezése a szövegbe (Matching clauses)

Ebben a feladatban a vizsgázóknak mondatrészleteket kell visszahelyezni a szöveg üresen hagyott
részeibe úgy, hogy ezáltal a mondat és szöveg értelme helyreálljon. A főmondatot nem érinti a kihagyás,
a szövegből kiemelt részletek mellékmondatok.
A szövegből hiányzó mondatrészletek száma 8-9. Az üres helyeken sorszám áll, a mondatrészleteket
pedig az abc nagybetűi jelölik. A visszahelyezésre váró mondatrészletek között van 1 felesleges elem,
amely sehová sem illeszthető be.
A feladat (0) üres helyén található mintamegoldás segíti a vizsgázókat.

Tippek, tanácsok

1. Először áttekintő olvasással semmiképpen sem több mint 2 perc alatt derítse ki, miről szól a szöveg!

2. Tanulmányozza a (0) üres helyen megadott mintamegoldást, és tartalmilag dolgozza fel az így
rekonstruált szöveget!

3. Olvassa el és pontosan értelmezze a visszahelyezésre váró mondatrészleteket!

4. Ezután vegye sorra a szöveg üresen hagyott helyeit!

a. Tanulmányozza alaposan a közvetlen szövegkörnyezetet! Próbálja meg kitalálni, mivel
lehetne folytatni a mondatot!
b. Vizsgálja meg azokat a mondatrészleteket, amelyek szóba jöhetnek az adott üres helyen!

c. Figyeljen a tagmondatok közötti kapcsolatot megteremtő ún. kohéziós eszközökre, a
kötőszókra (because, although stb.), a névmásokra (these, it, him, her stb.)!
d. Ellenőrizze, hogy a tagmondatban használt igeidők, egyes/többes szám stb. illeszkedik-e a
e. Fontos az írásjelek szerepének felismerése, a központozási szabályok ismerete (például a
that és what kötőszók elé sohasem teszünk vesszőt).
f. Ha úgy érzi, hogy az adott üres helyre több mondatrészlet is illik, akkor két dolgot tehet:
1) Elemezze még alaposabban a mondat nyelvtani szerkezetét! Előfordulhat, hogy
tartalmilag valóban két mondatrészlet is beleillik egy adott üres helyre, de nyelvtanilag csak
az egyik megfelelő.
2) Mind a két mondatrészlet betűjelét jegyezze fel és haladjon tovább! Térjen vissza az adott
kérdéshez később, amikor már véglegesítette azokat a válaszait, amelyekben biztos!
Előfordulhat az is, hogy az adott üres helyet valóban két mind nyelvtanilag, mind tartalmilag
odaillő mondatrészlettel is ki lehet tölteni, de ilyen esetben egészen bizonyosan van a
feladatban olyan üres hely, ahová a két mondatrészletből csak az egyik illik be.
5. Ha biztos a megoldásban, akkor érdemes áthúzni annak betűjelét, nehogy véletlenül kétszer
használja fel ugyanazt a mondatrészletet.

6. Leghatékonyabban úgy ellenőrizheti a feladatmegoldását, ha utoljára még egyszer átolvassa a már

kiegészített szöveget, és meggyőződik róla, hogy értelmes-e.

3.5. Szóképzés (Word formation)

A szóképzés a vizsgasor nyelvismeretet mérő feladata. A vizsgázóknak ebben a feladatban a
zárójelben megadott szó megfelelő képzett alakját kell beírni a szöveg számozott üres helyére úgy, hogy
ezáltal a mondat/szöveg értelme helyreálljon.
A szövegből hiányzó szavak száma 11-12. A feladat (0) üres helyén található mintamegoldás segíti
a vizsgázókat.

A feladatban a megadott szóból azonos tövű, de más szófajú/jelentésű szót kell képezni. Például:
hate (ige) → hatred (főnév), madness (főnév) → mad (melléknév), friendly (melléknév) → unfriendly
(melléknév). A feladatban előfordulhatnak többszörös képzések (pl.: agree → disagreement, act →
reaction) éppúgy, mint morfológiai jelölő nélküli különböző szófajú alakok (pl.: a challenge szó alakja
igeként és főnévként ugyanaz). Ez utóbbi esetben tehát a zárójelben lévővel azonos szóalakot kell az
üres helyre írni.

A feladatot nehezíti, hogy a képzett szónak a szövegkörnyezetbe illő ragozott (pl.: többes számú
vagy múlt idejű) alakját kell megadni, továbbá ügyelni kell a helyesírásra is. Pontot csak a minden
szempontból helyes szóalak ér. Természetesen egyaránt elfogadható a szavak brit és amerikai angol
helyesírása is, pl.: age → ageing/aging, továbbá vannak olyan tövek, amelyekből két azonos jelentésű
alak is képezhető. Például a villanykörte gyűjteményről szóló feladat (a feladat a 154. oldalon található)
6. kérdésére az electrical és electric válasz is elfogadható.
“The history of technology is full of collectable firsts: astronomical devices, engines,
(6)__________(electricity) apparatus and medical instruments.”

Nézzünk még két további tanulságos példát a kiadványban szereplő feladatokból!

“One of the stoves, built in 1938 and bullet (2)__________(shape), is used to burn the paper ballots.
The second, built in 2005, is used to create the proper smoke — white if a new pope has been elected
by the 115 cardinals, black if not — which mixes with smoke from the ballots as it travels up the flue.
Traditionally, after a(n) (3)__________(success) vote officials would add damp straw to the ballots
to make sooty black smoke.”

A pápaválasztáson felszálló füstről szóló feladat 3. kérdése (a feladat a 130. oldalon található)
nehéznek bizonyult a vizsgázóknak, sokan successful/succesful, illetve unsuccesful megoldást írtak.
Helyes válaszként azonban kizárólag az unsuccessful szó fogadható el, hiszen a kérdést megelőző
mondatból egyértelmű, hogy fekete füstre a sikertelen szavazás után van szükség. Az pedig sajnálatos,
hogy sokan elvétik e gyakori szó helyesírását.

“One key element of the study was that, instead of using (10)____________(instant) of lightning as
reported by individuals on the ground, the researchers relied upon a series of ground sensors…”.

A villámlás és a fejfájás kapcsolatáról szóló feladat (lásd 165. oldal) 10. kérdésére többen azért nem
kaptak pontot a vizsgán, mert ugyan helyesen képezték az instance főnevet, de megfeledkeztek arról,
hogy az megszámlálható főnév, s ezért az adott szövegkörnyezetben csak a többes számú instances alak

Tippek, tanácsok

1. Olvassa el a szöveg címét, majd 1-2 perc alatt fussa át a szöveget! Mivel a nyelvismereti kérdések
szövegbe ágyazottan szerepelnek, helyes megválaszolásukhoz szükség lehet a szöveg globális
értésére is, továbbá a szöveg témájának ismerete segíthet aktiválni a szükséges szóalakokat.

2. Tanulmányozza alaposan a megadott szó közvetlen szövegkörnyezetét! Elengedhetetlenül fontos

megállapítani, hogy milyen szófajú szó illik oda.

3. Nagyon fontos, hogy ne csak a zárójelben megadott szó képzésére koncentráljon. Figyeljen annak
nyelvtani tulajdonságaira (pl. megszámlálható/megszámlálhatatlan főnevek, amelyek akár
jelentésükben is eltérhetnek) és arra is, milyen nyelvtani szerkezetben szerepel a szövegben! A
vizsgázók nemegyszer megfeledkeznek például arról, hogy számban vagy időben egyeztessék a
beírt szóalakot.

4. Gondoljon arra is, hogy bizonyos esetekben csak a tágabb szövegkörnyezetből tudja megállapítani,
hogy pozitív vagy negatív jelentésű szót kell képezni, pl.: power → powerful/powerless.

5. Lényeges a kiegészített mondat/szövegrész végső átolvasása, hogy ellenőrizzük, értelmes, logikus

és nyelvtanilag is helyes-e a megoldásunk.
6. A válaszokat át kell másolni a válaszlapra. Ez jó alkalom arra, hogy még egyszer ellenőrizze a
szóalakok helyesírását.

3.6. Hasznos technikai tudnivalók a feladatok megoldásához a vizsgán
 A feladatok megoldásakor a feladatlapon lehet dolgozni, de a végső megoldást át kell másolni a
 Nem érdemes rögtön a válaszlapra írni a megoldást. Dolgozzon a feladatlapon és hagyjon kb. 5
percet az átmásolásra! Amennyiben nem másolja át a feladatok megoldásait a válaszlapra, úgy
azok nem kerülnek értékelésre.
 A vizsgán kék tollal kell dolgozni. Ha ceruzával ír, akkor annak szintén az lesz a következménye,
hogy válaszai nem értékelhetők.

Az 1-3. feladat
 Az 1-3. feladat megoldásait úgy kell megadni a válaszlapon, hogy X-et tesz a válasz betűjele alá.

Part 1
Put an X under the correct letter for each question.

0 A B C D E F G H I J K

1 A B C D E F G H I J K

2 A B C D E F G H I J K

… A B C D E F G H I J K

 Az 1-3. feladatok esetében a válaszlapon javítani nem szabad. Javítófesték és hasonló eszközök
használata tilos. Amennyiben az 1-3. feladatok valamelyikében elvéti az átmásolást, úgy
forduljon problémájával a teremfelügyelőhöz!
 Ellenőrizze, hogy nem tett-e véletlenül X-et a mintamegoldás oszlopába!
 Ellenőrizze, hogy nem tett-e véletlenül több X-et ugyanabba a sorba!
 Ellenőrizze, hogy nem hagyott-e megválaszolatlanul kérdést! Ha nem jutott valamelyik feladat
végére, akkor tippeljen! A rossz válaszért ugyanis nem jár büntetés (a jó válasz 1, a rossz válasz
0 pontot ér).

A 4. feladat
 A 4. feladat megoldásait is át kell másolni a válaszlapra, s eközben előfordulhatnak
betűtévesztések, elírások. A tévesztést egyértelműen húzza át!
 Egy kérdésre csak egy választ adjon! Csak a legjobbnak vélt választ írja át a válaszlapra!
 Az átmásoláskor még egyszer ellenőrizze magoldásainak helyesírását!

3.7. Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret feladatsorok


1. Alcím hozzárendelése One man's volunteer effort to plant trees in San Francisco
2. Többszörös Nick Robinson: Winston Churchill's bitter battle with the BBC
3. Mondatrészlet Long-lost Van Gogh painting
How to stop a nuclear meltdown
visszahelyezése szövegbe discovered
Stoppard's 'Anna Karenina' breaks Conclave smoke’s recipe is a
4. Szóképzés with convention again mystery

1. Alcím hozzárendelése Organised crime in the UK is bigger than ever before. Can the police
bekezdéshez catch up?
2. Többszörös End of the road
3. Mondatrészlet Orson Welles's first professional Mars is safe from radiation – but
visszahelyezése szövegbe film discovered the trip there isn't
Meredith Frampton is the forgotten Mudslides could be predicted
4. Szóképzés with acoustic sensors
genius of British art

1. Alcím hozzárendelése JK Rowling: is she the guardian How do tropical frogs get their
bekezdéshez of our children's minds? stunning colours?
2. Többszörös Camille Claudel and August A bike path near Amsterdam is
feleletválasztás Rodin now generating solar power
3. Mondatrészlet Facelift for Budapest's famous baths
visszahelyezése szövegbe
4. Szóképzés Light bulb collection proves a bright idea

1. Alcím hozzárendelése Madagascar’s lemurs, sacred no more
2. Többszörös 10 top tips from our Berlin correspondent
3. Mondatrészlet Why Is This Woman Smiling? Yorkshire's revived river Aire is
visszahelyezése szövegbe a lesson in people power
The Continued Misadventures of Lightning may trigger migraine
4. Szóképzés ‘Huckleberry Finn’ headaches


Part 1  KEY
Read the following text. Choose the best heading from the list (A-K) for
each part (1-9) of the text and write its letter next to the number above
each paragraph. There is ONE EXTRA heading that you do not need to
use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

One man's volunteer effort to plant trees in San Francisco

0 C
For almost 30 years, Charlie Starbuck has volunteered to plant trees all over San Francisco, one street
at a time, as a member of the nonprofit group Friends of the Urban Forest. Charlie Starbuck has them
in just about every part of this city. Walk a block or two in virtually any neighborhood, from the
concrete canyons of the financial district to the windblown avenues of the Outer Sunset and Mr.
Starbuck's fingerprints are there. It might be a Brisbane box, a bronze loquat, a primrose, or a purple
leaf plum. Whatever the species of tree, chances are excellent that Starbuck helped plant it.
A soft-spoken gentleman fond of berets, Starbuck has volunteered for a citywide tree-planting
program since 1981, nearly without interruption. That's almost 30 years of weekly plantings, without
pay, come rain or shine. "For Charlie to be that consistent..." says Doug Wildman, program director
of San Francisco's Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF), his voice trailing off as he searches for the right
superlative. "Well, he's our rock." FUF ( is the nonprofit group for which Starbuck has
volunteered all these years.
On a recent dewy winter morning, neighbors gather in front of a row of San Francisco homes. Staff
members from FUF have already been busy positioning trees in 15-gallon pots in front of the homes,
whose owners had signed up for the subsidized $75-per-tree planting. This is a relatively small project
– about 15 trees. Water and cable lines had been identified so they wouldn't be mistakenly cut. All
that is left to do is dig the holes, plant the trees, and stake them.
Neighbors and volunteers had been asked to meet at 9 a.m. Like clockwork, a few minutes before 9,
up the block chugs Starbuck, toting his little black satchel of tools, his clippers in a holster hanging
from his belt. He's come from across town, courtesy of a city bus. Unusually, since moving to the city,
he's never owned a car.
For all its charm, San Francisco is not particularly leafy. A 2006 study by the US Forest Service found
that about 12 percent of the city is covered by trees. In contrast, trees cover nearly 29 percent of
Washington D.C., 22 percent of Boston, and 21 percent of New York. Sandy soil, salty air, lots of
wind, and narrow streets are common explanations for San Francisco's low tree count. For nearly three
decades, Starbuck has been on a mission to change that.
The average tree planting is 30 trees per outing, though 60- and even 90-tree plantings occur from
time to time. Starbuck acts as a guide and teacher to the home-owners and volunteers. As he works,
he likes to talk about – what else, trees. "My current favorite is the strawberry tree," he offers. Tree
experts here are constantly on the look out for species that can handle the local climate. The strawberry

tree, with its mock red fruit that hangs in draping clusters, is in high demand. "They're hard to find
right now because of the popularity," says FUF planting manager Heidi Lakics.
Care is relatively simple. Most of San Francisco has sandy soil, so it is almost impossible to overwater
the trees, Starbuck says. Just before a sapling goes in the ground, Starbuck uses a box cutter to make
vertical slices down each side of the root ball so the roots don't continue to grow in a circular fashion,
as they do in their container. He's also precise about staking the tree. Three poles are driven in, then
soft cloth straps are attached to each pole so that the tree can sway a bit. The ability to sway actually
strengthens the trunk, like "flexing a muscle," he says.
Starbuck was born in Philadelphia. After earning a law degree, he came to San Francisco in the 1960s
to visit. Like many who arrived in the '60s, he never left. The young lawyer became more interested
in neighborhood affairs than his legal career. He practiced tax law to make ends meet. In the early
'70s, he became involved in efforts to limit the growth of high-rise buildings in the city center, which
ultimately failed. The San Francisco mayor at the time, George Moscone, appointed Starbuck to the
city planning commission, where he served from 1976-81.
Over time, Starbuck began to notice his adopted city's dearth of trees. Looking out from his modest
one-bedroom apartment with a spectacular second-story view of the Golden Gate Bridge, it is easy to
see what he means. The sight of treetops is still relatively rare. Through a friend of a friend, Starbuck
heard about FUF, which opened its doors in 1981. He started volunteering. "It was a big turn on," he
says of FUF. "It's easy to be obsessed with it because of the whole transformation that occurs. You
change so much [by planting trees] in one morning. It's an emotional high for me."
Michael Sullivan understands the lure of trees – and of volunteering. He wrote the 2004 book "Trees
of San Francisco," regarded as an authoritative resource on the city's trees and their history. Mr.
Sullivan also was a volunteer tree planter for many years. "He's done it in such a modest way,"
Sullivan says of Starbuck. "Week after week. He's the Lou Gehrig of tree planting." Last year, FUF
says, more than 350 volunteers planted and cared for trees, contributing about 5,000 hours of labor.
These volunteers are not the homeowners who receive the trees, just citizens who donate time for the
greater good.

A Unlike most Americans

B Expert method
C Signs left
D Victim of logging
E Non-financial reward
F Necessary caution
G Change of plan
H Reliability
I Unfriendly environment
J Shared passion
K Selection criterion

Part 2 KEY
Read the following text. Answer the questions (1-8) after it. Each question has four
options (A-D). Choose the most appropriate option and circle its letter. There is an
example (0) at the beginning.

Nick Robinson: Winston Churchill's bitter battle with the BBC

John Reith, the BBC’s founding father, had always disliked Winston Churchill and ended up loathing
him. After the war, he remarked: “A whole lot of people could have done it better and more cheaply.”
Even when Churchill was dead, Reith refused to walk past his commemorative plaque in the floor
of Westminster Abbey. The feeling had been mutual. Churchill referred to the puritanical Scot who
towered over him as “that Wuthering Height”, and wrote: “I absolutely hate him.”
These two gigantic egos were always likely to collide spectacularly. Both men had enormous self-
belief and very little self-doubt. This was a personality clash with policy consequences. Churchill never
forgave the BBC for what he saw as the censorship of his views. Years later, he would exact his
revenge. The way Churchill was handled is a powerful warning of the dangers of the BBC believing it
is being balanced by excluding the voices of those who do not represent conventional wisdom.
In the early years of the BBC, Reith’s main way of steering clear of controversy was to aim for
political balance. Reith did this by subcontracting the choice of political speakers heard on the BBC.
The leadership of each party could choose who broadcast on its behalf. It was an approach that
guaranteed exposure for the opinions of ministers and their shadows, while dissident voices were
silenced. Winston Churchill and David Lloyd George jointly complained that they were being
prevented from broadcasting their views simply because they were not party loyalists.
Between 1930 and 1939, the number of radio licences issued tripled from three million to almost
nine million. Yet in these years, when his voice could have made such an impression on the public
consciousness, Churchill was heard only rarely on the BBC. He spoke on just 10 occasions in 10 years,
and two of these were appeals for charitable causes.
He was finally invited to give a talk in 1934 and used this opportunity to warn of the danger of
ignoring German rearmament. That broadcast demonstrated the impact Churchill could have had in
warning the country against appeasement. It was not to be. This was his last radio appearance on the
subject before the outbreak of war.
There is no written evidence that Churchill asked the BBC for the opportunity to speak out against
appeasement. However, he did complain to a young BBC producer who visited him on the day after
Chamberlain returned home from Munich. A memo records their meeting. They spent hours discussing
the Nazi threat and “Churchill complained that he had been very badly treated… and that he was always
muzzled by the BBC”. The producer was called Guy Burgess. The man who would become his
country’s most famous traitor tried to reassure the man who would become its saviour that the BBC
was not biased.
After Churchill became prime minister, on 10 May 1940, vast numbers listened to his extraordinary
wartime broadcasts. Churchill claimed that all he did was to give voice to the national mood of
defiance: “The people’s will was resolute and remorseless, I only expressed it. I had the luck to be
called upon to give the roar.”
Even now, the sound of that voice warning of the need for “blood, toil, tears and sweat” makes the
hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. But many of the recordings of those speeches were made
after the event. At the time, people often had to rely on a radio announcer reading out the text Churchill

had given in Parliament, except on the occasions when the great man could be prevailed upon to repeat
them for the benefit of the audience at home.
The prime minister’s speech to the House of Commons on the afternoon of 18 June 1940 gave the
Battle of Britain its name and ended with a phrase that became shorthand for the country’s resolve:
“their finest hour”. The prime minister had to be bullied by the information minister, Harold Nicolson,
into repeating it in a broadcast to the nation at nine o’clock that evening.
The man who showed the prime minister to the microphone was Robert Wood, a BBC engineer.
When advised that he should wait first for the bongs of Big Ben and then to be introduced by an
announcer, Churchill boomed at Wood: “Why Big Ben? I am speaking. The world is waiting for me,
not Big Ben.”
Before one broadcast, Churchill asked Wood to stop one of the studio’s antique clocks, which could
be heard ticking in the background, on the grounds that it sounded “like bloody jackboots, and I won’t
have them marching in Downing Street”. No wonder Wood concluded: “He was a devil to work for
but a treat to work with.”
When the Conservatives won the 1951 election, Churchill became prime minister for the second
time. In the next four years, he did not give a single television interview. Despite his obvious antipathy
to television, this was the period when it began to flourish – thanks, largely, to the princess who became
The crowning of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 was a massive national event, and one which saw a
surge in the sale of television sets. Over two million licences were issued that year, compared with
25,000 held when transmissions restarted after the war. The prime minister, the Archbishop of
Canterbury and the Earl Marshal were united in the view that cameras should not be permitted [inside
the Abbey]. It would be vulgar, intrusive and stressful for the young Queen. She, however, did not
agree. Churchill was told in no uncertain terms by his monarch that the coronation should be seen by
as many people as possible.

0 Churchill disliked Reith because Reith _____.

A was just as self-assured as him
B considered him a bad politician
C did not stand for free speech
D hurt him in his male pride

1 Reith’s tactics in choosing who could speak to the public were based on _____.
A a desire for confrontation
B avoidance of disagreement
C pressure from party leaders
D his own personal bias

2 In 1934 Churchill saw clearly that _____.

A it was finally time to speak his mind
B appeasement was having an impact on Germany
C his speeches were affecting the public consciousness
D attention should be paid to German weaponry
3 Churchill’s meeting with Burgess was notable because of _____.
A the rare recording that was made of it
B the resulting radio broadcasts
C the contrasting roles they played later
D the changes caused in BBC policy

4 The British people _____.

A frequently heard Churchill’s speeches ‘second-hand’
B would always have had the privilege of hearing Churchill on the radio live
C were indifferent to Churchill’s speeches
D waited in vain for the politician to act as his own ‘double’

5 On the evening of 18 June 1940 Churchill resented _____.

A giving his speech at such a late hour
B seeming to be of secondary importance
C adjustments to his speech earlier in the day
D the involvement of an announcer

6 For Wood, the experience of broadcasting with Churchill was _____.

A a once-in-a-lifetime chance
B particularly frustrating
C a source of humiliation
D both a pleasure and a pain

7 Regarding TV broadcasts of the royal wedding, _____.

A the Queen proved more conservative
B Churchill agreed with a leading clergyman
C the Queen supported Churchill’s view
D Churchill perceived their key role

8 Overall, Churchill’s relationship with the broadcasters seemed to be _____.

A prone to hostility
B beneficial to both
C full of misunderstandings
D improving over time

Part 3 KEY
Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the
text. Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-8) in the
text. There is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use. Write your answers
in the gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Long-lost Van Gogh painting discovered

A major new painting by Vincent van Gogh has been discovered after it spent decades locked away
in an attic, suspected to be a fake.
The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam unveiled the long-lost landscape painting today
(0) A that showed the style, technique, paint, canvas and subject matter matched with
other works from the peak of the Dutch artist's career.
“It is already a rarity that a new painting can be added to van Gogh's oeuvre,” Axel Rüger,
director of the Van Gogh Museum, said in a statement. “But what makes this even more exceptional
is that this is a transition work in his oeuvre, and moreover, a large painting from a period
(1)___________, his period in Arles in the south of France.”
Van Gogh died in 1890 at the age of 37, leaving behind hundreds of works. The newly
discovered Sunset at Montmajour dates to 1888, (2)__________ .
The painting, which is about 3 feet by 2.4 feet (93 cm by 73 cm), originally belonged to the
collection of Theo van Gogh, the artist's brother, and was sold in 1901. Shortly thereafter, the
artwork ended up in the hands of a Norwegian collector who tucked it away in his attic
(3)__________, museum officials said at the unveiling ceremony in Amsterdam.
As recently as the 1990s, the painting's authenticity was rejected by the museum. But a new
examination of historical records and the painting's materials helped (4)____________.
“We carried out art historical research into the style, the depiction, use of materials and context,
and everything we found indicated that this is a work by van Gogh,” museum researchers Louis
van Tilborgh and Teio Meedendorp said in a statement. “Stylistically and technically speaking,
there are plenty of parallels with other paintings by van Gogh from the summer of 1888.”
The researchers identified the real location of the painting — a landscape in the south of France
near Arles with the ruins of the Benedictine Montmajour Abbey in the background. The newly
identified painting also shows signs of the same discoloration that has come to characterize van
Gogh's work in recent years, (5)___________. The bright yellows in many of van Gogh's paintings
like The Sunflowers have been turning to muddy browns. Recent studies have shown this darkening
is caused by chemical reactions that occur when ultraviolet light (including sunlight) penetrates the
chrome yellow paint. They even found two references to the work in van Gogh's letters, in which,
critical of the painting (6)____________.
“We see van Gogh visibly working, struggling almost, (7)____________,” van Tilborgh and
Meedendorp said in a statement. “It belongs to a special group of experimental works
(8)____________ than we tend to do nowadays. The painting is even a transitional work.”

