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9/3/23, 7:19 PM Brain Dump - iCanStudy


Brain Dump
What have you learned since starting the course? Write down everything you know.

This helps you to consolidate what you’ve learned and summarise it. It’s easy to get so caught up in just one
or two techniques that we forget some of the important lessons we learned early on. This brain dump
serves as a high-volume retrieval method to help you bring all the ideas together and give yourself more

It’s common to see students remember concepts and techniques that they had forgotten about
while doing a brain dump, especially lessons on Kolb’s, growth mindset, marginal gains,
scheduling and removing distractions. Students who forget to apply these lessons frequently
message us with complaints that can be directly fixed with diligent application of the techniques
and strategies they have learned, especially Kolb’s.

Students who do not regularly apply Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, or keep an experimental log struggle
to use these techniques effectively and progress at a noticeably slower rate than students who do.

As this iCanStudy course is designed to teach you techniques that take most students years in just
weeks or months, you can easily get overloaded with techniques that you are not able to use
correctly. This is why the worst thing you can do for yourself is to rush. In almost all cases, students
who rush waste more time because they then need to start all over again when they realise they
are unable to use the techniques to good effect.

Are you using brain dumps already?

A brain dump is a good technique to practice retrieval that you should use in your own studying.
You can do linear brain dumps such as this one, as well as mindmap brain dumps when you are
proficient with mindmapping or concept-mapping techniques. 1/2
9/3/23, 7:19 PM Brain Dump - iCanStudy

Write down everything you have learned so far in this course and how it applies to your studying and
learning system.

Be as comprehensive as possible. Use this as an opportunity to recap and summarise every new
technique and skill, as well as a way to pick up on areas you might not have realised you are slacking
off on.

Type your response here.

Your response will be awarded full points automatically, but it will be reviewed and possibly adjusted after submission.

Finish Checkpoint 2/2

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