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Republic of the Philippines


Palompon, Leyte


Name: Marlon C. Casinay Program: MAED-IE

Course: Digital Tools in Industrial Education Semester & School Year: Summer 2022-2023
Instructor: JANET A. ORIOQUE, Ph.D

Midterm Examination in MM 521

1. Are computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices bad for our health? You may have heard
the term electromagnetic radiation and dismissed it as an obscure scientific term not worth
understanding. Visit on the net to become educated on the topic that will be discussed more
seriously and frequently when our society becomes completely wireless.
⮚ List some of the pros and cons of a “paperless” environment. Do you believe that a
paperless environment is something worth striving for in the workplace? In the home?
In the classroom? In banking? (30 pts.)
Answer: PROS are Environmental Sustainability, Cost Savings, Enhanced Efficiency, Space
Optimization, and Disaster Recovery and Backup. CONS are Technological Dependence, Initial Set up
Cost, Data Security and Privacy concerns, Learning curve and training, and Legal and regulatory
In the workplace: A paperless environment can offer numerous benefits in the workplace. It can
enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve collaboration. Digital documents can be easily shared,
edited, and stored, streamlining workflows and making information more accessible. Additionally, it
aligns with sustainability goals and reduces the environmental impact of paper consumption.
In the home: A paperless environment at home can also bring several advantages. It can help reduce
clutter, save space, and simplify document organization. Digital documents can be easily managed,
archived, and accessed from various devices. However, it's important to ensure data security and
backups to protect personal information.
In the classroom: Implementing a paperless environment in the classroom can have educational
benefits. It encourages students to use digital tools, promotes collaboration, and prepares them for
the digital skills required in today's world. Digital documents also provide opportunities for interactive
learning, multimedia integration, and remote access to resources. However, it's important to consider
accessibility for students who may not have access to personal devices or stable internet connections.
In banking: The banking sector has been gradually moving towards digitalization for years. A paperless
environment in banking can offer convenience, speed, and cost savings for both financial institutions
and customers. Online banking, electronic statements, and digital transactions reduce paper usage
and streamline financial processes. However, it's crucial to prioritize data security and privacy to
protect sensitive financial information.

2. “Moore’s law” predicts the rate at which computer will continue to get smaller (hence faster). The
“law” has proved astonishingly accurate over many years. Do a web search for Moore’s law, and
see if you can find answers to the following:
a. Who is Moore, and when did he make the prediction we know as Moore’s Law?
Answer: Moore refers to Gordon Moore, an American engineer and co-founder of Intel Corporation.
He made the prediction known as Moore's Law in 1965.
Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two
years, leading to a significant increase in computing power. Initially, Gordon Moore observed this
trend while working at Fairchild Semiconductor, and later he co-founded Intel, where the prediction
gained further recognition.
While originally a prediction about the advancement of semiconductor technology, Moore's Law has
become a guiding principle for the technology industry, illustrating the rapid pace of innovation and
the continuous miniaturization and improvement of electronic devices over time. The prediction has
held remarkably true for several decades and has been a driving force behind the growth and
development of the digital age.
b. What is the simplest statement of the law’s prediction?
Answer: The simplest statement of Moore's Law's prediction is that the number of transistors on a
microchip will double approximately every two years.
c. How was the law changed over time?
Answer: Over time, the statement of Moore's Law has been modified and adapted to reflect changes
in technology and industry trends. While the core principle of exponential growth in transistor count
remains, the specifics of the prediction have evolved. These are how the Law has changed, Timeframe,
Performance, Cost, and Scaling challenges. It's important to note that while the specific details of
Moore's Law have evolved, the underlying principle of exponential growth and technological
advancement continues to be a driving force in the development of the semiconductor industry and
computing technology.
d. Is the law still valid? If yes, how much longer is the law expected to hold true? (30 pts.)
Answer: The validity and duration of Moore's Law have been topics of debate in recent years. While
the law has held remarkably true for several decades, there are growing challenges to sustaining the
historical rate of advancement. The future of Moore's Law is uncertain, and experts have differing
opinions on its continued validity.
As transistors shrink to smaller sizes, reaching physical and technological limits, it becomes
increasingly difficult to double transistor count every two years while maintaining performance and
cost efficiency. Power consumption, heat dissipation, quantum effects, and manufacturing
complexities pose significant challenges to further scaling.
In summary, while the general concept of Moore's Law has been a driving force in the technology
industry, the specific timeline and scope of its continued validity are uncertain. The industry will likely
see a shift toward different approaches and innovations to sustain and enhance computational
3. Differentiate the system software and application software. Which among them is dependent
from the other? (20 pts.)
Answer: System software refers to a collection of programs that manage and support the operations
of a computer system. It provides a foundation for running applications and enables hardware and
software components to interact. While Application software, also known as "apps," is designed to
perform specific tasks or provide functionality for end-users. It is created to meet particular user
needs, such as word processing, spreadsheet management, photo editing, web browsing, or gaming.
In terms of dependency, application software is dependent on system software. Application software
relies on the underlying system software to provide a platform and resources for its execution.
Without the system software, the application software cannot function properly or at all.
On the other hand, system software does not depend on any specific application software. It provides
a foundational infrastructure and services to support various applications and ensure the proper
functioning of the computer system as a whole.
4. What is the purpose of Learning Management System(LMS) in our classroom instruction? Why it
is important in blended learning? How can LMS help teachers and students in the teaching
learning process? Discuss you answer (20 pts.)
Answer: The purpose of a Learning Management System (LMS) in classroom instruction is to
streamline and enhance various aspects of teaching and learning. It helps with content management,
course delivery, communication, collaboration, assessment, and progress tracking. An LMS provides
a centralized platform that supports teachers in delivering engaging and organized instruction, while
also providing students with access to learning materials, communication tools, and opportunities for
An LMS is particularly important in blended learning because it serves as a central platform that
integrates and supports the various components of blended learning. Here are some reasons why an
LMS is important in blended learning: Seamless Integration, Access to Online Materials, Flexibility and
Self-Paced Learning, Communication and Collaboration.
LMS supports teachers by providing content management, course delivery, assessment tools,
communication channels, and data insights. For students, it offers easy access to materials,
collaboration opportunities, submission and feedback mechanisms, progress tracking, and flexibility
in learning.

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