A following an investigation

B around the same time van Gogh painted some of his most recognizable pieces

C that van Gogh at times esteemed of lesser value

D colours become hard to distinguish

E troubling conservators

F he declared it unsuccessful

G after discovering it was a fake

H that is considered by many to be the culmination of his artistic achievement

I build a case for its attribution to van Gogh

J and this adds to the charm of this work

Part 3 KEY
Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the
text. Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-8) in the
text. There is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use. Write your
answers in the gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

How to stop a nuclear meltdown

The one quick solution to the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power facility is to restore power to
it. There is an irony to that observation: a nuclear power plant in need of power. But the problem
at Unit 1 at Fukushima Daiichi began with a double whammy: the 8.9-magnitude earthquake off
the coast of Japan (0) A and the resulting tsunami that put the facility's backup power
supply out of commission. The improbable one-two punch resulted in (1)____________ , according
to Kenneth Bergeron, a physicist who used to work on nuclear-reactor-accident simulation at
Sandia National Laboratories in the U.S. The likelihood of the scenario was so low that few
statisticians expected it ever to happen. But it has in Fukushima.
The lack of power meant that Unit 1 could not pump enough water to cool the uranium fuel rods at
the heart of the reactor— hence the decision early Sunday morning (2)____________ to avert a
catastrophic meltdown, a tactic one expert called "a Hail Mary pass." What is key is either rebooting
Fukushima's electrical generators (both AC and diesel) or shipping in units powerful enough to
pump coolant into the reactor at a sufficient rate and volume to bring the heat down.
Otherwise, the plant will have to depend on good timing and a lot of luck. The timing depends on
(3)____________ . After the quake, the reactor had shut down and so the fuel rods had already
begun their cooldown. That cooling starts from the equivalent of 50 megawatts of power,
(4)____________ – but the uranium rods lose heat at a curve, so, Bergeron estimates, a few days
of stopgap measures may be all that's required to keep something catastrophic from happening.
The trouble with that scenario is that it all depends on intervening events. The reported presence of
cesium 127 was disturbing because the element is usually evidence that the reactor core has
overheated, (5)____________ . The radioactive debris is produced when the core is exposed above
the coolant-water level and then overheats. All it takes is 20 to 50 minutes of exposure
(6)____________ . One of the other potential by-products of such overheating is hydrogen, which
is produced when the zirconium sheaths around the uranium rods form a chemical reaction with
the heat and steam. Hydrogen is believed to be the cause of the explosion at Fukushima on Saturday,
(7)____________ and alarmed not only Japan but also most of the world.
What happens next depends on (8)____________ or whether the uranium rods are cooling fast
enough on their own to avoid a meltdown. It also depends on how old the fuel rods are: fresher rods
cool down faster, older ones take much longer. The trouble in this regard is that Fukushima's
reactors are of a decades-old design, and Unit 1 was reportedly scheduled to be retired later this

A that apparently knocked out its main source of electrical power

B to produce enough heat to let off cesium 127

C if only for a portion of time

D thousands of rescuers being rushed to the scene

E whether enough coolant is reintroduced

F what is called a "station blackout”

G an enormous amount of heat

H how fast the fuel rods lose heat

I to flood it with nearby and plentiful seawater in a last-ditch attempt

J which was captured on videotape

Part 4 KEY
Read the following text, from which some words have been removed. Use
the appropriate form of the word in brackets to fill each gap (1-11) in the Лев Толстой:
text. Be careful. The bracketed word may sometimes stay as it is. You can
only write ONE word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning. Aнна Каренина

Stoppard's Anna Karenina breaks with convention again

When celebrated playwright Tom Stoppard signed on to pen director Joe Wright's new big-screen
adaptation of Anna Karenina, he had no idea that the stage would be a key conceit.
"I wrote a (0) conventional (convention) film script, and until a late stage Joe's
(1)___________(intend) was to do an orthodox costume drama," Stoppard, 75, says. But then Wright
went to Russia to (2)___________(scout) locations, and "they kept showing him places where they'd
done (other versions of) Anna Karenina." His luck proved no better in England, where "they showed
him houses where Keira Knightley" – Wright's leading lady – "had been dressed in costume only a
year before last."
So the director – (3)__________(arm) with a screenwriter who had four Tony and two Olivier
Awards to his credit, among (4)__________(count) other honors – decided that his adaptation of Leo
Tolstoy's classic novel would be set mostly in a theater, with only the pastoral scenes taking place in
the outside world. "The idea was that there would be artifice in the way the scenes were presented, but
within those scenes the acting would be (5)__________(faith) to the spirit of the novel," says
In adapting one of Tolstoy's most famous tales, Stoppard was most keen to write about love in the
most universal sense, "in all its forms – between brothers, lovers, mother and child, husband and wife."
And where other movie versions of Anna Karenina have focused on the tortured, doomed
(6)___________(title) character, Wright and Stoppard put equal emphasis – as Tolstoy did – on the
more (7)__________(lift) story of Levin, a sensitive, (8)___________(deep) moral landowner
besotted with Kitty, Anna's brother's sister-in-law. The pure-hearted relationship that gradually
blossoms between Kitty and Levin "represents the kind of love that I think Tolstoy most approved of,"
says Stoppard.
Stoppard wanted to (9)_________(knowledge) both Anna's predicament and that of her husband,
Karenin, a government official. "I think the reason the novel has remained fascinating is that you can
see it from the husband's perspective or the wife's," Stoppard says. "Their marriage was arranged by
an aunt when Anna was only about 18, to a (10)___________(consider) older man. My
(11)____________(assume) was that she'd never really known sexual ecstasy until the first time she
went to bed with Vronsky."
Conversely, "Karenin's nature is cold and he's a bit of a prig, but he never actually does anything
that bad."

Part 4 KEY
Read the following text, from which some words have been removed. Use the
appropriate form of the word in brackets to fill each gap (1-11) in the text. Be
careful. The bracketed word may sometimes stay as it is. You can only write ONE
word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Conclave smoke’s recipe is a mystery

During the papal conclave in the Sistine Chapel, progress will be measured in black and white — the
colors of the smoke that will emerge after the (0) voting (vote), coming from a copper flue jutting
from the chapel roof. But just how those colors are created remains a bit of a mystery.
Vatican officials closed the chapel last week for preparations, including the installation of the flue
and two gray stoves that connect to it by the main (1)____________(enter), across the chapel from
the altar. One of the stoves, built in 1938 and bullet (2)____________(shape), is used to burn the paper
ballots. The second, built in 2005, is used to create the proper smoke — white if a new pope has been
elected by the 115 cardinals, black if not — which mixes with smoke from the ballots as it travels up
the flue.
Traditionally, after a(n) (3)____________(success) vote officials would add damp straw to the
ballots to make sooty black smoke. But confusion during the 1958 conclave, when there were several
false alarms — apparently because the straw failed to ignite — led the Vatican to find a more foolproof
system using chemicals. In 2005, officials started using cartridges, including one marked “fumo
bianco” that created the white smoke (4)____________(announce) the election of Benedict XVI. The
cartridge was meant to produce smoke for six and a half minutes.
Even so, there was some confusion that year about whether black or white smoke poured from the
flue, and bells were rung at St. Peter’s Basilica to confirm the election. The Vatican will ring bells
again this year, as a reinforcement. As to what chemicals the cartridges contain, a Vatican spokesman,
the Rev. Thomas Rosica, said only that the product was prepared by (5)____________(technique)
“from several different elements.”
Ben Baxter, director of Pea Soup Limited, a smoke-machine (6)____________(supply) in Ingleby
Barwick, England, said the principal chemical was most likely potassium chlorate, which ignites
(7)____________ (easy) — a 9-volt battery will do — and produces fine white particles as it burns.
“That’s what we sell in our smoke pellets and smoke grenades,” he said.
A black cartridge probably uses potassium chlorate too, he said, along with a dye to coat the
particles. “It’s (8)____________(little) nasty than anything that would create black smoke in the olden
days,” he said.
Mr. Baxter said that the most likely (9)____________(proceed) would be to place a cartridge in
the newer stove, close the door and then ignite it by sending (10)____________(current) through a
wire. Providing the flue is properly installed, no smoke should escape into the chapel to bother the
cardinals — or the (11)____________(price) Michelangelo frescoes on the ceiling.
For the Vatican officials, it will just be a matter of choosing the proper cartridge. “Let’s hope
somebody labeled them right,” Mr. Baxter said.


Part 1  KEY
Read the following text. Choose the best heading from the list (A-K) for each part
(1-9) of the text and write its letter next to the number above each paragraph.
There is ONE EXTRA heading that you do not need to use. There is an example
(0) at the beginning.

Organised crime in the UK is bigger than ever before. Can the police catch up?
Faced with new threats from international gangsters, the boss of the National Crime Agency, Lynne
Owens, thinks UK policing needs a radical reboot. By Alex Perry
0 A
One afternoon in April, as we climbed into an armoured car outside her office in Vauxhall, south
London, I asked Lynne Owens, the country’s most senior police officer, to describe 21st-century crime
in the UK. Her answer spanned most of the next two hours, as we crawled east through the traffic to
Chelmsford, Essex where, as head of the National Crime Agency (NCA), she had been invited to give
a lecture on the future of law enforcement.
There was Russia’s attempt to kill Sergei Skripal. A North Korean cyber-attack. Eastern European
slave traffickers. Albanian cocaine smugglers. (Sensitive to singling out nationalities, Owens used the
term “western Balkans”). Hundreds of billions of pounds laundered through London every year. A
dramatic rise in the murder rate in the capital in four years. Historic child abuse in Rotherham.
Fentanyl manufacturers in Merseyside and Manchester.
That evening Owens said much organised crime in the UK operated all but unchecked. Partly that was
because there was so much of it. In her car, Owens had told me that the NCA’s latest figures showed
there were 4,629 criminal gangs and syndicates in Britain, employing 33,598 professional gangsters
– numbers that become astonishing when viewed in context. The figure of 4,629 means there are more
gangs in Britain than staff members of the NCA; 33,598 career criminals translates to more gangsters
in Britain than belong to all three big Italian mafias.
Popular perception of organised crime in Britain is anchored in cinematic portrayals such as The
Godfather or historic villains like the Great Train Robbers – and there was once some truth to these
legends. In the first decades of the 20th century, the gangs that held sway over parts of London or
Birmingham, tended to be hierarchies based around family or ethnicity, making money from robbery,
protection, and casinos.
In the 1980s and 90s, gangland transformed. An explosion in counterfeit goods and drugs –
particularly cocaine – and an eased flow of money, communications, commodities and people
propelled the rise of flexible, horizontal criminal networks that displaced small family operations.
While these new forms of crime defy old stereotypes, for those who know where to look, signs of it
are all around. Every year, Britons unwittingly drink millions of bottles of untaxed Italian wine,
smuggled in by the Calabrian mafia, the ‘Ndrangheta. Farmers and owners of empty factories who

wake up one morning to find their land buried under tonnes of rubbish are victims of an illegal waste
disposal industry worth billions a year.
Owens points out that when you get your nails done cheaply in a new salon, or your car washed by
hand at one of thousands of pop-up garages in car parks across the country, there is a good chance
that you are being served by someone who has been trafficked. Many of the workers picking fruit and
vegetables on farms across the UK are also indentured labour. The NCA registered a 35% rise in
reports of slavery in the UK from 2016 to 2017.
Perhaps the most visible manifestations of organised crime are the violent turf wars between drug
gangs, which help explain how homicides in London had hit 123 by 19 November this year. Drug
deaths, too, are near an all-time high – partly due to the introduction of ever-purer cocaine and
fentanyl, which can be 100 times as strong as morphine – killing 2,503 in England and Wales in 2017.
To career officers, the explosion in organised crime is no surprise. Britain’s police have fretted for
more than a decade about their inability to catch organised criminals. In a 2005 report, Closing the
Gap, inspector of constabulary Dennis O’Connor noted that while overall crime was falling, organised
crime was rising steeply but that, nonetheless, “typically less than 6%” of crime groups were targeted
by police.
The NCA’s near-infinite mission poses other problems. For one, it makes it hard for the agency to
define itself, to itself and others. Organised crime takes many guises – from a tight Italian clan to a
group of hackers who never know each other’s names and coalesce for mere hours. “There are even
some criminologists who think it’s a complete illusion to talk about organised crime,” says Levi. With
an enemy so difficult to describe, he adds, “it’s not obvious to most people what the NCA does”

A Short question – long answer

B Falsified past

C Against the trend

D Alarming comparison

E No rural idyll
F Fact and fiction merged

G Professional disagreement

H Structural transformation

I Fatal peak

J The price of commercial success

K Keen to avoid offence

Part 2 KEY
Read the following text. Answer the questions (1-8) after it. Each question
has four options (A-D). Choose the most appropriate option and circle its
letter. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
End of the road
Far is not so far anymore. When I took my first long trip to India in 1986, I didn’t speak to my
parents for five months because the phone lines were so bad. I collected my mail at the Poste
Restante counter each time I arrived in a new town, and wrote home on crinkly airmail paper to
save postage.
At 37, I am not yet old – but these details already belong to a very old-fashioned world. E-mail
and Internet cafes have made the letter home seem as quaint as sealing wax. And if a young traveller
went five months without calling nowadays you would assume the worst.
Stealthily, the world is converging, thanks to cheap flights and computers, cable television,
mobile-phone networks and the spread of commercial franchises that have put Irish pubs and
pizzerias in cities as far apart as Baku and Tegucigalpa.
And yet, the purpose of travel remains the same – to encounter the unfamiliar, to get Elsewhere.
It’s a place of enchantment and transformation which can be arduous to reach, but which promises
to enrich your understanding of the world, and reflect your own life back at you. Prospero’s island
in Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest” is the epitome of Elsewhere. No one went there to get a
suntan, and there’s tension between the locals and the outsiders, but almost everyone went home a
little altered.
Throughout history the existence of Elsewhere has been given. Traditionally, it was very close,
rarely more than a day’s walk away. But the same global culture that now draws us together also
threatens to tame Elsewhere with uniformity. After all, Prospero’s island wouldn’t seem quite so
magical if there were a Club Med on it.
I travelled by biplane through a wilderness of snow in 2002 to visit the Even, a group of reindeer-
herding near-nomads in northern Siberia, only to find myself in a wooden hut watching a
Hollywood submarine movie with them. I wanted to eat ritual hallucinogens and talk about
shamanism; they wanted to drink whisky and discuss Mr. Bean.
Our appetite for more and more destinations is partly driven by this sense that Elsewhere is
disappearing, like a once common animal, retreating further into the woods as its numbers dwindle.
It’s almost a relief when you come across indisputable national traits: lachrymose Russians quoting
Pushkin, Argentines dancing the tango. Yet you half expect those characteristics to peel off like
fake adobe on a Mexican restaurant in a shopping mall.
The danger is that as travel becomes easier, and places change to accommodate the homogenised
appetites of global tourism, we will lose the sense of wonder that travel has always inspired. And
if we lose sight of Elsewhere, then we are no longer provoked by its unfamiliarity, challenged to
open our eyes and look at our own lives afresh. “Here,” laments the poet Philip Larkin, “no
elsewhere underwrites my existence.”
Nothing lifts your heart like the first sight of home after time spent Elsewhere – those initial
moments when the known is strange again. Our native planet never seemed so spectacular as when
we first saw it from the moon.

Yet the answer is not to take to space tourism, but to recognise that the close and familiar can
have as much power to surprise us as the temples of Angkor Wat, or the snowy Andes, or any other
elsewhere you choose. I recently returned home after a weekend spent walking with three friends.
We covered 60 kilometres in three days – it would have taken 45 minutes in a car. But at our slow
pace, the hills and churchyards and soft rain of north Devon gave me a greater sense of Elsewhere
than I ever got from my first and somewhat disappointing glimpse of the Taj Mahal.

0 During his 1986 trip to India the writer of the article kept in touch with
his parents _________ .
A for only 5 months of his trip
B using old-fashioned landlines
C in the good old traditional way
D by calling them from every new town

1 When abroad young people nowadays _________ .

A call their parents only if bad comes to worst
B seldom resort to letter-writing
C don’t go to old-fashioned Internet cafes
D don’t dare to frighten their parents by keeping silent

2 Our world is shrinking _________ .

A although flying has become cheaper
B in a number of obvious ways
C with the advent of technological innovations
D despite the spread of franchises

3 As in the Tempest, travel is a way to _________ .

A experience ardour
B relate to the native population
C realize the promise of wealth
D undergo changes

4 The visit the writer paid to reindeer nomads _________ .

A was to their mutual satisfaction
B was in line with what he had expected
C revealed the influence of western culture
D showed the continuity of traditional lifestyles

5 We tend to rush to newer and newer places for fear of losing _________ .
A assimilated cultures
B a diverse world
C endangered species
D authentic decor

6 The danger of globalisation in tourism is that _________ .

A the known is not the same any more
B the magic is lost
C tastes have become homogenised
D unfamiliarity challenges only the eye

7 The solution the writer suggests is to _________ .

A go on hiking tours on home ground
B travel to places with the power to surprise
C continue searching for elsewhere
D raise our awareness of the familiar

8 In the article, the author communicates a feeling of _________ .

A indignation over the changes among primitive peoples
B contentment with the process of globalisation
C the need to transform our perspective on the world
D hope that cultures will once again differ

Part 3 KEY
Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from
the text. Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-
8) in the text. There is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use.
Write your answers in the gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Orson Welles's first professional film discovered in an Italian warehouse

It's a hugely exciting discovery – and a bizarre, unexpected one too. An early Orson Welles film,
(0) A , has been found in a warehouse in northern Italy. Too Much Johnson, the second
film Welles ever created, is a silent movie, a slapstick comedy (1)________________ and was
thought to have been destroyed in a fire. "We may never fully understand the mystery of why it
was abandoned. What matters now is that it is safe, and that it will be seen," says Dr Paolo Cherchi
Usai, senior curator of motion pictures at the George Eastman House in Rochester, New York,
(2)________________. The film, says Cherchi Usai, is the "intellectual bridge" between Welles's
theatrical and cinematic careers. Not only is it a key to understanding how he transferred between
the two disciplines, but it represents the "moment when Welles fell in love with the cinema".
Too Much Johnson, the second film Welles ever worked on, was shot in three parts, and designed
(3)________________ as part of a Mercury theatre production of the same name in 1938. The three
sequences were inspired by classic silent comedy – the slapstick farces (4)________________. The
cast of the play all take their respective parts in the movies: Joseph Cotten in the lead role, supported
by Mercury regulars Arlene Francis, Howard Smith, Edgar Barrier, Mary Wickes and Welles's first
wife, Virginia Nicholson. Welles allegedly appears (5)________________ – but the George
Eastman House restorers could not identify him among the crowd. Composer and author Paul
Bowles was to provide music for the film, and it's said (6)________________.
Despite the Keystone influence, Cherchi Usai says: "From a pictorial standpoint, you can tell
this is an Orson Welles film. Some of the compositions are stunningly beautiful." It's a work print,
(7)________________ as akin to a sketch of a painting – "a glimpse of what Welles wanted to do",
rather than a finished film.
Welles shot hours of footage for the project, (8)________________, but for one reason or
another it was never shown: the Mercury theatre's ceiling was too low to accommodate a projector,
say some; others believe the actors demanded more money to play in a film. In any event, the play
closed early, after dire previews out of town.

A previously thought lost

B to be projected

C as a bumbling Keystone Kop figure

D that has never been shown

E making his first professional movie

F which the restorer describes

G that future star Judy Holliday can be glimpsed as an extra too

H and edited it himself on a Moviola in a New York hotel room

I which restored the footage

J produced by Mack Sennett's Keystone Studio in particular

Part 3 KEY
Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the
text. Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-8) in the
text. There is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use. Write your
answers in the gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Mars is safe from radiation – but the trip there isn't

You needn't fry on Mars. Readings from NASA's Curiosity rover suggest radiation levels on the Red
Planet are about the same as those in low Earth orbit, (0) A . A Mars visit would still be
dangerous though, due to the years-long return trip.
Unlike Earth, Mars has no magnetosphere (1)________________ . But it does have a thin
atmosphere, and readings from two of Curiosity's instruments suggest (2)________________ . "This
is the first ever measurement of the radiation environment on any planet other than Earth," Curiosity
team member Don Hassler said. "Astronauts can live in this environment."
The rover's weather station recorded evidence of (3)________________ . Sunlight heats the
planet's atmosphere on the side facing the sun, causing it to expand upwards and triggering a decrease
in air pressure. But things chill quickly on the other side, (4)________________ .
As Mars rotates, the bulge of heated air travels with the "day" side from east to west. The Curiosity
rover feels this effect as changes in air pressure over the course of a Martian day. At the same time,
the rover's radiation monitor saw daily dips in charged particles (5)________________ that come
with a denser atmosphere. "The atmosphere is acting as a shield to radiation," Hassler said.
The scientists were not ready to put numbers to the daily radiation dose people would experience
on Mars. But the overall levels are lower than those the spacecraft carrying Curiosity recorded during
its interplanetary flight, and about what astronauts see on the International Space Station (ISS).
"It's roughly (6)________________," astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell of University College
London told New Scientist. The biggest threat to Mars voyagers would be the cumulative radiation
exposure during the long trip. NASA estimates that a return human mission to Mars would take three
years. During that time astronauts might receive more than seven times the radiation
dose (7)________________.
Building up radiation exposure increases the risk of developing various cancers, so NASA has set
limits on how much total radiation astronauts can experience over the course of their careers.
Figuring out the exact risk on Mars is crucial to understanding the total dose a human mission would
face and whether it is within safe limits.
Solar flares would also be a problem. On Earth these eruptions of charged particles from the sun
are largely deflected by the magnetosphere. But Mars enjoys no such protection, and since Curiosity
has yet to see a flare, it is unclear (8)________________.
Dartnell suggests that a base on Mars could be built underground to avoid surface radiation.

A where astronauts hang out for months on the International Space Station

B this provides some protection

C to shield it from solar and galactic radiation

D they get during six months on the ISS

E which was fatal

F what is known as a thermal tide on Mars

G that match the increases in air pressure

H how much shielding the thin atmosphere would provide

I what we were expecting

J so that the atmosphere deflates and becomes denser

Part 4 KEY
Read the following text, from which some words have been removed. Use the
appropriate form of the word in brackets to fill each gap (1-11) in the text. Be careful.
The bracketed word may sometimes stay as it is. You can only write ONE word in
each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Meredith Frampton is the forgotten genius of British art

One day in 1980, a talented curator at the Tate gallery set out for the village of Monkton Deverill
on the River Wylye in Wiltshire, south-west England. His destination was Hill Barn, an isolated and
(0) distinctive (distinction) house with two tall chimneys on a hill overlooking the village.
(1)__________(inspiration) by historical French architecture, the house had been designed and
built in the 1940s by its occupant, an (2)__________(obscurity) octogenarian artist who had not
painted a single picture for three-and-a-half decades. The curator hoped to (3)__________(security)
the blessing of this recluse – a decorous throwback to the Edwardian era who once told a reporter,
“On August 4, 1914, civilisation came to an end” – for a retrospective of his work.
Two years later, the artist’s first one-man exhibition opened at the Tate, which held the national
collection of British art, (4)___________(short) before his 88th birthday. “Amazing, isn’t it?” the
curator, Richard Morphet, who is now 78, told me recently.
The artist’s name was Meredith Frampton. Today, thanks in large part to Morphet’s efforts,
Frampton’s icily sublime and eerily intense neo-classical portraits of the 1920s and 30s enjoy a
degree of (5)___________(prominent). His Portrait of a Young Woman (1935), for instance, which
depicts a beautiful auburn-haired woman wearing a floor-(6)___________(long) ivory silk dress,
can be seen on the walls of Tate Modern in London.
The same woman appears in A Game of Patience (1937), an (7)___________(equalize) ravishing
canvas and one of four pictures by Frampton included in True to Life – an exhibition at Edinburgh’s
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art which is devoted to the overlooked tradition of British
realist painting between World War One and Two.
Encountered in reality, Frampton’s paintings (8)___________(emission) charisma and grace, as
well as a compelling, if unsettling, sense of the uncanny. Frankly, they are in a different league to
almost all the other pictures by his contemporaries in the True to Life exhibition. Aside from
anything else, the smooth polish of his (9)___________(flaw) technique – often, he would work on
a single painting for an entire year – is jaw-dropping.
“Every period has its geniuses,” says art historian Sacha Llewellyn, who wrote a catalogue essay
to (10)___________(company) the True to Life show, “and Frampton is definitely one of the greats
of British art. His impeccable technique would be admired in any age. He had vision – but he was
also a visionary.”
Despite the manifest (11)___________(brilliant) of his paintings, though, many people today
have never heard of Frampton.

Part 4 KEY
Read the following text, from which some words have been removed. Use the
appropriate form of the word in brackets to fill each gap (1-11) in the text. Be
careful. The bracketed word may sometimes stay as it is. You can only write ONE
word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Mudslides could be predicted with acoustic sensors
Hear that? Acoustic sensors that detect soil movement in slopes prior to landslides may, in future,
provide early (0) warnings (warn). This could help to avoid tragedies like the Washington
mudslide on 22 March.
There is a strong (1)__________(probable) that heavy rainfall triggered the slide, which was the
largest in the US for a decade and buried the town of Oso in Washington state. By Tuesday, 14
people were confirmed dead, with 176 unaccounted for.
Smothering an area of around 2.5 square kilometres, the 1.3-kilometre-wide slide occurred at
10.45 am local time on Saturday 22 March, leaving much of the town covered in a (2)_________(lay)
of mud and debris up to 12 metres (3)_________(thickness). The material descended from a steep,
tree-covered slope overlooking the town.
Landslide experts viewing photos and footage of the disaster speculate that month-long heavy
rains, which ceased a few days before the slide, were probably to blame.
Dave Petley, a (4)__________(geology) and authority on landslides at Durham University,
UK, speculates on his blog that days after the deluge, excess groundwater migrated up to
(5)_________(saturation) the soil on the upper slopes. "It would have liquefied the top block, and
eventually made the water pressure high enough to (6)________(stabilise) the soil," he told New
Petley concludes that the upper block corkscrewed round as it descended and eventually landed
on lower reaches of the slope. “All the trees have fallen in the same direction as the block twisted
and settled,” he says.
Once on the lower reaches, it crushed the soil, turning it into a (7)________(mud) slew that buried
the town.
"It could be that the bottom slid first, with the top following, but if that had happened, you would
expect it to be when it was actually wet and raining," he says. The time (8)__________(lag) suggests
it was the groundwater rising to the upper levels that triggered the slide.
Petley says that a sensor system under development since 2006 at the University of
Loughborough, UK, may have provided forewarning of the slide and enabled more
(9)__________(reside) to evacuate. “It is a very promising technique,” he says.
The sensor consists of a pipe inserted into a vertical borehole in the flank of a landslide-prone
slope. The pipe is filled with gravel, which produces (10)_________(detect) sound if the grains grind
against each other through pressure from surrounding soil moving. This kind of soil movement is
often a prelude to a slide.
Gary Fowmes of the University of Loughborough says that the sensor, called “Slope ALARMS”,
is currently on (11)_________(try) monitoring landslide-prone zones at Peace River in Alberta,


Part 1  KEY
Read the following text. Choose the best heading from the list (A-J) for each
part (1-8) of the text and write its letter next to the number above each
paragraph. There is ONE EXTRA heading that you do not need to use. There
is an example (0) at the beginning.

JK Rowling: is she the guardian of our children's minds?

Will JK Rowling’s ‘The Casual Vacancy’ mean parents turn their backs on Harry Potter? asks
Lorna Bradbury.
0 A
You might have thought from the initial shocked reactions to JK Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy as it
was published around the world yesterday that this 500-page fictional cry of despair was the eighth
volume in the Harry Potter series.
But in case anyone needs reminding, this book is not aimed at children. The Casual Vacancy clearly
echoes many of the themes of Harry Potter; as Rowling has put it in interviews this week, as a writer
she’s concerned with mortality and morality. And it most obviously comes to life when its focus shifts
to the teenagers who are coming of age in the godforsaken town of Pagford, battling their own demons
of a kind rather more prosaic than Lord Voldemort.
But it’s clearly absurd – and not a little misogynistic – to view Rowling as some kind of benevolent
aunt, and someone whose job it is to protect and to nurture our children. And it is something she has
roundly rejected, declaring: “There is no part of me that feels that I represented myself as your
children’s babysitter or their teacher.”
And quite right. Why shouldn’t a children’s writer, even one as successful and as generation-defining
as JK Rowling, be permitted to write for another audience? Roald Dahl’s zany children’s stories are
celebrated, untainted by the suggestion that his much darker adult work will damage children’s health,
should they get their hands on it. Anthony Horowitz is as famous for his screenplays for Foyle’s
War and Midsomer Murders as he is for his two series of teenage thrillers, Power of Five and Alex
Rider. And he has written novels for much younger children too.
Children and their parents exercise their judgment all the time about all kinds of things – including
whether the content of novels is likely either to scare them witless or, more seriously, to present the
issues of the adult world, whether drugs or prostitution or self-harm, in an altogether too adult way.
One of the oddities of Harry Potter, and the thing that sets it apart from most other series of children’s
books (just think of the Famous Five, perpetually stuck in a present tense of ginger beer-fuelled
expeditions) is that though Harry is only 10 when we join him at the Dursleys’ house before he sets
off for his first term at Hogwarts, by book seven he is a full-blown adolescent.

Though Rowling might have conceived her first Harry Potter book as for 9- to 12-year-olds, as she
wrote in her letter of 1995 to Christopher Little, the agent who took her on, the later books aren’t
suitable for many children of that age. In fact, this is something I have been meaning to address in my
children's column, ‘Ask Lorna’, for some time: the difficulty of coming to a series in which the main
characters get older (such as Harry Potter, or Robert Muchamore’s Cherub books) if you’re not
reading them as they were written, but en masse much later. I for one wouldn’t be happy to let my
keen seven-year-old, who has zoomed through the early books, loose on Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows until she’s quite a bit older.
It remains to be seen whether the generation that grew up on Harry Potter, the oldest of whom will
now be in their early twenties, will turn to The Casual Vacancy in the same numbers – and find
something of that captivating drama, if not the same joy or hope, in its pages.
It will also be interesting to see whether the bleakness of The Casual Vacancy will have an effect on
the way we read the Harry Potter books. We may fall slightly out of love with JK Rowling, and the
series may come to seem so much darker viewed through the prism of its more angst-ridden cousin.
Parents will certainly never feel quite so comfortable with Rowling again. But that in itself is not a
good enough reason to dislike this novel that should be judged on its own terms.

A Expectation

B An ageing readership

C Role declined

D Same topics, different setting

E Unique

F Decided by families

G Judgement might change

H Some maturity wished for

I Disappointment

J Not the only one

Part 1 KEY
Read the following text. Choose the best heading from the list (A-J) for each part (1-
8) of the text and write its letter next to the number above each paragraph. There is
ONE EXTRA heading that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the
How do tropical frogs get their stunning colours?

0 A
In the animal world as in fashion, bright color makes a bold statement. The vivid hues of the
strawberry poison dart frog declare, “If you eat me, it could be the last thing you ever do!” And that’s
no bluff. The one-inch amphibian, native to Central and South America, secretes a substance so toxic
that a single drop can kill a bird or snake.
Animals that deploy poison to defend themselves often signal their toxicity with striking color, and in
the interest of clear communication they tend to rely on unvarying patterns, such as the monarch
butterfly’s signature orange and black stripes. But the poison dart frogs, named for the blowgun darts
that indigenous people laced with the toxic secretion, present an exception to this conservative
approach. Although many of the frogs have reddish bodies and blue legs, a significant number exhibit
colors ranging from brilliant orange-red to neon yellow with spots to ocean blue, and more.
And here’s another thing: About 10,000 years ago, this species looked fairly uniform. But rising sea
levels enveloped part of the frogs’ territory in modern-day Panama, creating a series of islands called
Bocas del Toro, and the frogs, isolated in different habitats, followed different evolutionary paths.
Why did they develop a variety of colors that rival a bag of Jolly Rancher candies? Molly Cummings,
of the University of Texas at Austin, has been studying these questions, and she recently concluded
that the frogs’ colorations have been shaped by an unusual combination of pressures to both avoid
predators and win mates.
Cummings suspected that, over the millennia, frogs on some islands developed poisons that were
more lethal than those of frogs living elsewhere in Bocas del Toro—and that the more poisonous the
frog, the more conspicuous its colors. That co-evolution of traits would make sense in the predator-
prey world of natural selection. Frogs that are highly toxic can risk being seen if their color loudly
warns predators to back off. And frogs whose poison is less lethal would have a better chance of
survival if they were less conspicuous.
Cummings and a colleague confirmed this theory by collecting poison dart frogs with ten different
color schemes. Next the scientists extracted toxins from each frog’s skin, diluted them and injected
the mixtures into lab mice. Several of the mice subjected to toxins from the brightest frogs experienced
convulsions and compulsively groomed themselves for hours before the effect wore off and they fell
Poison from frogs that were blander in appearance elicited a less prolonged reaction. A brilliant
orange-red creature from Solarte Island turned out to be 40 times as toxic as a matte green frog from
Colón Island. Among the poison dart frogs, “dressed to kill” has a literal meaning.

What really matters, though, is how the frogs look to predators. Animals perceive colors differently.
Birds see more colors than we do. Snakes view the world in a unique set of shades, including infrared,
which we can’t see. “Many different viewers pay attention to color,” Cummings says, “so the question
is, who shapes the signal?” Cummings found that, among the various animals that dine on the frogs,
only birds have the visual capacity to discern all the frog color varieties. Birds, she says, must have
long been the frogs’ most lethal predator, and the Technicolor skin evolved in response to that threat.
But there’s more to a color than just its hue or shade, and the poison dart frog’s evolution takes
advantage of that, too. Some frogs that share the same color are brighter than others. And while birds
are good at telling different colors apart, they’re not so hot at detecting different levels of brightness.
So the intensity of the frog’s coloration must be about sex, Cummings thought. Cummings discovered
that the frogs’ eyes are fine-tuned to gauge brightness, which she theorized is involved in mate
selection: Females prefer males with the shiniest skin.
From an evolutionary perspective, the poison dart frogs lucked out, since extravagant physical traits
that help males attract a female often make them more vulnerable to predators. Peacocks with long
colorful tails are a hit with the ladies, but the tails make it harder for them to fly away from danger.
Not so with the dandiest poison dart frogs, which get to have it both ways: Their flashy colors
simultaneously attract mates and warn predators. To the envy of other animals, they didn’t have to
sacrifice sex for survival.

A Clear signal

B Diverging populations

C Cause for jealousy

D An expectedly strong response

E Peril from above

F Balancing different strategies

G Unlike others

H Despite loss of living space

I Reason: reproduction

J Experimental setup

Part 2 KEY
Read the following text. Answer the questions (1-8) after it. Each question has four
options (A-D). Choose the most appropriate option and circle its letter. There is an
example (0) at the beginning.

Camille Claudel and August Rodin – a symbiotic love affair gone wrong
Camille Claudel showed artistic promise at a young age, and she seemed to have the support of her
family members, who served as assistants and models for her when she was a child. When she was
about fifteen, Camille met the sculptor Alfred Boucher, who recognized her talent and urged her family
to have her educated in Paris. Though her father’s job transferred him to another town, he must have
thought enough of Camille’s talent himself to consider Boucher’s advice important, because he set up
his family in Paris, where Camille was able to pursue her art lessons. At seventeen, Camille was
studying at the Académie Colarossi, a private school that allowed female students, and Alfred Boucher
introduced her to the director of the École des Beaux Arts. Also about this time Camille shared a private
studio with some fellow art students, and Boucher enlisted Auguste Rodin to supervise these students
while he traveled to Italy to receive an award.
Camille soon became Auguste Rodin’s model, his assistant, and his lover. Before long, whatever
talent she had before meeting Rodin seemed to have been forgotten by so many, and it seemed that her
talent was subsumed by his. Many believed she was Rodin’s protégé in every way, but I don’t think a
man of Rodin’s reputation, both as an artist and as a “ladies’ man,” would have been involved with
Camille for such a long period of time if he had not recognized and been inspired by her artistic genius,
as well as that indefinable quality that being with her brought to his own work. Their relationship
seemed to be symbiotic in many ways, and it was often through Rodin and his connections that Camille
gained her early recognition and commissions. This must have been both gratifying and supremely
frustrating for someone of Camille’s talent and emotional temperament. While Rodin’s fame grew,
inspired by Camille, Camille herself lived in Rodin’s shadow, seen primarily as his collaborator and
his muse. Perhaps it was inevitable that her work was rarely recognized for its own merits, even when
it won awards at exhibitions, because she was so closely involved with Rodin and because their
individual works so often reflected similar themes.
Camille attempted to distance herself from Rodin’s artistic influence in order to develop a more
personally recognizable style, and she was influenced by Japanese motifs that became popular during
this time. Although she received many commissions, such as the one for Clotho, and she earned the
support of gallery owners and sponsors such as Eugène Blot and Maurice Fenaille, ultimately her
psyche seems to have been too bound up in her attachment to Rodin, because she writes to Fenaille of
her regret that after fifteen years of hard work, she feels she is no further along in her artistic vision
than she was when she began her career.
No matter what she did she couldn’t fully extricate herself from her relationship with Rodin. Camille
became more and more emotionally unbalanced, doomed to failure even in her own personal and
internal artistic competition with her former lover. Ultimately Camille was institutionalized in an
asylum, where Rodin sent money to help support her. Whether he did this out of guilt or out of his own
brand of love is not known, but Camille was never able to truly establish her own identity, either as an
artist or as a person, separate from that of Auguste Rodin.
Rodin is perhaps best known for his sculpture The Thinker, which I feel could also serve as the
theme describing his artistic style, while Camille’s sculptures exude raw and unabashed emotion like

few others of this time period. She could easily be called “The Feeler,” and as an artist I feel she was
ahead of her time with her classic realism blended with the depth of emotion.
From the pictures I’ve seen of her sculptures, I’m hard pressed to choose a favorite, but I can narrow
it down to two: L’Age mûr and La Valse. Both capture the intensity of Camille’s emotions in different
L’Age mûr is painful to look at because of its desperation, not only because it portrays a naked and
vulnerable woman abandoned by her lover, but also because it provides a glimpse into the mind and
heart of an artist abandoned to the criticism and scorn of the art world of her time, a world that could
not recognize her worth separate from Rodin. The fact that one piece of this sculpture, the begging
naked woman – L’Implorante – was often featured separately seems to attest to the intensity of the
separation and sense of incompleteness that ultimately robbed Camille of her sanity.
La Valse, on the other hand, portrays to me the message of the Biblical “one flesh” relationship of
love, the dance of twin souls, because it’s difficult to tell where one figure begins and the other ends in
this graceful vortex of emotion. This piece also reminds me of the myth of Pygmalion-the creator and
his beloved creation, the two inseparable as the woman’s perfect and graceful body rises from unformed
clay. Both concepts provide the perfect metaphor for Camille Claudel’s stormy and complicated
relationship with Auguste Rodin, and they also remind us of the risk there is in giving so much power
over our souls and our self worth to another human being.

0 Camille’s family moved to Paris because ______ .

A the father was transferred there
B Boucher praised art education there
C the father thought highly of Camille’s abilities
D the family wanted to support her

1 When Camille worked in the studio, Rodin ______ .

A guided her artistic development
B was away in Italy
C was the head of the École des Beaux Arts
D could hardly wait for the chance of supervising there

2 The writer is of the opinion that ______ .

A Camille could not resist Rodin because of his reputation
B Camille had an impact on Rodin, the artist
C Rodin underestimated Camille’s abilities
D Camille’s role in Rodin’s work cannot be defined

3 Camille ______ .
A was helped by Rodin throughout her career
B surpassed Rodin at times
C could hardly tolerate being underrated
D won prizes for her joint efforts with Rodin
4 Camille’s inability to escape Rodin’s influence can be blamed on ______ .
A her sponsors
B the tastes of her time
C the commissions he got for her
D her own mind and soul

5 What the writer of the article feels uncertain about is ______ .

A whether Camille ’s mental condition was that serious
B what made Rodin pay for Camille’s mental care
C why Camille was always competing with Rodin
D whether Camille managed to find her true self at last

6 The writer of the article thinks the sculpture L’Age Mur ______ .
A portrays how incomplete Camille felt without Rodin
B symbolizes the favouritism of the art world
C is the embodiment of Camille’s artistic and personal fate
D proves Camille’s unrestrained sensualism

7 From La Valse the writer gathers ______ .

A true love is like that of Pygmalion
B involvement in a relationship should have limits
C Camille was surprisingly religious
D Camille’s passion was too much for Rodin

8 Overall, the article suggests that Camille’s relationship with Rodin was ______ .
A both a blessing and a curse
B a case of cruel exploitation
C symbolic of the age they lived in
D too competitive to succeed

Part 2 KEY
Read the following text. Answer the questions (1-8) after it. Each question has four
options (A-D). Choose the most appropriate option and circle its letter. There is an
example (0) at the beginning.

A bike path near Amsterdam is now generating solar power

This week, in the Amsterdam suburb of Krommenie, a little stretch of bikeway officially opened to the
public. It’s not all that long – not even three-quarters the length of an American football field – but it
is perhaps a glimpse into the future for a country that has almost 22,000 miles of bike trails.
Instead of a conventional surface, the path is constructed of huge Lego-like modules embedded in
concrete. The modules are covered with a layer of glass that is coated with a rough plastic to keep bikes
from slipping. Inside are rows of silicon solar cells. Together those cells transform this strip of bike
path into one large solar panel that plugs directly into the power grid. Engineers estimate that by the
time it's extended another 30 yards, an improvement to be completed by 2016, it will be able to generate
enough energy to power three homes.
That may not sound like much, particularly considering that this trial trail, known as SolaRoad, cost
about $3.7 million. That’s a lot of money for not a lot of road. But a partnership of the local government
and a group of Dutch companies was happy to pony up with the hope that they can start building
excitement for the concept of solar roads.
Sten de Wit, a scientist at the TNO research institute in the Netherlands, contends that even though
these solar panels are about 30 percent less efficient than the ones you’d put on your roof, because they
can’t be angled to follow the sun, they have the potential to be used on 20 percent of the country’s
roads. What’s more, he added, they could one day power traffic lights, street lamps and perhaps even
electric cars.
The idea’s boosters also point out that solar costs will continue to drop and that solar cells in roads
could push energy into the power grid more efficiently than rooftop panels. While solar roofs need to
connect to the grid one house at a time, a roadway makes for one long unit. Plus, roads are much closer
to where people live than most power plants. Engineers will spend the next three years gathering data
to see if they really are on to something.
Here in the United States, a couple in Idaho, Scott and Julie Brusaw, will be paying close attention
to how the Dutch experiment plays out. They’ve been pretty much obsessed with solar roadways for
almost a decade now, only they’re thinking even bigger. Their dream is to someday see all the asphalt
and concrete highways in America replaced with roads containing solar cells.
Scott Brusaw, an electrical engineer, says this vision has resulted in quite a few people suggesting
that the two of them are daft. He’s heard the same questions over and over. How could a tractor trailer
not crack a road of glass? And how could it keep from sliding all over the place? How could the road
possibly stay clean enough to let the sun reach the solar cells inside? And just how much would this
idea cost?
But Brusaw stuck with it, testing different materials and refining his product. Five years ago the
Federal Highway Administration was intrigued enough to give him the first of two rounds of funding,
including a grant for $750,000. Since then, he’s been upgrading his solar road concept, adding LEDs
that light up a road’s white lines when the panels sense a vehicle approaching as well as the capability
to melt snow and ice.
He also says his solar roadway has passed load testing for vehicles weighing up to 125 tons and that
its textured surface enables a car traveling 80 miles an hour to stop within the required distance. That
said, the only large surface where his solar road panels are functioning is a small parking lot Brusaw
built next to his own barn. So far, the Department of Transportation has not signed off on the surface
as being safe for vehicles.
Earlier this year, though, the Brusaws got a boost from the public. The inventors set a goal of raising
$1 million on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo. Not only was their pitch video viewed almost 250,000
times, but they ended up with pledges totaling more than $2.2 million, a response Scott Brusaw
described as “humbling.”
The attention also stirred up the skeptics. One article described the idea as “completely impractical,”
“expensive” and a project that would “never, ever get funded” by state and local governments. The
writer, Joel Anderson, concluded that there are far better ways to spend your money than investing in
“this couple’s hobby.”
The Brusaws plan to start production on their solar panels by the end of the year and then roll out
some pilot projects in the town of Sandpoint, Idaho – some downtown sidewalks, part of an airport
tarmac – and perhaps a casino parking lot on a nearby reservation.
That’s a long, long way from replacing America’s asphalt highways, but it’s a start, just like the 75
yards of bike path near Amsterdam.

0 The new bikeway conveys the message that _______ .

A every beginning is difficult
B even a little stretch counts
C it has a promising potential
D there is one area of our life where America is not No.1

1 The top layer of the path is designed _______ .

A to help cells transmit energy
B to guarantee improved friction
C to protect the solar cells
D to allow it to be built in sections

2 Sten de Wit argues that solar panels _______ .

A are ideally suited to all road surfaces
B will make roadworks self-sufficient in energy
C will soon be fuel for cars
D on roads have no solar-tracking function

3 Solar cells in roads are said to be more efficient because _______ .

A they transfer power faster than when used elsewhere
B rooftop panels have to be connected to power plants
C the roadway forms an unbroken stretch
D the power grid spans a longer distance
4 Scott Bursaw and his wife _______ .

A believe the Dutch are not ambitious enough

B get a lot of encouragement in America
C are not taken seriously by many
D have just pioneered their project

5 For Brusaw _______ .

A using the panels to improve visibility is a practical possibility
B gaining financial aid was problematic
C vehicles with built-in panel sensors are the future
D winter road conditions are yet to be tackled

6 We learn from the text that _______ .

A the solar roadway has a fairly high limit as to vehicle weight
B a parking lot with the new surface is convincing
C Brusaw’s surface has been approved of
D the surface is safe even for speeding cars

7 A clear sign that the people are supportive of the Brusaws’ vision is that _______ .
A they have been sponsored by Indiegogo
B it is likely their financial target will be reached
C the inventors’ video sold like hot cakes
D Indiegogo was clicked on up to two hundred thousand times

8 The skeptics seemed unaware that the project _______ .

A would have high costs
B had been initiated by a husband and wife team
C had already been offered some finance by the government
D would face difficulties in implementation

Part 3 KEY
Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the text.
Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-8) in the text.
There is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the
gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Facelift for Budapest's famous baths

After years of neglect, Budapest's historic thermal baths are in different stages of renovation to restore
crumbling and rotting infrastructure.
The city's 50-odd baths are a major tourist magnet for Budapest, ranging from 500-year-old
Turkish pools with intricate mosaic patterns and high domes (0) B left by the former Ottoman
occupiers to more modern Art Nouveau spa complexes.
But the state of the facilities is as varied as their styles, and much of the work done so far has
involved cosmetic or emergency fixes (1)___________ against the baths' complete disintegration. No
mason since the 1950s has set foot in the state-owned Kiraly spa – one of the oldest and grandest in
Budapest, built in 1565. The result is crumbling mortar, rusty pipes and an overspilling Turkish pool
below a dome (2)___________ each with its own trail of black rot. "It is ripe for renovation," but
work will start at the earliest in two years' time, Laszlo Miko, an architect involved in planning the
reconstruction, told AFP.
A few bus stops away at another state-owned spa – the Rudas, built between 1571 and 1572 by a
local Ottoman leader, the pasha of Buda – the facade is also crumbling, (3)___________. But the
interior is state-of-the-art after a massive upgrade in 2005-06, to be followed by an exterior spruce-
up shortly.
Local government financing taps were closed five years ago by the then-leadership of Budapest,
but a new municipality last year approved a one-off 710-million-forint injection for the general
management of the baths, as well as restoration work. This represented 0.03 percent of the city's
overall expenses for 2010. (4)___________, 80 percent of the Rudas renovation, which cost nearly
500 million forints, was funded by the European Union, according to Gyorgy Kozak, development
director of Budapest Healing Baths and Hot Springs Ltd. The spa company, which is municipality-
owned and operates 13 baths and open-air pools in the city, (5)___________, plans to apply for more
EU funding for its other facilities as well.
Not that the baths' clientele, almost equally composed of tourists and locals, seems to care much
about the dereliction. On a recent morning, as Kiraly filled with visitors from Italy, Holland and
France (6)___________, no one seemed to mind the decaying walls, the leaking windows and rattling
showers. "This is such authentic, beautiful architecture," said a student from Lausanne, Switzerland.
More than simply carrying out urgently needed renovations, bath owners now also want to expand
their appeal. Indeed, with the exception of a few, the baths bleed money with running costs far
exceeding ticket income. "Stand-alone baths are generally loss-making everywhere in the world
(7)___________," Kozak pointed out.
The Gellert, on the other hand, a sumptuously renovated Art Nouveau bath complex that includes
a hotel – (8)___________ – is one of four spas in the city that actually make money. By building
adjacent accommodation, owners thus hope their baths can attract visitors seeking longer treatments,
rather than city-hopping tourists on a short visit, said Kozak.

A including some of its more elegant ones

B supported by massive pillars

C and are in many places subsidised

D dotted with tiny circular windows

E an amenity most other Budapest baths lack

F as a shortage of funds hampers the constant battle

G disappointed by the conditions awaiting them

H revealing at least three layers of different paint

I eager to experience Hungary's famous thermal waters

J with state money in short supply in tough economic times

Part 4 KEY
Read the following text, from which some words have been removed. Use the
appropriate form of the word in brackets to fill each gap (1-12) in the text. Be
careful. The bracketed word may sometimes stay as it is. You can only write ONE
word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Light bulb collection proves a bright idea

Who would pay £100,000 for some old light bulbs? So far, nobody. Maybe £95,000, then? That
was the highest bid at Christie’s in London last month when a long-lost box of 23 bulbs – crucial
evidence that gave victory to American lighting pioneer Thomas Edison in a landmark patent
infringement suit in 1890 – failed to reach the pre-auction (0) estimate (estimate) or even the
seller’s secret reserve (the minimum selling price). Christie’s auctioneer Laurence Fisher is now
following up post-sale bids from museums and private collectors.
Vintage incandescent light bulbs without such a historic provenance change hands among
collectors for less than a tenner, as do early carbon filament ones from the (1)_________(turn) of
the last century.
Yesteryear’s throwaways they may be, but they do have (2)_________(aesthetics) charm. When
I first encountered Ray Tye’s collection of light bulbs, Britain’s finest, 18 years ago, scores of them
glinted from a tall glass (3)__________(display) case. The filaments set up a magical, high-pitched
jingle as I entered the room. Tye advised me to turn away as he flipped a switch. The result was a
(4)__________(dazzle) fairyland of light.
As collectables, light bulbs are (5)__________(class) as ‘early technology’. The history of
technology is full of collectable firsts: astronomical devices, engines, (6)__________(electricity)
apparatus and medical instruments. Artificial lighting is among the most important, for it
lengthened the working day. This is the key to the apparent (7)__________(insane) of light bulb
collectors, and the reason why Christie’s cache of early Edisons, (8)__________(hide) for 114
years after appearing in court as part of the inventor’s prolonged defence of his patent, attracted the
scrutiny of aficionados worldwide.
Were they all overjoyed? Not a bit of it. Fisher had to defend the (9)___________(authentic) of
his find on the internet right up to auction day. The darkest criticisms asserted that the auction was
hyped: that, at most, only seven of the bulbs had been used as evidence, and that there was no
evidence that the box was the one shown at the trial. This challenge came from Chip Crider, a light-
bulb (10)__________ (enthusiasm).
With a (11)___________(detect) note of triumph, Crider wrote: “How can I make these
statements? Well, I just happen to have in my library the complete transcripts of the trial. These
comprise 10 volumes about 8x10 in size taking up 18 inches of shelf space and (12)______(weigh)
42 pounds”. He added that he also owned the court stenographer's transcript and posted
photographs. The maroon-coloured volumes do look impressive.


Part 1  KEY
Read the following text. Choose the best heading from the list (A-J) for each part (1-8)
of the text and write its letter next to the number above each paragraph. There is ONE
EXTRA heading that you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
Madagascar’s lemurs, sacred no more

0 A
A boy ventured into the forest to collect honey. He climbed a tall tree in pursuit of a hive, but before he
could collect his prize, he was attacked by bees. Losing his grip, he fell from the tree, which almost certainly
would have meant his untimely end. But a kind indri – a type of large lemur – caught him, and the boy was
saved. Since that day, the elders say, no one should eat the indri.

“There are many stories about lemur taboos,” said Julie Razafimanahaka, the director of Madagasikara
Voakajy, a nongovernmental conservation group in Madagascar. Young people and elders, people in rural
areas and urban areas – everyone respected the taboos, she said. The stories, called fady, vary from place
to place in Madagascar, she explained, but all of the tales convey the same principle: to kill and eat a lemur
is to bring sickness, bad luck or hardship to you and your family.
But new research shows that, along with an influx of immigrants and foreign influences, Madagascar’s
traditional values are beginning to break down, and the lemurs are suffering for it as increased hunting –
and not just of lemurs – springs up to feed a demand for meat.
“In the past, most attention was on habitat loss and deforestation rather than hunting,” said Julia Jones, a
conservation biologist at Bangor University in Wales and one of the authors of a new paper published
online this week in the journal PLoS One. Her research shows that rapid social change is eroding taboos
that had historically protected species.
Local conservationists like Ms. Razafimanahaka, another co-author of the paper, noticed the emergence of
a disturbing trend several years ago. More and more immigrants were flooding villages in eastern
Madagascar in search of gold. Locals follow the foreigners’ example, giving up their traditional agriculture
in favor of gold panning. After a day’s work, young men flock to bars, where they enjoy fried meat snacks
and beer as the foreigners do. “There’s no other meat besides bush meat available,” Ms. Razafimanahaka
said. Hence the increased hunting.
Traditional taboos also clash with other systems of belief that have made their way to the island. Christian
preachers advise their congregations not to abide by the old traditions, for example, said Jonah
Ratsimbazafy, the training and conservation coordinator at the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in
Madagascar. “I believe in God and Jesus, but lemurs should be protected by law — that’s a different
problem,” he said.
Dr. Jones and Ms. Razafimanahaka interviewed 1,154 households about their perceptions of wildlife and
their food preferences. Most meals in rural households did not include protein of any kind, but when people
do have meat, they often eat a variety of species. Shown photos of different animals, 95 percent of the
interviewees admitted to eating at least one protected species within their lifetime, and 45 percent said they

have eaten more than 10. Nonetheless, respondents in both rural and urban areas said they prefer eating
domestic animals or fish to bush meat – although these legal alternatives are not always available.
Madagascar ranks as one of the world’s hottest sites for biodiversity, and the country has extensive laws
intended to protect its natural resources. Hunting and killing lemurs has been forbidden since the 1960s.
But “in practice, laws aren’t applied, they’re just words on paper,” Dr. Ratsimbazafy said. What is more,
he said, oftentimes corrupt authorities turn a blind eye to illegal hunting. For decades, taboos stood in for
lax laws. But today, Dr. Ratsimbazafy said, people “just eat everything.”
Besides the households that admit to eating lemurs, some of them rare, the researchers recorded a total of
489 mammals being sold or consumed in local villages, including 246 strictly protected species, 121
endangered indris and 9 critically endangered black-and-white ruffed lemurs. “There are several places in
Madagascar where lemurs have been totally shot out,” said Patricia Wright, a primatologist at Stony Brook
University in New York. Some critically endangered species are down to fewer than 500 animals, she said,
and could be extinct within 10 to 20 years if the hunting continues. Most lemurs give birth to only one
offspring every one to three years, meaning that populations cannot recover if many individuals are killed
in rapid succession. “Lemurs are the country’s flagship species,” Dr. Ratsimbazafy said. “They are our
Indeed, in 2007 tourism accounted for about 6 percent of the country’s gross domestic product and about
5 percent of all jobs, and the industry is gaining momentum. “Most people come to Madagascar to see
lemurs,” Dr. Wright said. “If lemurs are gone, there’s no reason for them to come and bring so many tourist
dollars with them.” She and other conservationists call for a multipronged strategy to address the problem.

A Narrow escape

B Changing focus

C Poaching tolerated

D Past consensus

E Loss of revenue in sight

F Suffering from tourists

G The rush

H Respectful criticism

I Critical state

J Confessing to forbidden fruit

Part 2 KEY
Read the following text. Answer the questions (1-8) after it. Each question has four
options (A-D). Choose the most appropriate option and circle its letter. There is an
example (0) at the beginning.

10 top tips from our Berlin correspondent

If Germany’s relationship with bread elsewhere in the country verges on the theological, Berlin is a
den of infidelity. Good bakeries are few and far between, and the standard Berlin bread roll tastes of
cardboard. But breakfasts at Cafe Kalwil are a dream: fresh rolls, flaky croissants, well-cured cold cuts
and a sea of jams. Located on Motzstrasse, between philosopher-anthropologist Rudolf Steiner’s
former home and a row of fetish shops, it’s also a perfect spot for appreciating some of the ultra-specific
subcultures Berlin still does so well to protect.
The iron rule with favourite locals is that one should never seek them out from a guide book but
always stumble upon one by chance (a more Berlin-specific rule is that the best have very good light-
fittings and no name on the outside). Alt-Berlin is worth making an exception for: 123 years old and
considered by many Berliners to be the oldest bar in the city, it used to be a smelly dive in Mitte until
it had to make way for a fashion chain in 2014. But one of the regulars bought up the tobacco-infused
wood panelling and moved it inside the empty premises next to a 1960’s GDR ballroom a few
kilometres north, where it reopened in May this year. After one beer too many, the Bulette (meatball),
potato salad and pickled gherkins are a must.
Berlin’s street food enjoys a reputation outside the city’s borders, but a late-night currywurst or
doner kebab is more often miss than hit. The one fast-food restaurant I will travel across the city for is
Ixthys, a tiny Korean next to Winterfeldtplatz in Schöneberg, in the old west. The walls are covered in
handwritten bible verses, the photocopied menus are tatty, but the food is fresh, filling and – rare for
Berlin – not just aromatic but properly spicy.
Rarely was modernism more fun than in the designs of Bauhaus architect Bruno Taut. Nicknamed
the Papageiensiedlung, or “parrot estate”, this set of colourful minimalist terraced homes around Onkel
Toms Hütte station are less well known than Taut’s “horseshoe” estate in Neukölln, but just as much
of a wonder to explore. Surrounded by woodland, the estate makes for a perfect day trip, and it can
easily be extended to the adjacent country-cottage estate Waldsiedlung Krumme Lanke, initiated by
Heinrich Himmler as a direct counter-statement to the modernist homes next door, and to provide
homes for families of the SS.
Not strictly speaking in Berlin, but in the town of Marwitz, around 45 minutes northwest of the
capital, the Historische Bauelemente reclamation yard effectively doubles up as a museum, and tells a
better story of Berlin’s design history than many of the paid-for attractions in the city. There are depots
with thousands of doors in all styles, 70s plastic furniture from Tegel airport, old funfair rides and a
collection of art left behind at Soviet army posts.
It’s not much of a secret, and far too vast to be hidden from anyone anyway, but the abandoned
Tempelhof airfield is the entire ethos of post-Wall Berlin summed up in 900 acres. Berlin’s status as a
cultural capital was fashioned on empty lots and inside abandoned buildings across the capital, vacated
as the city drained itself westwards in the 1990s. As Berlin began to grow again after the turn of the
millennium, many of those ghost sites have again been built up; but Tempelhof – half Central Park,
half Burning Man – proudly defies the trend, with locals voting in 2014 to preserve it as a public park
for joggers, kite-flyers, urban gardeners, dog-walkers and beer drinkers.

“Have you been to Berghain? Did you get past the bouncer? Did you go into one of the dark rooms?”
Even talking about clubbing in Berlin is exhausting. What I like about Hoppetosse is that it’s fairly
stress free without being uncool. The fact that it’s a nightclub in a boat docked permanently on the river
Spree may have something to do with it: floating on water seems to make everyone a bit more
considerate. Whenever I’ve been the place was full but not rammed, and while the music is
unmistakably of the city – slow, minimalist house and techno – it doesn’t feel exclusive. You can even
leave before dawn and not feel like a total square.
Located in a central yet quiet part of Mitte, Dorotheenstadt cemetery is the German capital’s
equivalent of Paris’ Père Lachaise, and yet couldn’t be more different. Just compare the graves of the
pianist Federic Chopin or Oscar Wilde in the French capital – a sculpted, fantastical tomb covered in
graffiti and lipstick traces – with that of Bertolt Brecht in Berlin: arguably the most influential
playwright of the 20th century lies underneath a humble boulder, with nothing but his name hewn into
the rock in a no-nonsense sans serif. The same modest memorials mark the resting places of the poet
Wolfgang Hilbig and the writer Theodore Fontane.

0 Cafe Kalwil ______ .

A employs people belonging to subcultures
B is the last in a row of shops
C can be found on the corner of Motzstrasse
D supports the preservation of subcultures

1 Alt-Berlin ______ .
A is an unconventional success story
B has recently been refurbished completely
C was purchased by one of its regular guests
D was taken over by a fashion chain

2 Ixthys ______ .
A is an extravagant, lavish place
B is well-known even beyond the city borders
C is located on the western edge of the city
D offers more than you would expect

3 The “Papageiensiedlung” ______ .

A was not to Heinrich Himmler’s taste
B equals the Neukölln estate in both fame and interest
C was officially named for its colourful appearance
D can be visited as part of an organised trip

4 Historische Bauelemente ______ .
A was designed to recall the varied architecture of Berlin
B has an eclectic mix of obsolete objects
C is an exhibition of Berlin’s history of architecture
D benefited from gifts from the Soviet Union

5 Templehof airfield ______ .

A was a place where Berlin’s status was put on display
B was a prestigious airport in the Soviet era
C is an iconic sight of the city’s history
D has been transformed into a state-of-the-art leisure centre

6 Hoppetosse ______ .
A is an emblematic night club of Berlin
B is rather a nightclub for older people
C is a place that all Berliners find alluring
D is more appealing to less dedicated clubbers

7 The graves of famous people in Berlin ______ .

A reflect the spirit of the city more effectively than those in Paris
B display a more sombre attitude to the dead than those in Paris
C are better protected and looked after than in Paris
D are less respected than in Paris

8 During his trip to Berlin the writer ______ .

A had some pleasant surprises
B was confused by the contrasting styles
C was especially interested in the history of the city
D never followed the advice of others

Part 3 KEY
Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the text.
Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-8) in the text. There
is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use. Write your answers in the gaps.
There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Why is this woman smiling?

Julia Robert’s fans have always had a theory about Julia Roberts's movies. When her hair is red and
long and curly, (0)___A____," she's at her most delicious. When her hair is short ("Conspiracy
Theory," "Stepmom") she's playing someone serious, and the movie is seriously mediocre. When her
hair is short and blonde and looks (1)______ ("Charlie Wilson's War"), get ready to hit the DVD
eject button. In "Duplicity," a new romantic spy thriller costarring Clive Owen, Roberts is poised to
make her triumphant return after essentially taking five years off (2) ______ . No, the studio hasn't
let us see "Duplicity" yet, but everything you need to know is on display in the trailer, starting with
the red hair. So, too, is the wicked tongue from "Erin Brockovich" and, almost as important, that
infectious, giddy laugh that booms so loudly, it comes with its own echo.
But this may be the last time we see that Mona Lisa smile. Julia is still the biggest female star of
all time; her films have grossed $2.3 billion in the United States, with 10 hits topping $100 million –
(3)________ who doesn't make blockbuster action films. But the multiplex is a different beast now,
dominated by 3,000 screens of dude movies like "Friday the 13th" and "Paul Blart: Mall Cop." The
romantic-comedy genre (4)________ ("Notting Hill," "Runaway Bride," etc.) is practically on life
support (as Isla Fisher, Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Garner can tell you). Movie stars
themselves—the kind of person who can open a film big on his or her name alone —have become a
dying breed (as Will Smith, Tom Cruise, George Clooney and both halves of Brangelina can also tell
you). Even Julia hasn't successfully opened a movie of her own since "America's Sweethearts" in
2001. What's worse – deep gulp – is (5)________. All of which raises a question almost too sad to
say out loud: is Julia Roberts over?
Or, perhaps more accurately, has time passed her by? It's not just that she's Hollywood ancient.
Julia was also very much of her era. She foreshadowed the sunny, optimistic, good times of the '90s
with her infectious performance in "Pretty Woman," (6)_________. She was beautiful, sexy, funny
and sophisticated, but she was also down-to-earth. Audiences loved Julia Roberts so much, a studio
executive once said he'd pay money to watch her brush her teeth. (7)______: women wanted to be
her, men wanted to be with her. None other than Howard Stern had her on his show 10 years ago to
goad his boys' club into seeing "Notting Hill."
Julia will always be a movie star. She's the Hillary of Hollywood, the actress who crashed through
the $20 million-a-film glass ceiling. Yet she's an old-fashioned movie star. She might be sitting under
one of the biggest spotlights in the world, (8)______. When Roberts is photographed in public, which
isn't often, her face never seems to betray any emotion.

A as it was in "Pretty Woman" and "My Best Friend's Wedding,"

B that no one seems to have noticed her dry spell

C remarkable for an actress

D but she's still something of a mystery

E and is still admired by everyone

F to raise her three children

G as though it were inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt

H and it was love at first sight

I as the cliché goes

J where Julia thrives

Part 3 KEY
Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the
text. Choose the most suitable part from the list (A-J) for each gap (1-8) in the
text. There is ONE EXTRA part that you do not need to use. Write your answers
in the gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Yorkshire's revived river Aire is a lesson in people power

The clean-up of this once-polluted river shows how communities can be the driving force behind
protecting our environment
News that Britain's once foully polluted rivers are achieving levels of cleanliness and wildlife
occupation not seen since the industrial revolution is to be welcomed. But credit for this cannot be
claimed only by the government's environment agency and anti-pollution legislation. Behind many of
the improvements lies people power – the mobilisation of individuals and organisations (0) A .
In the 1980s and 90s, that is exactly what happened in my part of the world, industrial west Yorkshire.
The river Aire starts out as a healthy river in the Yorkshire dales, springing from beneath a limestone
cliff known as Malham Cove, where falcons nest. (1)____________ some 50 miles downstream, it had
received the industrial waste of textile, chemical and engineering industries, plus the domestic waste
of more than a million people. The pollutants killed off the river's oxygen supply.
Along its route, the Aire partially re-oxygenated itself as it passed over weirs or through fast-running
stretches, but each subsequent dose of pollution made recovery harder, (2)____________ serving
Leeds the river was dead. Such were the doses of effluent dumped in the river that at times of low
rainfall it comprised 70% sewage effluent and just 30% natural water. In summer, it stank. As a
journalist I investigated the levels of pollution with a technician from Leeds University. He would not
even take a water sample without wearing elbow-length industrial rubber gloves. The effluent was
pumped into the river by Yorkshire Water, whose treatment plants, particularly those serving Leeds
and Bradford, lacked the sophisticated filtration processes (3)____________ .
In the 1980s, a group was formed called Eye on the Aire. Its volunteers brought together more than
30 organisations (4)____________ . They included community groups representing people living near
its banks, conservation and environmental organisations, sporting groups such as rowing clubs, local
councils and companies such as Tetley's brewery, which had a riverside location.
For a decade the group campaigned to press Yorkshire Water to install an extra level of filtration at
its sewage works – tertiary treatment. The system involves the filtering of already treated sewage
effluent through pebbles and increasingly fine layers of sand. It took a decade to win the campaign,
(5)____________ and action by the environment department. Yorkshire Water installed the tertiary
treatment at a cost of millions of pounds. The effluent it produced was often as clean as the fresh river
water (6)____________ .
The effect was near miraculous. In the late 1990s, more than a decade ahead of much of the rest of
Britain, otters, heron and other wildlife began to return to the river Aire in the heart of industrial Leeds.
Salmon appeared in the lower reaches, blocked only by weirs and other obstacles. Water passes will
eventually allow them to reach spawning grounds in the Yorkshire dales (7)____________ .
The driving force behind the return to life of the river was Eye on the Aire, an organisation
(8)____________ . We should remember their example in the face of future struggles.
A to force polluters to clean up their act

B where they have not been seen in more than two centuries

C which included the harnessing of government influence

D it stretched across the flat countryside

E so that finally below the giant sewage works

F with an interest in the river

G needed to remove the pollutants

H by the time it wound its way through Bradford and Leeds

I made up of ordinary people with determination and a belief in their cause

J into which it passed

Part 4 KEY
Read the following text, from which some words have been removed. Use the
appropriate form of the word in brackets to fill each gap (1-12) in the text. Be
careful. The bracketed word may sometimes stay as it is. You can only write ONE
word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

The Continued Misadventures of ‘Huckleberry Finn’

Myriad novels in the popular canon have been censored at one time due to (0) outdated (date)
language, lewd content or radical ideas, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Henry Miller’s Tropic
of Cancer among them. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which faced immediate
backlash when it was published in the late 1800s because it depicts a friendship between a young
white boy and a black man, continues to draw ire even now.
The novel, which (1)___________(central) on the story of a boy snaking down the Mississippi
River with an escaped slave after running away from an (2)___________(abuse) parent, was
boycotted in many parts of the country upon its release in 1885, and as The Nation notes in its
centennial appreciation of the landmark novel, it was called “vulgar,” inelegant,
(3)___________(grammar), coarse, irreverent, semi-obscene, trashy and vicious, among other
things. Today, the outrage sparked by friendship could be considered not only archaic but outright
racist, and yet Huckleberry Finn continues to face bans in schools within the United States, due to
its rampant use of racial slurs and what may some see as racist (4)___________(depict) of black
characters throughout the text. In fact, Huckleberry Finn was the 14th most challenged book in the
nation during the 2000s, according to data from the American Library Association.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that this past week, a Quaker school in Montgomery County
nixed the book from its juniors’ curriculum, after a (5)___________(hand) of students said the
book’s language had made them feel uncomfortable, and that it was not inclusive. In a
(6)___________(state), the administrators from Friends’ Central School said the book would be
taken off the course (7)___________(require), adding: “We have all come to the conclusion that
the community costs of reading this book in 11th grade (8)_________ (weigh) the literary benefits.”
Huckleberry Finn will continue to be on the shelves at the school library, but the school’s
principal, Art Hall, says it will be (9)___________(place) on the curriculum by another seminal
text, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, as well as possibly another as-yet-to-be disclosed
Academics remain divided on the issue. On one hand, the book, published
(10)___________(short) after the end of the Civil War, continues to shed light on America’s
shameful history of (11)___________(system) racism and slavery, which will likely forever evoke
feelings of (12)___________(comfort). Yet for some people the idea of changing the original
language of Huckleberry Finn equates to revisionist history.

Part 4 KEY
Read the following text, from which some words have been removed. Use the
appropriate form of the word in brackets to fill each gap (1-12) in the text. Be
careful. The bracketed word may sometimes stay as it is. You can only write ONE
word in each gap. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Lightning may trigger migraine headaches

Migraine sufferers know that a variety of influences – everything from stress to hunger to a shift in
the weather – can trigger a (0) dreaded (dread) headache. A new study published yesterday in
the journal Cephalalgia, though, suggests that another migraine trigger could be an
(1)____________(expect) atmospheric condition – a bolt of lightning.
As part of the study, Geoffrey Martin of the University of Cincinnati and colleagues from
(2)____________(where) asked 90 chronic migraine sufferers in Ohio and Missouri to keep detailed
daily diaries documenting when they experienced headaches for three to six months. Afterward, they
looked back over this period and analyzed how well the occurrence of headaches
(3)___________(correlation) with lightning strikes within 25 miles of the participants’ houses,
along with other weather factors such as temperature and (4)_____________(humid).
Their analysis found that there was a 28 percent increased chance of a migraine and a 31 percent
chance of a non-migraine (i.e. less severe) headache on days when lightning struck nearby. Since
lightning usually occurs during thunderstorms, which bring a (5)_____________(host) of other
weather events – notably changes in (6)_____________(barometer) pressure – they used
mathematical models to parse the related factors and found that even in the
(7)_____________(absent) of other thunderstorm-related elements, lightning alone caused a 19
percent increased chance of headaches.
Despite these results, it’s probably a bit premature to argue that lightning is a definitive trigger
of migraines. For one, a number of previous studies have explored the links between weather and
migraine headaches, and the results have been (8)______________(clear). Some have
suggested that high pressure increases the risk of headaches, while others have indicated that low
pressure increases the risk as well. Other previous studies, in fact, have failed to find a link between
migraines and lightning, in particular.
This study’s results are still (9)______________(intrigue), though, for a few reasons. One key
element of the study was that, instead of using (10)____________(instant) of lightning as reported
by individuals on the ground, the researchers relied upon a series of ground sensors that
automatically detect lightning strikes in the areas studied with a 90 percent
(11)_____________(accurate). The researchers say this level of (12)_____________(precise)
improves upon previous research and makes their results more indicative of the actual weather

3.8. Olvasáskészség és nyelvismeret – Megoldókulcsok

I. Feladatsor
Part 1 One man's volunteer effort to plant trees in San Francisco
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Part 2 Nick Robinson: Winston Churchill's bitter battle with the BBC
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 3 Long-lost Van Gogh painting discovered

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 3 How to stop a nuclear meltdown

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 4 Stoppard's 'Anna Karenina' breaks with convention again

0 conventional
1 intention
2 scout
3 armed
4 countless
5 faithful
6 title / titular
7 uplifting
8 deeply
9 acknowledge
10 considerably
11 assumption

Part 4 Conclave smoke’s recipe is a mystery

0 voting
1 entrance
2 shaped
3 unsuccessful
4 announcing
5 technicians
6 supplier
7 easily
8 less
9 procedure
10 current
11 priceless

II. Feladatsor
Part 1 Organised crime in the UK is bigger than ever before. Can the police catch up?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Part 2 End of the road

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 3 Orson Welles's first professional film discovered in an Italian warehouse

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 3 Mars is safe from radiation – but the trip there isn't
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 4 Meredith Frampton is the forgotten genius of British art

0 distinctive
1 inspired
2 obscure
3 secure
4 shortly
5 prominence
6 length
7 equally
8 emit
9 flawless
10 accompany
11 brilliance

Part 4 Mudslides could be predicted with acoustic sensors
0 warnings
1 probability
2 layer
3 thick
4 geologist
5 saturate
6 destabilise
7 muddy
8 lag
9 residents
10 detectable
11 trial

III. Feladatsor

Part 1 JK Rowling: is she the guardian of our children's minds?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 1 How do tropical frogs get their stunning colours?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 2 Camille Claudel and August Rodin – a symbiotic love affair gone wrong
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 2 A bike path near Amsterdam is now generating solar power

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 3 Facelift for Budapest's famous baths

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 4 Light bulb collection proves a bright idea
0 estimate
1 turn
2 aesthetic / aesthetical
3 display
4 dazzling
5 classified / classed
6 electrical / electric
7 insanity
8 hidden
9 authenticity
10 enthusiast
11 detectable
12 weighing

IV. Feladatsor
Part 1 Madagascar’s lemurs, sacred no more
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 2 10 top tips from our Berlin correspondent

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 3 Why is this woman smiling?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 3 Yorkshire's revived river Aire is a lesson in people power

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 4 The Continued Misadventures of ‘Huckleberry Finn’

0 outdated
1 centres
2 abusive
3 ungrammatical
4 depiction
5 handful
6 statement
7 requirements
8 outweigh
9 replaced
10 shortly
11 systemic / systematic
12 discomfort

Part 4 Lightning may trigger migraine headaches

0 dreaded
1 unexpected
2 elsewhere
3 correlated
4 humidity
5 host
6 barometric
7 absence
8 unclear
9 intriguing
10 instances
11 accuracy
12 precision

4.1. A feladatsor felépítése és a vizsgázói teljesítmény értékelése
Az Íráskészség vizsga feladatsora két feladatból áll: az első egy hivatalos levél, a második pedig egy
fogalmazás. Egy adott vizsgaidőszak feladatsorában a két különböző típusú levél valamelyike szerepel.

 1. feladat:
o hivatalos válaszlevél (transactional letter)
o olvasói levél (letter to the editor)
 2. feladat: véleménykifejtő fogalmazás (discursive essay).

A levél témája általános, a véleménykifejtő fogalmazásé humán-, illetve reáljellegű.

Mind a levél, mind a fogalmazás ún. irányított feladat, azaz a megadott irányító szempontok
felhasználásával kell megírni a feladatokat.
A 2019. őszi vizsgaidőszaktól kezdődően az íráskészség vizsgán használható szótár, akár egynyelvű,
akár kétnyelvű.

A vizsgázói teljesítmény értékelése

A vizsgázói teljesítmény mérése az alábbi 4 szempont szerint történik:

1. a feladat teljesítése
2. koherencia és kohézió
3. szókincs
4. nyelvtan.

1) A feladat teljesítése
Az e szempont szerinti értékelés azt mutatja, hogy a vizsgázó mennyire követte a feladat utasítását,
annak megfelelően írta-e meg a levelet/fogalmazást. A feladat utasítása megszabja, hogy milyen műfajú
legyen az írásmű, hogyan használják a vizsgázók az irányító szempontokat, és mekkora legyen az
írásmű terjedelme.

A feladatteljesítésre kapott pontszám tehát az alábbi 3 tényezőtől függ.

a) Megfelelően, kellő részletességgel kitért-e a vizsgázó valamennyi irányító szempontra? Nem
elvárás, hogy minden szempontról ugyanannyit írjon a vizsgázó, hiszen az egyes szempontokról
több vagy kevesebb ötlete, tapasztalata lehet. Viszont az követelmény, hogy minden irányító
szempontról minimum 2 (tag)mondatot írjon, s abból az egyik saját gondolata legyen.
b) Mennyire felel meg a levél/fogalmazás az adott műfaj (szövegtípus) tartalmi és stiláris
c) Eléri-e a levél/fogalmazás terjedelme az elvárt minimum 220/230 szót?
A feladat teljesítése a legfontosabb értékelési szempont. Ha a vizsgázó egyáltalán nem követi az
irányító szempontokat, akkor valamennyi értékelési szempont szerint „Nem felelt meg” minősítést fog
kapni. Az is súlyos hiba, ha a vizsgázó műfajt téveszt, azaz nem az utasításban megadott műfajú
levelet/fogalmazást ír. A műfajtévesztés szintén nemcsak a feladatteljesítés pontszámát rontja, hanem
jelentősen kihat a többi szempont szerinti értékelésre is.
2) Koherencia és kohézió
A szöveg akkor koherens, ha tartalmilag egységes, értelmezhető és könnyen követhető az olvasó
számára. A szöveg tartalmi egységét a mondatok és a bekezdések egymásutániságának logikája,
valamint különböző nyelvi eszközök megfelelő használata hozza létre.
A kohézió a koherenciát biztosító nyelvi kötőelemek összességét jelöli. A kohéziós eszközök
teremtik meg a kapcsolatot a szöveg közelebbi vagy távolabbi részei között. Ilyen kohéziós eszközök
többek között a kötőszók, az előre- és a visszautaló névmások, a rokon értelmű szavak, az ellipszis
(kihagyás) stb.
A koherencia és kohézió szempontjára kapott pontszám tehát az alábbi 2 tényezőtől függ:
a) Gondolatilag, tartalmilag mennyire egységes, érthető és követhető a levél/fogalmazás?
b) Mennyi és milyen kötőelemet alkalmaznak a vizsgázók egyrészt a mondaton belül, másrészt a
szöveg szintjén, illetve helyesen használják-e azokat?

3) Szókincs
Az erre a szempontra kapott pontszám az alábbiakat tükrözi:
a) Mennyire gazdag, változatos a vizsgázók szókincse a levél/fogalmazás műfajában és az érintett
b) Mennyire pontosan használják a szókincsüket?

4) Nyelvtan
A nyelvtan értékelése az alábbiakat foglalja magába:
a) Használják-e a vizsgázók az adott feladat teljesítéséhez szükséges grammatikai eszközöket, és
azok mennyire változatosak?
b) Grammatikailag mennyire helyes a szöveg?
c) Mennyi és milyen jellegű helyesírási és központozási hibát vétenek a vizsgázók?

A vizsgarészen elért eredmény számítása

Mind a 4 értékelési szempont szerint 7 ún. nyerspontot lehet maximálisan szerezni, így a 2 feladatra
kapható összpontszám 2x28, azaz 56 nyerspont. A vizsgázó által elért nyerspontokat a Vizsgaközpont
százalékszámítással, a kerekítési szabályoknak megfelelően felelteti meg a maximálisan elérhető 25
A vizsgarész sikeres teljesítéséhez mindkét írásbeli feladatot meg kell a vizsgázóknak írniuk. Ha a
két feladat valamelyikének szószáma nem éri el a minimum szószám 20%-át, akkor az egész Íráskészség
vizsga sikertelen.

4.2. Az első feladat: hivatalos levél

4.2.1. A feladat felépítése

A feladatsor első feladata mindig a következő 4 elemből épül fel.

1) A kontextus leírása
Néhány mondatos bevezetés segít abban, hogy belehelyezkedjünk a levélíró szerepébe: ki, milyen
céllal írja a levelet. A feladat jellegzetesége, hogy a levelet valamilyen szervezet/intézmény

képviseletében kell megírni. A levél írója lehet például a hallgatói önkormányzat vagy valamilyen
jótékonysági szervezet tagja, nyári gyakorlaton lévő diák, aki az adott vállalat/közintézmény
nevében ír. Következésképpen a levélnek formális hangvételűnek és udvariasnak kell lennie (lásd
4.2.2. pont).
2) Az utasítás megszabja
a) a levél terjedelmét, amely 220-270 szó. Ha a vizsgázó levele nem éri el a minimum szószámot,
azért pontlevonás jár. A felső szószámhatár egy javaslat, amelynek túllépéséért nem jár büntetés.
b) hogyan használjuk fel az irányító szempontokat (lásd részletesebben a 4) pontban).
c) hogy a levélnek mely elemeit kell megfogalmaznia a vizsgázónak: egy a megszólítással már
megkezdett levelet kell megírni az elköszönéssel bezárólag. Az utasítás külön hangsúlyozza,
hogy ne írja alá a levelet. Ne használja se a saját nevét, se más fiktív nevet!
Az utasítás továbbá felhívja a figyelmet, hogy ne idézzünk a levélből (lásd erről részletesebben a
175. oldalon).
3) A hirdetés/újságcikk:
A feladat alapja egy levél/újságcikk, amelyre válaszolni/reagálni kell.
4) Az irányító szempontok
Amikor hirdetést olvasunk, gyakran aláhúzzuk a számunkra érdekes vagy éppen nem egyértelmű
információt, a lap szélén megjegyzéseket is fűzünk az olvasottakhoz. Ehhez hasonlítanak a hirdetés
melletti buborékokban olvasható irányító szempontok, amelyek nyíllal mutatnak a hirdetés egy-egy
aláhúzott részletére. Amint a feladat utasításából is kiderül (lásd például a Hiba! A könyvjelző nem
létezik.. oldalon), a buborékban megadott információ és az aláhúzott hirdetésrész tartalmi
összekapcsolásával kell az irányító szempontokat kifejteni, azaz szempontonként minimum egy
összetett mondatot vagy 2 mondatot írni. A követelmény az, hogy a 2 (tag)mondatból az egyikben
a vizsgázók saját gondolatukat fogalmazzák meg úgy, hogy az kapcsolódjon az aláhúzott rész és az
irányító szempont által meghatározott témához.
A feladathoz 7 irányító szempont tartozik. Ezeket tetszőleges sorrendben lehet kidolgozni.

4.2.2. A hivatalos levél stílusa

A hivatalos levél stílusa formális és udvarias. Elvárás, hogy a levélíró mondanivalóját logikusan és
tömören fejtse ki.
Hivatalos stílusban nem használhatók:
 az összevont alakok, pl.: don’t, can’t stb.
 a társalgási nyelvre jellemző szavak, kifejezések, pl.: thanks, I go for it, I’m mad about it.
 az erős érzelmek kifejező eszközei, így a felkiáltójel és az olyan szavak, mint pl.: rubbish, cool
A formális stílus tükröződik a levél kötelező elemeinek (pl.: megszólítás, elköszönés)
megválasztásában is. A DExam feladatokban egy a megszólítással már megkezdett levelet kell
megfelelő stílusban lezárni, megfelelő zárósort és elköszönést választani.
A levél tartalmi lezárását mindig követi a hivatalos levél valamilyen általános zárósora. A
leggyakoribb, tartalmilag legsemlegesebb zárósorban azt jelezzük, hogy várjuk a címzett válaszát. Pl.:
I look forward to hearing from you (as soon as possible).
I look forward to receiving a prompt reply.
Megjegyezzük, hogy az I look forward to… zárósor esetében az egyszerű jelen idejű igealak felel
meg a formális stílusnak, míg az I am looking forward to… kissé informális.

A brit angolban a megszólítást figyelembe véve kell a megfelelő elköszönési formát megválasztani.
 Ha a címzett személyt nem ismerjük, akkor a megszólítás Dear Sir/Madam, az elköszönés pedig
Yours faithfully.
 Ha a címzettet nevén szólítottuk meg, pl.: Dear Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs Jones, akkor az elköszönés
Yours sincerely.
Az amerikai angolban a Yours truly elköszönés mindkét esetben alkalmazható.

4.2.3. Hivatalos válaszlevél (transactional letter) – jellemzők

A hivatalos válaszlevél (transactional letter) megnevezés elsősorban a feladat interaktív jellegére és

nem tartalmára utal. A hivatalos válaszlevél típusú DExam vizsgafeladatok jellegzetességei a
 az input levél valamilyen együttműködési lehetőséget/szolgáltatást ajánl az intézménynek,
amelyet a feladatban vizsgázó képvisel
 a vizsgázónak a levél különböző részleteire reagálva többféle kommunikációs szándékot kell
megfogalmazni: információt kérni, információt adni, egyetértést/támogatást/kételyt/
ellenvetést/elutasítást stb. kifejezni
 a levélíró nincs döntéshozó pozícióban, ezért bizonyos kérdésekben csak tájékoztat arról,
hogy az egy felelős vezető/megfelelő hivatal kompetenciája.
Nézzük meg a “Life Among the Ancient Inca” projektről szóló feladat (lásd 198. oldal) példáján,
hogyan lehet jól megírni egy ilyen válaszlevelet!

1. Bevezetés
Egy levél bevezetésében mindig a levélírás okát kell megfogalmaznunk. Az, hogy ki, milyen céllal
írja a levelet, szerepel a feladat kontextusában. Jelen példánkban azt kell a bevezetésben a címzett
tudomására hozni, hogy a levélíró által képviselt egyetemet érdekli a projekt, de vannak még
pontosításra szoruló részletek. Például:
We were delighted to receive your letter about the Ancient Inca project, and we are extremely
interested in taking part. However, before committing ourselves, we have some questions which
we hope you can answer.

2. Tárgyalás
A tárgyalás taralmát a buborékokban megadott irányító szempontok és a hirdetés aláhúzott részei
határozzák meg. Az irányító szempont bevezetéseképpen érdemes utalni a levél aláhúzott részére:
 idézhet a vonatkozó szövegrészből (The benefits for your university will include future
cooperation with other universities in South America), pl.:
In your letter you mention other universities in South America …
Your letter refers to other universities in South America …
 használhat kevésbé direkt utalási módot is, pl.:
Regarding other universities in South America which are involved in the project, …

Az ilyen idézet nem mond ellent a feladat utasításának (Avoid borrowing from the letter below.). Az
utasítás felhívja a figyelmet az idézetek elkerülésére, mivel hosszas idézetekkel a vizsgázók nem tudják
megmutatni saját nyelvi tudásukat, és nem tudnak eleget tenni annak az elvárásnak, hogy az irányító
szempontokkal kapcsolatban saját gondolatot is megfogalmazzanak, azaz kifejtsék az irányító
szempontot. A levél egyes részleteire történő rövid, megfelelően bevezetett utalás viszont hozzá járul
ahhoz, hogy az olvasó könnyen követni tudja a levélíró gondolatmenetét.

A buborékban jelzésszerűen megfogalmazott kommunikációs szándéknak megfelelően kell az

irányító szempontot kifejteni. Néhány példa a különböző kommunikációs szándékok
megfogalmazására, az irányító szempontok kifejtésére:
 információ közlése/megerősítése (yes, our students open-minded)
Referring to the issue of official support from the University, we are pleased to inform you that
our University is fully behind this project. Furthermore, we have a special fund which we can use
to pay for travel costs for young researchers, so at least five of us will be fully funded by the
 udvarias elutasítás (not in the winter!)
Your letter states that participants will spend three months living in the natural environment of
the Andes. This is a great idea, but unfortunately we cannot agree to participate in the winter
months, because neither our students nor our staff have any experience in living in difficult
mountainous environments.
 információ kérése
Ha az irányító szempont után kérdőjel szerepel, kérdést kell feltenni. Információkéréshez
használhatók 1) direkt és 2) indirekt kérdések egyaránt. Érdemes törekedni a kérdések változatos
1) Regarding the participants in the project, is it essential that all of our team have experience in
archaeology, or is it enough if our team members are enthusiastic and interested in the project?
(must have experience in archaeology?)
2) Not surprisingly, you say that the environment is ‘hard’. We would like to know if there will be
appropriate medical facilities available, because if not, it will be difficult to attract participants.
(medical facilities?)

3. Befejezés
A megfelelő befejezés pozitív kicsengésű. Például:
Let me finish by telling you that our staff and students are enthusiastic about this project. We will
be happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

4.2.4. Hivatalos válaszlevél – egy vizsgázói megoldás értékelése

Ebben az alpontban bemutatunk egy vizsgázói megoldást és annak minősítését a DExam vizsgán
alkalmazott négy értékelési szempont szerint (lásd 4.1. pont). A vizsgázó divatbemutatóról szóló
hivatalos válaszlevelet írta meg (lásd a 201. oldalon). A feladata tehát az volt, hogy válaszoljon az
egyetemre érkezett megkeresésre, mely szerint egy nemzetközi divatcég szeretne egy nagyszabású
divatbemutatót tartani az intézményben és hosszabbtávú együttműködési lehetőséget is ajánl.

A vizsgázói megoldásokat átgépelve, de eredeti megfogalmazásukban adjuk közre. A teljesítmény

elemzésekor a hibás szóalakot aláhúzzuk, és szögletes zárójelben megadjuk a javítását. Pl.:
representation [presentation] of your latest designs

It is our pleasure that you have chosen this college for the representation of
your latest designs and we are most likely to say yes for your proposal.
However, there is some issues that we have to discuss.
First thing first, our main hall is only capable of maintaining 250 people,
but the event could be performed in the college garden which is a wide open
area for about 400 guests.
Speaking of the video projection system, we just gave an order to a more
advanced one so there will be no problem with the technic part.
The public safety is a very burning question. Sadly, we can not do much in
this chase. We can provide some cages for the animals but we have only a
limited number of them.
We are very pleased for the opportunity to taking part of the show. What
is your advice about the selection process? We thought that we should hold a
competence before the event and the winers should take part. Talking of the
prises we would set a reasonable one but the stuff should not pay.
The most important question is about the work experience programme. We
are very pleased about it.
However, we should set a time which is not in the exam session. We could
start in the next month.
Thank you for your kind proposal. We are eagerly waiting for the event and
to work with you.


Feladat teljesítése: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A vizsgázó megfelelő bevezetéssel kezdi levelét: megírja, hogy megtisztelőnek tartják, hogy a
divatcég az egyetemüket választotta a divatbemutató helyszínéül, de azt is leszögezi, hogy vannak még
tisztázandó kérdések.
Az irányítószempontok többségét megfelelően kifejti a vizsgázó, de nem mindegyiket. A tickets for
college staff/students? szempontot félreérti, nem kérdez rá az ingyenes belépőjegyek lehetőségére,
hanem leszögezi, hogy az egyetemi dolgozóknak díjtalan belépést kell biztosítani. Teljes egészében
kihagyja továbbá a requires Principal’s consent szempontot.

A levél befejezésében a vizsgázó helyesen hangsúlyozza, hogy izgatottan várják a divatbemutatót és
a további együttműködés lehetőségét, de szerencsés lett volna még kiegészíteni például a
következőkkel: ‘If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask them.’ Hiányzik tehát a zárósor
és hiányzik az elköszönés is.
A fogalmazás terjedelme meghaladja a minimum szószámot: 238 szó.

Koherencia és kohézió: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A levél szerkezete logikus, a vizsgázó gondolatmenete követhető. A vizsgázó használ kötőelemeket
(however, sadly, speaking of, talking of …), de nem mindig a legmegfelelőbbet. Szerencsésebb a kissé
informális First things first… kötőszó helyett a First of all,… kötőszót használni. Hasonlóképpen
elfogadhatók, nem helytelenek a Speaking of…, és Talking of… kötőelemek, de egy hivatalos levélben
inkább javasolható helyettük az As regards…,Regarding…, As far as the … are concerned kifejezések
használata. Nem eléggé változatosak a mondaton belüli kötőelemek.

Szókincs: 3 pont (Esetenként megfelelt)

A szókincs a leggyengébb pontja a dolgozatnak. A vizsgázó szókincsének szélessége viszonylag
megfelelő, de igen pontatlanul használja szókincsét. Egyrészt többször hibázik az elöljáró szók
használatában (to say yes for [to], gave an order to [for], taking part of [in] the show. Másrészt
összetéveszt/felcserél szavakat, és így értelemzavaró hibákat vét (representation [presentation] of your
latest designs, hall is only capable of maintaining [hosting] 250 people, hold a competence
[hold/organise a competition], do much in this chase [case], the stuff [staff] should not pay. További
hibája: no problem with the technic part [technical part/aspect].

Nyelvtan: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A vizsgázó által használt nyelvtani szerkezeteknek köre csak viszonylag megfelelő, a vizsgázó nem
eléggé törekszik a változatosságra. A nyelvtani pontosság általában megfelelő. Hibái például there is
[are] some issues…,… the opportunity for taking[to take] part, The public safety is …, … start in the
next month A vizsgázó vét helyesírási hibákat is: can not [cannot], winers [winners], prises [prices].

A vizsgázó nyelvtana a 4 pont (Közel a megfeleléshez) és az 5 pont (Megfelelt) és kategóriák közé

esik. A pontszámot a végső értékelésekor felfelé kerekítettük.

4.2.5. Olvasói levél (letter to the editor)

Az olvasói levél a hivatalos válaszlevél egy sajátos változata. Olvasói levelet valamilyen nyomtatott
sajtótermékben vagy hírportálon megjelent újságcikk, riport stb. kapcsán szokás írni. A DExam vizsgán
mindig olyan olvasói levéllel találkozunk, amelyben a vizsgázók által képviselt szervezetet/intézményt
ért kritikára kell reagálni. A vizsgázók feladata, hogy udvariasan, de határozottan rámutassanak a
pontatlanságokra, helyreigazítsák az alaptalan bírálatot. A levélben az intézmény teszi közzé
álláspontját, azaz hangsúlyozottan nem egyéni véleményt kell megfogalmazni. A levelet az újság
főszerkesztőjének szokás címezni, ezért is természetes elvárás a formális stílus. Az olvasói levélben
kitüntetett szerepe van az udvarias és tárgyszerű hangvételnek, hiszen a türelmetlen vagy dühös
kirohanások rossz színben tüntethetik fel a vizsgázók által képviselt szervezetet/intézményt.

Konstruktívan kell a bírálathoz viszonyulni, úgy, hogy végül pozitív kép alakuljon ki a szervezetről/
Jelen alpontban a The Nova Building épületről szóló feladat (204. oldal) példáján mutatjuk be,
hogyan lehet jól megírni egy olvasói levél típusú DExam feladatot.

1. Bevezetés
Az olvasói levél bevezetésében is a levélírás okát kell megfogalmaznunk, ami szerepel a feladat
kontextusában. Például:
I am writing on behalf of the City Council following the publication of the very negative article
about the Nova Building in your magazine. We accept that you have every right to criticise, but
we are unhappy about some of the inaccuracies in the article, and would like to set the record

2. Tárgyalás
A tárgyalás taralmát a buborékokban megadott irányító szempontok és az újságcikk aláhúzott részei
határozzák meg. Az irányító szempont bevezetéseképpen érdemes utalni a levél aláhúzott részére.
In your article you state that the Council has paid €38m for the building. However, this is not
accurate, because we received funding from the EU, so the final cost to the City was less than
€10m. (some EU funding)
Regarding the sports facilities, we must point out that there are two parks nearby. These were
opened last year and have already become popular with the local community. (two parks nearby)

Amennyiben az irányító szempont után kérdőjel szerepel, akkor mindig kérdést kell feltenni az
aláhúzott résszel kapcsolatban. Például:
Your report explains that the building has been awarded a prize by your magazine’s editorial
team for being ‘Europe’s ugliest building’. I would like to ask whether any of the team are
professionally involved in architecture. Or are they simply journalists with strong opinions?
(professional experts?)

Az olvasói levélben azonban óvatosan kell megválasztani a kérdés megfogalmazását, mert például a
fenti Or are they simply journalists with strong opinions? kérdés, gúnyos költői kérdésként,
szarkazmusként is értelmezhető. Szerencsésebb a hasonló szerkezeteket mellőzni és például az alábbi
megfogalmazást használni:
It was disappointing to read that your team thought that the Nova Building is very ugly. I would
like to ask whether they are professional architects, because this kind of publicity in a magazine
like yours can have a very negative effect on all the people working in the building, so this prize
should only be awarded by real experts.

3. Befejezés
Az olvasói levelet különbözőképpen lehet zárni. A levélíró kérheti, hogy jelentessék meg levelét az
újságban, vagy tegyenek közzé helyreigazítást. De az is elképzelhető, hogy a levélíró csak egyszerűen
arra kéri a főszerkesztőt, hogy a jövőben járjanak el körültekintőbben. Akármelyik verziót is választjuk,
a levél befejezésének is tisztelettudónak, de határozottnak kell lennie. Például:

In conclusion, I hope that you will either publish this letter in your next issue, or publish an
apology, so that your readers can get a more accurate picture of the Nova Building. If you need
any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

4.2.6. Tippek, tanácsok – Időbeosztás és szótárhasználat

A DExam Íráskészség vizsgán 110 perc áll rendelkezésre, amelyet a saját belátása szerint oszthat meg
a 2 feladat között.
A 110 perc általában elegendőnek bizonyul, de ha valaki lassabb tempóban dolgozik, sokat szótároz és
piszkozatot is ír, kifuthat az időből. Amennyiben a piszkozatot a vizsgázó nem másolja át a feladat utáni
vonalazott részre, akkor az nem értékelhető.
Ahhoz, hogy a vizsgázó teljesítménye értékelhető legyen a vizsgán, mindkét feladatot meg kell írnia.
Amennyiben valaki csak az egyik feladatot írja meg, úgy a teljes vizsgarészre „Nincs értékelhető nyelvi
teljesítmény” értékelést, azaz 0 pontot kap.

Az Íráskészség vizsgán használható egynyelvű és/vagy kétnyelvű nyomtatott szótár. A szótár
azonban csak akkor válhat hasznos és megbízható segédeszközzé, ha a vizsgán való használatára
tudatosan felkészülünk.
 A vizsga előtt gyakorolja a szótározást! Vizsgabiztonsági megfontolásokból a nyelvvizsgán csak
nyomtatott szótár használható. Fel kell tehát készülni, hogy elég gyorsan és hatékonyan tudjon
keresni a nyomtatott szótárban. Kis gyakorlással akár 10 másodperc alatt ki fog tudni keresni
bármilyen szót!
 Igyekezzen mindig megbizonyosodni arról, hogy a megfelelő szót/szójelentést választotta ki!
o Fussa át a teljes szócikket, és válassza azt a jelentést, amely a legjobban beleillik a
o Ha „biztosra akar menni”, akkor használja a visszafordítás módszerét! Ha kikeresett egy
szót a magyar-angol szótárban, ellenőrizze annak jelentését egy egynyelvű szótárban!
Olvassa el az ott szereplő példamondatokat is! Hasonlóképpen, ha kikeresett egy szót az
egynyelvű szótárból, ellenőrizze annak jelentését az angol-magyar szótárban.
A vizsgán célszerű a megfelelő szövegkörnyezetben korábban elsajátított szavakat és kifejezéseket
használni. Melyek azok az esetek, amikor viszont ajánlatos a szótárhoz fordulni?
o Ha bizonytalan a levélben/újságcikkben aláhúzott szavak jelentésében.
o Ha nem érti pontosan a levél/fogalmazás irányító szempontjainak a jelentését.
o Ha nem biztos a használni kívánt szó valamely jellemzőjében, úgymint állandó vonzat,
nyelvtani jellemzők (pl. szófaj, múlt idejű/többesszámú alak stb.), helyesírás, stilisztikai

4.2.7. Tippek, tanácsok – Levélírás

1. Kezdje levelét rövid, de udvarias bevezetéssel!

2. Következetesen tartsa be a hivatalos levél stílusára vonatkozó szabályokat!
3. Vezesse be az irányítószempontokat! Utaljon a levél megfelelő részére! Törekedjen az utalások
változatos megfogalmazására, pl.: “your letter mentions… you refer to … you indicate ….”!
4. Figyeljen az írásjelre az irányitó szempontok végén! Ha az irányító szempont után kérdőjel áll, és
Ön nem kérdést tesz fel az aláhúzott résszel kapcsolatban, akkor azért pontlevonás jár.
5. Írjon mindegyik irányító szempontról legalább egy saját gondolatot tartalmazó (tag)mondatot is!
6. Tagolja levelét bekezdésekre! Általában 3-6 bekezdés elegendő a levél logikus felépítéséhez.
7. Használjon megfelelő és változatos kötőelemeket gondolatai összefűzéséhez mind a mondaton
belül, mind a bekezdések között!
8. Ne feledkezzen meg a levél végén a zárósorról és az elköszönésről!
9. A dolgozat beadása előtt még egyszer olvassa át levelét! Ilyenkor még észrevehet néhány nyelvtani
pontatlanságot, helyesírási hibát. Az utolsó pillanatban azonban már nem érdemes változtatni a levél
felépítésén vagy több mondatot átfogalmazni/kihúzni. Van azonban néhány olyan dolog, amelyet
ha ekkor észrevesz, viszonylag veszélytelenül kijavíthat.

A levél végső ellenőrzése

Kitért-e valamennyi irányító szempontra?
Összekapcsolta-e megfelelő kötőelemekkel a bekezdéseket, az új gondolatokat?
Nem használta-e ugyanazt a szót, kifejezést túl gyakran?
Nem használt-e összevont alakot vagy informális kifejezést?
Van-e a levél végén megfelelő zárósor és elköszönés?
Nem írta-e alá véletlenül a levelet?
Helyesen használta-e az írásjeleket?

4.3. A második feladat: véleménykifejtő fogalmazás (discursive essay)

A feladatsor második feladata egy fogalmazás, amelyben valamilyen vitás kérdésről kell elmondani
a véleményünket. A vélemény megfogalmazásának két fő típusát szokás megkülönböztetni. A
fogalmazásban törekedhetünk arra, hogy:
1) minél tárgyilagosabban mutassuk be mindkét lehetséges nézőpontot, azaz mind a támogató,
mind az ellenérveket – ezt tesszük a discursive vagy for and against fogalmazásban
2) a két lehetséges nézőpont egyikének az igazáról győzzük meg az olvasót – ez a célja az opinion
giving fogalmazásnak.

A különböző kurzuskönyvek és készségfejlesztő könyvek sokszor eltérő megnevezés alatt tárgyalják

ezeket a típusokat, s ez a terminológiai sokféleség megnehezítheti az eligazodást. A feladat utasítása
(lásd például a Hiba! A könyvjelző nem létezik.. oldalon) egyértelművé teszi, hogy a DExam vizsgán
discursive vagy for and against fogalmazást kell írni.
A véleménykifejtő fogalmazás témája különbözik a humán-, illetve reálfeladatsorban. A
humánfeladatsort választók valamilyen a művészetekkel, az irodalommal, a történelemmel vagy
valamilyen szociológiai problémával kapcsolatos kérdést kapnak, míg a reálfeladatsorban egy
természettudományos vagy műszaki kérdésről kell értekezni.

4.3.1. A véleménykifejtő fogalmazás felépítése és stílusa

A véleménykifejtő fogalmazás lényege a nézetek ütköztetése, hogy a feladat címében kijelentésként

vagy kérdésként megfogalmazott állítás mellett és ellen érveljünk. Az állítást 4 különböző oldalról – a
4 megadott irányító szempont perspektívájából – kell átgondolnunk. A feladatban az a legfontosabb,
hogy mind a 4 irányító szempontot mindkét oldalról megvizsgáljuk, mindegyik esetében találjunk
támogató és ellenérveket, előnyöket és hátrányokat egyaránt. A véleménykifejtő fogalmazásnak nem
célja, hogy a felhozott érvek alapján egyértelműen állást foglaljunk az állítás mellett vagy ellene, így a
befejezésben nyitva is hagyhatjuk a kérdést.

A véleménykifejtő fogalmazásban kétféleképpen rendezhetjük el érveinket. A jellemzőbb, gyakoribb

felépítés esetén úgy vesszük sorra szempontokat, hogy mindegyiknél ütköztetjük a pozitívumokat és a
negatívumokat. Ezt a fajta felépítést a 182. oldalon található 1. ábrával szemléltethetjük. Gondolatainkat
csoportosíthatjuk úgy is, hogy először sorra vesszük az állítás mellett szóló összes érvet, majd az
ellenérveket tárgyaljuk (vagy megfordítva). Ezt a felépítést mutatja be a 182. oldalon található 2. ábra.

Tárgyilagos hangvétel
A véleménykifejtő fogalmazásra az a jellemző, hogy nem a saját álláspontunkból indulunk ki, hanem
magát a problémát állítjuk a középpontba. Következésképpen a véleménykifejtő fogalmazásra az
érzelemmentes és elfogulatlan hangvétel a jellemző.
Hasznos segítség lehet az érvek és ellenérvek megtalálásához, ha az emberek különböző, eltérő
nézeteket valló csoportjaira gondolunk. Lehetséges, hogy az adott kérdésben mi magunk határozott
pozitív vagy negatív álláspontot képviselünk, de a feladat a nézetek ütköztetése, az, hogy a lehetőségek
szerint egyforma hangsúlyt kapjanak az érvek és ellenérvek. Ebben segíthet, ha tipikusan eltérő
nézeteket valló emberekre gondolunk, például idősek ↔ fiatalok, városlakók ↔ falusiak, magyarok ↔
külföldiek, gazdagok ↔ szegények, tudósok ↔ laikusok stb.
Koherencia és kohézió
A véleménykifejtő fogalmazást könnyebb olvasni, de megírni is, ha az jól szerkesztett, ha
gondolatainkat bekezdésekre tagoljuk, és megfelelő kötőelemeket használunk. Fontos az olvasó
számára jelezni, hogy mikor kezdünk egy új témát (egy új irányító szempontot) tárgyalni, s mikor térünk
rá egy ellenérvre.
A témaváltás jelzésére alkalmazhatók például a következő kifejezések:
Moving on to the question of transport…
If we turn to the question of relationships…
Az ellenérvek bevezetésére ellentétes kötőelemekre van szükség, például However, Despite the fact
that, In spite of the fact that, Although, Even though, On the other hand, stb.

1. ábra: Véleménykifejtő fogalmazás: érveink csoportosítása szempontonként


1. irányító szempont:
 érv(ek) mellette  érv(ek) ellene

2. irányító szempont:
 érv(ek) mellette  érv(ek) ellene

3. irányító szempont:
 érv(ek) mellette  érv(ek) ellene

4. irányító szempont:
 érv(ek) mellette  érv(ek) ellene


2. ábra: Véleménykifejtő fogalmazás: érvek és ellenérvek szerinti csoportosítás


 érv(ek) mellette:
1. irányító szempont
2. irányító szempont
3. irányító szempont
4. irányító szempont

 érv(ek) ellene:
1. irányító szempont
2. irányító szempont
3. irányító szempont
4. irányító szempont

4.3.2. Hogyan írjunk véleménykifejtő fogalmazást? – Music competitions on television

Ebben az alpontban egy humántémájú, a zenei tehetségkutató TV műsorokról szóló feladat példáján
mutatjuk be, hogy lehet jó véleménykifejtő fogalmazást írni (a feladat utasítással együtt a 199. oldalon
A megvitatandó állítás a következő: Music competitions on television are really made to attract
viewers, rather than promote any interest in music.
A vizsgázóknak az alábbi négy irányító szempont mentén kell érvelni:
 types of music
 age of performers
 involvement of celebrities
 educational aspects

1. Bevezetés
A véleménykifejtő fogalmazás bevezetésének a középpontjában a téma, a vitatott kérdés áll.
Kiemelhetjük a téma fontosságát/időszerűségét/ellentmondásos jellegét. Ez megadja a fogalmazás
alaphangját és remélhetőleg felkelti az olvasó érdeklődését. Például:
One of the most popular forms of TV today is the music competition. But are these competitions
really made to make us appreciate music, or just to increase the viewing figures? In this essay I
hope to answer that question.

Music competitions on TV are a relatively new idea, and many people have argued they are
produced for commercial and not artistic reasons.

2. Tárgyalás
A megadott irányító szempontok határozzák meg a fogalmazás tartalmát, amelyeket tetszőleges
sorrendben fejthetünk ki. Érveinket magyarázattal, példákkal kell alátámasztani.
Az alábbiakban bemutatjuk, hogyan tölthető ki a 182. oldalon felvázolt séma tényleges tartalommal.
A  ikonnal jelöltük azokat az érveket, amelyek alátámasztják a címben szereplő állítást (azaz a zenei
tehetségkutató TV műsorok csak a nézőszámot hivatottak növelni), a  ikon pedig az ellenérveket
jelöli. Kiemeltük a témaváltást jelző kifejezéseket, az új témát bevezető mondatokat és az ellentétes

1) types of music
 
For some types of music – particularly the However, for other music genres, such as
more commercial types, like pop music – classical music, the programmes seem to be
music competitions are mainly designed to get more interested in encouraging talented
maximum viewers. For these shows the performers.
appearance of the singers, and their star
quality are what matter.

2) age of performers
 
Turning to the issue of the performers’ age, On the other hand, there are programmes
we can often see that children and young where age does not matter, and young people
adults are the main focus of the programme. If and adults perform together because their
a child is not very talented then sometimes music ability is the most important factor.
their charm or cuteness will be enough to get
on the programme.

3) involvement of celebrities
 
One typical feature of these programmes is However, in some cases they can pass on their
the guest celebrities. Sometimes they are paid experience and expertise to young competitors
a lot of money to attract more viewers and thinking of starting a career in music.
advertising for the programme.

4) educational aspects
 
Many people dislike these kind of We should not forget, however, that the
programmes because they are not professional musicians in the jury often give
educational, which is often true because detailed information to the contestants about
they are designed as light entertainment. how to use their voice and how to play their

3. Befejezés
A befejezésben alapvetően 2 lehetőség közül választhatunk:
 A tárgyalásban ismertetett általános vélekedések után megfogalmazzuk saját véleményünket,
azaz letesszük a voksunkat az állítás mellett/ellen.
 Nem foglalunk állást, például röviden összegezzük az addig ismertetett nézeteket vagy
megállapítjuk, hogy a kérdés nem dönthető el.
In conclusion, I believe that music competitions are usually more interested in taking advantage
of people’s desire to be on television, and not in developing public interest in music.
All things considered, I think most music competitions manage to be both entertaining and
interesting in a musical sense. Therefore, I am not surprised that they have large audiences.

Ahogyan arról szó esett a 182. oldalon, nem kötelező a fenti szerkezetet követni, és a nézeteket
irányító szempontonként ütköztetni. Az alábbiakban közreadjuk a mintamegoldásnak azt a szerkezeti
változatát is, amikor 1-1 bekezdést szentelünk az támogató, illetve ellenérveknek.

One of the most popular forms of TV today is the music competition. But are these competitions really made
to make us appreciate music, or just to increase the viewing figures?
I think for some types of music – particularly the more commercial types, like pop music – music competitions
are mainly designed to get maximum viewers. For these shows the appearance of the singers, and their star
quality are what matter. Turning to the issue of the performers’ age, we can often see that children and young
adults are the main focus of the programme, and if a child is not very talented then their charm or cuteness might
be enough to get on the programme. Often celebrities are invited on the programme, but only to attract more
viewers and more advertising, and not because of their talent. Furthermore, many people say these programmes
are not educational, which in many cases is true because they are obviously designed as light entertainment.
However, we must not forget that for some music genres, such as classical music, the programmes do seem
to be interested in encouraging talented performers. In some programmes age does not matter, and young
people and adults perform together because their music ability is the most important factor. What is more,
celebrities are not always just decorative, but pass on their experience and expertise to young competitors
thinking of starting a career in music. Furthermore, the musicians in the jury often give quite detailed technical
information to the contestants, so the programmes do have educational value.
All things considered, I think most music competitions manage to be both entertaining and interesting in a
musical sense. Therefore, I am not surprised that they have large audiences.

4.3.3. Hogyan írjunk véleménykifejtő fogalmazást? – Does smart technology really improve the
quality of life?

Ebben az alpontban egy reáltémájú, az okos technológiák, az intelligens gépek hasznáról szóló
feladat példáján mutatjuk be, hogy lehet jó véleménykifejtő fogalmazást írni (a feladat utasítással együtt
a 200 oldalon található).
A megválaszolandó kérdés a következő: Does smart technology really improve the quality of life?
A vizsgázóknak az alábbi négy irányító szempont mentén kell érvelni:
 health
 household chores
 relationships
 transport

1. Bevezetés
A véleménykifejtő fogalmazás bevezetésének a középpontjában a téma, a vitatott kérdés áll.
Kiemelhetjük a téma fontosságát/időszerűségét/ellentmondásos jellegét. Ez megadja a fogalmazás
alaphangját és remélhetőleg felkelti az olvasó érdeklődését. Például:
One of the most widely discussed topics today is whether the technology we use really does make
our lives better.

The question of whether smart technology is a benefit for humanity has provoked bitter arguments
for several years. In this essay I hope to provide an answer to this question.

2. Tárgyalás
A megadott irányító szempontok határozzák meg a fogalmazás tartalmát, amelyeket tetszőleges
sorrendben fejthetünk ki. Érveinket magyarázattal, példákkal kell alátámasztani.
Az alábbiakban bemutatjuk, hogyan tölthető ki a 182. oldalon felvázolt séma tényleges tartalommal.
A  ikonnal jelöltük azokat az érveket, amelyek alátámasztják a címben szereplő állítást (azaz az okos
technológiák egyértelműen javítják az emberek életminőségét), a  ikon pedig az ellenérveket jelöli.
Kiemeltük a témaváltást jelző kifejezéseket, az új témát bevezető mondatokat és az ellentétes

1) health
 
One of the important areas in which smart However, for some people a smart app will not
technology has improved our lives, is in the be able to help them quit smoking or stop
area of health. For example, doctors can also drinking heavily, and young children may not
use smart technology to monitor their patients’ be able to use smart technology as easily as
progress after an operation, which is a great adults.
2) household chores
 
Turning to the question of whether smart On the other hand, so far we have not been
technology has helped us to do household able to develop smart technology that does the
chores, we can see that many homes have hard, physical work of cleaning the house.
smart devices which control our fridges, or
even switch lights on and off when we are on
3) relationships
 
Many people use smart technology in their On the other hand, many people argue that
social lives, to create and maintain friendships, this has reduced the time we spend in face to
and in some ways this has transformed our face communication and has also led to trolling
relationships. and hatred online.
4) transport
 
Another area of life which is being On the other hand, driverless cars bring with
revolutionised by smart technology is them serious risks of accidents and issues of
transport. Getting around a city is so much personal responsibility.
easier with travel apps and GPS navigation.

3. Befejezés
A befejezésben alapvetően 2 lehetőség közül választhatunk:
 A tárgyalásban ismertetett általános vélekedések után megfogalmazzuk saját véleményünket,
azaz letesszük a voksunkat az állítás mellett/ellen.
 Nem foglalunk állást, például röviden összegezzük az addig ismertetett nézeteket vagy
megállapítjuk, hogy a kérdés nem dönthető el.
In conclusion, I believe that smart technology has improved the quality of our life in several areas,
and will continue to do so in the future.

All things considered, I am not convinced that smart technology has really been as beneficial as
many people think. Most of the important areas of life are still dependent on more traditional

Having considered the question in some detail I do not believe there is a clear answer to this
question. Smart technology has been a great advantage in some areas, but in other areas it has
not yet developed very much.

Az alábbiakban közreadjuk a mintamegoldásnak azt a szerkezeti változatát is, amikor az érveket nem
irányító szempontonként fejtjük ki, hanem 1-1 bekezdést szentelünk a támogató, illetve ellenérveknek.

The question of whether smart technology is a benefit for humanity has provoked bitter arguments for several
years. In this essay I hope to provide an answer to this question.
Smart technology has been very beneficial in many areas. One of these is health. Doctors can use smart
technology to monitor their patients’ progress after an operation, which is a great benefit. In the home, smart
technology has helped us to do household chores. Many homes have smart devices which control our fridges, or
even switch lights on and off when we are on holiday. What is more, many people use smart technology in their
social lives, to create and maintain friendships, and this has transformed our relationships. Finally, smart
technology has also revolutionised transport. Getting around a city is so much easier with travel apps and GPS
However, there are several negative aspects of smart technology. In the field of health, a smart app will not
necessarily help you quit smoking or stop drinking, and young children may not be able to use smart technology
for medical purposes. In the home, smart technology cannot do the hard, physical work of cleaning the house.
Furthermore, our social lives have been seriously harmed by the fact that smart technology has reduced the time
we spend in face to face communication and also led to trolling and hatred online. Finally, in the field of transport,
driverless cars bring with them serious risks of accidents and issues of personal responsibility.
In conclusion, I believe that smart technology has improved the quality of our life in several areas, but we
should not be tempted to think it has taken over every aspect of our lives, or that it ever will.

4.3.4. Véleménykifejtő fogalmazás – vizsgázói megoldások értékelése

Ebben az alpontban bemutatunk négy vizsgázói megoldást és azok minősítését a DExam vizsgán
alkalmazott négy értékelési szempont szerint (lásd 4.1. pont). A vizsgázói megoldásokat átgépelve, de
eredeti megfogalmazásukban adjuk közre.

A teljesítmény elemzésekor a következő jelöléseket alkalmazzuk:

A hibás szóalakot aláhúzzuk, és szögletes zárójelben megadjuk a javítását. Pl.:

“representation [presentation] of your latest designs”

A hiányzó szóalakot szögletes zárójelbe téve betoldjuk, pl.: „what is [the] difference”.
A fölösleges szót áthúzzuk, pl.: „pay to a professional”

Digital photography – a curse or a blessing?

A humántémájú feladat a digitális fényképezésről szól (a feladat utasítással együtt a 202. oldalon
található). A megválaszolandó kérdés a következő: Digital photography – a curse or a blessing?

A vizsgázóknak a az alábbi négy irányító szempont mentén kell érvelni:

 selfies
 photoshopping
 amateur photojournalists
 artistic value

Digital photography – 1. vizsgázói megoldás

Modern technology dominates our life, however it is controversial that these

state of art appliences can be considered as a curse or a blessing in our life. As
far as digital photography in concered we can approach this topic form
different perspectives.
First of all the mainly debated question is whether pictures made by using
new technology can represent an artistic value or not. For many people only
the former analogue photography can be considered as a form of art, they are
convinsed that using it the photographer has had to be really talented to catch
and record the moment of joy, paint, or sadness. On the other hand for new
generation analogue photography is a part of history, and they try to find the
way to create artistic value using the modern technology too.
Furthermore photoshopping is also a hotly debated issue nowadays. A lot of
people use it to improve the quality of pictures, and they do not have to pay
to a professional. However, it seems that photoshopping dominates in the
newspapers and magazines, and it can be disadvantageous or even dangerous
for teenagers, since these pictures convey an unrealistic beauty, and can
contribute to the growing number of eating disorders.
Moreover it seems that digital photography is advantageous in the field of
amateur photojournalism, hence it give a chance for individuals who travel a
lot to share their experiences and create their own blogs. Nevertheless there
are too many people who create this kind of website, so readers can receive

incorrect information.
Finally this technology makes it easy to make a self portrait, and it is
available for all of us nowadays, so people can convey their feelings, mood
during these photos. On the other hand it can be really disturbing the huge
amount of selfies on a site. It can also occur that these pictures will be stolen
and abused.
Having looked at these aspects from both sites, it seems to me, that beside
advantages these are also a lot drawbacks related to digital photography, so
caution is required when we use these technology.


Feladat teljesítése: 7 pont (Kiválóan megfelelt)

A bevezetés jól megfelel a műfaji elvárásoknak. A vizsgázó egy figyelemfelkeltő állítással kezdi
fogalmazását: modern technology dominates our life, majd ebből vezeti le az értekezés témáját. Mind a
4 irányító szempontot megfelelően kifejti, mindegyik szempont kapcsán megfelelő támogató és
ellenérveket ütköztet. A befejezés is kiváló, azt a következtetést vonja le, hogy mivel előnyei és
hátrányai egyaránt vannak a digitális fényképezésnek, óvatosan kell bánni vele.
A fogalmazás terjedelme meghaladja a minimum szószámot: 349 szó.

Koherencia és kohézió: 7 pont (Kiválóan megfelelt)

A fogalmazás szerkezete logikus, a vizsgázó gondolatmenete jól követhető. A vizsgázó világosan
jelöli a témaváltásokat (First of all, Furthermore, Moreover, Finally, Having looked at these aspects…)
és megfelelő kötőszavakkal vezeti be az ellenérveket (however, on the other hand, nevertheless). A
mondaton belül is megfelelő kötőelemeket használ, csak egyszer hibázik: … digital photography is
advantageous in the field of amateur photojournalism, hence [because/since] it give a chance for
individuals … to share their experiences…

Szókincs: 6 pont (Jól megfelelt)

A vizsgázó szókincsének szélessége jól megfelel a feladatnak, de vét hibákat. Például: these state of
art [state-of-the-art] appliences As far as digital photography in [is] concered, mainly [the most
commonly/frequently] debated question, the former [traditional/traditional form of] analogue
photography, … represent [has] an artistic value, pay to a professional, these pictures will be … abused
[misused]. Értelemzavaró és ezért súlyos hibának számít a következő: Having looked at these aspects
from both sites [sides].

Nyelvtan: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A vizsgázó megfelelő és eléggé változatos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ, általában megfelelő
helyességgel. Hibái például it is controversial that [whether] these…, the photographer has had to be
really talented, dominates in the newspapers. A vizsgázó vét szórendi hibát –… it can be really
disturbing the huge amount of selfies on a site [the huge amount of selfies on a site can be really
disturbing], és előfordulnak egyetetési hibák (it give[s] a chance, use these [this] technology). Vannak
helyesírási és központozási hibái, pl.: appliences [appliances] concered [concerned], convinced [convinced],
our life, however[,]. Rendszeresen elhagyja a kötőelemek utáni vagy előtti vesszőt, pl.: First of all[,]…,
Furthermore[,]…, Moreover[,]…, Nevertheless[,]…, the modern technology[,] too, Finally[,]….

A vizsgázó szókincse az 5 pont (Megfelelt) és 6 pont (Jól megfelelt) kategóriák közé esik, csakúgy,
mint a nyelvtani pontszáma. A pontszámot a szókincs értékelésekor felfelé, a nyelvtan értékelésekor
pedig lefelé kerekítettük.

Digital photography – 2. vizsgázói megoldás

Many people of today’s world they are experts of photography because they
have got very expensive camera or a cellphone with a good photoshooter.
First think to the people whose using their extremely expensive machine just
to take selfies. They are shooting photos of themselfes and they are put their
pics to the Facebook or they are show them to their friends. They paid a lot
for their item and they are use just to make selfies. It’s a waste of money.
On the other hand there are people whose use them machines to take
pictures of celebrities or big events to sell them to a newspaper or upload to
their own blogs. They are amateur photojournalist. and I think they are very
cool because it is a kind of jobs.
Around the world there are people whose very talented with using
Photoshop. Photoshopping is a great fun, and if you good in it you can make
wonderful pictures on your computer just using your mouse. With this software
you can manipulate the images too. To manipulate a picture is ??? , the guy
can make unreal photos of celebrities and he can use it to make bad news from
the star. This is the „dark-side” of photoshooting.
In my opinion the digital photography has got artistic sense, because when
I hear these words I think to the guy who take Mr. Beans’ face to the Mona
Lisa. I think it’s a kind of modern art. Many people can shoot beautiful photos
with a digital camera and what we see on it is the reality. With a good software
everybody who has got talent for digital photography is can be a modern artist.


A 2. vizsgázói megoldás példáján azt mutatjuk be, hogyan hat az értékelésre, ha a fogalmazás csak
részben felel meg a véleménykifejtő fogalmazás műfaji követelményeinek.

Feladat teljesítése: 4 pont (Közel a megfeleléshez)

A vizsgázó azt a hibát követi el, hogy csupán egy irányító szempont (photoshopping) esetében
ütközteti a nézeteket. A szelfikkel kapcsolatban csak a hátrányokról ír, a bekezdés az It’s a waste of
money megállapítással zárul, hiányzik a pozitív ellenérv. A következő bekezdés ugyan ellentétes
kötőszóval indul (On the other hand), de az már az amatőr fotoriporterekről szól. A vizsgázó tehát
figyelmen kívül hagyja az utasításban is egyértelműen szereplő elvárást, miszerint minden egyes
irányító szempont mellett és ellen is kell érvelni. Az utolsó két szempont (amateur photojournalists,
artistic value) kifejtése is egyoldalú, csak az előnyökről szól. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a fogalmazás csak
részben felel meg a műfaji elvárásoknak. Ez természetesen negatívan hat egyrészt a feladatteljesítés
megítélésére, továbbá pontlevonást von maga után a másik 3 értékelési szempontnál is.
A vizsgázó egy további műfaji hibát is vét: a bevezetés műfaji szempontból elfogadható (bár nem
körvonalazza egyértelműen a fogalmazás témáját), a befejezés azonban hiányzik.
A fogalmazás terjedelme meghaladja a minimum szószámot: 282 szó.

Koherencia és kohézió: 3 pont (Általában nem felelt meg)

A vizsgázó gondolatmenete általában követhető, de kevés szövegszintű kötőelemet használ. A
fogalmazás darabos, különálló gondolatok sorozatának tűnik az olvasónak.
A vizsgázó nem mindig használja helyesen az utalószavakat, pl.: the guy can make unreal photos of
celebrities (nem világos a szövegből, kiről van szó).

Mivel a vizsgázó nem fejt ki minden irányító szempontot kétoldalról, az elvártnál kevesebb ellentétes
kötőszó szerepel a fogalmazásban. Ez automatikusan egy pont levonással jár.

Szókincs: 3 pont (Általában nem felelt meg)

A vizsgázó szókincsének terjedelme csak viszonylag megfelelő, megközelíti, de nem éri el a C1
szintet. Ezt mutatja például a make és use igék gyakori használata (a make négyszer, a use háromszor
fordul elő). A vizsgázó nem használ a műfajnak megfelelő választékosabb kifejezéseket, előfordul
viszont informális szóhasználat, pl.: pics [pictures].
A vizsgázó többször vét hibát az elöljáró szók használatában, pl.: they are experts of [in]
photography, think to [of] the people, I think to [of] the guy, talented with [in] using, bad news from
[about] the star. Helytelen a photoshoot főnévből képzett alakok használata (a cellphone with a good
photoshooter [camera], This is the „dark-side” of photoshooting [photoshopping]) és a who take Mr.
Bean’s face to [photoshopped/put Mr. Bean’s face onto] the Mona Lisa megfogalmazás.

A feladatteljesítésben vétett műfaji hiba miatt a szókincs értékelése során is automatikusan levontunk
egy pontot.

Nyelvtan: 2 pont (Nem felelt meg)

A vizsgázó a nyelvtani szerkezetek korlátozott készletét használja, és a szinten elfogadhatatlan
nyelvtani hibákat vét, amelyek egy része ismétlődik. Rendszeresen helytelenül képezi az egyszerű jelen
idejű igealakokat (pl.: they are put their pics to the[on] Facebook, they are show them to their friends,
and they are use just to make selfies everybody is can be a modern artist) és helytelenül használja a
whose vonatkozó névmást (there are people whose [who are] very talented, there are people whose
[who] use). Nem a megfelelő nyelvtani szerkezetet alkalmazza a következő esetekben sem: Many
people of today’s world they are experts, use them [their] machines ,…the guy who take Mr. Bean’s face
A helyesírás és központozás megfelelő, de pl.: themselfes [themselves], you can manipulate the
images[,] too.
A feladatteljesítésben vétett műfaji hiba miatt a nyelvtan értékelése során is automatikusan levontunk
egy pontot.

Those who are gifted and motivated will always reach the top in their sport
A reál témájú feladat az élsportolókat segítő tudományos és műszaki háttérről szól (a feladat
utasítással együtt a 203. oldalon található). A megvitatandó állítás a következő: Those who are gifted
and motivated will always reach the top in their sport. A vizsgázóknak az alábbi négy irányító szempont
mentén kell érvelni:
 sports equipment
 medical support
 use of sports statistics
 financial background

Those who are gifted and motivated… – 1.vizsgázói megoldás

Nowadays, it is a debated issue whether becoming a professional athlete

requires more than being gifted and motivated or not. I reckon that to reach
the top in certain sport, it is sufficient to be gifted and motivated, but very
hard without certain beneficial factors.
Firstly, to be a succesful professional athlete, in most sports an appropriate
sports equipment is almost irreplaceable. For example, the availability of a pool
is essential to become a professional swimmer, but the ones with decent
motivation to become a swimmer will take advantage of nearby rivers and
lakes. However, in most sports, such as wall climbing or skiing, a career can
not be built without sufficient sports equipment.
Secondly, since an appropriate health condition is needed to become a
succesful athlete, receiving medical support is almost irreplaceable. In
developing countries, only the luckiest children, who whether receive medical
support or have a strong immune system have the opportunity to achieve their
As I mentioned, a lot of benefits flow from the two factors mentioned above.
According to recent statistics, more and more developing countries appear on
the Olympic Games or other sports events. Consequently, I firmly belive that
the two factors are the result of a secure financial background. Nowadays,
money is one of the most important factors to become an athlete and reach
the top, since an equipment and medical support costs a lot. However, we can
name a lot of succesful professional athletes who have risen from poverty, such
as Katinka Hosszú, or Usain Bolt.
To sum up, I firmly believe that reaching the top of our sports only requires
only these two personal qualities, but there are a lot of other factors that easen
to fulfil a professional athlete’s duties, which statement is based not only an
experience, but proven data and statistics.


Feladat teljesítése: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A bevezetés figyelemfelkeltő, jól megfelel a műfaji elvárásoknak.
A vizsgázó a 4-ből 3 irányító szempont kapcsán megfelelő támogató és ellenérveket ütköztet. A use
of sports statistics szempontot azonban nem a címben szereplő állításra vonatkoztatja, hanem csak
megemlít egy sporttal kapcsolatos statisztikai adatot (növekszik az Olimpiákon részt vevő fejlődő
országok száma). Ezen szempontnál ellenérvet sem tud felhozni. A befejezés tartalmilag megfelelő.
A fogalmazás terjedelme meghaladja a minimum szószámot: 303 szó.

Koherencia és kohézió: 6 pont (Jól megfelelt)

A fogalmazás szerkezete logikus, a vizsgázó gondolatmenete általában jól követhető. Bár az ok
okozat összefüggés nehezen értelmezhető az alábbi 2 mondat között: According to recent statistics,
more and more developing countries appear on the Olympic Games or other sports events.
Consequently, I firmly belive that the two factors [sufficient sports equipment & medical support] are
the result of a secure financial background.
A vizsgázó általában megfelelő kötőelemeket használ mind a szöveg, mind a mondat szintjén, pl.:
Firstly, Secondly, As I mentioned, However, To sum up, for example, since.

Szókincs: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A vizsgázó szókincsének szélessége megfelel a feladatnak. Pozitívumként emelhetjük ki például a
következő kifejezéseket: I firmly belive [believe], a debated issue, … requires more than… appropriate
equipment, availability, benefits flow from, risen from poverty. Kevés hibát vét, de azok zavaróak.
Nehezen értelmezhető a receiving medical support is almost irreplaceable [essential] megfogalmazás.
Megakasztja a kommunikációt az easen nem létező szóalak, továbbá furcsa a fulfil duties kifejezést
sportolókkal kapcsolatban használni.

Nyelvtan: 6 pont (Jól megfelelt)

A vizsgázó megfelelő és eléggé változatos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ, általában megfelelő
helyességgel. Kevés hibát vét, pl.: in certain sport[s], an appropriate sports equipment. Van ugyanakkor
egy értelemzavaró nyelvtani hibája is: only the luckiest children, who whether receive medical
A helyesírás és központozás megfelelő, de pl.: can not [cannot], succesful [successful], belive

Those who are gifted and motivated… – 2. vizsgázói megoldás

We are living in a world in which sport has a huge impact. Almost everyone
from us do some form of sports, whether they are amateurs or professional.
Ordinary people are usually envy to the successful sportspeople who earn
fortunes with their profession. But how can people reach the level of these
sportsmen, is it completely up to them?
Of course the most important ingredient of a successful sportsmen is to be

gifted in a sport, have good genes, good body structure and an ability to be
better in sport than others. However, this is not enough. They also need to be
motivated and enthusiastic about their profession, work hard to achieve their
dreams. Also they shouldn’t any doubt in themselves for a moment.
Besides they also need medical support. Since medicine is very advanced in
our modern world it can help sportspeople to be better and be in their top
form the longest time possible. For instance if a sportsperson suffers a horrific
injury it can cause the end of their carreer in some places but in other, more
developed countries, they can still recover from it and come back with the help
of proper medical treatments.
Unfortunately financial background can also be a deciding factor wheter
people become professionals or not. We can take sports with expensive
equipment, like fencing as an example. People can be talented and motivated
in a sport but if their parents cannot afford to buy training equipment for
huge amount of money or hire the most experienced coaches to their children
who can provide them with important knowledge of a sport they have to stop
that sport and throw away their dreams.
Besides these factors, we can also find things that help sportsmen to become
better and better, such as a proper diet, consuming the right type and amount
of food or a proper sleeping routine. Sport statistics show that they are also
needed for sportspeople to reach their best.
All in all, I think that being gifted and motivated is essential for a
professional sportsperson but it is not fully up to them whether they could
reach a high level. We can also find deciding factors in this issue apart from


A 2. vizsgázói megoldás példáján azt mutatjuk be, hogyan hat az értékelésre, ha a vizsgázó az irányító
szempontokat (többé-kevésbé) követve a címről ír, de fogalmazása egyáltalán nem felel meg a
véleménykifejtő fogalmazás műfaji követelményeinek.

Feladat teljesítése: 3 pont (Általában nem felelt meg)

A fogalmazás hosszas bevezetéssel indul, második bekezdést el lehetne hagyni. Ez a szövegrész
természetesen nem irreleváns, magyarázza és némileg kiegészíti a címben megfogalmazott állítást, de
nem tesz hozzá semmi lényegeset a véleménykifejtő fogalmazásban elvárt érveléshez.
A harmadik bekezdés az orvosi segítség szükségességéről szól, de csak egyoldalról. A vizsgázó nem
gondolkodik el azon, hogy eljuthat-e egy sportoló a csúcsra orvosi támogatás nélkül is. Ugyanez a
helyzet a negyedik, az anyagi hátteret taglaló bekezdéssel. A vizsgázó itt is csak a megfelelő anyagi
háttér fontossága mellett érvel, és nem hoz fel egyetlen ellenérvet sem. Az ötödik bekezdésben a
vizsgázó az étrend és az alvás fontosságát emeli ki, majd megállapítja, hogy ezt statisztikai adatok is

alátámasztják. Azaz ugyanazt a hibát követi el, mint amelyet az első vizsgázói megoldásban láttunk: a
use of sports statistics szempontot nem a címben szereplő állításra vonatkoztatja.
Összességében tehát a vizsgázó egyetlen szempontot sem fejt ki két oldalról, a use of sports statistics
szempontot félreérti, a sports equipment szempontot meg sem említi (csak arról ejt szót, hogy a
felszerelés drága). Ez azt jelenti, hogy a vizsgázó bár a témáról ír, egyáltalán nem teljesíti a
véleménykifejtő fogalmazás követelményeit. Ilyen esetben a feladatteljesítésre maximum 3 pontot
kaphat a vizsgázó, s a többi szempont szerinti értékelés sem haladhatja meg az 5 pontot.
A fogalmazás terjedelme meghaladja a minimum szószámot: 371 szó.

Koherencia és kohézió: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A vizsgázó gondolatmenete jól követhető, általában elegendő kötőelemt használ mind a szöveg, mind
a mondat szintjén, pl.: of course, however, Besides, For instance, Unfortunately, such as, All in all.

Szókincs: 4 pont (Közel a megfeleléshez)

A vizsgázó széles szókinccsel rendelkezik, de a fölöslegesen hosszú bevezetés és a félreértelmezett
irányítószempont miatt a témához szorosabban tartozó szókincsét nem tudja kellőképpen bemutatni.
Pozitívumként emelhetjük ki például a the most important ingredient, a horrific injury, a deciding
factor, provide them with, consuming the right type of food kifejezéseket. A vizsgázó kevés hibát vét és
azok nem értelemzavaróak, pl.: hire coaches to [for] their children, Almost everyone from [of] us, people
are usually envy to the successful sportspeople.

Nyelvtan: 5 pont (Megfelelt)

A vizsgázó megfelelő és eléggé változatos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ, megfelelő helyességgel.
A helyesírás és központozás is megfelelő, de pl.: carreer [career], wheter [whether], For instance[,]
if a sportsperson suffers a horrific injury[,] it can… Unfortunately[,]….

4.3.5. Tippek, tanácsok – Véleménykifejtő fogalmazás

1. Mindenképpen vázlatírással kezdje a munkát! Gyűjtse össze címszavakban a támogató és
ellenérveket minden egyes irányító szemponthoz!

2. Kezdje fogalmazását rövid és lehetőleg figyelemfelkeltő bevezetéssel!

3. Írjon mindegyik irányító szempontról és mindegyik szempont kapcsán érveljen a címben szereplő
állítás mellett és ellen is !

4. Tagolja fogalmazását bekezdésekre! Minden egyes irányító szempontnak szenteljen 1-1 bekezdést!

5. Jelölje megfelelő kötőelemekkel, hogy mikor vált témát (pl.: Turning to…), és mikor hoz fel
valamilyen ellenérvet (pl.: However,…)!

6. Törekedjen a tárgyilagos hangvételre és ne használjon informális kifejezéseket!

7. Zárja le fogalmazását az elmondottakból logikusan következő befejezéssel!

8. A dolgozat beadása előtt még egyszer figyelmesen olvassa át fogalmazását! Ilyenkor még
észrevehet néhány nyelvtani pontatlanságot, helyesírási hibát. Az utolsó pillanatban azonban már

nem érdemes változtatni a fogalmazás felépítésén vagy több mondatot átfogalmazni/kihúzni. Van
azonban néhány olyan dolog, amelyet ha ekkor észrevesz, viszonylag veszélytelenül kijavíthat.

A fogalmazás végső ellenőrzése

Kitért-e valamennyi irányító szempontra?
Írt-e minden irányító szemponthoz támogató és ellenérveket?
Van-e a fogalmazásnak bevezetése és befejezése?
Összekapcsolta-e gondolatait megfelelő kötőelemekkel?
Nem használta-e ugyanazt a szót, kifejezést túl gyakran?
Nem használt-e informális kifejezést?
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4.4. Íráskészség feladatsorok


LEVÉL Letter from The Archaeological Society of the Andes, Peru
Music competitions on television are Does smart technology really improve
FOGALMAZÁS really made to attract viewers, rather the quality of life?
than promote any interest in music

LEVÉL Letter from an international clothes company about organising a fashion show
Digital photography – a curse or a Those who are gifted and motivated
FOGALMAZÁS blessing? will always reach the top in their sport

LEVÉL A negative article about the Nova Building
The success of a historical film or 21st century: good time for a healthy
FOGALMAZÁS TV drama depends on how life?
accurately it reproduces the past

LEVÉL An unfavourable report in the local press about university students
Are street performers real Is rural life really environment-
FOGALMAZÁS performing artists? friendly?

Part 1

You work for the Students’ Scientific Research Association of your university. Recently you received
this letter from The Archaeological Society of the Andes, in Peru. Your university is interested in the
project, but you have some questions and comments.
Write a letter of between 220 and 270 words to the society. Write about ALL the points you have
underlined with the help of the bubbles. Explain each point in a minimum of 2 clauses, one of which
should include your own idea.
Do not write any dates or addresses. End your letter appropriately, without a name underneath. Avoid
borrowing from the letter below.

We are very proud to announce our new project, entitled “Life

Among the Ancient Inca”, beginning in 2019. The aim of the
project is to recreate the life of our ancestors and to encourage the
study of ancient South American civilizations around the world. We must have
invite applications from small teams of university teachers or experience in
students who are interested in recreating the authentic Andean archaeology?
lifestyle lived by our ancestors 500 hundred years ago. The project
begins with an introductory week in our capital city, Lima, before
travelling to the final destination – the remote village of Cancha
Cancha, nearly 4,000 metres up in the high Andes. Participants will
then spend three months living in a natural environment where they
not in the
will study the agriculture and life skills of the ancient Incas. The winter!
facilities? environment is hard and so your team should be fit, hard-working
and prepared to learn from other people. It will be an added
advantage if your group is officially supported by your University.
yes, our students yes, funds
open-minded The benefits for your university will include future cooperation
with other universities in South America. We hope your university
will be able to send a group to take part in this project.

be more specific!

Count and then write the number of words here:

Dear Sir/Madam,




Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

Music competitions on television are really made to attract viewers,

rather than promote any interest in music

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2
clauses) using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments
with your experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

types of music age of performers



involvement of celebrities educational aspects

Count and then write the number of words here:




Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

Does smart technology really improve the quality of life?

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2
clauses) using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments
with your experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

health household chores



relationships transport

Count and then write the number of words here:



Part 1

You work for the student union of the Art College in your town. Recently you received this letter from
an international clothes company that is hoping to organise a fashion show. Write a reply in which you
express interest in the project and ask for more information.
Write a letter of between 220 and 270 words to the associate director of the Foundation. Write about
ALL the points you have underlined with the help of the bubbles. Explain each point in a minimum of
2 clauses, one of which should include your own idea.
Do not write any dates or addresses. End your letter appropriately, without a name underneath. Avoid
borrowing from the letter below.

As you may know, our company has been a market leader

specialising in manufacturing and distributing fashionable clothing
since 1995. We will soon be opening a new distribution centre in
your region and would like to celebrate this event by organising a
fashion show in your college. Our intention is to present a state-of-
the-art multimedia event to showcase our latest designs.
main hall – As a basic requirement we would need a large venue which could
250 seat at least 300 people. It would also be an advantage if your yes, but not
maximum! college had a video projection system to enable us to show our advanced
accompanying background video. A unique feature of the event will
be the unveiling of a new collection of clothes inspired by the
selection tropics, which will feature a limited number of animals. Our
process? collections will naturally be worn by our own models, but there will
be opportunities for a few of your students to take part as well. The
publicity for the event would be our responsibility. The show will
be attended by famous figures from the world of fashion. To prepare
tickets for college
staff/students? for this event we would like to invite some of your students to our not in exam
main office for a six-week work experience programme. Looking to sessions
the future, we would be interested in sponsoring a fashion course at
your college to develop closer links between education and

requires Principal’s


Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

Digital photography – a curse or a blessing?

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2 clauses)
using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments with your
experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

selfies photoshopping


amateur photojournalists artistic value

Count and then write the number of words here:




Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

Those who are gifted and motivated will always reach the top in their sport

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2 clauses)
using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments with your
experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

sports equipment medical support



use of sports statistics financial background

Count and then write the number of words here:



Part 1

You have your summer internship at the Public Relations Department of the City Council of your home
city, and recently you have read a very negative article in Modern Art Magazine about the Nova
Building, a new complex of flats and offices which the Council built in the city. You have been asked
by your manager to write a polite, but firm response, pointing out the inaccuracies in the report.
Write a letter of between 220 and 270 words to the editor of the newspaper. Write about ALL the
points you have underlined with the help of the bubbles. Explain each point in a minimum of 2 clauses,
one of which should include your own idea.
Do not write any dates or addresses. End your letter appropriately, without a name underneath. Avoid
borrowing from the report below.

It was supposed to be an architectural triumph, welcoming the

thousands of visitors who pour out of the city’s Central Station each
year to visit the Old Town. But after one look at the complete mess
of the Nova Building, those visitors will probably turn around and
No! Positive some EU
reactions! get straight back on the train.
The City Council has paid €38m for the building, which stands
outside the station in its bright red glass like a drunken soldier. This
horrible piece of architecture has been crowned winner of the
Carbuncle Cup for Europe’s ugliest building by the editorial team
here at Modern Art Magazine. experts?
The building was designed to combine offices and ‘affordable’
flats, but the two-bedroomed flats start at €250,000, so it’s hard to
discount for
young couples imagine who could consider living here. What’s more, the building pedestrian
is located right next to a busy traffic junction and is far away from zone from
any sports facilities. As regards the offices, the Council has refused next year
two parks
to reveal how many of them are occupied, but the building seems
suspiciously empty for a ‘popular business and residential centre’.

lots of contracts
under negotiation

Count and then write the number of words here:

Dear Editor,




Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

The success of historical film or TV drama depends on how accurately it reproduces the past

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2 clauses)
using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments with your
experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

sets and costumes target audience



national feelings historical period

Count and then write the number of words here:




Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

21st century: good time for a healthy life?

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2 clauses)
using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments with your
experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

diet diseases


technology healthcare

Count and then write the number of words here:




Part 1

You are a student representative at your university. The university management recently read an
unfavourable report in the local press about students at the university and you have been asked to write
a polite, but firm reply, pointing out the inaccuracies in the report.
Write a letter of between 220 and 270 words to the editor of the newspaper. Write about ALL the
points you have underlined with the help of the bubbles. Explain each point in a minimum of 2 clauses,
one of which should include your own idea.
Do not write any dates or addresses. End your letter appropriately, without a name underneath. Avoid
borrowing from the report below.

Once again our city’s main educational institution has made the
last time was
25 years ago headlines because of the behaviour of its students rather than its
academic work. Throughout this summer, residents in the
University district have complained of sleepless nights and
no, till unacceptable behaviour as loud concerts continue into the early
11.00 pm no complaints
hours, and groups of drunken students take over the streets. Law- to the police
abiding residents are expected to tolerate this as part of the ‘normal
celebrations’ associated with success in exams, but this year the
University has opened new – and doubtless very profitable – bars
profit used for
around the University campus which have attracted a more anti-
social kind of customer.
initial problems, This news will come at a bad time for the university as it is said
but now solved
that several students have been able to trick the new computerised give a
examination system and gain much higher marks than they deserve. source

All in all, it seems a pity that last year’s increased funding from the
government has not been spent in the best way.

We …
because of

Count and then write the number of words here:

Dear Editor,




Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

Are street performers real performing artists?

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2 clauses)
using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments with your
experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

types of the performing arts talent


audience donations

Count and then write the number of words here:




Part 2

Write a discursive essay of between 230 and 280 words with the title:

Is rural life really environment-friendly?

In your essay you should discuss ALL the points given below in some detail (in a minimum of 2 clauses)
using arguments both FOR and AGAINST for each of the points. Support the arguments with your
experience, examples and other relevant evidence.

transportation energy use


domestic rubbish water consumption

Count and then write the number of words here:



4.5. Mintamegoldások

4.5.1 Levél
Letter from The Archaeological Society of the Andes, Peru (198. oldal)

Dear Sir/Madam,

We were delighted to receive your letter about the Ancient Inca project, and we are extremely interested in
taking part. However, before committing ourselves, we have some questions which we hope you can answer.
Firstly, is it essential that all of our team have experience in archaeology, or is it enough if our team members
are enthusiastic and interested in the project?
Secondly, you state that participants will spend three months living in the natural environment of the Andes.
This is a great idea, but unfortunately we cannot participate in the winter months, because we do not have any
experience in living in difficult mountainous environments. We are also curious to know if we would need to eat
a completely traditional diet, or could we supplement it with our own foods? It might be difficult for some of us
to adapt quickly.
Not surprisingly, you say that the environment is ‘hard’. We hope there will be appropriate medical facilities
available, because if not, it will be difficult to attract participants. Despite the difficulties mentioned above, I can
assure you that our students are very open-minded, so they will have no difficulty learning from the local people.
Referring to the issue of official support from the University, we are pleased to inform you that our University
is fully behind this project. Furthermore, we have a special fund which we can use to pay for travel costs for young
Finally, please tell us more about the other South American universities we could cooperate with, because we
would like to contact them to ask about cooperation in other subject areas.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Letter from an international clothes company about organising a fashion show (201. oldal)

Dear Sir/Madam,

On behalf of our Art College, I would like to thank you for your invitation to work together on a fashion show.
We are extremely interested in this idea, but first we have some questions which need clarification.
Firstly, you state you need a venue which could hold 300 people. Our main hall can seat 250 people, but we
could provide standing space for another 100 people, which would create a great atmosphere. As regards the
video projection system, we have one, but it is not very advanced. However, we have many enthusiastic students
who can produce a wonderful artistic show with this system. Unfortunately, we cannot agree to using tropical
animals because of the special public safety regulations for educational buildings, which we cannot change.
Our students were excited to hear about becoming models at the show, but they are curious about the
selection process. Do they need modelling experience, or will a representative of your company visit our college
to choose the models? We were also pleased to hear that famous individuals from the fashion industry will attend
the show. However, our staff and students also want to know how many tickets we can get, and how much they
will cost.

The work experience programme for students is fantastic, but not in the exam sessions, because no students
would be able to take part and prepare for exams at the same time. Finally, the fashion course plan is really
exciting. We would need our Principal’s consent, but I am sure she will be happy for us to cooperate.
We are all very excited about working with you, and if you need further information, do not hesitate to ask.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

A negative article about the Nova Building (204. oldal)

Dear Editor,

I am writing on behalf of the City Council in response to the very negative article about the Nova Building in
your magazine. We are unhappy about some of the inaccuracies in the article, and would like to set the record
First of all, it is untrue that the building is so ugly it will discourage visitors. In all the surveys we have carried
out, tourists have had a positive reaction to the building.
Secondly, you state that the Council has paid €38m for the building. However, we received funding from the
EU, so the final cost to the City was less than €10m.
Your magazine’s editorial team have also given the building a prize for being ‘Europe’s ugliest building’. Are
any of the team are professionally involved in architecture, or simply journalists with strong opinions?
What is more, you claim the flats in the building are too expensive, but do not mention that young couples
receive a generous discount. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in buying property here.
You are correct to state that the building is next to a busy traffic junction, but from next year it will be a
pedestrianised zone, and so the noise will be greatly reduced. As regards the sports facilities, there are two parks
nearby which have already become popular with the local community.
Finally, you write that the building is ‘suspiciously empty’. Please remember it is new, and there are many
contracts with interested companies under negotiation.

In conclusion, please publish this letter in your next issue so that your readers get an accurate picture of the
Nova Building. If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

An unfavourable report in the local press about university students (207. oldal)

Dear Editor,

I am writing on behalf of our city’s university in response to the negative article in your newspaper.
Firstly, your article suggests that we often have problems with students’ behaviour. However, the last time
anything similar occurred was 25 years ago. Since then our students have been well known for their academic
Secondly, some residents may have complained about noise in the early hours, but the fact is that since 2010
all concerts must end at 11.00 p.m. We have security staff who always make sure the sound system is turned off

on time. Furthermore, you state that drunken students ‘take over the streets’. This is very inaccurate, because our
students are generally well behaved, and no complaints have been received by the police.
You also suggest that we have opened new bars to profit from our students. Please remember that the Ministry
of Education has encouraged all universities to be more financially independent, and all the money we make from
our bars and cafés is used to fund our academic work.
You also make an accusation about our new computerised examination system, but you have given no source
for this. We do not think it is fair to report on an issue in this way. However, we accept that the system did have
problems when it was introduced, but now these have been solved and it is now completely reliable.
Finally, you complain about how we have spent the extra funding we have received from the government. It
is important to understand that the extra money was necessary because of inflation, and so we have not been
able to spend it on any new courses or buildings.
In conclusion, we sincerely hope your newspaper will publish this letter so that your readers will get a true
picture of the city’s university.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


4.5.2 Fogalmazás – humán feladatok

Music competitions on television are really made to attract viewers, rather than promote any
interest in music (199. oldal)

One of the most popular forms of TV today is the music competition. But are these competitions really made
to make us appreciate music, or just to increase the viewing figures?
For some types of music – particularly the more commercial types, like pop music – music competitions are
mainly designed to get maximum viewers. What matters is the appearance of the singers, and their star quality.
However, for other music genres, such as classical music, the programmes seem to be more interested in
encouraging talented performers.
As regards the performers’ age, we can often see that children and young adults are the main focus of the
programme. If a child is not very talented then sometimes their charm or cuteness will be enough to get on the
programme. On the other hand, there are programmes where age does not matter, and young people and adults
perform together because their music ability is the most important factor.
One typical feature of these programmes is the guest celebrities. Sometimes they are paid a lot of money to
attract more viewers and advertising for the programme. However, in some cases they can pass on their
experience and expertise to young competitors thinking of starting a career in music.
Many people dislike these kind of programmes because they are not educational, which is often true because
they are designed as light entertainment. We should not forget, however, that the professional musicians in the
jury often give detailed information to the contestants about how to use their voice and how to play their
All things considered, I think most music competitions manage to be both entertaining and interesting in a
musical sense. Therefore, I am not surprised that they have large audiences.

Digital photography – a curse or a blessing? (202. oldal)

Twenty years ago, digital photography was a new concept. Now, almost all photos are taken digitally. Has this
radical change been a good or a bad development?
Firstly, let us consider selfies, which are very common, and give huge enjoyment to people at sports events
and on holiday, because they allow them to save a memory of a great event or a wonderful day. However, for
many it has become a kind of obsession with themselves. What is more, it is very difficult to make an artistic selfie.
Another common feature of digital photography is photoshopping. On the one hand it allows us to transform
an image and make it more artistic, which is a great form of self-expression. On the other hand, it also allows us
to lie about ourselves and the world by ‘improving’ images to trick the viewer.
Digital photography has also transformed the news because now anyone can be a news reporter with a good
camera or a mobile phone. This is good because it means we do not have to depend on official news media so
much. However, it is not always possible for an amateur photographer to be a good journalist, because
understanding an event needs other skills.
Finally, is digital photography artistic? On the one hand, digital photographs can have real artistic value if they
are well composed. However, sadly, most people do not think too hard before pressing the button, and produce
very ordinary photos.
In conclusion, I think digital photography has not produced a huge change in the way we create and view
images – it has just made photographs more common. So we cannot say it is a curse or a blessing, just a new

The success of historical film or TV drama depends on how accurately it reproduces the past
(205. oldal)

Historical films and TV series have always been popular. They are great to watch if you want to escape from
everyday reality. But how important is it that they are accurate?
If we consider the sets and costumes, then a great historical film like Egri Csillagok or War and Peace must
have the right costumes and buildings to convince the audience. Otherwise we are distracted by things which do
not fit. However, there are some historical films – like Macbeth - which have a great plot, or a wonderful script,
and which can be filmed in any historical period.
When a director makes a historical film, he or she tries to make it ‘convincing’, because the audience will be
upset if it is not accurate. This is especially true for films about recent history, for example the Second World War,
because some people might have personal memories of the events. However, for children this kind of accuracy is
not so important. They are more interested in the story or the look of the film.
It is often risky to make a historical film because the events are so important to different nations. So a film
about Hungary’s 1848 revolution should be accurate to avoid controversy, but often a film can be about a story
which is not historically accurate, like Robin Hood, so in this case accuracy is not important.
Finally, the historical period is important too. For ancient history films, only history teachers are upset if Roman
soldiers have the wrong swords. For other people, the story is the main thing. A more modern film, on the other
hand, might upset everybody if the details are wrong.
All in all, a historical film needs to be fairly accurate, but its success depends on many other things.

Are street performers real performing artists? (208. oldal)

Many cities are full of street performers, ready to entertain passers-by. A question many people ask is, are they
real artists?
There are many types of performers: jugglers, pavement artists, even classically trained musicians. Many
people would argue that if – like violinists – they also perform in a concert hall, then they must be artists. If, on
the other hand they are usually seen in a circus – like clowns or jugglers – then they are not real artists. However,
others would say this is too strict, and would argue that art can be performed anywhere, and not just in traditional
As regards talent, it is often argued that artists must be selected and trained formally. If they have no talent
they will not survive. Street performers just get off the tram and perform. However, a formal education is no
guarantee of talent, and sometimes talented performers start on the street.
Another arguable point concerns the audience. Many people say street performers are not artists, because the
audience is just passing by, and they only attract people’s attention for a few seconds. Others, however, point out
that they often have a crowd around them, and so must have some artistic ability.
Finally, for many people the fact that street performers collect donations from the audience means that their
main motive is money and not artistic expression, and so they are not really artists. On the other hand, we know
that top performers in any field are well paid, so this does not say anything about their status as artists.
In conclusion, I tend to hold the opinion that although you are more likely to find an artist in a concert hall or
a theatre than in the street, it is not unusual to find real artists there, too.

4.5.2 Fogalmazás – reál feladatok

Does smart technology really improve the quality of life? (200. oldal)

The question of whether smart technology is a benefit for humanity has provoked bitter argument for several
years. In this essay I hope to provide an answer to this question.
One of the important areas in which smart technology has improved our lives, is in the area of health. For
example, doctors can use smart technology to monitor their patients’ progress after an operation, which is a great
benefit. However, for some people a smart app will not be able to help them quit smoking or stop drinking
heavily, and young children may not be able to use smart technology for medical purposes.
Has smart technology helped us to do household chores? On the plus side, many homes have smart devices
which control our fridges, or even switch lights on and off when we are on holiday. On the other hand, so far we
have not been able to develop smart technology that does the hard, physical work of cleaning the house.
Many people use smart technology in their social lives, to create and maintain friendships, and this has
transformed our relationships. On the other hand, many people argue that this has reduced the time we spend
in face to face communication and has also led to trolling and hatred online.
Smart technology has also revolutionised transport. Getting around a city is so much easier with travel apps
and GPS navigation. On the other hand, driverless cars bring with them serious risks of accidents and issues of
personal responsibility.
In conclusion, I believe that smart technology has improved the quality of our life in several areas, but we
should not be tempted to think it has taken over every aspect of our lives, or that it ever will.

Those who are gifted and motivated will always reach the top in their sport (203. oldal)

Sports have become increasingly popular over the last century or so, and many people have tried to
understand the secret of sporting success. Many believe that talent and motivation can bring success even if other
elements are lacking. Are they right?
First of all, let us consider sports equipment. There have always been great natural talents, like Usain Bolt in
sprinting, who are so gifted that they will always win in any circumstances. However, many other talented runners
need sponsorship to pay the costs of equipment and facilities to give them a tiny extra advantage over their rivals.
All athletes get injured. However, if you are a footballer playing in Europe you will have all the help you need
from your club. On the other hand, if you are playing for an African club, you might find it more difficult to get
the expert help you need, and so even if you are talented, you might not be successful.
Another area of the world of sport that has seen rapid development recently is the use of statistics. For an
experienced tennis player, for example, it may be useful to know what percentage of his/her shots are accurate,
but perhaps not essential. On the other hand, for a junior player statistics may help them win an important match.
Finally, the question of money. Surprisingly, for some young people coming from a poor background might
give them the strength and determination to make them stars, while for others, success depends on rich parents
who can pay for a good coach and a summer training camp.
All in all, I believe that although natural talent and motivation are still important, they are not enough in
modern sport, which is becoming more sophisticated every year.

21st century: good time for a healthy life? (206. oldal)

In the 21st century, we live in a world that was unimaginable to earlier generations. In many ways, this is the
best of times. However, it is debatable whether this really is a good time or not.
At first glance, it seems this should be a good time for a healthy life. For one thing, because of advances in
agriculture, we can enjoy a plentiful, varied diet. On the other hand, things are not as good as they should be,
because while a healthy diet is available to most people, many opt instead for the pleasures of junk food and
As regards modern medicine, we have now conquered many diseases, including small pox, which has been
totally eradicated. However, although infectious diseases have been mostly overcome, lifestyle-related ones such
as cancer and cardiovascular ailments are on the rise.
We also benefit from highly advanced health care which helps to both cure our illnesses and also to prevent
problems before they occur. The downside is that while our healthcare may be advanced, it is becoming
increasingly expensive, so more and more people are unable to take advantage of it.
Many of the improvements discussed above have been made possible by our highly-advanced technology
which aids not only food production and medicine, but also has reduced threats to our health from dangers such
as pollutants and accidents. The disadvantage is that technology also has a harmful side as its use makes many
of us more and more passive and less keen on physical activity.
All in all, while some aspects of modern life are good for our health, the benefits of these are often cancelled
out by the problems that life today presents us with.

Is rural life really environment-friendly? (209. oldal)

Many people wish they could live in the country to be close to nature and help protect the environment. But
is this really possible in the 21st century?
Nowadays, the best jobs are in the city, so if you live in the country you probably have to commute, which is
not very environment-friendly. If, however, you are lucky and work near your home, or on your own farm, then
transport is not a problem, either environmentally or financially.
In villages you can often use natural sources of energy, such as wood for heating fuel. This is not possible in
the city, so it would seem that living in the countryside is more environment-friendly. However, solar energy and
wind power can be used anywhere and there is no difference in cost.
When it comes to rubbish, if you have a country garden or perhaps a pig, you can recycle your waste without
damaging the environment. Furthermore, people in the city tend to use more goods and services, such as fast
food, which creates lots of rubbish. However, nowadays there are many new technologies available in cities that
can recycle waste products cheaply and efficiently.
In the country it is more expensive for the water company to provide your water. If you live near a stream it's
free, but maybe not healthy. If you live in a city water is cheaper, but lots of people drink mineral water anyway,
which is not at all environment-friendly.
In conclusion I think that an environment-friendly lifestyle depends more on your personal attitude and way
of living and not so much on whether you live on your own, or in a busy street in the city centre.


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